Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 19

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    5 B
Adelaide K.enner"
Ella Fleishmart
, mi
Women Are
Doing in the World
,. CLUB CALENDAR--Monday-Omaha
Woman's club, Metropolis
r tan club house, 2:30 p. rii., fol
io wed. by open program of par
liamentary law department, 3:30
p. m,
P. E. O. sisterhood, Benson chap
ter, MrsJ. T. Pickard, hostess.
Tuesday ,
Daughters of American Revolu
tion, Omaha chapter, Fontenelle,
2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, public
speaking department, 10 a. m.;
parliamentary law, 2:30 p. m.
South Omaha Woman's club, Mrs.
J. B. - Watkins, hostess, 2:30
p. m. ' ', '
Business Women's club, Y. W. C.
A., 6:15 p. m.
P. E. O. sisterhood, Chapter B P.
Mrs.J. O. Goodwin, hostess, 2
p. m.
Belles-Lettres club, Mrs. J. H.
Stine, hostess, 2 p. m.
North Side Mothers' club, Mrs. F.
S. Miller, hostess, 2 p. ni. .
Custer Relief corps, Memorial hall,
2:30 p. m.
Grant Relief corps, Mrs. Elizabeth
Lonjjstreth hostess, 1 p. m.
Wednesday , . a 1
Omaha Woman's club, literature
department, 10 a. m.; knitting
unit, 2 p. m.
Trinity .Parish Aid, Mrs. D. R.
Mills, hostess, 10:30 a. m. '
Alpha Phi sorority, Mrs. W. A.
Willard, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
W. C. T. U., Frances Willard
union, Mrs. T. R. Ward, hostess,
12 m.
Woman's club, home
i economics department, 10 a. m.;
.music, Mrs. J. E, Haarmann,
hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Wythe Story Tellers' league, pub?
lie library, 4:15 p. m.
Association of College Alumnae,
drama section, Mrs. Walter Ab
bott, hostess, 4 p. in.
Welsh-American association, Mrs.
W. J. Morgan, hostess.
B'nai B'rith Woman's auxiliary,
Lyric hall, 8 p. m.
West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union, ffrs. R. H.
Chenowith, hostess, 1 p. m.
Friday ' "
West Omaha ; Mothers' club,, Mrs.
W. N. Baker, hostess, 2;30 p. m.
Central Park Mothers' club, school
auditorium, 2:30 p. m.
Associatiori of Collegiate Alumnae,
executive meeting, Fontenelle, 4
C O. Story .Tellers' league, Miss
Kate Swartzlander, 7:30 p. ni.
Train School Mothers' club, Mrs.
John Carney, hostess.
Council for Defense, wo
men's committee, campaign for
funds. "
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
ceneral meeting, South Side So
cial Settlement, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's Club. '
The parliamentary law department,
headed by Mrs. O. A. Nickum, will
have charge of the open day pro
gram following the business meeting
of the Omaha Woman's club Monday
at 2:30 p. m. at Metropolitan club
house. Mrs. W. P. Harford, depart
ment instructor, will read a paper en
tiled "A Study in Conservation." Mrs.
Arthur R. Mitchell and Harold
Hughes will sing; Olga Eitner will
play the violin and Mrs. John Mul
len will give readings. -Mrs. A. D.
" Bradner is the accompanist.
Effectiveness in speech to a change
tn pace will be studied by the public
speaking department Tuesday at 10
o'clock. A lesson in motions and
their classification will occupy the par
liamentary practice class Tuesday at
2:30 under the instruction of Mrs.
Harford. '
Dr. Frederick J. Clark of the First
Congregational church, will' lecture on
H. G. Wells' book, "God, the Invisible
King!" before the literature depart
ment Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock Mrs. M. D. Cameron has
charge of the program. '
The home economics" department will
have an all-day social meeting in the
club 'rooms Thursday beginning at 10
o'clock. Members are asked to bring
materials for Christmas gifts. Miss
Loa Howard will have a number of
attractive articles to display and will
give suggestions in gift making. Mrs.
