Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1917, Page 13, Image 13

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JP Pirn Kxiiress Co., Moving
. Kj. JXEjEjU p.ckin and Storage,
g 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2743. Doug. 6146
$300 DOWN-$25 MONTH
5-room, strictly modern bungalow, lo
cated at 37th and Boyd; south front.
Triced at 12,300, a bargain figure.
637 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. I. VS
Thla ti-room house, uearly new, at 4717
X. i'id St., Is a Imrguin at, the price asked
on the easy paynunt plan. Lot is large
and the place It one that fhould- make
a comfortable home for you. It Is near
skrhool, stores and car. For price call
1 Creigh, Sons & C6mpany,
Doug. 20U. Realtors 608 Bee Bldg.
An S-room modern house, eouth front,
with two lots, 45x128 feet eac, near 80th
and Maple, block to car line and How
ard Kennedy school; lots in this location
readily worth $750 each. We will con
aider any reasonable offer and terms. 2 b i6
Maple St.
345 Omfchk Nat, Bk. TI,erJ-
AFTER looking at MINNE LU8A 300 dif
ferent buyers decided that II was the best
proposition on the market and tbey
backed their judgment by buying lots
IF YOU will come out today you will
understand why the others are buying
t43 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 111
NEW, Modern 6-room bouse; paved street.
Harney car line All oak. Will sell 1250
down Call D. 3628 days or Wa! 677
6-R. MODERN cottage, block of car, good
location; $300 down, $30 per month. Sew
ard Bros., 678 Brandels. DOug. 3840.
201$ 8. 33d St. Six rooms and bath, liv
ing and' dining room finished in
oak, built-in buffet and book cases;
bedroom, large kitchen and pantry, re
frigerator room on first floor; oak stair
way to second floor, which has two bed
rooms and tiled bath with built-in medi
cine cabinet, four large closets. Exterior
rtucco and siding. Price $3,(00. Well
worth $4,000.
810 S. S4th St. Large living room with
built-in book cases, coat room with
mirror door; largo dining room
with built-in buffet In oak; kitchen, pan
try and Icebox room finished In yellow
pine; oak floors, oak Btalr to second floor;
extra large front bedroom, finished In
white enamel; sun room and bedroom fin
ished In yellow pine; tiled bath with medi
cine cabinet. Will decorate to suit. Ex
terior stuoco and frame. Price, $4,250.
S0C2 S. 3Sd St. Seven rooms and bath;
cosy living room, den, dining room
with buffet", kitchen, pantry and
rear entry on first floor;- two bedrooms,
bath and sleeping porch c . second floor.
In course of completion and can be fin
ished to suit individual taste. Price,
2809 S. 34th St. Stucco bungalow, five
rooms and bath on one floor, large
living room and dining room, fin
ished In oak, built-in cupboard, o k floors,
tiled bath room with medicine cabinet,
electric light fixtures and decorations to
ult purchaser. A big bargain at $3,650.
i Any of the above houses can be pur
chased on $200 cash payment with monthly
payments. ,
C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
S. E. corner, 34th and Arbor Sts two
fine, modern houses. One Is 6 rooms, oak
finished, fire place, etc. The other Is
C ro,oms, rented to good tenant for $22 60
around. 108x132, room for more' houses oi
apartments. Exceptional proposition
See owner, Harney 1341.
JNiH 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both
on one lot; fins condition; live In one and
rent the other. Price for both. $2,760
Very easy terms. No. i" 133 S. 20th St
400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270
LET met show you my brand new stucco
bungalbw; finely finished, excellent loca
tion. A real bargain at $3,860 Rea
sonable terms. Call owner. Douglas 1772
T-room House, hot water heat, grrage.
$3,760. John J. Mulvlhill, Realtor, 200
Brandels Theater Bid. Phono Doug. 96
Real batata and Insurance.
1320 r'arnam St. Doug. 1064
I0l lat Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1734
REAL ESTATE B'nes Pr'pty
City Real E-.ate, ,
Douglas 1671. 123 Brjndels Theater.
H. A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist
to downtown business property. .
REAL ESTATE Investment
Double brick flats, almost new,
near 25th and Harney, hardwood
finish, a beauty inside and out.
Rents at $840 per annum. Practi
cally no upkeep expense. Priced to
selt at once. Only $7,800.' Never
offered before. See this at once.
10x132 ft., on Cuming St., with two frame
stores, near 22d St., renting at $40.00
a month, at $4,000.00.
47 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1294.
99x132, brick buildings; for sale or for
rent; all or part. E. II. Benner Co. D.
WE HAVE a. 'eral good reliable buyers for
6 and 6-room houses and bungalows With
$300 to 2500 down. .Call Osborne Realty
Co.. Tyler 196. 701 Oma. Nat Bank Bldg.
Located 4 miles west of the county seat.
Has small house, barn for six horses and
other outbuildings. About 200 acres level
valley land, balance rolling pasture land.
Price $18 per acre. Want smaller piece
or land, norineasrern eorasaa. r. i.
Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60.
FOR sale or trade, lot 13 and 14, Swift's
add to South Omaha; will take Ford
roadster or touring car as part payment
, Address Box 439, George, la.
TRADE 6 room house north, one block to
car and school, two diocks irom uirani
University; want modern improved acre-
age. Box 8430. Omaha Bee.
WESTERN LANDS. Nllsson. 422 Rose Bldg
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
MINN'K LUSA Nice lot on TltUs Ave., mar
24tlt St., can bo bought at a bargain;
this lot must be sold. Call owner eve
nings. Walnut 70. "
IaROE Garden Lots near car line, paved
street. $125 to 8195. 31 down, Doug 607J
SIX-RM. bousa on easy terms; must aell;
might consider auto. Ben. 537.
Owner Leaving the City
In Dundee's new residence district, we
have a new 7-room. 2-story house. Large
living room, dtnlnir room and convenient
kitchen, with pantry and Icebox room on
first floor. Three good-slMd bedrooms,
finished sleeping porch and bath room
second floor. Stairway to floored attic.
Decorated throughout. Full cemented
bast-ment. tJuaranteed furnace. Oarage
and cement drive. This house is located
on corner lot, 60x135 feet; is occupied by
owner, who has been transferred to St.
