THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 2, 1917. Sunday December 2, 1917- Star Hourat -, '8:30 to P. M." -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- Shop Early "in tha Day" -Phone D. 137. Dear Old Santa Claus Bids Everybody, Both Young and Old, A Hearty Welcome to "The Christmas Store for Everybody 4 Christmas As Usual For s Everybody The welcome of this sea son of the year, with its cheery thoughts, kind deeds and joyous spirit of giving, is as hearty and rousing as any other Christ mas gone before. Because it brings us the oppor tunity this year of heavier hearts to forget for . a brief space it brings us the oppor tunity of seeking out those of heavier hearts and of bringing a bit of cheer into their lives, by a gift well-chosen, a remem brance of real worth. . War brings unprecedented con ditions into our lives it changes habits, ' conditions and disturbs the current of business. But our first yuletide in war-time brings with it a desire to share our happiness with othersit's part of our being of our civi lization. , TtiA rtiiatnesa h! fin of war in bringing more dollars than ever to the purses of untold thous sands. There is a wonderflow of money all over the land there is enough for war needs and for the home. There was never less need to save money; there was never a time when so manv thousands had money to spend. ,,.;.' "Eat plenty, eat wwl, but do not waste," is the command of the Food Administration. So let. us keep natural and act naturally and make this . a Clrietmas as usual for every 0. There Are Enough Handkerchiefs Here fof Everyone in Omaha AND then some. We never were so-'fortunate as this season. We made our preparations months ago, long before the great advance in prices on cotton and linen which have been and still are on the rise. You'll do well to anticipate your own needs now as well as for gift giving. Women' HanaKercniers, o ror ovc Plain white or dainty colored em broidery in corners, 3 in a box, 59c. Women' Handkerchiefs, 3 for 39c Fine sheer. Swiss, plain white or colored embroidery in corners, 3 in a box for, 39c. Initial Handkerchiefs, 6 for 75c Women's initial handkerchiefs of sheer lawn embroidered in white or colors, at 6 for 75c. Initial Handkerchiefs at 25c Women's pure Irish linen hand kerchiefs, with hand embroidered initial, special at 25c each. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c Fine linen with and -inch hems; very special at 25c each. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.50 Pure linen with embroidered initial, very special, 6 for $1.50. Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor PLENTY of Khaki Colored Yarn Just as this advertisement was going to press, we received a large shipment of khaki col ored yarns suitable for Red Cross , work. Very special at $1.00 a hank. Burfoaa-Naah Co- Third Floor. An Exquisite Selection of Men's Neckwear at VlVii and Up to $4 BY far the most gorgeous display ana most exquisite assortment of colorings and patterns we've ever shown. The past week's deliveries have brought in complete assortments representing the choicest silk weaves from European and American mills, including: . BARATHEAS . ..... SPITELFIELD SILKS CHAMOISE CLOTH SOISETTE . ORIENTAL . WEAVE BROCADED SATIN MOIRE POPLINS COLLEGE STRIPES COMO ITALIAN SILKS -Made up intoEriglish square, large open end styles, reversible 4-in-hands and mili raVv rravftta for the bovs in camp. All made over our standard measurements. The colorings and patterns are blended as only the artist weaver knows how. The price range: 378c, 50c, 65c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.65 and up to $4.00. Burgei-Nah Co. Main Floor BOOKS as Gifts for Everybody Books answer the Christmas gift question. Of times one can send a book when other gifts would riot be acceptable. And, then too, they are so very easy to send and easy to select here. You'll find books of every description : Books about the war. Books of fiction. Books on service. Books for boys. , Books for girls. Books for wee tots. Books of standard works. Books with gift bindings. Just any sort of book you might want is here for your se lection. Burfait-Naah Co. Thlro Floor I IBERTY BONDS Accepted as Cash For those who care to do so, we have made arrangements for and will accept, Liberty Bonds inpayment of charge accounts or for merchandise. CHRISTMAS asUsual Business a Usual All , who , patriotically heed the government's request to "shop early," will be richly re warded in wider choice, leisure ly selections, more expert serv ice. OUR Soldiers' and Sailors' Shop is for the convenience of those who wish to send gifts to the boys at the various encamp ments. We have set apart a special section on the Main Floor, where gifts and clothing for soldiers, sailors and marines may be purchased. CHRISTMAS Accom modation Desk We have installed for the benefit of our patrons an ac commodation desk, where we will wrap ,or pack your Christ mas' merchandise for mailing or shipping without charge, this desk is located across the aisle from the