Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1917, Want Ad Section, Image 36

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    6 C
Officers High in the Banks of
the Yeomen Coming to Omaha
to Confer Degrees on
the Candidates.
Last Wednesday evening Omaha
Homestead No. 1404, Brotherhood of
American Yeomen, initiated a class of
19 candidates.
The state manager, Roy 5ummer
ville from Lincoln, Neb., presented
the meritorious service button to Mr.
and Mrs. Stafford, Amos E. Henely
and Gustaye Carl Ruder. He an
nounced that the Decree of the Realm
of Rhadesmanthus will be conferred
in Omaha by the.Castle Degree team
of Des Moines. March 6, 1$8, at
which time the grand foreman,
George W. Frink; chairman of the
supreme board of directors, W. R.
Shirley, Oklahoma, and grand master
of accounts, Mark McKee,- Detroit,
Mich.; will be present. -
The district manager, Edgar
Michener entertained Mr. Summer
ville during his visit here.
Next Wednesday evening Omaha
Homestead No. 1404 will give a dance
to its members and friends in Labor
temple. - . f : . ' V-
, JVUgnu oi ryuuas. -. , -
On Monday evening of this week,
in Crounse hall, opposite the post
office, Newton Beers will characteriie
in monologue Banim's immortal play,
"Damon and Pythias," depicting these
heroes as they now live in Pythian
Knighthood. Mr. Beers has an inter
national reputation as an entertainer.
Every young man in Omaha should
see this play. Judge C. VY Britt will
give a short talk on "Pythian
Knights," after which there will be
dancing and other amusement. -
The new club rooms will be open
for inspection on Monday evening.
All Pythiins and their friends are
cordially invited. ,,'A small admittance
will be charged to covef expenses.
Chancellor Commander Albert E.
May filled his station' last Monday
evening, xic was given wu
hearty welcome on entering the
lodge room. Chancellor May was
commissioned lieutenant while at the
Fort Snelling training school. ' I
; tr Woodmeri Circle,
r Emma B. Manchester Grove will
meet Thursday for the annual election
of officer.! Meetings are now held
in the Ancient Order of United Work
men temple the second and fourth
Thursday of each month.
j Order of St. George. t
f Queen Mary lodge No. 219, Order
of St. George, will hold its regular
business meeting Wednesday evening.
The semi-annual nomination of of
ficers will occur and all business
completed for the closing of the books
for the fiscal year., : ,
, ' , Knights ol Security.
Omaska council No. 2295 will give
a dance Monday evening in the Swed
ish Auditorium. ;
Tribe tf Ben Hur. ;
Mecca Court No. 13 will hold its
annual election Thursday in its hall,
Nineteenth and Farnam streets. ,
i - . Order of Stag.
' , Omaha Drove No, 135 will give a
card party in the new club rooms,
1402 Dodge street, Wednesday eve
ning. Prizes will be awarded and the
Princess of the Orient a side degree
will be administered Friday evening.
Kvwvs, Maccabees Elect.' "
' Omaha Tent No. 75 elected the fol
lowing officers last Monday: Com., I.
L. Mitchell; Lt Com., James W. Fin
ney; record keeper,-Thomas E. Gerin;
chaplain, B. M. Horaan; sergeant, H.
P. Wilson; ; master-at-arms, E. P.
Scofield; first guard, W. B. Chambers;
second guard, ' VW Conn; sentinel,
George W. Jewell; picket, C. C
Ellington; musician, R. G. Barg. The
degree: staff of . Council Bluffs will
initiate a large class Monday evening
for Tent 75.: .': i ? '
Jbawiort. Auxiliary, aiecis.
General Henry W; Lawton tuxiliary
No. 1, U. S. W V., has elected the
. followmi? officers: President, Mrs.
('arntin KuxaMl! senior vi(e nrrsl.
dent. Mrs. Fred Fero; junior 'vice
president, Mrs. Anna Miller; chaplain,
,Mrs. Delia Polleyr conductor, Mrs.