Paul and must sell. Price. $5,400; $650
cash and balance monthly. See us
Phone D. 756. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg.
FIVE very fine garden lots, close to car llnet
ciose to scnoot, just ouisme the city limits,
where you do not have to pay city taxes;
an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or
garden; the owner has moved to Cali
fornia and says sell at once; price $92
each; terms. 50c a week on each lot. Call
Walnut '466 today or in the evening.
Real Estate. Loans andMortgages.
6. 6H and 6 per cent. Also first mort
gages on farms and Omaha real estate tor
sale. J H. Dumom A Co.. 416-418 Keellne
Bldg.. 17th and Harney.
THE Investors of Omaha will always find
us with a stock of 6 per cent first mort
gages, secured by Omaha residence prop
erty or Nebraska farms.
638 Keellne Bldg.
$2,600 M'TGE. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually;
secured by mortgage valued at $9,000.
Talmadge-Loomis In v. Co., W. O. W. Bldg.
hw. bTndiskI
Money oil hand for mortgage loans.
City National Bank Bldg.
W. T. ORAHAM, 604 Bea Bldg.
; fW C.TY
Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.
iy 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.
u'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l.
$100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F D.
Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts.
MONEY to loan on Improved farms and
ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha
dels Theater Bldg. D. 685.
W. H. THOMAS & SON. Keellne Bldg.
Arkansas Lands.
To the land of corn and cotton and a
delightful climate. To the Arkansas river
valley In southeast Arkansas. We ara
selling good productive land for $35.00 to
$45.00 an acre on long and easy terms and
Improved plantations at from $50.00 to
$70.00 an acre. The cultivated land Is
renting for from $3.00 to $10.00 an acre.
Our next excursion is December 18 from
Omaha and $38.00 will pay all of your
expenses. Frea Information on request.
Phone Douglas 3600.
201 Neville Blk., Omaha.
Colorado Land.
Capital, $50,000.00.
Pueblo, Colorado, April 2, 1917..
To Whom Concerned:
We consider the farm lands of The Twin
Lakes Land and Water Company to be
second to none for fertility and productive
ness, a fact that makes possible the Inten
sive farming of the Crowley, Ordway and
Sugar City district.
The source of water supply for this Ir
rigated land is the Arkansas river, sup
plemented by good storage reservoirs.
We are pleased to recommend this com
pany and Its officers as responsible and
desirable business men.
Very truly,
By N. B. Cook, Cashier.
Under the Twin Lakes & Water Co. sys
tem. Crops raised include large yields
of wheat, oats, corn, alfalfa, sugar beets,
cucumbers, potatoes, squash, pumpkins,
cantaloupes, melons, tomatoes, onions, ap
ples and cherries. Cattle, sheep and hog
ralBlng very profitable. Market facilities
admirable. Land one to four miles from
shipping stations. Beet sugar factory, al
falfa mills, pickling plants, canning fac
tory and creamery at Crowley and Ordway.
Colo. Electric light power and pure Olney
Springs water may be obtained for farm
use. All denomination, good schools and
roads. Write us for special excursion
fates, prices and terms. H. R. FOLLMER
CO., 936 First National Bank Bldg..
Omaha. Phone Tyler (2862.
Free Missouri Pacific booklet. ,
WHEAT lands, kit Carson county, Color
ado. $12.60 to $18 per acre; we control
25 choice quarters; send for booklet.
ifloke Inv. Co.. Omaha.
T Iowa Lands.
345-ACRE farm In Fumont County, Iowa,
for sale cheap and on reasonable terms by
the owner.
Farm' Is located near Thurman, la., and
la In excellent condition, well Improved
and In excellent shape. Two dwellings.
Improvements practically new.
32 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la.
SEE us for Texas land. Wa furnish cattle.
You pay from profits. Thomas Olson. 407
Karbacb Bldg.
GOOD corn land. East Texaa. $26 an acre.
Get my free book.
W S FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha
Missouri Lands.
$10 cash and $5 monthly, no interest or
taxea; highly productive land; close to
three hlg markets. Write for photographs
and full Information. HUNGER. A-119.
I N. Y. Lit Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo
Nebraska Lands.
About 160 acres In cultivation, 80 acres
pasture. food 6-room house on good
foundation, well built barn for 18 horses
with good hay mow, granary, chicken
houst and hog house. Fenced and cross
fenced, well and windmill. The farm is
soma rolling and some rough, but all good
soil, Is in a fine state of cultivation for
fall grain. Located about 22 miles from
Kearney and 8 miles from Amherst. Price,
$8,600. This farm will carry a mortgage
of $4,600 to $5,000. This is one of the
best buys I know of in Buffalo county,
and with present prices of farm products,
thla farm should pay the purchase price
with less than three crops. Is an excep
tional proposition and will sell.
SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments
6 acres up. Wa 'arm the farm w aell
you. The Hungerford Potato Growers'
association. 16th and Howard Sta.. Omaba
Douglas 9371
80 ACRES, nearly level. Improved, between
Oakland and West Point. Neb., at only
9190. on eas- terms. G. A. Kull. Oakland.
FOR SALE Best largo body high-grade,
medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very
little money required. C. Bradley, Wol-
bach. Neb.
RANCHES of all sizes nnd kinds, easy
terms. A. A. Patiman, 301 Karbach Blk.
LIST your lands for quick results with C.
i Canan. Sin McCagu Bide. Omaha
Oregon Lands.
Get on the ground floor with 80 acrea
irrigated land In connection with open
rang,.. You can grow stock successfully
and cheaply. Excursion Dec. 18. Send for
(40 1st Nat. Bk Bldg.. Omaha.
Wyoming Lands.
nijl 1 Lrtll V TT J l ill li (3 ll turn, w-w jyca .
Including paid-up water rights. Henry
w ...i a r a n..ia. C J 4"ilsi RT t'l
cad ra wiVTPn
Don't list your farm with us If you want
to keep ii.
433 8. 16th. Douglas (371
Grown up folks know why ha cornea
or stay away. If you hava a little
money he Is mora likely to come.
Are you going to run the risk of him
misln you? Take no chanca and get
the money today. Let us glva Santa
Claus your number.
For I yeara we have bean doing this.
Easy payments. Utmost privacy.
