Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE tffcfc: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1917.
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Drawn for
The Bee
1917 Pennant Is Officially
Awarded to New Yorkers;
Postpone Joint Confab
With Chicago.
(By AMcltcd. rreii.)
New York, Dec. 12. The re-election
of John K. Tener as president
of the league for a period of one year
and the transaction of routine busi
ness occupied the attention of the
magnates of the National league
When they adjourned until 10
o'clock tomorrow morning it was
said that there was no possibility of
a joint meeting with the American
league in Chicago until late in the
week. Such a conference was an
nounced by Chairman Garry Herr
mann of the National commission for
Thursday, but the other National
league club owners apparently de
sired more time for the consideration
of their own affairs before meeting
with the American league magnates.
President Tener name was the
only one considered for the position
of league executive. The vote was
unanimous and President Tener ac
cepted with the understanding that
he was not to be required to devote
1 his entire time to the position in view
of the fact that he had previously
accepted a position as president of a
business corporation which will open
offices in the same building with the
National league suite'. Secretary John
A. Heydler also was re-elected for a
term of four years. i
The regular meeting of the league
was preceded by a conference of the
board of dirtctors, at which the 1917
pennant was officially awarded to the
New York , club; financial reports
read and adopted! ( several pensions
continued, and . the pending suit of
the Baltimore federal league club
discussed. ThiAvas immediately fol
lowed by the .regular session of the
league as a whole. The board of
directors' report was adopted and a
discussion of the proposed joint con
ference with the ! American league
tvas next in order.
, It was the unanimous opinion that
tuch a meeting should be held, but
the date will not be fixed until to
morrow. President Tener said thai
he thought that such business as was
before the league should be settled
before the dub owners went to Chi
cago. ;
Golfers Elect Officers;
Make Gift to Red Cross
New York, Pec. 12. Delegates ;
from 18 clubs assembled here today
, for the annual meeting of the. Met
ropolitan Golf association. Cornelius
J. Sullivan of Garden City, N, ,,Y.
will succeed J. B. C. Tappan as presi
dent, while . Mortimer Barnes of
New Engleweod, N. J., was made
vi:e president, A. H. Pogson of New
York secretary and George H. Barnes
of New York treasurer.
There was no discussion concern
ing the resumption' of championship
events, though it is possible that the
executive committee later will - en
courage two-day events. .
The treasurer has on hand a trifle
more than $59,000 raised on Decora
tion day for the ambulance fund,
which will be turned over to the
American Red Cross.
International League Puts
Over Question of Play in 1918
New York, Dec, 12. The Interna
tional league, in annual meeting today
decided to postpone until February
12 a decision of the question of sus-
pending playing for the season of
The Buffalo club franchise was de
clared forfeited for non-payment of
players' salaries
'Funston Floor five to
Play Cornhusker Quintet
Camo Funston. Kan.. Dec. 12. A
' basket ball schedule for the 89th di
visional team is taking form and al
ready four games have been sched
uled. The contests arranged are: Kan
sas university, January 10; Nebraska
Wesleyan college, January 18; Ne
braska university, January 19; Henry
Kendall college, January 25.
Kansas-Funston Gridiron
Conflict is Called Off
Camp Funston, K.ah., Dec. 12. The
foot ball game between me eieven
representing the 89th, division of the
national army and the Kansas univer
ty team, which was to have been
played today,' has been failed off. it
vas announced last night.
Howard Laslett Elected
, Captain of Kansas Team
Lawrence, Kan., Dec. 12. Howard
Laslett. left end, was elected cap
tain of the Kansas university foot
ball team for the 1918 season tonight.
is principal item in largest base ball deal ever transacted in
history of the national pastime. Alex now is in Omaha for
the winter.
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So Declares Ban Johnson at
. Meeting, of American
. League Magnates at
Chicago, Doc. 12. American league
club owners met here today in one of
the most important sessions of recent
years to take up war-time conditions.
The session will end tonight or tomorrow.-
The club heads then will
mark time pending the arrival of Na
tional league owners for a joint con
ference, probably Friday.
"The game will be continued as
usual," Ban Johnson, president of the
league, said before the meeting.
'"The general run of players should
join the colors as quickly as possi
ble; we can find plenty of men to take
their places," Clark Griffith, manager
of the Washington team, declared.
