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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1917)
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1917. 21 5 i- rr REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. $1,100 CASH BCVS $1,800 EQUITY - vi(4vv iVjTloor. ' and fli modern, 6 room bungalow, alt one Beautiful home with oe.k floors finish, elegant fixtures and decora tions. Priced less than construction cost. Act quick. Seward Bros.. 678 llrandeis Bids;. Douglas 3840. South. HOME IN CO M E I.N VESM ENT. S. E. corner. 34th snd Arbor St., two fine, modern houses. One Is 6 rooms, oak finished, lire place, etc. The other la rooms, rented to good tenant for $22 50 Ground. 105x132, room for more houses or I apartments. rcptliial proposition I ' Sep owner, Harney 1341. J." ONE 5 -room and one 4-ioom cottage. Doih on one lot: fin condition; live In one and , rant the other. Pric for both. 12.760 . Very essr terms. No 133 8. ZOtli St. NORMS & NORMS. '' 409 Bee Bide rtione Pouglss 427A Miscellaneous. LET m show you my brand new stuiio bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3.8o lie, sonable term. Call owner. Douglas I7irj. FOR SA LB. 7-room house, hot water heat, g-rage, 13,750. John J Mulvihl!!. Realtor. 200 -Braridcta Theater Bid. Phone Doug. 96 W KARNA.M SMITH Co.. Real Lstate and Insurance. 1320 r'arnam SL Doug 1064 STsTt K IT .MB U I.L7 . 100 lit Nat. Bk. Bide O 1754 REAL ESTATE B'ncsi Pr'pty j TOUNO DU'I ERTY. " j City Real K-,.ate. Douglas 1871. 322 Br inrtels Theater j H A. WOLF. Realtor, Ware Bik Specialist ! to downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investment - $10,500 Brick Store 'ell built; corner lot, on 24th street; permanent tenants t (105 per month. Rents can be Increased 330 per month with an addition costing not to exceed $2,600. This is first-class property, no trouble to handle and pays better than 10 per cent net. ; GLOVER & SPAIN, ' REALTORS, 111 City National Bank Bldg. . i. i , REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with 1300 to 2500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 198. 701 Ore. Nat Bank Bldg. f REAL ESTATE To Exchange California Alfalfa Ranch For Nebraska, Iowa or South Dakota Farm Have 40-acre alfalfa ranch, 40 mile east of Los Angeles, near Ontario. Haa 6 room house, barn, electric pumping plant, plenty of cheap water; will rent for 130 to 135 an acre. Can cut 6 to 7 cuttings of alfalfa In on leason. Pries 120,000. Horses, :ows and farming tools, 11,200 extra; will take Iowa, Nebraska or South Dakota farm In trade. E. T. lleyden (owner), 1614 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. FOR sals or trade, lots 13 .and 14, Swift's add to South Omaha; will take Ford roadster or touring car as part payment. Address Box 431, Oeorge, Ta. WESTERN LANDS. Nllsaon. 422 Rosa Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. JIINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Av near 24th St, can be bought at a bargain; V this lot must be sold. Call owner eve nings. Walnut 70. Miscellaneous. LARGE Garden Lots near car JJtie, paved street, 3125 to 3195. 31 down. Doug. 6074 REAL ESTATE SUBURB A Acreage. IVE very fine garden lots, close to car line, close to school, Just outside the city limits, where you do not have to pay city taxes: an Ideal placo to ratso pigs, poultry or garden; the owner has moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once; price 392 ach; terms, 60c a week on each lot. Call Walnut J1G8 today or In the evening. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. 1, SCO MTG., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at 15,600. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Illdff. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, t and S per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for ale. 3. H. Dumont & Co.. 416-418 Keellne Bldff., 17th and Harney. THE Investors of Omaha will always find ps with a stock of 8 per cent first mort gagees, secured by Omaha residence prop erty or Nebraska farms. E. II. LOITGEE. INC.. 638 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 5 PER CENT OK MOKE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. "H. W7 BINDER. Money en hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. NO DELAY If? CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee BJdR. CTY LOANS. 'UARV1N BROS., Oin. Nat. Bk. Bids;. MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids. 10 OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1016 OmshaNan. 1100 to iToToOO rADElproTTiptl,v. V. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on fmproved farms and ranche4)Kloke Investment Oo . Omaha I LOW RATESh-C. O. CARLBERaT"312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS & SON. Keelin Bids. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. CORN AND COTTON LAND. Cheap, easy terms, S. E. Arkansas. Ex cursions 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Free liter ature. W. S. Frank, 201 Neville Blk., Omaha. SEWING MACHINE SALE " SATURDAY AT i MICKELS' ' Some wonderful bargains in used machines. If you need a machine don't miss this chance. COME SATURDAY Here are listed a few of the many bargains: SINGER, 7 drawer, worth $30, Saturday $14.75 DOMESTIC, a real $15 value for $5.00 NEW HOME, -drawer, dark oak, aSturday $13.50 DAVIS, a nice drop-head, Saturday, for $12.00 SINGER, pood as new, worth $52, Saturday only $24.75 GOODRICH, worth $25, nice drop-head, Saturday $15.00 WHITE, $54 value, can't tell from new, for $26.75 ELDREGE, ROTARY, a fine $35 value, for $16.50 WHEELER-WILSON, worth $28, Saturday $15.00 SINGER, not a mark" on it, agents would ask $60; our price Sat... $28.75 We have many others, but better come early and get best choice. - " WE REPAIR ALL MAKES. 