Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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3 A
Sunday, December 9, 1917
I Am Going to
and I
Do Your
in the
The United States Govern
ment, through the National
Council fnr T,nffnsp Vina
fnade an urgent request that
the public do their shopping
"Early in the Month" and
"Earlv in the Dav." in order
that in December man-nower
may -be conserved for nation
al purposes.
Bv some of thp women's
clubs it has bepn advocated
to "Do shopping between the
hours of. 10 and 5 o'clock, to
conserve light, fuel and man
power." To this we Would npnrtilv
agree,, if a movement of this
sort was of a concerted na
But. while it is. not. a mm.
mon practice, let us observe
the reauest of the fnvfmnmnf
to "ShoD earlv in the Month"
and "Early in the Day," that
:nere may be Christmas as
isual for evervbodv and that
business may go on as usual.
All who patriotically heed
the government's request will
be greatly rewarded in wider
choice, leisurely selection and
more expert service.
tffiSft i
Handkerchiefs Will Be the Popular
Gift This Christmas
rpHESE suitable, convenient. sure-to-Dlease gifts were never more
L JL appropriate than this Christmas,
ll 1 'a j. ji i ;n
nnsimas money lor mings mat win
These are some of the kind you'll
initial Handkerchiefs, 6 for 75c
Woman's initial handkerchiefs of sheer lawn, embroidered in
white or colors, at 6 for 75c.
Initial Handkerchiefs at 25c
Woman's pure Irish linen handkerchiefs, with hand embroidered
initial, special at 25c each.
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c
Fine linen with U &nd -inch hem3; very special at 25c each.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Practical Christmas Gifts from the Housefumishing
Section in the Down Stairs Store
rpHERE could be nothing more appropriate or more practical as a gift in this day of
J. conservation, than something tor the home, ims idea:
Casseroles, Nut Bowls, Crumb
Trays, Lunch Boxes, etc.
Casseroles, heavy brass frame,
nickel plated, 8-inch size, guern
sey inset, $1.95.
Parson's nut bowls with iron
block and hammer, -mahogany bowl,
Nickel crumb tray and scraper,
a set, 50c.
Universal lunch boxes, complete
with Thermos bottle, $3.25.
Nut sets, consists of nut cracks
and 6 nut picks, set, 25c.
The Big Book Section on the Third Floor
Is Filled With Gift Suggestions
THERE is nothing, possibly; that you can give at Christmas time that is more accept--able
by both young and old than good books. Our book store on the third floor
holds a world of gift suggestions.
on the third floor there's an
"The Prince and the Pauper,"
La specially iuusuh cuiwv...
PMark Twain's delightful historical
romance, at $2.50.
"Story of the Present Uar,"
told for children; 4 volumes, at
75c each. "
Start Hours: 8:30 A. M
to 6 P. M.
Am Going to
Give Slippers; They're Always Ac
ceptable and Greatly Appreciated
OUR selection of holiday slippers is very extensive, in
cluding a 'wide range of styles and kinds for men,
women and children. For house, party and dancing.
$$7 v
rose, pink, blue, black, $3.50.
Pullman slippers, tan and black kid, in cases, $1.75.
Children's comfys, red felt, soft soles, $1.25 and $1.45.
Children's puss in boots, felt, beaded, trimmed, $1.35 and $1.65.
Children's fur trimmed, leather soles, red and blue, $1.10 and
Children s slumber sox, all colors, 65c.
Men's kid opera and Everett, $2.50 to $3.50.
Men's felt restride, gray and blue, $1.75.
Men's felt Everetts, brown and gray, $2.50.
Men's felt comfy, gray, soft soles, $1.65.
Burgeaa-Nash Co. Second Floor.
ted Work Boxes
or baskets, English make, satin
lined, some without fittings,
with and without standards;
make splendid gifts; price
range, $1.25 to $2.50.
Scrap Baskets
made of splint wood and wil
low, enameled in white and
gold, roses and flowers at
tached, 75c to $2.00.
Fancy Pillows
A varied assortment of silks,
tapestry and velours, plain or
combination effects, round,
square and oblong, $3.50 to
Burgeas-Naah Co. Third Floor.
when everybody wants to spend
a i
noi oe wasveu.
Women's Handkerchiefs,
3 for 75c
Plain white or dainty colored
embroidery in corners, 3 in a
box, 75c.
