Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1917, Image 1

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VOL. XLVH. NO. 145.
at Z
- - WAR
r ' .
Estimates Submitted Total $1,000,000,000 in Addition
to $21,000,000,000 Already Appropriated to Fi
nance the Stupendous Task America
Has Undertaken.
Washington, Dec. 3. Congress is ready" to take up again
its oart in the prosecution of
the Sixty-fifth congress began today at noon with brief routine
sessions marked by the receipt of appropriation estimates for
next year's war and ordinary expenses aggregating the vast
sum of $13,500,000,000.
The work actually begins when
.Resident Wilson, in his address to
f AJrrow at 1230 o'clock, outlines the
siinistration program for , vigorous
prosecution of the war.
Estimates of more than $13,000,000,
000 the greatest in the nation's his-
torv submitted to coneress today a
the basis for computing the cost otj
the war during the hscal year ivi,
gave congress some idea of the mag
nitude of its task in putting the full
force of America beside that of the
allies in the world fight for democ
racy. In the senate today, where Sir
George Reid, former premier of Aus
tralia, was a distinguished guest, the
session only lasted long enough to
appoint members of the committee to
formally notify , President Wilson
congress was in session and to ad
journ in respect to the memory of the
late Senator Husting.
f'Vhc house session was taken up
iih swearing in new members com
ing to fill vacancies aiidHhe calling of
the roll by states.
In both houses th'ere was a pro
nounced air of confidence and de
termination to do everything neces
sary to bring the war to a successful
As in the special war session, which
ended October 6, prosecution of the
war is the principal task facing the
legislators. Today's opening meeting
was, as visual,, tjnef and perfunctory,
accompanied oy tne ordinary scene
of a new sessions-handshaking and
other felicitations', with well filled
galleries and much bustle and con
fusion. After appointment of com
mitteeshyboth bodies to notify Pres
ident Wilson and each other of their
presence fqr duty and fixing their
daily meeting hour at 12 o'clock, the
"senate airtl house adjourned until to
morrow out of respect to members
.'ho died during the recess Senator
4i"sting of .Wisconsin and Represen
tative Martin of Illinois.
Wilson Sounds the Keynote.
The kevnote of the legislative pro
' gram will be sounded Tuesday by
President Wilson in his opening ad
dress in the housechamber at 12:30
p. m. at a joint session. - will rje
the president's first appearailS before
congress since the night meeting of
t April 2 at the opening of the special
session called to permit him to ask for
a declaration of, ar against Ger
many. His address was in the
hands of the printer today.
While it is" practically complete, it is
being held open for any changes un
til a short time before delivery.
Organization of both senate and
house under democratic control hav
ing been effected at the special ses
sion, both bodies were ready to
. plunge into the mass of waiting busi
ness. , Legislation, however, is not
expected to get into full swing until
next month, after the Christmas re
cess, although there is some agitation
to forego the holiday.
Tomorrow will come the initial
flood of bills, resolutions and peti
tions Among the latter are many pe
titions accumulated during the recess
demanding' the expulsion of Senator
(Continued on Page Three, Column One.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Unsettled.
Temperatures at Omaha Yeaterday.
II Hour ocgree
D a. m
6. a. m
1 a. m ..
8 a. m
9 a. m .
10 a. m
11 a. m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m
H p. m
7 p. m
S p. m
( ompirativ Loral Kroord.
Hishst today 3 60 . . 46
Lowest toilay ... 25 a" !7
Mi'un temperature . . 3 48 .
ProrlDitation 8 .0 .9
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March
1st. and compared lth the past two
Norman temperature 3t
Deficiency, for th day 1
Total deficiency since Marctt 1, 1917... .176
Norcal prerititation 03 inch
Deficiency for the day .03 inch
Total rainfall sines March 1.. 21.36 inches
Deficiency since March 1 7.06 inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1916. 12.35 inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1915 1.68 Inches
Report from stations at 7 p. m.
rtatiou and stato 'lemp. mga
rf Weather. p. m. cut
.0 i
Cheyenne, clear ...
Davenport, cloudy .
Denver, part cloudy
Des Moines, snow
Kansas City, part cloudy.