100 New White. Machines for Rent. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT 'TILL 9 O'CLOCK. MICKELS 15th and Harney Streets. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Land. HOMES FOR 100 IVSILIES. ' THE BANK OF PUEBLO. Capital, 150,000.00. Pueblo. Colorado. April 2, . 1817. To Whom Concerned: We consider ths farm lands of The Twin I-nkes Land snd Water Company to be second to nope for fertility and productive ness, a fact that makes possible th Inten sive farming of tha Crowley. Ordway and Sustar City district. The Source of water supply for this Ir rigated land la the Arkansas river, sup plemented by good storage reservoirs. We are pleased to recommend this com pany and Its officers as responsible and desirable business men. Very trul" (Signed) TH K BANK OF PUEBLO, lsy N'. B. Cook, Cashier. Under tha Twin Lakes St Water Co. sys tem. Crops raised lneludu large yields of wheat, oats, corn, alfalfa, sugar beets, cucumbers, potatoes, siua9h. pumpkins, cantaloupes, melons, tomatoes, onions, ap ples and cherries. Cattle, sheajp and hop raising very profitable. Market facilities admirable. Land one to four miles from j snipping stations, ueet sonar laciury, ai- j falfn, mills, pickling: plants, canning f.ic tory and creamery at Crowley and Ordway, Colo. Electric light power and pure Olney Springs water may ba obtained for farm use. All denomination, good schools and roads. Write us for special excursion rates, prices and terms. II. R. FOLLMER CO., 936 First National Hank Hldg., Omaha. Phona Tyler 2S0C. Free Missouri Pacific uooklet. ( Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 110 cash and 16 monthly, no Interest or tales; highly productive land: close to three big market. Writ for photographs and full Information. MUNGEH. A-1J9. N T Mfe Bids:., Kansas City. Mn Nebraska Lands. RANCH. 1.720-acre combination grain and stock ranch, located In Cherry county on Nio brara river, six miles from railroad; 700 acres good level bench farm land, 260 acres In cultivation, cropped this year to corn, wheat, oats, rye, millet, navy beans and potatoes; 150 acres Niobrara bottom, part of -which Is the beat of hay land. 100 acres good alfalfa land. Balance of ranch rolling to-rqugh pasture, all well grassed. Plenty of timber for fuel and fence posts as well as affording protection for stock during winter. Ranch watered by river. Bear creek ant- springs. Will run 260 head of cattle the year around. Improvements located In fine native grove In the valley and consist of six-room house, two barns, silo and other building. School house located on ranch. This I a genuine bargain at $15 per acre. One-third cash and will carry bal ance to suit purchaser. This territory has never been boomed. By buying now you are getting In at bed rock price. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, , OMAHA, NEB. 145 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1160. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 6 acre up. W 'arm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Grower' association. 16th and Howard Sts., Omab. Douglas J71. 80 ACRES, nearly lovel, improved, between Oakland and West Point, Neb., at only 1190, on eas- term. G. A. Kull, Oakland, Neb, IlANCHES FOR SALE In Garden, Deuel and Cheyenne county, Nebraska. Write me fi price. W. T. Hater, Lodge Pole, Neb. ' RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A. A. Patitnan, 101 Rarbacb Blk. LIST your laud for quick result with C .1 Cansn. 110 MeCarue Bldg., omane. Oregon Lands. NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT. HEART OF THE RANGE. Get on the ground fldbr with 80 acre Irrigated land In connection with open range-. You can grow atock uccessfully wnd cheaply. Excursion Dec. 18. Send for bulletin. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 140 lt Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. Texas. SEE na for Texas land. We furnish cattle. You pay from profits. Thoma Olson, 407 Karbacb Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. B. P. SNOWDEN A BON, 423 S. 16th. Douslal 1171. Horses Live Stock Vehicles THREE heavy draft hones for (ale. Willow Springs Dist, 4th and Pierce. Dg.- 1335. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY MONEY MONEY , IS SANTA CLATJ8 COMING TO YOUR HOUSE? Grown up folks know why he come or stays away. If you have a little -money ha is more likely to come. Are you going; to run the risk of him miesln- you? Take do chance and get the money today. Let us give Santa Onus your number. For 26 years we have been doing thl. "Easy payments. Utmost .privacy, OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxtnn Block. Tel. Doug. 2296. organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as aecurlty. 140, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60, 140, 6 mo., Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60 Smaller, large am'ta proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Rose Bldjrljth and Famam. Ty. 86$. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT X PCT SMALLER LOANS 2 PCT. . W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1892. 6TH FLOOR (ROSE) SECURITIES. TY. 95). DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates. Prlvato loan booth. