8 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORMXG) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSEWATER x VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha poatoffic as second-clsss matUr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Of Carrier. Ptlty and Sundae per I.Ji Talle without 8ular " 'J" rolnt enit SuMij ' Io rnnlni wltbmit Sunday rH slid noUce of chanim' 'of' addreas or Irregularity In deliTery to OmaU Kf Circulation ueueninrnt. Be Mil!. ifr year, S.M i 4 n s.oe t.0 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . Di Anmtlatnl IVi-m, of whli-h The Bw li a mfmtvt. la eicliieitalj t H or not oUitrwiw orw.Ud iu tin pujr tnd ! the lnrl tww OUPiiniina nrrfin. Ail i.hvb ui ti alio reamed REMITTANCE Jtetnlt by Araft. eiprwn nr poata! order. Only 5-ent tUmps tsien !n rnvment of email senium I'eraonal check, eloept on Omaka and eartem etrhaiita, not ecr-eiited. OFFICES 'Omaha The Bee Rulldlnr. I'hli-apv-Pwpl'' f,a Butlillni. Smith Omha-:'31S X B. Nw York 2 Fifth Ave. Oundl Itluffn-W !. Main Bt. St Loult New Ilk of Commerce. Uneoln-Uttle Building. Waehlngton 18 II 0 Ht CORRESPONDENCE Address eonmnmlcillona relating tn newt and edlterisl natter to malia Bee, Editorial Department. NOVEMBER CIRCULATION 58,715 Daily Sunday, 51,884 At rt re otrctilation for the month, tuhecrlbed and nrora to bj Dtriaht Rllliami, Circulation Manager. Subacribera leavlnr the city ahould hare Tha In mailed to them. Addreaa changed ae often aa requested. Santa Claus as usual! Why not? I i Now and then the Teutons bend the bars, but fail to make a break. Meatless and wheatless days only once a week, but cold feetless days not even that. 'The Lucky Seventh," seems down on its luck. Wonder who threw the political switch? Anybody heard of any coal dealers cutting prices below the fuel administrator's schedule? ine distance irom voiumuus w mc state house remains the same. Only the perspective stretched beyond range. Labeling the goods "concentrated catsup," while not strictly correct as labels go, still it fairly tagged "hot stuff." The" Christmas shopping rush in Omaha is equaled only by the rush to the recruiting office to sign up without waiting for the draft. Sharp criticism by the London Times of the backset at Cainbrai indicates' that the policy of "muddling through" is no longer fashionable in England. Death's toll at Halifax drops far below the estimated high mark. Still a total of 1,226 vic tims is a regrettably high toll exacted by pre ventable causes.' The record flight of Miss Stinson from San Diego to San Francisco merely emphasizes the ease with which girls can fly high when they put their minds to it. Opportunities for scoring heavily beckon in am 'to conservationists. For some mysterious reason the Weather clerk has not been annexed xf I t The joys of winter are once more out standing on the corner in below-zero weather, ior example, and watching a succession of street tars pass without stopping. Cuba trots merrily along with Uncle Sam in warring on Austria. Wise youngster. Cuddling under the wing of a friendly uncle radiates "warmth, comfort and safety. The British concede a reverse at Cambrai; the first backup in 18 months. Mutterings of dis appointment at London foreshadow a shake-up ' at headquarters in consequence. By way of insurance, the school board should carry a standing want-ad in The Bee! "Wanted Reliable and experienced business men to serve as members of the Board of Education. Vacancies every little while." . With modern conveniences right at hand it seems a .waste of valuable time to ask the court for a decision while the court house mat bids Mike and Johnny go to it. Besides, what do the judges know about real sport?' Austrian subjects in this country are not to he under as severe restrictions as German sub jects in this country. Presumably this considera tion reflects the president's idea that Austria is merely being used by the kaiser and is not self accountable. One of the big truths of war, expressed in four words, confronted the senate committee in the hunt for information. "We were not ready," said the War department witness. However, with due dilligencc the committee may yet dig up some real news. Relief for Drag Victims Kroul.i)a Easle- Ever since the state and federal laws against the traffic in habit-forming drugs went into effect the need of some sort of public hospital for the treatment of the victims of drug habits has been clear. The provisions made at the city institu tions are good so far as they go, but they are entirely inadequate. That need is brought out afresh by the pitiful stories told by veiled women before the Whitney legislative committee, which is seeking facts bear ing upon the advisability of the creation of a state hospital especially for these cases. The tes timony taken yesterday showed thet