Flanders Will Have N othing on Omaha Tomorrow. General Bynjr will bar to look to ward his laurel or Wlthlngton or .Griffith will get 'em tomorrow. If the Kaleer could only ser that (rid elanh at Cr!ghton field he'd itie for peace to quick it would make Hlmicnburf ' head iwim. - 1 Opera National Game in Italy; San Carlo Singers Bat ,300 in the Pinches Music .critics say that grnd opera is Italy's nation game; that the Ital ians are not only players, but fans; that they keep score, hits, runs, tr-4 rors, especially errors; that the small boys fight in the street over the mer its of singers and write to the sport ing editors asking who leads inhe league of singing, who is the best tenor, the best baritone, etc, just as boys write and fight about base ball plavers in this country. People in Italy want to know who is the better tenor Caruso or Sala zar, just as people in New York want to know who is the better player Hap Felsch or Benny Kauff. Averages are kept and every now and. then j there is an argument about the re spective merits,, of the old and new smgers. . They "knock; or "boost" singers in Italy as we "knock" or "boost" base ball players in America. Difference of opinion makes base ball and horse racing -in America. v Jealousy, It seems, difference of opin ion as to which man has , a better right to the lady or the lady the bet ter right to the man, seems, to make grand opera. The Italians. takev a vast interest in all these things. Opera companies, likj base ball, , have managers. Fortune Gallo of the San Carlo Grand Opera company is the John McGraw of the Opera league. He picked up a club a few years ago that had been low down in the race, got himself a few stars like Salazar, Antola, Craft, Royer, De Biasi, and is now winning the cham pionship. His captain is Charles R. Baker. Some day Gallo may play the Metropolitan for the world's operatic jfimpionship. Gallo is the "Miracle '3an" of the opera. He can take a club that runs last one season and win the championship with it the next. He can even talk a singer out of a week's salary, and any one that can do that gets by. , Salazar is one of the strongest men in the Grand Opera league. He is a regular Hans Wagner in strength and hitting ability. His brother" played the part of Ursus, the strong man, who snatches the girl off the horns of the angry bull in "Quo Vadis." Sala zar comes from the Basque provinces in Spain, where "pelota ball" is the national game. He is one of the San Carlo "pinch-hitting" tenors. The other is Agnostini, who reaches up and hits awfully high ones, causes 1 much "rooting" and scores many "runs.". He also takes everything thatvcomes his way. . Italians, how ever, ate not the only ones that like opera. The Americans like it, too. The Forty-fourth Street theater, New York City, has been packed' with fans recently to hear the San Carlo club pennant winners, sure, this season. Brain Lags Behind Legs As Athlete Scoots Home Ned Egan, famous winner of pen nants in the Central association, is contributing an interesting series of articles, to a newspaper syndicate dealing with base ball in the bush leagues. One of his opening stories has Dan O'Leary, ' who managed Mason Citv last season, as the hero and' one of Dan's raw rookies as the goat The storv runs something like fhis: 'OLeary's team was a run behind in the ninth, and taking the last turn at bat. He had airunner on first when his best hitter came to bat. The bat ter hit a sharp single to right, in be tween'the fielders. The fellow on first had a good Aart and made third without even draw iaig a throwto catch him. O'Leary was coaching at third and signaled for him to pull up at that bag. But the runner had his head down, tore past third and made lor the plate like an express train. He pullet a tre mendous slide, but was caught easily, the ball being there at least 20 feet ahead of him. Naturally that made the third out and settled the game. O'Leary was frothing w;th rage at this foolish display of bone base run ning that even a Ty Cobb couldn't have got away with. He w e'd over to his young player, who was brush ing the dirt off his clothes, and, steadying his voice as much as his feelings would permit, said quietly: "Youflg man, let me call. your at tention to something that perhaps you didn't notice. When you made that slide into the plate your brain hadn't reached third base yet." Indoor Sports, s Copyright 1)11, International Kewe Service, By Tad Hamilton to South. Report has it that Jimmy Hamilton, who list year managed the Musko gee team of the Central league, will next year lead the Shreveport Texas league team, succeeding Syd Smith, who has retired from base ball. CF I oo V J , ( t mur ( copv off a ' ' VV J III , i i ( 1 j ON THE SPORt TRAIL WITH FRED S. HUNTER Cupid Black's Newport Naval Re serves are in great demand on the gridiron. From all parts of the coun try "have come invitations to the for mer Yale, star to show his foot ball warriors m battle array. Now that he hat become the world's middleweight champion, Mike O'j)owd will demand larger purses and smaller opponents. Owner Rupnert and Manager Hug- gins of the Yankees are busy trying to strengthen the New Yorkers for next season. A good biffing outfielder and a substitute infielder are sought. In view of the