.:. , THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. ltUY. - RED CROSS WOMEN LAUNCH NEW PLAN "Carry Home Your Packages' is Latest Movement to Raise War Funds; Stores En dorse It. 1 EXPOSE SCHEME TO . WASTEJLS. STAMPS Government Officials Reveal Stupendous Attempt to Use Up Postage Through Chain Letters. Carry home your packages!" f- lt's the Omaha chapter of Red , Cross asking you to do this. For . .j'every package you carry horn the Red Cross will receive 1 cent. J - Such a movement was launched in ' Omaha Tuesday upon the suggestion-! vOt .Mrs. Wilson Low, who saw tne I've plan in operation at Camp Pike. Little Kock, Ark. Au Omaha committee, in eluding J. V. Metcalfe, V. G. Ure, i Mrs. A. L. Reed, Mrs. Low and Harry j- Tukey, was immediately named to take ' charge of the work. Twenty-five prominent Omaha women will urge the movement in two-minute speeches at local theaters Monday and Tuesday of next week. The women meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Low for their instructions.- Local merchants will purchase stamps at 1-cent each from the Omaha Red Cross. When a woman asks to carry her package home in stead of having: it delivered, a Red Cross stamp will be placed on her package. George Brandeis placed the first order for $100 of the new Red Cross stamps. "It wilbsavc the large merchants two deliveries a day, it is estimated, and smaller merchants like milliners and shoe men will save much extra messenger expense and car fare. It is a good war-time measure," said Mrs. Reed. All of the merchants are enthus iastic about the 'plan. They say it costs between and 9 cents to de liver a package. In stores where credit accounts are carried and where extra clerks are employed during the Christmas rush, women may have to be identi fied before they will be permitted to taJ? the package. , w.Aiile through it. Please be pa tient and remember it's for the Red Cross," Mrs. Reed urges. General Petain Reviews The Belgian Troops Havre, Monday, Dec. 10. General I'etain, the French commander-in-chief, visited Belgian general head quarters today and conferred the grade of grand officer of the Legion of Honor on General de Ceyninck, the Belgian minister of war, and on General Rucquoy, the Belgian chief of staff. Later General Petain was re ceived by King Albert, in whose com pany he reviewed a large force of Belgian troops. Wife of U. P. Official Loses Valuable Pin A valuable pin, set with opals and pearls, was lost Monday by Mrs. N. H. Loomis, wife of General Solicitor Loomis of the Union Pacific She re ported the loss to the police. What is believed to be a plan fos tered by German sympathizers to em barrass the government has been nippfd in the bud and a scheme to use up billions of postage stamps will not materialize. The plans is said to have originated in Seattle, Wash., but through the ef forts of postomce inspectors and pa triotic business men a staggering proposition to send out millions of chain letters all over the United States soliciting financial contribu tions for a hospital in France, after a thorough investigation, has i)een pronounced a fraud. Some idea of the stupendous scheme can be realized, when it is understood that the chain letter system would have required 6,401,229,462,325,295,169, 196,745,752,576 postage stamps before the fortieth letter in the chain had been sent out to prospective victims. Send Five Copies. The letter which accompanies the appeal requests the recipient to make five copies and send one copy to five friends, and each letter asks that a donation of 25 cents be made toward raising a fund to establish a hospital for wounded French soldiers in France. The letters are 1o be for warded to Consul Herritte, P. O. Box 1871, Seattle. When the question was placed be tore Consul Sentous, at Seattle, he informed the investigators .that Mr. Herritte has not been connected with the consulate for more than two years. It has been ascertained by postof fice inspectors that quite, a few men, suspected by the authorities of being German sympathizers, have been sending out the letters. Business men in Omaha have received these letters-. 1890 I917 II . II 1 Through Car Windows Travel hours made enjoyable by die daylight ride on m gam) Pennsylvania Lines L.