Women's Handkerchiefs,
3 for 39c
Fine sheer Swiss, plain white
or colored embroidery in cor
ners, 3 in a box, for 39c.
toasters., $2.75.
percolators, $8.00.
irons, $3.50.
waffle irons, $10.00.
washing machines,
vacuum sweepers,
vibrators, $12.50.
heating pads, $5.15.
immersion in heater,
Burgeaa-Nash Co.-
Standard Works
Hit-. "m J i ItHftlH ihWW: I, SUl.
Stevenson, 10 vol. set, cloth bind
ing, $9.00.
Thackeray, 10 vol. set, cloth bind
ing, $10.50.
Hugo, 10 vol. set, leather bind
ing, $15.00.
Reade, 12 vol. set, M leather bind
ing, $15.00.
Books About the War
"Private Pete" his own story,
"My Four Years in Germany,"
by Gerard, $2.00.
"On the Edge of the War
Zone," by author of "Hill Top
on the Marne," $1.25.
"Salt of the Earth," by Sedg
wick, $1.40.
"The Worn Doorstep," by
Sherwood, $1.25.
"My Home in the Field of
Honor," 60c.
In the Children's
answer to many questions. For
"The Real Mother Goose."
popular editions with colored il
lustrations, $1.50.
Burgess bed-time stories, 50c.
The Kewpie Primer, at 50c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Th iri Floor
Let us suggest: 1
Comfy slippers in blue, pink,
lavender, old rose, black, at $1.65.
Felt, fur and ribbon trim
med, brown, 1 blue, gray,
wine and black, $1.65.
Quilted satin in pink, light
blue, old rose, red and
black, $2.25. i
Quilted satin mules, nvpf.
tily trimmed, lavender old
Practical Gifts
Skating sweaters with adjust
able collars.
Heavy heather sweaters in
the new wide wale.
Belted model, full back, bar
rel pockets, in robin egg, brass,
Rembrandt, Tommy and Fu
schia colors; special, $12.50.
Sweaters at $6.95
Sweaters, soft brushed wool
heather mixtures, with fancy
borders in colors which con
trast, special, $6.95.
Burgeti-Nath Co. Second Floor.
SILK Dress Pat
terns As Gifts
One could not give a more
practical gift. These special
values :
Crepe de Chine, $1.69
40 inches wide, all pure silk,
heavy quality, in wide range of
shades, also black, white, flesh.
Princess Satin, $1.49
Light or dark shades, very
soft' with high satin finish, "yard
wide, $1.49.
Silk Poplin, $1.25
36 inches wide, in a complete
line of wanted shades, also
black and white.
Black Taffeta, $1.39
36-inch black chiffon taffeta
for skirts and dresses, Monday,
special at $1.39.
r Co. Main Floor
Electric chafing dishes, $13.50.
Electric curling irons, $4.50.
Electric grills, $7.50.
Wear-Ever aluminum sauce
pans, 2 -quart size, 69c.
Wear-Ever aluminum covered
roasters with rack, $4.00.
Cast aluminum fry pans with
wood handles, $2.48.
Cast aluminum waffle irons,
cast iron frame, $2.95.
Down Stairs Storo
in Sets
M. 1
Eliot, 10 vol. set, leather bind
ing, $16.50.
Scott, 12 vol. set, leather bind
ing, $17.50.
Dickens, 15 vol. set, leather
binding, $18.50.
Guizot's History of France, 8 vols.,
New Fiction
"The Dwelling Place of Light,"
by Churchill, $1.60.
"The Sheaf of Bluebells," by
Baroness Oregy, $1.35.
"The Green Mirror," by Hugh
Walnole, $1.50.
"Hearts Undaunted," by Ath
enson, $1.30.
"The Major," by Ralph Con
nor, $1.40.
"His Own Country," by Paul
Kestor, $1.50.
"The Wanderers," by Mary
Johnston, $1.35.
Book Store
instance, there's the-
Home fun, everything to do you
can imagine, $1.50.
Every boy's book of hobbies,
Stories Children Love, at $1.25.
Mother West Winds Stories,
at $1.00.
Start Early in
THE Store Opens
Every Morning
With the Singing of
Christmas Carols
As a special feature and to
lend more of the Christmas
spirit to the store at this sea
son, a choir of mixed voices
sing Christmas carols at the
opening of the store each morn
ing at 8:30, also at 12, noon,
and again at 5:50 each even
ing. The choir sings from the bal
cony on the main floor, and at
the opening of the store, every
employe stands at attention and
joins in singing the national
anthem: "The Star Spangled
Everybody is invited to come
and enjoy this feature.
