Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 21

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    8 B
.Adelaide Keimerly
Ella Fleishman
x i u-r M A "Kf int. tu
Women Are
Doing in the World
J i n a 1 1 a. Woman's club, political
a id social science department.
Metropolitan club house. 2:30
1'. in ,' Mrs. B. S. Baker,
Neighborhood Kible class leaders,
V. Y. C. A., 2:30 p. in.
.W 'ciation of Collegiate Ahimnae,
nusic section, Mrs. William
Locke, hostess, 4 p. in.
Uinaha Woman's club, public
.-.peaking department, 10 a. m.;
current topics, 2:30 p. m.
Business Women's club, Young
Woman's Christian association,
0:15 p. m.
Railway Mail Service Woman's
club, Mrs. V'.. F. Wallace, hos
ies. 2:30 p. m.
Mu Sigma, Mrs. James Fatton,
hostess. V:30 a. m.
Dundee Woman's club, Dundee
church, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's Tress club,
l'ontcnelle, 4 p. in.
Bclvidere Women's club, Eelviderc
chool house, 1 p. m.
Miller Park Mothers' circle, Christ
mas dinner for teachers at
Omaha Woman's club. Red Cross
auxiliary, Haird building, 9 a. m.
1'. K. O. sisterhood, chapter E,
Mrs. George B. Eddy, hostess,
2:30 p. in.
.1. ('. W. club. Christmas party,
Mrs. A. E. Billings, jr., hostess.
Fiday '
Lowe Avenue Missionary society,
Mrs. James B. Owen, hostess,
2:30 p. m.
Three New Off icers W Oman's Relief
Omaha Woman's Club.
Miss May Mahoncy will tell of the
heroic women of France and their
war work at the Omaha Woman's
dub political and social science de
'lartmcnt meeting Monday afternoon
.it the Metropolitan club house.. The
-hort business meeting will be fol
lowed by an informal tea at which the
Icadif-, Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker, will
be hostess. Women will bring their
liristmas work ami knitting.
"Subordination and Antithesis,"
and a studv of idea-valuation will oc
cupy the public speaking department
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. This
will be tiic last meeting until Jan
;i;iry 8.
Mrs. J. M. Welshans will read a
napcr on "Aviation," 'and Mrs, R. E.
MeKclvy will tell about her recent
trip at the current topics department
meeting Tuesday at 2 o'clock. A half
hour of Bible study on the "Miracles
at Capernium." precedes the depart
ment meeting;
The psychology department has
postponed its next meeting until Jan
uary 15 on account of the holidays.
The art department will not meet un
til January 16.
The newly organized Red Cross
auxiliary of the Woman's club will
meet Wednesday morning in the
liaird building with Mrs. II. E. Cot
ton as instructor.
F. O. Newlcan will instruct the
Woman's club chorus. The work will
begin at the next meeting of the music
department, January IT.
SvSS-'-- .V':v;
Three local Woman's Relief corps
held their annual meetings and elec
tions of officers during the past week.
L . urant corps named Mrs. Charles
ft JM
r mm i m i bii wr mm m mm mMm.-v
o'clock at the hme of the nude's dressing am, a lettuce leaf is an ex
mothei. The ring ceremony was per-1 cclient sandwich.
formed by Rev. li. 1). I'rissman. The
wedding march was played by Miss The good housewife will not allow
i iorence 1 etersou. 1 lie Prate was i even our s ice ot bread a .hv i,-
beautifully gowned in white chiffon
over mull, with ribbon trimmings. She
wore a chiffon veil ami earned bride's
j roses. ' She was attended by her
i cousin. Miss Jessie Rahn of IVnca.
i Xcbr., who wore pink crepe de
cheu.e trimmed with silver ami car
ried Ophelia roses. Mr. J. 1 . Rewcy
of Benson acted as best man. Mrs.
Frank Feterson assisted Mrs. Kjar in
the dining room where the wedding
Mipper was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Rewcy will make their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krrtchmer
left on Thursday for Los Angeles,
where they will spend the winter.
