Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
Entered t Omaha poBtoffie at leeond-elaas matUr.
By Carrier.
..per week. Me
.. - It"
.. " 10r
li!!r and SutidT
Dally without Hundaj
KreuieE snd SuniUf
KrdiHK without Biuidlj
Kfe Circulitlon iwi.trancui.
Bt Malt.
er Wi H M
' 4.0
4 on
!(, Awodsted Pm. of which T B li l member, t eieliiiftelj
ilSS S uiTfw publication of .11 newt din-lfhej credited
t rVStherW creauM In thli paper nd also It. local new
lLZ K u All nbt of publication of our ape-dal dispatches
re alto referred.
ivm't hr drift, eiiwi or poMal order. Onlr 1-emt stamps taken 1b
Jnn.t of .m.U Account. I'rrtorul check, except cm Ooaha and
cist e:hans. not accepted.
.ouncll Waffa-14 N. Mala St. Bt. I'ui--Nw B l of ( tommerc
T.inoo!n-Llttie Building. H a.hlniton-nuOSL
jliMrew imm'mleatlona reUtini to news and editorial matter to
Mnha Hie. tditortal Department.
58,715 Daily Sunday, 51,884
Areraje circulation for tha mnnth, aubacrlbed and sworn to by Dwlfhl
Wllllaiaa. Circulation Manarr.
Subaerlbera leavlar tha eity aheuM have Tha Baa mailed
to them. Addraaa changed aa eftan aa requeated.
The fertile loot field of Loinbardy still re
mains a Teuton mirage.
A common bond of joy links Italians and rail
road men. Both hold the passes.-
But labored attempts to disguise liyphenism
.vith a Red Cross veneer do not cover anything.
Wonder if a "Food-don't-waste-it" billboard
nas also been erected on the White House lawn?
"Hoover prices" is one of the shop window
placards yrt see. Revised upwards or downwards?
Without advices to the contrary, it may safely
be assumed that the Allies on entering Jerusalem
taged a hot time in a real old town.
Talk of handling the food speculator his legal
Sie graces the daily prints. Meanwhile the spec
ator evidently continues business at the old
and. Deaf, dumb or blind?
The esteemed Dr. Sedotna Paes, leader of the
latest revolution in Portugal, tags himself as- a
thoroughbred democrat. Finding much inferior
timber, the doctor patriotically took over most ot
the cabinet.
Slowly but surely opponents of war let in the
light of national honor and, line up for liberty
and humanity. A triumph for autocracy in this
struggle would sound the death knell of popular
rule throughout the world.
Broadway surface can "manned" by women
conductor! in fetching regalia feature the new
:st decorations along the great white way. "Little
old New York" leads 'em all in entertaining
visitors from -the back districts.
Unfortunately we fear that paper profit on
the municipal coal yard is a twin brother to the
balance on our municipal Auditorium. A pri
vate corporation doing such a thriving business
would be advertising for a receivership.
The scoreboards of the grocers and bakers
carry picturesque rows of figures on prices and
profits. Similar reminders front the packers,
coal dealers, millers and the wheat market. The
Utopia of price, regulation has not. arrived, but is
an the way..
Nothing; prevents anyone from selling cheaper
than the price fixed by the food administration,
provided the sales are not unlimited and condu
cive to hoarding. There is no reason, however,
a,hy any such articles should be sold cheaper
vhen they can rightfully command a full price.
In all our various war activities registration
of conscripts, Red Cross, Liberty loan, food con
servation, war savings newspaper publicity has
been vindicated over and over. To put them
across the newspaper has been the chief reliance
and all other forms of advertising merely sub
sidiary, s
Stock markets as usual quickly recovered from
the slump occasioned by Russia's revolutionary
upset Securities affected by the slump repre
sent property fundamentally as sound in storm
as in sunshine. Real investors need not worry.
Only the pikers heed the bears and yield to a
Amsterdam advices quote the German food
dictator as assuring the Prussian lower house
that "we have adequate food supplies for the new
year." Like assurances in more confident terms
were put out from the same quarter a year ago,
nevertheless the rations were revised downward
every sixty days.
