e Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 14. THE WEATHER Snow; Colder VOL. XLVII NO. 26. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1917- FOUR SECTIONS FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MCAN TORPEDO EO AT WITH EN A H AME OAEO mm Lira i ."mo; I u j? FIERCE BLIZZARD SWEEPS OVER HALIFAX CITY AND .DEATH LIST GROWS RAPIDLY injured Dying From Exposure to Pitiless Storm; Food Growing Scarce; Fuel and Building Material Lack ing; Relief Tranis Stalled in Deep Snow; Telegraph Wires Down. BULLETINS. Amherst, N. S., Dec 8. An estimate of 4,000 persons dead in the Halifax disaster is contained in a private telegram received from the stricken city today by an undertaking firm here. The message asks that 4,000 coffins be sent to Halifax lat once. Halifax, Dec. 8. Men of the naval forces dragged the Water front today and recovered the bodies of 200 sailors,' sol diers and workmen. BLINDING SNOWSTORM Halifax, N. S., Dec. 8. A blinding north country" snowstorm, accom panying a gale that at times attained a velocity of more than 40 miles an hour, had held this city of desolation :in its grasp for the last twenty-four flours, adding new terrors to the awe stricken survivors of Thursday's dis aster. Meanwhile many relief trains, .hurrying here from the United States and Dominion cities with their urgent ly needed supplies, are reported snow bound, with the time of their arrival .problematical. With every building in Halifax and -Dartmouth more or less damaged by ' .the explosion and fire, men, women 'and children huddled together as best jthey could and passed a night of suf fering. The chilling wind whistled jthrough smashed windows; there were 'scarcely blankets enough to cover grounded bodies, and many were tin .able to obtain food. Fires were al mo9t out of the question and the only Slights' obtainable were from oil lamps or candles. Out of the chaotic conditions rich and poor have rallied gallantly to their tduty of caring for the injured-and homeless and accounting for the dead. jTh'e citizens' finance committee esti mates that there arc 20,000 destitute people in the devastated area, the ma jority of them from the poorer classes, pearly 4,000 dwelling houses were de- Stroyed, the committee declares, and the actual losses and the estimated Host of temporary maintenance will it proximate $30,000,000. The sufferings of those who escap ed injury have "been increased by the fact that every available blanket, (quilt and comfort has been requisi tioned for the hundreds of injured in the temporary hospitals. Many of .these are ho gravely wounded their only hope lies in the best of care. Serious fears are felt that cold, shock and exposure will result in an out break of pneumonia. Communication Threatened. . A single telegraph wire, bending 'flangerously in the storm, offered HIalifax ciily a precarious means of Communication with the outside avorld and it was feared momentarily that thir line would snap. Telegraph Bnd telephone ompanies are making l('prate ef" rs to provide make Kfiit se-vice and the work is beset frith great difficulties. While many generous offers of ma terial relief have been received and jtrain loads of supplies are on the ,way, the spectre of famine was abroad tonight, for if the storm con tinues, it may seriously interfereiwith railroad traffic. There is enough food on hand foe immediate needs, but it will last only a short time, unless additional supplies are re ceived. - As the day wore oij the immensity ei the disaster increased rather than diminished. Hundreds of bodies were taket. to the morgues and rescue squads were constantly find ing new victims buried under tons of debris until the blizzard forced them to cease work. There is every reason to Relieve that many more will - te recovered. " Perhaps the most serious of the (Continued on Face Twelye Column Six) The Weather For Nebraska Snow; colder. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Vtg. 6 a. m J... 12 S a. m......... 13 7 a. m 12 5 a. m 13 a. m 11 10 a. m. V 11 a. m. t 13 m. 1 p. m 2 3 p. m. ........ 1 3 p. m 'i 4 p. m 4 6 p. m 3 p. m......... 3 7 p. m 1 Comparative Local Becord. Highest yesterday .. S 31 4 83 JjOffest yesterday ... 14 19 3 28 Mean temperature .. 4 25 42 30 Frecipitation 00 .00 .00 24 Temperature and precipitation departure from the normal. Normal temperature 30 Deficiency for the day 34 Totn deficiency since March 1, U17 204 S'ormSi precipitation . . , . . . . . 0.03 IncU Peftciency for the day. . 0.03 Inch Total railfall since March 1... 