Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Rt DCR05S t U.2SSF And Do It r rair VOL. XLVII. XO. 137. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18, 1917. FOURTEEN PAGES. "'.'rr;; single copy two cents , ALLIES TO RECOGNIZE RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIKI; PROHIBITION BILL PASSES THE LOWER HOUSE ESOLUTION TO SUBMIT 'DRY' CLAUSE TO STATES ADOPED BY MARGIN OF 25 With Two-thirds Vote Required for Passage, Speaker Clark Announces Totals of 282 to 1 28 ; Wild Demon stration Greets Action; Bryan Given Ovation When He Enters Chamber. Washington, Dec. 17. The resolution to submit to the states a national prohibition amendment to the federal consti tution was adopted late today by the house. With a vote of two-thirds required for its approval, the vote announced by Speaker Clark was 282 to 128, or 25 more than required. OVATION FOR BRYAN. r A wild demonstration took place in the house. W. J. Bryan appeared on the floor and took a seat with Rep resentative Webb as co-recipient of congratulations. A similar resolution was passed by the senate at the last session, but the house resolution gives the state legis latures seven years in which to ap prove the amendment while that of the senate gives six. A motion to con cur in the change will be made in the senate tomorrow, but if one mem ber objects, action will have to go over until after the holidays. REJECT WINE CLAUSE. An amendment by Representative I ra of California providing lh:tt pro hibition provisions should not apply to light wines and beer was rejected 'iv a rising vote of to 107. 'Only about half the membership was on the floor at the convening time, but the galleries were jammed. There was a good deal ot sparring i over control ot the time for debate,) which was arranged bv equal division. The debate began amid a round of applause front the democratic side by Chairman Webb, ul" the judiciary committee. Congressmen l.oheek and Shallen Werger from Nebraska voted for the amendment. Many Jews Will Now Return to Jerusalem Rev. Charles W. Savidge of the. People's church spoke yesterday on ' The Fall of Jerusalem." He declared that according to the prophecies many of the Jews would return to Jerusalem anil representatives of manv other nations would go also. There are 13.0(10,000 Jews in the world: 3,000.000 in America, 100,000 in Palestine and 10.000 in Omaha; 500 Reformed Jews in Omaha," said Mr. Savidge. "Many of the Reformed Jews op pose the return .to. Jerusalem. Some great men like Rabbi Wise are among the number who aid the ion move ment . "A great regnal of religion will oc cur in Jerusalem. Zcfharia 14. JO. On tiic hells of the horses will be written Holiness I nto the Lord.' " Wants Federal Control Of Birth Registration Washington, Dec. 17. Federal con trol and supervision of birth and death registration to supplant the present state and municipal systems is recommended in the annual report ioday of Sam L. Rogers, director ot ; lie census. Taking Food Census. 1 Washington, Dec. 17.-Tbe most J roniprchensive inventory of American rood resources ever made the war emergency food survev. authorized by congress will begin with the mailing of the lirst batch of the more than 750.000 schedules or questionnaires to the food producers and dealers in cvrv section of the country. Tli'e object is to give the govern ment producers, dealers and consum ers exact information of the quantities -t the various important loou ma- : i.: i. iais on hand. The Weather TinncraturM a Onialm Hour. YeMwiluj. rT . . ii . . 41 . . 4 . . 1:1 . . r .' .. 44 . . VJ. . . Si) . . D& 191-1 jft no 10 T 1 u r-R . ii. ni p. m umi'tiniliv c r.orl Krrorfl. 'ft. If 17. l si i Ki :,! . s i: rr'I'-r mi I'"- iwl;i i l - r;i i ii r. d:o". in y ' Maria I. 4 0i ii " iivh i;; ! licit inch H iif h'-i 0 Inches S'l iru.'h-- l'P' ipi'.i' Hon for I he U button sin'-- Mnr. I, "1 ,sini:e Man h 1 7 ur c-or. p-riod. 1316. .11 I - -fi'-ioin-; Ti-itnl jirci ip I V fici' m :' Ii.-fle1.-m-y fiijini'y l'ir rnr. norlod, 1!M& t KriHirls from Station nt 1 V M. itti-1 Hiat" Trnni. Itlch- Italn- u;- W'.alhr. r-.