Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Friday, December 14, 4917.
Storo Hourti 8:30 to 9 P. M. BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY rft Your Shopping Early la tho Day
Telephone Douglas 137.
Start and Finish Your Christmas Shopping Here Saturday
at Burgess-Nash "The Christmas Store for Everybody"
In an effort to encourage thrift through the benefits
of the WAR SAVING STAMPS and to bring these bene
fits more forcefully before the public in general, as weir
as to be an added inducement to come to our store, we
will present Saturday, only
Free': 25c War
Tbe Burgess-Nash Choir
Will Sing Christmas
Carols Saturday at 8:30
A. M., 12 Noon, 6 P. M.
and 9 P. M.
Come and Hear Them.
Children's Eyes Grow Wide With Wonder and Delight
When They Visit Burgess-Nash Big Toy-Town Fourth Floor
WONDERFUL things are in Toy Town things to make the little folks joyous things to make the grownups marvel
at the advance in the makirrg since they were young and Christmas the happiest time of all the year. Mechanical
toys are the greatest in mystery wonderful toys are they. Respond with almost absolute precision to the desires of their
- . a a a. 1 1 i mm m
little owners. There are trains, automobiles, engines and so on. Ana tne, aons, almost numan laugh, cry, go to sleep,
wake up, and so on, but cornel bring the children; let them see the wonders of loy I own.
Saving Stamp
With the Purchase of Any
s Cloth Suit or Overcoat fourth floor
Sf Shoes fourth floor-
Girls' Shoes
second floor
This stamp will be pasted on the thrift card issued
by the government upon which 15 additional of these
25c stampsjnay be pasted then when the card is full
the government will redeem it for a $5.00 stamp upon
the payment of l2c by the holder $4.12 in all for a
$5.00 stamp pasted on a war certificate.
It is not only a patriotic investment, bringing you ex
cellent returns, but at the y
same time helps the govern-
You Can't Go Amiss if You Give
Gloves at Christmas Time
AND you can't go amiss by making your selection here. Our stock
at present embraces many of the scarce shades, such as taupe and
moleskin, in all sizes; also black and white gloves, in a variety of
pleasing styles. Fine French kid gloves, perfect in fit and workman
ship; street gloves, lined and unlined.
Wash leather
Arabian mocha
Doeskin gloves. ;
Motor gloves.
Fur and fur
lined gloves.
Fleece lined
Gloves for Children
Fur gauntlets,
lamb lined. v
Wool skating
Double silk
G h a m o i sette
gloves. i
L e atherette
Fleece lined cape gloves.
Fleece lined mcfclia gloves.
Fur gauntlets..
Wool cloves and double mittens.
Unlined and silk lined cape and mocha gloves.
Fleece lined kid and mocha mittens.
Bur-Nah Co. Main Floor
Leather Goods Novelties Suggest
r leasing nnsunas vims
ORE than ever this year will a piece of leather goods
be appreciated as a gin.
Desk clocks, with Radiohte
dial, in leather cases, $15 to $30.
Jewel boxes, wide variety,
$4.95 to $15.00.
Leather picture frames, at
$2.25 to $14.50.
Collar boxes, at $1.00 to
Music rolls, at $1.95 to $5.95.
Overnight cases, fitted with
toilet articles, $4.95 to $15.00.
Dressing cases, fitted with
Lfifcony or ivory toilet articles,
$2:95 to 910.UU.
Leather cases for collars and
shirts, at $4.95.
Manicure sets in rolls, 5 to 9
pieces in a set, at $1.00 to $6.95.
Leather bill book of pin seal,
at SI. 00 to $7.50.
Burget-Naah Co. MaJn Floor -
Gift Suggestions from the Big Art
Embroidery Section
m HERE'S a hundred and one suggestions, every one
I ivi -n. v.iui lain Kfl tn &2&.00.
X van acceptaDie gin. "D;eV; iiVsn
Candy, Cookie and cake boxes, BOc
to $5.00.
Sewing boxes and baskets, $1.50
to $10.50.
