Sunday Schools and Movies Are Working Together Ihe producers of motion pictures winch re nientDers o the MatiumI Association of the Motion Picture In dustry, comprisinc the most important companies engaged in the business, have recently entered into a plan of co-operation with a special committee representing the board of Sunday schools (in whose schools there are over 4.000.000 pupils), through which feature pictures, scenics, comedies and short dramas are to be shown on Sat urday afternoon and evening at the Grace Methodist Episcopal church, West One Hundred and Fourth street, New York, of which Dr. Christian E. Reisner is the pastor. The afternoon programs are being made up for mis cellaneous groups of children, abso lutely non-sectarian and without dis crimination, these audiences ranging in attendance from 500 to 1,000 chil dren. In the evening the program comprise feature pictures ior the family groups, the attendance averag ing about 500. President William A. Brady of the national association stated that he and his associates fully recognized the great power and usefulness of motion pictures, and'felt confident that the high ideals of the men in the business are convinced of the responsibility in molding the lives and character of the people in this country. The report on the motion pictures which are shown to these associations will be the subject of published re ports in the leading .educational magaiincs, including the papers and periodicals devoted to the church and Sunday schools. Dr. Reisner feels so much encour aged by the spirit in which his work is being met by the producers that he is ready and willing to take up the question seriously with the thousands or ministers throughout the country who he believes will accept this oppor tunity to work out in a positive way the solving of the motion picture problem instead of clinging to the idea of postponing this solution by the negative means of indiscriminate opposition and criticism. Kmprum "Xlafila," tha nw Slpet r loHse in which Clr Kimball Young achlv dlitlnct triumph. anil which ! to be nhown at tha Kmprwa theater for four days. Martini today, li the atory of a young girl unkindly thrust out Inta the world by an overbearing and dictatorial father, how eh works out her own aalvalion and In the end wins to peace and happlneaa. As an offer ing on the legitimate boards,, "Magda" ranks almost as clawlc. Magda la a charming and beautiful girl with a promising voice. Her father, the old-world typo of domestic tyrant, is approached by his minister who wishes to marry the girl, but Magda brooks her father's anger and rejects the good man's advances. Her father gives her th alternative of complying with his wishes or eeklng a home elsewhere. Magda holding to her rights, Is thrust out nt doors. Ten years later a musical festival is planned for the town and the service of the famous prima dona. Magdelene Dall' Orto. are secured. The diva, who Is mot by the gov. ernor and showered with attentions, proves to b none other than Mhr1.i. Her father effects a reconciliation and Insists that she corns home during her stay. It proves an unhappy arrangement. Son Today and Monday Gall Kane In her latest success "A Game of Wits," In which she Is oast as the daughter of a peculating millionaire who Is tied up with a market shark and at his mercy. The hark wants to marry the girl, but he Is to nd ahe la IS, so. the father objects. The girl verheara the proposal, and over exercises him with long walks, and at last drives hlra to the extremity of running away to escape he.' athletic demands. She cornea out winner and makes him pay 1100.. 000 Indemnity. A Christie comedy and-cur. rent event weekly complete the program. Tueaday and Wednesday, Emmy Wehlen ts tarred In "The Outsider," a six-act Metro wonderplay. This is a screen version of the novel, "Nobody," by Louis Joseph Vance, vIt Is promised to be the equal. If not the leer, of anything the star haa yet done, not even excepting "The Trail of a Shadow," which will be long remembered by this theater's patrons. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Prow are In their latest comedy, also. Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, "The Itabes In the Woods," a tremendous William Fox picture presenting Francis Carpenter and Virginia Lee Corbin, the famous child stars, who appeared In "Jack and the Ucanstalk." The story, while b-lng enacted mainly by children, has a wonderful appeal tor grown "folks as well. There will be a children's matinee Saturday morning from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. tl special kiddle's prices. Rtrmnj Two exceptionally pleasing as well as picturesque pictures hold forth at ha Strand this week. Sunday and Monday Elsie Ferguson makes her Initial film debut In "Barbary Sheep," from novel of same by Robert Hlchens. Using as a back ground Algeria, there's a romantic flavor to this production from start to finish that Is bound to keep every spectator 1 iterested. while the settings are all that could be de sired In the way of beauty and originality. Tuesday to Saturday the second Oeraldine Fa.rar production, "The Woman God For an." Laid tn Mexico In the days of the Aitecs. the production Is one of striking spectacular beauty, while the supporting csst includes Wallace Reld, Hobart Bos wo th and other well known Lasky players. The latest Mack Bennett comedy, "An In terna Uoj' Sneak," will also be shown. Mas An attractive program .as been ar.-anged for this week. Today only Mrs. vmon Castle in "The Mark of Cain," a thrilling and mysterious detective story dealing with the manner In which one man Villa another and throws the blame upon his rival. Antonio Moreno plays opposite J'rs. f's'le. Monday and Tuesday William 8. Hart will be aeen in "The Aryan," with Bessie Love as the leading lady. The atory tella In an Interesting manner of a hand of man-killers of whom Bart Is tho leader, and how young In nocent girl la captured and through her purity raise tho leader to the level of a man again. All receipts for "France In Arms," to be shown Wednesday will be given to the war relief fund. Thursday and for tho balance of the week Clara Kimball Young In "Magda." Her first offering on the screen by her own company. Grand A story that will hold the atten tion throughout and prove splendid enter tainment la "Broadway Arizona," which s'.arsVJllve Thomas hero today. It tells how a, cattle king from Arlxona falls In love with Broadway favorite ani when she (uses to marry him, kldnapa her and takes her to his ranch. Many opportunities are given for tho Injection of splendid comedy momenta. Monday Is Roy Stewart, a new screen "bad man," tn "The Pell Dodger." Special attention fa called by tho manage ment to the Friday attraction, which Is "Rasputin Tho Black Monk." an all-star cast of world players. Including Juno El vtdgs, Montagus Love, Arthur Ashley and others It tells of the downfall of tho Ro manoffs and political Intrigue. Hipp Great things reprom!cd of "The Ragiredy Queen," starring Violet Mersereau. which showsAre today and Monday. A tittle Imaginative girl has been raised by a craxy woman and told that her mother was tho queen of Bohemia, and her father the king of Finance and that she is .a princess So this little girlie reigns over the street urchins In raggedy majesty until the awful truth dawns on her. Tuesday and Wednes day Is Alice 'Joyce In "The Fettered Worn- ' Bills for the Current Week $iH fj - W vjfZ'J:; I t:an." Thursday only will be William Rus- j Noted Stars Who Will Be Seen on Screen In Omaha Movie Theaters This Week f;Ct z v V vv , J 'IV- - i . tfi: ' k Wetex JS':: QX ?J$1 Bromie Vernon fa - $H;vv j i A rYoun$ t I v I' J li H ' (EMPRESS) I - Vufin teanonVustir, tenum K4t - " ) '!$GSW& Hvold Lock wood sell In a picture that Is promised to please, "Snsp Judgment." In which he again dis plays his physical prowess. Friday and Sat urday comes Urownle Vernon in ' Fear Not." Apollo Evart Overton is the featured player at this theater today in a Greater Vltagraph, ottering "The Bottom of the Well.' It Is a play of love ami Intrigue. As a special added attraction will be the first of tho new Mack Sennet t comedies on the 1'aramount program, "The Pullman llrlde.'" Monday Is Ilryant Washburn In "Skinner's Ilahy.'' another light comedy, In which the star duplicates his former suc cesses. Tuesday and Wednesday comes Mrs, Vernon Castle In "Tho Mark of Cain,'' with Antonio Moreno as her loading man. Sat urday la Alice Hrady in a timely nnd InV; terestlng play, "The Maid of Hclglum." Dundeei-There will he no show at this theater today. .Monday comes Knld Henneit in a last action story oi me race trara. "They're Off." It Is said that some of the most exciting race track scenes ever Mined form the sensational parts of this photo