540 Paxton Block. Tel. Doug. It6.
Organised by the Businesa Wen of Omaha.
FURNITURE, pianos and notaa as security
$40, 6 mo.. II goods, total coal, 33. 49.
$40, 8 mi, Indorsed notes, total cost, $3.60
Smaller, lurge am'ts proportional rale.
432 Rose Bldg., lJU,,n!L?,irJ,m- Ty.J 6.
W. C. KLATAU. EST. 1S92.
Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry
Malashock. 1614 Dodge. LV 6619. Est. 1891.
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
THREE heavy draft horses for sale. Willow
Springs Dlst, 4th and Pierce. Pg. 1835.
You can secure a maid, stenogra
pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee
Want Ad.
O. C. Redlck Realty company td Steve
Dorsey, Park avenue, 100 feet south
of Dewey avenue, east side,
113x140 $ 7,500
Magic City Realty company to Jim
Russ. Thirty-first street. 44 feet
north of V street, cast side. 43x100 300
Orchard Investment company to Tlch
ard Caveye, Forty-fourth street,
40 feet, north of P street, east side,
40x120 37$
Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Isabel
B. Stephens, Worthlngton avenue,
105 feet weat of Blghth street.
north side, 70x130 1,100
Jessie P. Colwell and husband to
Harry C. Fleldor et al, southwest
corner Twenty-fourth and Jones
street, 45x55 10,000
Annie M. Day to Anna M, Ish, Cen
tral boulevard, 176 feet norlh of
Mason, eaat side, 40x135; Emmet
street, 615 feet west of Twenty
fourth street, north side, 60x34.6.. 1
Nettle O'Rourke and husband to
Harvey Maloon et al. Madison
street, 62 feet west of Twentystxth
street, South side, 6$xl7T 1,600
Paul G. Rledesel and wlfa to John
B. Nichols, northwest corner
Sweetwood avenue and Dawey ave
nue, 48x60 6,000
John B. Nlchlos to Charlea Mulhair,
northwest corner Sweetwood avenue
and Dewey avenue, 48x60 1
Calvin H. Taylor and wlfa to Charles
Mulhair, Twenty-eighth It reel, 60
feet south of Jackton street, eaat
aide, 88.5x138.5 1
Conservative Savings and Loan asso
elation to Hugh Slavln, Blotldo
street, 120 feet west of Thirty-third ,
street, south Me, 60x127.6 1,450
Leonora O. French and husband to
Robert D. R. Welgel and wife.
Twenty-fourth street, 277.5 feet
north of Brown street, east side,
41x127.25 2,600
Mary C. Walgel and husband to
Charlotte Barsch, Twenty-fourth,
277.6 feet, north of Brown street,
east side. 41x127.25 3,600
E. Porter Stewart and wife to Rich
ard Slgmund, Seventeenth atrset, 98
feet south of M street, eaat aide,
49x140 3,100
St, Louis lire Stock Market.
St. Louis, Dee. 12. Cattle Receipts. 8,100
bead; market, lower; native beof ataers, $1.00
4f 15.00; yearling steers and heifers, $7,000
14.60; cows, $5.0011.00; stockers and feed
ers, $6.5011.00; Texas quarantine steers,
it!. 75 10.50; fair to prime southern beef
steers, $9.0012.76; beef cowa and helfera,
$6.0010.00; prima yearling steers and
heifers, $7,5010.O0; native calves, $5.75
Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market,
steady; lights, 117.40 17.60; pigs, 316.00
16.60; mixed and butchers, $7.6017.70;
mixed, $17.6017.75; bulk of gales, $17,404?
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,200 head;
market, strong; lambs, $13.0016.95; ewes,
I10.00iffll.60; wethers, $11.00 12.60; can
ners, $6 009.00.
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
Kansas City, Dec. 12. Cattle Receipts,
16,000 head; market, dull; prime fed steers,
12.5015.50: dressed beef steers. $11.60
13.60; western steers, $9.0012.00; cows,
$5.75010.00; heifers, $6.6011.00; stockers
and feeders, 37.0011.00; bulls, $6'.008.60;
calves, is.DOfp iz.76.
Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market,
lower; bulk of sales, S17.17.46; heavy,
$17.3017.66; packera and butchers, 117.150
17.40; light, $16.9017.30; pigs. $16.00iiji
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 8.000 head:
market, higher; lambs, $16.60 tf 16.90 ; year
lings, i2.t)OWii.oo; wethers. 311. 76ffl13.26:
ewes, $11.00012.26.
Chicago Lira Stock Market.
Chicago. Dec. 12. Cattle Receipts. 18..
000 head; market, steady: native steers.
37.2S14.60j western steers, $8.30 0 13,26;
stockers and feeders, $6.10010.75; cowa and
heifers, $5.10011.20; calves, $8.60015.60.
iiogs Receipts, 37,000 head: market.
weak; bulk of sales. $17.15a17.55: llaht.
$16.7017.45; mixed, $17.00017.60; heavy,
4i6.K6Siiv.tit); rough, $16.95017.15; pigs,
Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 14,000 head;
arket, firm: wethers. $8.80013.00: ewes.
$7.90011.60; lambs, $12.60017.00.
Monx City Live Stock. I
Sioux City, la., Dec. It. "attle Receipts.
f unn hn.ii. . ..i. .. . . i r. , . i .
v.uviv ,. a U , mainci ivv'" lunui UCV1
steers, $8.0015.00; fat cows and helfera,
K.uuan.bu; canners. $6.6006.50: atockers
and feeders, 37.0011.00; calves, $7,600
iz. ou; nuns, stags, etc.. 16.6009.00: feed In a
cows and heifers, $6.2608.60.
Hogs Receipts, head: market 10c
lower; light, $16.(0017.10; mixed, $17,100
17.20; heavy, $17.15017.30; pigs, $16,600
16.00; bulk of sales, $17.00017.25.
Sheep and Lambs Reoelbts. 2.000 head:
market steady.
Omaha Hay.
Hay Prairie: Choice upland, $24; No. 1,
$22.00023.00; No. 2, $18.00013.60; No. 3,
$15.00016.00: No. 1 midland. $22.00023.00:
No. 2 midland, 818.00igl9.60; No. 1 lowland,
17.00018. 0C; No. 2 lowland, $14.00015.00;
Jo. 8 lowland, $12.60013.50.
