THE OMAHA SUSP AT T!ET!t TECEMBKTt Iff.' 131T. Darkrn -ixV: HO. z on 0 ; . f in: :::u;:y r.i.'u.s 01 a-) l ;:r:!t-cciary i.: lir -t ' lijjlitr.ess ijiiorrow wiit'ii tile iiiv citic will 1)C V.ition measure of : ilit nation's coal Nebraska Hotels Saved 1,502 Barrels of Flour Washington. Dec. 15 Nebraska hotels ami restaurants during No vember saved 1.50J barrels oi flour, .Ml tons oi meat ami 19S.441 pounds of sugar by following the conserva tion directions of the food administra tion. Kighty-tivc per cent ot the ho tels and restaurants in Nebraska have signed the food administration's pledge card. You can secure a pner or bookkeeper by using a Want Ad. President's Cousin Enlists In U. S. Marine Corps Denver, Colo., Dec. 15. Authority to enlist Harrv Woodtow Hamilton, i . ". .i. . :.!... ...i. maid stenogra-; usiani cousin oi iur pn-Murm, n I of lack of weitrht. was received at the local marine corps recruiting station ; today from Washington. Hamilton is a son of a banker at Cheyenne Wells, Colo. Marine corps officers said he was underweight because of too much athletic training. Itee Want-Ads Produce Result? To Vcte on Prohibition. Washington. Dec. 13. A vote on the constijuiiniial amendment for na-iion-'i(ie prohibition at 5 o'clook Monday afleTnoon was agreed to to day in the bouse. Sponsors of the resolution claim a safe margin over tbf neeesarv two-thirds vote., 'i.iir.'.Ji;:! i.:ii;!!iJ:i!:::!;.i!!i: iM! iliiililiiliilillllllilllllllllll !IIIIi!llllllll!l!llllll!IIIIIIiniH tTAHT Bh Urals Jl MAS iwnuumxnuu -w-. . a 20 Discount on AH Diamonds No. 517U Uold Tiuany piau No. 4969 Perfect cut clear set, Tiffany platinum head, a EE weight 1 98-100. Regular price IS $570 EE No. 4948 Fancy white gold EE mounting, weight 95-100. Reg. price OC7 HQ EE $396.75, ...tyOOl .VFVJ EE No. 4921 White gold mount EE ing, weight 76-100. Reg. price IS $242.40 EE No. 4788 Gold Tiffany plati EE num head. Regular price 1 $230.40 EE No. 4787 Gold Tiffany plati EE num head, weight 72-100. Reg. EE $24oo0 ...$194.80 -i U No, 517G Gold Tiffany plati S num head, weight 03-100. Reg. H$216, now. $194.40 EE No. 5177 Gold Tiffany plati- num liead. Regit- J 1 ?Q EE Jar price $210. ... P 1 yO num top, weight 55-100. Regu lar price d1 CO Q( $171, now V LJJ J No. 5172 Gold mounting platinum top, weight 49-1UU. $1 53.00 now . . No. 5011 Gold mounting platinum top, weight J9-10U. Reg. price $108. now. No. 5157 Gold Tiffany plati num top, weight 22-100. Regu lar price $52, now Seth Thomas Clocks Pairpoint Cut P-Jass NOT REGISTERS!-' 25 Discount on All Solid Gold Jewelry 1 Pair plain, now During the last four weeks we have done a tremendous business. $122.40 d mounting weight 39-100. $86.40 d Tiffany plati :ht 22-100. Regu- $41.60 No. 5128 Gold Tiffany plati num top, weight 23-100. Regu lar price fc10 QQ $47.75, novr...tfUO No. 5131 Gold Tiffany plati num top, wpight 21-100. Regu lar price fcQC Ofl $41, now POU.iU No. 5039 Gold Tiffany plati num top, weight 15-100. Regu lar price fcO Aft $31.75, now .. f)J .TTV i Military Wrist Watches Standard American Military Wrist Watches, 15-jewel movementslumin ous dials and hands, substantial and dependable timekeepers with broad leather strap. Just the thing for the enlisted man. d 1 O HZL On sale at tP J Standard American Military Wrist Watches, 7-jewel movements, luminous dials and hands, 'plain but stout eases and fine reliable time- (I 1 A H C keepers. On sale at.:4 JLU. Our stock of Elgin, Waltham and Illinois Military Wrist Watches is complete and offered at discounts as long as they last. We