Lander, clear
North Platte, clear
Omaha, cloudy ,
I'll u. cloudy
Ka'.mi City, clear
.Salt .Lake, clear
Santa Fe, clear
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, clear
Yj 'entitle, cloudy
indicates trace or precipitation.
L. A. WALSH, Meteorologist
the war. The second session of
Giant Army Balloon on Its First
Flight Escapes; Tears Up
Telegraph Wires in Its
Kansas City, Mo., Dee, 3. With re
ports coming in from many points
that the runaway army balloon from
Omaha, Neb., had been sibhted, late
today there was nothing available
definitely to fix the whereabouts of
the giant gas bag, ( which, with its
"tail" of 6,000 feet of steel cable, is
reported to have caused considerable
damage to telegraph and telephone
wires in a number of localities.
Reports this afternoon placed the
balloon all the way from' the Ne
braska line to Oklahoma and ! Colo
rado. . . V ; ..t
' Woodward, Okl., Dec. 3. Informa
tion received by the Southwestern
Telephone company here this after
noon said the runaway balloon from
Fort Omaha, Neb., had grounded at
Meade, Kan., near the Oklahoma
state line, early today.
Searchers From Fort Sill.
Wichita. Kan., Dec 3. An army
airplane from Fort Sill, Okl., has
gone up in search of the huge cap
tive balloon which broke from its
moorings at Fort Omaha, Neb., late
yesterday, and which was reported to
be drifting near the Oklahoma line
early today, according to reports re
ceived here this afternoon.
In Aimless Flight.
Somewhere over Kansas or .Okla
homa early today was wandering in
aimless flight the giant army balloon
which late yesterday broke from its
moonnes at rort Omaha ana began
racine southward at a terrifL rate of
speed, its "tail," 6,000 feet of two
inch steel cable, dragging the ground
and tearing out telegraph and tele
phone' wires a mile at a time.
Latest reports indicated that the
balloon was nearin the Oklahoma
line about 3 a. m. Whether the bal
loon would continue its speed and
general direction would largely de
pend upon the air conditions.
All wires between Medicine Lodge
and Harper, Kan., and between King-
J-man, and Harper were torn up by the
cable early this morning.
Plane Crashes Into Balloon.
Fort Sill, Okl., Dec. 3. A captive
balloon used for observation purposes
here, escaped today when an airplane
crashed into the cable anchoring it,
cutting the cable and releasing the
balloon. It is said two orhcers were
in the observation basket.
The balloon headed in an easterly
direction. Airplanes went up immed
iately and when last seen, the balloon
was traveling in at a high rate of
speed encircled by a group of air
planes. .
Auto Salesman Hurt When
' Car is Run Down by Train
Edwin L. Uhe. 1501 South Twenty-
ninth street, salesman employed by
H. Pelton of Omaha, was seriously
and perhaps fatally injured yester
day afternoon when ' an automobile
whiclrohe was driving was struck by
an Illinois Central train at Eighteenth
and Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Uhe was on his way to.the Bluffs
to attend the Franldin Show the Car
contest there. He was driving a new
seven-passenger sedan. He under
took to go around three or four cars
ahead of him and he failed to see the
approacning train.-
rhe train struck the automobile
squarely and dragged it 50 feet up
the track. When Uhe was rescued
from the demolished machine his last
words before lapsing into uncon
sciousness were, "I expected to go to
France, but I guess Im done for
The injured man was rushed to the
Mercy hospitaal in Council Bluffs.
W. L. Johnson Struck by
Street' Car and Injured
W. L. Johnson, 514 Thirteenth
street, was injured when he was
struck by a trolley car at Thirteenth
and Harney streets Monday morning.
He wag, taken to his home.
Capture it Five Times in. One
Day. But Are Repulsed
' by Terrific Artillery
Italian Army Headquarters in
Northern Italy, Sunday, Dec. 2.
Heavy firing has occurred on the
northern line in the last 24 hours, in
different sectors around Monte Per
tica, between the Brenta and Piave
rivers and on the Meletta range, run
ning west of the Brenta.
Each of the -opposing forces holds
part of these positions. The general
condition along the entire Italian
front has improved distinctly in the
last week.
