THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 9, 1917. -J -INDUSTRY MARKS : LIVES OF BEAVERS ;F. J. Bill, jScoutmaster of Troop No. 31, Writes Interesting Accoun of Busy Little Animals. - F. J. Hill, scoutmaster of troop No. 31, lived many years in Canada, where -'he knew the beavers and bears and ' Indians, as well as he kr.ew his A. B. ilC.'s. He can speak two Indjan lan guages and was a friend of the bcav "crs. He wrote the following sketch of Itr.e busy beavers for the Boy Scouts. I How many scouts have seen a bcav cer in his native haunts? For the bene- "fit of those who have not seen this ' wonderful animal I will describe him briefly, chestnut in color, weight from MO to 55 pounds, his distinguishing mark beintr a broad, flat, hairless tail Lives wherever he can obtain three or four feetof water and plenty of 'voting poplar or willow trees for - tood and for the construction of dams "and houses. The beaver is one of the ; wisest -and most industrious of all -wild animals and fortunate is the .scout of whom it may be said, "11 f Vworks like a beaver. All beavers belong to the Beaver patrol and they live up to all the ,'cout oath that they know about and most of the scout law. He is loyal, obe dient, cheerful, thrifty, brave and -clean. He could easily obtain merit ;badges in diving, swimming, engineer ing, woodmanship, and observation, hich is far more than most scouts can do. Running Water Needed. In order to exist and raise his fam ily the beaver must have water, so if he builds his house in a running stream which cannot be depended upon to give him all the water he needs he builds a dam to back up the water and form a pool of the required depth. He frequently selects a piece of low land at some distance from a stream, then proceeds to dig an irrigation ditch to carry water to the low point Jie has selected for his colony. The fall or grade of these , ditches is figured out as well and carefully its any civil engineer could do it and there is a ditch dug by beavers in Colorado over 2,000 feet in length and there are a number of ditches still carrying water. The beaver in felling timber for his flams and houses cuts a V shaped notch, selecting his tree so that it will always fall clear of other timber, ivhich is usin better judgr tent than ome woodsmen. The beaver then "pushes and rolls the tree to the stream and floats it down to the point where fie wishes to use it, building tip his 'dams and houses with the addition of rocks and mud which latter he "lound down with,his .big flat .tail. Only One Entrance. V Beavers build the floors of their louses just above their established vater line, the only entrance being via the water and up through a hole jn the floor". Like the Spartans of old the beaver has no use for the physical; :ly unfit so when a beaver can no longer take care of himself he is left to do the best he can until some Very Te,v men and fewer boys have ver seen beavers at work, for they ire very shy and when at work or play they always throw out several guards or lookouts who at the first strange noise or movement on shore strike the 'water with their tails mak ing a loud clap, which is the danger Call of the Beaver patrol and in less than a second every beaver Is out Of sight. ' , , - Although very peaceful, when at tacked in the' water the beaver will put up a very vicious fight, and his method of combating the mink, the most vicious and murderous of all vild animals, is to drag him under water and hold him there, the greater lung capacity ofthe beaver enabling him to drown the mink. ' Beavers Always Migrate. ; Beavers also migrate for various reasons, such as lack of food, poor water, reduction of their tribe, etc., those unable to travel being left be hind, this trait being one that