Mr. anil Mrs. Walter Stephan left
on Friday for Deming, X. M
Mrs. Marshall Howard left on
Wednesday evening for Dcining. X.
M., to spend the holidays with her
AU s-.mri tluous Lit
trimmed 1 1 .'in meat and
Mlillliil lf
tried out.
It you wi!i . Imy lish eeonoiu
ically, choose (hat which is caught il
home watci s.
m-m i
403- South 16th Street.
Rt5 Charles R.Thi em
R. Thicm, president; Mrs. Lee F.
Gardner w ill head the George A. Cus
ter corps: and Mrs. Addie K. Hough
was re-elected president of the
George Crook corps.
Bclles-Lettres Club.
The Bclles-Lettres Literary club
has postponed its regular meeting
until January 8 at the home of Mrs.
Frank Morris.
Church .Societies.
The December meeting of the wom
en's missionary society of the Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church will be
held at the home of Mrs. James B.
Owen, 3836 Seward street, Friday at
2:30 o'clock. Mrs. II. M. McClana
lian will lead the program on Syria,
Persia and the South Mountaineers.
To Honor Teachers.
Miller Park Mothers' circle will
give its annual Christmas dinner for
the teachers and principal of the
school Wednesday noon in the school
auditorium. Superintendent Beve
ridgc will be honor guest at the din
ner. The regular business meeting
of the circle will fake place in the
Bible Class Leaders.
Neighborhood Bible class leaders
will meet Monday at 2:30 o'clock at
the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation. Mrs. A. T. Hewitt will lead
the lesson.
Collegiate Alumnae.
The music section of the Associa
tion of Collegiate Alumnae meetsj
Mrs. William Locke.
menian relief, was a rare treat to those
who braved the. wintry blast.
The tableaux were staged with pro- 1
tessional skill, wink: the costumes,
always true to the subject text, added
harmony to the whole.
The musical part was under the
leadership of Mr. Robert Cuscaden,
assisted by Miss Florence Rhoadcs
and Miss Mabel Baustian. The song
descriptive of the tableaux were ren
dered by .Miss Mildred Rogers, Miss i the marriage of Mr. John Xagel of
jisic i tusu.ui, iuiss Jieien iucai
ferev, Mrs. Paul Anthes. Miss C. M
!i : I
Announcement has been made of
Ogden, Mr. John Halpine and M.
A. L. Hobbs.
Mu Sigma.
Mrs. George Damon will lead the
program for Mu Sigma, Wednesday
morning at 9:30 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. James Fatton. Lord Dun
sany'sJ'Gods of the Mountain." and
the "Chitra" of Tagore will be
studied. Mrs. X. P. I'cil and Miss
May Rialc will assist the leader.
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The club's next party will be given
Friday evening, December 28, at
Metropolitan, and will be a special
holiday affair with novelty features
appropriate to both Christmas and
Xew Years. Plans have not been
definitely announced as yet, but ru
mors regarding an unusual "camou
flage" number have been in circulation
and have aroused a great deal of
Railway Mail Service.
Miss Lucy Ilarte will give a do
mestic science demonstration Wed
nesday afternoon when the Woman's
club of the railway mail service meets
at the home of Mrs. E. F. Wallace.
Roll call response will be favorite
recipe.-. Mrs. D. C. Dodds is leader
ot the program, which includes a
grab bag for members.
Dundee Woman's Club.
This week's meeting of the Dundee's club Monday and Wednes
day v.ill be an afternoon of Red
Cross v.O'-k at the Dundee church.
Woman's Relief Corps.
Mrs. Addie Hough was re-elected
president of the George Crook Wo
man's Relief corps Friday at Memorial
hall. Mrs. S. E. Partlow was elected
vice president; Mrs. Mary Greene,
junior vice president; Mrs. Lula Craw
ford, treasurer; Mrs. A. J. Kingsbury,
conductor; Mrs. Mary Robertson,
guard, and Mrs. Fanny Farrell, dele
gate to the state convention next May.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The vesper service at the Y'ounir
W omen's Christian association Sun
day atlcrnoon at 4:30 will be unusu
ally interesting. Mrs. C. S. Calkins
will read the story, "The Other Wise
Man. ipecial Christmas music will
be provided. Mrs. Calkins will give a
group of readings during the social
hour which follows.