inadequacy of some, at least, of the private sanitariums for the treatment of such cases. Some of the wit nesses said that they came out from such "cores" with the craving quite as strong as when they entered, and the inference from their statements : was that they had been victimized by purely commercial institutions, conducted with a view of securing return visits from patients able to pay. The agony of the drug victim deprived of his drug is well known, and it has become public by the pitiful appeals made at city institutions when the enforcement of the laws made it im possible for drug users to renew their supplies. Senator Whitney, in opening the hearing, said the committee would work upon the theory that "a drug addict is the maligned and persecuted victim of a definite disease," and showed his be lief that the state should create a hospital to which such victims can be sent without the ig nominy of a criminal conviction. That is a wise and merciful purpose. The state shouM certainly prevent the sale of such drugs in order to pre- , vent the extension, of a plague already too wide spread, but at the same time it should provide a cure for existing victims or for the merciful care ,.wf those who are found to be beyond cure . Don't Neglect the Seed Corn. It is a far cry to next summer's corn crop, but it is not a bit too early to take steps to make sure that seed corn is sorted out and saved in quantity sufficient for the planting. According to all accounts the condition of the corn for seed purposes in this section is very bad and the amount of corn with germinat ing qualities very uncertain. It will be necessary to make a germination test of all corn that looks as if it were suitable for seed, and then to see to it that the seed corn is kept off of the market and out of the feed lots and distributed where it is needed and when it is needed. 9 It is probably not necessary to repeat on any extensive scale the campaign of education which was undertaken several years in succession through seed corn specials and farmers' insti tute demonstrations, for the average farmer now realizes the necessity of testing his corn before planting, and planting only seed that has stood the test. It is necessary, however, to rouse the farmers to the urgency of testing out their corn at once and husbanding the seed corn and also making known where there is a surplus of seed corn that may be drawn upon for the sections where there may be a deficiency. All the forces and factors that reach out to the farmer should be enlisted at once in a seed orn preparedness campaign. This is work which the State Council of Defense can well direct in co-operation with the state university, the railroads, the grain men, the bankers and the newspapers. We want a record wheat crops out of Nebraska next year, but we also want a record corn crop and that achievement is only possible by tackling the problem of providing seed corn in time and running no avoidable risk to seed shortage or poor seed. More Market Strategy By Frederic J. Haskin Washington. D. C, Dec. 12. At last the gov ernment is showing some concern over the con sumer's food problems. For the first time the bureau of markets of the Department of Agri culture is studying marketing from the con sumer's point of view. Heretofore, most of its experiments have been conducted with the idea of increasing the profits of the farmer. The bureau of markets, by the way, ie one of the largest divisions of the Department of Agriculture. Its offices occupy all of one build ing and part of another. It is the department s business specialist. It can tell you everything there is to know about marketing from the kind of bookkeeping system that should be employed by a farmers' co-operative association to the best method of shipping red raspberries from the Puyallup valley. And one of its dearest ambitions at present is to bring about greater co-operation between the producer and the consumer. Mobilizing for Home Drives. The war is opening the eyes of the people to the true inwardness of a good many things. The promotion of the several activities of war work has brought into play new agencies which are attaining remarkable results; for instance the co-ordination of various organizations mar shaled to promote the Red Cross drive a few months ago and later .the organization of other agencies to promote the great flotation of Liberty loan bonds. These comprise the two brilliant examples of what the American people can do when it earnestly sets to work to accom plish a given purpose. These and other drives to win aupport. for the several branches of war work have on the whole taught the American people a very val uable lesson. They have educated the popular mind as to the obligations resting upon the in dividual to perform some service for the na tion. The successive