-Miti". ,-V.' ,,-MKn. .-l-.-ir. . . h . t- port, rlii-i-l: f.ll'. V T. .4" .4" . ;i .41; 1 K- 1.1-T . 1.. .V VVLL.SU, M-. ALLEGED SLAYER OF RICH FARMER CAUGHT BY POSSE Louis Chobar, Wanted for Mur der of A. A. Bender, Sur rounded in Cherry Coun ty Cornfield. York, N'cb., Dec. 17. (Special Tele gram.) Louis Chobar, alleged mur derer of Albeit A. Bender, wealthy York county farmer, was captured near Valentine yesterday by Sheriff Holm of Cherry county anil a posse of 150 men, who surrounded him in a corn held. Haggard and in pour health, the quarry of a three weeks' man hunt conducted by the authorities of sev eral' counties gave himself up without ! a struggle, lie was taken to the Cherry county jail. Sheriff Miller ot York county will go to Cherry coun ty today to bring Chobar back to the scene of his alleged crime. Crime Shocked Sta'te. The murder of Bender, a highly respected bachelor liing about six miles southwest of Osceola, was one of the blackest in the history of this part of the state. According to Mrs. Chobar, wife of the alleged murderer, her litis- ami I snot ceiHier to neatn witn a rine, .stole $1,000 in cash and escaped in the farmer's high powered automobile. Chobar tied his own wife to a bed post, bound and gagged her. and told her he "was going away." He left a not, accusing Bender and Mrs. Cho bar of misconduct and hinting that this was the motive for the crime. The accusation was branded as false by a coroner's jury which investigated the crime. Wife Gave Alarm. Mrs. Chobar extricated herself the morning after the murder, crawled to a neighbor's house and gave the alarm. Posses and bloodhounds searched for Chobar for days. The stolen automobile was found in a muddy road abandoned the next j uay. ciiooar rmcu inc Kitcnen netore he left and took along provisions enough to last him several weeks, lie is believed to have constructed a rude shelter in a corn field arid lived there until his food gave out. lie bad ven tured out in search of something to cat when the sheriff's posse captured him. On the day before the murder Bender sold a load of hogs. t "M 1 .1 l.l.l'.l. I 1 LATE WAR BULLETINS TURKS TAKE TWO ISLANDS. London, Dec. 17. (British Admi ralty, Per Wireless Press.) The occupation by the Turks of two islands off the coast of Asia Minor is announced in an official statement is sued yesterday at Constantinople. The text reads: "We occupied the island of Mes sonissi and Plaka, on the coast of Asia Minor." GERMANS CONTINUE DRIVE. Rome, Dec 17. Except on the short stretch between the Brenta and Paive rivers there has been no marked activity on the'front from the North Sea to the Adriatic. Although their losses have been heavy, the Austro-Germans continue their strong ! attacks in an effort to break the Ita - ian northern defense. In hard fic-lit. o ink just east of th Brenta the enemy has gained Col Capnlle, at the head of the Lorenzo valley, after two at tacks had been repulsed. The invad ers have not yet reached the valley, further efforts here and elsewhere having ben checked by the Italians. JAP TROOPS NOT COMING. Washington. Dec. 17. Further de nial that Japanese troops have been landed at Vladivostok was contained in dispatches to the State department from the AnTcrican embassy i.i Tokio. A cablegram received at the Russian embassy from the Russian ambassa dor at Tokio also said no Japanese troops had been landed at Vladivostok, Italian Tpr2p Boats Sink Two Enemy BAfter Very Perilous Journey ' SSfco Treist Harbor Through Dense Fog Avoid Glaring Austrian Search lights, Cut or Sink All Ob structions, and Return Safely to Own Base. (Hy AtMM'iatrtl l'r0 Washington, Dec. 17.