The retirement of Mr. Ilaller from the chair
manship of the Board of Regents a month be
fore the expiration of his term will please Brother
Metcalfe. Now will "Met" demand the resigna
tion of Senator Hitchcock, for whose flagrant of
fense the proof is not even disputed? Or docs
jefng elected as a democrat give immunity?
Can the Liberty Bonds Be Kept at Par?
An interesting although inconclusive debate
has been started by the Sacramento Bee as to
whether the government could not, and in fair
ness should not, take it upon itself to keep the
Liberty bonds from falling below par at any and
all times. The argument is made, and sounds
very plausible, that in disposing of these bonds
Secretary McAdoo and those who spoke for him
gave assurance that they would be as good as
gold and always convertible into cash. "Why
then," our Sacramento namesake asks, "should
the poor people who put their savings into Lib
erty bonds be the victims of Wall street profit
eering?" "It is unthinkable," it continues, "that
a government which has done what this govern
ment has accomplished hasn't brains enough in
its employ or at its disposal to map out a defi
nite and drastic scheme to checkmate these spec
ulators a plan which, while protecting the face
value1 of the bonds and guaranteeing full pay
ment to holders if they need the money, will, also
protect the United States treasury from one vast
concerted raid."
The trouble is that the government's position
in respect to its securities and obligations differs
but slightly from that of a private individual. It
can forbid the purchase of Liberty bonds at less
than par, but it cannot make people buy them, so
that to create a par value market without increas
ing the interest rate it would have to stand ready
to buy the bonds itself, either by accepting them
as cash in payment of government taxes and dues
or by making them actually convertible into cur
rency, which means convertible, into gold, with
inevitable depreciation of the currency whenever
the treasury gold supply became exhausted.
No government on earth has ever heretofore
been able to do what the Sacramento paper pro
poses and we may be sure, if a legislative talis
man could accomplish that object, all the nations
of Europe would have resorted to it long ago
to keep the loans which they are floating up to
face value. While it is all very well to say that a
government that has done what ours has done
can do something no other government has ever
been able to do, that does not change the
stubborn facts. The government should and
surely will stop speculative manipulation of the
Liberty bond market, but to establish and main
tain all its securities at face value regardless of
the ups and downs of credits aid prices will re
quire the repeal of economic laws which no one
has ever before been able to set aside or evade.
Market Strategy
By Fre eric J. Haskin
Something Wrong with Our School Board.
Manifestly there is something wrong with
our school board here in Omaha. We do not
mean something wrofig with the, membership of
the board, but something wrong with our sys
tem of school government, which is making it
impossible for us to hold valued members on
the board when we once get them there. One
after the other men who have been put on the
school board because of their high standing and
success in business circles and their ability to
give the public the benefit of their business ex
perience present their resignations and retire.
Omaha taxpayers and school patrons can ill af
ford to lose the service on the board of men like
Mr. Ernst and Mr. Fry and yet it is not fair to
demand of them, or of any other business or pro
fessional man, the sacrifices which conscientious
service on the board calls for.
The situation raises anew the question, "What
is to be done (to remedy this condition?" and in
vites repetition of The Be's former proposal that
the system of running our schools be completely
recast. What we should have is a school admin
istration with an expert feduejrre' as superin
tendent of schools in charge of Instruction and a
tried and capable executive as business manager
in charge of its physical property and financial
transactions, subject to a small elected advisory
board as a controlling body. The two experts
would, of course, have to be paid, and well paid,
and the membership in the advisory board con
tinue wholly honorary. If there is any place
where the centralized control and direct respon
sibility of the general manager plan of handling
a public institution would work out well it ought
to be in the conduct of the schools.
Christmas Presents as Usual
-Mlaneapolia Journal.-
Christmas presents ought to be bought and
bestowed this year very much as usual. There
s no good reason for changing the custom.
'Suggestions are heard that there should be
to interchange of holiday gifts among adults,
ind that the children alone should be remem
bered by Christmas givers. This idea is based
m a misconception of conditions. There is the
oest of reasons for maintaining the holiday trade
it its usual level. The stores are all organized
or it, the goods are all made and ready, there is
slenty of money in circulation.