drives for money and for service in behalf of one cause or another has educated men, women and children to appreciate the necessity of sharing the great burden which has been assumed by the nation. These campaigns have illustrated also, as was never done before, the extraordinary value of newspaper publicity in the promotion of great enterprises. It is not necessary to point out. spe cifically just the degree of influence exerted by the newspapers' in furthering these laudable measures, but the people have been shown the wonderful efficacy of concerted action upon the part of the press of the nation. When the war has ended the people can look back .upon these patriotic activities and come to realize the great share fcorne therein by the press. They will have a keen realization of trie service the newspapers have rendered. , War Tax Exemptions. Various excuses have been offered in explana tion of the exemption of public officials from the war excess profits tax which congress piled on civilian with incomes exceeding $6,000 a year. All fall, short of the purpose. It is presumed to have "just happened," like other "jokers" slipped into legislation by smooth workers. The exemption and the tax are found in widely, separated sections of the law which must be read together to fully appreciate the smooth ness of the job. All sections appear under Title II. In the middle 'of Section 200 defining va rious terms employed in the act are these words: ''The terms 'trade' and 'business' include pro i ; i ...:.... . . IC5SUM13 HU uv.i.U)Aliuiia. . i Section 209 deals with "trade" and "business" as thus defined and levies an 8 per cent tax, "in the case of a domestic partnership, or a citizen or residents of the United States" on incomes over $6$00 a year. Incomes of $6,000, less de ductions, are subject to the nominal income tax. Vast numbers of public officials draw salaries and incidentals far above $6,000 a year and under equality of taxation would be subject to the ex cess profits tax like other professions and oc cupations. Congress, however, did not view equality in that light. The smooth working members argued that public officials incurred great hardships and made great sacrifices in serving the people. Be sides, in making the exemption general the charge of favoritism would not stand. So in the middle of Section 201 congress sheltered itself in clause "A" exempting "officers and employes under the United States, or any state, territory, or the Dis trict of Columbia, or any local subdivision there of," from taxes assessed under Title II. Congressman Kinkaid has introduced a bill repealing the exemption so far as it applies to members of congress. It stops far short of equality. Knowing the patriotic spirit animating public officials in Nebraska and the west, The Bee feels confident they will resent the discrimi nation. Denying them the honors of the draft shocked their patriotism. Refusing them the meagre privilege of paying a part of the bill adds insult to injury. Surely the Nebraska congress man will avoid a needless offense to public ser vants anxious to "do their bit." Somebody asks, "Why does not the State Council of Defense circulate petitions demanding the resignation of United States Senator Hitch cock?" We don't know, unless it is because he was elected as a democrat on the same ticket with the governor, who appointed the members of the Council of Defense. Food profiteers with sense enough to dodge a blizzard should not wait for a second warning. It will not arrive Mr. Hoover's arrangement provides for personal calls by Victor Murdock, chief of scouts on the speculative trail. Mar dock hails from Kansas and is esteemed in ex pert blizzardist. Vienna gets the wire long enough to assure the outside world that Austria stands shoulder to shoulder, with Germany in the war. Sure! Any other course would imperil the Hapsburg crown. ... Last summer an interesting experiment was tried out along this line. The bureau sent an agent to Providence, R. I., where it so happens the farmers follow only one line of traffic in bringing their produce to market. The agent and his assistants stationed themselves at cer tain points along this line of traffic as early as 4 o'clock in the morning and waited for the farmers to come. As each farmer drove in, the agents or his assistant stepped up, announced his connection with the United States govern ment and demanded to know what thq farmer had in his wagon. When the contents of all the farmers' wagons had been noted- the agent went to his office and added up his figures on an adding machine. After which he had such totals a3 these: Twenty three hundred and 30 cabbages, IS wagon loads of green corn. 6,000 quarts of lima beans and 2,200 bushels of string beans. These are not ac curate, but they serve to show how the agent figured. With these