THE BEE; OMAHA. FRIDAY". DECEMBER 14. 1917. 1 0 WTO GO OVER 1 4 THE TOP IN XMAS Rfn ponce nmur iibv viivvv iiiiib Rate Pity Fvnorte tn PypopH Vf Anv Other Citv in Prooor- j j w --i tion to Its Population. .'" Red Cross Christmas week drive for - 40,000 members." Henry Doorly, chairman of the local committee, has ?Ru to oack up his belier. Un Ins re quest Red Cross central division at Chicago issued a challenge to any ciy in the United States to better Omaha's record in nrnnnrtinns mpmhirshins lTp to lioonMio city had accepted this challenge. Fifty'traveling salesmen, 'headed by X. S. Brown, have volunteered to "sell Rpd Cross" next Tupsrlnv Thpv meet at the Paxton hfitel at- 8:30 o'clock in the morning and will can vass the entire retail district. Red Cross Sermons. Red Cross sermons will be preached from every pulpit Sunday morning. Mrs. E. M. Syfert, who assumed chairmanship of the women's com raittee .Monday, has 1,000 women or ganized to-help m the campaign; ihe executive committee met tor lunch eon at the University club for a work ers' conference. A house-to-house campaign is planned. Mrsr Warren Blackwell has charge of the women's organizations, with. Mrs. Joseph Law rence handling all-Woman's club de partmtfnts and Mrs. Stephen Davies and Mrs. E. M. K. Sunderland the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, large women's clubs. Mrs. Charles T. Kountze is reaching the 110 Red Cross auxiliaries. , Hospitals Committee. k' 5 Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, on the hospi ' " als committee, is to be assisted by Mesdames John L. Kennedy, Herbert Rogers, Charles H. Brown, Henry Doorly and W. A. Pixley. Mrs. Cald well is in charge of the men's organir zations. Mrs. Syfert expressed great satis faction at the -enthusiastic response from the women of Omaha. "Christ mas shopping and all.othef activities was not given as an excuse in a sin gle case," she said. More volunteers for the house-to-house canvass are needed. W. Aj Pixley of the executive com mittee calls attention to the perfect machine, organized for the member ship drive in a scant two weeks. "On the basis of our $40,000 driye in one weeK we nave organized to conduct what would be a $160,000 monthly ' business, with 5,000 salesmen, in less than two weeks. This would be con sidered a : stupendous undertaking in the ordinary business world," he said. Mrs. H. Clay Preston, Humane oocieiy worKer, laiKS nere Mrs. H. Clay Presfon, secretary of the New York State Humane Educa tion committee, is in Omaha to ad ' dress teachers and pupils of the pub pic schools. She appeared before the teachers-in the Central High school auditorium at 4:15 o'clock Thursdays nrt Hrirtsw mftrtunff af III n Vlnnlr eh' will address .students of the High School of Commerce in the Gayety; theater. Fridav afternoon she will , speak in the Dundee school, and Fri day night will speak" to members of the Humane society in the home of Mrs. G. A. Joslyn. Mrs. Preston icame here under the auspices of the ' 'Humane society. Wolverines on! Gridiron Ann ArDor, Mien., jjec. u. tnos .Wieman, the star fullback, today was elected captain of the 1918 football eleven of the University of Michi gan. Wieman's home is in California. TEETH Sat? DR. McKENNEY Says: "The pries you pay ior good teeth is very email if you have them looked after in time." - Heaviest Bridge Best Silver Fill Work, per tooth, tags $4.00 75c Wonder Plates Best 22-k Cold worth $15 to $25, Crowns $5, $8, $10 $4.00 We please you or refund your money. McKENNEY DENTISTS 14th and Farnam 1324 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 2872. Countless Women fihd that when suffering from nervousness, sick headache, dizzy spells and ailments peculiar to their sex k t nothing affords such prompt and welcome relief, ac will follow a few doses of A proven women's remedy, which assists in regulating the organs, and re-establishing healthy conditions. Beecham's Pills contain no habit-forming drug leave no disagreeable after-effects. They are , Nature's aid to better Health DiraetiM. W SfMul Vslst le Waam tie wila enry lea. Handkerchiefs Thousands of Them In This Great Christmas Stock. You know you cannot go wrong if you give Handker chiefs then why not fill out many of your gifts with them, especially when the prices quoted