have lived up to our slogan, "Christmas as usual," and we have offered discount prices ;.t every sale without any thought of profits above our actual running expenses. General Profits, Major Profits and Private Profits-they have all been conscripted to hold the trench around the good old Christmas spirit so closely associated with Jewelry. We still have a large Christmas stock on hand. In former years we did not mind taking a chance on a left-over stock, because legitimate profits protected us against loss upon our invest ments This year we have no such protection. We do not want any left-over stock we can not afford it! We will instead put the clock ahead and start our Sacrifice Sai the last week before Christmas. Our Big Season Sacrifice Sale Start? IMay Morning As far as possible we arc making still further reductions on our entire and comprehensive Christmas stock our chief interest will be to take in money enough to pay our ireditors. To the many new customers we have gained this season we wish to repeat: SELL NOTH ING BUT THE LEADLtfO STANDARD AMERICAN MANUFACTURES ! Our Watches are the Howard, Hamilton, Elg.'tf Hrapden and Illinois; we handle the Ocrnam Sterli.i; Silver, tne Shef field Silver Hollow ware; Jogers Bros. 147 (standard of Ihe world), "mes A fAwvda, United Community Silver Flatware; S&irjont, finest make of Cut Glass, Seth Taowaa, Session and J ew Haven Clocks,' etc. IN NO INSTANCE DO WE TAX OUR CUSTOMERS EXTRA ON AlMSVT 07 1 TRADEMARK! of Cuff Links, solid gold, hand engraved or regular price $6.00, $4 50 1 Pair of Cuff Links, solid gold, for soft or hard cuffs. Regular r;MU: .$ Stick Tin, solid gold, recon structed Ruby set. Regular price $2.50. M OC now tDltOu Solid gold Stick Pin, Aquamarine V ZJTir priM .154.50 ??- w Large Cameo Brooch, solid gold numntlnff vopv uull nut T?.fTi1. I C lar price 1 O Q C vT $16.50, now PlJD Cameo Brooch, fine cut, beauti ful solid gold' mounting. Regular price $3.50, A If I now $6.35 U k.1 M Solid Gold Lavulliere In grepn. eolid gold, swell design. nt with genuine diamond. Regular prleei G9 C flllim Van.' tO OU Solid Gold Lavallleren, net with btr. ".intones nd voty tuny aesignB. neguiar pnoe, .uu. ?Cnw Holld Gold Waldemar Oents' VeBt Chains. dQ OP latest designs, negulr." price, $12.50. Nowj)0l Same as above, not so heavy, price, $9.75. Now $4.50 Regular . 17 f f Big Dollar Sale Monday 1 33Di 1 Std Umbre,,i The following articles are offered Mondav as Ions: as they last at One Dollar sash article. SILVERWARE r GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES 17..Teive IlamDton. lb size Elgin, 17 Ruby Jewels,, all set in gobi. Patent regulator, jsre quet hair-spring, perfect time piece, in 16 "size, hunting, 20 year gold filled case, very small engraving, also plain or engine turned. Regular $rice f. $19.75 15-Jewel American Standard Watch. A No. 1 timepiece. Nickel movement, patent regu lator, double brace mainspring, in. a beautiful , 20-year, open face, screw case, engraved, en gine turned or plain for mono gram. Regular price, $15.75, $9.75 open face, screw, 20-year gold filled case. This is the watch we guarantee to keep perfect time. Jewels are all set in gold, steel escape wheel, patent regulator, adjusted to heat and cold, compensated) balance, wheel. Reg. (10 7 C price $21.75.. 