play. Tuesday will be little Jane anil Katherlne Lee In tho first William Fox feature, "Two I.lttl Imps" It abounds with human Interest throughout and wli! be thoroughly enjoyed by both young and old. Saturday llessle Love in a comedy drama, " Wee Lady Uetty." Kohlff George Walsh tn "The Yankee Way" will be the photoplay attraction here today. It tells a breeay, cheerful story, in which this athletic star jumps and smiles his way to success, fighting for a princess, whose throne is tottering. Monday Is Bessie Love In "The Little Reformer," based on the story, "Polly Ann." Tuesday and Wed nesday Is Itlllle Burke In her Paramount de but, "The Mysterious Miss Torry," a refresh ing comedy drama that will keep the audi ence In suspense until the final scenes. Wednesday 'Margery Wilson In "Mountain Pew." Friday Gladys Brorkwell In "The Soul of Satan." Saturday Jack Ievercaux In "Tho Grafters." ldiu'.evard Pint In Farnum In the first photoplay he lias been seen in for almost a year, "Ourand of the Bad ljinds," will beO the offering here today. It la a bright and breesy story of ttho great outdoors, replete with many comedy situations and telling of the reformation of bad man through his I love for a pretty miss and Several cuto kid dies. Monday Is Pearl White In a feature, "Mayblossom." Tuesday. Gall Kane In 'A Game of Wits." Wednesday. Jack Devereaux and Anna Lehr In "The Grafters." Thursday Ella Hall In "The Charmer." Friday Bessie Love tn "Woe Lady Betty." Saturday Bes sie Barrlscale In "The Snarl." AlUnmbrn Porothy Palton In "The Ten of Diamonds" will show here today. It Is a i sequel to her famous "Flame of the Tukon." and is laid In tho same wild settings of I Alaska. It Is a picture that will be remem- : bered as long as "The Flame," aud If I patrona of this theater enjoyed that, they i will certainly be disappointed if they miss the sequel. Monday comes Harold Lock wood and May Allison in 'The Promise." The balance of tho week la made up ot splendid attractions. Subnrhan William Desmond Is the fe-itured player at this theater today In a Triangle play, "Flying Colors." It Is a clever story of college life, and this athletic and handsome star always shows to splen- i did advantage In this kind of a role. No j college story would be complete without its ! love affair. Monday and Tuesday comes i A irguerite Clark in "Bab's Diary." It Is 1 one of those delightful sub-deb stories tn ! the Saturday Evening Post. 1 Hippodrome A story of more than pass ing Interest is told In the William Fog play, "Sister AValnst Sister," starring beautiful Virginia Tearson. and forming the attrac tion at this theater today. The story tells of sisters born equal, but later In life fol lowing decidedly different paths. Miss HEARST-PATHE NEWS Synopsis of Events, Covered in Hearst Paths News, Released Today. Toronto, Ont. The might of the British tanks Is spectacular? demonstrated at a rally for Canada's Victory loan for more tanks. Fort Hancock, X. J. Uncle Sam's hoys take pride In their work and healthy rivalry develops at camps for excellence in the art ot wur. San Antonio, Tex. "Paredevlls" is what they call these Texas dispatch riders, who will carry Uncle Sam's victory nota to "Kaiser Bill." Genoa, Italy "HoM the Invading- Huns" Is Italy's cheering message to Its army, for the guns to drive them back will soon be resdy. San Kmnclsco, Cl. Chinese offteew visiting 'the United Statea get a glimpse of this country's growing army at a review In the Presidio. Chicago. 111. I-ashed by a 0-mile gale, the waters of Lake Michigan raise havoc along the coast cs they leap to record breaking height. Hnuoem Ivc. Attention ! Food Pirector Hoover has prescribed a new "Liberty ' loaf." as part ot the economy program - This is how to make It. London, Eng. The anniversary of the great Trafalgar battle is celebrated at Nelson column as the news ot fresh victories is received. IS II IB x PS?" IwmK 1 (STAANP) Pearson plays dual roles. A Luke comedy also is on the bill. A special announcement made for Saturday, "The Tanks at the Battle of Ancre," which will he shown mat inee and evening for the first time In the city at popular prices. Monday, Harry Carey In "Tho Secret -Man." !,othrop Shirley Mason tn "The Apple Tree Girl" will be at this theater today. It I a pleasing and breery story that should favor In the eyes ot this theater's pa rons. Monday. Earle Williams In "The Love