Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. THUilSUAY. UECEMliEU 13, 1917.
, it
V !
Citizens of Fremont Are Devot
zg Unusual Efforts to Make
This Successful; Medical
Society Meets.
Fremont, Dec. 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Another record for crowds
was made at the second night of the
Red Cross Fair, when 275 persons
paid admissFon. Fremonters who have
bandied similar affairs for years say
it is the largest second night crowd
at a fair in the history of the city.
More than $5,000 has been realized
" during the firt. two days. The goal
' has been set at $3,000.
Red Cross Drive.
At a meeting Tuesday afternoon
" plans for the drive for Red Cross
memberships the week of December
,f 17 to 24 were outlined.' Frank
Knapp of Fremont will have charge
and subcommittees will be appointed
throughout the rural districts. Kep-
. . , resentatives were present from other
.1 . ......... ...i t.j
work is being done.
" Ross L. Hammond told of what
the Red Crors is doing for suffering
I humanity in Belgium and France.
5 There is an urgent need for more
money and supplies, Mr. Hammond
said, to care for the wounded and
homeless women and children in the
war stricken areas.
Want Isolation Hospital.
Members of the Dodge County
Medical association at the annual
meeting here devoted considerable
time to the discussion of an isolation
S hospital for the county. At a meet-
5 ing last April a committee to inves-
l tigate and recommend a location re-
t ported that option on two sites 1iad
; been secured. The physicians agreed
that something of the kind is badly
needed here, where patients suffering
with infectious diseases may
moved for treatment. The following
! officers were elected: President. S. A.
fi j Preston, Fremont; vice president,
J Grant Reeder, Fremont; secretary-
treasurer, Charlotte 5iever, rremont;
censor, H. N. Morrow, Fremont; del
egate to the state convention of the
Nebraska Medical association, to be
held in May, R. T. Van Metre.
Frank McTigue . of Omaha and
Charles Thomas of ! Fremont were
each fined $100 and costs for trans-
1i J purling uuuic, aiiu mi. vu t twi-
':l I son and Margaret Mason were each
f assessed $20 and costs on charges of
- .: i. . i ir.. r..t i-i--
disorderly . conduct, jn ponce court.
The two men and women were ar
rested when policfc officers raided the
i. . i ... w. r....--
Jiuusc ULiuyicu vy iuia. 4 citi uu uivi
the Mason girl Monday night.'LMc.
Tigue said he brought the booc with
him from Omaha. . .
Neville Urges Military.
.. ,1..
; Training for All Men
Lincoln, Dec. 12. Universi.1 mili
tary training was unqualifiedly en
dorsed today by Keith Neville, gov
ernor of Nebraska, in a statement
to George M. Abbott, field secretary
of the Universal Military Training
league. . h ' a '
Governor Kevillesaid he believed
I that the future security of the natiqn
demanded some form of such train
j ing. "I am also strongly of the opinion
; that the physical, mental "and dis
ciplinary ocnetits that-wouid ne de
rived from such training would be of
incalculable value to the young man
as an individual, and as a class, and
to the nation as a whole," the govern
or' said. '
Kearney State Normal
Hard Hit by the War
Kearney, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.)
The government's call for young
men, to join both army and navy, is
felt at the normal school here. Dur
ing the past week nine students from
4 I that school have .enlisted, all subject
to draft. At present there "are less
than; 100 male students in the school.
Deshler Colleg. Dismissed
Because of Cold Weather
I The sudden cold snap put the fur-
rloridaEast Coast
Lit overheated apartments offices enervate and bring
grippy colds. Down here you're in the Land Winter
Forgot Your aummeriest clothes are part of the cheer
fulness. Bright, warm, sunshiny days are here in abun
dance. Everything you like to do is at itsjbest every day.
WHATEVER your fad or fancy, you'll find it highly
developed at the great resort centers St Augustine,
Ormond, Palm Beach and Miami. Smart social gather
ings teas luncheons dinners dances musicales.