Harriet MacMurphy will talk on va
rious food sauces.- This will be fol
lowed by a demonstration of meat
sauces by Mrs. Cora Porsdal; in com
bination with the luncheon served at
noon by the members.
, Mjs. J. E. Haarmann, leader of the
music department, willentertain the
members at a social meeting at her
home Thursday at 2:30 o'clock. The
members wll give an impromptu pro
gram and are asked to bring their
W. C. T. U. Meetings.
Frances Willard Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union will meet
Wednesday at the home of .Mrs. T. R.
Ward. A cafeteria luncheon will be
lerved at 12 o'clock and the afternoon
will be spent making Red Cross
bandages. I
Welsh-American Club.
Red Cross work will be continued
it the meeting of the Welsh-American
society Thursday evening at the
home of W. J. Morgan, 4839 Leaven
worth street. ,
Benson Club Circles. i
The Woman's club-voted $10 each
for the Young Women's Christian
association war fund and to the local
Red Cross auxiliary, and $5 for the
free dental dispensary fund. Mrs.
George Iradale was chairman of the
Benson territory.
Mrs. J. T. Pickard will be hostess
for the P. E. O. sisterhood Monday
afternoon, when Mrs. R. C Persons
will lead a round table discussion.
Mothers' Clubs Meet.
Central Park Mother's club will
hold a meeting Friday afternoon in
the school auditorium. One of the
grades will sing the . "Marsellaise"
nd.y America" and gitfe-a spelling
Biatch. Samples of "war bread will be
shown and a domestic science round
able talk will be given.
Mrs. WvN. Baker, 1316 North For-
Young Matron
Mrs. H. O. Steel, who is one of the
attractive younger matrons, is well
known in musical circles. Mrs. Steel"
is the possessor of a lovely contralto
voice, and prior to her marriage was
soloist at St. Mary's Congregational
tieth street, will be hostess at
the meeting of the West Omaha
Mother's club at her home Friday
at 2:30. The following papers will
be given: "The President of the
United States," Mrs. P. T. Barber;"
"Members of the Cabinet," Mrs. T.
W. Cox, and "Filibustering"" by Mrs.
J. E. Dugen. ,
Mrs. 'John Carney and Mrs. Julius
Koch will be. hostesses for the social
meeting of the Mothers' club of Train
school, which will be held Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carney,
1724 South Sixth street.
South Omaha Woman's Club.
South Omaha Woman's club will
hold a business meeting followed by
a kensington at the home of Mrs. J.
B, Watkins, Tuesday afternoon. Mes
damesjessie Cornish, E. L. De Lan
ney and Mrs. Julia Pulliam are in
charge of the .affair.
Belles Lettres Club.
The Belles Lettres Literary club
will hold a meeting Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Stine.
Members are urged to bring their
completed knitted articles to this
meeting as this will be the last meet
ing of the club for HJiis year. The
usual half-hour xi current topics will
be given.
Woman's Relief Corps.
Mrs. Emily Longnecker and Mrs.
Elizabeth Longstreth and a commit
tee of women from U. S. Grant
Woman's Relief corps will give a
luncheon at the home of Mrs. Long
streth, 1812 Laird street, Tuesday at
1 o'clock for the benefit of the Grant
relief corps' Red Cross fund.
Business Girls Help Red Cross. -
The Business Women's Club Red
Cross auxiliary will meet both Motu-
g) ; :7 y..-.v? -0
-- tv fry o
16th and Farnam Sts.
and Little Jane
1 1 (o
church. Mrs. Steel sings at local af
fairs occasionally now, much to th
delight of her friends. Little Jane is
a beautiful Titian-haired child and
has attracted much attention be
cause of her exceptional coloring.
day and Thursday nights this week
to help fill the Red Cross emergency
order for 17,000 absorbent pads bV
fore January 1.
Church Societies.
Trinity Parfai Aid will hold its reg
ular meeting Wednesday morning at
10:30 o'clock with Mrs. D. R. Mills at
her home, 128 North Thirty-eighth
street. x
George A. Custer Relief corps will
hold its regular meeting Tuesday aft
ernoon at 2i3Q o'clock in Memorial
hall. Election of officers foY the en
suing year will be a feature of the
The knitting unit will meet Wed
nesday at 2 o'clock in the club rooms,
Mrs. Gv E. Begerow will read a
paper oh "The World's Strangest
Capital" at the North Side Mothers'
club meeting Tuesday ""afternoon at
the home of Mrs. F. S. Miller. Mrs.
