Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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4 Briej City News
riatlnain' Wedding Rlnrs Edholra.
IUe Boot Print It New Beacon J"ress.
Mrtal DlenJ rrmnwork Jubilee Mfg. Co.
For' Xmas Everything' electrical
Burgess-Granden Co. ' -.. ;
Bazar Closes Tonight St Bernard's
bazar will close at the city hall In Ben
son tonight
4 Lecture by Eckluml John T." Eck
lund will lecture Sunday evening in
Tkeosophical hall. In , the Bee building.
Fined for Carrying Booze Bert
Smith, 714 South Sixteenth, was fined
1Q0 and costs In police court Satur
day morning on a charge of : Illegal
possession of liquor.-
Ready to Shave Himself Chief of
Police Dunn contiuues to Improve. The
last report received from the hospital
was that he asked for his shaving out
fit and Intended to shave himself.
Two Are Bound Over L. A. Brader
and Floyd Wathln,. arrested Thursday
at Grand island and charged wUh
grand larceny, were Saturday, boufd
over to district court under $750 bonds,
which were furnished. Both claim to
be soldiers. "
Fined for Having Booze William
Warwick, arrested Saturday while at
tempting to dispose of two pints of
, whisky in the Hipp pool hall, wasj
nnea iiuu ana costs Dy ronce juage
Jlfcdden. Warwick is registered at the
Farnam hotel and Is a stranger here,
he says.
Summer Weather In state Accord
ing to reports to the railroads, almost
summer weather has returned to west
ern Kebraska and eastern Colorado
and Wyoming. Temperatures this
morning ranged all the way from 36
to BO degrees above zero, with a light
south wind blowing.
Thieves Steal Plumbing The base
ment of the house at 2024 Wirt street,
formerly owned and occupied by W.
D. Perclval, has been entered by
burglars, who have stripped out all the
lead plumbing and brass fixtures. To
secure a few dollars orth of material
to be sold to junk dealers more than
$100 of damage has been done.
Selection of Office Deferred Mis
souri Pacific officials here from St
Louts and Kansas City returned to
their headquarters ; without - deciding
upon a location for -the city passenger
and freight offices that are to be moved
out of the Ware block. During their
-stay the officials looked over a num
fber of locations and next week will
make a selection.
Fire Fireproof Goods at Sunderland's.
"jvery Bank in . Cfuntry Has
Been Created Agent for the
New Form of U. S. In
vestment. .
Thrift stamps will be placed on sale
at all local banks and postoffice sta
tions Monday morning.
L Later the vjar savings committee,
Theaded by Ward Burgess,' chairman,
expects to place war stamp agencies
in practically every business house in
the city, including department stores,
cigar stores and grocery stores, in
order to have them continually before
the public as an encouragement in
war saving. V. . . v
Many state towns will probably not
receive their shipments of war
stamps in time to begin the ' sale on
Monday. ' '
Instructions -have been mailed to
every bank in the country on how to
handle the "baby" securities. ; Every
bank in the country has. been auto
matically created as agent for both
the first and second class bonds.
County committeemen and .their or
ganizations have taken an interest in
the work which has greatly -encouraged
Chairman Burgess.
Frank C. Builta, publicity .manager
for the Nebraska Telephone company,
has been selected as press agent for
the war savings committee and 'will
keep every weekly and daily paper in
the state posted on the progress of the
campaign. "v ...
Esther Babbitt Wants the Corn
Or Its Market Value: in Cash
Demanding that -2,710 ' bushels' of
corn wrongfully held by . Herman
Risel, as she alleges, be accounted for,
Esther Babbitt has filed; suit against
him for the recovery of the grain, or
damages. The grain 'is wor in $4,065,
she says, and consists of both white
and yellow corn in various cribs and
stacked against' the fence of her
Douglas county farm,', now occupied
by Risel. -
Lowe Avenue. Fortieth and Nicholas, A.
