6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY brUK: UfiOtiMbtK S, 131T. SOUTH SIDE MIXED DRINK UPSETS THIS MAN'S STOMACH . v h r; Police Find Individual Who 1 Tried Carbolic Acid and v li',' Alcohol as a Beverage. juiari was found unconscious in a caal yard at 4817 South Twenty-sixth street late Friday afternoon by the p&Iictfho brought him to the station. I fis condition indicated that he had been drjnking alcohol. Dr. Emery, vhoattended him, said that he had been drinking a mixture of rarbolic acid and alcohol. He had evidently been. unconscious several hours. The police have not learned his name. . The South Side police say that since May 1 they have faced the problem of te "prohibition drunk," the man who ii4 drunk from "medicated" alcohol. TbeyjcJaim to have discovered many nfw drinks, ranging from bay rum to fermented jaspberry "jam." The police court-sometimes acknowledges that it is puzzled as to the shade of distinc tion between "drunk" and "sick." Usually the medicated alcohol user pleads "sick," but the police pro nounce it "plain drunk." Live Stock. Exchange.. ; Names Candidates for Of ficfi 'The South-Omaha Live Stock ex change Friday afternoon nominated til following officers for the ensuing year: President, W.:B. Tagg; vice a r f T president, vv. 1. uox;. directors, james J'.yrne, C. S. Hibbird and James Root. The president and vice, president are elected for one year and the board of directors for three. , .- Auto "Thieves Unusually ' , ;: Active on the; South Side -Kay Jones, 3722 South Twenty-seventh street, reported to the South Side police that some time Thursday night. thieves broke into his garage and stole his automobile. Leonard Blessing, 3632 South Twenty-third street, reported that thieves br6ke .into his garage Friday .night and srble an expensive fur-lined overcoat. Several other persons reported to the police, that thieves had tampered wjth tl?eir garages, : : , Mafia City Owwlp. fetem heated apartment,' Soargo block, rr fnpros $3S and 130, , - . We wish to thank our frlende for their many. "Wis ef klndnesa and beautiful floral offerlnga during our desr fathcr'a recent 411 'nes and death. Mr. Boat and family. For Rent House, atrlotly mod. with gar age and cistern. Also unfurn. rma. 8. IV26, Jo Bmlth. Meadow, wa arrested by Of ficer Dworsk Friday and charged with pass ing a worthless check for f JO. t For Rent -Furnished cottage, or furnished room, 440 S. 23d St.; also s-room oottage at 4207 8, Sid rlt.j rent I1J.50 per month. J'hone South 1113. Telephone South 0 and order a ease of Ami or Lactonade, the healthful, refreshing Home Beverages, delivered lo your rest donee. Omaha JJeversge Co. A Jofnt iaeeting of the Ancient Order of fnited Workmen lodges will hold a banquet 1 uesday evening In tha Ancient Order Wif tnlted Workman temple. Twenty-fifth and M. streets. Speakers from several states will be present Lodge members plan to makks this an Important affair. A military funeral was held Friday after nhon for Harry Johnson, adored, a soldier. He was one of ui South Side contingent In Cafnp Funaton and died In camp. His body was sent here Friday. An e?ort nf ii.il. Iters accompanied the cortege from the Lhrkln ehapel to Oraeetnnd Park cemetery for burial. Dietz Memorial Stages Special Patriotic Service Dietz Memorial Sunday school will hold a special patriotic service Sun Hay at 11 a. m. in honor of its 13 young men who have enlisted under the colors. . "Will our boys come back?" is the subject on which the pastor, Rev. H. P. Hunter, will talk. The Junior Sunday school choir will render special music. Mrs. D. Tombe will give a reading, "I'll Fly My Flag,Till My Boy Comes Back." Mrs. Tombe has two sons in the service. Little Elva Oviatt, 12 years old, will recite an original poem of her own. composition. A recitation by Sadie Nicholas completes the program. Dr. J. L. Franz, superintendent of the school, will preside. Central Labor Will Aid Red Cross Drive Hearty and effective co-operation of the various local trades upions with the coming Red Cross drive was urged by President Reynolds at the weekly meeting of the