Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1917, Image 1

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'VOL. XLVII. NO. 152.
n Trains, tl Motel.
Nmt Sta, Etc. St.
z . . ? :
Fighting Takes Place in Streets of Ancient Capital Where
"Red" Garrison is Mutinous; Siberia Forbids Ship
ment of Food Supplies to Russian Cities;
Ukraine Friendly to Kaledines.
Petrograd, Dec. 11. M. Kameneff, chief, of the Bolsheviki
delegates sent to negotiate an armistice with the Germans, said
the Germans agreed not to transfer troops to other fronts.
M. Kameneff admitted, however, that this was not binding.
' The Russians, he added, asked to
tie permitted to send translations of
R4san revolutionary literature to
Germany, and through that country to
other belligerents.
The German delegates replied they
supposed their government would
willingly consent to the sending of
such literature to England, France
and Italy, but not to Germany.
The Bolsheviki organ, Pravda, tof
day says: ;
"We are absolutely convinced that
if the German government tried to
impose a disloyal peace upon Russia
the Russian front would blaze up with
revolutionary enthusiasm and defend
with arms, the honor of the Russian
41 lilt Ukllliail litilVI InHOlj UUV,
..aa u ; ;,c;
onerous peace, continues the news
pager, "it would only aggravate the
wir on the other fronts anfl would
prove to the masses of England and
France that their -governments were
right in declaring that, a, loyal peace
with Germany was impossible."
Kaledines in Control.
Stockholm, Monday, Dec. 11. A
proclamation of General Kaledines,
the Cossack leader, declaring that the
Cossack government has taken over
power in the Donetz region of south
ern Russia, is published in the Yuzhny
Krai, a newspaper cf Kharkov, copy
of which has reached Stockholm, hav
ing escaped the Bolsheviki censorship.
General Kaledines declares that the
Cossacks have the means of maintain
ing order and intend to use their
whole power to oppose the Bolsheviki.
The newspaper publishes sharply
worded protests against the Boles
heviki from seven different army'
corps. Turkestan is reported to be
mobilizing all men between the ages
t i 16 to 45 who will be sent to
shkent capital of that government,
JVit.i. t. 0-1.1 -
to" fight the Bolsheviki who now con
trol the city.
' ' Assembly May Fail.
Petrograd, Saturday, Dec. 8.
Whether the constituent assembly,
the dream of generations of Russian
revolutionists, will open next Sun
day is still a matter of conjecture,
although the national commassaries
today declared the day a national
holiday in honor of the accomplish
ment of the gathering for the first
time of representatives of 160,000,
000 people, to decide their own future.
All the forces of Russia are center
ing on the assembly, the maelstrom
whence- wity emerge stability or. an
archy and probably peace of war.
The Petrograd Union for 'Defense
assembly today issued an appeal to
tic people to defend their rights, but
the Izvestia organ of the soldiers
and workmen's delegates y( a long
edtiorial declares the present gov
ernment rather than, the constitutent
assembly is he real expression of the
will of the masses,; "The enemies of
the workmen's arid soldiers' dele
gates are putting their faith in the
constitutent assemble," the Icevestia
(Continued on Faa-e Fit, Column Two.)
The Weather
Temperatures at' Omaha Yesterday,
i a. m
a. m
7 a. Bi
8 a. m
9 a, m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m...
1 p. m
2 p. m
. 3 p. m
4 p. m
f p. m
6 p. m
y! P. m
S p. Ill 13
Comparative TjocuI Record.
Official record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the last three
years: . ;
1817. i'lS. 191S. 1914.
Highest yesterday ..16 22 30 J 8
Lowest yesterday ,. 2 9 27 1(
llean temperature .. 6 16 :6 is
freotpltatlon 00 .03 .03 .07
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Kormal temperature 21
deficiency for the day 2S
total deficiency since March 1 363
, formal precipitation .03 mvh .
beflclency for the day 03 inch
Total rainfall since March I. .21.6S inches
Deficiency since March 1 6.98 inches
beflclency for cor. period, 1916. .12.64 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915.,. 1.S2 inches
Reports From Stations at T F. M.
Station and Stato Temp. High- Rain-
o Weather.
Cheyenne, cloudy
Davenport, clear ......
Pfiver, cloudy ........
't: Moines, clear'.
todge City, clear ......
Lander, cloudy ........
A"ortli Platte, cleat ....