United States
"Thrift" Stamps
25c and $5 Each
Now On Sale in Our
Branch Postoffice
Main Floor.
This is a section of the Third
Floor set aside for the display
and sale of rare and valuable
art in furnishings and decora
tions, as well as exquisite nov
elties from remote parts of the
Such things, for instance, as
quaint and curious lamps and
candle sticks; bird cages; totem
poles; waste baskets; lacquered
desk sets, all such varieties as
these, besides a valuable collec
tion of individual pieces of fur
niture, etc.
Connoisseurs find this sec
tion a most delightful place
for recreation and filled with
suggestions of the unusual s6rt
for Christmas gift giving. " ! '
Burgess-Nasii Co. Third Floor
" Glove Certificates
Are more popular than ever
this season with people whose
shopping time is limited or
with those who cannot deter
mine what gift to send. Theso
certificates are exchangeable
at any time for merchandise,
and issued for any amount.
Make His Gift a Practical
One a House Coat
A GIFT of this sort is always acceptable and certain to
be appreciated. Every man likes to slip into a com
fortable house coat after dinner and enjoy his paper and
pipe. ,
Our holiday stock of
men's house coats is very ex
tensive, embracing a wide
range of styles, colorings
and materials, such as silks
woolens and velvets. Some
of them are solid colors,
while others are solid colors
with fancy trimmed collars
and cuffs to blend.
Price range, $3.50 to $30.
Burgeaa-Nash Co.
Toys and Dolls Are What the Children Want and Dear
Old Santa Claus Wants to See and Greet the Children
SO bring them with you to Toy Town let them lisp into dear old Santa's ear what they want him to bring them for
Christmas. And, when it comes to toys my, such a variety everything you can imagine to make the little
hearts glad on the happiest day of them all Christmas.
Look oht there ! Step aside quick! do you want to get run down by those high-spirited, prancing steeds? 'Oh,
look over there! the soldier-boy doll is "striking up an acquaintance" with that pretty doll just from Pans. Indeed,
many things happen in Toy Town every minute, for Toy Town is a world all to itself, and a great wonder-world, too.
For it's a world of imagination, where anything can be and anything can happen. These suggestions:
Mechanical Toys
50c to $1.50
Jves' mechanical toy
foF My
Continuing for Monday
the Sale of the
Surplus Stock and Sample Lines of
Holiday Novelties
Bought From Morris, Mann & Reilly, Manufacturers and Importers,
New York, Chicago and Paris.
At But a Fraction of the Usual Price
EVERY item included is very appropriata as a Christmas gift and the best part of
it all is, the great variety of selections and the wonderful values offered.
French Ivory Toilet Pieces at a. Tremendous Price Reduction
Hair brushes, 39c to $4.75
Jewel boxes, 50c to $3.98.
Clocks. 1 and 8 da vs. Si. 95 to
Picture frames, 19c to $1.25.
Hand mirrors, 75c to $4.75.
Trays, ISc to $2.98.
Perfume bottles, 29c to $1.19.
Manicure articles, 10c to 49c.
Shaving mugs, $1.29 to $3.19.
Shaving brushes, 79c.
Hair receivers, 25c to $2.98.
Powder boxes, 25c to $4.50.
Buffers, 19c to $1.89.
Nail Brushes, 25c to 79c.
Scissors, 59c to 79c.
1 lot powder ruff boxes, at
1 lot ivory clocks, at $2.98.
1 lot of manicure pieces, at 25c.
Novelty Jewelry, Mesh Bags, Etc., at
Side Combs, at 10c
Tlain side combs, back combs
Mesh Bags at $1.00
Green, cold and silver finish,
silver frame designs at the very
of $1.00, $1.98, $2.50 and $3.98.
Ruby Rings, $5.00
Reconstructed ruby rines. tiffanv
special, at $5.00.
Robes at a Sacrifice
A very special purchase in
three groups, including man
darin empire raglan and coat
effects, lined with Dresden or
China silk, made with adjust
able or wide sailor collar, or
revers. Patch or barrel pock
ets, roll edged and rope girdle.
The s'. ades are coral, prune,
wistaria, Copenhagen, pink,
blue, lavender and rose.
The prices are: $2.25, $3.95,
and $4.95.
Burgaaa-Naah Co.-Seconi Floor.
