Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Heads of Families Will Be Vis
ited t,r (lain Information on
What They Have Done
for Country.
V. M. Rainbolt, Douglas county
chairman for the Nebraska war sav
ings committee, g've a luncheon for
his committee at the Commercial club.
About 25 were present.
Arrangements were made to dis
trict the county and assign each mem
ber of the committee a certain terri
tory, and make him responsible for the
sale of war savings stamps in that
section. Every head of a family in
Douglas county outside of Omaha
will be seen by some member of the
committee, and a card will be filled
out giving his name, his nationality,
his business, t!.c number of children
in his family, the approximate value
of his property, the amount of money
he has already loaned the government
in the purchase of Liberty bonds and
the amount of war saving stamps he
will purchase.
Frank Builta, state publicity man
ager, and Guy Kiddoo, of the state
?xecutive committee, addressed the
Douglas county committee on the sig
nificance of the movement and em
phasized the necessity of Nebraska
disposing of its $26,000,000 quota.
The following members of the
Douglas county committee were at
the meeting: C. l. Skinner of Ral
ston, W. T. Detweiller of Millard, A.
D. Compton of Waterloo, J. N. VVyatt
of Elkhorn, E. L. Lingquist of Water
loo. J. F. Pickard of Benson, Scanlon
& Son of Irvington, G. M. Mangold
of Bennington, Wayland Magee of
Bennington, T. F. Green of Valley,
Milton A. Sams of Valley, Frank
ueiston of t-Ik City, and I. 1. Wac-
hob, Reed C. Peters. Lloyd N. Os
borne, E. B. Lefferts, Chester Baker,
Lf Corliss, Harold Downey, W. H.
Smails, L. S. Clarke, J. H. Lionber
gcr, Alan McDonald, L. M. Miclenz,
.'11 Peterson and L. C. Sholes of
First Photograph of Paul Bolo
Pasha; On Trial for Treason
J 1
Phi Rho Sigma Fraternity
Has 25 Members in Service
The Iota chapter of Phi Rho
Sigma medical fraternity at the Uni
versity of Nebraska college of medi
cine displays a "service nag of 25
stars at the fraternity house on Forty-second
street and TJewey avenue.
iwenty-hve men have enlisted and
are now in active service from the
total membership of 100 of this frater
nity. Members say there will be 25
more "Phi Rhos" in service after
graduation next May.
Those in active service are:
Lieutenant-Colonel M. A. Tinley,
Lieutenant James Tucker, Major J.
P. Lord, Major Lane, Captain Wil
liam N. Anderson, Captain A. B. Lind
( ttist, Captain A. C. Stokes and Cap
tain Lemere.
Lieutenants Lynn T. Hall, Stacy B.
Hall, J. F. Allen, King, Hanisch,
Burnham, Erskine, Heine, Scott, V.
V. Talcott, W. K. Riley, Calvin Davis,
jr.: J. Barry, Merritt and C. W. Way.
Privates1 D. A. Graham and L. H.
Many Are Giving to
Armenian and Syrian Relief
It has been estimated that 6 cents
per month from every American citi
zen is necessary to keep the destitute
peoples of the Bible lands from star
vation. The Cumingj Grain company
of Lincoln sent a subscription based
on this estimate but multiplied it by
!0 to make up for a possible 90 per
lent wuu may uc apduicuc.
West Lawn school of Douglas
county subscribes $5 per month for
six months to provide for one orphan.
.'his it just sufficient for that purpose.
Richard Azim, Omaha representa
tive for the Nebraska branch, ar
ranged t mass meeting in Beatrice on
Sunday afternoon at LaSalle Street
Methodist Episcopal church and in
the evening at the First Christian
church. Mr. Azim, whose parents are
in the stricken country, states that it
is rugent that relief should be given
now every day's delay meaning
death to thousands from starvation.
Judge Dismises Cases
Against Punch Board Men
Eight persons arrested yesterday
by a raiding squad on the charge of
permitting punch boards and similar
games of chance to be operated in
tb.eir places of business, when ar
iligned in police court were suprised
when Judge Fitzgerald dismissed
xnem wunoui usieniug 10 any testi
mony. "I do not feel," said the judge, "that
you people are really responsible for
tjiis infraction of the law. In fact, Jhe
manufacturers and distributors of
these gaming devices should come in
for a great share of condemnation.
Therefore, if you will give the names
of the firms that supply the devices,
and promise to keep them out of your
places of business hereafter I will dis
mTss every one of you."