we sure ly cannot admire in these wise little animals, -and it is the only bad one that I know of. When a boy I recall the case of an old beaver we had named Flat-tail, who was left behind, in the late fall, to shift for himself, either because he couldn't travel or becausA for reasons lestknown to himself he preferred to remain. Being a wise and industrious member of the Beaver patrol he pro ceeded to put his house in order and Jay in his supply of food for the win ter. Owing to an unusual spell of very low temperature his pond froze solid and he was caught. Running across his pond one day, on snow shoes, with some playmates, we Noticed the unusual condition of the pond, and through idle curiosity started digging into the' houses. In one of them we discovered the old beaver half dead. Pushing a lot of small branches through the hole in his roof and then re-covering the hole we left him. After a few days he was running about as lively as ever, and in the spring, for some unknown reason, the whole tribe returned. Per haps they were ashamed of them selves who knows? Embargo on Grain Shipments To the Atlantic Ports The railroad war board has noti fied Omaha railroad freight officials that witty the close of the Saturday business and until further notice an embargo has been laid upon the ship ment through Atlantic ports of grain tor export. The embargo on grain shipments and applied by the railroad war board includes all that territory north of the Ohio river and west of a line drawn north and south between Illi 'nois and Indiana. Until the embargo is raised grain tor export originating in the terri tory embargoed will gog through gulf ports. lo handle these shipments the government has designated a line of steamers that will sail from New Orleans, Galveston and Houston. It is understood that the embargo is laid in order that the congestion of freight at Atlantic ports may be cleared up. " Child Overcome by Cold: Father Deserted, Say Police Fern McFarland. 13 years old. was overcome by the cold while helping her mother move their furniture from 1258 South Sixteenth street. She was taken to the home of Mrs. L. L. Lohr, next door. Police Surgeon Ro manak said the child was weak from lack of nourishment. The family, consisting ot the mother, Mrs. L. L. McFarland, and five children, all younger than Fern, have been in straightened circumstances since last May, when they were deserted by the tathcr, accorqijngto police, Low Cash Prices and Superior Assortment Make Holiday Shopping Here PleasuraBIe and Profitable. Have a Complexion of Real Beauty . - ' Let Stuart's Calcium Wafers Drive Away Pimples, Blackheads, end . Those Yellow, Muddy Disfigurements. PROVE THIS WITH FREE TRIAL. r- Blue Bird Luncheon Seta Seven pieces Cash Price, $3.50. .r - LLinens IK Table and Decorative Suggestions for Gift Offerings, That Will Win Certain Appreciation. Table Cloths with 1 dozen napkins to match, pure linen, size of cloth, 2x2 yards; napkins, 22 inches; this beautiful linen set $8.25 Table Cloths, pure linen, 72 inches wide and 3 yards long; at, each $4.50 Table Cloths, 72-inch, hemstitched or scalloped; the best quality American-made, mercerized cot ton; at, each $2.00 Napkins, All Linen, 22-inch satin damask; splen did pattern assortment, dozen $3.75 Napkins, Luncheon Site, Pure Linen, dainty em broidery, scalloped edges; dozen $3.75 Luncheon Sets, 13 pieces, all linen, scalloped edges; set $3.50 Guest ToweUj hemstitched, union linen; each, at '. 35c Guest Towel Sets, embroidered Terry clothj'the 3-pieee set $1.15 Fine Bath Towels, embroidered on end ; new and dainty; each '. $1.25 Dresser Scarfs, manufacturers sample line; choice, each 50c Pillow Cases in bo pairs, scalloped and embroid ered; pair t.