Central Labor Union at Labor Temple Friday night. Sixty chairmen of local unions have been made heads 'of committees to insure the success of the' drive, Mr. Reynolds said. C L. Shamp, delegate to the na tional convention of the American Federation of Labor held recently at Buffalo, N. Y., addressed the meet ing. He referred to President Wil son's speech at, the opening of the convention as "the greatest a presi dent of the United State, had ever delivered." ' High School Boys to Help Out Postoff ice Department Postmaster Fanning has , issued calls to the Central High school for 25 boys to help in the office and on the routes Juring the Christmas rush. Several boys are already work ing after school, being excused from the last period. The school will close earlier than planned this year, that the boys may have more time to help the' business men. The school glee clubs and orches tra will give a concert next Friday night. PACKERS PLACED UNDER STRICT RULE Larger Corporations Not Per mitted to Make More Than Nine Per Cent on Their Investments. Chicago, Dec. 8. (Special Tele gram.) The firmness of the control which the government intends to place over the packing industry was shown in the detailed rules and regu lations given out today by the meat division of the food administration. Every detail of the business of both large and small packers is to be u.uler supervision, in accordance with the regulations drawn up under the direction of Joseph P. Cotton, who is at the head of Meat division. Pack ers are classified under two general heads: Those doing a business of more than $100,000,000 annually and those doing less. .The larger divi sion includes .Armour & Co.. Swift h Co., Wilson & Co., The Cudahy Packing Co., and Morris & Co. Profit Rate Fixed, All packers are to operate under government license and each licensee is forbidden to make any change in his business that will bring in a rate profit beyond the fixed limit. The larger packers are permitted to make not more than 9 per cent on their in vestment, except on by-products, where thg limit is placed at IS per tjnt. Smaller packers are allowed 2Yt per cent on gross value of sales. Lines are drawn sharply between departments of the packing business in which food products are handled a..d by-products which have not food value. No limit is placed on raising, feed ing amj fattening of livestock. As some packers operate stock yards and batiks, these are also exempted from profit regulations. Limit On Salaries. Packers are forbidden to make any permanent additions to their plants or any improvements which will in crease their capital value, without ex press authorization from the chief of the meat division. A check is placed on deductions that may be written off for deprecia tion, and it is provided that no un reasonable salary or bonus shall be treated as part of the operating ex panses. The larger packers are re- fU HTDDIONS SPARK 8CREFN8 PIKE TOOLS BASKET CRATES GAS BURNERS HOOD HOLDERS FOOT RAIL FENDERS BRASS COAX HODS FIREPLACE FIXTURES Ylsit our salesrooms. Exceptional as sortment,' latest designs and materials, bJgh grade workmanship, reasonable prices. rt hare . equipped many of the finest homes and wish to equip yours. We will both benefit. Entire Third Floor Keellne Bnildlng. SUNDERLAND BROS. GO. i1 ; ' 7 ' " . ' Dr. Ludwlck, Manager. LI 4 ANNOUNCEMENT OF MY NEW LOCATION ', . ;.. at:....". ' 606 BEE BUILDING , t have opened my new dental offices with the latest improved and modern equipment that can be obtained, :., ; , where I will be pleased io meet all my old patrons and their friends . . . . . ' - ' i The many years I liave practiced dentistry in Oma .ha is sufficient guarantee that I am cbmpetent. "The Mot Sanitary Of f ice in Omaha." ' Phoa Douglas 1839. DR. U. E. LUDWICK, p. 606 Be Building. r trails?!)