F. Ernst, Minister At , intermediate
Christian Endeavor; Junior at ,:30; Sunday
school at 10, Dr. J.. M. Fatton, superin
tendent; 'at 11,- "How a Great Battle Was
Won';" Senior Endeavor at 6:30: at 7: JO,
"The Temptation, of Christ." The first of
a series ' of sermons on the temptation " of
Jesus w.'l be preached Sabbath evening;.
Women Must
Look Voung!
A Duty-Nat Vanity
WEE desire of womanly women to
x "look their best" is as old aa
time Itself. From time immemorial, beauti
ful, bountiful, bewitching; hair baa been
woman's most subtle attraction indeed,
without it the most perfect features, tha
most fascinating; personality become aula
teres tin- and unattractive. . ,
"l BmatMtlttm fins Hib
Neveb-Tei, la a simple, scienti
fic, conscientious preparation by
eminent chemists. WaMrseara-
T 11 ed the name "Never-Tel" because
It works positively yet m gradually
adjunct sticky and will not
stain the moot aeueeta
akin, but when used every
. nan. m j mw w swum.
hair to a dastred shade.
then nee once every two or
three weeks for the mast
gratifying results.
NrvEK-TEL Is pat up rn sanl-
tarv. delicately Derfumed tablet
fenaeoly.tobtdiuolradia a Utile water as and.
Wo extras to bay, ao eoawwliom te bother a onst
Mlgntml. harmless nstoratiTs, appssihut te
saeosrt. icsnad pseple win elms.
"Give Kiddies a Chance"
Is Slogan in Fund Drive
. Omaha people should knowi simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine,, etc., as
mixed in Adler-i-ka, flushes the EN
TIRE bowel tract so. completely that
appendicitis " prevented.- ONE
f SPOONFUL Adler-i-ka relieves ANY
CASE sour stomach, gas or constipa
tion because it removes ALL foul
matter which clogged and poisoned
your system. The INSTANT action
surprises boh doctors and patients.
Shorman Mr.Connel Drug Co., 16th
and- TVfi
."Give the kiddies a chancel" ThisO
is the slogan for dental dispensary
day, Saturday. December 8. A drive
for $10,000 to carry on the work of
free dentistry for Omaha school chil
dren who need it will be made on that
Mrs. Charles Leslie heads a wo
men's committee, including Mrs. H.
O. Edwards, Mrs. T. J. Mackay and
Mrs. H. C. Sumney, which will assist
local dentists interested in the work, in
lauching the campaign for funds. Miss
Ritza Freeman, Chicago social work
er, who came here to help institute the
dispensary in February, will arrive
Monday to help in the new drive.
Fifty dentists have narrted an equal
number of women to captain teams of
10 women each. Each dentist, too,
will captain a team and local school
teachers will be asked to help. A
meeting to organize is called for
Tuesday evening in the council cham
ber. A call for women volunteers to
gather funds is issued by Dr. F. F.
Vhitcomb, president of the dis
pensary. Miss Charlotte Townsend,
superintendent of school nurses, will
take the names at her room, 501 city
Lavender crosses with the inscrip
tion, "Clean Teeth, Good Health,"
emblems of dental hygiene, will
flood the city this week in preparation
for the big drive on Saturday.
Ten thousand children in Omaha
need to have their teeth filled and
can't pay for it, Omaha dentists say.
Headed by Dr. F. F. Whitcomb, they
instituted the Free Dental dispensary
in room 758 of the Brandeis building,
February 14, of the present year. Up
to date 95 dentists who donate at least
one-half day each month, some of
them as much time as this each week,
have finished '2,183 cases, .with, an
average of seven'1 Visits for each case.
Each dentist donates an average of
$150 a year in service.
The dentists raised $5,287.48 last
spring to equip and cafry on the work,
donating $l,000,in cash besides their
services. On October; 17, qnly $390.62
V if :j f$w
. aa it , -inrrVii 1
was left in the treasury.
"If some one was to audit our books
this minute, we'd have to go out of
business," said Dr. P. T. Barber at
a meeting Friday morning. "The need
for funds is most urgent."