They promised.
Sidelights on War Saving
Stamp Campaign
The Nebraska Telephone company will es
tablish selling aftencles for war uavlnga
stamps at all Its exchanges throughout the
state. Stamps will not only bo sold la
employes but the public also will bo able
t purchase stamps at the company's oC-
during the first week of the war saving
stump campaign in Omaha the Brarxiets
stores sold 1887 worth of 25-eent slumps.
While this does not seem a great amount.
It is more than the estimate of the com
mittee in charge of the stamp SRjrs.
The Omaha committee bavins' in charge
the sale of war savings stamps, of which
Joseph Barker Is chairman, will ask all
employers of labor in Omaha who give
Christmas gifts to employes to make the
donation in war savings stamps?1 O. II.
Cramer, a member of Mr. Barker's commit
tee, is preparing a letter to send to all
the Omaha businesi houses.
A. H. Richardson, president of the Stand
ard Oil company, has announced that if the
company ra'8 nv bonus to employes in
3 918. which It expects to' do unless un
foreseen circumstances occur, the bonus will
be paid in war savings stamps.
Joseph Barker, chalrma- of the Omaha
committee, has established an office in the
Federal Reserve bank rooms in the Far
cam building. lie has two stenographers
now at work and Is looking for a store
room clerk to handle the tremendous
amount of advertising literature that is be
ing prepared to give out to the public.
H. G. Kiddoo, manager of Byers Bros. A
Co.. live stock commission firm of South
Omaha, announces that h' company will
give lti employes war savings stamps for
Christmas presents. These certificates will
be s'-n not only to all present employes,
but alio to two ftrmer employes who are
now in military service, one In the army
and one In the navy.
Arthur Talmcr of Omaha has be-n ap
pointed to represent the .S"-dlfh soriotlfs
rf Nebraska in the war savings work. P.
iSadilek of Wilbur has been '.lamcl to
-ifesent the J--, ht-mlan agencies
Si D y ' Cm!
iL .Lr.. ..ff t
Paul Bolo Pasha (right) leaving the
Palais de T:istice Paris, in custody of
a guard after a grilling inqui'.'v last
ing almost four hours,
Despite the death sentence hovering
over him, he was little concerned over
his precarious position, but worried
over the appearance of his trousers,
which he described as "accordion
His proven dealings with Germany
assures his conviction and verdict of
guilty, with the death penalty follow
ing. '
Court House Employes
Plan Their Annual Dance
Court house employees will hold
their third annual dance at the court
house December 20. Not only the
rotunda but all four floods of the
building, which are paved with a
glassy smooth tile, making a fine
dancing floor, will be used by the
holiday merrymakers.
Commissioner -"John Lynch, as
chairman of the court house com
mittee, has called a meeting of the
dance committee to discuss plans and
decide whether they will have a
Christmas tree or not. The commit
tee in charge is Henry Ostrom, Lot
tie Martin, Gus Miller, Mrs. Margaret
Snyder, L. E. Adams, Ruth Foran,
Chris Tracy, Genevive Dcnnison,
Frank Mahony, Frances Piatti, Paul
Steinwender, Frances Darfaceski, J.
I. Musgrave, Alice Dellone, John Cav
enaugh, Kate O'Brien, Joseph Rush,
Harry McDonald, Joe Marow, A. E.
Agee, Joe Sherry, Jay Dudley and
Pat Lynch.
Packages Mailed Before De
cember 1 Will Reach Boys
in Trenches by Christmas;
600,000 Parcels.
Weather Bureau Hoists
Dread Cold Wave Flag
The cold wave flag 'was hoisted
again at the weather bureau yesterday
morning. This means a fall of at
least 20 degrees within the next 36
Omaha's coldest yesterday was
12 degrees. In western Canada it
was 40 below, in North Dakota 26 be
low, in South Dakota 15 below and
at Valentine, Neb., o below.
Reports to the railroads indicate
that the weather out in the state is
not very balmy. Snow flurries Avere
the rule Tuesday night, continuing to
day, with high winds in manyocali
ties. However, there is not enough
snow to seriously interfere with traf
fic. Trains as a rule are running from
30 minutes tj an hour late.
Lieutenant Sullivan Home
' On Leave of Absence
First Lieutenant John L. Sullivan
is back in Jerome for a few days,. on
leave of absence prior to reporting
for service. He arrived there last
night with Mrs. Sullivan, and their
two children, direct from Leon
Springs, Tex., where he spent three
months in the officers' training camp.