! qjired to close their books at least six times a year and the smaller ones four times. Packers' books and records are to be open for inspection at all times. Inedible by-products are defined as including soaps, glue, gelatine, glycer ine, ammonia, sand paper, curled hair, gut string, pharmaceutical prepara tions, leather, fertilizer, and products made frani horn or bone.. Neville Endorses Plan Of American Bible Society (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 8. (Special.) Governor Neville Friday endorsed the plan of the American Bible so ciety to raise a fund of $400,000 for supplying khaki testaments for American soldiers and sailors. Presi dent Wilson, war department officials and governors of many states have already voiced approval of the effort. Frank P. Corrick, who has just re turned from a trip to the Pacific coast' and the northwest, 'called on the governor and asked him to en dorse the movement Next Sunday will be .American Bible school day and all churches and Sunday school organizations will be asked to hold special collections for support of the national fund. Miss Greene Takes Charge Of Red Cross Department Miss Mae Greene, 2616 California street, will Monday take charge; of the surgical dressings department of the Red Cross, Cathedral auxiliary. Miss Claire Woodward jind Miss Marion Coad will assist Miss Gxeeae in the discharge of her new duties. Apjwndicftls v la " primarily dua to tha j poisons formed by decaying food In tha bowels, t is a dlseasa canted hi improper and insufficient bowel elimination. Many people have only a small, passage In the renter of the bowels while the sides are clogged with old. stale, fermenting matter. They may hare s bowel movement eery ; ay, but it Is not a complete movement and he old stale matter staya in the system to ferment and cause trouble. Besides ap pendicitis such unclean bowels cause head aches, stomach trouble and 99 per cent of nil other sickness. The old foul matter ticking- to the aides of the bowels often stays in for months, poisoning the body and causing that listless, tired feeling known as "auto intoxication.' .. HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE The war' to avoid sickness and to keep Mint full of ambition is to watch your bowels. Just as you keep the outside of yvar body clean, you should also KEEP THK INSIDE CLEAN. It is even more important to keep the bowels clean than it to to keep your body washed, because the millions of pores in the thirty feet of bowels quickly absorb poisons generated by lieeaytnc food left earalessly in the bowels. Don't allow the old, fermenting, filthy stuff to stay In your bowels for weeks, but GET T OUT and keep it out, Remember, filthy howels are the eaose of most sickness no rtomach, liver or any other -organ can do its work with a foul cesspool sending out gases and poisons. Even if your bowels move slightly each day, that it not enough. There must b an occasional THOROUGH, com plete cleansing to rid your system of all ac cumulated, decaying matter. . HOW TO CLEAN THE BOWELS QUICK The MOST COMPLETE bowel cleanser known is a mixture of buckthorn bark, gly cerine and ten other Ingredients, put up in ready prepared form under the trade name of Adler-i-ka, This mixture is so powerful a bowel cleanser that it ALWAYS does its work properly and thoroughly. It removes foul and poisonous matter which other ca thartics or laxative mixtures are unable to 'dislodge. It does a COMPLETE job and it works QUICKLY and without the least dis comfort or trouble. It is so gentle that one fonrets he has taken It until the THOR OUGH evacuation starts. It ia astonishing the great amount of foul, poisonous matter a SINGLE Si'OONFCL of Adler-i-ka draws from the alimentary canal matter you would never have thought was In your sys tem. Try it right after a natural bowel movement and notice how much MORE foul matter will be brought out which was pois oning your system. In slight disorders such as occasional constipation, sour stom ach, "gas on the stomach" or aick head ache, one spoonful brings relief almost IN STANTLY. Adler-i-ka is the MOST THOR OUGH bowel cleanser and antisepticizer ever offered In ready prepared form. It ia a con stant surprise to people who have astd only ordinary bowel and stomach medicines and the various oils and waters. REPORTS FROM PHYSICIANS Dr. James Weaver, Loa, Utah: "I have found nothing in my 60 