The Many Centers club will hold a
regular business and social meeting
Monday evening. Sunner will be
served at 6 o'clock. The club's
Christmas 'party will be held on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
i he Begabmis club wi 1 eive n
Christmas party on Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Miss Helen Garvin.
Safety First Prompts '
Use of Strings of Tiny
Electric Lights for Trees
The candle lighted Christmas tree
is a dangerous entertainment for any
home. The resinous leaves and wood
of spruce and balsam trees are cas
ijy ignited by the open flame of the
candle and the tree burns in a flare
of hot flame which is very hard to
To eliminate this fire hazard a
string of tiny, many colored electric
lamps are now used to fasten and
decorate the Christmas tree. These
lamps are made in a variety of colored
imitations of various fruits, flowers
and animals which delight children.
They are attached to a long, flexible
cord, which is readily attached to the
nearest lighting socket by a scrcw
pl'ig. Cold lima beans mashed, seasoned
and a tew minced olives added make
a good sandwjeh.
The economical housewife places a
weekly .limit on food expenditure.
this city and Miss Lula Hatcher of
Missouri Valley. The ceremony was
performed at the home of the bride
by Rev. Edgar Price of the Chris
tian clurrch on December 0. Among
the guests at the wedding were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McDonald of this city.
Mr. Xagel is an employe of the In
dependent Telephone company here
and he and his bride will make their
home in this city.
Superintendent Saam of the public
schools addressed the members of the
Federation of Mothers' and Teachers'
Clubs at their meeting at the library
on Monday afternoon, lie dealt es
pecially with the co-operation between
the clubs and the executive depart
ment of the schools, which is indis
pensable for effective work. The gar
den committee was appointed for the
coming year by Mrs. Metculf. The
members are Mrs. Dell' I loon, chair
man; Mrs. E. V. Schocntgcn, high
school; Mrs. A. McMillan, Bloomer;
Mrs. D. P. Hutchinson. Third Street;
Mrs. G. W. E. Sauer, Eighth Street;
Mrs. Charles Blaine, Washington;
Mrs. J. R. Reed, Pierce; Mrs. Fred
Dugger, Thirtv-second Street; Mrs.
W. F. Sholes, Avenue E: Mrs. F. L.
Jones, Second Avenue: Mrs. H. R.
Marine, Avenue B; Mrs. E. J. Tows-
lee, Madison Avenue; Mrs. L. M. Pat
terson, Harrison; Mrs. 'Thomas Mc
Millan, Eighth Avenue, and Mrs. C.
P. Clcminson, Twentieth Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bird enter
tained the Mcl'herscn Avenue Im
provement club Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Peter Baldaut was elected presi
dent, Mrs. K: W. Qiiackenboss, vice
president; Mrs. Fred Barton secre
tary and Mrs. F. Adrian treasurer.
December 18 the wemen of the club
will meet at the home of Mrs. Bird
to do Red Cross work.
The Zenith circle of Oriole Girts
was entertained Monday evening by
Miss Pearl Thomas. The regular
business meeting was, held and a hot
lunch was served by the hostess. Miss
Lcbensee was a guest of the club.
Miss Dollie Burgess was the leader
of the program given by the art de
partment of the Council Bluffs Wom
an's club Monday afternoon. The
beautiful Gothic cathedral, Xolre
Dame of Paris, was the subject of the
evening's study. The history of the
famous old cathedral was given by
Mrs. Belle Sanford, noting especially
its relation to the lives of the French
people. Miss Mary Tidball described
the exterior of the massive structure,
beautiful in architectural design and
rich in sculptural ornamentation. Mrs.
Dollie Burgess gave in detail a de
scription of the interior of the edi
fice. The Flower mission held an import
ant meeting at (he home of Mrs. H. A.