Five chairs are kept in operation
every day with two nurses and a sec
retary in attendance. Enlargement of
the work necessitated by local needs,
is planned by the dentists interested
in the project, if the campaign for
funds is successful.
"Our ' Civic Pride," a movie writ
ten by Dr. Whitcomb, was shown in
local theaters for the past month to
acquaint the Omahans with the work
of the free dispensary.
Officers of the dispensary are:
President, Dr. F. F. Whitcomb; first
vice president, Dr.'E. H. Bruening;
second vice president, Dr. W. A. Cox;
secretary, Dr. M. H. Dunham; treasur
er, B A. AVilcox; legal adviser, Ed
ward L. Bradley. Board of trustees,
T. J. Quinlan, Brandeis Stores; Louis
C Nash, Burgess-Nash company;
Rome Miller, Rome hotel; E. Buck
ingham, Union Stock Yards company;
Judge George A. Day; district judge;
B. W. Christie, physician; A. O. Hunt,
dentist; F. J. Despecher, dentist;
Blaine Truesdell, orthodontist; W. 1..
Shearer, oral surgeon; P. T. Barber,
H. A. Nelsoi.. J. C Soukup, F. F.
Whitcomb, W. A. Cox, R H. Brue
ning, dentists.
Looking for work? Turn to the
Help Wanted Columns now. You
will find hundreds of positions listed
Dynamite Found on Busy
Bridge at Petersburg, Va.
Petersburg, Va Dec. 1. Ten sticks
of dynamite were found by the police
Friday within 125 feet of the end of
the Norfolk & Western bridge, over
the concrete road' and car line be
tween Petersburg and Camp Lee.
With it were 15 feet of fuse, timed
two minutss to a foot, which would
have exploded in half an hour after
being lighted. The bridge was put
under guard.
A Tip for Those
Who Dine Late
Follow the Meal With a Stuart's Dys-
pepsia Tablet. You Will Sleep
Fin and Awaken Next
Morning on Good Term
1 With Yourself.
After eating take a Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablet. Then you won't have digestive trou
bles. Late suppers will be harmless. Noth
ing so ruins the complexion as a sour, gassy
stomach that disturbs' sleep and pours pois
ons into the blood. It Is not the club sand
wich nor the Welsh rarebit that hurts. It is
a stomach weak in digestive Juices. Eat
anything you like at any time and let
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest your food,
tone your stomach, supply your blood with
nourishment, then good looks, a healthy
appearance and bright eyes will soon return.
Get a SO-cent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets at any drug store. They are real health
makers because they actually help your
stomach to digest food. Try them free by
sending coupon.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 267 Stuart Build
ing, Marshall, Mich., send me at once
a free trial package of Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets.
Name '
Street..'..... .,
City , State...
strewing your path with yalues
f airly forcing the savings upon
you-because we must hurry
unfolds a way
to own Women's
Garments for far
speed is f a r
m ore important
just now t h a n
the famous "Or
kin Style" is ap
parent in everr
a wonderful
new store is prom
ised "over there"
say what you will, you have NOT had a saving
opportunity anything like this offered you lately.
You have NOT been regaled with a sale that in
cluded EVERYTHING in the house, ALL of the new
styles, a sale instituted by a concern whose very
name has "become a byword for fashion. If you've
any need for a woman's garment at all, THIS is
your chance.
the idea of "cleaning up" this stock is far more
important than the thought of profits. Bear this in
mind; the time to buy women's suits, coats, dresses,
skirts, waists and furs is when a dealer is anxious to
sell. And, wouldn't YOU be anxious to sell if a new
store were almost ready, where ONLY next season's
goods would be displayed?
somehow or other Orkin Brothers have acquired
a name for "style" since their very opening bow to
Omaha women. ; The suits, coats, dresses, skirts,
waists and furs you get from here seem to have life,
expression, yet withal that superb "quality," which
make them fairly stand out from the backs of wear
ers. Orkin Brothers wearables are full of fashion.
so far you haven't been told many details in re-,
gard to the new store, Orkin Brothers will occupy'
in the Wolf-Hiller-Conant Hotel Bldg. at 16th and
Harney Sts. But wait. There's plenty of material
for column after column of store news and you are
going to get that. news just as soon as the store is a
little farther under way.