totals in hand he immediately knew what products were most plentiful in the market and this information he transferred to other by pasting the figures up in the market place. This market was a wholesale market, so that these figures were for the benefit of re tailers or buyers-in-btflk only. But they served to reduce prices. Wholesalers' could no longer invent imaginary shortages on account of the war while the figures of the government agent showed food products to be plentiful. Furthermore, neither could the retailers. For the agent did not stop with the wholesale mar ket. He went to all the city newspapers and fur nished them with the same information not in the technical terms of most market pages but in story form Suppose, for example, that green corn was particularly plentiful on a certain day. Housewives were at once informed of the fact; they were urged to buy a supply for canning and a list of corn recipes was printed on the woman's page of each newspaper. Later the agent supplied a further item of in formation. He gave the wholesale prices. It is, of course, evident that this knowledge was of the greatest value to the consumer. If he knew that green corn was especially plentiful and had sold at the wholesale price of 12 cents a dozen, if took a hypnotically persuasive retailer to make him pay 40 cents a dozen for it. Many people carried their newspaper clippings to the store with them and calmly consulted them as they inquired the price of food. Naturally the farmers and the retailers did not appreciate this service of. the government at first. They resented the check on their selling talents, but there came a time when they were all converted. Around Providence every year enormous quantities of spinach are grown. The bureau of .markets does not know why this Is so, since every season the market is glutted with spinach and bushels of it have to be de stroyed, but for some obscure reason the farm ers insist upon raising this vegetable. Last summer, as usual, spinach began to come in to Providence in rwagon loads. The farmers wre almost ready to give it away; the retailers wouldn't have it as a gift and neither would housewives. At this point, however, the govern ment agent came to the rescue. He sent a wire to the bureau of home economics of the De partment of Agriculture in Washington, re questing some spinach recipes right away. Then started the greatest spinach campaign that Providence has ever known. Every day there was a story about spinach how the early Pil grims and Roger Williams valued the herb; its place in modern medicine: what different foreign nations called it together with a brand new government recipe that aroused the curiosity of the women. No spinach was destroyed in Providence last year and after the first few days no one gave any of it away. Moreover, the farmers and re tailers made no more complaints about govern ment agents. Now they are just as enthusiastic In thetr praise of the bureau of markets as are Jhe women of Providence, who have become regular sharks at marketing. As soon as the summer season closed the agent and his assistants were withdrawn from Providence, since the produce brought in by the farmers was not sufficient to require such a service. In the meantime, however, the same experiment had been tried out in other towns, also with satisfactory results. Whether or not it will be continued next season depends, unfor tunately, upon how much congress cuts the ag ricultural appropriation on account of the war. It is certain to be continued in Providence for a time at least, since the bureau feels that it must actually test the success of tfie method. People and Events An epidemic of soldier weddings at Camp Mills. L. I., opened the eyes of a local minister to a new line of business projected by mercenary brides. The minister declares that these women marry several soldiers, secure assignments of parts of soldiers' wages and figure on living on the fat of the land when the husbands get out of sight. Major James C.Biggs. in charge of the British-Canadian recruiting station- at Chicago, inti mates that too many former British soldiers and self-styled British soldiers are lecturing in this country without credentials or official sanction. Steps are being taken to curb their activities, the major says. About 50 of these roaming lectur ers are abroad dispensing war stories at so much per. One of the spying tools of Counf Luxburg blew into New York less than a month ago and busied himself getting next to army movements. His fad was giving dainty suppers to girls asso ciajed with soldiers and thus picking up news of camp doings and sailing dates. Federal sleuths somehow managed to have their girls get the suppers and the same. At present the spy gets his suppers from a jailor. State and local lawmakers jointly are seeking,! means