Ouinn on Wednesday. Instead of
going to the Christian home and the
hospitals each Thursday to carry
flowers, the four members who are
on duty will spend the forenoon at
the Red Cross rooms and the mission
will donate the $10 per mouth to the
Red Cross. On Monday evening, De
cember 24, the annual Christmas party
will be given at the armory. Each of
the fifty members of the organization
will provide for one family. The
gifts will include toys and sweets as
well as the necessities. 'Flic hostesses
for the afternoon were Miss Eliza
beth Ouinn, Miss Irene Kintz, Miss
lean Hunter and Miss Lorenc Ham
mil. The Booklovcrs held a social ncct
ing at the home of Miss Rice on
Wednesday. The hostess was as
sisted by Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs.
Dailev and Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, jr.
It' was decided to discontinue the I
study meetings for the rest of (he
club year and devote the time to Red
Cross work.
Mrs. Mehlhop entertained the
members of the Daughters of the
American Revolution at an all day
session on Thursda. Mrs. Lehmcr
of Omaha and Mrs. Aiken of Winter
set, were guests of the club. The reg
ular business meeting was presided
over by Mrs. Brinsmaid, the vice re
gent. The business session was fol
lowed by a social meeting.
Mr. Henry Rewcy of Omaha and
Miss .Henrietta Sophia Kjar were
married on Tuesday evening at 8
Home Hints for Saving
Money in War Time
Any cold cereal can be put into ihr
mush pot when making cornmca
Soap should be bought in quanti
ties; remove the wrapper and allow
it to dry.
bottom if
Pies bake better on the
they are on tin plates.
Cottagf cheese is a good dish to
make out of skim milk.
Creamed carrots with peas make a
nourishing dish for lunch.
Rye porridge with . rich milk is an
excellent breakfast cereal.
Apples ran be stewed without
sugar, and they arc very good. .
Graham bread spread with salad
i isi
Dr. Ludwick, Manager.
Dentistry has reached its height
of efficiency, at least in this of
fice. There is no new equipment
or modern method that has been
thoroughly tested and tried out
that we do not follow. Experience
is what proves success in any pro
fession, All work given the per
sonal attention of Dr. U. E. Ludwick.
New Location
606 Be Bldf .
ma I
Five Bottles Peruna
Restored Me To Complete
Been In
The Best
Of Spirits
Feel That I
Owe My
Health To
Mr. C. N. Petersen, dealer in fine
boots, shoes and cigars, 132 S. Main
St., Council Bluffs, la., writes: "I
cannot tell you how much good Pe
runa has done me. Constant confine
ment in my store began to tell on my
health and I felt that I was grad
ually breaking down. I tried several
remedies prescribed by my physician,
but obtained no permanent relief
i until I took Peruna. 1 felt better ini-
oinCe, And ! me to complete health. I have been in
the best ot spirits since, and feel that
I owe my health to it."
Our booklet, telling you how to
keep well, free to all. The Peruna
Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can now procure Peruna Tablets.
P. E. O. Sisterhoods.
Mrs. George I!. Lddy will be host
ess at a kcnsir.gton of Chapter E,
1'. 1.. Cv sisterhood. Thursday after
noon. Members will bring donations
for charitable institutions to the
Musical Tableau for Relief.
The musical tableaux presented by
the young people of the German Con
gregational church at the Voung
Women's Christian association last
Thm-Miay for the benefit of the Ar-
There has never been anything in
Omaha with the INSTANT action of
simple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE
bowel tract so completely it relieves
ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or con
stipation and prevents appendicitis.
The INSTANT, pleasant action of
Adler-i-ka surprises both doctors and
patients. For sale at Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge
Sts. Advertisement.
To get the very best result lata
Dr. Humphrey' "Seventy-seven' at
the first sneere or shiver.
"Seventy-seven" break up Colds
that hang on Grip. All Drug Stores.
1 w
Young Again!
1 he tragredy or graynes Bhould be
avoided at all hazard a. Nevkr-Te u
the one safe, scientific preparation,
will darken and beautify your hair
o crraduallv that even vour nan
friends can ' Never-Tel". Entlnr-pri
by eminent chemists. It is clran.
aimpm meritorious, economical
extras tobuv rrsoco'.eoctimxitrih .th.r
ever? tablot cwmnVtjiit it'f tnh.n,.I
solved in a liftl w.t.r m nMl Vl.iM
Never lias the integrity of the individual, the roniMninit y
or 1 he nation been 1est?d is it is beins tested today.