The defensive positions on the
northern line are now considered as
secure as those along the Piave. This,
with the gathering strength of the
Italian and allied forces, has relieved
the gravity of the situation. North
eastern Italy is now .enclosed within
a powerful barrier on the northeast
and east, which is considered suffi
cient to hold the enemy.'
In the Mountains.
In the mountains to the north the
Italians are along the southerly
slopes and the enemy on the north
ern slopes, with the dividing summits
held alternately by one side or the
other as the action develops. This
brought on a fierce struggle toijay
around Monte Pertica for possession
of one of its chief elevations, called
Hill 1549. held by the enemy. Ital
ian forces executed a surprise move
ment early and drove' the enemy from
this position, but it was exposed im
mediately to a heavy concentration of
the entire artillery fire from the sur
rounding elevations.
Charges Five Times.
The Italians fell back before this
fire, then rallied and took the hill
again, but once more were forced back
belore the murderous concentration
of batteries. The struggle, wtnt on
continuously up and down the slopes
and the hill changed hands five times p
before the enemy re-established the
position whence it was driven early
in the day. ; " ' "
: Greater Offensive Imminent.' -Washington,
D. C, Dec. 3. An
other offensive by the enemy on a still
larger scale is believed to be immin
ent, and the Italians are preparing to
meet it.
"The enemy has tried to break
through our lines at every point," says
the official message.
"General Cadorna tried to make the
most of the advantages gained on the
Asiago plateau, while our troops were
retreating to our lines of resistance,
but yhen the . Austro-Germans at
tempted to break our defensive bar
rier at Meletta and Maghabbschi,
they suffered staggering-Josses with
out gaining any ground. Italian avia
tors have reported continual transfer
of Austrian troops fram the pjain to
the mountains to fill the gaps in their
decimated ranks. The enemy is very
active preparing elaborate defensive
- London, Dec. 3. "Hostile attacks
delivered yesterday evening against
our positions in the neighborhood of
Mouevres (Cambrai sector), were re
pulsed after sharp fighting," says to
day's official report.
' Successful minor encounters during
the night in the neighborhood of
Bourlon resulted in the capture by
London troops of twelve German ma
chine guns and a number of prisoneis.
British Armr Headquarters in
France, Dec. 3. British troops last
night reoccupied a section of a trench
on the high ground southwest of
Bourlon village on the Cambrai front,
which was lost on Friday. The town
of Masineres, which was evacuated by
the British, was shelled last night by
British artillery.
General Byng's troops last night
pressed near to the village of Villiers
Guislain and along the ridge south
west of that place, and their line now
is fairly near the town.
It is estimated that the Germans
had about 20 divisions for their assault
on Friday, which, except for the first
Ypres battle, is regarded as having
been their heaviest attack on the
The Germans attacked the British
positions at La .Vacquerie, southwest
of Cambrai, at 8:45 o'clock this morn
ing and an hour later it was reported
that they had been successfully beat
en off. Today's attack followed three
futile attempts made by the enemy to
take this village yesterday afternoon.
Berlin, Dec. -3. (Via London.)
Since 'Friday the Germans have cap
tured 6,000 British prisoners in the
Cambrai region, the German general
staff announced today. The runs
taken numbered 100.
Berlin, Dec. 3. A Russian deputa
tion, the official statement says, has
arrived at the command of Prince
Leopold of Bavaria with the object
of arranging a general armistice.
on mounta!
JW - Strite
ym Byng's Huge Cambrai Wedge
L - Jim
Facing terrible artillery fire from
the British lines, the Germans yester
day made a second desperate attempt
to pierce the southern portion of the
huge wedge which General Byne has
driven into the Teuton defenses in an
effort to reach the vauable railroad
town of Cambrai. The latest offen-
Many Sammies Are Caught in
Enveloping Move of Ger
mans at Goueaucourt,
But Are Rescued.
With the British Army in France,
Saturday, Dec. 1. Amerjcan army
engineers working in the region of
Gouzeaucourt joined the fighting
ranks of their British allies yesterday
and helped them stem the onslaught
which resulted in Gouzeaucourt be
ing enveloped for a time.