21.52 tnchhea Pefitiency since March 1( 7.06 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1S1G. 12.50 Inches Deficient lor cor. period, 1615. J.SS Inches Uneaten belotr zero, il -v I A. WALSH, Meteorologist. WAR ON AUSTRIA BY U.S. COMES IN TIMEFOR ITALY When Congress Voted Declara tion and Wilson Signed it Italians Received Moral Support. BULLETIN. Washington, Dec. 8. The central powers are. developing on the Italian front the maximum military effort of the war, according to a cable dispatch received here today from Rome. Ital ian aviators report continual concen tration of Austro-JGermans., who are streaming over all roads leading; to the Asiago plateau, where desperate fighting still is waging. After three days of terrible fight ing, in which entire detachments of Italian troops sacrificed themselves, the Austro-Germans, the dispatch said, . succeeding in eliminating the arch which constituted the Italian foremost line of defense in the east ern side of the plateau. ASIAGO HARD PRESSED. (By Associated Press.) America's declaration of war on Austria-Hungary comes at a moment when the Italian northern front be tween Asiago and the Brenta is being hard pressed by an Austro-German army under Field Marshal Conrad von Hoetbendorf. TAKE MORE PRISONERS. In four days the invading Austro Germans have forced the Italians back an average of three miles on a 10-mile front'. In addition to losing Monte Sisemol, three miles cast of Asiago, the Italians, according to Berlin, have given up 4,000 additional prisoners. Although superiority in numbers and artillery has forced the Italians to retreat, the defense line has not been brokeh and there is yet 10 miles of mountain country to fight through before the foothills around Bassano are reached. Lull at Cambrai. - There is a lull in the fightirlg around Cambrai and the Germans have made no attacks in force against the new British positions. Hebron, southwest of Jerusalem, has been captured by British forces. It is reported that all American citi zens in Jerusalem, probably all Jews, have been removed from the city. Guns are silent and soldiers are idle along the entire length of the eastern front from the Baltic to the Black sea, the Roumanians, under the force of circumstances, having joined the Russians in their armistic. nego tiations with the central powers. Take Vladivostok. Meanwhile it is reported that 1,500 Bolsheviki troops have arrived at Vladivostok. Whether these came from Petrograd or are units from Si berian towns is not disclosed. , Vla divostok hqlds much war material and other supplies shipped from the United States, Japan and other allied countries. Keep Seats During National Anthem; Are Taken From Theater Because they didn't rise while the "Stan-Spangled Banner" was being played at the Orpheum theater two young men were takn in charge by federal authorities Friday afternoon. J. A. Robinson, 209 South Twenty fifth street, and N. Ansell, 215 South Twenty-fifth street, were seated in the orchestra section" of the theater. When the strains of the national anthem rang out everybody rose except these two. "Slackers!" hissed some women be hind them. This epithet "got their British up" and they resolved to "see jt through." When some men tried to jerk them to their feet they resisted. Attendants interfered, But the crowd wouldn't UM ' ( -SV lecttic light I I WAa 't ever put J Jggl c- N GERMAN AIRMEN FIGHT WITH ALLIES : OVER SWISS CITY Fleeing, Enter Switzerland, Drop Bombs, Are Fired on and Continue Toward Alsace. Geneva, Switzerland, Friday, Dec. 7. The first aerial battle between al lied and German airmen over Swiss territory occurred around Basle to day. It appears that the Germans, hard pressed by their opponents, in tentionally entered Switzerland. The fight took place at a great height and the number cf the airplanes is not known. The encounter lasted twenty minutes. Seven bombs were dropped on SwiSs territory, but only material damage resulted. Eventually the airmen sped toward Alsace, still fighting, while Swiss sol diers bombarded . both parties with shells , from anti-aircraft guns. The residents of Basle and the neighbor ing territory are indignant over the violation of Switzerland's neutrality. PORTUGAL TORN BY REVOLUTION IN ITS CAPITAL Madrid, Dec. 8. A revolution has broken out in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, according to a dispatch re ceived here by way of Oporto and Tuy. Outbreaks also are said to have occurred at Oporto. Commission Will Not Open Alaska Transportation Matter Washington, Dec 8.The Inter state Commerce commission today declined to reopen the Alaska trans portation investigation, as had been requested by James Wickersham, for mer Alaskan representative in con gress, acting on beiffelf of a number of independent coal operators. Mr. Wickershaai alleged that cer tain Alaskan railroads maintained dis criminatory