Post Office. THEN There Are Gloves another item that is always ac ceptable as a gift, -, a recent shipment of genuine French gloves make gift selections ad visable now. F You Are In Dmirit 4 A a 4iof fit mva vfaif to the women's neckwear sec tion will reveal many pleasing suggestions. Fancy neckwear was never in greater demand and we were never better pre pared. ' GIVE Something Practical There is possibly nothing more practical than a sweater for either man or woman. Our showing is very large and ex tensively varied. INCLUDE Hosiery In Your List Every woman expects hosiery as a gift at Christmas time. We have assembled generous stocks widely varied in selec tion and price. ...... i W HQ'S Going to Get Furs for Christmas? Why, many su premely delighted women, of course for nothing could make them happier on Christmas morn ing and nothing could be more useful all winter long and for many winters to come. Good furs are like diamonds they are lifetime treasures; but they are better, because they pro vide comfort and protection, in addition to being the moBt charming adornment that a wo man can wear. YouH enjoy our showing of fine furs and we'll enjoy showing them to you. Buri aaa-Naah Co. Second Floor ii IT Snot the Things 1 1 Buy That I Regret" said a worldly wise woman, "but the things I don't buy, for I never see them again." . ... , Cards for the sick one and Anybody might have this feeling about the Gift Section which is so full of, rare im ported things. It is a delight ful place to browse, about in or hunt for a particular in dividual gift or a bit of fur nishings. A peculiar lamp, candelabra, a bit of pottery, rare art china or the like. Burg aaa-Naah Co. Third Floor Make His Gift a Practical One A House Coat A GIFT of this sort is always acceptable and certain to be appreciated. Every man likes to slip into a comfortable house coat after dm-? ner and enjoy his paper and pipe. Our holiday stock of men's house coats is very extensive, embracing a wide range of styles, colorings and materials, such as silks, woolens and velvets. Some of them are solid colors, while others are solid colors with fancy trimmed collars and cuffs to blend. There is really nothing you could give a man that would be more practical or appreciated. Price range, $3.50 to $30.00. Burg aaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor . f M rn. Monday Morning, December 3d We Will Inaugurate a Sale of ORIENTAL MUGS At Fully 33V&J& Under the Present Market Price THE offering presents, beyond question, the choicest collection shown in Omaha and the best part about it is that you can buy them at fully one-third under present market value. More important, possibly, even than the low prices, is the fact that these are all rugs of indi vidual character and beauty, chosen with the greatest care, radiant with the dawn of a new, civilization, yet mellowed with the luxuriousness of past centuries free from the taint of the mod ern Commercial Oriental Rug. Here is one that will brighten a room with dark furniture; here is. another that will soften and absorb the light of a very bright room, and so on throughout the line, rugs that are realistic treasures that the connoisseur will revel with. The offering, coming now as it does, affords a most opportune time to make selection as gifts to loved ones or for the home. Khiva Rugs A gorgeous collection, room size rugs, in rich colorings and individual patterns. Size 8-3x5-9 feet, now $70.00. Size 8x6-6 feet, now $95.00. Size 8x6-3 feet, now $90.00. Size 8-5x7 feet, now $100.00. Size 7-2x6-5 feet, now $110.00. Size 10-8x9-2 feet, now $24100. Size 11-9x9-2 feet, now $250.00. Kermanshah Rugs Rich colorings that will add charm and lustre to any room; Size 5-7x2-4 feet, $45.00. Size 6-7x4-4 feet, $105.00. t , Size 6-4x3-10 feet, $135.00. Size 11-6x8-9 feet, $425.00. Size 15-9x10-7 feet, $725.00. Mousoul Rugs Size 5-10x3-6 feet, $32.50. Size 5-6x3 feet, $35.00. Size 6-4x4 feet, $55.00. Size 7-6x3 feet, $55.00. Beloochistan Rugs Size 3-5x2-2 feet, $15.00. Size 2-3x2-9 feet, $22.75. Size 3-7x2-4 feet, $25.00. Size 3-10x2-10 feet, $33.50. . Size 5x3 feet, for $35.00. Mahal Rugs Exquisite colorings and master pieces in design. Room sizes. Sizes 12x8-9 feet, $185.00. Size 10-6x6-11 feet, $195.00.' Size 12-4x8-3 feet, $200.00. Size 16-6x11-6 feet, $385.00. , ' Size 15-2x11-5 feet, $440.00. Anatolian Rugs Size 13-2x6-11 feet, $235,001 Size 10-4x8 feet, $245.00. Size 11-3x8-3 feet. $265.00. , Size 13x10 feet, $475.00. Sarouk Rugs Size 4-10x3-4 feet, $75:00; Size 5-1x3-6 feet, $78.50. 