Ida; Lane; assistant conductor, Alta
Egah; . guard,' Mrs. ' Katie Gladden;
assistant guard; Carrie Strell; histor
ian fr AtvJna TUnrlfMt? rt nOriin.
tor, Mrs.- Minnie Miller; i.secretarjkJ
wrs. L.cona JNye; treasurer, Mrs. w,
A, YVhisenand. : " . , "
Royal Arcanum.
Union Pacific council No. 1069,
Royal Arcanum,, Thursday elected of-
, beers as follows! li - t
' Representatives to grand council,,
YWVon Kroge. jr.! Herbert W. John-
. son ana w. n. loncs: alternates, tl.
U Manord, r, J. 'i ebben and E. S.
Thompson: . regent William Von
Kroge. jr.; vice regent. N, V. Chap
man; orator, J.-C. Martin; secretary,
' T. B. Dysarf, collector, W. D. Couns-
man; treasurer. M. E. Larson: chao
lain, A. L. Lierk; guide, C. J. Ziegler;
wardens, U. L. i'helps and C. A.
', Graves; organist, V. C. Bennett: trus
tee, three . years, F. A. Schick; one
year, u iuigore. ,
Fraternal Aid Union.
The annual election of officers of
Banner lodge No. 11, Fraternal Aid
union, Wit be held on Tuesday even
tng, December II, 1917, in Labor
Temple hall, 19th and Farnam streets.
Modern Woodmen of America.
" Beech camp, No. 1454, held its an
nual election without a contest. At
torney George W. Pratt will occupy
the chair during 1918. A service flag
was raised with 16 stars in honor of
the members of the camp now in gov
ernment service and at each meeting
tne touowing roil ot honor is read
J-ee J. Crosby. . Dr. Oeorire W.
. Pugsfey, Dr. Charles Needham, Oliv
er f arrand, Uirara c. Uriswold, J. Yv,
Lewis, D. R. Johnson, C. L, V. Cobrv.
R. A. Camero, T. L. Belknap, Homer
L, Lawson, Phil M. McCullough, W,
H. Guthrie. H. A. ' lohnson. Emi
W. Swanson, Arthur W. Farmer. The
, camp will send Christmas packages to
each of these boys to cheer them on
tneir way. . ':
Sand Dredge Sunk:
. Seven Persons Drowned
Cliicago,' Dec 8. The sand-suckin(r
dredge Desmond, with a crew of 13,
sank in a storm on Lake Michigan to
.. day and seven persons were drowned.
The disaster occurred off the mouth
f the Calumet river '
The South First Street chapter of
St. Paul's guild met on Monday at
the home of Mrs. Arthur Hoffmayr.
Nearly all the members were present,
as well as a number of guests. The
afternoon was very profitably spent
in preparing, for the bazar, which
took place on Saturday.
The Atlas club met on Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Parmalee, who con
ducted the review of current events.
Mrs. Bloomer read a paper on Chile
and Dr. Hamilton addressed the
club. All meetings will be omitted
until after the holidays, the next
meeting falling on January 8.
The Ideal club met -on Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Cutler and also
took up the study of Chile. The his
tory of the country was reviewed by
Mrs. Hanthorn and Mrs. Nicholas
spoke of the people of today. Mrs.
Pyper described Santiago, the city of
Saint James. The club will have one
program before Christmas and will
give its annual party on the twenty-
seventh of. the month. '
Mrs. J. H. Strock has been called
to Corpus Christi. Tex., by the illness
of her niece, whose father has re
cently died, leaving her without rela
tives close at hand. She wiH be un
able to leave there before spring, but
Mrs. Strock hopes that she will be
here with her bv then. Mrs. Strock
will remain until her brother-in-law's
estate is settled and her niece is en
tirely out of danger. 7
On Tuesday afternoon the Garden
club closed a very successful season
at their meeting at the home of Mrs.
Thomas Metcalf, jr.. The outline of
the next years work was discussed
and new officer were elected. Mrs.