rates against independent coal interests and interfered with proper development of the country. He asked that the investigation be resumed and that the commission modify its former decision that Alas kan rates were justified. let the .show proceed and United States Marshal Flynn was called by telephone. He notified Chief Eber stein of the bureau of information, who sent Agents Hansen and Mc Cauley to the theater. They took the two to Eberstein's office, where they were questioned. They tated that they are both Eng lishmen. Robinson has tried twice to enlist at the British recruiting mis sion here, but was rejected for physi cal disabilities. Ansell has registered and is waiting to be called in the se lective draft. "Some folks Ike-ourselves are will ing to fight for this country. Others think they are doing their bit be cause they rise when the 'Star-Spangled Banner is played," said the men. - I iiiiniiaii'V'''tilJ'-iMito leiow aero NEARLY 4 THOUSAND DOLLARS TAG DAY FOR DENTAL FUND Between $3,000 and $4,000 ii the es timated return on dental dispensary day campaign lor tunas yesterday. The work continued until Jate last night. . -' ' BOLSHEVIKI NOW REPUDIATE ALL FOREIGN LOANS i Prepare Decree Affecting Bor rowings by Land Banks and Railways on Government Guarantees. London, Dec. 8. The Bolsheviki government, according to a Reuter dispatch from Petrograd, is prepar ing a decree repudiating all Russian foreign loans and loans concluded by land bariks and railways ,n govern ment guarantees. Shares of internal loans held abroad also will be repu diated. A. D. Mclvin, Famous Expert Veterinarian, Dies at Capital Washington, Dec. 8. Dr. A. D. Melvin, chief of the bureau of ani mal industry and well known toHhe country as the government's foremost figure in combatting foot and mouth disease and other diseases of cattle, died at his home here last night of pulmonary hemorrhage. He was 55 years old. Dr. Melvin had been ill three years, but had worked at his desk until Thursday. A widow, a son and a daughter survive him. Dr. Melvin's services were marked by the stamping out of the pleuor pneumonia plague in cattle and the eradication, of the fever tick in 51 per cent of the southern country quaran tined against the scourge in 1906. Dr. John R. Mohlcr, his assistant, is now acting chief of the bureau. Ex-Czar's Guards Disarmed By Bolsheviki's Leaders London, Dec. 8. The guards sur rounding Nicholas Romanoff, the for mer Russian emperor, near Tobolsk, Siberia, have been disarmed by Bol sheviki soldiers and sailors, according to advices received in Petrograd and forwarded to the Exchange Telegraph company. The Bolsheviki leaders in tend to remove Nicholas to some other place, fearing he might be lynched. The temporary independent gov ernment in Siberia has chosen former Premier Kerensky as minister of jus tice. General Korniloff is reported to Ijave joined General Kaledines, the C ssack leader, around whom most of the leaders of the old provisional government hive gathered. Three Killed in Explosion s At Big Buffalo Plant Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 8. An explo sion occurred this' afternoon at the plant of Atlas Steel Casting company in Elmwood avenue. Telephone mes sages from nearby factories said three workmen in the plant were dead and that several probably were fatally injured. " - 'Steen I OMAHA HALF-WAY STATION ON AIR ROUTE OVER U.S. Two Adjacent Army Posts ire Logical Sites for Proposed Postal Aeroplane Stations; Commercial Club Acts. Postal airplanes, carrying mail from coast to coast after the war, will probably alight enroute at Forts Omaha and Crook to get supplies of gasoline and have machines over hauled. While the government has not yet taken official action on this, it has been mentioned in official and semi-official dispatches that Omaha is seriously considered the half-way sta tion in this contemplated transconti nental air route. The Commercial club of Omaha has been alive to the situation and has lost fro opportunity to aid the gov ernment for months past in( acquiring by lease or purchase much ground ad jacent to the government reserva tions at the two forts. Already over 100 acres has been added, principally by lease, tj the old Fort Omaha res ervation. All this has been done since the balloon school has been estab lished there. A big observation tower has been established on part of this leased ground at Fort Omaha. The ground is to be used for the balloon school during the period of the war. Fort Crook already has large areas of beautifull. lying ground, which, it has been pointed out, would make ex cellent aviation fields, especially for the alighting and starting of trans continental flyers. Here, too, the