& N.R.R. through Knox. " ville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv. Chicago' 11.25 PM Daily Ltl Enxlewood 11.44 PM Air. JackiooriUe 8.30 U Memtf . Sleeping Can and Coachea Chicago to jaciuonville. Restaurant Car. Round Trip Tickets at Special Fares For pariievtart eonttH Local Ticket Agent) or addrttt W. H. ROWLAND, T. P A. ttl-Uh City National Bank BMo. PhontVmtlMtWS OMAHA, NEBR. Pennsylvania LINES Diamonds We specialize in "Perfect Diamonds" Our offerings are unusually attractive, in all sizes. We have no big overhead charges to pay, and as our Diamonds are bought right, we mate it possible ion every customer to save money on every purchase. TFFTM DR. McKENNEY Say: "Youthful looks and vigor are absolutely dependent upon tne perfect condition of the teeth." Best Silverv'Fill ina 75c Best 22-k Gold Crowns- Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth, $4.00 Wonder Plates f.li t1K tn 42K. $5, $8, $104 $4.00 We please you or refund your money. McKENffEY DENTiSTS 14th and Farnam 1324 Farnam St Phone Douglas 2872. I aV i .1 The Ideal Christmas ' Gift LAUGH (CT? and LIVE By DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS AUiookmlkn. if. 00 ml BRITON PUBLISHING CO. New Tork Mors Stand Amazed at Power of Bon-Opto to Mak Weak Eyes Strong -According to Dr. Lewis X,naranleed lo Strenglhen Eyesight 50 , In One Week's Time In Many Instances I Free Prescription You Can Hare Filled and Use at Home. Knnaaeipnm. "" jmd other eye weaknesses, and those who wear itlassea, will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there' is real hope and help far them. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes re. rtored by this remarkable prescription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: "1 was almost blind. Could not ee to read at all. Now I can read every thing without my glasses and my eyes do not hart any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me. A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed haiy with or without glasses, but after us 'ng this prescription for 15 1 days every thing seems clear. I can read even fine irint without glasses." Another who used it says: "I was bothered with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eyes which in--luced fierce headaches. I hare worn glasses 'or several years both for distance and work, and without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the typewriting i A i - r MA I M-n An Kn.h in IT macnine v " low Jtli have discarded my long-distance zlasses allogetner. i ri uu. .... i.un ing leaves on the trees across the street row. which for several ears have looked like a O'r.i green blur to me. I cannot ex-.- my joy at what it has done for me. y is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a. reason-: able time and multitudes more will be able: to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared! the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited Dy tne use oi; this prescription. Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets.! Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a. glass of water and let it dissolve. With, this liq -id bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clean up perceptibly right from the start and in-! flammation and redness will quickly disap-i pear. If your eyes bother you even a lituai it is your duty to take steps to save themi now before it is too late. Many hopelessly) blind might have saved their sight if they had cared for their eyes in time. Nete: Another prominent fbrfician to whom thef bote article was submitted, said: "Yes, the Boo-f Opto preKriptioa Is truly a wonderful eye remedy.. Us constituent Ingredimti are well known to eml-f aent eyt specialists sod widely prescribed by tttem. I have UMd it very successfully in my own practice on catimts whose eyes were strained through orerwoir or misfit giants. I can hlgiily recommend it tn caatj jf weak, watery, aching, amartlng. Itching, bum Ins) !,-es. red Uds, blurred vision or for eyes Inflamed, 'rom exposure to smoke, sun, dust or wind. It Is one1 it the very few preparations I feel should be kept on 1 hand for nxrilar use In almost erery family." Booh Opto, referred to alio. Is not a