$1.00 Madeira Scarfs, Table Covers, Napkins, Center Pieces) the beautiful hand made linens in ex cellent variety at Tery moderate cost. A Lovely Complexion Lends Life and Vivacity to All Occasions. - There are scientific reasons why the calcium sulfide in Stuart's Cal cium Wafers is a most 'wonderful skin beaotifier. It works in the blood, enriches it, purifies it, gives to the skin a power to convert impurities into a harmless substance that is car ried off invisibly. But best of all is the host of pretty girls and matrons who have rid their complexions of pimples, boils, eczema, acne and other eruptions by simply using Stuart's Calcium Wafers. You will find them on sale in almost every drug store in the' United States or Canada at 50 cents a box. Get a box today or send the coupon below for a free trial package. , Free Trial Coupon T. A. Stuart Co., 468 Stuart Bldf., Marshall, Mich. 8nd ma at once, by return mail, a free trial package of 8tuart' Calcium Wafer. - . Name. ...... ......... Street. City. .State. Trade in that old furniture of yours, on some new pieces, by turning it into cash through a Bee Want-Ad. ' 3 Phone Tyler 1000 Between 8 A. M. and 10 P. M. Today 5fou are as close to THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. as your phone is to you . . : 1 . u i TUT Ml JWBEU THE CASH STORE r- Special Cash Mill Purchase Wool Dress Patterns for Gifts The price of w6ol goods is constantly soaring up ward. Here's an opportunity which may not again present itself for years. . . Take Advantage of These Bargains. $1.75 French Serge, $1.00 42 Inches Wide 100 pieces of All Wool French Serge and French Taffe ta in a good line of the new f alL col ors and1 black. Worth today $1.75 Monday, Cash Price $1 00 $2.00 French Epingle, $1.25 50 pieces of 44-in., All -Wool French Epingle, a beauti ful high luster cloth, in a full line of colors including navy and black: Worth today $2.00. Monday, Gash Prjce $1 25 $2.50 Wool Poplin, $1.50 100 pieces of 50 and 52-inch ' All Wool French Pop lin and Imperial Serge, every new and wanted color, including plenty of navy and black. Worth today $2.50 and $2.98, Monday, Cash Price $1 50 50 pieces of 54-inch All-Wool Coatings, in plain and fancy weaves; odd pieces to close out that formerly 1 7c sold at $3.00 and $3.50; Monday, Cash Price. . . ? A 0 I rMM ft ftsfca&giwfl Practical. Acceptable Gi Here are Monday specials which will prove of great economical interest. Best' Wiltons, 36x63, worth $12.00, Cash Price .....$8.50 Best Wiltons, 27x54, worth $8.50, Cash Price $5.50" Best Axminster, 36x72, worth $8.00, Cash Price $5.50 Best Axminster, 27x60, worth $5.00. Cash Price $3.25 Best Axminster, 18x36, worth $1.50, Cash Price i 98c Best Colonial, 27x54, worth $3.98, Cash Price .'$2.75 A large assortment of Rag Rugs, 50c, 95c, $1.50 up to $3.00 Best Oil Opaque Window Shades, 36x84, complete, each . . .65c Why not give a Carpet Sweeper? Some thing that will be long remembered. The Bissel Vacuum Sweeper is the sweeper that will keep your carpets free from dust. We have all the latest im proved vacuum sweepers, $9-50, $8, $7 All the latest models in Bissel Carpet sweepers, at ...$3.25, $3.75, $4.25 Up Cocoa Mats, all sizes, 80c, $1, $1.25 to $6 Attractive Holiday Offerings in Women's Apparel 375 Handsome Coats Beautiful New Dresses in Pom-Poms, Velours, Friezes, Kerseys, ' Plushes and Broadcloths; many fur trimmed; 25 choice designs; made to sell at $35, great Cl AHX bargains at P4-' & Cash Price.... ' ' L Other Gift Suggestions Bath Robes for Xmas, good values; for Monday, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Women's Knit Hug-Me-Tghu, $2.50 values; Mon day,, special ...... .