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS M. Ella Davldga to .Torgen Hansen. Lindsay avenue, 138 feet east of Prospect Hill cemetery, north side, 46x127 $ 225 Nettle Ycrga to Effle D. Woad, Howard street, 61.75 feet south of Dewey avenue, north side, 52x61.76 1.156 Homestead company to Fred Jorgsn sen, Twenty-fourth street, 109 feet south of Brown street, east aide, 53x127.25 2,700 Caroline L. Poppleton, tr. to Irenaeus Shuler, et al, California street, 260 Douglas 1662. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cornfed Cattle Off Dollar on Week; Liberal Supply of Hogs; Feeder Sheep Are Scarce. Omaha, December 14, 1917. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Estimate Friday . . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6,892 11,376 12.0:'4 8.1148 11.SS7 6.625 1.602 13,141 13,175 7,461 9.3ti9 13. US 2,200 8,309 3,200 Five days this week . 35, 203 64,374 4?, 012 Same days last week. .50.361 47,664 73,833 Same days 2 wks. ago 39,23$ 40,917 49. SOS Same days 3 wks. afo.6t,2A 83,854 60,863 Same days 4 wks. ago 66.927 30,463 36.670 Same days last year ... 34,965 71,193 68.465 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha for 'twenty four hours cndinK ai 3 p. in. yesterday; RECEIPTS--OARLOADS. Catle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. 1 . . 2 M &.. St. P. ii..i,. vnion Pacific 1.1 26 vNsouri Pacific C. & N. W.. east. . . 16 C. & N. W west . . 6 C, St. P.. MAO.. 2 C. B. & Q., east 3 i C, B. Q , west. . 41 4 ii 4 C. R. I. & P, east . . C. R.-I. A P. west . . Illinois Central .... Chi. Gt. West 4 Total receipts ..93 124 13 2 " DISPOSITION HEAP. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Il'r's. Morris Co 581 2.381 611 Swift & Co 1,216 1,686 1,525 Cudahy Packing Co.. 606 2,647 1.083 Armour & Co . . 913 1,949 1.753 .1. W. Murphy 123 Lincoln Packing Co.. 34 S. O. Packing Co 4 Wilson Packing Co.. 1S4 Armour, So. St. Paul ... 136 Benton. Vansant & L. 83 Hill ; & Son 83 F. B. Lewis 572 .1. B. Root & Co 17 Werthelmer & D. , . , 185 Sullivan Bros 4 ...... ,Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 169 Huffman 18 Roth 13 Glassberg 20 Banner Bros 40 John Harvey 439 Dennis & Francis .. 24 Jensen & Lungren.. 68 Ellis & Co 10 Pat O'Day 4 Other buyers 792 3,057 Totals 6,136 8,825 7.928 Cattle There was a fair supply of cattle on hand for a Friday, around 2,200 head being reported In. Packers were out early today, but they all have more cattle on hand than they can kill this i week, and tho trade did not show any life, being low and weak at the presont decline. Cornfeds are off 76c $1.00 since last week's close. Best of the short feds are not bringing over $12.00, and a spread of $10.50(911.60 is catching the bulk of the decent to good ones, while half fat light stuff Is selling en down as low a $3.00. Western beeves broke rather sharply yesterday, and are 25 60c lower for the week. A similar decline has been enforced on everything In the cow and heifer line except canners, which are In good demand, and not much If any low4r than a week ago. Stocker and feeders have been lifeless all week, the market not amounting to enough to make comparisons. Sellers are quoting nominal declines of 25 50c. Quotation on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, $13.60 15.00; god to choice beeves, $12.60tf 13.50; fair to good beeves, I10.604jU2.50; common to fair beeves, $7.00 10.60; good to choice yearlings, $14.0015.00; fair to good yearlings, $13.00013.60; common to fair yearlings, $6.S01L00; prima heavy grass beeves, $11.26 12.00; good to choice grass beeves, $10.00011.26; fair to good grass beeves, $8.75100; common to fair grass beeves, $6.608.6; good to choice heifers, $8.0010.50; good to choice cow, $8.00 9.60; fair to good cows, $6.267.75; common to fair cows, $S.25i86.25 j good to choice feeders, $9.60 11.00; fair to good feeders, $8.009.50'; common to fair feeders, $6.00 7.00; good to choice stockers, $8.7610.00; stock heifers, $6.608.25; Btock cows, $6.00 7.25; stock calves, $6.0010.00; veal calves, $9.0013.50; bulls, stags, etc., $5.50 8.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEET.S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 630 $6 50 3 670 $7 00 14 842 7 75 2 866 8 00 22........ 883 8 65 18 932 25 20........ 946 ( 50 20 1068 10 U 18 .1083 10 26 21 1077 10 10 32 f.1122 1 60 39 1201 10 60 S3 1179 10 75 18.. 1235 11 25 HEIFERS. 17 tit t 40 1 1160 I 26 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12 312 6 76 14 806 9 50 Hogs Receipts of Jiogs today wer lib eral for a Friday, although th lightest tor the week to date. Trade wa fairly active. Shippers took only a limited number of hogs, packers getting the majority of theirs mostly 26c lower. With all outside points quoting lower prices sellers were satisfied to let go their hogs and a fairly good clearence wa made around 11 o'clock. Choice hogs went at $13.80, with the bulk from $16.65 to $16.70. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av 28. .169 ... $16 00 62. .313 Sh. Tr. ... $16 40 ... 16 60 ,.. 16 65 . . . 16 55 62. .201 74. .177 72 . .202 59. .277 70. .226 67. .206 65. .204 72. .269 62. .257 66.. 274 41. .334 64. .277 64.. 249 44. .295 73. .220 49. .304 56.. 322 62. .275 53. .270 68. .294 16 40 16 60 16 65 16 60 16 60 16 60 16 60 16 60 16 60 16 65 16 65 19 65 16 65 16 65 16 165 16 70 61. .186 75. .181 71. .205 70. .256 12. .226 71. ,231 86. .197 42. .271 62. .300 67. .264 60. .260 84. .280 61. .306 76. .283 78.. 245 80 210 16 60 18 60 70 18 60 .. 1 0 .. 18 60 .. 16 60 .. 18 65 .. 16 65 70 'i'o 140 70 140 70v 70 16 65 16 65 . . 16 65 . . 16 66 70 16 70 70. .228 40 16 In 66. .360 110 I 75 16 75 16 75 16 80 72. .234 70. .244 60.. 291 1 75 16 76 16 80 40 120 PIOS. 10 00 66.. 