patent medicine 01! a secret remedy. It is an ethical preparation, tn rormula being printed on the parkage. The manuj farturen guarantee It to strengthen eyesight to psf ent In one week'n time In raj-iy inrtanrea or refund tiie money It 'en f.ii'fined fp;m any good nrug firt and ta l. in thl ci-v liv Sherman McT.jn ull. C. A. Jieicuer sod other drus.'ts. -V Ji W I r. I, 11 flii'll Only ; ?ML'l ! ays. -Mi, I 1 to do your Christmas Shopping in Think of it little more than a week to buy all of . tbo.se things which must be bouirht by Christmas Eve and vain regress at the last moment will not do you any "good. He or she, who buys early, buys wisely both in saving of time, effortrarid consciousness of a task well' done. Have Your Child's PictureTaken In Santa Claus' Lap Santa Claus' Photograph Gallery is down in the Basement Toyland, in His North Pole House and a picture of your little boy or girl in his arms will be a souvenir well worth preserving 2 pictures, well finished, for 25c. 5p w GOB on- THURSDAY g Our Yearly Sale m of m I p I Leather Goods At Half Price m. Samples from a g S well known New m I01K maRer. Watch Wednes- p day's papers for full P details. I Best of All Good TOY In This Toyland k The biggest, merriest, most complete Toyland and LitUe Girl and Boyland ever. And Santa Claus in his North Pole Home is here every day to find out just what each little girl and boy wants. Flexible Vlyer Sleds The Famous Steering Sled With Non-Skid Runners An always welcome gift for youth of all ages, A real "snow mnhil" whirh means healthful fun and companionship. New construction includes grooved run ners of chrome nickel steel, which prevents skidding and increases speed and control. All-steel front adds durability, flexibility and accuracy of steering. No more dragging of wet feet and wearing out shoes. Prevents colds and saves doctor's bills. So strong and scientifically made that it outlasts three ordinary sleds; $3 to $7.50 White Enamel Fur niture. We have one of the most com- plete lines of white en amel furni ture ever shown i h the city. Beau tiful sets deco rated in cre tonnes, con sisting of Dressers, Chiffoniers,' Bureaus, Wardrobes, Dressing Tables and Book Cases to match ranging in price, each piece, from $1.50 to $10.00 Suit Cases and Trunks for Dolly's Clothes SuitVases made of leatherette, brass fasteners, 12 inches long; substantial handle, at 50c Trunks for Dolly's Clothes, from the 60c size up to the handsome cretonne lined ward robes, at $10.00 Sis! FIB Solid Oak Roll Top Desk, with chairs to match. Pigeon holes for papers. Price, $5.50. Doll Bed, in every shape and An tique Oak, Mahog any, White Enamel, gilt trim med. Complete with Mattress and two pillows. Ranging in price from .50c to $5.00 u n dred Garnet, such as Eu ropean War Game, Base 'Ball Game. Battle Games, Postoff ice Games, Animal Game3, Sunny Monday Washing Sets, at 50c Hosiery Makes a Good Gift And the fact that we have the, most complete stock of the best Hosiery anywhere in this vicinity, solves the gift problem for you quickly and easily Moderate prices prevail all through the stock. Women's Fiber and Silk Lule Hosiery, fashioned and scam less. All colors and black and white; double soles, heels and toes, a pair. . .65c Fancy Silk. Hosiery, in lace stripes and plain colors; lislo tops, spliced i heels, toes and soles, ajir $1.25 Thread Silk Hosiery, in shoe shades, all colors for fancy shoe tops, a pair $1.75 Fancy Embroidery' Hosiery, in black and white, also white, with colored birdsand clocks, a pair. .$1.50, $1.75 Misses' Black and . White Hose, silk lisle, spliced feet, fine ribbed styles, a pair, 50c Infants' and Misses Sox, lisle and fiber, white with fancy Jops, a pair, 35c, 39e Main Floor. "Mirro" Aluminum Ware Makes a Delightful Christmas Gift The young wife or mother will surely.be de lighted with one or more pieces of this most beau tiful of Aluminum Ware. It is most sanitary, is a fine ornament and brings any woman's outfit right up to date. - Special Sale and Demonstration Now Going On This "Mirro" Tei Kettle has welded handle ears, doing away with all rivets, making it more sanitary and easy to clean, also a welded spout, which is extra large, easy filling and pouring. Has slotted ears that permit handle being shifted to any desired position; rivetless non-burn ebonized knob, flame proof flare shape. Plain patterns, up' from $3.50 Colonial patterns, up from $5.00 Extra Special We have a limited number of one pint, double lipped, "Mirro" Sauce Pans, with the double cold handle, an exclusive "Mirro" fea ture; 40c value ,. 