A general cut in salaries is pre
dicted, although it is believed the
league will retain the 154-gamc sched
ule. Church Basket Ball Bugs
Contest for City Honors
The Church Basket Ball league
started the 1917-18 season at the
Young Men's Christian association
last night.
Hanscom Park Methodists. First
Methodists and Williams' Wops were
The Hanscom Parkers defeated the
Benson Methodists 16 to 13, the First
Methodists licked the Pearl Me
morial Methodists 19 to 15 and the
Wops cleaned house with the Wal
nut Hill Methodists 25 to 5.
Following are lineups for Tuesday
night's games:
Church Lraf ur.
Lucus R.F.;R.K Pulltncton
Hitch O.IL.F IUm Hoglun
Rusll C.? Amacow
Marllti K.O..R.G Trmn
Kills L.G.IF Montague
L.O Kef!
Oamy R.F.iR.F Dv!
Hnnscn ..; L.F.IRO Pnrlh
Nichols,.a Bond
Harnaby K.O Newhoune
Dodrt UO.I Klepacn
W. ir. M. E. WOPS.
Watson R.F.;R.F Hurnham
Almonds L.F.IL.F Anderson
-olllns L.G.I: Wvrlvh
Mahaffcy L..Q Turner
3nyg Crook
Referee: Edmonson.
"Lefty" Leifield Goes to ,
St. Louis Americans
St. Louis, Dec. 12. Business Man
ager B. Quinn of the St. Louis
American league base ball team an
nounced today that "Lefty" Leifield
has been signed to pitch for the St.
Louis Americans during the 1918
season. Leifield pitched for the St.
Paul association team last season.
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Charlie Dawley of Lincoln,
Holder of Lincoln-to-Omaha
Record, Joins Navy
Air Corps.
Charlie Dawley of Lincoln, one of
Nebraska's best known automobile
drivers, soon will be fighting battles
in the air for Uncle Sam instead of
burning up the dirt tracks of the
Cornhusker state in his big Buick.
Dawley enlisted yesterday in Oma
ha in the navy aviation service and
left last night for the Great Lakes.
Dawley will go either to Long Island
or Pensacola, Fla., from the Great
Lakes as soon as he is given an ex
amination at the latter point.
Dawley is the lad who holds the
automobile record from Lincoln to
Omaha. lie covered the distance in
one hour and 35 minutes. Several
have tried to beat this record, but all
have failed. Dawley carried four
passengers when he made this record
breaking trip.
Wins Three Races.
Three years ago Dawley startled
Nebraska speed enthusiasts by win
ning three races in one afternoon at
Grand Island. The races were of
10, 20 and 50 miles. He averaged
more than 87 miles an hour in the
50-mile event.
In the same year, he won the 25
mile race on the half-mile track at
Dawley has been managing the
service department for Ray Page at
Lincoln until his enlistment in the
navy air service.
Dawley has been accepted for the
flying branch of the navy air corps
so soon Nebraska will have two of
her well known automobile pilots,
Kddie Rickenbacher and Dawley,
pursuing the Hun in the air.
American Officer Reported
Sev'erly Wounded in Action
Washington, Dec. 12.General
Pershing today reported, that First
Lieutenant Edgar W. Young, medical
officers' reserve corps, attached to
British forces, has been severely
wounded in action. His home is at
McKenney Va.
The following deaths from natural
causes were also reported:
signal corps, November 29, pulmon
ary edema and ptomaine poisoning,
Columbia, Mo.
infantry December 4, drowned, Fond
Du Lac. Wis.
EVANS, infantry, December 9, pos
sibly accidental gunshot wound,
Palmyra, Tenn.
You can secure a maid, stenogra
pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee
Want Ad
Jg it-
T ; V
Philadelphia Lets Louse of
Grover and Catcher Killifer
for Cub Battery and Ex
cess of $50,000.
New York, Dec. 12. The biggest
base ball deal in some seasons was
completed yesterday when the Phil
adelphia National League club sold
Pitcher Grover Alexander and Catcher
William Killifer to the Chicago Na
tionals for a cash "consideration and a
Cub battery. The money involved is
said to be considerably in excess of
$50,000, and the two Chicago players
who will wear the Philadelphia uni
forms next season are Pitcher Prend
crgast and Catcher Dilhoefer.
There is a war-time clause to the
deal, which presents a remote possi
bility that the contract might fall
I through as the agreement- contains
. a rider to the effect that in case that
' either Alexander or Killifer is drafted
any time previous to 30 days be
fore the opening of the 1918 Natbnal
. league season, the deal shall be auto
I matically cancelled.