Charles T Officer was elected presi
dent, Mrvs. L. C. Squire vice president
and Mrs. Henry Cutler secretaryand
treasurer. The club will resume its
regular meetings in March.
Tt . T. II i : f a. - '
l nc uooKiovcrs coimuucu uicir
study of Joseph Conrad at their meet
ing on Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. aehoentgfin. Mrs. Keed spoke
on "Sea Fiction." Mrs. - Schoentgen
talked on his methods and ideals and
read "Preface to Nigger of Nar
cissus and Mrs. Tilton told of i Con
rad as a master of literary color.
Mrs. Paul A Andrews entertained
the J. K, club on Wednesday' after
noon, ihe high score at suu vwas
A m m . v 4 . . PI 4
won by Mrs. Martin foi.ctt.. ,ine
consolation was awarded to Mrs. Eu
gene Hall and the "cut for, all" to
Mrs. A. Wright. Mrs. ttti Uausen
and Mrs. Houck were guests of the
club.1 The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. A. Wright and Mrs.
T- - 1 1 . lit 1. - ,
roiicii win uc HU.MC33. -
The Ladies of the Dodge En
gineers met on Wednesday evening
at the Young Women's Christian as
sociation. Ten new members were en
rolled. The business of the evening
was largely concerned with the cook
ing sale, which is to be held all day
Saturday, December 15, at the Metcalf
tore. The food will all be prepared
according to the rulings of the food
conservation department. Mrs. How
ard, the president, expects soon to
leave tor Deming to spend ennstmas
with her husband, Captain Howard.
Mrs. Harrv Bergman entertained
the L. T. club on Wednesday at a
uncheon and kensineton. There were
two guests, Mrs, Parkharn and Mrs.
Wallace, who ( at the close of the
meeting were received as members.
The next meeting will be heldj at the
home of Mrs. Fred Rapp.
On Tuesday1 the Oak btreet Mow
ers' and Teachers' club held their an
nual bazar. ' It was followed by a hot
chicken dinner for the children of the
school. So many of the children carry
lunches and once each year the moth
ers, orenare a big dinner and serve
at 10 cents a plate, turning tne
money back into some benefit. The
movement is certainly a good one,
nractical as well as pleasant. 'and is
i i - .:j t... .-- :
inorougniy appreciaica oy xnc resi
dents : of the ' district. The evening
performance, which the parents of
the district put on for the benefit of
the children, was well attended and
showed theJ tendency toward com-
munity gatherings for the entire lam
i v. The following program was
Biven: Trombone and cornet, duet.
Messrs. Ernest and Fred Walling; vo
cal trio. Mrs., Wi cox. Mrs..Langdon
and Mrs. Fiori; reading, Mrs. Wall
ing; reading, Mr. Gliddert ; vocal sob,
Mr. Ahlstrand; reading,: Miss Ander
son; salute to the flag and the -"Star
Snancled Banner." lead by the chil-
. . I . r . t T - -. . iL.
aren, wim Airs. ernngion i,wic
The Kii. M. ciud gave a very ae
lightful surprise party in honor of
Mrs. R. T, Kissel, who will make her
future home, in California, v The tlttb
presented Mrs. Kissel with mani
cure set and each member wrote a
train letter for her.
More Tots Made Happy With Bee. Dolls
(2) Dorothy Miller, 956 North Twentyseventh street.
(3) Beatrice Seymour, 1905 Missouri avenue.
(4) Hazel Graulish, Papillion, Neb.
(5) Fanchon Marecek, 5220 South Twentieth street.
(6) Louise Mace, 1902 Center street.
(7) Benella McGregor, 370154 North Twenty-fourth street.
! Many Little Girls Macfe
I Happy With Bee Dolls
I Katie Baker winner of one of the Bee dolls last
week, lives in the country on a farm. She hasn't any broth-
ers or sisters and sometimes gets pretty lonesome. She
I has always wanted a big brother to go to school with her
and to protect her from (the old gander and the .white
rooster that flies at her. That's why she selected the
I t sturdy farmer boy doll. But alas ! Instead of being a big
brother to Katie, he's in a hospital and Katie is his nurse.