Many of the Americans were
caught in the German turning move
ment about Gouzeaucourt and only
escaped death or capture by lying
concealed for hours in shell holes un
til the British had succeeded in push
ing the invaders back. Hundreds of
other men from overseas were sub
jected to tremendous shell fire from
enemy artillery and great quantities
of gas shells were thrown in the
territory where they were working.
Germans in Force.
The German attack was niade with
greatly superior numbers and every
available man was needed on the
British side to arrest its onward
sweep. The Americans gave every
ounce of their strength to this task,
both as fighting men and as workers,
and the important part which they
played has drawn the highest praise
from the Britisn authorities.
Many, of the engineers seized rifles
and tought side by side with the 1 om
mies throughout the bitter day and
many scores of Americans last night
were armed and sent forward as vol
unteers to do patrol work in the in
hospitable zone before which a large
army of Germans was encamped. One
British general, in conversation witi
the correspondent tonight, spoke in
the most glowing terms of the inval
uable services rendered by the engi
neer?. "One cannot bestow any praise that
is too high," he remarked em
phatically, r
Several trains operated by Ameri
cans were in the Gouzeaucourt section
and hundreds of other Americans
were in this territory when the Ger
mans, without warning, swept forward
in masses toward the town. Many
Americans working in the rear areas
immediately provided themselves with
' (Continued on Page Three, Column f)ne.)
Threatened Shortage in
California Sugar Beets
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 3. Thomas
Lee Woolwjie, district . .';rrne ; of
Los Angeles county, announced" to
day that he would leave for Wash
ington tomorrow in response to a
telegram from Herbert Hoover to lay
the facts connected with a threit-
ened shortage cf the sugar beets in
'outhern California next summer be
fore the national food administrator.
Mr. Woolwin' said, at the sutrsres-
tion of Mr. Hoover, four beet grow
ers, if possible, two representatives
of beet sugar companies would ac
company him.
A grand jury investigation, com
pleted last week, developed that farm
ers were planning to plant a Jiusre.
acreage hitherto devoted to beets to
other crops because last year , they
lost money on their beet ciop, while
refineries at the same time made ex-i
j cessive profits, it was asserted. j
Second Blow
live was along a considerable front,
Dcgmnmg at Jua vacquene and ex
tending southward. German forces in
great numbers succeeded in entering
La Vacc-uerie, but were immediately
drdiven out. The blow extended
norm to Masimeres in great fury, the
British holding at last reports.
Keynote of Campaign is "100
Per Cent Efficiency;" Promi
nent Men Devote Their En
tire Time, to Work.
"One hundred per cent efficiency"
is the keynote of the Omaha Christ
mas Red Cross campaign committee,
which nas Dcgun the organjation
work for the huge Red Cross drive to
be made during the period between
December 17 and 25.
J. E. Davidson, Henry Doorly, Sam
S. Caldwell and William A. Pixlev
mam uy me ctiiiiiiiiuce wnicn win ai
rect the drive m Omaha. Mr. David
Ann i nlrirA tiinnafTi. Mr l-l..
campaign manager, Mr. Caldwell di
rector of committees and Mr. l'ixley
.11 -a -f .ii'r. -
uirccior oi pupilClty.-
From now until Christmas this
quartet of prominent Omaha business
men will forsake their private enter
prises to devote all of their time to
the Red Cross drive. Headquarters
were opened at 1624 Harney street in
the former location of the State Bank
of Omaha. Th headquarters will be
open day and night.
Seek 40,000 Members.
Forty thousand members is the aim
of the Omaha committee. The na
tional drive is expected to pledge 15,
000,000 members and Omaha's quota
is w,wu.
It is the hope of the Omaria com
mittee to pledge 100 per cent in each
household. The head of each house
will be asked to buy a $2 membership,
which includes a subscription to the
Red Cross Magazine. Each other
member of the household will be so
licited for a $1 membership.
A Red Cross button and a service
ftsg will be given with each subscrip
tion. The service flag will be white,
witl. a red cross in the center. Small
crosses will be furnished for addi
tional members in the same family for
business house. When every member
of a business firm and all employes
are pledged to membership a service
flag bearing the inscription 100 per
cent will be given.
Several Hundred Committeemen.