Neither President Charles Weegh
I man of Chicago nor President Wil
liam F. Baker of the Philadelphia
club would state fhe amount of money
involved in the transaction. j
Biggest Deal Yet.
From other sources, it was reported
that the sum was in excess of the $50,
1100 that changed hands when Eddie
Collins was sold to the Chicago Amer
icans ' by the Philadelphia Athletics
and a similar amour paid by., the
Cleveland Americans for the services
of Tris Speaker. 1
Alexander and . Killifec have been
the star battery of the Philadelphia
club for several seasons and Alexan
der's work in the box has been, lit
tle short of phenomenal. It was due
in part to bis work that the Phila
delphia club has been a pennant con
tender 'until the closinfr days of the
past few seasons, Killifer ranks al
most as high as a catcher as Alexan
der does as a pitcher. Base ball au
thorities expressed the opinion here
tonight that the acquisition of this
battery was worth close to 20 games
a season to Chicago as long as Alex
ander and Killifer maintain their form.
Fans Sorely Disappointed.
Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec. 11. The
sale of the Philadelphia National
league club's star battery to the Chi
cago Cubs came as a great surprise
not to say disappointment to the fans
of this city. Jhere had been rumors
that the club would dispose of Killi-
ter, but there was not the slightest
intimation that Alexander was to go.
It was known the management was
not satisfied with Killifer's actions last
season in regard to increased salary
The club had trouble in signing both
men to contracts at the beginning of
the season, Killifer finally accepting
a reduction and Alexander signing a
two-year contract tor a salary which
was said to have made him the high
est paid pitcher in the league. He
wanted $15,000, but the cl-b offered
him $10,000. The sal-ry demand was
compromised, but the figures were
never officially given out.
Base ball fans believe the sale of
Alexander and Killifer means the
breaking up of the club, which was a
pennant contender several years, win
ning the championship in 1915.
1 Alexander Nebraska Man.
Alexander came to the Philadelphia
club from the Syracuse, N. Y., State
league team in 1911. He began his
base ball career in 1908 with the Cen
tral City (Nebraska) club.
Alexander this year equalled Christy
Mathewson's record of winning 30 or
more games in three successive sea
sons. His best season was in 1916,
when he won 33 and lost .2 games.
Alexander was born in Elba, Neb..
February 26, 1887, and is subject tp
the draft for the national army.
Catcher Killifer was born in Paw
Paw, Mich., April 13, 1886. He came
to the Philadelphia club from the Buf
falo Eastern league team in 1911 and
developed into one of the best back
stops in the National league. His
best batting average since coming to
Philadelphia was this year, when he
hit .271.
t Alexander now is in Omaha spend
ing the winter. 4 .
' His first intimation that he was
about to be transferred to Chicago
came when he was notified Tuesday
night that the deal had been made.
He said he had no objections to
pitching for the Cubs.
Spain May Seek Indemnity '
For Sinking Vessel
Bilbao, Spain, Dec. 12. The direc
tors of the company owning the Span
ish steamer Claudio, which was shell
ed recently by a German submarine
with the loss of eight men killed and
several wounded have sent a protest
to the Spanish government asking
that "You lodge an energetic protest
with Germany and to exact an in
demnity for the families of the vic
tims, payment for damages to the
ship and aooloKies to the Spanish
Today's Sport Calendar
Athleiira Annual, bnalncmi meeting of
Illinois Intercollegiate Athletic association,
at Peoria.
Baas Ball Club owners of National and
American leagues confer in Chlcsfo on
policy for next season.
W. B. Cheek Will Serve as
President for Ensuing Year;
Secretary Smyth "Loaned"
to Red Cross.
Directors of the Omaha Automo
bile club elected officers at the an
nual meeting in club headquarters in
the Hotel Fontenelle yesterday after
noon. The following will serve for
tne ensuing year;
W. ii. Cheek, president; Randall K.
Brown, first vice president; T. S.
White, second vice president; A. C.
K.uge, treasurer; b. b. bmvth. secre
tary; P. A. Wells, counsel.
On the request of Gould Dietz the
directors voted to "loan" the serv
ices of Secretary Smyth to the Red
Cross. Mr. Smyth will act as pub
licity director of the hospital com
The directors voted to keen uo
the vigorous campaign against auto
mobile thieves.