If Christmas giving on the usual plan were
low to be suddenly abandoned, it would mean
.uge losses for manufacturers and retailers, and
he necessary discharge of many salespeople and
jther employes. This would obviously be a bad
;hing all around. And it is quite unnecessary.
War economies have been made as they have
iecome necessary, and they will be so made in
he future. As the people have adjusted them
elves to these war changes in everyday life up
o this time, so will they adjust themselves to
others hereafter. Meanwhile the best plan is to
-ontinue affairs so far as possible on the usual
sis, since this causes the least possible disloca
tion of trade and consequent losses of far-spreading
Sound sense is better than sentiment. Let
everyoncbuyChristmas presents as usual
For Self-Protection of Autoists.
Pity the poor automobile owner. The road
way he traverses is not always strewn with
flowers. On the contrary he encounters a great
many bumps, which as time wears on seem to be
unavoidable. The blowout has neter been elimi
nated and the infirmities of the gasoline engine
are many. The joy ride is not without its come
backs, but of all the troubles besetting the auto
mobile owner that which originates in the repair
shop eclipses them all. The machinist having
charge of the average automobile shop may in
one sense be likened to the medicine man of the
Sioux tribe in that the dope he applies or is said
to administer to the diseased engine is a thing in
tangible with its quality obscured in mystery.
Many of the owners know that this dope is a tem
porary cureall, but they do not know what it is
or just how it is administered. The quack ma
chinist takes advantage of the ignorance of the
owner and charges accordingly. The net result
is known to every automobile owner in the state.
He is to be pitied largely because he is unable
to distinguish between the competent repair
artist and the impostor. And the time is coming
when the state and local authorities will have
to weed out the quack automobile medicine mak
ers, not only for the projection of the automobile
owners, but for that of the regular and reputable
repair men as well. This is another fallow field
for the plow of the Omaha Automobile associa
tion. Much camouflage mingles with tobacco smoke
these days to soften the upward tendency of
prices. Short crops are said to be the main cause.
Government returns mark tobacco as "a record
crop," far exceding in value that of last year
and double the 1910-14' average. Smokers may
take whatever chaff conies over the counter, but
the "short crop" label spots a fable.
Declaring all exemptions and discharges of
drafted men revoked means that practically every
case already passed on favorably by the exemp-"
tion boards will have to be passed on again, pre
sumably with the same result, unless something
has happened in the interval to alter the situation.
Perhaps this is the only safe way, but it means
lots of added work.
Old stagers in the international game are not
fooled by Teutonic promises of being good in
the future. As well expect the tiger to change
its stripes without foraging for paint. Amateurs
of the Trotzky and Leninc kidney may be suc
cessfully miked or decorated with a junker "gold
brick," but not the westerners while they are
Washington, Dec. 11. Optimistically speak
ing, the high price of food has performed one
great service to the consumer. It has set his
American ingenuity to 'Work inventing means to
combat it. During the past year he has dabbled
and experimented with many things, including
scientific cooking and prohibition; sugarless and
meatless days; co-operation and calories; indiges
tion, and the delivery of his own groceries. All
of which have taught him a thing or two.
The American consumer knows more about
'food today than he ever did before. He knows,
for example, that, although he belongs to the
flesh-eating order of Carnivora George Bernard
Shaw to the contrary notwithstanding he will
survive a meatless day. Physicians, indeed, no
longer afraid of being blacklisted by the corner
grocer, have come right out with the brutal state
ment that Americans eat too much meat. . The
consumer also knows that death does not fol
low a sugar famine. He can eat oleomargerine
in the place of butter if the latter costs too
much; he can skimp on sweet potatoes in a pinch,
and he can cultivate! taste tor left-overs. But
it can't be said that he enjoys doing it.
Thus, recently, the consumer has been trying
another mejhod. He has been studying the maf
keting game. The question with him as yet is
not how many of his favorite dishes he can do
without, but by what strategic maneuvers can
he buy them at a lower cost? One method re
sorted to by consumers in all sections of the coun
try during the past year is co-operative buying,
which eliminates the retailer's profit. In a small
town in New York state, for instance, six women
have formed a co-operative club for the purpose
of buying wholesale groceries. One woman buys
a barrel of flour and divides it among the other
members of the club. The next woman buys 12
dozen eggs from a farmer at a minimum cost'and
distributes those among the other women. The
third woman buys a case of soup; the fourth
woman a barrel of sugar; the fifth woman a bar
rel of apples, and the sixth woman six hams di
rect from a pork products house.