The committee will devote this
week to organization of the subcom
mittees. ' Every industry and organi
zation in Omar.:, will have a subcom
mittee. The number of committee
men will total several hundred.
"We have started work," said Mr.
Pixley, "determined to gaii, the 40,000
members which make tip Omaha's
quota, rrom new until Christinas we
hare absolutely eliminated all
thoughts of our own business and
will devote all our time to this Red
Cross drive. We expect to work day
and night until it is over and Omaha,
. 0 . , . I 1
has done its bit."
Nebraska Team Wins Stock
Judging Contest in Chicago
Chicago, Dec. 3. (Special Tele
gramsNebraska won the stock
judging contest at the International
fine Stock show Saturday. Twelve
teams competed. Kansas was second;
Texas, third; Minnesota) fourth;
Iowa, fifth. Nebraska had the largest
lead over competing teams on record.
W. J. O'Neil was high man.. Earl
Hagne of Crete was fourth. A. E.
Anderson of Lincoln was fifth. Uni
versity fat stock will be judged Mon
day. . i '
Dominating Ridge and to Drive Back British
Advance on Cambrai, But Ten Assaults 'z.:
Are Barren of Ret;:'". ---
. ; bulletin:'.: rys zj f---
With the British Army in France, Dec." 3. Employing
great fcfrces of infantry in succeeding waves, under terrific ar
tillery concentration, the Germans today made a second at
tempt'to pierce the British defenses in the Gonnelieu sector.
The British, strongly reinforced, were meeting the onslaught
firmly at all points, according to latest reports at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. ' :: ,.' ,. . . : : . ' :
The battle was along a considerable front, from La Vac
querie southward toward Vendhuile. The Germans succeeded
in entering La Vacquerie, but were immediately ejected.
In the course of the day the attack spread northward
toward Masnieres; it was one of tremenduos fierceness.
' (Br Associated Preu.)
General Byng is regaining' bit by bit the ground won by the
Germans at so heavy a cost last Friday in the Cambrai battle,
now characterized as the heaviest attack ever delivered on the
British by the German armies, except in the case of the first
battle of Yprtfs.
Provisional . Government I As
serts Authority and Urges
People to Ignore U- "
nine's Decrees.
Berlin. Dec. 3 (Via Amsterdam to
London) An actual armistice al
ready is in -operation in sections of
the Kusso-uerman front, a bulletin
from German great headquarters re
ports today.
"Reds" Peace Envoy Once
Juggled Soup in Frisco
San Francisco, Dec. 3. Vladi
mire Schneur, sard to have been a
German spy, and now a member of
the Bolsheviki peace commission,
was formerly a waiter and elevator
operator in San Francisco, accord
ing to the Russian consul general
Schneur had been here an exile
from Russia about a year previous
to the revolution which deposed
former Czar Nicholas, attaches of
the consulate said. When success
of the revolution opened the ports
of Russia to all political exiles, he
applied for a passport, which was
granted, and he was one of the
first of many former exiles who
proceeded from this port to Rus
sia. During the time he was here,
Schneur continued his activities in
behalf of the Russian revolution,
and was a prominent leader of the
San Francisco Society for Co-operation
with the Russian revolu
tion, it was said at the consulate.
Nearly all members of this society
have sine, returned to Russia.
London, Dec, 3. The Russian pro
visional government, thrown out of
power, last month by the Bolsheviki,
reappeared on the scene Friday, ac-
coruiiig io special oispatcnes trom
Petrograd, and issued a manifesto
claiming to be the only legal author
ity m Kussia and urging the people
not to obey tne decrees of the hoi
All measures taken bv the nrovi-
sionai government, the manifesto
says, were with the view of assem
bly the constitoent assembly and to
tide over the crisis until the constit
uent assembly would be able .to de
clare the will of the people, but this
hope was swept away bv the revo t
ot tne extremists, which dislocated
the electoral machinery. Neverthe
less it advises that the assembly, as
elected during the last few days, be
convened, although it is necessarily
incomplete, i lie beiiet is professed
that the assembly will sufficiently ex-
fitsa iu3sid a win.
Lemne Uprising
,e '"a" fi efclaIes further. that
into nipmnri rv f h a nrnniLiAni
those members of the provisional
government who were released after
their arrest had tried to carry on the
government since the "Lcuine upris
ing," especially that of finance and of
furnishing the army with food and
other supplies.