are as small as these? Women's Fancy Handkerchief with white and colored - em broidered designs in corners; three in fancy Christ- OC- mas box ; OOC Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, white and colored embroidered initials, 3 in Oft box oUC Women' Fancy Initial Hand- kerchief in white and multi colored initials, 6 in box, 69c and Women1 Fancy Handkerchief in boxes of three, four and six handkerchiefs, a box, CQ 39c, 45c, 50c and. .. . OJC Women' Initial Handkerchief in white and colored effects; 6 on a card, OC. at OOC Women' Crepe de Chine Hand kerchief with fancy embroid ered corners, 1 Q each IOC Women' All Linen Handker chief in plain and embroidered corners, ,-. 1 C each IOC Men's Handkerchief in' plain and Japonette initials; JL good size, each...... 2C Men' Initial Handkerchief with narrow borders and in itials embroidered in corners, 6 in box, at 69c or and .... OOC Children' Handkerchief ' in fancy baskets, books and boxes, 3 in each, . at Basement 75c 15c v I Linens Will Make Gifts Any Wife Will Appreciate There is" going to be a scarcity of . Linens, and women who are prudent will set about buying what they need right now. These will make particularly fine Christmas gifts also. 54-Inch Lace Cloth, $1.50. These are trimmed with lace all ' around, with lace insertion cen- ters. Will make sn d1 PA appreciated gift; ea.P A OU SPECIAL: Table Cloth, 98c. Made of fine quality mercerized damask, in a range of pretty patterns, two yards QO long, each OC Fancy Linens, 25c. An assort ment of scarfs in embroidered , designs and lace trimmed. A suggestive Christmas O C gilt, each k'. .,".-OC EXTRA: Dresser Sets. $1.25. These beautiful sets consist of one scarf and pin cushion top to match, embroidered in pretty colors of pink, blue and yellow; assorted designs, neatly boxed, a set, $j 25 Table Padding-, the Qfl fleeced kind, a yard. .. OUC Basement Slippers And Children's Shoes For Christmas Gifts. Women' Fur Trimmed Felt Ro meo, Teather sole and Cuban heel; colorfc are red, black, blue, laven der and tan; all sizes d! QC from 2 to 8, a pair. . V 1 0 Women' Felt Slipper, with pad ded soles, with decorations on vamps; colors are red, black,, blue, lavender and tan ; all sizes d 1 , from 2 to 8; a pair. ..... P 1 Children's Felt Slipper, with leath er, felt and padded soles, in all colors, with colored beaded Moth er Goose rhymes on vamps; sizes from 6 to 2, a pair, 7C- at I O C Thousands of Pair of Children' Shoes at $1.00. In sizes from 3 to 8, in gray, bronze and black, with cloth tops and matt kid tops, hand turned soles, button style. If these shoes were to be bought in today's market they would be worth more than the selling price. Friday and Saturday only, a pair, gj QQ 500 Pairs of Women's Alaska, sizes z to 5, a pair, 7c lUk at Basement NOTICE Beginning Monday, December 17, store open to 9 p. m., until Christmas. HEEflBi mm Stores Buy Another Wat-Savings Stamp. o) -3 I f Lv v. 1 ' p I s ; s offers hundreds and hundreds of suggestions to the Christmas Shop per, suggestions that mean a very moderate outlay of money for splendid value This is the economy center of Omaha which means much at this Xmas season. Buy liberally and save considerable Money. . ; (Q)VLR36) ffers a Rousing Welcome to Everyone Santa Claus is here every day to greet little girls and boys, and the biggest stock of the best Toys at the lowest prices make a special inducement to everyone who vis its here. Don't disappoint the children get them plenty 1 of Toys, no matter, what else you buy Chjristmas is truly Children's Day and let them have plenty of playthings. Auto. All kinds of automobiles) all handsomely enameled in yellow, brown, green and ' black. Prices ranging from. . . i$6.50 to $50.00 Gibb. Me chanical tin horses and wagons, mail wag ons, prairie s c hooners, hay racks, from .50c to $1.00 Suit Case. Suit cases for Dolly's clothes, made of brown leatherette, brass fasteners. 12 inches long, at each 50c Dominoes and Checkers. All kinds of dominoes and checkers and checker boards, at .... 10c to 50c Express Wagons, roller coaster wagons, ball bearing wagons with iron wheels, all kinds of wagons, from $1.25 to $7.50 1 : Clowns. Jug gling clowns, m e c h a nical xl A juggle baby clowns from one hand to the other, 50c Kiddie Horses. The Kiddie Horse is the greatestchild's vehicle that has been put on the market in recent iroorc . T Vl A V can't fall off and oh, what fun. Kiddie Horses with nicely painted -a a AO heads ...