Lieutenant Sullivan is to report at
El Paso December 15 for service with
the 164th infantry. He was formerly
an Omaha boy and a Creightan law
graduate. -f ' '
"To all who mailed Christmas gifts
to their soldier boys abroad before
December 1 official assurance has just
been given that, except for unfore
seen and unlikely mishaps of war, all
these remembrances will be delivered
to them at the fighting front on
Christmas day," savs Postmaster C.
E. Fanning.
"This splendid accomplishment was
due to the public's general re
sponse to the appeals for early mail
ing. 'Phe various departments of the
railroad war board throughout the
country, in pursuance of their cam
paign to relieve, traffic congestion by
every possible means, posted plac
ards in depots, waiting rooms and
other public places warning that par
cels mailed after December 1, or too
late to reach New York harbor later
than December 5, would not be likely
te reach the front in France in time.
"The enormous total of 600,000 sep
arate Christmas parcels were shipped
before the final date set, December
5, so generally did the soldiers'
friends and relatives heed the appeal
to 'ship early.' The bulk of this im
mense tonnage sailed long before the
time limit expired and the unprece
dented task was handled with the ut
most dispatch.
"The parcels, each plainly labeled
'Christmas,' ran as high as 100 pounds
in weight, but none was rejected on
account of size. A special organiza
tion of army men and equipment
opened and inspected at the Hoboken
piers every parcel not passed upon at
the originating postoffioes. An expert
Lcrew manufactured boxes and re
packed securely every parcel that ar
rived in. damaged condition.' Small
packages were placed inside of large
wooden cases before being stowed
away in the holds of the, ships. Every
package shipped, from Omaha was
properly packed, inspected and la
beled before leaving here.
"The 600,000 parcels gives assur
ance that the Sammies will be mag
nificently remembered Christmas
morning, wherever they happen to be
on foreign soil."
You can secure a maid, stenogra
pher or 1 bookkeeper by using a Bee
Want Ad.
We are placing on Sale Thursday a
limited number of Standard Ameri
can Military Wrist Watches, 15
jewel movements, luminous dials
and hands, substantial and depend
able timekecpers with broad leather
strap. Just the thing for the en
listed man. Only 85 watches in this
lot. Come Thursday. Ai a
On sale at . p 1 I O
Also a few Standard America's Mili
tary Wrist Watches, 7-jewel move
ments, luminous dials and hands,
plain t but stout cases and fine re
liable timekeepers. 110 watches in
the lot. On sale Cl fi 7 C
Thursday, at )1U I D
Our stock of Elgin, Waltham and
Illinois Military Wrist Watches is
complete and offered at discounts
as long as they last.
Do not delay ' your shopping if
you are thinking of a Wrist Watch.
16th and Douglas Streets.
inn Sale-F
ancy Leather Goods
Most Extraordinary Event
If you have been in doubt what to buy for many of your gifts, this sale will
solve it for you for here are scores and scores of beautiful and practical gifts, at
prices which are in many instances JUST HALF what they should be.
Show Room Samples of Herman Scheuer & Co.
169-171 Madison Avenue, New York City
This is the Big Sample line that we get from this house every year. Coming now, right
before Christmas, makes it an intensely interesting piece of news to evejy gift-seeker.
Here Are Some of the Items Represented
Leatner Toilet Cases
Manicure Sets (leather cases)
Leather Collar Bags
Leather Collar Boxes
Playing Card Sets
Leather Game Sets
Leather Medicine Cases
Leather Coat Hangers
Tourist Toilet Pads
Leather Portfolios
Leather Military Sets
Leather Whiskey Flasks
Leather Poker Sets
Leather Bridge Sets
Leather Music Rolls
Leather Jewel Cases
Leather Camping Cases
Leather Sewing Bags
As Example of PricesNote These
$4.00 Collar Bag f...$1.98
$4.50 Whisky Flasks $2.50
$6.50 Poker Sets ....$3.50
$12.50 Tourist Case $6.50
$9.00 Tourist Case. $4.98
$8.00 Tourist Case $2.98
$3.50 Medicine Cases $1.98
$2.50 Military Brushes $1.19
$6.00 Military Brushes $2.98
All High Grade Goods and Wonderful Bargains at the Prices We Will Quote for This
oale. uniy une or tacn rvina.
Main Floor.