Car u killed loaf ago oa
; Florida's East Coast
It won't take long to plan so pleasant a winter vaca
, tion. Nor long for your nearest railroad ticket office to
give you complete information as to fares, routes and
.through car service.
v - Principal Resorts id Hotels
ST. AUGUSTINE ... Akwr PALM BEACH . . . fit Bmkert
ORMOND . . . OraaJBdi MIAMI Koral Ptla
Joseph Schaefer, 23-year-old Has
tings, Neb., lad, chief electrician in
the United States submarine service,
was killed by a gasoline gas ex
plosion on the A-2 at Manila, Philip
pine islands. He va serving his sec
ond enlistment. Jchaefer died last
Friday after lingering a week follow
ing the accident. The body will be
brought to Hastings for interment.
Two half-brothers are with the col
ors, one in the navy and the other in
the national army.
nace out of commission at the
Deshler college.. It will require two
weeks' time to make repairs. School
was dismissed Monday for the holi
day vacation.
Plattsmouth City Council
Defeats Welfare Resolution
Platsmouth, Neb,, Dec. 12. (Spe
cial.) A welfare resolution, which
had as its intent the appointment of
a welfare board to work in conjunc
tion with the police in caring for
cases of distress, censoring movie
plays, and public sports, as well as the
working with the truant officers, and
supervising regulations for the gen
eral welfare of the city, was defeated
by a vote. of four to five.
The committee which has been in the
field forfour weeks, reported it has
failed to get any coal, though it has
been ordered for a month.
The Grand Army of the Republic,
John McConnehie post, No. 45, elect
ed the following officers for the com
ing year: Thomas Wiles, cornmanderi
Asbury Jack, senior vice commander;
rierson r. Walton, junior vice com
mander; T. VV. Glenn, quartermaster;
VV., H. rrecsev chaplain: George i?
Wall, officer of the day; William Gil
mour, officer of, the guard. ,
The Tel Jed Sokol. a Bohemian
turner society, of this city, has sent
the following telegram to the presi
dent: Af
. War on Austria is just as righteous
as war on Germany. Austria is
worse criminal than Germany, even
ii less dangerous. We congratulate
you on your vigorous stand and prom
ise you our absolute loyalty."
James Kebal is secretary and
Joseph Skalak, secretary.
Forty Pawnee County Men.
1 Enlist in Home Guards
: .Table Rock, Neb., Dec. T2. (Spe
cial.) In spite of the. inclemency of
the weather 4U persons assembled at
the city hall Monday with their en
rollment cards for the Home Guards
of Table Rock, with William Sutton
as chairman, and Frank H. Taylor of
the Argus, as secretary. Election of
. William T. To-ter captain; J. A.
Daily, first lieutenant; Carl W. Beck,
second lieutenant. William button
and J. N. Phillips were elected mem
bers pf the executive committee.
During the intense cold Monday
the house of J. F. Gutzmcr some six
miles northeast of here; was dam
aged by fire.
Ravenna Pioneer and Civil
War Veteran Answers Call
Ravenna, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special)
John Stuber, one of the pioneers of
this community and a veteran of the
civil war, died at his home in Raven
na Monday. He is survived by his
widow and a family of grown chil
dren. Until a month ago he lived
on the farm he had homesteaded and
Bankers Receive Tablet
In Memory of Royse ;
tFrom Start CorreponInt) i
Lincoln, Dec. 12. (Special.) The ;
State ' Banking board today received i
a bronze tablet in relict ot tormer
Secretary Edward Royse, of the State
Banking board. '
It stands 36 inches high and is 24
inches wide and weighs something
over 50 pounds. Under the profile of
the former secretary is the follow
ing inscription:
"To the memory of Edward Royse,
w ho for 16 years rendered faithful' and
efficient service as secretary of the de
partment of "banking of the state of
Nebraska. Erected by the Nebraska
Bankers' association, 1917."