Poctor." Thursday, Mary Plckford In "The Little American." Saturday will he little Jane and Katherlne Leo In "Two Little Imps.' Hamilton It is said that the best pic ture Charles Ray has ever appeared in ts "The Clodhopper." which shows at this thsater today. It Is another of this "won "f boy's" characterizations of the country yap who goes to tho city and makes a suc cess this time as the originator of a dance that springs Into fame called "The Clod hop." Monday. Sessuo Hayakawa In "Hash linurl Togo." Wednesday, Mary Plckford In '"rho Little American." Empress Garden The I'.lackstone orches tra, which Is still holding forth at this pop ular amusement center, la nmklnir unnv friends, and from present Indications will remain for some lime to come. Tuesday and Thursday, 'which are theatrical and SUBURBAN Phono Colfax 2841 Today WILLIAM DESMOND, in "FLYING COLORS" Monday and Tuesday x MARGUERITE CLARK, in "BAB'S DIARY" a. LOTHROPJliw1 Today- SHIRLEY MASON, in "THE APPLE TREE GIRL" Thursday MARY PICKFORD, in THE LITTLE AMERICAN' HIPPODROME "ir Today VIRGINIA PEARSON, in 'SISTER AGAINST SISTER Wednesday WILLIAM S. HART Saturday Tanks at Battle of Ancre HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton Today , CHARLES RAY, in "THE CLODHOPPER" Wednesday MARY PICKFORD, in "THE LITTLE AMERICAN" "Civilization" ComeS to Boyd For Week Beginning Dec. 9 The title is an irony; the purpose indubitably is high. An emperor sends his people to war. Of all his agents the most powertul is a young otneer who has invented a deadly submar ine, and the emperor promised him the Iron Cross if he can sink a pas senger liner. This young officer hears the message of the mothers of men and sooner tlian torpedo a pas senger vessel -he opens the valves of his submarine and dies with it. Into his body enters the spirit of Jesus Christ and the man-clothed spirit walks among mankind until peace has been brought. Certainly it is a sermon, hut it is pictured in fire and blood. There is I no escape from the utter drama. It j rushes you on ana on breatniess ior the sequel. Witness this great cinema triumph at the Boyd theater for one week commencing Sunday, Decem ber, 9. amateur night, respectively, continue to he most popular, while patrons are now re serving their seats many days In advance. Miss Alma Huntley will be held over again this week, by request, and Is proving to be ono of the most popular entertainers who has worked here for many a day. A new entertainer, Mr. Applcton, will be present this week, and Is a basso of some little reputation. A special Liberty dinner will be served today. "Theater Beautiful GRACED Today OLIVE THOMAS, in "BROADWAY-ARIZONA" Wednesday WALLACE REID, in "THE HOSTAGE" ALL STAR WORLD CAST in Rasputin The Black Monk DUNDEE Underwood NO SHOW TODAY Mon. ENID BENNETT, in "THEY'RE OFF" Tuesday Only JANE & KATHERINE LEE In Their First Feature Play "TWO LITTLE IMPS" Open 11-11 TWy Sunday and Monday ELSIE FERGUSON in "BARBARY SHEEP" PATHE WEEKLY iliMMili I Goodby Aztec We are now on the verge of the dawn of a new art the dance of the Aztecs, says Theodore Kosloff, premier dansetu-of the Imperial the aters, Moscow and Pctrograd, who appears with Geraldine ?arrar in "The Woman God Forgot." "It Will be a. case of "Goodby.J Hawaiian; Hello, Aztec, to para phrase a popular song. As prophet of the new idea, KoslolT declares that in a very short time the leadiiig danc ers of this country will introduce Aztec numbers as a much needed re lief from the interminable sensuoui melody of the Hawaiian. "Not that the lattJ- art has lost any ot its charm, but, we overdo a good tiling in this country and soon grow tired of it." "The Aztecs," said Kosloff, "have never been appreciated by the Amer icans. They had a high civilization when Cortez and his Spaniards came upon them in Mexico to conquer the nation. In fact, I believe the Aztec civilization was as high as the Egyptian, to which there is a remark able resemblance. There is actually more material to be used for dancing in a study of the Aztec than in either the Greek or the Egyptian. "Of course, the Aztecs were semi barbarous, as we learn from their love for human sacrifice an element of barbarity often found in savage races. But comparing them with other aborigines here, such as the American Indians, they were far ahead of anvtliine on this continent i . i t :.. r J ana oniy uic intas m iciu iuiuijuicu with them. Kosloff