$1.25 Card Sets 69c
$4.50 Bridge Whist Set. . .$2.50
$4.50 Tourist Tablet J. ... $2.50
$9 and $10 Jewel Cases. . .$4.98
$4.00 Jewel Cases .$1.98
For. Distinctive Gifts
This is a veritable mine
jf unusual Gifts one finds
so many dainty and pretty
things that it is rather a
hard thing to choose but
no matter what the choice,
you will go away with the
idea thoroughly in mind
that you have bought a
gift that will be unique
and not likely to be dupli
catedalso that it 5will be
thoroughly appreciated.
$12.00 Japanese Chllie
Knitting Bag, $7.50. Gold
Cord Handles, Japanese
Silk Tassels "fcnd Silk Apple
Trimmings; various shapes
and sizes.
Palmetto Covered Gra
Basket in 6, 7, 8 and 9-inch
sizes, elegant for work bas
kets or to fill with candy for
a gift, and priced for Thurs
day at
39c, 49c, 59c and 69c each.
Imported Work Bag. Dark
colors and fitted with sew
ing articles; silk cord draw
string, each. $1.00 and $1.25
Mahogany Table Lamp.
Complete with silk rose col
or shade, 22 inches over all;
2-light fixture; silk cord and
socket attachment ...$7.95
Third Floor
Boxed for
We are
s h o w ing
thousands and
thousands offas-
cinating Blouses, not only
practical, but particularly
pretty for Christmas Gifts.
Dainty Georgette Crepe
Bloutei, lace or embroidery
trimmed, at. $2.95 to $10.00
Crepe de Chine Blouce,.
plain tailored or lace trim
med models. .$3.98 to $6.50
Satin Blouce, plain tailored
models ....$3.98 to $5.98
Dainty Lace Bloutet
$4.95 to $15.00
Second Floor
fi Just
wWfmL BShoppinf
1 Days '
"J Want a Doll and a Carriage, too,. f
A Hair Ribbon, red, white and blue.
A Pair of (Gloves and a pretty Hat,
Now Santa, what do you think of that?"
"I Want a Sled that goes like fun,
And a Kiddie Car that make me run ;
A Choo-Choo-Engine clear the way,
And other things to help me play.".
And Santa listens, and puts it down,
In his great big book, without a frown.
For all little girls and all little boys
Must be remembered with Christmas Toys.
In His Big Basement Toyland he waits for all
To come to his houseand make their call,
A jolly, big, laughing Santa is he
Who says to each youngster, come and see me.
TJoyland Is Brim-Full
Of the Best of Playthings
There is practically no end to the wonderful
display of Toys we are making this year and be
cause we made arrangements for these Toys
months and months ago, we are able to quote
prices which are decidedly lower than though we
had to go into the market today and buy them.
A very good set for a boy who has a
mechanical trend.
Manual Trainer Tool Cheitt, com
plete with hammei, plane, saw, mal
let, in good case, at $1.25
Our Tintograph Is one of the most in
teresting drawings and paints on the
market. It teaches little girls and
boys how to make animals and dif
ferent objects and color them true to
life. Sets, at 25c. 50c and $1.00
Architectural Wagon Block, come complete in wooden boxes
with wheels which when blocks are removed. can be convert
ed into a wagon.
Box sets containing 20 blocks, at 25c
Large sets, at 50c, $1.00 and $1.50
Don't Forget to Have Your
Child's Picture Taken
In Santa Glaus' Arms
NIn this Basement Toyland
Every Morning 9 :30 to 11 :00.
Two Pictures for 25c
A Victrola
fil i2
lift J
If l 'I
Makes a Royal
Christmas Present.
There never was a time
when music in the home
was a more appreciable
gift and the Victor
stands highest of all as the
universal favorite.
Amusement and entertain
ment for the whole family
that3 what it means when
, you purchase a Victrola for
a Christmas Gift.
So great has been the- de
mand for Victrolas this
Christmas season that we
earnestly advise all those
who contemplate making the
Victrola a Christmas gift to
make their purchase EIGHT
We shall be glad to dem
onstrate for you at any
time and play some of the
Latest Records in our sound
proof parlors. There are
many new points of excel
lence in the newer Machines
that we should like to show
you. 1 .
Main Floor, Pompeian Room
Flash Lights
Special, 37c Each
We made a very for
tunate purchase which
permits us to offer the
small size "Eveready"
Flash Light Cases and
Lamps, at 37c each.
Optical Department, Main
For Christmas Gifts
Make a "safe" gift
especially if you do not
know "her" size and
you will be sure to
please. Main Floor.
Buy Another War
Savings Stamp -
tr I n i j : v S
. ; .-. .