With reference to this the Petro
grad correspondent of. the Daily Mail
says that all the provisional govern
ment has been able to do was to
provide money for state necessities.
He. points out that since the ex
tremity: upheaval the provisional gov
ernment lias received the resignations
of Premier Kerensky and General
Verkhdvski and . Admiral . Verderev
ski, ministers of war and marine, re
spectively, . v
! The front on the northerly side of
the Cambrai salient, having; remained
virtually intact under the German im
pact, it is in the region to the south
west of Cambrai that the British have
been centering their efforts in the rec
tificstion process. t , . , ,
Last night they pressed their way
eastward t the . edge of Villiers
GuiBlaln, wiping out much of the Ger
man gain in the sector most deeply
penetrated by the drive,
.. . They- also-jnade ro4-4llr hold on
the village of La Vacquerie on this
front, having repelled a series ol at
tacks. -
To the north a portion of S posi
tion on the high ground southwest
of Bourlon village which had been
temporarily relinquished by the Brit
ish has been reoccupied by them as
the result of another of last night's
operations. Berlin now . claims v the
iaftn,. s,f A Ann Ti 1. at. , .
"i"is v u,uu uuuau wiimu uie laii
few days, together with 100 guns.
Violent German efforts to wipe out
the salient before Cambrai , have
brought little tactical success, as Gen
eral Byng has withstood successfully
for three days all attemots to break
through. About Gonnelieu the Ger
mans have gained slight terrain at
heavy cost and the British have
evacuated Masnieres, south of Cam
brai. The Germans have suffered
very heaVy losses in dead and wound
ed and th Rritiah Viau fikan
hundreds of prisoners. .
In the imnortant sector wst at
Cambrai, embracing Bourlon wood,
the dominating position in this re
gion, the Germans have made no im-
DreSHlon on the Krirish riafnaa nr
w-- - - VVtViJVJ V1
have General Byng's men given
ground between Bourlon wood and
Moeuvres. he northern side of the
salient. Ten heavy attacks against
the region of Masnieres were driven ,
off by the British, with costly losses
for the attackers, but a sharp salient
involving the village made its aban.
donment necessary. . . '
Southwest of Masnieres toward
Gonnelieu the Germans still hold La
Vacquerie. where, it is said, the dend
in 12 hours have numbered more than
i an similar period since the begin
ning of the war. The British, have
reached Gonnelieu and fiehtroe was in
progress SunUay in and around the
village. ,
in inn region tne uermans used
four or five divisions Friday and at
tacked in massed formation Saturday
and Sunday. At least six or seven di
visions were used by the attackers in
their fruitless efforts to break the
northern leg of the salient. ,
American engineers operating and
...........j, ,a,,,uaua iv 1 1 11 11 J me DrillSII.
lines near Gouzeaucourt, west-southwest
of Gonnelieu, were caught in the
first rush of the German attack! Many
sought1 shelter in shell holes, from
which they were rescued bv British
counter attacks.' The engineers aid!d
the British in withstandine the enemv:
attacks and went on patrol duty at
night. Several were captured. by the
Germans, but later managed to es-"
cape. - -
On most of the Italian front the in
fantry remains virtually , inactive,
while the artillery is engaged in vio-"
iv.ui. iuiiiuaruiiicnis, especially along;
the Piave river. . . . ,
Til rltrn-ilit1!-ofI. t it.. T '
army by the Bolsheviki is
uviiiviiiicatiuii ui liirr Russian
have begun. The Russian provisional '
government has reappeared and is-
sued a manifesto asserting it is the
only legal authority. It
people to disobey the decrees of the '
ooisneviKi, ,
Farmer Fatally Injured ;;; ;
t A7tian Ctmitls U, Tn.
iT 1 wcc. jj-i.opeciai. -Robert
Buchanan. , farmer, was fa-" "
way injured wnen tie was struck" by .
the railroad yards here. He died a '
(a... 1. . . . . . . .4 - '
wiiiuii a aunt, train r nariciniT itiTii
ii.-w nuurs jaier. tie 'was partially
deaf and did not hear the trainr