-make the most of it while it lasts
1 529-2 1 Douglas-South Side of Street
The Most Stupendous
Ever Witnessed in Omaha
The Balance of Hayden Bros.' $100,000 stock
of Pianos, Player Pianos and Musical Mer
chandise Bought by SCHMOLLER & MUEL
LER PIANO CO. f orJSpot Cash at 33c on the Ppl
lar, must be closed out in the next 30 days regard
less of profit.
This is a money-saving offer with special credit terms that
makes the purchase of your Christmas Piano, Player Piano
or Phonograph easy.
Upright Pianos
25 different
$100 to $400
Grand Pianos
15 makes to
select from
'210 to 51000
Player Pianos
10 High Grade
Come to our Warerooms now and
Player you want to be delivered on Christmas
deposit now, then easy terms on the balance will be ar
ranged to suit your convenience.
select the Piano orVfe,
Notice the Wonderful New and Used Piano Values to belClbsedOut
During This Christmas Sale
XT' -
$225 Gilbert Upright $ 68
$300 Price & Teeple Upr. .$118
$325 J. & C. Fischer Upr. .3155
$325 Adam Schaff Upr... 3158
$350 Smith & Nixon Upr. .3178
$500 Chickering Upright. .$188
$450 Emerson 1 Upright. . .3275
$500 Ererett Upright. . . . 3360
$500 Smith A Nixon Cr'. . .3310
$1,000 Steinw.y Grand... 8365
$800 Knahe . GraW . ! , . 7 .SflOO
$450 Angelut PKjrir'. . 8200
$450 Price cVTeppae PI,'., $212 .
$650 White PUyfcjf .4 .'. . . 3468
$li050 Kn'ahe ' ?Urr'. . . ; . 8754
Waste no time and especially no money at any other! sale.. Our prices' dwarf ' into ' inj.ifc-Aif icance : any
attempted rivalry. Spend your money where it will buy the most. . r ! , ' ' '
Remember, you can choose from the world's best makes Slain way,', Sohmer.Mehlin,' Everett,
J. A C. Fischer, Schaeffer, Smith & Nixon, Price & Teeple and many others. j j ,
IflPARTA FIT 0ur 8mRl1 goods department offers many suggestions to' Christmias Shoppers. The:
I III I V n I H II I great price reductions apply also to Hayden Jros.' Btock of Shefct j Music, ?Violins, '.
Ukuleles, Banjos, Drums and Band Instruments. Every article will be closed out regardless or cost;1 f ree
catalogues and information lurntsned on request. i . ,
Music House in the West.
1311-13 Faa-nam St.. Omaha,
' Neb. Established 1859
... I ..... jl
.... '. ' , ' :" s. . . , i , t fit u' I
The Christmas Gift
that Will Surely
...a?e arc presenting...
the authentic modes
for 1917-1918
the season s newest
the wearing qualities
exceptional, the models
supremely . attractive,
the prices reasonable
Cool Mornings) Colder Nights ,
Winter is Almost Here! Furs are
not only extremely fashionable,
they are now indispensible to
Fine Arts in Furs. Not the least of fur dis
tinction is the harmony of detail which char- ,
acterizes each garment bearing our label.
True in style and workmanship to the final
point, the finishing touch adds a trace of
art which is in keeping with our standard of
quality and is highly prized.
We dominate in styles and workmanship
with a generous stock and pleasing range of
1 t
u r
NationalFur GTXnn'ing
Omaha. Nebraska
I v
-.- H
1921-9 South 13th
Phone Tyler 120
- . . i .... : - - y. -.. . 1 V