- Two Italian torpedo boats under Lieutenant Com mander Kwo composed the force which made the daring raid into the inner harbor at Trieste Sunday night, j December ', and torpedoed two Aus- i train battleships, one of which was ! seen to sink. Further details of the ; exploit were gie in dispatches re ceived by the Italian embassy today.' The raid was planned when it was j learned that the Austriaus were pre- I paring to send from Trieste two ships j of the Monarch type, with their '4(l- j millimeter guns, to hemlihard the j Italian coastal positions. I A division of torpedo boats tinder 1 Captain I'ignatti was assigned to! the task. The captain selected Lieu- I tenant Commander Ki.o, with two j boats to. make the dash into the liar- NO TRANSFER OF TROOPS UNTIL FIRST OF YEAR Terms of Russo-German Armis-i tice Arc Announced; Attacks On Ships Are to Stop 1 in Arctic Zone. Pctrograd. Dec. 17.--Thc terms of llic lii-so-( ierman armistice, accord ing to a statement issued here, obli gate no traiisferrenec of troops until January 14 (January I Russian); no increase of troops on the fronts or on the islands in the Moon sound or a regrouping of forces. The Germans are not to concentrate troops between the lilack Sea and the Baltic cast of fifteenth degree, of lon gitude east of Greenwich. Intercourse between the troops may be allowed from sunrise to sunset.' (.roups are limited to -o persons at a time, who -may exchange news- Dr. kcrr 3 proposal that, as a prelim papcrs and unsealed mails and w ho j inary step, an expert survey coinmis may carry on trade and exchange 1 sion be appointed to look over the articles of prime necessity. A special agreement wil lie made hy the naval general stall regarding j the extension of the armistice to the i White sea and the Russian coast in the Arctic zone. Jt is agreed also that attacks on War and commercial ves sels must stop in these regions, in order to avoid attacks in other seas. Demarcation Line Fixed. The armistice on the naval front cin braccs all of the lilack sea and the Baltic sea iast of the meridian 13 de grees east of (jreenvvieh. The demar cation line fixed for the lilack sea is from the light house of Slinka to the estuary, of the Danube to Cape Garos. In the lialtic the line runs from Reogutl to the western r coast of Worms island to the Island og Bag sher to Khegarne. Russian w ar vessels 'must not cross south of this line, and the other par ties must nut go north. The Russian I government guarantees that th tente war vessels will obey the. rules , of this provision and that Russian ; warships will not he allowed to sail among the Aland islands. I The text of the armistice agree : men! follows: I "Between the representatives of the j higher command of Russia on the one ; hand, and of Bulgaria. Germany, Aus ; iria-Hungary and Turkey on the j other hand, for the purpose of achiev ; ing a lasting and honorable peace be 1 tvveen both parties, the following 'armistice is concluded: ' Arrpistice Begins Today. "The armistice shall begin on De cember 4 (December 17) at - o'clock ' in the afternoon and continue until January I (January 14). The con tracting parlies have the right to lucak the armistice hy giving seven days' notice. Unless notice is given the armistice automatically continues. ''The armistice embraces the land and aerial forces on the front from the l'altie to the Black set and also the Riisso-Tuiki-sh front in Asia Minor. During the armistice the par ties concerned obligate themselves not io increase the number of troops on the above fronts or on the islands in At oon sonnn, or to make ing of forces. i regronp- No Troop Concentration. "N'either side is to make operative any transfers of units front the Baltic Black sea front until January 1 (Jan uary 14), excepting those begun be fore the agreement is signed. They obligate themselves not to concentrate troops on parts of the Black seaVr Baltic sea east of 15 degrees of long 'f'p st ot urrcnwicn. " 1 he line f demarcation on the European front is the first line of de fense. The space between will he neutral. The navigable rivers will be neutral, their navigation being for bidden except for necessary purpose of commercial transport or on sec tions where the positions are at it great distance. On the Russo Tur. kish front the line of demarcation will be arranged .it the mutual consent of the chief commander." Stores Open Till 9 O'clock. Pctnil store of Omaha, n.embeis of sic As-ociatcd h'etailet s, will remain 'pen till o'clock each night this week in order to give shoppers, an op Moriuni'v to make all their purchases before I. hri.