The sixth woman, of course, docs not always
buy hams. Sometimes her purchase is canned
goods or grape fruit or oranges. The fifth woman
also buys a variety of products voted for by the
other club members, and so does the fourth
woman, since the six families do not use a bar
rel of sugar a month.
Every two'weeks this club holds a business
meeting. Each woman brings with her a small
bank. The members discuss the supplies they
will need for the next two weeks, consulting the
catalogues from mail order firms and the price
lists from various wholesale dealers. They com
pare these with the prevailing retail prices. One
woman suggests, for instance, that one house is
offering a special reduction on 30 pounds of but
ter that will save each member a dollar on the
retail price. A vote is taken; all the women are
in favor of buying the butter, and each puts her
share of the expenses in the first woman's bank.
The next suggestion may deal with a great op
portunity in canned peaches, or turnips, or
stuffed olives. Again a vote is taken, the indi
vidual contributions placed in one woman's bank,
and so on until every woman has some purchase
to make. The flour, the eggs and the soup are
bought regularly every month.
When the supplies arrive they are delivered
at the houses of the women who bought them,
and the other members come and get their
shares. That is, all the women go to Mrs. Jones
to get their flour, to Mrs. Smith for their eggs,
and to Mrs. Brown for their soup.
This particular co-operative club has been
extremely successful until the last lew months,
when shipments have been so delayed that such
buying was no longer practical. The women
had all 'known each other since they were chil
dren; they were to be relied upon when it came
to the matter of paying bills, and each member
had an equal" share in the responsibility.
Unfortunately, the same thing cannot be said
of all co-operative buying clubs. There is no
doubt but that a great reduction may be accomplished-
in buying food, in large quantities,
but it is usually difficult to get the co-operation
systematized. In this club the members paid in
advance for their supplies. Most people are un
willing to do that." Then, too, every woman had
to go after her share if she wanted it. In most
clubs the person who buys the food distribute;! it
or else forgets to, and when he does the people
do not have the right change, so that he must
cither be suspicious and carry it home again, or
leave it and run the risk of being an unwilling
Somebody is usually to use a fascinating
idiom the goat. The club generally disbands
with a large supply of material on hand which
he can never use, with his bank account, instead
of the high cost of living, reduced, -with a penal
sentence hanging over his head for hoarding,
and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Such dramatic instances are not rare. They
occur in epidemics. The rare co-operative club
is one which is run on an unfriendly business
basis, with everybody doing, paying for and get
ting his share. Yet co-operative buying, when
it is co-operative, so far is the consumer's best
solution for H. C. L.
Buying in bulk is the greatest strategy the
consumer can employ, either in a club or as an
individual, providing he does not commit the
crime of hoarding. Some families that use quan
tities of cereals are certainly justified in buying
them wholesale from the mail order nouses or
factories, if by so doing they can save money.
The quantities should not be so large, however,
that they will keep the family in cereals for the
next three years.
Not long ago the janitor of an apartment
house reported to the United States food com
mission the fact that two tenants in the house
had four barrels of sugar stored in the basement
lockers. At this time thousands of people in the
city were using maple syrup instead of sugar,
doing without sugar and standing in long, weary,
irritable lines for sugar, while these two apart
ment house dwellers were 'comfortable in the
knowledge that they were supplied for two years.
These people had indeed saved money that is,
they would have if the food commission had
not promptly confiscated the sugar fqir it cost
them only 7 cents a pound when the retail price
was 10. But their saving was not legitimate.
They were saving at other people's expense.
On the other hand, take the dase or a couple
with four children who naturally require large
supplies of food. They use six boxes of cereal
a week, five pounds of butter, several dozen
eggs and a large quantity of flour, as well as
canned goods. The mother of this family orders
her supplies over the telephone from the nearest
Tetailcr. She orders for one day at a time, and
she does not go over the grocery slips. Her
food bills are enormous, or were until a domestic
science teacher made her acquaintance not long
ago and insisted upon proving to her that she
could cut the bills in half bv ordering her sup
plies in bulk instead of a little bit at a time.