has just finished a feature picture with Geraldine E&rrar called "The Woman God Forgot," which is ased on the history ot the Aztec people. In this screen Kosloff por trayed a native prince. This led to a stirdy of the ancient race and Kosloff soon decided that here was to be found the future dance. S. Rankin Drew Learning To Bean Air Fighter Sidney Drew, co-star with "Mrs. Drew in the famous Metro-Drew comedies, recently received a letter from his son, S. Rankin Drew, tell ing of his progress in mastering avia tion in France. Young Drew sailed May 10 of this year and immediately on reaching the other side he entered the aviation training school of the French army. The course of training began in the Bleriot class, which is the start ing point for embryo aviators. He passed all the tests in the first class and recently completed his training in the Caudron class. He is now in the last class, known as the Nicuport. The names of the classes in each case are the names of the airplanes used for training. Spirals and somersaults are every day occurrences in his routine train ing. When he qualifies as a pilot, he hopes to join one of the French es quadrilles and fly over the Boche trenches. The training school is at Avord, France, under the auspices of the French aviation corps. IIIIIIIIIiJIII!IIIIIIIIIIIilllli I TODAY G -in- 1 "A GAME OF WITS" i TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY I ( EMMY WEHLEN in "THE OUTSIDER" J -THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY 1 FRANCIS CARPENTER and VIRGINIA LEE COBURN I The Famous Kids of "JACK AND THE BEAN STALK" "BABES IN THE WOODS" 5 Children's Mat. Saturday, 1 1 a. m. to 1 p. m. 5 ;iiiiiiu!iiiii:!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiii;iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii. TODAY ONLY MRS. VERNON CASTLE with ANTONIO MORENO, in "THE MARK OF CAIN" Monday and Tuesday . S. HART "THE ARYAN" Thurs., Fri., Sat. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "Magda" GERALDINE FARRAR in "THE WOMAN GOD FORGOT" "AN INTERNATIONAL SNEAK'' Mack Sennett Comedy Exposures By KILOWATT ABEL TALIAFERRO was fixing her M hair for a scene In her latest Metro feature, "Draft I58." when Haby Ivy Ward entered the dressing room and asked permis sion to fix her golden locks. The siar Buve her threa hairpins, hut she only used one. "My.'' said Miss Taliaferro, "How do you manage with only one pin?" "I'sn savin' on account of the war." re plied linby Ivy. "I used to use three pins, but now I use one and I borrow that." Lltlla Jane Lee, recently dlseusslns the purchase Bhe and her sister made of Liberty Uonds, said: "I was born in Hamburg. Germany, you know, and 1 -bet that ,noy ,,'m t ma'd in Hamburg when when they find out what we vo done. Monroe Salisbury Is- soon to be sen again In the first photoplay In which he became veil known to screen followers, "The Goose (ilrl," In which ha played the princ to Marguerite Clark's rooso girl. He made a most romantic, prlncu and the re-lssue of tlvs Lasky f.-nlure Is bound to attract considerable attention. He Is now a star, though. In his own right, and is supported instead of supporting. , Grace Ounard end her mother are turn lnB out a number of knitted things these 'days for the boys, and Grace says she never did so much garment work In her life be fore. She is specializing on sweaters; the caps and wristlets get done too quickly to please her. T. Tom.miolo (sounds more ll!;e tomato, doesn't lt'.'h the Japanese, m-tor. who ap pears as u butler In 'R"d, White and Hlue lllood." a mining Metro play, with Francis X. Dushman and Heverly Hayne. Is one of the best known players from the "Land of Ihe Rising Sun." lie has played in I'atho serials. Mutual pictures and with the Kdison company, and has supported Otis Turner in "Kismet." Maxlne Elliott. Mrs. FIsko and Robert Edeson in Broadway suc cesses. The return of Marguerite Clark to the speaking stage, as well as the engagement of Norma Talmadgc and Anita Stewart, are announced by Arthur Hammerstetn, to ap pear tn a series of musical comedies, the first to be early in February. - Jack Self- ; Dena t.iD al thc Itnlboa studio, for the purpose of helping Mr. Hoover. One day members of the company were laughingly discussing what they would give up for the cause Anita King declared that she would give up buying an airplane. Miss Saunders said she would forego champagne for