$1.98 Reed Doll Cabs. All shapes and kinds of . Reed Doll Cabs, for tiny dolls up to the largest size f y r life size baby dolls. Prices ranging from $2.50 to $12.50. Pec - Lock Blocks. The kind that stay built. With peg-lock blocks you can build houses and bridges, also working models. Sets ranging in price 4rom.$1.25 to $8.00 ' Basement SIS Erector. Yon ought to se the boys crowd' around the Erector booth. Well, you can't blame them. Erect or is the greatest building toy on the market. Sets ranging in price from ....$1.00 to $25.00 I Sleds. Steering sleds, boys' self- steering sleds, good substantial sleds at ....... .$1.50 and $2.00 Black- Beauty Sleds. $1.98 Shoofliesthat swing fn plat form a n -d s h o o f 1 1 es with rockers, from $1.50 to . . . .$4.50 : r The Gift Shop Offers Dainty Items at Little Prices This new Gift Shop, dreds and hundreds of gift White Ivory Manicure tf0 QC Sets, 5 pieces ipOtitO Infants' Ivory Sets, d0 QC $1.50, $1.8 and; $i&0 Ivory Playing Card Cases, ?Q at 50c, 65c and Oi7l Leather Purses and Bags, all sizes and - shapes, prices dC AA ranging from $1.00 toPJ.VJU Nut Sets, silver finished nut crack er and six nut picks, in CQ dainty box UiC which opened just a few days ago, has "caught on" and is the spot toward which hun makers are going these'days. Hundreds and hundreds -of offerings, all at the smallest prices. Military Brushes and Comb, silver plated tops, complete 1 A QC in box, $3.50 and. . . . PT.OO Cut Glass Powder Bowls and Hair Receivers with silver finish cover each, $1.39 - d0 CA Pair P&.OU Match Cases, silver finish, some plain and some with r .designs vl.OU Shaving Stands, silver finish, conf plete with mirror, bowl do QC and brush JOa0 A Wonderful Line of Mesh Bags, in all sizes and shapes, prices ranging from 69c J QQ Sterling Silver Rings for boys and girls; latest settings in OQ birth stones, special OIC Imported Beaded Bags in light evening and street d1 QC shades ipJL.e&U Ivory . Manicure Pieces, . each 19c Children's. Long Chain JQ Silver Purses . ,. OJC The Columbia Vanity Purse, fin ished in Ivory and Mat Silver, Kid lined purse and dl QQ mirror, $1.89 and., . . V l'.JO Jumbo i Pearl Manicure CA Pieces1 OUC Children's Pearl Handle Knife, Fork and Spoon, in pretty lined box, a set $2.00 Basement "V Hosiery Women's Black Cat Cotton Ribbed Top Hose, OQ a pair ....... i .... . . OJ7C Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hose, in black and white, two pair in fancy Xmas box, a box ifC Children's Black Cotton Hose in fine and heavy , ng ribbed, a pair muC Men's Black Wool Socks with gray heel and toes, a Af- pair,vat xlC Basement Underwear Women's Silk Top Lisle Body Union Suits, white only, all sizes, a . C suit ....... ....... J l.aCO Women's ' Medium Weight Fleece Lined, low neck, sleeve less Union QC Suits P 1 eOO Women's Fancy Yoke Vests, sizes 4, 5 and 6, OP each OQ Shawls and Gloves Women's Large Size Cream Mercerized Shawls. 7 E? values to $1.25, each. Children's Wool Col- OP ' ored Gloves, a pair. . . . yV Basement Boys' Suits and Overcoats $3.95 Go&l, Warm, Satisfactory Wear Wouldn't it be excellent to outfit your Boy for Christmas, along, with the other gifts? A bigger and better Clothing De partment for Boys has. just been completed in this Basement, and we celebrate with these remarkable values. Good Substantial Suits In various styles and values, odds and ends from the regular stock, sizes 6 to 17 years. Without a doubt this is your last chance to get a boy's good looking suit at any such a low price as this. A do nr suit . vO.ftO Boys' Overcoats, $3.95 Here are also short lots and odd coats taken from regular stock. Mixtures, plain . coats and chinchillas; sizes 2 to 8 years. Plenty of them. Flannel Blouses, 75c ' Blue, gray, olive and khaki colors. Ail made , with open cuffs, military collar with link but tons. Sateen lined neck band prevents shrink ing, bizes b years to 16 years. 7E (Ub Special Friday Basement Here Are Hardware Items That Make Fine Christmas Gifts Jj J) ' iiiMia UI WIIIIlsSaMSMSMgalalM Trays. A line of beautiful patterns in wood trays, special Friday.