ot pulling Chicago out of a financial hole. Home members seek authority to levy a special tax of 7 njills which would produce $7,000,000. State legislatures suggest cutting expenses by dismissing a lot of experts, high priced advisers and phony timber, but the councilmen would not listen to an upheaval of Jobs on the threshhold of a municipal campaign. Not for a million. The question was turned over to a small commit tee for further debate. Sasha Votichenko, a Russian master of the tympanon and a genius in money making, has incorporated himself under the laws of New York, with Mme. Votichenko as general manager of the corporation. For domestic purposes the corporation is superfluous; the madame being competent to handle that end without legal for malities. But Sasha occasionally loses. himself in the musical witcheries of the tympanon and yields to the touch of shady managers. Nothing doing in that line henceforth. When any real business is to be done the madame will Shaslia to the front Right in the Spotlight. William J. Harris, who has an nounced his intention to beeome a candidate for the I'nited States sen ate in opposition to Thomas W. Hard wick of Georgia, is a notable ex ample of the progressive and -distinctly American type of southern business men. Born at Cedartown, Ga., 50 J-ears ago, Mr. Harris re ceived his education at the state uni versity at Athens, and after gradua tion embarked on a successful busi ness career in Atlanta. In 1913 he was called to Washington to take charge of the United States census bureau. He Is now chairman of the federal trades commission, and in this position he is said to enjoy the personal confidence of President Wil son In an unusual degree. In his con test for the senatorship It is probable he will have the valuable hacking of the administration. One Year Ago Today In the War. . German and Austrian peace notes received in Washington. Uerlin reported heavy attacks by the French at Verdun. British government reiterated that Germany must give reparation, and security for future, before peace could be granted. tees In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. TV. G. Whltmore of Valley, Neb., president of the Nebraska Dairymen's association, Is at the Barker. The Omaha Petroleum company la the name of a new business institu tion which filed articles of Incorpora tion with the county clerk. The In corporators are Frank Colpetzer, i James JU Lovett, B. E.' B. Kennedy, John H. Parrotte. Alvin Saunders, and Olansen R. Day. The capital stock of the company is $1,000,000, divided Into 10,000 shares. Tommy Miller and Tommy Burke signed articles ror a 10-round boxing contest to come off at the grand fistic exhibition at Boyd's opera house on the 28th for a handsome gold medal offered by the Omaha Chronicle. Paul Hersh, who recently resigned as clerk of the Paxton, has accepted a position In the office of General Agent W. F. Allen, of the Mutual Life In surance company. An excursion party in a special car under the direction of William Pate of Cleveland arrived in this city. Agent Briggs of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad, with his able assistant, Mr. Baldwin, will move into their new quarters in the new United States National Bank building on January 1. H. H. Wing, professor of agricul ture of the Nebraska university at Lincoln, and secretary of the Ne braska Dairymen's association, is at the Barker. This Day in History. 1739 Pierre Samuel Dupont, the French refugee who founded the powder making Industry in Delaware, born In Paris. Died at Wilmington, Del., August 6, 1817. 1799 George Washington, first president of the United States, dlA at Mount Vernon, Va, Born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, Febuary 22, 1732. 1811 Noah Porter, president of Tale college, born at Farmlngton. Conn. Died at New Haven, March 4, 1892. 1814 British captured American gunboats on Lake Borgne, Louisiana. 1832 Thomas L. Young, who be came governor of Ohio in succession to Rutherford B. Hayes, born In Ire land. Died in Cincinnati, July 20, 1888. 1889 The American Academy of Political and Social Science was founded. 1914 Serbians reoccupled Bel grade, following its evacuation by the Austrians. 