break fast. (And If she was in Nebraska she would forego It likewise for luncheon and din ner.) Baby Gloria Joy looked up with a bright eye and she lisped, "I will give up thmoking." The entire traffic was blocked on s busy street In a big city for William Desmond In a Trinngle play, "A Sudden Gentleman." And. besides all this, an innocent cop was swindled. It all happened on Sixth ave nue and Hfnadway In Los Angeles. Di rector HefCron asked the crossing officer if ha would hold up the, traffic for a few moments while they showed Desmond he rns hit by a flivver, and the cop, seeing a chance to break Into the limelight, agreed It was then he discovered that an actor was made up as a Chicago patrolman for his place and, worse yet, he held up traffic while two or three shots were made. The funeral ceremonies of Queen Lllluoka- ALIIAMBRA 24th and Parker Today DOROTHY D ALTON, in "THE TEN OF DIAMONDS" Mon. HAROLD LOCKWOOD in "THE PROMISE" 1 iiii::i!!i:iliili'l!igi!-ilitt!):tiMf hikiiiiki '!:iiri!i.:i:'( - Columbia Theater f " 10th and Hickory i " Today Only 2 BIG VITAGRAPH FEATURE i I "FOR FRANCE" I SPECIAL MUSIC BV " - JAZZ BAND : I I I 'I i l l I I I l: iilrt!:iiiilii!i!'::l"K'l;::ilni iiiiimmiiiiimiiiiimmifu MONDAY I ANE Wednesday "France in Arms" Entire Receipts for the War Relief Fund ST" C "Pipe Orgotv Symphony Orchestra Tuesday to Saturday i lanl of Hawaii, who died recently, have been filmed by the Paramount director who la directing Setsue Hayakawa In a feature la Ilonolula. It wns one of those warm days at Universal City that I.on Chaney entered ths cafe for his 'ham and,' clad In heavy fun and perspiring freely. "What's the matter' ,on?" called out a friend. 'Well," eaid lAn, "The matter Is that I'm In Alaska but I don't know it." II. M. Thomas, manager of the Strand, hates to walk. When he goes down to Six teenth street he walks because It is down hill. But when he comes back he takes a car. He don't even want to walk from h.s homo to the street car, no a few months iiko he bought a Ford coupe. That was nil right fur a -.hlle. but he had sit J In It. . Now we see he has a Ford sedan. Wc presume It is so he can have one 'inal nap before he's left Strand-ed at Eight eenth and Douglas. Nazlmova. who has Just completed het work In "Oad's Message," for Metro, exe cuted an artistic Bacchanal dance tn the Apache den scenes. J William S. Hart has been Injured In th maklrtir of his latest Artcraft production "The Hloodhound." He smashed one of hi? fingers and tore a hold In his arm In an exciting situation, but Is expected to be back on the Job In a few days. Wsnt to be a movie actor? Camoufla?i has It's drawbacks, especially In food. Instructions had been given at ono of Pathe's comedy foundries to use imitation food, japler maclie being sug gested. In :. recent comedy, so we are told, the scenario called for a cook to drop a pan of bread dough on tho head of a tramp standing beneath a window. Every, thing went along O. K. even to the drop ping of the pan. When Mr. Pan hit Mr. Tramp's head he took tho count. On In vestigation It was found that the property man had made the bread dough from Port land cement. ' Comedy companies are co-operating with Mr. Hoover, and no tnoro pies will bf thrown In faces and beards. (ADMISSION 10 CENTS) Today and Monday VIOLET MERSEREAU in "A RAGGEDY QUEEN' Tuesday and Wednesday ALICE JOYCE in THE FETTERED WOMAN' Thursday Only WILLIAM RUSSELL in "SNAP JUDGMENT" No. 6 "THE RED ACE" Friday and Saturday BROWNIE VERNON -in- "FEAR NOT' APOLLO .EEs. 28th and Leavenworth Sts. Today at 2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15 and 9 EVART OVERTON, in "BOTTOM OF THE WELL" Extra Attraction "THE PULLMAN BRIDE" Mack Sennett Comedy. Monday BRYANT WASHBURN in "SKINNER'S BABY" Tuesday and Wednesday MRS. VERNON CASTLE, in "THE MARK OF CAIN" .. Thursday ALMA HANLON Friday THE WITCHING HOUR Saturday ALICE BRADY, in "THE MAID OF BELGIUM" ROHLFF Leavenworth Today GEORGE WALSH in "The Yankee Way" Tuesday and Wednesday BILLIE BURKE in 'THE MYSTERIOUS MISS TERRY" Friday Gladys BrockweU "The Soufof Satan" BOULEVARD 33d and Leavenworth Today DUSTIN FARNUM in "Durandof the Bad Lands" Monday PEARL WHITE, in . "MAY BLOSSOM" Tuesday GAIL KANE, in "A GAME OF WITS" Wednesday Jack Devereaux, in "THE GRAFTERS" Thursday ELLA HALL, in x "THE CHARMER" Friday BESSIE LOVE, in WEE LADY BETTY Saturday Bessie Barriscale, in "THE SNARL" r