$1.45 Petticoats for Xmas, in all the wanted shades, beau ties; at $3.95, $5.95 and $7.95 Women's Long Silk Kimo nos, worth $7.50 ; Monday, at $3.95 Just received, hundreds of classy designs for street, afternoon and evening wear., Wonderful values at our own special Cash Prices $OC and CQC 0f yuu you Why Not Give Furs? Nothing will please her better. We show immense assortments for selection, guaranteeing quali ty. Four Interesting Specials JVlonday: ' . ' ' Coney Fur Muff, very good value, Monday. $5.95 Hudson Seal Scarfs and Stoles, special Monday at $25.00 jap i-ong .voiinsiqr ocarrs, Deaunes; Monday at. . .$39.00 Fine Taupe Fox' Scarfs, Monday at .$45.00 See our elegant line of fur sets Monday, at $35,N $45, $65 V Mill Cash Purchases Beautiful New, Silks Greatly Underpriced in Monday's Big' Sale The wonderful values we are of fering in new, stylish and depend able ilks will surely solve the gift problem. We note a few special items for Monday: $1.75 Tub Silk, $1.25 25 pieces just received for the holi day business. Newest styles in handsome satin striped silk shirt ings, strictly all silk, just right for ladies' blouses or men's shirts. A wonderful bargain, fM OC Cash Price, at. y . v. $2.50 Qual. Satiii Charmeuse, $1.75 50 piece's of 40-inch Satin 'Charme use, every thread pure silk, closely Voven satin face and good weight, in a complete assortment of colors for afternoon and street wear. Old rose, prime gray, taupe, green, brown, burgundy, navy, gold, delft, midnight blue and black. , Sold I elsewhere at $2.50; here, I1 7lt I $2.00 Crepe de Chine, at $1.50 Just 10 pieces in this little lot, all we have of this quality A splendid heavy all-silk Crepe de Chine, real ly worth today $2.50. 40. inches wide. Colors are two shades of navy, brown, Alice blue, burgundy" and plum. While' they last, M CQ Cash Price T Y $1.50 Dress Silk, 98c ' 2,000 yards of Novelty Dress Silks, including all-silk Foulards. Mii''v Striped Satins, Satin Striped Taf feta. All good styles and colors. Good values at $1.50, Mon- QQr day. Cash Price TOU $1.75 Crepe de Chine, $1.25 30 pieces of 40-inch all-s41k Crepe de Chine, in a good line of street and evening shades ; a good, serviceable Quality. Sold everywhere at $1.50 and $1.75.x Monday, Cash Jl '25 J $1.75 Dress Satins, at $1.28 20 pieces of 36-inch all-silk Dress Satins, in navy, green, taupe, brown, plum and black. Easily worth $1.75, Monday, Cash Price, $ 1" 2 8 . Extra Special 100 piecespf 36-inch Striped Satins, in the smart, military effects, me dium colorings, splepdid qualities that yve recommend to give satisfac tion. The former prices were $2.00 and $2.50. See them M AQ Monday, at .......... . 1 70 T, II w Christmas Suggestions from Our Furniture Department Bedroom Rockers and Chairs, in a variety of woods and fin ishes, worth $7.50 tjo $9.00, your choice $5.00 $25.00 and $30.00 Dressing Tables, in mahogany, walnut, oak, ivory, very special, at '.m ... .$20.00 Dressing Table Chairs, to match the tables listed above, worth to $9.00, splendid v'alues,t., $5.00 Cedar Chests,' 40, 45 and 48 inches in length, at prices ranging from.... $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Up Magazine Stands, finished in mahogany, golden and fumed oak, $5.00 values, at $3.75 $4.00 and $5.00 Pedestals, in all the different woods and fin ishes, reduced to $3.50 Sectional Bookcases, can be added to as the library in creases; our line is complete. Prices are very low. Book cases in the popular Colonial and Mission styles; also ladies' Desks. $15.00 Nested Tables, in solid mahogany $12.00 Folding Ca"rd Tables, felt and imitation leather tops, $3.50 values, special, at $2.00 Foot Stools, upholstered in Spanish Leather and Tapestry, at $3.00 and $3.50 Ladies Desks, in the popular William and Mary and Queen Anne periods, at .$15.00 Up Spinet Desks, in walnut and mahogany, regular price $35.00, very special, Mon day, at ., ..