97 16 00 35. .124 10. . 77 69. .114 100..147 10 00 16 00 16 40 Sheep A light run of sheep and lambs was here today, "the bulk of the arrivals being made up of killer offerings. Early trade was active at another cut In prices generally. Fat lambs (old 25c lower, all around. No real choice light lamb were here best medium grades going at $16.00. Heavy lambs around 90 pounds and better brought $16.60. Fat ewes suffered another decline, best early offerings bringing $10.86. Nothing real choice wa here. Feeder were very scarce, and not enough wa done to make a market. They were nominally steady. Quotation on sheep and lamba: Lambs, handywelght, $16.0016.60; lambs, heavy weight, $14.6C16.60; lamb, feeder, $16.60 16.00; Iambs, shorn, $11.60014.00; lamb, culls, $10.0016.00; yearlings,' fair to choice, tll.6013.25; yearling, faeders, $12.00 14.25; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00 12.50; ewes, fair to choice, $9,764)11.00: ewes, breeders, all ages, 310 60016.60; ewes, feed ers, $7.6010.60; ewes, culls and canners, ?5.007.26. St. Lotil Lire Stock Market. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts, 6,800 head; market lower; native beef steers, $8.0014.25; yearling steers and heifers $7.00 16.50; cows, $5.000111.00; stockers and feeders, $8.60(5.11.80; Texas quarantine steers $6. 7510. 50; fair to prime southern biof steers, $!.0012.75; beef cows and heifers. 86.00W10.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $j7.fj0 if 10.00 ; native calves, $5.75 tj 15.75. . ' Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head: fsarket lower; lights, $163Sfcl6.C0; pigs, $14.00 15.50; mixed and butchers, $16.60"?1.76; cood heavy, $16.56 K. 85; bulk of sales, $16.35016.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipt. 2,100 head; market steady; lambs, $13. 008 17.00; ewes, 1O.O05M1.6O; wethers, 11.0012.60; can ners, $6.009.00. Kansas City IJve Stork Market. Kansas Clly, Mo., Dec. 14 Cattle Re ceipts 5,000 head: market weak; prime fed steers, $13.00 15.00; dreased beef steers, $11.00$ 12.60; western steers, $8.7512.00; cows, $5.75; 9.00; heifers, . $6 .00(5, 11.00: stockers and feeders $7.O0ftlO.50; bulls. $6.0044 8.50; calves, $6.00lft 13.00. Hogs llecflpts. 10,000; market lower: bulk, $16. 00f(i 16.50; heavy. $16 20 1 6.80; packers and butchers. $16. 00i 16.26; light. $15.75 :.0O; plKK, I! 4.00 If 1 5.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4,000; mar ket steady. ILambs, $16.4016.50; year. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS feet ast of Forty-third treet, south side. 60x123.6 1 Marion Marowltz Leon and husband to Samuel L. Robinson, Pierce street, 99 .feet west of Thirteenth street, north side, 77x132; southeast corner Twelfth and Pacific streets, 44x88.. 6,000 M. L. Clark, sheriff, to Omaha Loan and Building association, Ohio street, 160 feet west of Twenty-fifth atreet, aorU ld. 40x110 , t,l$ OMAHA CASH GRAIN PRICES TODAY, Early sales made qn the Omaha Grain cxchanRe indicated that corn was off 5 to 8 cents and cats, a cent a bushel. The market was slow and bidders did not seem anxious to take over the offerings. Corn receipts were 68 carloads and the sales tip to noon were ground $1.40 a bushel. Early sale of oats were at 74!j cents, with an apparent lack of bid ders. Receipts were 26 carloads. Wheat receipts were six carloads, the lightest in several days. lings, $12.:r.(814 .00; wethers, $11.60618.00: ewes, $9.0012.00. Thlrago IJve Stork Market. Chicago. Uec. 14 Cattle Receipts. 7,000 head; market, steady; native steers, $7,168' 14.35; western uteers, $6.204f 18.10; Blockers anil feeder, $6 10016.60: cows and heifers, $6.O0ill.l0; calves, $?0AfJ16 26. Hogs Receipts, 40.0W head: market, slow; bulk of sales, $16 10?f 16 .80; lleht $16.0JM665; mined, $16.1516.80: heavy. $16.30trl6.D0; rough, $16,308 '16 .46: pigs, $11 50014.00. Sheep and I.smbs Receipts, ,000 head; market, weak; wethers. $6 9013.00; ewes, $t.90ffll.60; lambs, $13. 50tf 16.76. f Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts, 2.000 head; market 10 to 16 cents lower; beef steers. $7 6O14.60; fat cows snd heifers, $6.509.00; cannsrs. $5.!66.25; stockers and feeders, $7.0011.00; calves, 7.50(!11.60; bulls, idaas, etc., $6.604J9.00; feeding cows and heifers, $6.254jr8.35. Hors Receipts. 6.O0O head; market 25 to 20 cents lower: light, $16.2518.60; mixed. $16.604116.70: heavy. $16.70016.80; pigs, S13 00fil4 60: bulk. $16 60)916 Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 1,500 head market 2 cWflts higher, St. Joseph IJve Stock. St. Joseph, Dec. 14. Cattle Receipts. 1,000, head; market weak; steers, $8,009 14.25: cows and heifers, $6.36t12.60; calves. $6.00 14.00. Hogs Receipts. 4,600 head; market low er; top, $16 95; llk of sales, $16.6016 80. Sheep and Lambs Receplts, 1,000 hesd; market steady; lambs, $13.0016.76; ewes, $6.00U75. Dun' Revelw of Trad. New York, Dec. 14. Dun' tomorrow will say: Only In th retail field have storms and low temperatures been helpful to business and It Is of lets general Importance that demands for sessenabl commodities have been accelerated und augmented than that transportation problems have been aggra vated and manufacturing still further lm pedad. Through th vigorous and unusual measures taken to better condition, partial relief from th freight congestion was in dicated before real winter weather set In over a wide area, but ince then the ltua tion ha become even mor troublesome and not a few planis hav been forced to hut down altogether or to appreciably reduce operation because of the added difficulties of obtaining fuel. The