1915 General Smlth-Dorrien sent to command allies attacking German East Africa. The Day We Celebrate. P. B. Myers the druggist, is 48 years old today. Prince Albert, second son ef the king of England, now reported crit ically 111, born 22 years ago today. Hon. Pierre-Edouard Blondin, who resigned his seat in the. Dominion cabinet in order to recruit' a battalion and take it overseas, born 43 years ago today. Hastings H. Hart, ono of the most widely known social workers of the United States, born at Brookfield, O., 66 years ago today. lit. Rev. Frank L. McElwain, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Minnesota,' born at Warsaw, N. Y., 42 years ago today. Louis Marshall, New York lawyer, who headed the appeal of the Jews of the United States to their brethren in Russia, protesting against peace with Germany, born at Syracuse, N. X., 61 years ago today. George Tyler, pitcher of the Bos ton National league base ball team, born,' at Derry, N. II., 28 years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. An annular eclipse of the sun takes place today, visible only in the extreme southern portions of South America and Australia and in the South Atlantic and Indian oceans. Committees representing the i Na tional Council of Cotto Manufac turers and the railroads are to hold another meeting in Washington today to discuss readjustments of rates with a view to accelerating the cotton movement and at the same time con serving railway equipment An exposition of the whole govern ment program for carrying on the war is promised at the annual meet ing of the academy of political sci ence, meeting today in New York City. The announced speakers in clude Daniel Willard, chairman of war Industries board; Raymond D. Stevens, vice chairman of the United States shipping board; Dr. Harry A. Garfield, fuel administrator, and Howard E. Coffin', chairman of the aircraft board. s Storyette of the Day. Speaking at a political gathering, Senator George Sutherland of Utah, smilingly remarked that there are times when wo mean well, but ex press ourselves badly, and told this little story as an Illustration. Recently a certain pastor was called to a new charge In the west, and during the first few weeks of his in cumbency he preached several ex ceedingly clever sermons. One Sunday morning his discourse was particularly pleasing, and as he stepped into the aisle at the conclu sion of the service the congregation gathered around with many congrat ulatory words. "Doctor," said one of the congre gation, seizing the pastor's hand, "I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your sermon this morning. What a wonderful knowledge you hae of your subjects, and how Inspiringly you preach them!" "He does, indeed!" enthusiastically exclaimed another brother, taking the preacher's hand in turn. "Why, Doc tor, we never knew what sin was until you came among us." Philadel phia Telegraph. From a Valued Subscriber. Gurley, Neb., Dee. 10. To the Edi tor of The Bee: I got your notice and inclose remittance for a year's sub scription to Daily and Sunday Bee (including Bumble Bee). The paper is very satisfactory in every way and your loyal and unflinching stand for pure Americanism is a great force for good in these strenuous times. Our paper comes almost three or four days late and sometimes we get no paper for four days and then again we get four or five papers at once, but we don t blame you, because we un derstand something of Mr. Burleson's alleged economizing in the postal de partment and other troubles of con gestion, but just the same we miss it when it doesn t come. Maybe another jar from your omce would hem some, This is Monday evening and today we got last Thursday's paper, so we don't know what congress did in re gard to Wilson's message or what Charley Peters did to Joe Stecher. W. P. V Vrgcncy of the Farm Manager. , Omaha, Dec. 13. To the Editor of The, Bee: The exemption of farm labor from military service has been a question for the consideration of the various boards and authorities placed in charge of the conscription division or the recruiting service for the army. The conservation boards pretty gen erally have found that the labor ques tion on the farm is getting to be one of the most serious questions to solve since there have been such astonish ing numbers of young men that have left the farms for the army, Inde pendent of the conscription service. The farms are short of help to carry en the ordinary and usual rou tine of crop and live stock operations necessary not only to conserve the resources of the farm, but to keep it up to us accustomed yield and pro duction, a condition that all consid erate persons realize Is not only' a ne cessity, but a largely increased yield must be planned, provided for and put into actual existence. We must raise more food and feed crops on our farms; we must increase our crop acreage; we must plow, plant and harvest beyond our accus tomed ambitions in times of peace. We are not only responsible for our own country's demand for food, but our interests and sympathy must go out to the hungry and needy ot the world. Who is to carry forward this work when our farmers are dratted and have taken their places in the ranks of the soldiers and our farmers' help are called to service in the army? In order to keep the crops growing, in order to keep the feed yards full of the animals that are to consume these crops, In order to have bread and meat to feed the