THE BEE; OMAHA. - - - , - if A Wonderful Sale SATURDAY 3 I I I I it 9 t. !v If- i r I f i v i We have never had a sale at prices like these at this time of the year before and it would not be possible now except for the fact that we were able to pur chase the surplus stock of a prominent New York Furrier (from whom we buy liberally), at such a remarkable concession that we are able to announce prices far, far below the real worth of the Fu s. Beautiful Scarfs, Muffs, Sets and Coats ' At prices that would be astoundingeven a month or two later now, right , ai ine Deginning 01 reai winter wear-iime mey aie umy mnaz,ms. This sale often you two tine opportunities: To buy tor your own needs, or to fill out one or moreof your Christmas Gifts." At $10.00 Worth$12J50to$19 Just look at this ex tremely low price,' then see what the $10 will buy in this Fur Sale Saturday. Surely you will want to In vest part of your Christmas money in this way, Muskrat Muffs Muskrat Scarfs , Opossum Muffs Opossum Scarfs n Coney Muffs Coney Scarfs (Taupe and black.) Six Groups of the Small Furs At $19.50 Worth $25 to $35 Nutria Muffs Nutria Scarfs Red Fox Muffs" Red Fox Scarfs Brown Fox Muffs Brown Fox Scarfs Raccoon Muffs, Raccoon Scarfs . Black Wolf Muffs Black Wolf Scarfs Gray Wolf Muffs Gray Wolf Scarfs Pointed Fox Muffs Pointed Fox' Scarfs At $34.50 Worth $45 to $59. A splendid stock to choose from at this moderate price. Hudson Seal Muffs Hudson Seal Scarfs Mole Muffs Mole Scarfs Red Fox Muffs Red Fox Scarfs Black Fox Muffs Black Fox Scarfs Victoria Fox Muffs Cross Fox Muffs Ermine Sets Ermine Muffs At $55.00 Worth $75 to $89. Ermine Muffs Ermine Scarfs Mink Muffs Mink Scarfs Kolinsky Muffs Kolinsky Scarfs Mole Muffs Mole Scarfs ' Hudson' Seal Muffs Hudson Seal Scarfs Gray Lynx Muffs Gray Lynx Scarfs Black Lynx Muffs Black Lynx Scarfs At $79.00 Worth $98 to $119 You can't go wrong if you make a pur chase from this list look at the Furs rep resented and, remem ber every style is su perb and correct. , Mink Muffs Cross Fox Scarfs Rose Fox Scarfs Victoria Fox Scarfs Ermine Capes Mink Capes Kolinsky Capes Mole Capes At$l 19.00 Worth $150 to $198 These Cape Throws and Stoles represent the richest and most to be desired of these six arroups and the price $119, is extremely moderate. . Mink CapeThrows Kolinsky Stoles Mole Stoles " Ermine- Capes N Two Groups of Fur Sxets at Very Low Prices At $135 a Set Victoria Pointed Fox I Beautiful Cross Fox At $119 a Set Pointed Fox Setsr , Fine Marten Sets Fur Coats Included in This Sale-Just One of a Kind All of these coats are 50 inches long, full belted models and all of selected skins superb styles. Muskrat Coats' &K&&&&.teKK .$125,00 . i Hudson Seal, trimmed with wide border of Kolinsky; also collar and ' cuffs .' $350.00 Hudson Seal, trimmed with natural squirrel...... $335.00 Hudson Seal, trimmed with marten ... ..... ...t.. .325.00 r;-:. . Marmot Coats ..$115.00 Thls Sale gives you two fine opportunities, either to purchase for your own needs, or to fill out one or more of your Christmas Gift items. '7 - Saco4 Flow . Muskrat Coats .. -ia!rPioffi Muskrat Coats :ixKcx-siTCc; $275.00 Marmot Coats '.s.';3fTv-.v.,sv.'r'rspca. $98.00 Ribbon Christmas Hints Very Charming, Jndeed Valour Ribbons, for Bags, a most wonderful collection-rubes to 8.76 a yard; special for Saturday, a yard!... 7... $1.69 Fenr-Incb Hair Bow Ribbon's, fancy stripes, In all tht popular shades; a yard . . . 19c Fancy Warp Prints, 9 inches wide, In light and dark colors: Tery beautiful for camisoles and bags; $1.60 and fl.75 values; Satur day, a yard ,75c Many Dainty Gifts In Boxesi Sachets, Vanity Cases, Baby Arm lets; Lingerie Clasps and Bows; all make useful and acceptable ' rifts.::-,' i , '-; . ' Boudoir Caps and Neckwear x , Boudoir Caps make an acceptable Christmas gift. We have a beautiful assortment, inx ailk, crepe, lace and ribbon trimmed; each in a box, ready for gift making; up from.; .......... 69c Jabots, very dressy, in lace and net trimmed, also beautiful Lace Jabots, each BOe, 98c, $1.25 and $1.69 Skating Sets, Scotch plaid, stripe and plain.... . $1.60 to $3.75 SnufgU Scarfs, for warmth.......;.... .$1.98 Main Floor 1W 11 Very Special for Saturday ' Coats and Dresses for Girls, $6.95 Tha Coats Made of Corduroy, Velvet Plushes, Novelty Cloths, etc., with large "muff" pockets and high waisted effects. Sizes; 6 to 14 years. Tha Drosses Wool Serges, Plaids, Challies, etc., exceptionally good val ues; would surely be appreciated as a Christmas gift; sizes to 14 years. Girls' Raincoats and Capes xnese maice line unnstmas uuts for the vouncrer set. , f"7? JJ tlack an whit checks and 6V 'H Sateen, in blues and reds; guaranteed to shed water. ....... $1.80 to $4.50 Raincoats with Hats to match, of Scotch Tweeds, Black and White Checks, etc., Trench models, $2.95 to $12.50 Second Floor Beautiful Blouses - That Are Now So Eminently Fashionable Keep in "mind the fact that a few extra Blouses never go amiss in any woman's wardrobe, and then you cannot fail to see that at least one or two of your gift-items are satisfactorily disposed of. Buy for yourself and buy for Christmas Gifts. :. ( At $2.95 to $6.95 we are" showing these beautiful Blouses in "high" shades that Fash- ion has declared one of the best styles'of the - ; season. ' . v. " - " Also others at the same price range, of . Crepe de Chino and Georgette Cre"pe; some trimmed with lace, others hand embroidered, and still others semi-tailored. High and low neck models. 