Omaha, clear
uahlo, clear'
7 p. m. e.u fall.
22 28 .01
8 14 .00
42 44 .00
10 U .00
U 32 .
20 ,m
22 :;o .oo
13 16 .00
36 46 .00
4 14 .00
38 81! .00
11 4 .00
26 34 .00
15 14 .00
14 22 .00
'alt like City, cloudy
PherldaK, cloudy .
Sioux City, clear .
Valentine, clear .
' indicates below zuro
v J A. WULKU. McUOMlOillit.
1 '
Loss of Men Soon Will Compel
Fanning to Put Womeni
Into the Carrier
Women letter carriers will be seen
on the streets of Omaha befqre many
1 .
,,-imore months
if the war keeps on
draining the men away.
"We will certainly put women on if
it becomes necessary," said Postmas
ter Fanning. "We have lost 80 out of
374 mail carriers and clerks in the
last year here in Omaha. About two
thirds of these have gone into war
work of one kind or another. The
others have quit because they can
make more money in other lines of
work now than they can in the postal
It is stated that the work can be
done .as-well by women, as by 'men.
This is particularly true of the work
of the letter carriers. Postmaster
Fanning recently weighed the, mail
carried and found that the ,average
weight of a letter carrier's burden
when he leaves the postoffice to de
liver mail is only a little-ijvore than"
20 pounds. This weight, of course, de
creases as he gets his mail delivered.
Hard Work Inside.
In the work of the office I per
sonally do not favor the employ
ment of women," said Mr. Fanning.
"It is strenuous work, standing at a
case and distributing letters and
papers for eight straight hours.' As
letter carriers, however, they could
do the work.
"Employes of the postoffice have
now been placed in the third class
of the draft. That means they will
not be called to service for some
time. But there is no way we can
stop employes from resigning and
going into some other jobs where
they can make more money at the
present time.
"After the war they nhay be very
sorry they quite Uncle Sam's service
but they don't see that far ahead now.
And the result is that we are suffer
ing serious losses because of the
postal service."
W omen letter carries are already
at work in Washington, D. C.i and
some other cities. Postal officials here
would not be surprised to receive or
ders any day for the employment of
women carriers and clerks.
Aviatrix Seeks to Make
New Cross-CountryRecord
San Diego, Gal., Dec. 11. In an at
tempt to make a nonstop flight from
San Diego to San Francisco Miss
Katherine Stinson, aviatrix, started
from the North island aviation field
at 8:05 a. m. today. Th5 air line dis
tance is 461 miles.
Miss Stinson flew in a speedy type
of triplane and expected to cover the
distance betwee. the two cities at an
average speed of 80 miles an hour.
In her effort to establish a new rec
ord for crois-country flying in the
United States she intended flying in
land after passing Los Angeles, and
hoped to alight at the Presidio mili
tary reservation "in San Francisco
about 3:3C p. m.
Coffee and Sinkers Have Jitney
Advance Here in Way of War Tax
Ouch! Wowl Take up a few more
notches in your belt, Mr. Consumer,
for. that abominable old pirate nd
outlawGeneral High Cost o' Living,
is : marshaling his forces, preparatory
to making another drive on the
trenches of humanity or,' rather, that
portion of humanity that partakes of
"coffee and" for breakfast, an' he's
goin' to make a murderous onslaught
in the first line trenches right in the
Coffee and sinkers are going to avi
ate a few aerometers whatever they
The epicure who in the past has in
dulged in the gastronomical feast of
coffee and "sinkers" for his daily ex
cept Sunday breakfast, for which he
paid the small sum of one dime, is
very likely in the very near future to
be compelled to add another nickel.
408th Battalion, Composed of
Bell Telephone Employes From
Several States, Report Ar
rival on "Other Side."
Safe arrival in France Monday of
the 408th telegraph battalion, United
States signal corps, of which 23
Omaha men, all employes of the Ne
braska Telephone company, are mem
bers, was reported today in cable
grams received by telephone con.pany
officials and relatives of some of the
men. Nineteen other Nebraska men
and two Council Bluffs men are also
members of the battalion, v
Major F. W. McDougall of Daven
port, la., is in command of the bat
talion. The 408th signal corps battalion is
composed of Bell telephone employes
from this state, Iowa, Minnesota,
North and South Dakota.