toppage or curtailment of work I especially unfortunate at a tlm when the pressure for supplies of various materials and merohandlse for the government and other Interests Is so great and In branches wher regular buying ha diminished the change is not unwlcom. with producer hampered as they are. That strictly civilian trade, whll not so conspicuously active b previously, remain large In the aggregate report make clear and Christmas shopping has started In a way forecasting favorabl results on the whole. But holi day purchases In most Instances are both more conservative and discriminating than last, year and emphatlte the movement toward economy which has grown out of theOwar and which la spreading In about all sections. Weekly bank, clearings $5,177,261,062. Coffee Market. New York, Dec. 14. Coffee The market for coffee futures showed a steadier tone todav. Trade selling wss less In evidence, suKKestlng that a cargo of coffee now being loaded In Braxil has been pratty well neugeo In the local market and there was some buy- In? here supposed to be for New Orleans ac count. Fewer Bteamers are clearing from Hrazll for New Orleans at present and tne New Orleans market has been relatively firm, which may have accounted for th further southern buying around the local ring. The market opened unchanged to 1 point higher and closed at a net advance of to 10 points, with March Belling at 7.20c and September at 7.70c. Closing bids: De cember, 7.06c: January, 7.11c; March, 7.26o; May, 7.41e; July, 7.67c; September, 7.74o; October, 7.81c. Spot, dull; Rio 7s, 7 He; Santos 4s, 4. Cost and freight market was lrrogular.' To day' offer of Santos 4s ranged from about 9.80c to 9.60c, London credits. The official cable reported no change In the spot markets at Rio and t Santas. Santos futures .were unchanged to 25 rel lower. Rio exchange was l-32d lower. Boston Wool Market. Boston, Dec. 14 The Commercial Bul letin will say tomorrow: "Outwurdly the wool market has had the appearance of comparative inactivity th past week, but underneath the surfaee the current has been strong with price on (everything except fine short wools tending hiKher. "Foreign market afjvlces show little change, Although price at the river Plate are a bit firmer again." ' Second basis Texas fine 12 month, 11. 6891.72; fine, 8 months, $1.661.60. California northern, $1.701.76; middle county, $1.6501.60; southern, $1.451.60. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, $1.80 Jf 1.82; eastern clothing, $1.60&1.60; valley No. 1, $1.6501.70. Territory fine staple, $1.80411.86; half blood combine, $1.76a1.80; blood comb. Ing, $1.45(3)1.60: fin clothlne, $1.601.65; fine medium clothing, $1,651 1 .60. Pulled Extra, $1.801.8t; AA, $1.70fl 1.80. A supers, fl.60l,C5. Kvuporaled Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Dec. 14. Kvaporated Apples Quiet and firm; California, 1517o; prim state. 164W16C. Dried Fruits Prunes, unsettled over move ment; California, 80184c; Oregon, 124 14c. Apricots, unsettled over movement; choice, 14 A$ 17c; fancy, 19 420o. Peaches, unsettled over movement; standard, 10e; choice. ll'4114c; fancy, 134W131!' Raisins, unsettled over movement; loose muscatels, 7.i P8c; choice to fancy, seeded 104llc; seedless, 9104c; London lay' ers, three crown, $1.80. Omaha Hay Market. Hay Prairie: Choice upland, $24; No. 1, $22 00023.00; No. 2, $1$. 00019.60; No. 8, $16.00016.00; No. 1 midland, $22.00028.00; No. midland, 118.00019.60; No. 1 lowland, $17.00018.01; No. 1 lowland, $14.00015.00; No. i lowland, $12.50011.(0. Alfalfa Choice. $31,00: No. 1. $28,000 30.00; standard, $26.00028.00; No. 2, $24.09 026.00; No. $, $21.00023.00. Straw Oat, $9.60; Wheat. $9.00. New Tork Cotton. New Tork, Deo. 14. Cotton future opened steady; December, 10.20c; January, 29.40c, March, 29.10c; May, S8.83c; July, 28.62c. Ths cotton censu show that consump tion during November was 590,761 running bales. Cotton irot, quiet; middling upland, 30.70c. Turpentine and Hosln. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 14. Turpentine, firm, 43c; sales, 35 bbl.; receipts, 192 bbla.; shipments. 110 bnls.; stock, 25,694 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 16 bbls.; receipts, 687 bbls.; shipments, 653 bbls.; stock 79,411 bbls. Quotations: B. P, E, $fl.006.06; F. $6.0006.074; G, II, $6.004j6.10; I, $6,074 6.124: K, $6.56ifj6.65; M. $6.95; N, $7.30; WO, $7,60; WW. $7,60. New York Vrj Goods Market. New Tork, Dec. 14. Dry Goods Cotton goods her today were firm. Staple ging hams advanced to 17 4c for checks and 18c for siJId colors, a cent a yard up. Wool markets were quiet and firm. Export de mand Is maintained, but trade. Is hampered by embargoesvand licensing. Silks were steady. Chicago Produce. Chicago. Dec. 14. Butter Market higher1; creamery, 38"(4S4c. Kggs Receipts, 6,706 cases; market un changed. Potatoes Receipts, 20 cars; market un changed. Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, 17 21c; springs, 194c. Kansa City Grain. Kaasaa City, Dec. 14. CornNo. 2 mixed, tl. 6261. 65; No. 2 white, $1.7001-72; No. 2 yellow, $1.6801,70; December, $1.2740 1.274; January, $1.22OL224. Oats No. 2 white, 77477c; No. 2 mixed, 76 4 0 76c. ,,. New York Sugar. New TNjrk, Dec. 14. Sugar Raw, market steady; centrifugal, 6.70c; molasses, 6.82c, Refined, steady; fin granulated. 1.150 I860. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Corn Breaks, Selling Off Several Cents; Oats Fol low in Decline; Rye and Barley Firm. Omaha, December 14, 1917. Today's receipt of grain amounted to 103 cars, with six wheat, 68 corn, 26 oats, twu rye and one. car of barley x Cash corn broke off sharply, selling down several cents, late sales being made at a 7o to 10c decline. Arrivals showed a fair Increase over those of yesterday, 63 cars showing up. Trade la this article was practically at a standstill during the fore noon session, no transactions being reported. Iluyers and seller wer unable to agree, opinions differing 2o to 4c, and for this reason trade was unumially slow and th amount of business done very light. The local demand .however, waa fairly good, especially from elevator Interests, but re only taking what they can handle easily, as the present cold weather Is a considera ble drawback to the railroads In the han dling of cars. No. 4 white sold today at $1.43(rl 44 ,and the same grade of yellow brought $1 43. No. 6 white sold at $1.36Sf 1 40 and No. 6 yellow at $l.!!i1.4, and the No, 5 grade of mixed at 1.50 if 1.3 V Oats followed the decline In corn, this cereal selling off lc to l4c Trade wa very light and the demand slow, with prac tically no export Incjulry In evidence. No. 3 while sold at 74 4c. Itye quotations were firm and the tens of tl barley market somewhat stronger, fliturcs advancing around a cent. No sales of rye wore made, while the No. J grade of barley brought $1,4611.63, and one car of rejected went at. $1 ;17. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 192.000 bushels: oats, SSO.000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 609. 000 bush els and shipments 407,000 bushuls. aitatnst receipts of S03.000 bushels and shipments of 770.000 bushels lost year. Primary corn receipts were 617.000 bush I els and shipments 2.16,000 bushels, aga i.i receipts of 700,000 bushels and shipments of 619,000 bushels last year, I Primary oats receipt were 669.000 hush 1 els and shipments 635,000 bushels, against receipts of 643,000 bushels and shipments of 676,000 bushels last year. CAR LOT KECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oati Chicago 11 Minneapolis 163 uluth 98 Omaha 6 Kansas City 29 St. Louis 16 100 78 63 4 3 59 Winnipeg 261 These sales wore reported today Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 2 car's. $M5. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (14 per cent rye, 5 per cent durum), $2 08. No. 2 northern splrng: 1 carti $2.09 No. 3 red spring: 1 car. $2.07; 1 'car (smutty), $2,02. No, 3 mixed hard red spring: 1 csr (78 per cent hard red spring. 22 per cent common and red durum), $2 06. No. 1 amber durum: 1 car, $2.19. narley No. ?: 1 car, $1.63. Rejected: 1 car (36 lbs.), $1.37. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1 44: 1 car, $1.43. No. 6 white. 1 car, $1.40; 1 car. $1 40; 1 car. $1.40; 3-6 car, $1.36. No. white: 3 cars (damaged), $1.36. No. 4 yellow. 3 cars, $1.43. No. 6 yollow: 7 cars. $1.40; 1 car, $1.39. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, $1,364; 6 cars, $1.36. Oats No. 3 white: $ cars, 74Vuc Sample white: 3 cars, 744c Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 4 white, $1. 4301. 44; No. 6 white, $1.36(1.40; No. 6 white, $1.35; No. 4 yellow. $1.4.1iS1.46: No. 5 yellow, $l.3SCf 1.40; No. 6 yellow, $1.36; sample yellow, $1.20; No. 6 mixed, $1.86(3' 1.364. Oats: No. 3 white, 744c; sample, 748744c Harley: No. 3, $1.45rJ.BS; re jected, $1.37. Rye: No sales. Local range of options: A 7 1. p : ) penTTTl I g h . "Low. close. Yes. Com. May 1 20 I 1 20 120 1 20 120 O. 1 Dae. 7441 7414 74 A 74 74 ',1 May 72 U I I721 72'.; 72 734 Chicago 13:30 prices, furnished The Be by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain broker, 316 South Sixteenth troet, Omaha: Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn. Jan. 12114 12114121 1214 121 Dec. 1 244 1 24? 12414 1 34 124 May 1 19 1 194 118 1 ID 11944 Oat. Dec. 764 7574 74'i 74i 75 May 73 724 70T1 714 72 Pork. Jan. 45 26 45 45 44 70 44 70 45 70 May 44 60 45 60 Lard. Jan. IT 10 23 90 23 60 23 70 23 90 .May 24 00 24 00 23 76 23 75 24 00 Ribs. Jan. 24 00 24 024 2' 77 23 774 24 00 Way 84 20 24 20 2$ 0 23 90 24 10 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Ideal Condition for Improving Quality of lorn filvr Advantage to near. Chicago, Dec. .14. Ideal condition for Improving the quality of corn gave ome advantage today to tho bear side of tho corn market. Prices averaged a little lower and closed fgesily at yesterday's finish to 14c down, lh January $1.2114 and May $1.18. Oats lost 4P114c and provision 37ci3$1.00. Quit heavy commission housa selling of corn took ploc and made the volume of business noticeably larger thnn has been the rule of late. ' Th market re ceived good eupport though and no radical setback In prices was effected at any tlm. Receipt wero still of meager volume and. numerous buyers seemed entirely willing to take all chances conrsnlng a better ment of the quality of offerings and to risk whatever Increase of arrivals might follow an escape from tho prevailing cold wave. Depression In oals resulted to a consider able extent from gossip that the govern ment had asked New Orleans exporters to curb their activities until an accumulation of atock could be made at Interior ter minals. Besides, aK"od deal of selling was done on the theory that a four-day advance in price wan morn than enough. Big supplies of hoijs at the chief renters throughout the west yesturdsy brok the provisions market, rspeiiall pork. Chicago Cash Prices Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 3 yellow, $LH0G.1.S2: No. 4 yellow, $1.6001.6!. Outs: r? 3 white, 764 76c: standard, 76 4 (S765c. Rye: No, 2, $1.8401.86. Parley, $1.401.63. Seeds; Timothy, $5.00(S)7.60; clover, $2O.O0fl26.OO. Provisions: Pork, nominal: lard, $21.2650 24.374; No. 3, $21.00 24.60. New York (ieneral Market, Newv Tork, Dec. 14 -Flour Market, un settled; spring patents, $10.36011 25; win ter patent, $10.60010.75; winter jtralghts, $10.16010.50; Kansas straights, $10,650 11.10. Cornmeel Market, ateady; fine whit and yellow, $4.6604.90; coarse, $4.7504.66; kiln dried. $9.76. Rye Market, steady; No. 1 western, $1.10, c. I. f Nw York. Barley Market, ateady; feeding, $1.06 1.16; malting, $1.1001. 