"Strangler" Lewis Throws
Russ After Long Bout
New York, Dec. 12. In the inter
national catch-as-catch-can wrestling
tournament here tonight "Strangler"
Lewis, American, defeated Ivan Linow
of Russia, with a head hold after one
hour and 16 minutes wrestling. Yus
soff Hussane defeated George Man
nich, Serbia, in 15 minutes and two
seconds, with half nelson and leg hold.
Looking for work? Turn to the
Help Wanted Columns now. You
will find hundreds of positions listed
Tom Moore
quality in a 5c size
Ir " ". " " ii
! Here's Luck" C
to your rH
! smoking
Rotbcnberc A Scblou, Kantat
David Cole Company Retails
1,000 to 1,500 Pounds
Daily at 4647 Cents
Per Pound.
R. A. Stewart, manager of the David
Cole Creamery company, said today
that the company is retailing daily
from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of butter
at from 46 to 47 cents per pound in
spite of the fact that the state food
administration has decided that 51
cents per pound is the fair price for
the best creamery butter.
Mr. Stewart gave this information
when asked by newspapermen wheth
er the food administration had inter
fered Tuesday with his advertising
of butter at 46 cents.
"No," he said, "the administration
called up David Cole about our ad
vertisement, but as he has nothing to
do with it, he called me up and asked
that I take the matter up with the
food administration. I talked to Mr.
Wattles about it, and after a confer
ence decided I did not want to embar
rass the food administration, and
would withdraw my advertisement.
Make Legitimate Profit.
"Nevertheless we are selling a lot
of butter at that figure, and we arc
not running a charitable institution.
We are making what we consider a
legitimate profit at it. Besides we
are not selling it in combination with
other produce. I understand that it
is our right to continue selling butter
at that figure since the food adminis
tration merely fixed a maximum price
and said nothing about a mininmum.
"No, Mr. Wattles did not ask us
to cancel the butter advertisement. I
decided of my own volition to discon
tinue it."
In the papers Tuesday morning the
When you hear of men being "lucky" ascribe
their luck to dogged perseverance. Luck, after
all, is unconscious ability. Success attends the
" lucky " man because he fights for it, throwing
himself into his task head, hand and heart and soul.
Lucky is the man who has found his cigar the
cigar that suits him. In many cases the quality
of mildness in Tom Moore, "a light-hearted
Havana," finds favor with men whose judgment
stands behind their "luck."
City. Local Trade Supplied by Branch House.
David Cole Creamery company adver
tised that in spite of the fact that the
food administrator had fixed the price
of butter at 51 cents they had been
selling and would continue to sell tho
best creamery butter at 46 and 47
cents. This advertisement was dis
played under the heading, "Sugges
tions to the Food Administration."
Former Pioneer Druggist
Of Beatrice Is Dead
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.)
John Quincy Thacker, at one time
a druggist of this city, and a pioneer
of this section, died yesterday at St.
Louis. He was the father of Mrs.
D. W. Cook, jr., and Mrs. John Mum
ford of this city.. The body will be
brought here for interment.
The Gage county war fund com
mittee met yesterday and organized
by electing J. A. Reuling of Wymore,
chairman and Dr. F. E. McCracken
of this city secretary.
The Gage County AntUHog
Cholera association held a meeting
yesterday and approved the work of
County Agent Rist in vaccinating
hogs in the county for the purpose
of eradicating the scourge. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
coming year: F. C. Crocker of Filley,
president; G. A, Wiebe of Beatrice,
vice president; L. Boyd Rist, Be
atrice, secretary-treasurer. The ex
ecutive board comprises the officers,
Jack Whalen of Cortland and Lake
Bridenthal of Wymore.
Mrs. Pearl Hamilton of this city
was granted a divorce by Judge
Pemberton from Shelby E. Hamilton
on the grounda of alleged cruelty
and non-support.
At the commercial luncheon yes
terday talks on war savings certi
ficates were made by Ward Burgess,
state director of the campaign, and
Harry O. Palmer, secretary of the
campaign in the state, both of
South is Blanketed
By Heavy Fall of Snow
Richmond, Va., Dec. 12. Virginia.
North and South Carolina and north
east Georgia were covered today by
one of the heaviest DeremSer c
falls in history. Ftom the mountains
to tidewater snow was reported to
have reached a depth of from eight to
10 inches.
: ft
1715 Douflaa St., Oman.
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