Attached is a list of the officers and
enlisted men from Omaha and Ne
braska and nearby Iowa points who
reached France Monday:
Omaha F. B. Butt, lieutenant; A.
W. Huntzinger, lieuterfant; Philip M.
McCullough, lieutenant; W. C. Hutch
ison, lieutenant; Thompson D. Berry,
Thomas A. Clarke, Leeman W. Davis,
Warren Fitch, Glen W. Gamerl, Glen
A. Gamble, Marshall B. Hensdn, M.
J. Hegarty, Roy Jeffrey, Patil R. Lam
born, Harry J. Mooney, Elbert R.
O'Keeffe, Henry L. Peterson, Joseph
L. Woodward, Robert L. Wood, Ed
win J. Wehver, Leslie A. Williams,
Ray M. Wilson and Ray A. Young.
Fremont William G. Leach.
Grand Island Clinton S. Merry.
S Hastings Paul W. Garratt and
Clark L. Ryan.
Holdrege Gust H. Florell.
Lexington Carl Nicolarsen and
William A. Strauss.
Lyons Welton P. Chard and Emil
W. "Johnson.
Marquette Homer O. Pugh.
Minden Andrew C. Byhrmann.
. - Nebraska. City Edgar Barratt v
Norfolk William E. Eimers. Harry
F. Johnson and Harold C. McDonald.
Randolph Tennis P. Coash.
Red Cloud Paul F. Phares.
Schuyler Alvin A. Little.
Shelby Walter B. Jones.
Iowa Council Bluffs, John L. Ber
rvman and Julian Potter; Glenwood,
Virgil J. Moore; Hamburg, De Vere
Jones and Harvey A. Statton.
Woman Suffrage on
Calendar of Senate
Washington, Dec. 11. The consti
tutional amendment for nation-wide
woman suffrage was reported without
recommendation today by the house
judiciary committee.
The judiciary committee amended
the suffrage resolution to provide that
the amendment dies unless it is rati
fied by the states within seven years
from the time of its adoption in congress.-
This is the same provision Jhat
the committee included in the prohi
bition amendment. The suffrage reso
lution has not been voted upon in
either houses but it is on the senate
calendar. '
Government Opens New
Alaska Coal Mining District
Washington, Dec. 11. The opening
of a new coal mining tract in the
Matanuska field, Alaska, was an
nounced today by Secretary-Lane. A
branch of the government railroad
has been pushed to a point nearby
with the government ready to receive
applications for its lease and opera
tion. Continuance of these operations,
the Interior department believes, will
demonstrate the possibility of supply
ing fuel from this field for the navy
and for the Pacific coast. By next
summer the ra: road will be ready to
haul tonnage to Seward.
Supreme Court Decisions.
Washington, Dec. 11. (Special Tel
egram.) Supreme court today af
firmed decisions in the following
cases, taxing costs on plaintiffs: Frank
L. Kirk et al against Hans Olson, on
appeal from South Dakota; Wclmina
E. Peterson against the state of
Iowa, ex rel; A. M. Duus, adminis
trator, against W. C. Brown, treas
urer of the state of Iowa.
thereby making his meal cost him 15
Everybody's doing it that is, res
taurongs in other cities are so it's
up to Omaha feeders of the multitudes
to do likewise, and the wails of pro
test that will go up will reverberate
from the Gate City to the innermost
recesses of darkdst Africa. '
The raise hasn't come yet, but it's
coming, so you are admonished not to
be surprised some morning if your fa
vorite hasherette causes you to dig
for three jitneys where you dug for
but two before.
A number of restaurant keepers
have figured it out to their own sat
isfaction that there's no profit in
serving coffee and rolls for 10 cents
at the present high prices of all edi
bles and they have decided to make it
up by"adding a "war tax" of 5 cents to
offset the wear and tear on the dishes.
rmiuf) nnniiixiT
Austrians Caught Asleep at Bridgehead Near Capo Sile
and Bayonetted; Bridge Approach to Venice
Is Destroyed; Threatened Positions Re
lieved and Italy's Line Made Solid.
Rome, Dec. 11. Powerful attempts made by the Austro
Germans to retake the Agenzia and Zuliani positions in the
Capo Sile region of the lower Piave river were sanguinarily re
pulsed yesterday by the Italians, it was announced today by
the war office. ' ,
O A brilliant nicht adventure was exe
Reports of Nebraska Caterers
Show Epormous Quantities
Diverted to War Use; Let
.ton Jubilant Over Result.