45; California, $1.45 1.60, c. L f., New York. Corn 8pot, weak; kiln dried, No. 1 yel low, $1,714, 0. I. f., New York, day hlp menta; Argentine, $2.20, nominal, f. 0. b car, New York, to arrlv. Oats Spot, quiet; standard, 8908940, Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.30; No. 1, $1.20; No. I, $1.00; shipping, 90096c. Hop Esiler; stats, medium to choice, 1917, 6660c; 1916, nominal, Paclflo coast, 1917, 2327o; 1916, 16019c Hide Market, steady; Bogota, 41c; Cen tral America, 40c. Leather Market, firm; hemlock ol over weights, No. 1, 61c; No. 2, 49c. Provisions Pork; strong; mesa, $62.60 63.00; family, $64.0065.00; abort clecr, $64.00059.00. Lard, weaker; middle west, $24.8024.9la Tallow Market, easy; city special, loose, 17c. Wool Market, firm; domestic flecc, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 70c. Rice Market, firm; fancy head, $9c; blue rose, 84 084c. Butter Strong; receipts, 2782 tube; creamery higher than extras, 60 461c; extras (92 score), 60c; firsts, 4445c; sesonds. 41l4114c KKg Firm; receipts, "1,050 cases; fresh gathered extras, 60c; extra firsts, 68W59C firsts, 6667c; seconds, 52(j56c; state Penn Nylvanla and nearby western hennery white, fine to fancy, 6670c. Cheese Steady; receipts, 1,818 boxes; state whole milk flats, 23i234c; state, aver age run. 22 4 W 23c. Toultry Live Irregular; chicken, 224c; fowls, 2526c; turkeys, 2223c. Dressed firm; chickens, 2326c; turkeys, 2536c. New York Metitls. New York, Dec. .14. Metals Lead, firm; Kpot, $6.55 bid. Spelter, dull; East St, Louis, spot, $7.50 axked. Tin, nominal. At London Copper: Spot, 110; futures, 110; electrolytic, fli 5. Tin: Spot, 1291 10; futures. 295 10. Lead: Spot, (30 10; fu tures, 129 10. Spelter: Spot, 154; future, 60. New Tork Btock. New Tork, Dec 14. Aside from th fur ther weakness of a few Investment stocks and bond today' market registered meas urable improvement. Sales approximated 525,000 shares. Leaders rose briskly In the active final hour, showing extreme gain of 1 to 4 point. Th. closing wa strons. Lib- & Chicago, Dec, 14 Morgan J. O'lJrien, president of the, New York County Bar association,1 who was taken to a hospital here last night, suffering from an acute ailment, was much improved today and physicians said there was no present cause for alarm. Mr. O'Brien was en route to his New York home from Seattle, when he became ill. erty 4a sold at 87.30 to 97.36 and the 3V at y S . 4 S to 98.64. New York Money, New York, liec. 14 Mercantile pief 5' 04 per cent. Sterling Kxchange Sixty-day bills, $4.71 "a; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4 71; commercial sixty-day bin. II 70H: demand, $I 76: cables. $4.76 7-16. Silver Hnr. S6c; Mexican dollars, 67o. Honda Government, steady, railroad, weak. ' Time loans Strong; sixty days, ninety days and six months, 6x per rent. New York lec. 14 Cull Money Market strong; high. 6 per cent; lo. 6 per cent: ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid, 6, per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan, 6 per cent. It, S. 2s rsg. . . 6H0. N. 1st 4 '4s. 87 H do coupon ,.6VI. C. ref. 4s... 7 P. S. Ss, reg.. 99 I. M. Jlar. 6s . 8 do coupon ,...9 K. C. S. ref. 6s 76 1T. S L. 84s. . '-i.. & N. tin.. 4s. 85S C. S. 4a, reg 104 M , K. . T. 1st 4a 67 do coupon 104 M. P.. gen 4s 6.1 '4 A. F. S. 6s JHj'M. Power 6 .. 88 A. T.&T.clt. 6 89 N. Y. O. deb. 6a. 114 Anglo-French 6. Sfc'N. Pacific 4s.. 81 A. & Co. 4H ... 83 N. Pacific 8s.. 68 Atrh. gen. 4s... 8li4t. S, I., ref. 4s. 8m 11. A O. cv. 4t.s 71t,,P. .0.'. .4 T. 6s.. 0T 11. Steel ref. 6 87 Pa. con. 4s .. 96' C. Leather 6s.. 93 Pa. gen. 4tss .. 89 C. p. 1st 78 Read. gen. 4s.. 83 C & O cv 6s.. 73 St. L.ftS.F.adJ.ti 67 C H. A Q. J. 4s 92 viS. Pacllin cv. t-s Hi ! I'M .AS.P.rv 44s 7 V"!'. UV 90 ( ,R t P.Ry.r.4s 60 T. r J lai ... C. S. ref 4 469 4 V. P. 4s D. It. 0. ref 6 63 V. S. Rubber IV of C. 6s, 1931 89V1T. S. Steel 5s . Krl gen. ... 484 Wabash 1st . Ocn. Klectrlo 6s 96 Mild. !Asked. 80 8fi 96 a .95 4 Minneapolis drain. Minneapolis. Minn., Dee. 14 Flour Mar ket unchanged. Barley $1.1301.(1. Rye $1.8201.83. Hran $40.00040.60. Corn No. I yellow, $1.6601.70 Oats l- I whit. 134074V Flaxseed $3.6103 63. Liverpool 4'olton. Liverpool, Dec. 14. Cotton Spot, market niiint; prices unchanged: good middling, 22S4d; middling. 23.37d; low middling, 21.79d; good ordinary, 20.79d; ordinary, 20 27d. Sale, 2,000 bales, f Including 800 American. Receipt. 11.000 bales. Kansa City Produce. Knsa City, Dec. 14. Butter Creamery, 42c; firsts. 40c; seconds, 3c; packing, 824c. Fggs Firsts, 46c; seconds, (jSOSSc. Poultry Hen, 21c; roosters, 16c; broll ers( 24026c. London Money, London, De. 14. Br ilver, 43 4d per nunc. Money, 4 per cent. Dlacount rate: Short bill, 4 per cent; three-morftb bill, 4 14 pr cent. St. Loul (Irsln. St. Loul. Dc. 14. Corn No. I, $1,630 1.63; No. 2 white, $1.70; December, $1.27; Jlay, $1.20. . , Oat No. J, nominal; No. I whit, SOo. Dultith Unseed, Duluth, Deo. 14 Linseed O track, $3.41 CT3.61; arrlv (December), $1.44; arrlv. $.123; December, $8.41 asked; My, $8 29; July, $3.23 bid. New Tork Cotton Market. New York, Deo. H. The cotton market to day clossd easy at a net decline of 42 to 60 point. 