Alfalfa Choice. $31.00; No. 1. $28 000
30.00; standard, $26.00038.00; No. 2, $24.00
25.00; No. 3, $21.0023.00.
StrawOat, 39.60: wheat, ((.00.
Chicago Produce.
Chicago. Dec. 13. Butter Market high
er; creamery, 38048c.
Eggs Receipts, 3,698 cases; market firm;
firsts, 49050c; ordinary firsts, 4346Hc; at
mark, cases Included, 43049c.
Potatoes Receipts, 25 cars; market un
Poultry Alive, market higher: fowls, 17
02rc; springs, 19c.
Minneapolis Grain.
Minneapolis, Dec. 12. Flour Market un
Barley $1.2101.52.
Rye $1.811.82.
Bran $40.00(3 40.60.
Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.7001.76.
Oats No. 3 white, 74 077 He.
Flaxseed $3.3703.39.
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 13. Turpentine
Firm, 42Hc; sales, 142: rects, 108; ship
ments, 257; stocks, 25,264.
Rosin Firm; sales, 884; receipts, 649;
shipments, 202; stock, 78,091. Quote B, D,
K, F. O. H. I 36.06$8.10; K, $.606.70;
M, $6.95; N. $7.30; WG, $7.60; WW, $6.70.
New York Cotton.
New York, Deo. 12. Cotton Futures
opened steady; December, 30.40c; January,
29.50c; March. 29.40C; May, 29.16c; July,
Cotton futures closed steady) December.
29.90c; January. 29.06c; March, 28.90c; May,
28.72c; July, 28.44c.
Spot Cotton Market quiet; middling,
KanNas City Produce.
Kansas City, Dec. 12. Butter Cream
ery. 42c; firsts, 40c; seconds, 28c; packing,
32 Vic.
Eggs Firsts, 45c: seconds, 81 0 83c.
Poultry Hens, 21e; roosters, 16c; broil
ers. 24025c.
Liverpool Cotton.
Liverpool, Dec. 12. Cotto.i Spot quiet;
prices dull; good middling, 22.68d; middling,
22.16d; low middling, 21.63d; good ordinary,
20.63d; ordinary, 20.11d; sales, 2,000 bales.
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 12. Corn No. 2
mixea, i.5i.z; no. i wnite, ii.7uwi.7k;
No. 2 fellow, $1.6501. t0; December, $1.27Vi;
January, i ttsi-an.
London Money.
London, Dec. 12. Silver Bar, 42T4d per
Money t per cent
Discount Rats Short bills, 4 par cent;
three-month bills, 4 per cent.
Cattle Bids Some Lower; Hog
Prices Five Cents Lower;
Sheep Prices Are
Omaha, December 13, 1117.
Receipts were; -Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Official Monday ...... .S3 11,376 12.024
Official Tuesday 8.348 it, 687 6.635
Estimate Wednesday . MOO 11,200 1.300
Three days thla week.. 14.140 31,33 23,(49
Same daya last week.. 41, 607 $3,084 69,974
Sama days 3 weeka agoS3.3T3 37.1(8 36.102
Saem daya 8 weska ao4,904 19,8(6 30.876
Same daya 4 weeks ago48,(0 17,447 33,663
Same daya last year.. 37,(74 48.38 41,480
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24
hours ending at 3 o clock yesterday:
Cattla. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. St. P.... $ .. ..
Missouri Paclfto... 6 1
Vnlon Paclflo (8 4( 17
C. & N. -W., cast.. 1$ 13 ..
C. A N. W.. west.. 68 46 10 1,
t '.. St. P., M. & O 8 4 1
l' B. Q,. east.. 13 10 3
C, B. A Q.. west.. 188 33 27
O., R. I. & T., east. 18 13
C. R. I. & P., west. 3 5
Illinois Central.... 10 4 .. ,,
Chicago Gt West.. 3' 4 .. .,
Total receipts.., 387 188 67 1
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Morris A Co
Swift ft Company
1,117 1.523
1.796 2.771
3,960 1.37$
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1.410
Armour & Co 1,671
Schwarts A Co ., ....
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co.. fS
S. Omaha Packing Co. S
Cudahy, Sioux City
Wilson Packing Co.. 68
Benton, Vansant & L. 33
F. B. Lewis 617
J. H. Root & Co 188
J. H. Bulla 8
Rosenstock Bros 3
F. O. Kellogg 45
Werthelmer Degen. 188
Sullivan Bros 80
Mo, ft Kan. Calf Co. S24
Christie 10
Huffman ............ 21
Roth 28
Meyers 12
Olaasberg X
Banner Bros 64
John Harvey 778
Jensen ft Lungren.... 106
Rurress 1
Ellis ft Co 67
Pat O'Day 11
Other Buyera (23
2,808 3,383
Totals 8,274 12,011 12,733
Cattle Receipts were pretty decent for a
Wednesday and with Chicago breaking
sharply tha laat few days and local cool
ers full of beef for which there are no
cars, packers 'Were very Indifferent bidders
on the early rounds today. A few odd sales
of medium range steers were made nearly
steady, but on the bulk of the western of
ferings aa well aa native steers and butcher
stock early bids were considerably lower.
Trains were late again today and thla was
another factor In making the trade ex
tremely draggy. Late yesterday when the
bulk of the natives came In sales Were made
largely 10025a under last week's close.
Stocker and feeder trade Is almost at a
standstill, hardly any outside buyers are
here and hulk of the supply la very alow al
decline of 25040c from last week, while
good steers sold late yesterday and early
today fully 25o lower than the latter part
of last week.
Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy beeves,
$13.60015.00; good to choice beeves, $13,600
13.60; fair to good beeves, $10.50012.60;
common to fair beeves, $7.00 0 10.60; good to
choice yearlings, $14.00016.00; fair to good
yearlings, $12.00013.50; common to fair
yearlings, $6.60011.00; prime heavy grass
beeves, $11.25013.00; good to choice grass
beeves, $10.00011.25; fair to good grass
beeves, $8.75010.00; common to fair grass
besves, $6.6008.60; good to choice heifers,
$8.00010.60; good to choice cows, $8,000
9.60; fair to good cows, $6.2507 76; common
to fair cows, $5.2506.25; goo to choice
feeders, $9.50011.00; fair to good feeders.