1 ,-.. . - Second Floor. . " s 650 Dresses $14.95, $16.75, $19.75 For Women, Small Women and Misses, Both Departments join in a very unusual Saturday offering of beautiful Dresses styles that are ultra smart and materials that are most desired right now the quality is here the superb models are here the lowest prices are here these things; should bring you here on Saturday. Bear in mind that these are all brand new models, especially underpriced for this event. v Smart Dresses for Winter wear. New Velveteens, Jerseys, Serges and combina tions of Serges and Satins. Beautiful bead ed andNbraidd motifs trimmed, tailored - soutache braided models. All copies of higher priced styles. Exceedingly attractive styles for street, business and afternoon wear. And all es pecially low priced for Saturday, j Misses and1 Small Women's. .$14.95 and $19.75 Women's Dresses, at.'. . . . . . ,$16.75 and i$19.75 jfF.rnr. Now let you; Shopping Begin ij every effort to buy j m M M .mBBaManwaiaaaaaaBnaaaniBaniannnaBaanBiaBnBBBnnfjl m early in the morning and e seekers begin to find that Daft buying, and before you kno ? with those who are seeking li i While we purchased Chnstm4i months ago, and made aml stocks in all lines, and will hi of service up to store-closinj it is not amiss at this time to r h pers have widest choice ; and gives you more leisure. f just 1 onom Tob You Can Give Handkerchiefs And Be Sure That They Will Please Women'i Embroiderad Handkerchiefs' neatly embroidered In col ors; 3 in fancy Christmas box 2Sc Women's Handkerchiefs with Doneeal hand work, real Irish em-' broidery; 3 in imported picture box, $howinir scenes in Ireland, a DOX i ooc Madeira Handkerchiefs, handsomely embroidered; 4 In a Christmas box 1S Man's Real Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, plain, with and 'i-mch f: hemstitched borders; 6 in fancy Christmas box ...$lJtO- Men's Imported Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, extra fine quality: . 6 in fancy box from Belfast, a box ...$2.25 Men'a Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen, handsomely embroidered initials; 6 in a fancy box ..$1.50 Children's Handkerchiefs with colored initials and borders, 3 lnv Japanese dox is, Children's Handkerchiefs, with dainty colored T)icot edge and co ored embroidered initials, also others with birds in various "col ors and -still others with hand embroidered Mother Goose rhyme pictures in colors; 3 in dainty box. .25c, 39c and 50o, "Bretonne" Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs with floral corner'' piece in dainty pastel colors, in shamrock, lawns and sheer Irish linens; also Madeira Handkerchiefs, made in Switzerland, with scalloped embroidered edges and" dainty little conventional de signs, each .35e Narrow Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, made of sheer shamrock, witfe a beautiful hand embroidered design in bright colots in the cor-? ner; shown in about 100 different styles, very special, each..l8e-; Ladies' and Children's Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, in fancy bor ders, hundreds of different styles; very special, each. . ..... . ,10c 1 Ladies' and Children's Handkerchiefs, silk embroidered design In corner, with rolled edges and hemstitched; a great variety of pat- terns, each &m?' Ladies' Silk Crepe Handkerchiefs, with pretty colored designs? plam and hemstitched, each .....;2Se Men's Fancy Irish Handkerchiefs, made in -Belfast, showing polka dots, stripes and borders; hundreds of different designs, each. .15c Men's Japonette Handkerchiefs with large silk embroidered in- itials, wide hemstitched borders, each ...15c v Main Floor Picture Frames Anothei At 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Another group of Frames similar 1 o t last Saturday a new line of samples f ron many requests for a repetition of this of feri share last week, that we malce'thf ana our ..r BURNISH GLASS AND FIT P ICT AND PUT IN EYELETS AND FURNB H 1 FramedP Reproductions of old masters and ptcfaratt m your best furnished rooms. In Carbon; stf l 1 4 $1.98 complete. i IMPORTANT 25 reduction o t a i 1 I k Special Saturday Night Duck Dinner From 5:00 to 8:30 P. M. -s4f "Mininiii,.. MlimilJIli. ' """IIIHIlii " luuaiiiiii... VHlin. iiiilllUUIHIi, SETS THE PACE i - 1 Second Floor