-tnias. I bor, while the remainder of the di I vision kept outside in support. i j Sink All Obstructions. i By slow ami silent movement' j through a heavy fog the little ciaftj I reached the extremity ofthe Muggia -I river, where the officer examined the j disposition of the numerous obstruc i t tons which barred the pass. ike. Mine i lields and other obstructions were lo- : cated, and two hours were spent cut - ! I ting eight large wire cables stretched ; across the passage. Other obsttuc- j ! tions were weighed and sunk suttic- ' 1 iently to permit the boats to pass over them. Searchlights Play On Them. During all this time Austrian out- , posts were very near and search-! lights were being played on the water, j but in spite ot this the torpedo boats ; j succeded in entering the inner port I without being sighted. 1 Two Austrian battleships were dis- I cov ered at ancor at the further end ! ! of the harbor near Point Sabha. Prc ! reeding cautiously, the Italian cs j S'Ts approached to ascertain whether ; there wi re and protecting nets or Big Protestant University University of Omaha and Bellevue College Will Be Merged as Nucleus of Institution To Be Established in Omaha A great university, lo have the united support of all Protestant churches, is to be established in Omaha. Bellevue college and the University of Omaha are to be merged to form the nucleus of this university. Deceive warm support. This vast proposition was made by j President Kerr of Bellevue college j at a meeting of the Omaha Ministerial union Monday morning. It was re ; ceived enthusiastically by ministers of all denominations. Rev. C. Ii. Cob bey, pastor of the First Christian Church, declared "This proposition stirs me to the soul." Other ministers made equally warm declarations in favor of the project. Rev. E. It. Jettks, pastor of the First Presbytei ian church and a trustee of Bellevue college for many vears, mane an address m support ot field and that tins rommtss commissioner ion ro of edu- operate with a cation in arranging the means hriiiuimr about the merging of for the two present institutions into the mt clcus for the big pan-denominational j institution. Is Masterful Project. "There is no hope of uniting the I two institutions except through such a commission," said Dr. Jenks. "The j business men are anxious to have this done and they will jive their whole--! hearted .support lo the proposed iini-' versity when it is done. We mu -i take hold of this project masterfully. "I admire the komaii Catholic church very much for the uiastci till way in which it does things. It is taking this country through its in stitutions. That is its right. I want it to have its share. But it is not right that the Protestant churches let things go by default. We arc too much divided. We are a-decp to the great .strategic move of the Catholics. ; This is not any 'A. 1'. A.' talk. I'm i against that sort of tiling. The 1 Catholics are entitled to their share ; in this country. They have an arch bishop here who is a splendid man. 1 admire hiiu. And they aie united, to do things. We must utilize the same kind of united effort to achieve great results. There is no essential difference in our beliefs that needs tr interfere with our united support of this great Protestant university.'' Among the propositions made in Dr. Kerr's address to the ministers were that the survey commission be made up of trustees of Hellevue col ( onllniieil nn I'hk- Two, ( tilnmii Two.) JOY REIGNS WHEN "TOMMIES" MARCH INTO THE HOLY CITY i 3 I London, Dec. 17. Ill attacks pre ceding the surrender of Jerusalem the kTurks employed storming troop-' in 'successive assaults on Nrbi Samuel. Siorthwest of the Holy I ity, then held ' by London troops, according to a ; Reuter dispatch from British head j quarters in Palestine. The dispatch, whiclnwas sent by airplane, gives de tails of the capture and