$8.0009.60; common to fair feede. $6,000
1.00: good to choice Blockers, $8.7510.00j
Stock heifers, $6.5008.26; stock cows, $H.00
7.26; stock calves, $6.00010.00; veal
calves, $9.0012.50; bulls, stags, etc., $5.50
No, Av. Pr. No. .
Av. Pr.
834 $8 00
612 8 25
871 8 76
725 ( 60
5 610 $7 60
923 8 15
.. 760 8 50
..826 ( 00
.. 8J4 10 10
..1129 10 40
787 10 25
13 1190 10 76
20 1198 11 60
6 1112 11 25
19 1257 11 90
8 steers.. 873 $9 00 12 cows... 778 $7 85
6 calves... 368 1 60 43 steers. .1108 10 66
29 heifers.. 817 8 00 16 steers. .1006 10 80
Hogs The heaviest run of hogs of the
week to date waa on hand this morning, and
the few loads that sold to shippers on the
early market brought steady to So lower
prices. Packera were doing nothing. Top
brought $17.36, with the bulk of the bogs
Rolng around $17.00017.20.
ro. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr.
77. .288 ... $17 25
160.. 101 ... 18 80
Sheep A fairly liberal run of sheep and
lambs waa on the market this morning.
Trade In killers continued aotlve, fat lambs
showing strength from thevopenlng, and
prices were a shade stronger than yester
day's close. Top fat lambs brought $16.75,
on the early market, heavy klnda selling at
$16.00016.40. Fat ewes were fully steady
although nothing on the early market
equaled yesterday afternoon's top of $11.40.
Best this morning brought $11.00011.25.
Feeders showed more left than In some
time, the outside demapd stimulating the
market, and prices were fully steady to a
little stronger all arouiid. Nothing choice
changed hands, Inbetweens bringing $15,000
1".25. Feeder yearling wethers brought
Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Lambs.
handywelght, $16.25j16.76; lambs, heavy
weight. $14.60016.26; lambs, feeders, $16.60
Sflfi.00: lambs, shorn. 311.60&13.60: lambs.
culls, $10.00016.00; yearlings, fair to choice,
$11.60013 25; yearlings, feeders, $13,000
14.25; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00012.60;
ewes, fair to choice, $9.75011.60; ewes,
breeders, all ages, $10.60018-60; ewes, feed
ers, $7.60010.60; ewes, culls and cannors,
No. Av. Pr.
526 Montana feeder yearlings.... 77 $13 26
204 Colorado lambs 76
16 60
16 25
13 75
16 00
16 76
13 00
(61 Colorado feeder lambs ...... (2
154 cull feeder lambs 66
191 fed lambs 85
205 fed lambs 79
6 culls 64
Coffee Market.
New York, Dec. 13. The market for coffee
futures opened at an advance of 8 points on
a moderate demand from brokers, with
foreign connections, and reports of continued
steadiness in Brazil. The buying orders
seemed to be pretty well supplied around
7.290 for March and 7.810 for September,
however, and prlcea later reacted under a
renewal of acattered trade selling or
liquidation. Reports that some of the cost
and freight offera received were a shade
faaier, may have contributed to the decline,
but the talk around the ring reflected no
fresh feature of Importance. March sold off
to 7.27c and September to 7.79o, with the
market closing net I potnta lower to 1 point
higher. December, 7.00c; January, 7.08c;
March, 7.25c; May, 7.41c; July, 7.69o; Sep
tember, 7.74c.
Spot, dull; Rio 7s, 7Hc; Santos 4s. (ftc.
Only a few cost and freight offers were re
ceived with prices unchanged to a shade
lower. Including Santos 4a at (,25o to (.40c,
London credits.
The official cables showed an advance of
75 rels at Rio, with the Santos market un
changed for spots and unchanged to 60
rela lower for futures Itlo exchange 6-32d
New York Prod nee.
New York. Dec. 12. Butter Market
strong; receipts, (.(10 tubs; creamery, high
er than extras, 6ViOtlo; creamery (92
score), 49 HO 50c; firsts, 44049c; seconds,
Eggs Maraket firm; receipts, 4,186 cases;
fresh gathered extras, 60c; extra firsts, 68 0
69c; firsts, (64)67c; seconds, 62064c; refrig
erator apeclal marks, 374038c; refrigerator
firsts, 36037c.
Cheese Market steady; receipts, 2,283
boxes, state fresh specials, 23028Hc; state
average run, 22V423c.
Poultry Dressed, market atrong; chick
ens, 23030c; fowls, V, 28c; turkeys. 29
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph, Mo., Dee. 13. Cattle Receipts,
3,600 head; market steady; steers, ($.000
14.60; cows and heifers, $6.25013.00; calves,
Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; market
steady; top, $17.60; bulk ot sales, $17,260
Sheep anal Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head;
market higher; lambs, $12.00016.75; ewes,
London Meek Exchange.
London, Dec 13. American securities
were dnll on the stock exchange today.
Imminence of Government Rail
road Operation and Report of
Federal Munition Plant Con
trol Lead to Reversal
New York. Doe. 12. The further crum
bltng of values in the stock market today
was again traceable to obvious reasons, for
eign and domestlo developments Intensifying
the general feeling of discouragement.
Cumulative evidence that the government
purposes taking over the railroads under
conditions not previously reckoned witn ana
a news ticker dispatch from Washington
quoting an eminent military authority as
saying that all private munition plants
should be placed under direct federal con
trol contributed measurably lo th wide
apread reversal.
Ralls. Including many l4ues fur years
classed among those yielding substantial
dividend returns, fell 3 to 4 points with
scarcely a noteworthy exception touching
their lowest range In the current period of
liquidation, in some Instances today a mint
mum established near records for a decade
and even a generation.
United States Steel's uninterrupted decline
ot SS to 8144 represented a new low for this
year and an extreme reversal of 66 points
from It maximum of the mid-year.
Practically every grade of stock In the
Industrial, shipping and allied divisions sup
cumbed to the pressure directed against the
leaders, showing recessions of ( to 6 points.
Operations embraced a wide area, the move
ment bringing out many dormant Issues.
Sales 780.000 shares.