Higbt in the Spotlight.
Frederick H. Gillett, who is acting
as republican leader in the national
house of representatives, has been
the member from the Second Massa
chusetts district since 1893. Mr. Gil
lett is a native of the Bay State and
a graduate of Amherst college and
the Harvard Law school. His first
nomination for congress in 1892 was
not considered a strong one and the
democrats at one time In the cam
paign had hopes of overturning the
di-strict. From the beginning of his
first term, however, Mr. Gillett has
trrnwn in the eonflripnee nf his con
stituency, which has returned him to
Washington by an increased plurality
tit each nuccessive election. He is &
good parliamentarian, to which fact
is due his present selection as the re
publican floor leader.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
United States interpreted German
note as request to act simply as peace
messenger for Teutonic powers.
Dutch section of League of Neu
tral Nations Issued urgent appeal to
people of America to intervene in be
half of Belgians.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
A charity ball at Masonic hall was
given by a number of women, most
of whom belong to Harmony assembly
No. 9379 of the Knights of Labor.
About 150 couples were present.
Dick Cooper, engineer at the Grand
People and Events
The problem of standardizing heart values
for the purpose of stabilizing prices in breach
of promise suits apparently defies solution. A
Cleveland miss raises the limit to $300,000. Here
tofore New York held the record at $250,000,
netting the fair young plaintiff $100,000 oi an
octogenarian's fat roll.
Long-haired and short-haired vocalists, tak
ing Senator Gronna at his own estimation,
flocked to North Dakota and worked up an anvil
chorus against the government for going to war.
A score or more of the home grown knockers
have been convicted. Others are on the way.
Mrs. Kate O'Hare, socialist lecturer, has been
f convicted of obstructing the draft law and the
! nnhliiiher nf "litn lant Ipmc " TNcnnrL-
a fine of $2,500 for polluting the federal mails.
Things are getting so patriotic up there that
swinging the hammer on I'nclc Sam is no loneer
i esteemed a fashionable tunetiY " "
opera house, gave a surprise party to
his son John H. and his daughter
Polly at his residence 509 North
Thirteenth street.
The admission of South Omaha to
the cities of the second class, first
order, means an advance in the sal
aries of all officials except the police
men. The committee- appointed to pro
cure hose for the lire company ot
.South Omaha has decided to purchase
1,000 feet and will receive bids until
Friday next, when the award will be
The Seward Street Methodist Epis
copal church will be dedicated on
Sunday morning, December 18, by
Kev. Dr. Fawcett of Chicago.
M. L. Roeder, manager of the Na
tional Life Insurance company of Ver
mont, left for the east to be gone
for 10 days.
The cable switch at Tenth and
Leavenworth streets is nearly com
pleted, as is the turn at Tenth and
Harney streets.
Bishop Sharpe of the Mormon
church at Salt Lake City, also gen
eral superintendent of the Utah Cen
tral railroad and director of the Union
Pacific, arrived In Omaha in his pri
vate car.
Tliis Day In History.
1818 Mary Todd, who became the
wife of Abraham Lincoln, born at
Lexington, Ky. Died at fcipringtleld,
111.. July 16, 1882.
1836 Phillips Brooks. Episcopal
bishop of Massachusetts and famous
pulpit orator, born in Boston. Died
there January 23, 1893.
1836 Franz von Lenbach, who
was called the "Painter of Bismarck."
born in Bavaria. Died in Munich, May
6, 1904.
1867 Twelve persons killed and
many injured in an explosion of gun
powder set by Fenians against the
wall of Clerkenwell prison in Londbn.
1898 Sir William Vernon Harcourt
resigned the leadership of the Brit
ish liberal party. i
1892 Mrs. Julia Dent Grant, wid
ow of President Grant, died in Wash
ington. Born In St. Louis January 26,
1826. '
1914 British submarine entered
the Dardenelles and torpedoed a
Turkish battleship.
1915 British took over French
front near River Somme.
The Pay We Celebrate.
Daniel Baum, jr., was born in Lin
coln December 13, 1877.