fact that President ohnson has offered his services to facie Sam, National league sympa thizers no longer can refer to Big Ban as a false alarm. ' Coach Fred Walker has developed a great foot ball squad at Williams college. With a student enrollment of only a few hundred, Williams has one of the strongest gridiron'teams in the country. Facts Not Worth Knowing. The world'a champion White Box have not won a ball a-ame alnea October II. Wllbert Robinson baa been reappointed manager of tba Dodf era. Jeca Wlllard'a last appearance In the ring waa on March IB, lilt. There have been no extra period grid iron battle ao far thla aeaaon. There are no college foot bait sam.ee scheduled for this afternoon. Cain and Abel never auffered the hu miliation of being kept after achool houra. Leonardo da Vinci never aaw a moving picture The kalaer la a cold-blooded brute. Jeea Wlllard'a real name la Jen Wlllard. Looks as if the Tufts cdllege foot ball squad has Jiad more than its share of misfortunes this" year. Two of the best gridders on the.Medford team, Pryor and Drummey, have suffered serious injuries. . Al McCoy should have claimed ex emption on the grounds of his man. egerial dependent, and not met Mike CTDowd. The government tax on admission tickets to the recent six-day bicycle race in Boston amounted to nearly $1,000. . . - Those minor leagues didn't change the base ball map; they didn't even so much as tilt one rock in the old man's meadow. Milwaukee boxing promoters are trying to arrange a bout for Joe Eigan with Willie Ritchie or Bryan Downey. Schiff Finds Way , To Break Into an Australian Hotel When Manager Lichtenstein, Jim my Clabby, Johnny Schiff, Joe Well ing and others of the party were in Australia they put up at a hotel in Waverly, a few miles from Sydney, known as Mrs. Clifford's place. They weren't -Jong in understanding that hotels closed for the. night t 1C o'clock. fl.K, . ,.-. :. lJ to the doors. All others found t! em selves locked out if they weren't ir. bv 10 all but Lichtenstein and Tim. my Clabby. This pair was honorec with keys. , It didn't get them anything to ring the bell, for. nobody would answer. They simply had to stay out and make the best of it. This didn't make a hit with Schiff. He liked to roam around at night. '' r ' ; - Before long he cooked up a scheme. When he arrived at the hotel about 12 one night he had a collection of pebbles in his pocket. Knowing Larney roomed oa the second, floor, near a balcony, he tossed up a peb ble and hit the window. At the fourth pebble Larney looked out, came down and let him in. This werit so fine Schiff tried it several nights, with enormous suc cess. Finally Lichtenstein grew tired of being roused, so he let Sthiff toss pebble after pebble. Larney never showed himself. Schiff tried the stunt nearly half an hour, and finally Mrs. Clifford heard. , She bustled downstairs, and what a lecture Schiff received 1 "didn't you .hear anything?" he asked Larney later. ' "Not a thing," replied Lichensteip. "Well, I I bet you hear' tomor row night, I'm going to shy som rocks." Runs Batted in Will Be Added to National Records There will be an innovation in the official scores of the National league next year. John Heydler, the secre tary, will add a column for runs bat ted in. As base ball averages are now with naught to show how play ers do as timely hitters the aren't hhalf complete. ' '' . Managerial jods upen to Two of Red Infielders Managerial jobs await two Red in fielders if Matty wishes to let them go. Both" Bill McKechnie and Pave Shean can have Class AA placet as leaders, but the Red chief won't pari with either until he knows just hdw his infield will line up for next spring. Doit Miss t Adele Garrison's Intensely Fascinating Story of Married Life, "The Revelations of a Wife' Now Running Every Day in The Omaha Evening Bee. Start It and You Will Read Every Chapter US BOY.S This Bird is There with the Pagination. Copyright Kit, International Nawa Service. Drawn for The Bee by McNamara. THE OKI AF7&R, THANKS - I SO RT OF A SUTU DAY n lAROlWO CtliR AJEIGHBOC- IWOO. IT IS THE CUSTOM ITO 5W1 HOMffAMO nfc fcoPERATB AFTER, THE Bl, CATCH AS CATCH CAM DINNER AT VANS HOOS5. THRU SOME MISTKP WJILUF SNSlDETUff YauisUr mam PipYliDcr HE dB 010 NcTaOTO DANS HOUSe. Hfe A6 AT TOMP. 1H1S VKIWElS, CONStSrKO -W A CORNED 666F SnD- Mffl, A GLASS OT UHTtR LAND AN ORAM6G SO Hi IS THE QNLT ONC 0i PECK T5-OAS. VOO CANT 6T jkK1 IU.ON A CORNEO BEEF SViPOlifH A 6LA55 CFWAI'K, ANP AN ORANQS tOU KMQtO - SARD1N6 BOK FOU. OF Ra tkNi IT ts A TRAjM OF CAM (CHO0. f CHflO. ( iCOMHJ (JEEICHIli THATS A PAW or A WRECK'. PS1 GIBBERS Hi sna. The imk who LAUGHS AT: fllS OUfJ JOKES f ROM SALISBURY SWINGS llUKTRATfcO ui.ur OTrfT i TUB fljOR (IR151 ai t rue erei imhc Si1" ina e w.i w M ARE IN TrPAf?MV! 'm s WHAT K6i IN music vrQui.o MAKeT A OOOO A&Mt OfFlCER.? A SHARP MATqr ' F5R6- WOOD- HOM'H - FROM HARRS CARROuJ" At. i.C. WHAT 1ST IT WHICH WHEN (T IS SQRM, FALIC. UlHEM iTUVlSS. HES gnu AND UJH6N1 T DIBS, RUN3 ? HERE IN OMAHA Bookworms and Other Worms in the Library. Copyrifht 1117. International Newa Serirlce. V f M,rnfe ) AJJV GOOD AT was tr-. .. jvurc BOOK?--- HAVE VA GOT A ( I ItLkfHWNc 1 1 DretCTOEY HERE f CADni Art . f' MOT AT HOME. 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