19c Basement Dolls'; fggk Real Hair. Wigs for Dolls; a complete line in this Hair Goods Depart ment. Size. 10 $1.00 Size 11.... $1.25 Size 12.'...-. $1.50 Size 13.. $1.75 Size 14 ; $2.00 Size 15... $2.25 Hairdressing Parlor ; Second Floor t ' - r Christinas Gloves Bought Here Mean a Good Saving to ' Xou You will be able to buy your gloves a great deal cheaper here this Christmas Reason than we had anticipated. The reason why we can sell most of our women's gloves from 25 to 33i cheaper than today's market would per mit is that we bought those gloves many months ago in many instances as far back as a year ago and longer. Our stocks are complete in all the wanted styles. Women's Two-CIaap Imported Gloves, in white. These gloves would have to sell frOrn $2 to $2.2a per pair if bought in today's market; M fiC special, a pair piJJ Women's Two-Clasp Real Kid Gloves, in black or white, also white with black backs and black with white backs, also in tan. If these were bought in today's market we would have to sell O nn them at $2.50 per pair. Special, a pair. . Buy a Glove Certificate If you are not sure of "her" size. You can give her any number of pairs you wish in this way. Main Floor Ice States This zero weather has made every skating pond a smooth, gleaming surface for the perfect enjoyment of that wonderful outdoor Winter Sport Skating. We have a most complete stock of all good Skates for Men, Women and Children. , Men's Chrome Nickel styles, for fancyskating $6.00 Men's Welded and Tempered Skates, with ribbed runners, at $3.75 and $4.75 Hockey Skates. $3.50 and $5.00 Men's and Boys' Hardened Steel Skates $2.00 Men's and Boys' Cast Steel Skates $1.00 Men's and Bovs' Skatine Shoes. at $4.50, $6.50 and $9.00 N A Full Line of Skates for Womenand Children As Well Sporting Goods Department, Main Floor, Men's Building tif Ladies' Regulation Skating Boots in Two Different Colorings Get the proper kind of Skating Shoes and enjoy this exhilarating sport to the utmost- We are offering these at modest prices. . Pearl Horse Leather, and Tan Russia Calf. Pad ded tongue, reinforced ankle, welted and stitched soles and riveted heels, ready to attach the skate to. All sizes in this lot, 2 to 7, B, C gg QQ and D widths; price, per pair. Main Floor, Rear Handkerchiefs Are One of the Best Gifts And This Is the Biggest Stock Anywhere The most complete stock of the best Handkerchiefs are being shown in .this Handkerchief Department right now. We have selected every dif ferent kind with extreme care, and you simply cannot go wrong if you rely , on this Handkerchief Store to supply you with many of your Xmas gifts. Men's and Women's Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, all widths of hemstitch ing, in plain or embroidered initials. These can be packed in fancy Christmas boxes of A, Vi and 1 dozen in a box. Each Handkerchief, 25c, 35c d 5QC at Beautiful Assortment of Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs, in Christmas boxes; ini tials and Mother Goose rhymes, embroid ered in white and colors." A great assort ment, a box,5c . 25c and 50c at , . Men's Fancy Irish Handkerchiefs, made in Belfast, showing polka dots, stripes and borders; hundreds of different de- J5c signs, cacn Women's Handkerchiefs, in plain white and fancy colors: Hand embroidered, fine and sheer quality of linen and shamrock cloth. Hundreds of styles in three big ite'.Ea.ch:..25c' 35c nd 50c Women's Handkerchiefs, in fancy Christ mas boxes, embroidered and initialed, all new designs in fine shamrock cloth. Very neatly hemstitched. Hundreds of styles, a 25c, 59c, 65c and $1.00 Men's Genuine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, many with hand embroidered initials and shire hemstitched. All letters, shown in 3 25c, 50c ""-5Sk Main' floor luy Another War-Savings Stamp '' - kl ..." - V TV Shop Early -in the Morning Early in the Week