armies on the battle fields, the artlsams in the shops and factories, the people who are carrying on the various forms of human in dustry that are so necessary for our existence as a people, and a nation, we must not neglect the foundation principles upon which our existence is founded. All things practically are based upon the resources of the' land, upon the soil. We must took to the farmer to feed the world. In times of reverse, in times of drouth and devastation when our crops are threatened, who do we look to in our anxiety for food, for the crops that yield the revenue for carrying on busi ness and industry? We involuntarily turn to the man at the plow and in quire, "What shall the harvest be?" RETIRED FARMER. "So you ar getting alone nicely with your physiology are you, dear," said tha lady caller. "How many bones are there In the human body?" "Two hundred," the child answered. "My teacher used to tell us 208." "Well, I ruess people ain't so bony Si they used to be when you went to school." Bos ton Transcript. To Stop a Persistent, Hacking Cough The toft remedy I one roe e easily make at home. Cheap, bdt very effective. Thousands of people normally healtW in every other respect, are annoyed with a persistent hanglns-on bronchial cough , year after year, disturbing their sleen ' and making life disagreeable. It's bo needless there's an old home-made remedy that will end Buch - cough, casilv and quickly. Get from any drucsrist "2 onnees of Pinex" (60 cents worth), pour it into a. pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain jrranulated su"ar syrup. Begin taking it at once. Gradually but surelv vou will notice the phletnn thin out and then disappear altogether, thus ending a. covh that you never thought would end. It lso proinpllv loosens a dry or tight v ph, stops the troublesome throat .'lkle, soothes the irritated membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes, and relief enmas almost immediately. A day's use will usually break up an or dinary throat or ehest cold, and for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and bronchial aathma there is nothing better. It tastes pleasant and keeps perfectly Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and is used bv millions of peo ple every year for throat and chest colda with splendid results. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2i ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything flee. A guarantee of absolute satisfac tion or money promptly refunded goes with this preparation, The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind, increases strength of delicate, nervous, run-down people 100 per cent in ten days In many instances. $100 forfeit if it fails as per full ex planation in large article soon to ap. pear in this paper. Used and highly en. dorsed by former United States Senators and Members of Congress, well-known physicians and former Public Health of ficials. Ask your doctor or druggist about it. iiesjois- When the Children Cough, Ruh Musterole on Throats and Chests No telling bow soon the symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Mus terole at hand to give prompt; sure re lief. It does not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent Thousands of mothers know it You should keep jar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. "e"TJeMaaaaje 1 GULF COAST "The Riviera of America" Pass Christian, Biloxi, Ocean Springs, GuJfport, Mississippi City, Bay St Louis, Pascagoula, Pensacola, New Orleans, Mobile. Th mild, equable climate makes this an ideal location for a winter sojourn. Good Hotels at moderate rates. Golf, boating, fisking, hunting, motoring and other outdoor sports. Modern steel trains (torn Chicago and St lonis via lonisnlle & Nashville R. R. reach this en chanting vacation land in a little ever 24 hours. Attractive) Tours to Central America, Cuba or Florida ?ia the Gulf Coast. Ask for illustrated folders, schedules, or information. P. TV. MORROW, N.TV.p. A., L.&N. R.R. JJi Marquette Bidg., Chicago, in. . CEO. E. HERRING, D.P. A., L.&N.R.R, 404 Morth Broadway, it. Louis, Mo. a t t i , way.LouMo. U 1 - '-" ' ' " , . i - . . . e5p Coughs e Colds F ROM one generation to another, this old reliahle remedy for Bronchial affections has been recom mended. Grandmother knows that Dr. King's New Dis covery will stop the cough, quickly relieve the most stubborn cold and mothers find their children like thi3 old remedy as well as grandmother said she did when she was a child. Nearly a half century of use recommends it to you. Used by millions. Your druggist sold it ever since he opened his store. THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, D. C Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me, entirely free, a copy of the book: "The Cornmeal Book." Name. Street Address. City .State. t t