It all came about in this way: Katie has a little fox ter-
rier that is very devoted to her and when he found her
I playing with Tom, her dolly, instead of him, he became
jealous and one day . when Katie wasn't looking, he
... grabbed Tom in his mouth and was shaking him like a
rat when Katie saw him and came to the rescue, but poor
I Tom such a sight. clothes were all torn off and he
I was cut and bruised in many places. Practical little Katie
mended his cuts and wrapped Tommy all up in bandages
I and now sits by him while she makes his new clothes.
Here are the names of the little girls who won dolls
last week: -
Saturday, Dec
33 viola BchUtDauer 2554 Pratt.
302 Dorothy Weymuller 2892 Miami.
285 Ruth Gibson.. 2556 Spaulding.
258 Helen Osterholm 2585 Pratt.
250 Dorothy Gordon 1115 S. 9th.
'230 Lillian Holms 4308 Emmet.
186 Baby Eddy.'.., 2106 Douglas.
160 Dorothy Prince. 89 St. 5 Co. Neb-. City, Neb.
147 Isabella' Badler 89 St. 5 Co. Neb City, Neb. t
164 LirCile Larson .'.2523 N. 19th.
Ten more little girls will be made happy thfs week
ana l wonder will one of these little girls be you?
in the future. The next meeting will
be Wednesday,, December 12, when
the annual election of officers will
take place.
' On tnday atternoon Mrs. u. j.
Green will entertain the Dorcas club
at her home, 4422 South Twenty-first
The marriage of Lieutenant J. E.
Harder and Miss Grace Henry of
Council Bluffs took place Thursday
night at St Paul's Episcopal church.
The Rev. Mann performed the cere
mony. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harding left Saturday
for Camp Custer at Battle Creek,
Mich. , ' ' .-: ...
Lieutenant Harding is well-known
in South Side and is a brother of Miss
Grace Harding.
On Frdav evening Rev. and Mrs.
J. A. Greer entertained for the young
people of the United Presbyterian
church in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
John Porter, who were recently
married. Mrs. Porter was Miss Mil
dred Kubat, and both have been very
active in church work.
After a nice program the evening
was spent with music followed by re
freshments, i
Mrs. Greer was assisted by the
Misses Cordelia McColloch, Helen
McMartin, Eveyln Vore and Clarence
Greer. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Porter have gone to
housekeeping at. Twenty-fifth and I
streets. ; ' ?' .
nr.. T71I- Ct.n.n a and rtiilrlrpn were
guests the week-end of their brother
and son, Charles atevens ami wnc.
Mrs. Hattie Edgar, who has been
the guest of her son, Park Edgar, and
family, has gone to Decatur, 111., for
a visit among relatives.
Mrs. George Norris gave a dinner
Thursday for her house guests, Mrs.
Henry Evans and two children of St.
Lawrence, S. D. Covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truelson and
son, Herbert, of Gretna, Neb.; Mr.
and 1 Mrs. H. J. Wrieth and son,
"Billy," Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wrieth
and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs.
George Norris and daughter, Miss
Mrs. Hans Nielsen gave a farewell
dinner Thursday for her brother, Bert
Christianson, who has joined the avia
tion corps and who has gone to Fort
Logan, Colo. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Christianson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Schaas and children, Jm
and Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Niel
sen and daughter, Miss Jane..
. The Ladies' Aid Society of Jennings
Methodist church held their all day
meeting on Thursday at the church
and completed two quilts. They have
given up their annual Christmas ba
zar owing to so much Red Cross
work. " ,'' ' ' '
Mrs. G. S. Kopp, who has spent the
past two, months with her daughter,
Mrs. James Steele, at Wells, Nev.,
returned -Tuesday evening.