$1.2S A fine line of imported Japanese lacquered trays, up from . . . $1.00 Electric Irons. It pays to buy tho best in electric appli ances of any kind. They never give any trouble and are ready for use when you want them. We carry the "American Beauty," "Hot Point" and "Universal" Irons. Prices, $5.00 and 6.00 "Mirro" Alumi num Percolator. Aluminum ware is a most service able and accepta ble, gift. Special sale and demon stration of the "Mirro" ware is now going on. Demonstration special for Friday, a percolator at $1.35 A 40c double lipped sauce pan, only 19c Universal Lunch Boxes. These arc made of heavy metal with a beautiful rust proof finish and contain the very best thermos bottle. Special ............ .$3.25 Basement . ; Carving Sets. A genuine "Univ e t s al" two piece set. Special i aa r r u 1 1 ana San d w i c h Baskets. We thave a very nice assort- rment of pret ty patterns in imported Jan a n e h e Eamboo baskets, both in the ma hogany and. Circassian walnut fin ish. Three lots on sale Friday at ........ , . .50c, 75c and $1.00 Rustic Hut Bowls. An unusual and new pattern in -a very . serviceable gift, regu lar $1.35. Special ' for Friday, 85c Buy Furs I si ncauji'iu-Tf coi For Practical Chrictmas Gifts Anyone will be particu larly pleased to receive a gift of Furs for Christmas, and we have selected these because they, are particular ly low priced and of special merit. You can buy Women's, Misses' and Children's Fursjust the kind' you want away under price. I ... ... . - CM Women s and Misses rur Shoulder Aid Neck Pieces. Dozens of pretty styles, both large and small shapes. Many different kinds of furs and just the kind you want. Brook Mink, Jap Mink, Near Seal, Trench, Coney, Marmot, Red Fox, etc. JCvery fur piece is h bargain and away under its real worth at tho prices marked. $1.95, $2.95, t1 C nn $3.95 up to vlwvU You will find a very large as sortment of separate muffs. Do you need ainuff to match your fur coat collar? Wo have it. At a great saving to you, all sizes and shapes. Prices range tfr .$l:95 T. $10.00 Women's and Misses' Matched Sets, muffs and shoulder and neck pieces to match. You wilj find iruthis basement Fur De partment a good assortment of many different kinds of good furs. Prices range from $3.95 .$15.00 Buy the girl a set -of ,. furs for Christmas. We have a big as sortment. Both white and col ored. These are real bargains. Splendid sets at $1.69, $1.95, $2.39 JS QC and up from fJO Give her a nice silk blouse for Christmas. Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses. Many dif ferent styles, all the new suit shades, packed in holly boxes, ready for gift-making. A large assortment, d0 QC each Va&.IIJj A very special lot of white blouses. All new, fresh, crisp and clean organdies, lawns, heavy washable 'materials, etc. Many different styles, in all sizes. A bargain 95 C Women's and Misses'. Bath Robes. All sizes, fancy floral, big plaids, etc. Made of goo.d heavy bath robe material with pockets and Cords, all ready to put on. A very 10 OQ useful gift , 3)4.07' Women's and Misses' Sweater Coats. We have a very good assortment. Very special at $J.95, $2.95 0 QC and fPOtVO Cirl's Sweater Coats. Many different styles in white and colors. Prices are sfr 1 QQ i 49c, 69e, 97cTmd. . ,P 1 0J Muslin Underwear ! in - Christ mas boxes. Corset covers in many different styles. Packed in Christmas boxes ready for gift-making, EC each OOC Basement ' , ( Men's Clothing In This Enlarged Department We have made a bigger and better Clothing Department for, Men in this Big Basement, and this rVday we offer values that are so exceptional that we do not want any man to miss a word of this announce ment. Pants, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Made of excellent material, in stripes and plain colors. Good work pants and many dress-up styles great assortment. Men's Suits, $10.00 and $12.50 Good style suits, well made and finished, in a wide range for choice. You will do well to , . buy oneor more of these, as these prices are ', very low. , - ' Mackinaws, $3.95, $5.95, $7.95 Nothing tetter for the working man these cold days and make fine Skating Coats also these prices, are actually less than, they cost to manufacture in many instances. Basement -: SoW-everrwInre. la bomee, 10c., 25c 1. 1