$27.50 A splendid variety of Library Tables, at . . . , $15.00, $18.50, $19.50 and some as low as .. . .$10.00 Home Decoration Gift Suggestions Drapery Section, Main Floor Annex Couch Covers, all full size I $3.98, $2.98 and $2.25 Table Runners, Sylked Velour, 27x 54, each ...... . $6.50 20x54, each . $3.50 Marquisette, Lace Trimmed Cur tains, pair.. $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 Net Curtains, trimmed in domestic cluny lace, pair $2.95 4 Filet Net Curtains, lace trimmed, 1 at, pair . . . .$1.25, $1.45 and $1.65 HI TO REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING BUY FOR CASH 48-lb. Sacks Best High Grade Dia mond H Flour, made from the best " selected No. 1 wheat, per 48-lb sack, :....$2.8S No. 1 Hand-picked Navy Beans, lb 12c 4-lb. Best White or Yellow Corn meal v.25c 4-lb.-Best Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal 25c The Best Domestic Mararoni or Spaghetti, pkg 7c No. 2 Cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, Early June Peas, Wax or String Beans, can 12 3 lbs. fancy Carolina Rice....25 38-oe. jar pure Apple Butter.. 25 16-os. can Condensed Milk..l2i4' Jello or Advo Jell, pktr .10 No. 1 can Pork and Beans! .. .7?d No. 2 can Pork and Beans 15 6 bars Beat-'em-AU or Diamond C Soap, for 25 5 bara Pearl White Toilet Soap, 28 16-ois. can Assorted Soups.. 12 H No. 3 can Tomatoes ....15 1 I DRIED FRUIT AND NUTS 3-Crown Muscatel Raisins, lb. 12 t & Choice California Prunes, lb. 12J Choice California Cooking Figs, per lb. 3. New Crop Apples, per lb. . . . . .15 Seedless Sultana Raisins, lb 1 Choree Muir Peaches, lb 15d $ Fancy Crop Apricots, lb 25 J Seeded Raisins, pkg...lO, 1.7'Ht J New Walnuts, per lb..... 2Sr jf New Almonds, per lb 30 $ New Filberts, per lb 224 1 New Shell Bark Hickory Nuts, per lb . .10 J New Black Walnuts, lb. ....... -5c -4 Buy Box of Apple Now for Xmat "3 WhiU They Lat ; J Monday we wilF put on sile a carload .1 of fancy Yakima Jonathan Apples J from the -famous Yakima Valley,; ! ' at, per box -SJ .75 J 15 lbs. best Ohio Potatoes. .. .35c Fresh Spinach, per peck. . . ... . .25 Fresh Radishes, Carrots, Beets, Tur nips, Shallots, per bunch. .... .5 A Splendid Gift Motor Weave Auto Robes This nationally advertised robe in all the best colorings and patterns. Truly repre sentative of all that makes for practical serviceability. On sale in the Blanket De partment, Cash Price, tC 7C each ; J0. O TfVf W ft " Headquarters for Holiday Hardware ' All copper and copper nickel plated Cof fee Machines, up from. . . .$4.25 to $15.00 All copper and copper nickel plated Chaf ing Dishes, from .'$8.00 to $12.50 Copper nickel plated Casseroles, from $1.50 to $2.25 Electric Irons, fully warranted, from $4.75 to $6.00 Ever-Ready Flashlights, from 75c to $2.50 Gillette Safety Razors, Cash Price.. $4.79 Ever-Ready. Safety Razors, Cash Price, at 89c Gem Safety Razors, Cash Price ,89c Copper nickel piated, 6-cup Percolators, Cash Price $2.35 Copper nickel plated, 9-cup Percolators, Cash Price $3.25 1-Quart Aluminum Rice or Cereal Cooker, Cash Price ... ..$1.29 Lunch Kits with Thermos bottle, Cash Price $3.00 Lanterns, full size, Cash Price 65c Lanterns, large size, Cold Blast, Cash Price $1.25 Men's and Boys' Ice Skates, nickel plated, from 98c to $3.25 Ladies' Ice Skates, nickel plated, from $1.50 to ....$3.00 Pearl Handled Pocket Knives, from 65c tOv r ... $1.50 Stag Handle Carving Set, up from , .$4.00 No. l-Lisk Roaster, a 3-piece set, enameled, sMf-basting, Cash Price .......... $2.40 No. 2 Lisk Roaster, a 3-piece set, enameled, self -basting, Cash Price ......... .$2.60 No. 3 Lisk Roaster, a 3-piece set, enameled, self -basting, Cash Price $2.90 Savory Roasters, self -basting,, from 98c to $2.29 9- m .ad n paJlTry HAYDEN'3' First Pavs