Sweater hangers, $1.00 to $5.75.
Decorated coat hangers, $1.50.
Muftie sets, at $5.00, $5.50, $6.50.
Bud vases, 59c to $2.00.
Medicine glass trays, $1.50.
Holly decorated candle sticks, 75c
to $2.00.
Telephone screens, $1.25.
Knitting needle protectors, 50c
to $1.25.
KaoWa. 25c to $5.00.
Sweet grass Baskets, $2.50. Fancypillows, $2.69 to $10.00.
V Burge-Nh Co. Third Floor
Cards, Big Selection
Patriotic Christmas cards, es
pecially apropriate to send to
the boys in camp.
Religious cards with bits of
pretty sentiment.
Sympathy cards for the one
you can not wish a Merry
Cards for the sick one and
hundreds of cards for trje hap
py. gay friends, just a howdy.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
UNCH of Fresh
Violets, 19c
Fresh California, violets, 50
in a bunch, specially priced for
Saturday, at 19c bunch.
Big line of Christmas decora
tions, holly wreaths, etc.
Burf ess-Naih Co. Main Floor
Automobiles, bright colors, 25e.
Painting outfits, 10c
Soap bubblers at 5c.
Meccano sets, $1.00 to $15.00.
Structo sets, $1.00 to $10.00.
Erector sets, $1.00 to $12.50.
Wheel goods of all kinds.
Velocipedes, $2.50 to $7.50.
Coaster Wagons, $2.25 to $4.50.
Kiddie Karts, $1.00 to $3.00.
Doll Trunks, 85c to $8.50.
Crying Dolls, 25c and 50c.
Dressed Dolls, 12-inch, 25c.
Dressed Dolls, assorted, 50c.
Schoenhut Wooden Dolls, $2.50
to $6.50.
Gilbert's Machine Gun for
Electric Trains, $3.50 to $15.00.
Trains and Track, $1.00 to
Steam Engines, $1.00 to $8.00.
Burfoss-Nath Co. Fourth Floor
Winding Tops, 10c to 25c
Register Banks at $1.00.
Toy Pianos, 35c to $5.00.
Tool Chests, 35c to $5.00.
Doll Cabs, C5c to $12.50.
Sleds at $1.00 to $7.50.
Gamers of all kinds, 5c to $3.50.
Special Values in White French Ivory Comb and
Brush Sets Engraved Free of Charge ,
White French
ivory manicure sets,
5 pieces, for $1.19.
White French ivory toilet
sets, $2.98 to $35.00.
White French ivory pic
ture frames, 25c to $6.00.
White French ivory hair
receivers, 89c and $1.00.
White French ivory pow
der boxes, 89c and $1.00.
White French
ivory comb and
brush sets, engraved
free, at $1.39.
White French
ivory comb and
brush sets, engraved
free, at $3.70.
White French ivory mani
cure pieces, 25c.
White French Ivory buf
fers, at 75c.
White French ivory clocks,
at $2.98.
White French Ivory mani
cure set of 3 pieces, in box,
for $1.00.
Burgtss-Naih Co. Main Floor
White French
iyory comb and
brush sets, engrav
ed free, at $4.50.
iWhite French ivory
combs, at 44c and 75c.
Whjte, French ivory mir
rors, at $1.25 to $7.50.
White French ivory trays,
at 45c to $4.95.
White French ivory jewel
boxes, 50c to $3.98. ,
White French ivory per
fume bottles, 35c to $3.98.
Give Slippers; They're Always Ac
ceptable and Greatly Appreciated
OUR selection of holiday slip
pers is very extensive, in
cluding a wide range of styles
and kinds for men, women and
children. For house, party and
Let us suggest:
Comfy slippers in blue, pink, laven
der, old rose, black, at $1.65.
Felt, fur and ribbon trimmed, brown,
blue, gray, wine and black, $1.65.
Quilted satin in pink, light blue, old
rose, red and black. $2.25.
Quilted satin mules, prettily trimmed,
lavender, old rose, pink, blue, black,
Pullman slippers, tan and black kid, in cases, $1.75.