Frank Russell will tell a Christmas
story; Miss Winifred Travis, will give
a reading and Miss Elizabeth Morring
a piano solo. The members will ex
change jars of fruit instead of Christ
mas gifts. s
St. Barnabas Bazar.
The Women's guild of St. Barnabas
church will hold a Christmas sale and
bazar Friday and Saturday, at 313
South Seventeenth street, Keeline
building. An unusual assortment of
beautiful hand embroideries will be
on sale, including card table covers,
fancy aprons, as also the new Hoover
housewife aprons and numerous hand
some knitting bags or original de
signs; likewise a few handsome dolls.
Coffee and light lunch will be served
as well as tea during the afternoons;
while at the Saturday sal will be ofr
Never has the integrity, of the individual, the community
or the nation been tested as it is being tested today.
. Integrity should be the acid test of all business institutions
from whom you purchase merchandise. Integrity of quality,
integrity of pricey integrity of service.
tegrity, and is building, ever building, on the continued and in
creasing confidence of the public.
Need we remind you Jewelry is the Logical Xmas Gift '
Need wo remind you the First Xmas was a Jewelry Xmas.-
Need we remind you of our wonderful display of wrist
watches, soldiers' khaki necessities, men's leather goods, ivory,
watches, silverware, gold lavalliers, diamond goods, stationery
and other lines. ,
Need we remind you of our suggestive attractive windows.
Need we remind you of the induciv'e prices consistent with
quality merchandise.
Our Secretary-Treasurer, Herbert W. Ryan, now one of
Uncle Sam's officers, said in bidding the store good by:
when I come baclc for I am coming back, I want you to have
increased our business 100."
Ryan Jewelry Co.
fered home prepared mince meat, jel
lies, marmalades and other items of
The officers of the guild are: Mrs.
A. D. Klein, president; Mrs. D. B.
Allan, vice president; Mrs. Luther
Kountze, treasurer and Mrs. A. R.
Cuyler, secretary.
Money for Defense Work. '
The woman's committee of the
State Council of Defense is to enter
a campaign for securing funds to
carry on its work. Twenty thousand
dollars is to be raised, one-half to re
main in the counties for an expense
fund and the other half to be sent to
Mrs. Keith Neville, treasurer of the
state committee.
The sum has been apportioned to
each county according to its popula
tion. "
There will also be a tag day De
cember 15, Mrs. A. G. Peterson,
chairman of the finance committee,
Omaha Chapter, D. A. R.
A business " meeting of Omaha
chapter, Daughters of the American
Revolution, will be held Tuesday at
2:30 o'clock at the Fontenelle.
P. E. O Sisterhoods.
Chapter B P of P. E. O. sisterhood
will meet Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. J. O. Goodwin, 1300 South
Thirty-third street, to do Red Cross
sewing. Mrs. R. E. Parrott will have
charge of the program, the roll call
for which will be Christmas quota
tions. Story Tellers' League.
Christmas stories will be told by
Wyche Story Tellers' league mem
bers Thursday at 4:15 o'clock at the
public library. Mrs. dna Water
man, Miss Anna Broadfield and Miss
Marie Berry take part in U.e program.
Miss Kate Swartzlander will be
hostess for the C. O. Story Tellers'
league Friday evening, when the
"Wonderful Adventures of Nils," a
Christmas story, and one that may be
dramatized, will be told.
Collegiate Alumnae News.
The-drama section will meet Thurs
day with Mrs. Walter Abbott. Miss
Edith Dennett will discuss the com
edy, "How He Lied to Her Hus
band." The Red Cross section will meet as
usual Monday afternoon at the war
relief rooms.
There will be a session of the ex
ecutive committee at the Fontenelle
Friday at 4 o'clock.