R. M. Erway is having an attack of
blood poisoning in his foot and is con
fined to his home.
Miss Winnifred Cook, Lincoln, vis
ited her sister, Mrs. J. V. LenTell, last
Mr. and Mrs. John Rush are mourn
ing the death of their infant daugh
ter. The regular meeting of the Wo
man's Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church, was held
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. John Foster.
. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Frostrem, who
were married last Sunday at Hastings,
Neb., returned to Valley Sunday.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Timmons.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick and daughters assist
ed in serving.
You can secure a maid, stenogra
pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee
Want Ad. -
I , - i
s 1 ' s ' ' 5 ' '
I f,- '!
TEN DOLLS will be given free to
the ten little girls under 12
years of age that bring or mail us
the largest number of doll cou-.
pons cut out of The Bee, before 4,
P. M. Saturday, December 8. Thjs
coupon will be printed in every
edition of The Bee until then. Ask
everybody you know to save doll
coupons for you. You can win one
of these dollies if you really want
to. Will you try? We want every
little" girl in Omaha and vicinity to
have one of these beautiful dolls.
You can leave the coupons and
get your dolly at The Bee branch
office nearest you."
Ames Office, 4110 N. 24th St.
Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St.
Walnut Office, 819 N. 40th St.
Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth
Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St.
South Side Office, 2318 N, St.
Council Bluffs Office, 14 N.
Main St.
, Benson Office, Military Ave.'
and Main St.
fohn Burda of Caino Funston has
been the , guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Burda, t ' ,
Mrs. A. V., WarnocK ot sterling,
Kan., is the guest of her parents, Rev.
and Mrs. J. A.' Greer. .
. Miss lone. Hall of Columbus, Neb.,
is spending the week-end with her
cousiiu Miss Evelvn Vore.
Mrs. KarvBarkhurst continues to
improve and wm soon oe aoie to
leave-the hospital.,' ., 'I ;
Miss .Ellen Carlson, and mother
hav. gone to Excelsior Springs to
soend the winter. t
Mrs. S. N. McCord is confined to
her home with an injured knee, re
ceived by a ;fall, while on a visit to j
South Dakota, v ,
.The Misses Francis and Alice Cas-
teel are entertaining their cousin, Miss
Odella Jensen, of Nevada, la.
Mrs. Richard Novak entertained
on . Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Richard
Berlin of California, former well
known South Side matron. ,
Mrs. W. B. Routte entertained the
Thursday Whist club at her home this
week. High scores , were made by
Mesdames Bragonier and Watters.
Mrs. Routte's sister, Mrs. Von Arm,
of St. Louis was guest of the after
noon. ' ; v .,
Mrs. Herman Oswald entertained
the Woman's Christian Temperance
union on Thursday afternoon. -
Mystic Workers of the World met
on Thursday evening and elected of
ficers. All old officers were re-elected
with one exception. ,
Fred Randal has gone to Chicago
on business.
Mrs. Merlin Finlay and children
of Valley are guests of Mrs. Viola
A new boy has arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hinchey.
Superior lodge, No, 193, Degree of
Honor, have moved from the Ancient
Order of United Workmen temple
to the Eagles' home, Twenty-third
and N. streets, wbtr they will meet
Mr. and Mrs., A. -Jackson have as
their guest their nephew, George
Brady, Kalivis, Colo.
- Miss Alena Hensman, Greeley,
Neb., was the week-end guest of her
cousin, Frank Hensman, and family.
The Royal Neighbors realized $29
at its carmvul and bazar last week.
Warren Ryder and George Caowal
lade, Marsland, Neb., each brought a
carload of cattle in and were week-end
guests of their wives' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J, T. Gantz. .
Mrs. Ada Newcomb," Kansas City,
has been the week-end guest of her
brother.'Thed Smith, and familv.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Therman and two !
children, Delta, Colo., arrived Wednes.
day to be the winter guests of their
brother, F, E, Miller;, in Eckerman.