1 New York Cotton. New Tork, Deo. 14. Cotton future closed easy. December', 2.80c; January, $8. 97c; March, 28.65c; May, 28 84r; July, 28.Uo. Tendon Stork ICxchnnc. London, Dc. 14. American lecurltle were Irregular on the stork market today. Skates and Sleds For Live Boys BOYS: Here's a chance for you to get a sled qy pair of skates, by doing a little work for us after school. Call at The Beer, branch office nearest you and we will tell you all about it. Ten more little girls 4V mi". "" lUt'.n, VI l iw 'iH UA jJ and l wonder will one of these little girls be you? DOLL COUPON I I' . :iil9i5Bi ! : V !( ' ' ' - I v -r, 'ft t I liiiiiiiiiiii X 2 ml NEW YORK STOCKS Substantial Recoveries From Recent Acute Depression; Trading Very Active Dur ing Last Hour. New Tork, Dec. 14. The stock market today registered many substantial recoveries from the acute depression of the preceding Hessian. Tho heaviness of some high grade .HcoHtlcs, Including bonds. militated against a general advance until the last h..,i., wli a unJum became very active, leaders adding one to two points to earlier gains of like extent. There were no development to. account for th movement, but a more hopeful view was entertained of the railroad situa tion In Its relation to government control. The strenRth of coppers and affiliated shares suggested a satisfactory compromise between producers snd the war board re garding price regulation. Industrials wero sustained by tho support accorded to the favorites, United 'states Steel reflecting buying of the beat character. Sieoi mnde an extreme advance of 14 to 84 4. most of which was retained . I s' .-i, etiilpinenitf. shipping, motors and oils participated In, ei)ual or greater measure and utilities, among: the early elements of weakness, also rallied In whole or In part. Oalns In rails ranted from two to three points nnmnir standard 'srucs and one or two In others of less ' itiportance, the de mand being the broadest i t tho week. Sales amounted to a5''.il00 rh.. , s. The bond market wi.s again adversely affected by new low ituutatlous for In ternationals find lnveaiment rail, but better tendencies ruled at the close. Liberty 4a hold steady at 97.30 to 97.38 and the 34s at ',18.48 to 9 .64, Total sales, par value, $4. 126,000. Salts. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar .. 500 lis 66 til American Can 3,200 32 3li ::; Am. Car A Foundry 700 63 W 63 4 Am. Locomotive 2.000 60 4 4.KI0 71 iioo pr, 4 4 68 Am Smel. & lt.g. Am. Suxar Ref. . Am. Tel. A Tel. . . Am. 7.. L. S... Anaconda Copper Atchison A. U.&W.I. S. S. 1. 92 4 1.700 103 1014 It'-' . 114 9.800 2,200 81 64 7H 904 .46 14 SO 94 1,900 94 Baltlmnr & Ohio 3.000 II. & S. Copper . . .200 47 AH 47 16 144 H3 t al. Petroleum Can. Pacific Cen. Leather , 1 1 7,000 1304 1274 1304 1,800 604 684 t1 Che. .4c Ohio .... 1.000 444 434 I'., M. St. P.... 2.100 39 4 36 4 44 4 :i! S7 184 as 32 204 49 Chi. A North 900 874 86 - ., R. I. A P. ctfs. 2,800 18 17 Chlno Copper .... 300 39 4 374 Col. Fuel A Iron.. 500 314 31 Corn Prod. Kef 9.700 2!4 28 4 Cruclbl Stool . .. 6.000 494 164 Cuban Cane Sugar. 2.600 27 4 26 4 Dlst. Securities .. 2.000 29 28 Krl 3.900 14 4 134w '14' Hen. Klectrlo .... Oen. Motor 4.900 121 1184 1-1 4 1.900 87 86 , 84 nt. Northern pfd. 3.200 85 83 4 Ot. N. Ore ctf 900 24 i 23 8; III. Central 200 88 4 lnp. Copper 1,900 40 39 rht. M. M pfd .. 26,760 78 74 Intertlatloal Nirkct 2,300 25 244 International Paper 600 24 224 K. C. Southern ,. 400 16 164 85 24 5! 40 74 25 24 15 SO 4 itennecott copper . 6,400' 30 4 " I.. & N 1,100 1074 1064 107 Max. Motor 400 23 23 2:1 67 4 26 23 4 68Vt 16 ' K7 28 4 971 80 4 25 Mex. Petroleum .. 4,600 70 67 Miami Cupper .... 2,500 26 26 4 Mo. Paclflo 6,000 23 4 21 4 Mont. Power 500 6914 68 4 Nev. Copper 700 lfl'4, N. T. Central .... 2.800 684 654 N. T., N. II. ft H.. 1,400 28 4 27 Nor. & Western .. 1,300 ' 8 ' 974 North. Paclflo ... 2,100 $1 78 4 Paclfln Mall Pao. Tel & Tel 1... 37 43 4 Pennsylvania 4,206 44 43 Pittsburgh Coal , , Ray Con. Copper.. 1,800 204 201, Reading , 414 204 68 4 72 174 794 234 42 127 Rep, Iron V Steel. Shat. Arlx. Copper 80. PacUlo So. Railway Stud. Corporation., Texas Co ITnltn Paclflo .... 6,100 72 69 4 600 17 17 6,000 80 784 2.400 234 22 7,900 434 411; 3,800 128 121 D.SOO 108 1064 1074 2,100 10714 103 107 141,500 84V4 80 84 3,200 106 103 106 7.900 78 4 71 73 4 1,600 19 19 19H 600 81 8t 814 U. 'H. Lid. Alnohol. II. S. Stool U. 8. Steel pfd .. Utah Copper Wabah pfd '"B" .. West. ITnlon ..... West. Electrlo 1,100 36 U 864 Total sale for th day, 655,000 shares. mS will be made happy this week TEN DOLLS will be given free to the ten little girls under 12 years of age that bring or mail us the largest number of doll cou pons cut out of The Bee, before 4 P. M. Saturday, Dec. 15. This coupon will be printed in every edition of The Bee until then. Ask everybody you know to save doll coupons for you. You can win one of these dollies if you really , want to. Will you try? We want every little girl in Omaha and vicinity to have one of these beautiful dolls. You can leave the coupons and get your dolly at The Bee branch office nearest you. Ames Office, 4110 N. 24th St. Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St Walnut Office, 819 N, 40th St Fark Office, 2615 Leavenworth St. . Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St South Side Office, 2318 N St tCouncil Bluffs ' Office, 14 N. Main St ' - " . . Benson' Office, Military Ave. ana mam oc . 1 A "' 1 S