P. A. Valentine, one of the big men
of Armour & Co., was born in Scot
land 56 years ago.
Daniel E. Jenkins, head of the
Presbyterian Theological seminary in
Omaha, Is celebrating his 51st birth
day today.
Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell, president
of Harvard university, born in Boston
61 years ago today.
Dr. Edwin F. Ladd, president of
North Dakota Agricultural college
and now one of the federa. food ad
ministrators, born at Starks, Me., 58
years ago today.
John II. Patterson, millionaire cash
register inventor and manufacturer,
born near Dayton, o 73 years ago to
day. Emll Seidel, socialist leader and
former mayor of Milwaukee, born at
Ashland, Pa., 53 years ago today.
Dr. Samuel Fallows, bishop of the
Reformed Episcopal church, born in
Lancashire, England, 82 years ago
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Today is the 296th anniversary of
the first Thanksgiving day ever held
in America..
The National American Woman
Suffrage association will today begin
the real business of its 4 9th annual
convention in Washington.
Tho New York woman suffrage
party will Inaugurate -a series of free
lectures in New, York City today to
teach the new women voters the A, U,
C's of citizenship.
Storyette of the Day.
Reference at a social affair was i
made to the ingenuity of school chil- j
dren In getting around difficult ques
tions, when Congressman Frank Les
ter Greene of Vermont recalled a tit
ting anecdote.
One afternoon the teacher of a pul
Hc school was instructing a Juvenile
class in geography and after others,
had answered various questions she
turned to if small boy named Jimmy.
"James," said she, "describe to mi'
the route you would take if you were
going to Bermuda."
"Yes, ma'am," returned Jimmy a
little doubtfully. "1 would go to New
York and then and then "
"Yes, Jimmy," interposed the
teacher. "What would you do then?"
"Why, 1 would get on a steamer,"
answered 'Jimmy, with a happy in
spiration, " and leave the rest to the
captain." Philadelphia Telegraph.
The Burleson Report.
Somewhere In the United States
f censored) To the Editor of The
Bee: The press reports quote Postmas
ter General Burleson s declaring
"the organization of postofflce orjos
tal employes has become, a menace, or
Is rapidly becoming' a menace, to pub
lic welfare." Strange, that Mr. Burle
son has just discovered this fact, espe
cially so as, if our memory serves us
right, it has only heen a few days
since the American Federation of La
bor, In national convention, branded
him and his administration of postal
affairs as the most incompetent in
the history of the United States.
Mr. Burleson says "we are Justly
compensated, receiving more than
three times as much as those fighting
in the trenches." Why did he not
add and less than one-tenth as much
as some incompetent politicians lit
Washington who ought to be in the
trenches for the good of the postal
Speaking of surplus, a few years
'ago Mr. Burleson started his econ
omy program by reducing a number
of the older carri. rs to collectors and
also reducing the salaries from $1,200
to 11,000 per year. He discontinued
rural routes and city carrier service
and turned in a splendid surplus at
the expense of service and the clerks
and carriers drawing $900 to $1,200
per year ad tw-n, going before con
gress, pointed with pride to his four
assistant postmaster generals and
witli a "we-did-it" air asked congress
to grant his four assistants a slight
increase of about $3,000 each per
year. He cut down the $1,200 men in
order to raise the $4,500 per year men
in Washington. Thank goodness our
congressmen were either Vlnly or un
duly influenced to veto his program on
that occasion. In order to further
eliminate partisan politics he sug
gests civil ser ice for all presidential
postmasters. Why not include the
higher-ups and make It include post
master general and his assistants? On
a competitive examination basis we
believe the service could furnish sev
eral at least as well or better quali
fied than the present incumbents.
Assuring the public of the good will
and continued service of the postal
employes. ONE OF THEM.
Locomotive Auto Oil
The Best Oil We Know
55c Per Gallon
rbe L Vholas OA Company
- S that Satisfies
Psychology of the War.