the entry into Jerusalem. The final Turkish attack was pre ceded by such a heavy shelling that it appeared the enemy was confident the British would be blown off the summit, but all their attacks were re pulsed sanguinarily. The 1 inks had a strong line west, south -ami north east of Jerusalem. They were well provided with machine guns'and their artillery dominated the crests over whic' the British had to advance. Some Turkish guns were placed just outside the city walls, making it impossible-lo reply to the hre without endangering the town. Roads Were Impassable. "A torrential rain made the roads impassable," the correspondent inii tiuites, "while a chilly ra-t wind picrreil the sodden soldiers to the bone. 'I he problems of supply and transport almost drove us to despair. Tim camels were unable to keep .1 foothold on the slippery paths. One Man-o'-War Goes Down at Once; Other is Disabled; Launch Torpcdces at 2:30 in Morning. oilier o silioiis linall torpedo eel four stllhtlolls. tlH'll took I" or tin- attack. at ...;0 a. m., Mond,i, the boats simultaneously launch- toipedues aimed at i.t t hip i-ts. i lleslnps. Ki.-o reported that the battle icn. neat i s i tic attacking c ' was observed to sink in hve minutes, while the other battleship, ceilaiuly ' was stunk, tln.ugli'ow ing to the rum! ! distance it was impossible to discover , the damage done. At the sound of the explosions Aus trian batteries opened tin- and search lights swept over the waters. The lights located the attacking vessels ! and the Austrian guns were brought 1 to bear on them and torpedoes hied, j but the Italians escaped and returned I safely to base with the supporting ; squadron. PERSHING LETS BARS DOWN FOR ENLISTED MEN Order Just Issued Provides for System of Promotions From Ranks: Ability is Only Qualification. illy .-.NfM-itil rrrpp.l W i'h ihe American Army Ill I-ranee, Sunday, Dec. 16- -The order. s just issued by General Pershing pro viding for a system of promotion ! from the ranks, under which any priv I ate who demonstrates his ability may w in a commission, makes all non I commissioned officers, even corporals, eligible for a school -which is being ; established at a lari?- training rend-r lor the in s i i t;i lion nf candidates for coiiiniission-.. Privates who desire to become oltieers must first demon- .strati- their cllaiency by earning ap pointment as noncommissioned of I iters. The noncommissioned officers will be sent to the training school on rec ommendation, of their superiors, which will be forwarded by the com manders of divisions or other separ ate units, and by the chiefs of de partmental staffs to the commander-in-chief. Before submitting such rec ommendations the officers charged with this duty arc instructed by Gen eral I'ei shiny's orders to give the most careful consideration to the rec ord of those recommended, having in view- in the case ol noncommissioned officers of the line only the fighting efficiency of his unit, and in all other cases only the ability to perform duties efficiently. Commissions Arc Unlimited. When candidates attending the training school have been found to he proficient they will be assigned to vacancies as second In ulenatits ot '( uiiliiiiit-d nn !'- Tuti, i ohimn Two.) Nevertheless, the food and ammuiii-1 colonist -, in the fm theie-t outskirts lion siipp! was maintained fullv. oi the town. I he position via- " u the night of December 7. charged late in the alteniooii of ihe when our attack big. in, the men . Nth. Ihe maeiiilieeiil ieni va moved up nude- rover of dai l.ness ' crow ned with complete success ami the attack pivolmt; on Nrhi Samiii I, ! the links were drtvt u out a! the 1 1 oi 1 1 Inch ihe Londoner-, advain e.l , point of the b., oihI. Ihe survivors eastward toward Jerusalem, w iiile j bolted lo either side of the town, other troops a-iended the Hebron j I heir losses v ere enormous, road, threatening the town from the "I'liroiighout the whole fighting boUt'1- around Jerusalem the lurks showed " They found Hebron evacuated, but a more desperate spirit and a gi cater encountered resistance aioimd Beth- tenanty than in almost any previous lehem, when, the 'lurks also bad j fighting. I hey stood their ground posted cmis .so tliat lounter battery i lo the last, workwoubl endanger the sacred il-J Show Flag of Truce lage. Hen, ,- on, troops had tlm His-j -r,,,,,,. t, ni , thr , ,H'k ulUl. agrecab!.