Integrity should bo the acid test of all business institutions
from, whom you purchase merchandise. Integrity of quality,
integrity of price, integrity of service.
tegrity, and is building, ever building, on the continued and in
rearing confidence of the public.
Need we remind you Jewelry is the Logical Xmas Gift.
Need we remind you the First Xmas wm a Jewelry Xmas.
Need we remind you of our wonderful display of wrist
watchoo, soldiers' khaki necessities, men's leather goods, ivory,
watches, silverware, gold lavallicrs, diamond goods, stationery
and other lines.
Need we remind you of our suggestive attractive windows.
Need we remind you of the indueire prices consistent with
quality merchandise.
Our Secretary-Treasurer, HerW-rt "V. Kyan, now one of
I'nele Sam's officers, said in bidding the store good by:
when I come back, for I am coming back, I want you to have
increased our business 100.
Ryan Jewelry Co.
16:h and farnam Streets. Securities Building.
D A .! 117 C ' f . M
ouy tnomer war oavmgs otamp.
Schioller I
Scoros of people have taken advantage ot our Great
( losing-Out Sale of Harden Bros.' $100,000 Stock of
Pianos and Players
bought by us for
spot cash at ."..".c on
the dollar, but we
still have scores of
high prade instru
ment to select from.
By purchasing now
you will positively
save all the way from
$75 to $200, but you
must act quickly to
obtain choice of bar
gains. Our reputation of
50 years stands back
of every instrument
Our Present Prices Were Never Duplicated Anywhere
in"' Ti nil " " " '
$300 Practice Piano $ 25
$40(1 Chiekerinvr Upr. . . ,.
S.'SaO Price & Teeple. .. .."
$.'!7,r. Wegman Upright . . $ 1 72
$100 Stiver & Sons....S2.
$400 McPhail Upright. . .$2S.
$075 Stcinway Upright. .$200
S00 Kverett Upright. . .$335
$'00 Knabe Upright $320
$1,000 Steinway Grand. .$305
$,00 Knube Gram! $000
$l.'.(l Price & Teeple PI.. $228
$t;.r0 White Plaver $425
$1,050 Knabe Player. . .$854
No other Piano House offers our Wonderful Terms a small
first payment the balance at $5.00 or more per month starting
next year.
If you expect to purchase a piano or player or phonograph for
Christmas, it will pay you to investigate our tremendous bargains of
nearly evo-y famous piano in America Stcinway, Knabe, Sohmer,
Everett, Mrlilin, J. & Fischer, Scharffrr, Smith & Nixon, Price &
Teeple and many others. Mail Orders given prompt attention Call
or Write at once. Every instrument fully guaranteed or money re
Farnam St
The Leading Music
House of the West.
Open Evenings Until Christmas.
You Will Find Splendid Wearing Service
Coats of Quality for
Ladies and Misses
The tremendous, business that
this department has enjoyed com
pelled our buyer to make another
hurried buying trip. Come ex
pecting wonderful Coat values and
you will not be disappointed. Ex
ceptional values at
$13.75, $15.95, $18.75,
$22.50 and up.
Open a Charge
ou need not pay all in HO days.
We arrange the terms so that you
make a Miiall deposit at the time
of purchase and then afterward a
small weekly 'or monthly payment.
as best suits your convenience.
Our "Pay-as-You-Wear" Plan Helps You.
Silk four-in-hands in the very latest styles.
Sold elsewhere at (15c. Our every "
day price, only ouC
Onyx Fiber Silk Hose
50c quality for ladies and men, our price 29c
75c quality for ladies only, our price. . .39c
The Union's Large Stock of
Suits and
for Men and Young Men
makes it easy for us to fit you in
just the Suit or Overcoat that
becomes you. Priced at-
$15, $18, $20, $22 Up
- . . irransc on ine o r la ercry 001.
Tret, Vrt t dron,.f,