Omaha, Dec. 12. To the Editor of
The Bee: Many people seem to think
that psychology is something of a
magical nature and to them the word
suggests only the things that pertain
to wizardry and mesmerism and hyp
notism. Anything, animate or inani
mate, that induces a mind or soul to
act or causes a mental condition or
state or attiudo produces a psychic
H has been said that leaders of
Germany have consciously and de
liberately sought to gain advantages
in other countries by psychologic op
eration upon the minds of the people
and to some extent have succeeded
in that effort in Russia, Jtaly and
America. Is our nation making any
effort of this kind? Our leading men '
and women are trying with all their
might to influence the minds of men.
but not by the "black art" or by jug- !
glery or cunning or any other form '
of deception. ,'
The one person in all the world who :
now has the greatest opportunity for :
great psychic effects is the president;
or me unuea states, ji seems prop
able that he is conscious of this fact
and has entered upon the great task
of so directing the forces of thi: na
tion as to form the mental attitude
of the leading thinkers of the world to
the approval and acceptance of such
fundamental principles of government
as would, in practical application, es
tablish peace and promote prosperity
throughout the world, if it is true
that this nation is not in the war as
a belligerent following such motives
and customs as have directed the ef
forts of selfish and greedy nations, but
is trying to hold the attitude of a
peacemaker with force enough to
command respect and already has
modified the ideas of belligerents on
both sides, then we shall see before
long that a world power holding an
honest and unselfish attitude and
pleading for the adoption of the eter
nal principles of righteousness can
produce important psychic effects.
"Turn ye,- turn ye from your evil
ways, for why will ye. die?" Ezekiel.
YOU'LL enjoy the
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STORZ is a worthy
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mer. An appetizer
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Served wherever in
vigorating and re
freshing drinks are
sold. Buy it by the
case. Delivered.
Ill Storz
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Hi mi! ,
I i to i
ninf innnnrl Cnnn .
Of Child. Turned Into Blisters.
Also on Back. Burned and Itched.
One Cake Cuttcura Soap and One
Box of Ointment Healed. Cost 75c
take a prompt and effective remedy one
that acts quickly and contains no opiates,
ifou can get such a remedy by asking for
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
"My little granddaughter had a skin
trouble that dame first in large red spots
and then turned into blisters, that were
mostly on her face, but
some were on her back,
and the skin was sore
and red. The blisters
burned and itched, an
noying the child a great
deal. She was cross and
fretful, and did not res:
well at night. Theerup
tion disfigured her face
for the time being a lot.
"Then we used Cuticura and I used
one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box
of Cuticura Ointment, when she was
healed." (Signed) Mrs. Nan Faulk,
Wortbington, Ind., March 5, 1917.
Prevent further trouble by using Cu
ticura Soap for the toilet.
For Free Sample Each by Return
Mail address post-card : " Cuticura,
Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c.
7z 7& m m ?z
For Christmas
"Are you economizing at your house?"
"So. The table has become so scant that
everybody. la eating expansive luncheona and
suppers downtown." Washington Star.
"Did they entertain you wellT"
"Very. They not only aerved a good din
ner, but they had coal enough to keep the
house comfortably warm." Detroit Free
"l went Into a town lately where I found
there were a lot of supended banks."
"Good gracious! Whs the town bankrupt?"
"No: patriotic. They were banks of bunt
ing." Baltimore American.
An editor received this letter from a fresh
Kindly tell me why a girl always closes
her eyes when a fellow kisses her?
To which the editor replied:
If you will send us your photograph we
m;ij- be ublo to tell you the reason. I'utt,
Mason & Hamlin Pianos, Kranich & Bach Pianos, Vose M
& Sons Pianos, Kimball Pianos, Bush & Lane Pianos, Cable-
Nelson Pianos, from $265 and better. ' M
Hospe Player Pianos, $475 and up. '
Benches, Stools, Scarfs, Piano Lamps. jf
Everything in Musical Instruments Violins, Guitars ffl
Banjos, Clarinets, Saxaphones, Strings, Bows, Brass Instru-
ments, Ukuleles. ffl
Everything in Art and Artist Materials Framed Pic
tures, Frames, Vases, Lamps, Smokers Sets, Cordova W
Leathers and Pictures of every description.
A. Hospe Co. 1
APOLLO Reproducing Piano Daily Demonstration.
1513-15 Douglas Street.
Washington, D C.
Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me
entirely free, a copy of the book: "The Cornmeal Book."
Street Address
City... . '. state