years' practice to excel Adler-i-ka," Pr. W. A. Line. West Baden, Ind.: , "I use , Adler-i-ka in my practice and hav found nothing to excel it.' . ... . Dr. F. M. Prettyman, Mallard, Minn. "I use Adler-i-ka in all bowel ease and hav been very successful with it. Some esses require only one dose." Druggist Hawks, Goshen, lnd.fc "One of our leading doctors has used Adler-i-ka in cases of stomach trouble with wonderful success. He has not lost a patient and savsd many operations." J. E. Puckett, Gillhnm. Ark.: "I had bad stomsch trouble. After taking Adler-i-ka feel better than for 20 years. Haven't lang uage to expresa the awful impurities, which were eliminated from my system." '' Cora E. Noblett, Sageeyah, Okla.t "Thanks to Adler-i-ka I can sleep all night now, something 1 could not do for years." ; . Mrs. L, A. Austin, Ausland, Minn.t "I could not eat a thing, my stomach was so weak. Adler-i-ka made me feel better and am now able to work and gaining.T tkduiM DTP tlHiii!!ll!lllllllllllilltlll!!lii i MAN'S Useful Xmas Gifts For Every Member of the Family HIS YEAR AB0YE ALL OTHERS MAKE I0UR CHRISTMAS GIFT A TIIITY GIFT. Waste Is UNPATRIOTIC. The spirit of the times suggests PRACTICAL, SENSIBLE, LASTING gifts. Too often Christmas gifts are of t superficial nature filled with sentiment, no doubt, but lacking the PRAC TICAL, EVERYDAY usefulness which will endear them to the recipient. 00 often derated relatms and mends disregard the fact that the gift that GOES JfTO THE HOME AND HELPS TO BEAUTIFY IT the gift that promotes comfort end serrlce is the IDEAL GIFT. Look oyer our offerings shown below. They are representative cj THOUSANDS of similar suitable gift items now on display at our stores. Make It gift for the HOME this year-the IDEAL gift Convenfent Monthly Payments Gladly Arranged on Any Purchase If Desired r 1 0 g ' inn is i Mipi yV'TAs- 4sv in' ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL DRES SER Base has swell front, meas ures 42 inches, heavy plank top. mirror 24x2S Inches, made of se lected wood. Imitation Circassian walnut finish, a splendid value at. HIGH Chiffonier haa 36x21 In. top; ( roomy drawers, plate mirror 28x18 In. Period drawer .pulls. Mahogany finish only. Unusual value for this fweek. &ACt OP? Jul, 0.00 GRADE WILLIAM AND MARY BEDROOM Triplicate Mirror Dress ing Table, has 22x18 In. stationary center mir ror; . 22x8 In. swinging side mirrors; top Is 42x 21 In. Mahogany finish, $46.65 .llllam and Mary Bed. cornea in full size. Head end is 69 Inches high. Foot end In proportion. Beautifully ornamented. Mahogany finish. Unus ual value this week. only. .$47.75 SUITE. Dresser has large 48x23 inch top. plate mirror 40x30 Inches. Handsome period drawer pulls; 4 roomy drawers; duutproof Bottom. Manogany finish. Specially priced at $69.95 $19.98 m swell front, turned legs. pattern shape, built and finished golde our low price, only GEOTTINB QUARTER -SAWED OAK PLANK TOP DRESSER - Elegantly grained and polished, full 4 roomy drawers, neat French bevel plato mirror, stronsly 315.25 'ANITAUI t,UB WOOD CRIB Jomplete with flexible spring, measures 2-8x4-1, has automatio drop aides, all .vhlte enamel finish, note the closeneas of bars, ex actly as l' ,$7.85 SOLID OAK KITCHEN CAB INET Oil rubbed finish, roomy base, tilting flour bin with sifter, u t e n a i 1 drawers and sugar bin; price. $15.75 GENTLEMAN'S WARDEOBE CHIFFONIER 5 roomy draw ers, large hat compartment, wardrobe section fitted with sliding coat -and i-e i nn trouser hanger, IS I tl NM finished golden... P0. 5-PIECE BRASS BED COMBINA TION Bed has heavy 2-inch posts, and 10 fillers, splendid satin finish, woven wire top spring, durable cot ton top mattress and (M t f 2 sanitary pillows, JS iS-.O-e) complete outfit .y-a.eTr.t l-J SPECIAL OFFERING IN A VELL MADID DUET PIANO BENCH Double musle compartment offered in genuine quartered oak, hand Rubbed and pollshr ' ''-main Adler-i-ks la sold only by the leading druggists in each city. gold in Omaha only by Sherman ft Me Council Drug Co.. 18th and Dodge. Through out Nebraska by the leading druggist ia tack, city, Advertisement. Worthwhile Specials in Our Toy Department $6.25 IMPORTED JAPANESS TEA BETS 7 nieces, as Illustrated. blue - bird figure on each piece, nfairtx? 