New Potash Plant
To Be Built at Antioch
j (From 9ttff Correjipunrtent.) '
Lincoln, Neb'.. Dec. 12. (Special.')
Ground will be broken ' for u new
potash plant near Antioch In Sheridan
H t f ir in fti tn L a a ttr frrti
pany just formed to be known as the
western roiasn company. - '
H. E. Sidles, automobile man; V.
E. Sharp, president of the Lincoln
traction company, and several other
well known Lincoln capitalists with
Messrs. Wedge and Learned of Phila
delphia and Mr. Rice of Boston, inter
ested in the project, returned yester
day from that locality. Mr. Sidles
called on the governor to get some
information as to the rights of the
Twelve 2-Year-0ld Brood
Sows Bring Nearly $1,000
Stella, Neb.,' Dec. 12, (Special.)
Twelve two-year old Duroc-Jersey
brood sows marketed by David Stead
man today at $17 per 100 brought him
$963.80. These sows raised 75 pring
pigs, which now weigh about 240
Place for Dr. Hayes.
From a Staff Cornupondent.)
Lincoln, Dec. 12. (Special.) Dr.
Noah Hayes of Lincoln was appointed
by the State Board of Control to the
position of first assistant physician
at the Hastings asylum.
Overexertion Digging
Own Grave Causes Death
Freinc nt, Neb., Dec. 12, (Special
Telegram.) Overexertion in dig
ging his own grave is believed to
have caused the death at Abie of
John Kronk, sr., according to the
authorities. Mr. Krenk had dug the
grave, cemented it up and had, ap
parently, completed the job, when
he succumbed. His body was found
lying across one corner of the
grave. The coroners' jury returned
a verdict findin,that he had come
to his death from" overexertion.
Officers of the Grand
Chapter of Masons Here
Officers of tiie grand chapter and
those-of the grand council of the Ma
sonic fraternity are in Omaha for
the annual meeting that runs over
into Thursday. At 6 o'clock last night
a banquet was spread in the dining
-oom of the old Masonic temple.
The annual meeting of the grand
chapter and the grand council brings
together about 50 of the high degree
Masons of the state. The meetings
are purely business, having to do with
talking over the business of the old
year, formulating reports and discus
sing the Masonic outlook for the fu
ture. Carroll D. Evans. Columbus, is
grand high priest of the grand chap
ter, and John F. Kutz, Lexington,
grand master of the grand council.
Engineer Fatally Injured
' In Denver Train Wreck
Denver, Colo., Dec. 12. George E.
King, engineer of Denver, was prob
ably fatally injured and two other
railroad men were hurt when Santa
Fe passenger train No. 5, from Chi
cago, ran through an open switch
soon after noon today in the southern
part of Denver and crashed into a
string of cars on a siding. No pas
sengers were injured.
Omahans Wedded in Capital.
(From a Staff CorrpponJent.)
Lincoln, Dec 12.(Special.) Alex
ander D. Frank of Omaha, age 22, and
Miss Sarah R. Katz, of the same city,
age 19, were given a license to marry
in Lincoln yesterday.'
r. Hoover's Right
MR. HERBERT HOOVER, national food adminis
trator, had the right idea when he recently said in an
Official statement: "Those who wish brewing entirely
suppressed should bear in mind that if such a course
That is the crux of the true temperance question
whifch prohibitionists in their over-zealousness failed
to see.
Mr. Hoover's statement was made in connection
with his recommendation that, as a food conservation
measure, the alcoholic contents of beer be reduced to
two three quarter per cent.
In the Brewing of Beer, alcohol is not sought by the
brewer, but is an incident to the process through
natural fermentation.
The New Two Three Quarter per cent. American
beers will be similar to those so popular in Norway,
Denmark and Sweden, where, on account of their low
percentage of alcohol, they are classed among the true
temperance drinks, and, to encourage their consump
The United States Brewers' Association.