Fourth Floor
TmL y
Electric train
Iron train
Drumi, Horn,
Hone and Dragon
Wash day outfits
Bean, Elephant
Soldier boy
Baby girl
Campbell kid
Writing dealt
Burgeaa-Naah Co.
i- v. vw nn i i v
!7ie Cfivistinas Sigre for Overy Body
. , .
Shop Earljr In tha Day
It's Best.
Christmas Gifts
the Morning
Extra Special
French Ivory Sets, at
$1.95 to $24.50
Consisting of 5 to 25 pieces
in each set, variety of styles
and every one at an extra price
reduction. ,
Salve jars, 15c to 49c. .
Soap boxes, 25c to 79c.
Combs, at 10c to 89c.
Military brushes, 59c to $1.98.
Hat brushes, 98c to $2.25.,
1 lot of buffers, at 75c.
1 lot of ivory combs, at 44c
1 lot manicure sets, fanrv hnv
with nail file, cuticle knife and
button hook, 98c.
to 39c
and barrettes.
to $3.98
draw tr!n b,1
attractive prices
Novelty Jewelry at 10c
Including an assortment of
pin sets, two or three on a
card, bar pins, hat pins and
Novelty Jewelry at 39c
Including earrings, unusually
pretty designs, sterling silver
rhinestone-set bar pins and
brooches, very dainty designs.
Stone-set hat pins.
Very pretty lavallieres with
Novelty Jewelry at 19c
Including sterling silver
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Giff Suggestions for the Little
Folks at Christmas Time
PRACTICAL gifts that are so acceptable and always
appreciated by fond mothers; this as an idea:
Enamel clothes trees, white,
pink and blue, $1.50 to $1.95.
Baby trimmed clothes hamp
ers. $7.50 to $10.50.
Weighing scales, $7.50
$15 00.
Baby baskets, in natural
enamel, 50c to $1.50.
Clothes "ks, enameled,
$3.00 to $5.00.
Celluloid novelties, 25c
Celluloid nursery rattles,
to $1.50.
Nursery tpys, 25c to $3.50
Cashmere wrappers, at
$1.50 to $5.00. ,
Tufted silk robes, $2.50
to $6.00.
Carriage robes, $1.00 to
Cashmere shawls, 50c to
Cashmere sacques, 50c to
$5.00. i
Baby moccasins, 35c, 50c
to $2.00.
Coat hangers,, 50c to $2.50
Bootees, 25c to $3.50.
Burgaaa-Naalj Co.
Velocipede -Meccano
Structo t
Erecto et
Mechanical toys
Doll bed
Fire engine
Etc., Etc.
Down Staira Store
tut urn.
ovNi n m
UU-ZfVU 11
'- i
-Phone D. 137.
1 lot of manicure sets, consist
ing of nail file, button hooks, shoe
horn, cuticle knife, buffer, ivory
stick. Special price, $1.10.
Many others, such as glove
stretchers, tooth brushes, holders,
candle holders, vases, shoo horns,
smelling salts bottles, etc.
a Great Sacrifice
Oriental Shell Pieces, 29c to $2.98
Hair pins, casque combs, barrettes, in beautiful
coloring effects; ranging in prices, 29e, 39c, 69c,
$1.00, $1.69 and $2.98.
Novelty Beads, 19c to $1.29
Unusually good looking beads, very effoctive
and novel designs, great reductions, 19c, 29c. 69c.
$1.00 and $1.29.
rings. Jet settings, beauty pint
gold plated bar pins and
Novelty Jewelry at 69c
Including a very unusual se
lection of earrings, jets, pearls
and oriental effects.
Bar pins and brooches in
very effective designs, "gold
filled and silver.
Chiffon Velvet Bags,
e': $5.95
Beautiful bluck chiffon vel
vet bags, also colors, priced spe
cal at $5.95.
mitten?, 25c to
Baby bibs, i ..chine and
hand made, 25c to $2.50.
Baby long and short hand
made dresse3, 75c to $15.
Baby bonnets, machine
and hand made, 75c to $10.
V a n t a sleeping gar
ments, 75c to $1.00.
Baby swe; ler sets, $3.50
to $10.00.
Baby leggings, 75c to $1.50.
Baby crib blankets.
Baby coats, silks and cash
mere, $5.00 Jto 525.00.
Seccnd Floor,
Sleds ,
Flexible Flyers, all
sizes, $3.50 to $15.00.
Fire Fly, $1.75 to
iMig: ft..
or f