49c only STEER K-Z FLTER Fit ted with ateel runners, 3( In. longi 12 In. wide, great for coasting, this week at 98c A REGULAR OLD FASHIONED TEETER TOTTER--5 ft in. long, 18 In. high, can be adjusted to balance children of different weights, can be used In or out doors, only. MAGNIFICENT 48-INCH TOP CO LONIAL LIBRARY TABLE Has Heavy lyre shaped scrolls, large shelf below for books, roomy draw er fitted with round wood pulls, a very new and pleaa ing design, priced specially, at only... $14.38. TRB "ROYAL" . .CLINL, OHAIR .VIII surely please the head of the house plendld Una In fumed and golden oak .nalr shown ran be had In either fume, ir golden; guaranteed Imitation leathei uunoistering ana sort ateel springs, special price, only.............. if At I Rri rS. y fjf S VVB $14.50 It. l,yU.hA ' 1 BEAUTIFUL HIGI 8TANDING PIANC LAMP Complete with 24-m. snaue. base fitted with 2 tmll cbain socket. 6 feet of slllc cord and are mahogany fin ish, at. $17.50 r t 1 tr 1 oouunoia waionoia If mi . t j 1 sy a 1 ne laeai uiji For All the. Family STEP LADDER Jr-rJ STOOL A con venient siooi ana step ladder com bined. Indispens able for the home, opens and folds su tumat'cally, heavy steel braces, only. 89c jENUIS'E MAHOG ANY WILLIAM AND MARY PE- RIOD ROCKER. very attrac- tlve design. scat uunol.it- ered In high er a a e blue velour. full cane back, re finement and oJiarncter ex pressed 1 n every line Is the type Il lustrated at. $18.95 1 jSSrw .1W f IB III H MlMSS ST n RAFONOLA No, 00, greatest dollar or dollar value ever ffered. Beautiful arved feet Wal ut or mahogany. lays four records 1th one Indlng, inly..,.. fft.M Cash. (S.OO a Month. ' 141 u $110 sV 1 I sssW .89c 1 tiW Jr. rlr" TAPESTRY OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT So soft and luxurious that you will be paid the price many ttmea over In hours of comfort, has 3 soft loose cushion seats restina on foundation or aepenaaoie on- tempered springs, elegant figured tapestry, our price, only $82.50 STRONGLY BUILT HIGH CHAIR Made of seasoned wood and finished golden, haa large tray and plat form, only, G RAFONOLA No. 15, In tone, quality, con struction and finish is In every way a Colum bia, which means that nothing haa been slighted. quartered golden oak cabinet. 300 needles non-vibrant motor, only. $3 Cash. II Month $18 We Illustrate here our GRAFONOLA No. 76. A marvelous instru ment In every way. Mahogany, satin wal- nut or quartered oak case, case noma sev enty-five records,, only S8.CO Cash, 15.00 Month. $85 iffTr'rTrr2"'S!rTr"!! Gift Suggestions , From Our Popular RUG Section $1.97 1,001 Other Biff , Bargains. Mm OA SPLENDID VALUE IN A MAHOGANY BMOKK STAND 30 inches high, fitted with heavy glass tray, with rest for cigars and place for match box; wa are offering them at this week at this unheard of low you make your UUn selection early........ aOi S-in-l Combination Stt(p Vac, S6.75 OUR COM PACT J-IN-l .COMBINATION GAS RANQJS 4 Itoles for cos.1 and. I for gas. large size oven operated fori both, whit. force lain oven door, all the new est features embodied I n this wonderful stove, only $52.50 "ol .?."!. ........ 92.25 $4.00 Axniinster Rugs, 36x72. Wilton Rugs, tCRf K 27x54 ffS .....$8.50 Bigelow Imperial CC1 AA Rugs, 86x63 epa.UU Whittall Anglo-Per-Sian Rugs, 36x63. . Rag Rugs, assorted colors, 36x72 Rag Rugs, assorted colors, 24X48 .$15.25 ...$1.39 89c Blssel's Grand Rapids 42 A TrT Sweepers ap. t t $3.75!: I. National Peerless Sweepers jLKEIUCi'8 GEE1TEST H03O5 FOJISKEBS 413-13-17 Spulh 160i Street ir; of ILZZkVJ fin m 1 K I '5. 1 1 1 1 1 Ulll 1 mara E3 THIS SPLENDID ROCKER BUILT SOLID OAK AnH Ished in nut brown c s or William Mary deslirn. seat upholstered in gen- cpanisn leather over ateel springs; this model Is priced unusually 1 o w for this week, at WE ARE EX-CLV81VE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS FUEL SAVING "COLE'S" HOT BLAST HEAT ER Will pay for itself In the saving of your coal bills; we have them as low as $15.75 mmm