'Size 5x3-3 feet, $100.00. Size 6-11x4-4 feet, $142.00. Size 6-8x4-8 feet, $165.00. Burf aaa-Naih Co. Third Floor BOXED Gift Novelties Each one useful and prac tical, including lemon forks, bottle openers,' cigar cutters, moving picture records, paper soap leaves, pipe cleaner, broom hangers and many other ideas, at 25c, 35c and 50c Narcissus bulbs, attractively, put up, with tfowl of grafr or green pottery, 50e to $1.75. Narcissus bulb with small blue bowl, a gift that will grow and bloom, 35c. Bur-M-Nah Co. Mala Floor pHRISTM AS Cards Big. Selection Patriotic Christmas cards, es pecially appropriate to send to this boys in camp. Religious cards with bits of pretty sentiment.' Sympathy cards for the one' you can not wish a Merry Christmas. Cards for the sick one and hundreds of cards for the hap py, gay friends just a howdy. Burrau-Nuh Co. Mala Floor . CPLENDID Gifts in Housewares Is there a woman' who loves' her home ' who hasn't looked longingly on a dozen or more of the utensils, appliances and conveniences that are shown in our Housewares Section? Here's a suggestion: Has she an- ; , ' Electric percolator? Electric chafing1 dish? Electric toaster? Electric vacuum cleaner? ', Electric laundry iron? Aluminum turkey roaster? Burt aaa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Store Coming Tomdrrow Monday a Chicago Foot Expert This store has arranged to give comfort to the feet of its customers. It is able to announce that we will have a Dr. Scholl Foot Specialist in this atoro to give free advic From Monday, Dec. 3d to Saturday, Dec 8th. This'expert knows all about feet, having' been trained personally by Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the famous foot authority. He will demonstrate that There is a Dr. Scholl Appliance or Remedy for Every Foot Trouble and will prove to you, on your own feet, that corns, bunions, callouses, weak arches, flat foot, hurting feet, etc., are unnecessary. Examination and advice is free. Everybody welcome. Be sure to come in and let him show you the way to absolute foot comfort .... Burraa-Naah Co Sacond Floor . Dr. SchaU'a Foot-Eaiar ' A wnoderfttl promoUr of tcxrt comfort where condition, are och at to and this aunport. Perfect adjustment poaiible. Worn In rout, eiulu (hoea. , . THE Land of Elves where little folks are kings and queens 01 the reaim ana ban to Claus is dictator, the Burgess-Nash Toy Store Monday will be reception day in the great big splendid world of make-believe on the Fourth Floor. There'll be trains, whizzing around sharp corners; men of war and submarines in battle array dolls that talk, dolls that walk, and walking animals, too. All waiting to entertain their very welcome guests, the little folks of Omaha. Armies of soldiers, afoot or horseback, ready to charge at rest, none retr mating. But we shan't tell another wnrdtrna 4 liiRf l tipptY to children," far and hear, we bid you a welcome as big as the store. ' Dear Old Santa Claus is here and he has a Christmas greeting for everybody, big and ntue. JBnng in ine cnuaren 10 see him. And when you see how happy it makes them, may be It will do you good, too. Burfaaa'-Naah Co. Fourth Floor A Remarkable Sale of Lamps Everyone Offered at aJ Special Reduction A MOST unusual offering, indeed, and what an opportunity to add color and life and charm to your home! To make 'every room in the house more cheery, friendly and more liveable. Among the lamps, bases' and shades offered, are designs especially for living rooms, dining rooms, libraries and dens ; your individuality can be satisfied here Monday in this remarkable sale, and, at the same time, benefit by special reductions. One entire aisle on the third floor will glow with the display. Mahogany Base Floor Lamp, $18.50 Beautifully trimmed and finished 24 inch silk shades, in assorted shapes with fringe and gold braid; specially priced in this lamp sale, $18.50. Mahogany Base Floor Lamp, $27.50 Japanese decorated or roman gold fin ished, equipped with a two-pull chain, sockets, choice of silk shade in empire canopy or colonial silk and chenille fringe, gold braid and panel trimmings; reduced price, $27.50. Silk Candle Shades, at 59c , Silk candle shades, odd lot, two to ten shades of a kind; colors, rose, gold, green, brown, mulberry, blue; reduced price, 59c each. Mahogany Finished Floor Lamp, $21.50 Heavy base, double light, choice of tu dor shade in rose, blue and gold; very spe cial, $21.50. Table Lamps, Reduced to $12.50 Mahogany and oak, with decorated glass shades, landscape and floral designs, hand painted; reduced price, $12.50. ' Metal Base Table Lamps, $7.50 to $10.00 Artistically shaped metal shade with 20-inch overcast metal glass shade and verde-brass and statuary bronze finish, with two-pull chain sockets, silk cord and plug; $7.50 and $10.00. Boudoir Lamps, at $1.50 to $5.50 Boudoir lamps, solid mahogany, old ivory fin ish, plain or with raised, painted flowers, black and white or roman gold, priced, $1.50 to $3.50. Mahogany Boudoir Lamps, $1.98, . Pour styles of turning, choice of blue, rose or mulberry,' silk shades, special, $1.98. Mahogany Table Lamps, $6.98 Piano finish, two lights, with' full chain sockets, cord and plug, for $6.98. Candles for AH Occasions A very large selection, moderately priced. Mahogany Candle Sticks, $1.00 Large selection of candlesticks; mahogany, Jap anese decorated, old ivory, $1.00 up. Table Lamps, at $3.50 and $9.50 Japanese lacquered, single light, silk shade in various designs and colors; $3.50 and $9.50. RTT Me Cirii m em 1111 Wll $ Store for QveryBodtf IP