Commercial club has been lending every assistance in an effori'to bring about the improvements to make this a great and important military post during the war. Omai.a is centrally located with reference to the east and west coast on a line tlw great postal flyers will follow when they begin carrying the United States mail with terrific speed across the continent, after the" actual war activities have ceased, and re leased thousands of mac! ines, and thousands of- highly specialized avia tors. With Omaha already consid ered as a half-way station for this great fleet of aerial couriers, Fort Omaha and Fort Crook immediately leap into the limelight as the logical fields for the stations. Work With Government. "We have not been unmindful of these possibilities in the future in our work with the government to help acquire additional ground for these posts during the period of the war," said Commissioner Robert 11'. Manley of the Commercial club. For some timi the Commercial club ha worked diligently with the Met ropolitan Water District of Omaha, to get a larger main laid to Fort Crook so'as to insure abundant water supply to make Fort Crook a per manent government post. The prom ise has now been obtained from the water board that a main capable of carrying 100,000 gallons daily will be laid if the post is selected as the lo cation for one of the reconstruction hpspjtals now being considered. California Bank Robbed. Culver City, Cal., Dec. 8. Two men, pretending " to be making,-a motion picture, held up and robbed the Cul ver City Commercial and Savings bank today and escaped with $10,000. Culver City is sear. Los Angeles, FIRST U.S.W ARSH1P FALLS VICTIM TO, ENEMY SUBMARINE ' t Thirty-Seven Survivors Taken Off One Life Raft; At tacked While on Patrol Duty Between 400 and 500 Miles Out; Greatest Loss to Navy In the War. Washington, Dec. 8. Th American destroyer, " Jacob Jones, -was torpedoed and sunk iiy the war zone on Thursday, with the loss of a large part of its crew. The destroyer is supposed to have been sunk by a German U-boat OMAHA SHIVERS AS MERCURY DIPS WAY BELOW ZERO Coldest Weather of Winter to Date Extends Over Wide Territory; 13 Below at 8 A.M. NOME COM STOW. rierr, 8. I 14'flmrlei flt.T, U..1H V. rinttfi. 3Sb... SlDim Moinra, 1 M, Paul. Minn... IK Monx City, !... 14 Valentine. Neb... t Diilntb. Minn 10 Mile City, Mont.1 Kiinta. City, Mo.. Wllll.ton. N. n.. SK Amnrillo, Tex 0 lilnmsnik, P. J).. s;unun Omha shivered yesterday morning irT the coldest weather of 'the winter, so far. The official thermometer ,at the weather bureau touched 13 de- grtes below lero at 8 a. m. It rose slowly Wgn the day, bU the cold snap Is not" over yet. At 7 o'clock last night the thermometer registered t'8cgree above ero, with Sndicationi of a fall during the night. The' weather prediction was for colder weather, today, , The cold wave extends over a large spread of territory. Zero weather prevails even as far south as Okla homa and northern Texas and freez ing temperatures as far as northern' Alabama and Oeorgia. Xo tne nortn the weather Is colder than here, North Dakota reporting as low as 28 degrees below zero. Fall of 26 Degrees. - v Temperatures in the central west fell as much as 40 degrees in the 24 hours ending at 7 a. m. today. The fall at Omaha was 26 degrees in that period, from 13 above to 13 below. While the present temperature is about 30 degrees below normal for this time of the year, Omaha has had some similar cold snaps in the last few winters. On December 21, 1916, a minimum of 14 below zero was reached. In January, 1917,' tempera tures of zero or below were regis tered for five days. According to the report to the fail roads,, Ericson was the coldest spot in the state. There thei temperature went to 20 degrees below! zero. It was 17 below at O'Neill and: Burwell, IS below at Fremont, Lyons, Schuyler, Ashland, Plattsmoiith and Central City. -Cold In Dakotas. In the southern part of the state and well up toward the central sec tions temperatures ranged from 5 to 10 below, with slightly colder in the northern part. Over the north line and at Winner, S. D., the mercury dropped to 20 below. In the extreme western portions temperatures ranged from 10 above to 10 degrees . below, with anuch warmer in Wyoming. Sheridan and Lander reported 20 and Casper IS degrees above. The railroads reported light snow flurries during the night and clear and calm weather. No sjock losses are reported. On account of the cold generally trains were running late, the engines being unable to make steam. Pas senger trains were 30 minutes late to an hour behind schedules, with freights off one to two hours and in some instances much more. Trains were sent out as usual