Foreign flotarrons again featured the weak
bond market, Anglo-French ta and Paris 6s
as well aa French munlclpala recording
greater depreciation with the Russian 6VS
on tho "ourb." Liberty 4a ranged (7.36 to
(7.48 and the IUi from 98.48 to
Total sales, par value, (5,3(0,(00. Old
United States , bonds were unchanged on
Sales. High. Lo. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar. 1.400 704 67 67
American Clan 7,(00 low 7 67
Am. Car ft Foundry 1,(00 64 t 604
Am. Locomotive.. (.300 49Vi 47 V 47 V
Am. Smelt, ft Ref.. 11,600 7H 67S 67
Am. Sugar Ref 1.300 94 93 93
Am. Tel. Tel.. 6,300 loan 100H 100H
Am. Z, L. and S.. 200 12 13 13
Anaconda Copper.. 11,900 (6 634 63tt
aVtchlaoa 1,900 80S 78H 764a
A. OftW. I. S. .8. I.. 2,400 (4 (0,90H
Bait. OhIO 3.309 47 y, 46 46
H. ft H. Cupper .. 700 16H 16 16
Cal. Petroleum .. 900 11 11 10 4,
Can. Pacific 20.600 W 126 127
Cen. Leather .... 8,100 U 57H 674,
Ches. ft Ohio .... 3.300 44 48 43ft
C, U. ft St. P.... 3,800 88 16 36
Chi. ft North 700 90 88 37
C, R. I. ft P. ctfs. . S.500 17 16 16
Chlno Copper .... 3,200 40 39 39
Col. Fnel A Iron.. 1.300 (2 80 30
C. P. Refining .... 16,000 29 27 27
Crucible Steel .... 8.600 61 48 48
Cuban Cane Sugar. 6,800 26 26 26
Dlst. Securities .. 7.900 29 27 27
Erie 3,(00 14 13 18
Gen. Electric .... 6,(00 123 121V. Ut
General Motors ., 6,800 86 84 84
Gt. North, pfd 2,600 87 84 84
Ot. North. Ore Ctfs 2,300 24 23 23
III. Central 700 90 88 SH
Inap. Copper 4,200 41 39 39
Int. Mer Mar. pfd. 86,600 (1 86 86
Inter. Nlrke.1 .... 6,300 26 24 24
Inter. Paper .... 800 23 22 22
K. C. Southern .. 300 16 16 16
Kennecott Copper. 6.2000 29 29 99
L. ft N 1.200 109 106 106
Maxwell Motors.. 600 23 21 21
Mex. Petroleum .. 4,800 74 71 71
Miami Copper .... 1,100 26 26 26
Mo. Paclflo 4,700 22 31 21
Mont. Power .... too 61 60 60
Nevada Copper ... 2.800 18 17 . 17
N. Y. Central .... 6,200 66 64 ' 65
N. Y., N. H. AH.. 1,600 29 27 28
Norfolk ft Western 3.700 99 (6 96
North. Paclfto ... 4,600 82 78 80
Pacific Mall 600 25 2 25
Pac. T. ft T 17
Pennsylvania (,000 44 43 43
Pittsburgh Coal 40
Ray Con. Copper.. (.200 21 21 21
Reading (1,600 67 64 65
Rep. Iron ft Steel 11,800 13 6(H 70
fihat. Arls. Copper , 200 17 lt 17.
south, l'acirio .... ,8no so 78 ' 73
South. Railway .. 8,500 23 21 21
Stud. Corporation . 6.000 43 40 40
Texas 10 3,91)0 I32k 129V4
Union Paclflo .... 13,300 108 106 100
U. S. lnd. A 6,300 106 103 104
U. 6. Steel ....215,900 85 8144 61
V. S. Steel pfd ... 2,700 1(6 103 103
Utah Copper 10,700 18 76 76
Wabash pfd 'B" . . 2,100 19 18 18
Western Union ... 700 78 77 78
West. Klectrlc 7,800 36 36 (5
Totsl sales for the day, 780,000 shares.
New York Money.
New York, Deo. 13. Prime Mercantile
Paper 6 06 per cent.
Sterling Kxchange Sixty-day bills.
$4.71; commercial sixty-day bills on banks,
$4.71: commercial sixty-day bills, $4.70;
demand, $4.75; cables, $4.16 7-16.
Silver Bar, 86o; Mexican dollars, (o.
Bonds Government, Irregular; railroad,
Time Loans Strong; sixty daya, 8 06
per cent; ninety days and six months, f 0
6 per cent.
Call Money Firm; highest. 6 per oent;
lowest, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent!
closing bid, 6 per Cent; offered at 6 per
cent; last loan, 6 per cent,
U. S. 2s reg... (6G. N. 1st 4s. (7
do coupon... 6L C. ref. 4s.. 7(
V. 8.8s, reg.... (( I. M. M. 6s.... 88
do coupon .. (( K. C. 8. ref. 5s 76
TJ. S. Lib. 3s.9$.52L. ft N. un. 4s.. 85
U. 8. 4S reg..l04M., K. A T. Ist4 87,
do coupon ...,104M. P. gen 4s .... 63
A. P. S. 5s..,. (1M. row. 6s .... 88
A. T. A T. olt. 6s (0 N. Y. C. deb. 6s. (8
Anglo-French 6s. 85-N. P. 4s 62
A. & Co. 48.. 83 N. P. 8s 68
Atch. gen 4s.... 810. S. L. ref 4s.. 82
B. A O. ev 4s 74 V. T. ft T. 6s.... 91
B. Steel ref 6s. 87Pa. eon. 4s.. 66
C. Leather 6s... 93 Pa. gen. 4s .. 89
C. Paclflo 1st... 79 Read. gen. 4s.. 82
C. A O. cv. 6s.. 73 St.L.ftS.F.adJ. 6s 67
C. B. ft Q.. 1. 4s 93 8. P. cv. 6s.... 88
C M AS P.ev.4s 698. Ry. 6 92
C.,R.I.ftP.R.ref.4s 0T A P. 1st ., (9
C. A S. ref 4s. 71 U. Paolflo 4s ... 86
D.AR. O. ref 6s 60 U. S. R. 6.... 74
D. of C. 6s, 1931 (0 U. S. Steel 6s .. (7
Erie gen. 4s .. 47 Wabash 1st .