The Epworth league of ' Jennings
Methodist church will present "The
Old Fashioned Deestrek Schuk" at
the church Friday night.
LeRoy Frazelle, wife and son,
Harold, were dinner guests Thursday
of Mrs. Frazelle's . brother, 1 Louis
Bandliker, and family, in West Side.
Gale Whitham and 1 Miss" Fanny
Hensman sprang a surprise on 4 their
young friends by their marriage last
week. They are at horne at the resi
dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. M.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Then.
dore Schnerderwind was, brightened !
by the arrival of a son this week, and
also ofMr. ,and Mrs. 'J. White, a
daughter. ; ,' . .
. i Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Chenowith will
entertain the West Side,! Women's
Christian Temperance union: at t the
parsonage Thursday afternoon.
' Miss Julia Dovle returned Thurs-
day from Hamburg, la., where she
spent the week-end.
Mrs. Thed Smith went to Lincoln
the first of the week to visit her sister,
Mrs. w. jonnson, and to meet her
sister, Miss C. H. Mtson, and daugh
ter, . Mrs. . Hattie Jones of , Kansas
City.,.; : ; - . . ". ) .
Mrs. TJ, I. "Fulmer cave dinner
Wednesday in honor of her house
guest, Miss bessie Gilmorc, Hamburg.
Plates were laid for the Miss.s Sarah
Givens, Gurtha Lon- Hilda' Olson,
Inez Willard. Bessie Gilmore. Mrs.
Albert Dowling and Mr. and Mrs. j.
J, Fulmer. ; "
- Mrs. J.;h. Garman and daughter,
Mrs. Don Kaley, had as their guests
the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. J.
Turkleson and Mrs.T. A. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hammond and
four children were guests for the
week-end of Mrs. Hammond's broth
er, Albert Miller, and family of Flor
ence. .
Mrs. Henry Evans of St Lawrence,
S. D., with her two children, Carolyn
and Earl, who brought-the husband
and father, Henry Evans, here for
burial, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Nevins.
" Mrs. Julius -Hercht entertained
Thursday for Mesdames J. Brewster,
S. T. Jonas, Thomas McDonald. Glen
Gerkin, M. Rhinehart, and Mrs. L.
Mrs.. Mabel Simmons and mother,
Renewed Every Day in the Year
"pJVERY man or woman who receives a holiday present of a year's sub-
scription to THE OMAHA BEE, will be 'reminded of Christmas and
the thoughtfulness of the giver everyday Until the next holiday seasons
three, hundred and sixty-five days. - -
A subscription for THE: OMAHA BEE is an appropriate gift for a rela
, tive.or friend and for a soldier or sailor in a training camp at home
or on the battle front "over there?' ' f
TT bespeaks the good-will of the sender and compliments 'the intelli
gence of the recipient. It is a sensible present in wartime. '
A suitable letter, announcing that the subscription for THE BEE is a
Christmas gift, and naming the giver, will be mailed to the person to
whom THE BEE is to be sent on the day the first copy is forwarded.
FILL in the order form which
is a part of this advertise-;
ment and forward with remit
tance. If for a Soldier or
Indicate on the subscription
coupon the regiment and com- '
pany to which a relative or
friend belongs, or the name of
the ship to which he is attach-'
ed. The Bee, through the War
Department, provides the re
mainder of the address.
Subscription Rates, Postpaid
One Year.. $5.00
' Six Months ...$2.50 ;
Three Months....... $1.25
One Year...... $4.00
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, Three Months. .$1.00
One Year., ..$2.00
- Six Months..... $1.00,
Three Months .80 ' 1
Eve. and Sunday. .'. ..10e per week
Morn, and Sunday. ...15c per week
The above domestic rates apply
also to subscriptions sent to mem
w bers of the American Expeditionary
Forces abroad.
The Omaha Bee
Omaha, Neb.
Cash, check or money order en
closed for from
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in payment of , .months'
subscription for .edition The
Omaha Bee beginning ; ,l. .
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