- ipenrnce of being she led , ,,.cv. ,,, ,,. ,.,,, . , ;M ,,f the vvuhout Ihr ..h.l.Py to replv. .ut they ; v ,,, , ,VlK ,,, ,.,,; picssed and he noon of thr,(-'thc ,, , .,. ., (.,rf ,,, i-igiii h wen two ulr- r.orth "t pylici. ra,,,,- t,i,t with a flag of truce 1'cl,l'f!""1- 'and surrendered the town. Clamber Up Mountains. , "Aceeptanr,- of the surrender was "The Londoner-, had a hard task i made formally at noon w ithout ae on tin- sleep -lopes ,,f die Judcan j ttially entering the city, only pickets hill-, '.vhrre it was impossible to jju-ing posted to prevent surprise, bring held gun- to their support, but Meantime our troops swept through some mountain batteries and hovvit- the suburbs northward, brii'e stib ?ers n mined niapniiieent :eivice and ieeted to machine kuii lite from the by 7 in the inoiiiing tin- I ondonei s Mount of Olives and Mount Scopus, had stornud and captured all the i I he ridne of Mount Scopus, north of enemy v. oiks west of tin: town. The j the city, was stormed with the bayo Tuiks s(i (. tir A.t on the net and the Turks were cleared from ridge ov i rh ickiiiir Jerusalem, havingjtlie Mount of ("(lives, prated numerous machine guns in the i "Big demonstrations of joy broke llollst s of ti Jewish and German; ICuntlntiril on Vugr Two, Column 1'ntir.) A DMITICF WITH . , CENTRAL POWERS IS NOW American Delegates at Paris Soften Allies Toward Bol sheviki to Head Off German Domination of New Government at Pctrograd; To Pre vent Shifting of Military Forccf . BULLETIN. Wajhingon, Dec. 17. Information received here toda anwng neutral diplomats agrees with intimations from abroad , that Germany is considering another offer of peace. l London, Dec. 17. The allies will recognize the de facto rule of the Bolsheviki in order to prevent Russia from passing I under the political and economic This is along the lines laid down by Lord Robert Cecil, min ister of blockade, in an interview Friday. A step in the re-establishment of rciationa with Russia may be seen in the report that Great Britain has decided to release the Russian Tchitcherin, who is in prison in London as a treason ist propagandist, but who has been chosen by the Bolshiviki as an ambassador to London. The Bolsheviki have now withdrawn refusal to permit Brit' ish civilians or couriers to leave Russia. It is believed the Bol fheviki will not insist on Tchitcherin taking the post of ambas sador and he will return to Russia immediately. TEUTONS SINK ELEVEN SHIPS IN NORTH SEA One British Destroyer, Four Mine Sweepers, and Five Neu tral Merchantmen Sunk in . Attack by Naval Forces. W J.oudoii, Dec, 17. One British and i. ..i i. ,, ,. i'i,;. i, i 1 1 V . I It II I I ,1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 ,1 1 1 I I M 1 1 , n l-i ills II Idesfroylr and tour minesweepers have been sunk in the .North Sea by : tierniau uav ai Im c -. ' The loss ol tin- 1 1 veels was th'- K'sult ol an attack on a convoy hound from Scotland to Noiway, .sir Kric Gcddcs, first lord of the admirialty, announced today. The total tonnage of the lost meh-hantmcti was 8,001). Eighty-eight Scandinavians, two of whom, aie women, and ten British were rescued by four British destroy- ers detached from a cruiser squadron ; which was hastening to the scene. 