G. Electrlo 6s .. (6 'Bid.
... 2-8
New York General Market,
New York, Deo. 12. Flour Market,
steady; spring patents, tl0.66O10.86; winter
patents, $10.6010.76; winter straights,
$10.30010.60; Kansas straights, $11,000
Cornmeal Market, steady; fine white and
yellow, $4.6504.90; coarse, $4.7604.85; kiln
dried. $9.75. I
Rye Market, steady; No. I western, $1.(0,
cost and freight New York.
Barley Market, sternly; feeding, $1.0(O
1.16; malting, $1.8001. 45; California, $1.46
1.60, c. I. f., New York.
Corn Spot, firmer; kiln drlsd. No. I
yellow, $1.7(, c. 1. f . New York, 16-day
shipment; Argentine, $2.26, nominal, f. o, b.
cars. New York to arrive.
Oats Spot, stronger, standard, $(089o.
Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.30; No. 2, $1.20;
No. 2, $1.00; shipping, 90096c.
Hops Easy; state, medium te choice,
1917, 66062c; 1916, nominal; Paclflo coast,
1917. 23023c; 1918. 18lc
Hides Market, steady; Bogota, 41c; Cen
tral America, 40c.
Leather Market, firm; hemlock sole over
weights. No. 1. 61c; No. 2, 49c.
Provisions Pork, strong; mess. $6! 50
63.00; family, $64.00666.00; short clear,
$(4.0069.00. Lard, weak; middle west,
Tallow Market, easy; city special, loose,
17 e.
Wool Market, firm; domestlo fleece, Ohio
and Pennsylvania, 70c.
Rlc Market, firm; fancy head, 8(o;
blue rose, (Q8Q4
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
New York, Dec. 12. Evaporated Apples
Steady; Callfornlaa, 1617c; prime state,
Drled Fruits Prunes, firm; Californlaa,
8013c; Oregona, 1214o, Apricots,
scarce; choice, 14017o; fancy, 19 20c.
Peaches, scarce; standard, 10c; choice,
1111c; fancy, 13 He. Raisins, firm;
loose muscatels, 7 9c; choice to fancy
seeded, 10llc; seedless, (O10c; Lon
don layers, three crown, $1.(0.
New York Metals.
New York, Dec 12. Metal exchange
quotes lead quiet; spot, $6.87 06.61: spel
ter, weak; East St. Louis delivery, spot of
fered at $7.60; tin not quoted.
At London Spot copper, 110; futures,
110; electrolytic, 125; spot tin, 202; fu
tures, 296 10c; lead, spot, 130 10s; futures,
29 10s; spelter, spot, 61: futures, 1(0.
St. Lonls Grain.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 13. Corn No. 3 track,
$1.76; No. 2 white, (1.72; December, $1.27;
May, $1.20 bid.
Oats No. 2 track, 74 c; No. 3 white,
Dulntb IJnsoed.
Dululh, Minn., Dec. 12. Linseed On
track, $3.2703.37; arrive (December), $3.30;
December. $3.37 hid; May, $3.20 asked;
July, $3.16 nominal.
New York Sugar.
New York, Dec. 12. Sugar Raw, market
nominal; centrifugal, 6.70c; molasses, 5.82c;
refined sugar, market steady; fine gran
ulated, $.lia 8.35c,
Arrivals Extremely Light ;
Early Trading Practically
Abandoned; Oats and
Barley Sell Higher.
Omaha, December 13, 1917.
The cash grain market today was ex
tremely narrow and rocelpts even lighter
than those of yesterday. Arrivals totaled
only 16 cars, with 12 cars of wheat. 28 cars
of corn, 24 cars of oats and two cars of rye.
Early trading today In practically all
cereals waa abandoned on account of a
stronger option market, which veloped
considerable strength during the last hour
due to light receipts and reporta of a heavy
now storm In Iowa, which Is anything but
favorable for the morement of grains. Buy
ers and sellers were unusually slow to get
together, bids and offers varying a full
cent, sellers holding their offerings for a
better price on the strength In the option,
while buyera were not Inclined to pay the
figures asked, although their demand was
rather strong. No. 4 white sold at $1.46,
No. 4 yellow sold at $1.48 and :.'o. 6 yellow
at $1.4101.46. No. 6 mixed sold at $1 JK'if
1-41 and the No. 6 grade of yellow at $1.37.
These quotations made a general advance
of 2o to 6c, the bulk of the offerings sell
ing Up 3o and 4c.
Oata were atrong, the cash article re
flectlhf the strength In the current outlon.
Spot quotations were le to lo higher,
with a good demand. Standard grade oats
brought 76o snd No. 3 whits 76c. No.
8 white oats sold at ?616e, and the No.
4 grade at 767to.
Rye was up a cent and barley So higher,
with a con' iued good demand for either.
No. 3 rye sold at $1.76. while the No. 2
grade of barley brought $1.46.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 479.000 bu.; oata. 145.000 bu.
Primary wheat receipts were 447,000 bu.
ai1 st'ipini n's 240,000 bu , SX'Untt lecelits
of 1,19$, 000 bu. and shipments of 1,342.000
bu. laat ysar.
Primary corn corn receipts were (6t,000
bu. and shipments 373,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 858,000 bushels and shipments of
759,000 bo. last year.
Primary oats receipts were 649,000 bu. and
and shipments 769,000 bu.. sgslnst receipts
of (21.000 bu, and shipments of (31,000 bu
laat year.
Wheat Com. Oats.
Chicago 33
Minneapolis ...,168
Duluth 73
Omaha 13
Kanssa City 27
St. Louis 19
Winnipeg (00
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 red spring: 2 ears, $3.10.
No. 1 durumi 1 car, $3.16. No. I durum: t
cars. $3.12.
Rye No, li, t car, $1.74. Simple: 1 car,
parley No. t: 1 tar. $1.46.
i; Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.46. No. 4
yellow: 8 cars, $1.48. No. i yellow: 1 car.
$1.43; 1 car. $1.43; 1 car, $1.41. No. 6
yellow: 1 car, $1.37. No. 6 .nixed: 2 cars,
$1.41; 2 cars, $1.39; 1 car, $1.38.
