Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 20
15 T? KWJ Jw .U ... U. . J. !.. . . A U 'J J , L i JjtLi U U.L.U J li. I UlS ll ll UiUl ll J W Jttit ttmOW. tii i ullaW 1 1 ItMu lAlllil kui ll I ll I 1 k WH,uA.U ll 1 III IJftll I ill u t III lllll IJillilllililfll " ul IT l b 1 IS JEWELM n fc ? ,4 .1 IjU 11 In. iJ f(!iv'M-''va) . "iMi'(t!,..Mihii.iiiiii!;i-.:i. in!, i : ! ft! i.l.r'i'!i .V, n.r I I mTraRSMPM 1 The Retail Jewelry gf Merchants of Omaha M and South Omaha, who j M are represented on this j page, have adopted a f "Trade-Mark" for jj YOUR Protection. itmi( C. B. BROWN Diamond Merchants Jewelers Sixteenth and Far nam The HALLMARK nri I e I ney nave spcm a great amount of time, fj: thought and money to familiarize you wun mis is: H e&l which stands for Ml the utmost in quality p and workmansnip. h- In each of their win- If 7 jj-g! II m dows you will note a p Ea i -f :. "T l Si? I e n1,',. f Ki' "Trade. iE Si Mark," which is a guar antee to you or cour I I u COPLEY HARRY COPLEY WARES OF GOLD AND SILVER DIAMONDS OVER 51 YEARS IN OMAHA OVER 39 YEARS IN JEWELRY BUSINESS OVER 21 YEARS IN PRESENT LOCATION 215 South Sixteenth St. jeweler IS s IvOlj) M. D. FRANKS WATCH AND DIAMOND EXPERT Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Quality Diamonds We feature the finer grades of dia monds exclusively, artfully mounted, com petantly bought, truthfully sold and hon estly priced. Rings, $15.00 to $750.00 teous attention and '! III quality merchandise. I I Im They have made ev ery effort to make your Ifj Xmas shopping pleas pi ant as well as profitable . and they deserve your III patronage. C. Bi Brown, H Albert Edholm, (j T. L. Combs, U Copley Jewelry Co., m Reese Jewelry Co., 1 I Si C 1520 Dowlas Street XMAS GIFTS AT THE LOYAL Jewelry Store I p Louis A. Borsheim, fj I jjt M. D. Franks, : H Joe hrenzer, m I IH John Henrickson, W I I p Larsen Jewelry Store, lifj N. ' ' I II SOUTH OMAHA j i I VT I B FHtton Optical and ! fyiWMU-X ALBERT EDHOLM I I J.cob,on & Fren, I I SBg I lV Omaha's Oldest Established 1 m Chas. Belohlavek. B BsAik Jtf I lEiy I 16TH AT HARNEY ST. ij V-T ( i ' IV, hKl I DIAMONDS, PEARLS AND 1 R yiftX 8 X P VVm-H t PRECIOUS STONES 1 f mMSm 9 fi ' XV x " 7 soi. A...i I ff illiWpiiA I I WRIST WATCHES ptek Philippe & Co. Watches j (MM f ! The Ideal Xmas Gift I If tetlJ IkII 3 I Here you will find an un- IB It V , .A'S VJ 1 I limited collection in all styles 1 ll V;s W5MrtRfS(fiff fdjll ? 1 an( Prices' Come and look them i . IPWBI nv eTAnp I miiiiiiiim mi I i ys. A JEWELRY STORE I ! IIMWIWMMtlMMMIMnWII Our assortment of Xmas jewelry is large and well se lected and there is just the article you wish to give, with just the price you want to pay. HENRICKSEN "The Loyal Jeweler" 201 NORTH 16TH STREET. Established in 1894 and always doing busi ness on the solid basis of honest goods at honest prices. Our location enables us to sell quality dia monds and jewelry at a wonderful saving to "you. See our stock of Xmas jewelry. The Old Reliable FRITZ SANDWALL JEWELRY CO. 308 S. 15th St. Douglas 2S38 SOUTH OMAHA JEWELERS ll il jl it ii! I 1 and j j Jewelry ftMM I j I I" m W ii South ( I j ! ll - I Omaha WmJ i VVasmjy ii I NZfThe 1 N I I HAUJlffilil (I I : j Store ! j 2409 N St. Peone So. 1270 J I 1 I I : 1 I j i . . THIS IS YOUR GIFT SHOP YOU CAN MAKE A WISE CHOICE IN BEAUTY AND VALUE REESE JEWELRY AND OPTICAL CO. Chas. Belohlavek "Home Town Jeweler" 2412 N St, So. Omaha II H II II II i! Flitton Optical and Jewelry Co. Manufacturing Optician and Jeweler i POPULAR GOODS POPULAR PRICES We have a select line of the most popular diamonds and jewelry on the market. Specials in near diamonds and reconstructed rubies. One cash price to all. We handle the best watches on the market Howard, Hamilton, South Bend, Elgin, Waltham, Illinois, accurately adjusted and closely timed. Specials in ladies' and gents' wrist watches. Large stock of low priced watches. i r -"wrv-N, r-v: r-' - sc. .& 7--r. ii-i- ti v BUTr- wikn iiihei I. 1n.-r-f----T' OPTICIAN 01 ilore7 TA8USMIt 1907 Omaha Nebraska Complete Optical Parlor SEE US AND SEE BETTER Give father or mother a pair of Kryptok glasses for Christmas. I! i! i! jl !i li B. a HAINES, Jeweler 2236 Farnam St. :: :-: Tyler 1067 EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY AND WATCHES BUY JEWELRY in a TRADE-MARK Jewerly Store I m.m-m-m f City Nat'I Bank Bid.. I I I I I "What ReTe say. it i f ''jj ' ' Ir J J Established 1890 DIAMONDS I I Clocka and Jwelry. Rfpair Work Ms Spcialty. 15 & DODGE Complete Une of Watchee, 24th and M St., South Sid. WW 1 Phone South 7cV j I 1 I 1 LIJ j