and those carrying perishable stuff taking every precaution to prevent the con tents of the cars from freezing. Cold at Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 8. The lowest temperatures on record for this time of the year are being reported today in Norfolk and vicinity and in south ern South Dakota.' Two inches of snow fell over this region yesterday and was followed last night by a sud den drop in temperature, which reached a mark of 30 degrees below zero at Phillip, S. D. according to reports froi.: that place today. Win ner, Dallas and Gregory, S. D., re ported 20 degrees below zero, with like reports from Long Tine and Stuart, Neb. In Norfolk and vicinity the temperature was recorded at 14 degrees below zero and at Lincoln 12 degrees below. x The extreme cold handicapped train service severely and most trains were running from one to two hours be hind schedule. The surgeon general's department has been officiallv notified of this lacon, w O TJICTATLS MEAGER. Vice Admiral Sims, up to s late hour had been able to supply only meager details in reply to urgent mes sages from Secretary Daniels whose brother-in-law, Lieutenant Comman der David W. Bagley, commanded the lost vessel and was reported among the missing. Three officers and 34 men were picked up by other vessels from life rafts to which they duns;, but the namej of only 10 of these had been-transmitted to Washington. THIRTY-SEVEN RESCUED. The names of the 10 survivors re ported are: Lieutenant John K. Kichards. Ensign Nelson N. Gates. Assistant Surgeon L. L. Adamkie wicz. ' Charles E. Pierce, fireman Timothy Edward Twomey, seaman. John C. Johnson, seaman. " Henry A. Stutzke, chief machinst's mate. . Edward F. Grady, fireman, second class, iohn J. Mulvaney, seaman. . lyron Flood, seaman. ; . ON PATROL DUTY. . "The Jfacfb Jones, one 67 the largest and newest American submarine chasers of her type operating in the Atlantic, was the first American .war ship to fall a victim to a German submarine, but was the second Ameri can destroyer to be lost in foreign waters. The Chauncey sank, with her commander, Lieutenant-Commander Walter E. Reno, two other officers and 18 enlisted men after being cut in two by the transport Rose, early on the morning of November 20. Admiral Sims' terse message re porting the loss of the' Jacob Jones did not state how the attack was made. It is known, however, that the Jones was on patrol duty between 400 and 500 miles off shore. What vessels accompanied it was not revealed, but Admiral Sims' report showed that one vessel rescued 30 men and another seven. They sent this information by radio and it was immediately trans mitted to Washington. . " Hope For Other Rescues. Secretary Daniels stoutly, held to his hopes that other patrol craft, fiossibly without wireless equipment, lad rescued more of the destroyer's company. Mr. Daniels showed plainly, the strain of his personal anxiety as well as that over this, the greatest loss to the navy thus far in the war. Commander Bagles mother has lived for several years at the secretary's home. With her daughter, Mrs. Dan iels, she was stunned by the news of the disaster. Another of her sons, En sign Worth Bagley, was the orily American naval officer killed in the war with Spain. He, toodied on a destroyer being killed by a, shell aboard the Wmslow in the attack on Cardenas, Cuba, in April, 1898. The Jacob, Jones' peace-time com plement was five officers, five petty officers and ,87 men. It was one of, the newest and largest of American destroyers, with a displacement . of (Continued on Tate -r, Column One,) German Airman's Bomb .. Injures Two Americans With the American Army in France, Dec. 8. A bomb dropped by a Ger man aviator during a recent flight at night struck in the street of a town through which two American aviation mechanicians, one from Detroit. Mich., and the other from Buffalo, Mo., were passing. The Detroit man was wounded in the shoulder and the Missourian's nose was broken and he received other injuries to the face. At the same time an ambulance driver from Hannibal, 'Mo was struck on 'the back by a flying brick. The three men ar; in a' base hospital and their condition is ' reported as not serious ECUADOR BREAKS WITH GERMANY I ' . ; Guayaquil, Ecuador, Dec. 8. Ecu ador has severad diplomatic relations with Germany, according to an ofli cial announcement made by tbe gov ernment today. s Steamer Suiik in Collision. Havre, Dec. 8. The Belgiau steam ship Ambir.rix, 1,444 tons gross, has been sunk in the English channel. Its loss was caused by a collision with the Norwegian steamship Prirjio.. The crew cf the Ambiori:; was brought in by.- patrol . boats. The PrimoV -bow was damaged, . - c ' Y -- d"