Chairman Says Private Affairs
and His. Health Prompted
1 Him to Give Up Public
C. J. Ernst and, Thomas (. Fry,
chairman and vice chairman, respect
ively, of the Board of Education, have
resigned, to take effect Jantfary 7 in
the former case, and on December 31
in the latter. ,
These members have each served
three years on the board. Their pres
ent terms expire a year hence.
Mr. Fry has been serving as chair
man of the supplies committee and
has had many details to watch in that
work. He pleads that private busi
ness interests and his health were the
determining factors which prompted
his resignation. ,
Reports of Dissension.
Reports of internal disaffection
among the members have been per
sistent, although the members stare
that no serious breach has occurred.
"Just differences of opinion that will
occur in any organization of men,"
asserted one member, who intended
to resign a month ago, but Was in
duced by Mr, Ernst to remain.
The line of demarcation among the
members separates the new from the
old members. "This has not been the
line of cleavage that it should have
been," was another comment.
Mr. Fry's resignation is of formal
text. Mr. Ernst's resignation follows:
"It is with most sincere regrets
that I now and hereby tender my
resignation as a member of the board.
However, to avoid confusion in the
organization, I am entirely willing
to have my resignation made effec
tive January 7, 1918, enabling me to
continue to sign warrants and legal
papers jntil my successor as presi
dent is elected.
"My physical condition, several
times during 1917, and especially
within the last two months, has been
somewhat below its former excellent
standard, and my physic:ans and the
members of my family all unite in
recommending and urging that I re
lieve myself of the gratuitous public
duties before my nervous system is
more seriously or permanently im
paired. "As I am C3 years of age, and have
given of my time gladly, freely, and I
think unselfishly, for 12 years, to this
line of gratuitous public work,- three
years to the ci.y of Lincoln, six years
to the state of Nebraska, and the last I
three years to the city of Omaha. I
hope and trust that I may be per
mitted to reir. at this time without
beigg severel. or unfairly criticised
for it.
"Thanking all of my past colleagues
for the most courteous and kindly
manner in which I have invariably
been treated by each and every one
of them during the last three years."
Holtorf Superintendent of
Burlington in Wyoming)
C. C. Holtof, who has been assistant J
superintendent of the Alliance di
vision of the Burlington, and who has
had his headquarters in Deadwood,
becomes superintendent of the west
ern end of the Casper division, and
will be located in Greybull.. He fills
an office just created.
W. G. Dungan, who has been train
master on the Burlington's Orleans
division, goes to Deadwood, succeed
ing Mr. Holtorf, as assistant superin
tendent. Community Campaign
Largely Attended at Polk
Pnlk Nph TW 12 fSnpriaH
Business, professional men and -farm
ers met at the Hotel Hokenson Mon
day night. This meeting was the open
ing number of a week's community
campaign conducted by the Ameri
can Community Service league of
Lincoln. A number of mer. from the
"Commercial Club of Stromsburg were
Meyer Reappointed to
The Commerce Commission
Washington. Dec. 12. Commis
sioner Meyer was reappointed today
by President Wibon to the Inter-,
state Commerce commission. i
Last Rites for J. H. McShane.
Pioneer Railroad Builcte
Last rites for J. II. McS.iaiie. v
neer railroad and telegraph buildc
were held Wednesday morning at Si
Philomena's church. (
Archbishop Harty and Rev. Jame
Stcnson conducted the funeral serv
Hnlv Seoulcllc'i
The pallbearers were:
T J. Fitimonis, Andrew Murphy.
J J Woodard, Kdward Phelan,
A V. Johnson, Henry Sterner.
E. E. Howell. J. E. Dunley.
in Our
is an interesting Toy. They
amuse and instruct. Almost
one whole floor full of toys
and other suitable gifts for
every boy or girl in Omaha.
Bet. 15th and 16th on Howard.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails. 25c
tunu axi. Max &? rukaf Umf
(FUxW Srttaa)
243 Frftk Ar. W. Muiiw. St.
St. AarMtiM, Flariaa