4 JLO. I O Elgin, 17 Ruby Jewels, all set in gold, patent regulator, Bre quet hair spring. A No. 1 time piece, in -16 size, screw open face, beautifully engraved, plain or engine turned. Reg. price $26, now Gold Meat orks, Carolina and De Sancy pattern. Regular THISdJf ff price $1.75, at FTK J) 1 .'U Jelly Knives, Caiol'jia and De Sancy pat tern. Regular THIS Drice $1.75. at W;EEK Gravy Ladle, Carclma arA De Sancy pat tern. Regular TKIJi 1 ff tirice $1.75. at i.Sl i? I VU Tomato Server, Oai-olinp .d Sancy pat tern. Refirular $1.00 price $2.00, at. r. Child's Set, Carolina and De Sancy pattern. 2 and 3-piece ssts. Regular price $1.75 and $2.25, THIS $1.00 at WEEK Berry Spoons, Carolina and De Sancy pat tern. Regular THIS d (f price $2.00, at. .... . .WEEK $ 1 .UU Sugar Spoons and Butter Knives, Carolina and De Eanc? pattern. Regular price $2.30. UIS at VEjSF 0 C'JT GLASS $lo0 iablo American-made clock, Seth Thomas, Session and New Haven, will be on sale, all profit conscripted and 33 1-3 per cent dis- All1 Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Big Selection Now. Ladies' and Gents' Silk Umbrellas, gold filled and sterling silver and ivory handles. All new and nifty designs. 33 1-3 per cent discount from regular -prices. 1 WE ENGRAVE FREE OF CHARGE. Fine assortment, of gold headed Walking Sticks, also 20 (iUiCOIUlt - . 33 DISCOUNT Lie iiiuicu. j-np. $17.75 LADIES' WATCHES l No. 14 14-karat solid gold. Very small and nifty, reliable timepiece. Has 15 genuine ruby Jewels, pat ent regulator, Brequet hair spring and safety click. Regular price, $40.00 No. 15 14-karat,. 20-year, gold filld octagon case, engraved front, ivnd bracelet, 15 ruby jewels. This ;e a beautiful watch and reliable timepiece. Small and nifty size. Rejular price, COI Verv nifty 15-jewei,' steel escape wheel, double brace main-spring wrist otooH o-nii fiiiuri and warranted for 20 years. Best little watch for the money. Keguiar price, Now No. 16 Very plain and small brace let watch, thin model, case and bracelet, guaranteed for 20 years. Regular price, CI 7 7 $23.75. ' Now P 1 . O No. 17 15-Jewel Swiss movement in engraved or plain case. Only a limited number in stock. Move nnt thorouzhlv reliable and guar anteed to keep time. Regular price, $21.00. Now $15.75 lin-spring wrist !0 years. Best $13.75 20DISCOUNT ON ALL HOLMES-EDWARDS ' GUARANTEED SILVER TABLEWARE 1 5 One 26-Piece Chest of 6 Silver Plated Hollow Handle Knives, 6 Forks, 6 Table Spoons, 6 Tea flooons, Sugar Shell and Butter Kilfe; Carolina or De Sancy pat- ern. Regular price, E 18.75. Now. t of fi Knives and I Forks; De 1a.h:v or Carolina pattern. Regu $13.40 1 Set of 6 Tea Spoons; De Sancy or Carolina pattern. Regu- trt ff lar price, $3.50. Now.. JriUU t Set of Orange Spoons; De Sancy Dr Carolina pattern. d 1 Qf Regular price $3.50. Now J 1 .OU I Berry Spoon; Carolina or De Sancy pattern. Regular d- nf price. $2.00. Now J) 1 U V 1 Set of 6 Dessert Spoons; De Sancy it Carolina Mttern. Regular price, $4.25. su.inrh Cut Glass Bowl. Fern desism. Reff- W ular price THIS tf 1 Af W $3.00, at WEEK P X . VP V ill Cut Glass lU-mcn ueiery fisn, narguein design. Regular ifli.a,ffi fill price $2.50, at WZZX l VlVl Creamer and. Sugar, Taisy design. Regular price $2.50, THIS 1 AA at WEEK S 1 7-inch Cut Glass Nappy, with handle. But terfly design. Reg- THTS d AA ular price $2.25, at. .TEES. 4 1 VlVl Mayonnaise Dressing Set, Marguerita design. Regular price THIS d1 (f $3.00, at VEK V 1 VlU Cut Glass Syrup Pitcher, ToJstle design. Regular prise TEIS 1 ff $3.00. at ...f. WEEK iJl.UU JEWELRY 100 Genuine 14-karat Gold Filled Lavalliere3, set with Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, etc. Regular price THIS tf 1 AA $2.50 to $3.75, at. . . .WEEK P 1 VI VI 150 14-karat Gold Filled Brooches, new and nifty designs. Regular prices $1.50 to $3.00, THIS (Jl AA at WEEK P 1 .UU 500 Pairs of Gold Filled and Solid Gold Front Cuff Buttons. Regular prices $1.50 to $3.00, THIS d1 AA t. WEEK D I .UU 500 Stick Pins, 14-karat Gold Filled, set with i Cameos, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires and Topaz. Regular THiSflT AA prices $2 to $4, at. . .WEEK J 1 .UU Solid Gold Baby Rings, with or without sets. Regular price THISd1 A A $1.75 to $2.50, at. . . .WEEK V 1 UU 8- inch Cut Glass Pudding Dish, Aster design. Regular price THISdf A A $2.75, at WEEK $ 1 .UU 9- inch Cut Glass Tase, Cloverleaf design. Regula: price THISrf A A $2.00, at. WEEK P 1 .UU 12-inch Cut Glass Bud Vase, Marguerita and Fern design. Regular THISd A A price $2.00, at WEEK v 1 .UU Cut Glass Powder Jar, Marguerita design Regular price $2.75. at Cut Glass Hair Receiver Regular price THISd1 A A $2.75, at. WEEK V X .Vvf Cut Glass Comport, Marguerita design. Reg ular price l h i s o 7; rW On each and every piece of Tolkt ArtleUi In our stock. E2 All muut ha unlrt this weV. Sterling Silver M ;ucure Sets. 3 Regular price, $12.00. (NQ Afl s Now'..,..' POUU sss Sterling Silver Military Brushes. 3 Regular price, $12.00. gQ f( Now POUU s Sterling Silver Sterling Silver Comb, Brush and yirror. Regular price, $-'4.00. Now.. Comb, Brush and Mirror. Regulr price, $12.00 Now $16.00 Genuine French Ivon $8.00 r, Marguerita design. THIS 1 A A ?4 WEEK D 1 .UU h er, Marguerita design. W Comb, Brush and Mirror Manicure Set, complete. Reg- ftij tf ular price, $24. Now J 1 0.UU Manlcsre Set, complete. Regular C'.'"0:..., $6.00 Military Brushe's'nnd Combs. Reg ular price, $9.00. Now , o Genui ne Ebony - Comb, Brush aaL .Ilrror. Regular sss Erre..-...,'....$8.oo Military Brushes and Combs. Reg- rs ular pricte, $9.00. qq ss Manicure Sets, complete. Regular sss price, $12.00. fro A A rs Now OO.UU .ra $2.50, at WEE? V A o Gold Pocket Knives, engraved, plain or with Diamond set and Z blades. Regular prices $1.50 to $2.50, THIS 1 A A at WEEK P l.UU 14-karat Gold Filled Waldemar Watch Chains, gold soldered links. Regular prices $2.50 to THIS l A A $3.50, at WEEK J) 1 .UU Solid Gold Front Gentleman's Hand En graved Locket, for two pictures. Regular prices $1.75 to THISl A A $3.00, at WEEK iff 1 .UU Solid Gold Hat Pins, ensraved or plain. Regular -price THIS d1 A A & $1.75 to $2.50, at WEEK J 1 .UU Gentlemen's Leather Belts and Nickel Quad- ruple Silver Plated uuemes. Regular pnees $z.w 10 x n i. o $3.50, at WEEK tvi rv , m w aiu 'w ' iradruple Silver Plated Toilet Set. Finest Derby Line S Each and every article 33 1-3 Discounts. sss THSSE ARTICLES AT 1 Set of Creamer, and Sugar, Mar guerite design. Regular 1 (( price $2.00; half price. V 1 UU 1 Cut Glass Pudding Bowl, Marguer ite design, 8-inch. Regular d price $2.75, cut Monday to...iJ) 1 Cut Glass, 4-lnch Vase, Daisy pat tern, very beautiful. Regular price. $7.50. Price o nC Monday JJ)0 I O $1.00 PAY YOUR BkODEGAARD BROS. CO. I9IA RE ACROSS MEMBERSHIP IDUES NOW HALF PRICE MONDAY 1 Cut Glass, 8-inch Fern Dish, Pop uy design. Regular price $5.00. Monday . . . $2.50 1 Cut Class, 12-Inch Salad Plate, Poppy design. Only a few left. Regular price, $f.00, ff Price Monday P3UU 1 Cut Glass. 8-inch Bowl, Fern de sign. Regular prico, $3.00. Monday J 1 .UU Open Until CSS CUrt snras I H 'f Price, $7.50 d nf 1 priw. 14.2. o j An 15Txl AWU DUUUJjAQ DIXvxjXjao p liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimSiiiiSM iiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mmm i m imiiiii m wmmmmmmm At the Sljn of the Croni I p th (.olrtfn SUlm .