Oata Standard: 1 car, 76!. No. 3
white: 1 car, 76c; 2 cara, 76o; 1 car.
76o. No. 4 white: 1 car, 76c. Sample
White: 1 car. 75c.
Omaha Cash Prlcea Corn: No. 4 white,
$J.46. No. 6 yelow. $1.43 1.44. No. 4 yellow.
$1.43. No. 6 yellow. $1.4101. 46. No, 6 yellow.
$1.37. No. 6 mixed. $1.3801.41. Oats: No. 3
white, 7to. Standard, 76Kc No. 3 white.
7676c. No. 4 white, 76076C. Sample,
75. Barley: No. 2, $1.46. Rye: No. 3, $1.76.
i.ncsi rang.- nl options
Art. Open. Hl"gh. I,ow. Close. Yes.'
Earn. I I T j
Deo. 1 20 1 20 120 1 10 1120
Osts, , I )
Dec 72 72 73 13 It
May 71 1v 71 11 71
Chicago 12:20 prices, furnished Tha Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stook and grain brokers.
316 South Sixteenth strest, Omaha:
Art, Open. High. Lo"w. Close. Yes'y.
Jan. 1 21 1 21 121 1 31 121
Deo. 1 24 1 34 134 1 24 124
May 1 18 1 19 U9 1 19 119
Dee. 74 16 14 76 74
May 1144 73 71 73 11
Jan. 41 Ot 47 00 46 (2 48 ( 48 (0
'May 46 (0 44 (0 48 (0 46 (0
Jn. 24 62 24 (2 24 21 24 tS 24 62
Skates and Sleds
For Live Boys
BOYS: Here's a
chance for you to get
a sled or a pair of
skates, by doing
a little work for
us after school.
Call at The Bee
branch office
nearest you and
we will tell you
all about it. ,
(A' 'S-ti... - $f& .-llW'y,fS(T'g
Ten more little girls will be made happy this week
and I wonder will one of these little girls be you?
r .a j i -
&? ' T y
K 3sV V t '
f -r " I
I ' 4-snrf ! .)
U.t'- -" - v ; Is, ""i
Up to tjie noon hour the cash grain
market was slow in getting started
and up to noon the sales had been
scattering, with a tendency to higher
prices. On the corn sales, made
around $1.38 a bushel, it" wis figured
that the advance was around a cent.
Receipts were 28 carloads.
Kids on oats were around 75 cetiti
a bushel and this was close to a cent
over the Tuesday prices for similaf
grades. Receipts were 25 carloads.
Wheat receipts were 12 carloads
May 24 (3 I 24 65 34 30j 24 35 24 i
Ribs I I I
Jan. 25 00 j 25 00 124 70! 24 77 26 i
May 25 16 25 15 24 9S 24 67 25 '
Unfavorable Weather Conditions Boost Cora
Prices) Oats Finally Gain.
Chicago, Dec. 12 Unfavorable weathef
conditions made corn prices averago hlglvr
today, but there waa persistent commission
house selling on the bulges. The market
closed unsettled, January (1.21 and May
$1.19, with the final range aa a whole
varying from c off to o advance, com
pared with 24 hours before. The outcome
In oats was a gain of c to 2c. Provisions
declined 25c to 30c.
Prevalent low temperatures, snowstorms
and a new cold wave In sight rendered the
prospect adverse to any likelihood of Im
mediate substantial enlargement ot corn re
ceipts. The difficulties of efficient operation
under such circumstances and with an In
adequate car supply tended until nearly mid
day to reduce offorlnga to a minimum and
to bring about a moderate advance In
prices. During the Inst part of the session,
considerable aggressiveness developed on the
selling aide of the market, and there waa
a corresponding reaction of values. Renewed
announcements were being circulated at this
Juncture that no shipments of grain couM
be made through the embargoed territory
eastward from Chicago.
Oats ascended to new high price records
for the season. Meagarnees of receipts
acted as the chief bullish factor. Besides
export demand by way ot tho gulf cut a
Provisions sagged owing to general neglect.
Chicago Cash Trices Corn: No. 3 yellow,
nominal; No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4
yellow. $1.6601.65. Oats: No.. 3 white, 16
77c; standard, 777ic. Rye: No. 2,
nominal. Barley: $1.30ll6. Seed: Timothy,
$5.007.60; clover, $30.0036.00. Provisions:
Pork, nominal; lard, $36.00; ribs, $36.60
New York Dry Goods Market.
New Tork, Dec. 13. Cloth marketa here
today were generally steady but qub-ter.
Worsted yarns were well sold and firm.
Knit goods for Immediate delivery were ac
tive. Prices named on cotton blankets for
delivery to September, 1918, show advance
ranging from 65 to 10 per cejnt over tho
prices of a year ago, substantially In linn
with the advance In cotton and labor In tho
past year.
New York Cotton Market.
New York, Dec. 13. The cotton market
today closed steady at ft net decline of 31
to 4 points.
Police Judge Heads Off
Family Row in Court
Joe Ecker, 3025 Burt street, is "hard
boiled" and likes whisky. He works
not, neither does he spin and neglects
to support his family. Tuesday aft
ernoon Joe took aboard a biff cargo
of the juice that cheers, and while
Inebriated kicked up a rumpus at his
home. The police Were called and
Joe was escorted to the city bastile
for safe keeping. At hia hearing iu
police court a nice little family row
in the court room was imminent, but
Judge Fitzgerald put a kibosh on tin
noise by handing; Ecker a neat lit
tle package containing 60 days.
TEN DOLLS will be given free to
the ten little girls under 12
years of age that bring or mail us
the largest number of doll cou
pons cut out of The Bee, before 4
P. M. Saturday, Dec. 15. This
coupon will be printed in every
edition of The Bee until then. Ask
everybody yon know to save doll
coupons for"you. You can win one
of these dollies if you really want
to. Will you try? We want every
little girl in Omaha and vicinity to
have one of these beautiful dolls.
You can leave the coupons and
get your dolly at The Bee branch
office nearest you.
Ames Office, 4110 N. 24th St.
Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St.
.Walnut Office, 819 N. 40th St
Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth
Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St
South Side Office, 2318 N St
Council Bluffs Office, 14 N. '
Main St. '
Benson Office, Military Ave.
and Main St "