The monthly general meeting will
be held Saturday at 2:30 at the Social
Settlement. South Side, Twenty
eighth and L streets. All are re
quested to bring thimbles and scis
sors y
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Mrs. Effie Steen Kittelson will be
the speaker at the vesper service to-
111 SAFER?
Home Bulldari hai ncrer borrowed
dollar never eigned promiaory
note never incurred a debt beyond
monthly bills- never built bulldlne
except to order for the owner.' who
naa made aubstantlal payment. It
his not one dollar of bonded indebt
shares are secured by all of its as
sets, without a dollar of liability, be
yond current bills.
You can invest a large or a small
sum, weekly or monthly, lea it as
long as you wish or convert the
shares into cash on short notice.
Our booklet. "The New Way." free
to any address, gives full information.
Fiscal Agent
Home uilderS
Securities Building.
ni mm THiNr.
dav at 4:30. on t1i stihiert. "Arr in
Personality." Thcr will he snrrial
music and refreshments during the
social hour which follows.
The regular meeting of the Busi
ness Women's club will be held Tues-
Fred A. Cuscaden will splak on "Our
National Hanking aystem. Mr. Joe
Woolerv will give a violin solo and
Mrs. Marion Griffith, a vocal solo.
Miss Grace Grant is leader for the
George Crook Woman's Relief
"corps will hold its annual meeting
anH lrrinn nf nffiprtfi Krirfav at 2
o'clock in Memorial hall.
West Side Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet with Mrs.
R. H. Chenowith, 4810 Tine streH
Thursday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. J. N.
Taliaferro, county president, will be
the guest of the club;
A Home
M. M. Winter. Gary. Ind.
Not for a mansion, my clncorest desire.
Not for a palace, with lotly oomt;
My sole wish Is, to work, toll, never retire,
Until I have secured a happy home,
Rememberlna- the time of my youthful days.
Still then, before I was fully grown:
I set my plans, to provlilo means and ways,
To secure a home, that I could call my own,
Watchlpg- the birds, bulldtnir their nest.
The mole tolling, dlRKlng Its hole;
A siitrlt of thrift filled my breast
For a home, longed my soul.
A home of comforts, for my beloved wife,
A place of cheer, for the little ones, that
may come
To apend together, the best dsys of our life.
In our own so dear, woll provided homo.
Lster When weak, feeble and old,
A comfortable home, a well feathered nest;
Will fear neither rain, heat nor cold,
lu my own homo- .
At leisure lounge and rest.
The output of iron ore in Korea in
1916 amounted to21S,318 tons.
Scarlet flowers are believed to
stand drouth better than any other.
Horseshoes of cowhide are, it is
Logical Nebraska
headquarters. 655
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Every desired
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3 Vsoiviarieas(y
Exclusive and Stunning
Models for
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Honest Furs ''Moderate Prices
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1 YVmiflW 1 1
'ff. Gilts on Credit .,
(r k...wllat if, mor eeeptbl or appropriate than a W
' handsome Diamond aa a Gift: w 1
A wrist .watch for alther lady or gentleman, or a 1M
handsome It-tlsa watch for young- men. 1 Ki
Layalllerea, Bar Pine, beautiful 1 111 '
DiamJiid Bai, Cluster Kings I
T h.Ii t& hn,1?nat Una you hava Been. Many
, beautiful flfta to select from. Come and secure yours, flml
m Arnold H.Edm3nst3n& Co. .yW :
Seoeaa riawr. Reee-leearltlea mdc. f fMij
Vfc. Salte Sli-lia, Omaha. Neb. jfs'ffl
Vp$AN i - Telephone Tyler 1 567. jSi$if
Open Every Nta-ht Until yJYy ' ' 1
You men who appreci
ate quality and are con
tent with naught else, if
you demand that tailored
look in all your clothes
there is a treat for you at Drexel's.
Up-to-the-minute styles for the young men and
the more conservative patterns for those whd prefer
them. Every size from 4 to 12 and in widths AA to
E. Prices range from
$eoo to $5o ,
Mail Orders Solicited
NfflONALFuR 6 Tanning
Omaha. Nebraska
1921-9 South 13th. . Phone Tyler 120.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters For
i i av. newt
Parcel Post Paid