Meatless and wheatless days are
saving tremendous quantities of food
throughout the state. This informa
tion comes in a series of reports from
200 restaurant and hotel keepers, who
have reported to John I". Letton, state
chairman hotels and restaurants.
"Reports from an even 200 caterers
say that they have saved 45,396
pounds of wheat flour since they be
gan observing wheatless day. Two
hundred and fourteen report they
have saved 69,993 pounds of meats,
while 161 report a saving of 24,620
pounds of suirar.
These" figures 'give an average sav-J
ing of 227 pounds of wheat, 32o
pounds of meats and 153 pounds of
sugar. Chairman Letton states this
average will maintain for all keepers
of restaurants and hotels, as those
who have reported and whose figures
were used for these computations are
thoroughly representative of the
In the state, 1,297 hotel and restau
rant keepers have signed the pledge
card and are observing meatless and
wheatless days. Based on the above
average the saving in Nebraska by
observance of meatless and wheat
less days so far are:
Wheat flour saved, 294,419 pounds.
Meats, beef, pork and mutton, 422,
822 pounds.
Reavis Back After Trip
Made to Hawaiian Islands
Washington, Dec. 11. (Sepcial Tel
egram.) Represenative Reavis of the
First district is in the capital after his
jaunt to Hawaii.
, William Sloan, a brother of Repre
sentative Charles H. Sloan of Grass
range, Mont., but for many years a
resident of Geneva, Neb., is in Wash
ington after a visit to his son, Henry
B. Sloan, who is confined to the mili
tary hospital at Greenpoint Brook
lyn. Young Sloan is a private at
Camp Mills, Hempstead, Staten isl
and but, being taken ill, was sent to
the base hospital in Brooklyn, where
he is recovering.
Martin Garrets of Bruning, Neb., is
in Washington.
H. F. Carson of Lincoln is in Wash
ington in attendance upon the Anti
Saloon league convention.
Canadian Soldiers Are
Barred from Drinking
Montreal, Dec. 11. Orders have
been issued by Major General E.
Wilson, general officer command
ing, debarring any Canadian officer
or soldier in uniform from drinking
intoxicating liquor in places of pub
lic refreshment in the United States.
An order along this line was re
ceived from Ottawa today.
Paris, Dec. 11 "Patrol encounters
occurred north of Tezonvaux (Ver
dun front), ami near, Tahure (Cham
pagne)," says the war office" state
ment today. "Active artillery fighting
developed in some sectors of upper
Alsace and Lorraine. Everywhere
else the night was calm."
London, De". 11. Unusually active
artillery fighting and aerial operations
on the western front yesterday are
reported in today's official commun
ication. This activity was particularly
noteworthy on the Ypres and Arras
Copenhagen, Dec. 11. Petrograd
newspapers report that Chinese
troops have arrived at Harbin, Man
churia, to protect Chinese interests,
according to the Berlingske Tidende.
cuted last midnight by the third bat
talian of the 226th Arerzo brigade in
completely relieving a threatened Ital
ian position on the lower Piave river.
Most of this section is protected by
inundation, but the Austro-Hungar-ians
early yesterday succeeded in oc
cupying a small bridgehead at Capo
Sile, a few miles below Dona Piave.
The chief danger of this was that
it led to the Sile canal running to
Port Grande, with Venice a short dis
tance beyond. The Areio brigade
was ordered to clear out the enemy's
At 2 o'clock this morning the third
battalion threw out a reconnaissance
party, which on returning leported
the Austrian camp asleep around the
bridgehead. The enemy camp was
taken completely by surprise and
could make no effective resistance. '
The fight in the darkness was short
and terrible. What enemy troops were
not bayonetted and killed, were taken
prisoner and the last ,vestigae of the
bridge and bridgehead were de
stroyed. The result of the operation
is that the only point seriously
menaced on the lower Piave hasfbeen
made solid.
Rome Official Statement.
The text of tlie war office state
ment on military operations is as
"At dawn Sundav the enemy by a
surprise action in force east of Capo
Sile (on the lower Piave) succeeded
in reaching some observation
trenches held by us on the left of
Piave; Vecohia and Agenzia Zuini
and in taking possession of them
after a hand to hand struggle with
the small, but gallant garrison.