Children's eomfvs, red ''felt, soft solfs, $1.25 and $1.45.
Children's puss in boots, felt, beaded, trimmed. $1.35 and $1.65.
Children's fur trimmed, leather soles, red and blue, $1.10 and $1.45.
Children's slumber sox, all colors, 65c.
BurgMi-Naih Co. SonJ Floor V
OOKS as Gifts
for Everybody
Books answer the ,Clmstmas
gift question. Oftime one can
send a book when other gifts
would not be acceptable. And,
then, too, they are so vtry easy
to send and easy to select here.
You'll find books- of every
description :
, Books about the war.
Books of fiction.
Books on service.
Books for boys.
, Books for girls.
Books for Wee tots.
Books of standard works.
Books with'giit bindings.
Just any sort of book you
might want is here for your se
lection. Buriett-Nwh Co. TEW Floor
OR Milady's
Writing Desk
Gift suggestions that ars
practical and certain to please.
A box of Crane's stationery,'
combination boxes of letter
paper with note or correspond
ence cards, from $1.25 to
Correspondence cards, In
white and colors, 50c and $1.00.
Crane's linen lawn and
highland linen, In white with
gold and colored edges tints
with gold, colored and white
borders, 50c and$1.00.
Burjess-Naeh Co. Main Floor 1
Christmas Gifts
young or old,
will appreciate a
gift like this.
Our line Is very
complete and our
amateur service
is unexcelled.
No. 2 i Cart-
ridge P r e m o
Camera, $5.98.
No. 2 Autographic Brownie
Camera, $7.50.
No. 2A Autographic Brownie
Camera, $9.00.
No. 1A Kodak Jr.. $15.00.
No. 1A Autographic Kodak,
New 1917 Model, $18.00.
No. 3A Autographic Kodak,
Brownie Camera,
2 Brownie Camera,
Burgass-Nash Co. Mala Floor
2A Brownie
8 Brownie
Jewelry and Silver Plated Novelties That
Suggest Appropriate Christmas Clifts y
THERE'S really no end to the gift suggestions list this big section affords, gifta iuitable
for every member of the family, this idea: , s
7-Jewel, 20 years' guarantee,
gold-filled bracelet watch, ribbon
or link bracelet, $10.00.
Rhinestone bar, reproductions
of platinum designs, $1.98 to
Gold-filled and Bilver pendant
and chain, $1.00 to $1.95.
Sterling silver and solid gold
head hat pins, 50c to $1.50 pair.
Sterling silver and enamel cuff
(inks, $1.00 pair.
Solid gold pocket knives, $3.95
to $7.50.
Novelty neck-pieces some are
copies of hand-wrought antiques,
at one-half price.
Sterling silver military and toi
let sets, in velvet-lined box, $8.50
to $25.00.
8-piece, silver-plated military
and toilet sets, $3.50 to $7.50.
Burfsss-Naah Co. Main Floor.
Mahogany nut bowls, with set
of picks and cracker, $1.00.
Silver-plated bud vases, 23 to
Silver-plated candle sticks, SOe
to $1.00. ,
Silver bowls, 75c, $1.50, $2.78.
Shaving stands, with mirror,
brush and glass, $1.95 to $12.50.
Smoking sets, $1.49 to $7.50.
Ash tray,' $1.00 to $2.25.
Women's Negligee Breakfast Robes and the Like Make
Very Acceptable and Appreciated Christmas uirts
WE offer here just a suggestion of what this splendidly selected stock. affords; any.
woman would be pleased to receive a gift from this section at Christmas.
. J Pnv1iMW Rnh jit $.1.95
-Wide wale silk-lined raglan, empire and coat effects;
rose, blu, pink, wisteria, hockey red; at $3.95. (
Breakfast Coats at $16.50
In satin, pussy willow, amura Reussa Silk, in blue, flesh,
orchid, and wisteria, at $16.50.
Japanese Robes at $9.75
Hand embroidered shaded silk, exquisite shades, $9.75.