'Other surv ivoi reached Norway in boat . j I he merchant vessels w ere being i convoyed hy the le-lro crs Partridge and Pelew. The Partridge was Mink and the Peli vv was damaged Engage the Enemy. Sir Kric said the cidcipiisiances of the attack, so far as available, were that the Partridge sighted four enemy destroyers shortly before noon and, with the Pelew, engaged them, while the convoy scattered. Ihe Partridge was shot heavily. Shortly afterward an explosion occurred abroad and she sank. The Pelew was pierced at the water line ami her engines were dis abled, but eventually she wis brought safely to poi i. The neniy then at tacked the coiivoj, sinking the six nid i h;.nlmi n and four armed travvl- Te Dcum in Notre Dame In Honor of Jerusalem Pari, Dec. 17, - A te deum was cele brated this afternoon in the cathedral o .Notre Panic in honor ot the liher- a I ion the ". ol url, eriisah in limn the hands ol IN EFFECT heel of Germany. u PEACE FOR RUSSIA. ' The armistice agreement between the Russian government and the cen tral powers went into effect on the eastern front today. Emissaries of the several countries began negotia tions looking toward peace btween Russia and its former enemies. Mean while it is indicated in London that the allied powers may be preparing to deal more sympathetically .with the I'.oKIn iki government. I'he ai mist iff is to continue 28 dav s and lor an iudelmite period af'o r ward, unless seven days' notice is given. ISuth sides agreed not to carry on military transfers , on the eastern Urcalti,cc.i;pt, those begun when' the rwitv- was sitmed. " ? TvtliAwrieaiwiJttkgts at the i rtiis i uimrrucc is sum to uriong inc credit for the tempering of the allied attitude toward 'the Bolshevik?. I.aboi strikes appear to be the great obstacle before the Bolsheviki, especially in the Pctrograd district. I he raHway and fuel situations aie serious. Ihe counter revolt is still ihorc or less of a menace le Bolsheviki au thority and the constituent assembly is another knotty problem. 'I he confiscation of nil property, lands and money of the Russian church has been decreed by the Bol sheviki, who also have abolished all priv ib-gi-s of the clergy. Cossack Revolt Favored Coalition Government By LEON SAVAGE. or Iho Kii-.tnn-nirrla Allium-. 'I he revolt in southeastern Russia is not an exclusive affair of the Cos sacks. The latest' news from Russia reveals the events preceding the Bol sheviki's successful coup. The striking feature of the situa tion on the eve of the arrest of the Kercnsky government was the fact that all the leading men and women of Russia, socialists included, and Leu inc excluded, were opposed to the Bolsheviki. And most of them vc re in favor of a coalition government. All the creative elements of the country, bourgeois and socialists, peasant and landlord, all consider the Bolsheviki nothing short cU a mis fortune to Russia. Conditions preced ing the Bolsheviki's outbreak furnish the proof, 'Ihe Bolsheviki catastrophe was in the air. A special meeting of the Prtrogiad Council of Workmen's and Soldier's Delegates vigorously at tacked the resolution of confidence in the Bolsheviki offered by Kamcncff. Pctrograd Will Starve. "You are hetr.iv ing the revolution into the hands of the Prussian auto crtuy!" exclaimed Dan, leader of the Minimalists, "i'he moment you will dare to usurp the rights of the na liou for your poltical fraud Petro giad will not get one pound of bread. You will have to light the entire country which is ho.-tile lo your and v our leaders.'1 TioLkv replied to Dan in a lung speech which lasted lat into the night. He compared the Bolsheviki with tin- Jacobins of the French revo lution. To a n mark that the Jacobins brought on the empire of Napoleon. Ttouky answered cynically: "Well, I prefer Napolecn to Kercnsky." The assembly was "stupilied by these words. Stupefaction was followed by alarm. At a meeting of the Peasants" Dcle- ' sates ail the noted leaders of Rus sian peasantry and most of the vet erans ot the Russian struggle for freedom were present. The feature of the meeting was the address made, by X. Askentctf, the popular .cader of the social revolutionary party. l iintlnuril on l'ie Two, Column On.t Cleveland Is Relieved By Arrival of Coal Boats levclai.d, 0., Dec. 17. The arrival of three coal laden steamers and tvvii large trains of coal has broken flu fuel shortage which has prevailed here. The power company will again supplv its normal load of current for illumi nation, street car and manufacturing service