Early last night in a counter attack'
we recaptured the enttire position,
driving back the troops occupying it
and capturing 35 of them. Numerous
enemy supports, which came up
promptly, were violently attacked
and put to flight, suffering severe
"During this brilliant operation the
third battalion of the 226th infantry
regiment, of the Arrezo brigade par
ticularly 'distingushed itself.
"On the remainder of the front
there were, the usual artillery ac
tions." "The enemy fire was more insistent
south of Asiago, on the Col Delia
Berictta and in the Monte Tomba
region. Our batteries shelled enemy
niasscc and movements here and
"A battery of the royal naval, hav
ing found the range on a bridge
thrown by the enemy between Vian
ello and Chaicca, obtained a direct
hit on it, putting it out of commis
sion for a time, while a heavy traf
fic of troops and transports was in
"A french airman brought down an
enemy airplane."
Judge Orders Man to Pay
Alimony for Ten Years
Forty dollars a month for the next
10 years was the 1 alimony, sentence
imposed by Judg Leslie on William
H. Quivepr in a divorce decree granted
Almeria S. Quivcy. She alleged
cruelty and asked alimony for the
support of herself and her two chil
Reporter, Arrested While On
Scribe and Photographer Dash Out to
( Fort Omaha and Strange Things Happen.
Trail of a Story, Gets Scare
Were you ever arrested by a sol
diera real, khaki clad United States
soldier and escorted at the point of
a rifle to headquarters to explain your
rude conduct to the commandant of
the post?
You never were, you say? Well,
then, read this story of a Bee re
porter's experience at Fort Omaha
the other day and be governed ac
cordingly. It was this particular re
porter's first day on The Bee and he
didn't "know the ropes." And in the
meantime don't lose sight of the fact
that all of Uncle Sam's forts are well
guarded. No chances are taken, and'
a German spy would find it rather a
severe task to sneak into an army
post with a bomb and blow everything
to smithereens. "Yea, bol" in the
classical language of the high school
boys, Mr. Spy would be undertaking
a herculean task.
The Excitement Begins.
The other day when word was re
ceived that the balloon house at Fort
Omaha was afire, caused by the ex
plosion of a gas bag, a Bee reporter
and photographer were dispatched
Preparations for Powerful Attack Seen in Withdrawal"
From Russian Front, Unusual Artillery Activity, Hasty
Movement of AmmumTion and Supplies Through
Germany and Lull in Infantry Fighting.
London, Dec. 11. The correspondent at Amsterdam of
the Daily Express reports that the Germans are rushing troops
to the western front with the idea of smashing the entente allies
before America is able to act, and adds:
"One of the results of this is that two German munition
trains collided on Thursday. Both were blown up and several
hundred soldiers were killed or wounded. -
O By Amoclfted Tt.)
Food Administration Declares
It Will Stop Extortion of
Blood Money by These
Washington, Dec. 11. Charges by
Food Administrator H,oover that
some dishonest wholesale and retail
merchants and food brokers have been
criminally responsible for good short
ages and rising prices were taken un
der investigation today by the federal
trade commission.
Victor Murdock will be in charge
of the inquiry, which "will be prosecu
ted with vigor, and with all of the
trade communion's broad inves
tigative powers behind it."
. Speculation in foods was declared
today in a statement by Commissioner
Murdock to have lar-reacning resims
in causine unrest. Unprincipled brok
ers and dealers arc said to order
goods beyond their requirements on a
rising market, believing they can make
money if prices continue to go up
and can at least prevent loss by re
jecting the shipment.
A tvoical case was cited of a man
in Indiana ordering a carload of per
ishables. say potatoes, from a Minne
sota grower. By the time delivery is
made prices have dropped and rejec
tion of the car is made on a tiimsy
pretext. While a settlement is being
effected the potatoes arc out of the
market, transportation is delayed by
failure to unload and sometimes the
food deteriorates.
"I am vroinif to prosecute this inves
tieation to the limit and bring any
violators to the sternest payment of
justice," said Commissioner Murdock.
"It is hard to find words to describe
profiteers who are doing business
along such lines at this time when. so
many men are Riving up their lives
for their country."
Net Blood Money.