Crepe de Chene Negligee at $16.50
Labe trimmed, dainty pastel shades, at $16.50.
Beacon Blanket' Robes, $4.95 1
In plaid, check, stripe or floral effects, satin lined, at
Albatross House Gowns at $19.50
Lined with crepe de chine or satin, hand embroidered
scalloped and faggeted; wisteria, Copenhagen, rose, flesh
and blue, $19.50. Jr
t Dainty Boudoir Sacques, $3.95 to $10.00
Also mattmees 9f albatross, crepe de chine and satin,
trimmed with lace and hand stitching, at $3.95, $5.00 to
$10.00. .
Boudoir Cap at 50c to $7.50 I Boudoir Slippers at $1.00 to $2.50
Lace ribbon crepe and satin combina- F" Dainty and serviceable slippers to match
tions, 50c, 75c, 95c to $7.50. negligees, $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 ana z.5U.
BurgiM-NMB Co. Sscoad Floor '
Men Like Furnishings for Christmas Gifts and You
Find Better Selections Than Here
IG, generous assortment of men's wear from which to choose, conveniently displayed for easy selection and rightly
Men's Holiday Neckwear, 50c and 65c
Men's neckwear for Saturday. We will sell
a hjg lot of regular and job neckwear; by job
we mean neckwear bought under the regular
price and sold with a smaller or no percentage
of profit; made from the short ends of Bilks after
regular orders are made up. Price, SOe and 65c.
Men's Bath Robes, $2.98 to $37.50
- Always acceptable as a gift, made in a wide
variety of Btyles, with large shawl collars, pock
ets, cuffs and edges finished with cord. The
range of selections is very extensive, $2.98 to
Men's Silk Shirts, $8.50 to $10.00
A silk shirt will probably be appreciated as a
present more than any other article of wearing
apparel; We have a splendid line at most at
tractive prices, put up in a box. Prices, $8.50
to $10.00.
Men's Silk Hosiery, 75c
Men's fancy plaid hose "JERICO" brand,
wheih insures satisfaction, in holiday boxes,
price 75c. Men's Belts, $1.00
Men's initial belts with sterling silver and
plated buckels, good leather belt complete, ster
ling, $2.00; plated, $1.00.
Men's Silk Handker
chiefs. 50c
- Plain white hemstitched,
with initial, all letters, a
very special value at 50c.
Linen Handkerchiefs
at 25c '
Plain hemstitched or with
initial, large size and a su
perior quality, t Z5c
Men's Pajamas, $6.50
Silk pajamas, all sizes, Faultless
excellent for presents. f Price, $6.50.
m Am
Men's Knitted Mufflers,
$1.00 to $12.00
Men's knitted reefer mufflers,
splendid assortment of colorings
and widths, striped and figured
ends. Included in this lot are the
celebrated "Welch Margetsons,"
all silk mufflers, also mufflers made
in the U. S. A. of fiber and silk
ana suk, ana au suit usie. rices
are $1.00 to $12.00.
Soldiers' Muffler Sets,
$2.00 to $4.50
Soldiers' mufflers and muffler
sets, "Army and Navy" khaki and
navy blue wool, and silk mufflers
with handkerchiefs and regulation
tie. Price, $2.00 to $4.50. -
Burfesi-Nuh Co. Main Floor
Khaki Sweaters, $1.45 to $12.00
Just received, a shipment of khaki
color sweater coats with and without
sleeves, all pure wool jersey fitting, well
made sweaters, such as "Jaegers," "Har
vard," all sizes, jerseys Included. Priced
at $4.95 to $12.00.
Men's Gloves, $1.50 to $27.50
Men's auto dress and warm gloves,
always acceptable for presents, kids,
mochas, calf skins, in fact all the good
leathers' used for the manufacture of
gloves, in wrist and gauntlet length,
some with sheepskin and wool lining,
pauntlet mittens, gloves and mittens
with one finger, also a splendid line of
fur gloves. Prices, $1.50 to $27.50.
Vfi CHritmas Store for 6veryodtf