"Such pernicious business practices
which net the men who follow them
a little extra blood money must be
stamped out at the start and kept
stamped out. 1 am going to give my
entire time to tins job it it is neces
sary to get results and put some of
these unpatriotic 'camp followers' and
war leeches behind bars where they
richtlv belonar. So far as I am con
ccrnerM do not think profiteering of
this character can be bettered by use
of a feather duster; it requires a
club. ,
"In this 'investigation I would like
every citizen to consider himself spe
cifically delegated by me to hirnisn
anv information which miKlit be help
ful in running down the type of food
profiteers we are after.
post haste to the fort to get the story
and photographs.
Upon their arrival there was much
excitement and the two newspapermen
walked bodly through the gate, past
the guard house to the balloon build
ing. While the reporter busied him
self in looking over the datyagc and
inquiring as to the whys and where
fores of the explosion and fire, the
photographer unlimbered his ma
chine and made ready to "shoot" pic
tures of the scene.
Camera Man Ousted.
In less time than it takes to tell
it both men were placed under ar
rest and taken to headquarters. The
photographer explained the situation
to the officers, and after inspecting
his camera he wao allowed to depart
with a strict warning to never at
tempt to get a picture of any part
of the post again.
The reporter did not fare so well.
He . was gently informed that he
would be detained at headquarters
until Colonel Hersey arrived, to
whom he could explain matters.
For two hours and a half the re
(Canllintcil oa I'ut fit. Column On.)
That the Gsrmans, reinforced bj
troops withdrawn from the Russian
front, are about to undertake in the
west the greatest offensive campaign
of the war, derived added significance
from Secretary Baker's references in
his weekly war review to the mass
ing of German troops on the western
front and the expected attempt of the
enemy to break the allied line.
Heavy German reinforcements have
arrived in France, it is believed in al
lied capitals, but wbcre the expected
blow will fall is yet to be disclosed,
F3r the moment the infantry is in-1
active along the western front, but the
artillery, and especially that of the
Germans, is. very active in various
sectors. '
On the British front the Germans
are bombarding heavily the positions
southwest of Cambrai and east and
northeast of pres, the two sectors
which have seen virtually all the
heavy fighting in the last few months.
From St. Quentin to the Swiss bor
der Paris reports a great enemy ar
tillery activity between the Oise and
the Ais'ne, in Champagne, northeast of
Verdun, and in upper Alsace. The
British and, French cannon are reply-,:
ing in jfind against the German posi
tions, r
Infantry fighting lias stopped mo- v
menlarily at least, on the Italian front
from Asiago to the Piave river. The
Austro-German effort to break
through between the Piave and the
Brenta failed with losses. The enemy
then reformed his shattered forces and
attempted to break through between
r a . t-- it e t i .
vsiago ana tne nave, xie lauca again.
The Austro-Germans captured some
terrain, but without improving their
tactical positions and at a heavy cost. ,
An apparently local attempt to Cross 1
the lower reaches of the Piave has
been checfed by the Italians, who re
captured observation trenches taken
y Austrian soldiers.
Aviation Activities.
London, Sunday, Dec. 9. The offi
cial statement on aviation activities,
issued tonight, reads:
"On Saturday rain prevented fly
ing until this afternoon, when a cer
tain amount of artillery work and
reconnoitering was done. Our air
planes dropped bombs on hostile bil
lets and fired many rounds at ground
targets. Two of our airplanes are
missing." .
Operations of the nature and ex
tent indicated by the official British
communication almost invariably pre
cede a great attack. The preliminary
bombardment, designed to break
down the opposing defenses and clear
the way for the infantry advance, may
continue for a week or more, while
at the same time efforts arc made to
clear the air of opposing navigators
to conceal the bringing up of troops
and other preparations for the attack.
French and British statements also
speak of heavy artillery fighting at
many points.
London, Dec. 11. The Rotterdam
correspondent of the Daily Telegraph
sends a report that Count Czernin,
the Austro-Hungarian foreign minis
ter, arrived in" Berlin on Sunday. (A 5
Vienna message by way of Amster
dam on Monday said Count Czer-V
nin's visit to Berlin had been can
celed because of his sudden illness.)
Count Von Luxburg Still
Remains at Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Dec. 11. Count von
Luxburg, the dismissed German min
ister to Argentina, today entered a
sanitarium to undergo treatment for
a nervous disorder. This probably
will further delay his departure from
Wants Cease
to be Wants -
when Bee Want Ads are used.
The following For Rent Ad
FOB RENT A furnished retaurnt. well
equipped, splendid location; rent (25 pel
mo. ; want experienced people.
secured a reliable experienced
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