Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    4 R
kTMclaido Kfttncrly
Women Are
Doing in the World
Omaha's chik political
ml social Mirnco tc partnictit.
Metropolitan club house, J:.0
p. m.
Neighborhood Bib'r U a.lcrs.
Y. V. I". A . .v."h p. in
Nebraska W'onun SiitTracr asso
ciation convention opens ;il V
v. r. a
South Omaha Woman's club, liter
ature department. Mrs. N. M.
Graham, hostess, 2.M) p in.
Business Women's dub, Y. Y. C.
A.. t 15 p. tn.
Omaha Woman's dub: public
speakms department. 10 a. ni.;
current topics, J p. in.; psychol
ogy, 4 p. in.
Child Conservation league. Dun
dee circle, Mrs. K. S. Martin,
hostess. J JO p. m.
Sermo club, Mrs. G. G. Gearhart,
hostess, 1 p. ni.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps,
M-morial hall, 2;M) p. m.
Custer Women's Relief corps, Mrs.
GeorRC Winship, hostess, 2 p. m.
Mu SiRtna. Mrs. E. L. Totter,
hostess, 9:30 a. in.
Omaha Woman's club, art depart
ment, 10 a. ni.; knitting unit,
2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's Press club
luncheon at Flatiron hotel, 12:45
p. tn.
Miller Fark Mothers' circle,
school auditorium, i p. tn.
Dundee Woman' club, Mrs. John
Harte, hostess, 2:30 p. in.
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
atory tellers' section, 4 p. m.
Ladies of Maccabees, Mrs. L.
Bauer, hostess, 2 p. m.
Benson Woman' club, Benson
city hall, 2:30 p. in.
P. h. O. sisterhood, Chapter E,
Mrs. Carrie Tribblc, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman' club, music de
partment, 2:30 p. m.
North Side Mothers' club. Mr.
George Crocker, hostess, 10 a. m.
Omaha Story Tellers' league, Mr.
H. C. Shields, hostess, 4 p. m.
Omaha Society of Fine Arts, lec
ture by Thomas W. Surette, 3 p.
m.; business meeting, 2 p. m.
U. S. Daughters of 1812, Nebraska
chapter, Mrs. William Thomas,
hostess, 2:30 p. m.
THE local drive for $35,000 for
Young Women' Christian as
sociation war work in this
country and Europe will start Wed
nesday with a luncheon at the Com
mercial club. At a preliminary lunch
eon Monday Miss Ada Starkweather,
national war secretary, who is here
to help in the campaign, will speak.
Mis Starkweather had charge of
building the hostess house at Camp
Dodge. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland will
t Four million dollar is the goal set
for the national drive for funds. The
money will be pent for emergency
housing of girl employed in military
and industrial centers, for hostess
house and for work in Europe, per
haps the most important piece of
work there is the providing of huts
for American nurses in the war zone.
These huts are to be erected near all
of the bae hospitals. They are to bo
equipped with comfortable furniture,
books, magazines, stationery and
music They will offer the nurses a
place to rest and relax and forget the
terrible scenes of war and the hospi
tal during off hours. There are 6,000
nurses constantly near the zone of
Other line of work are among the
foreign-speaking women in this coun
try, colored women auu girls, and
among the l-rencn and tngusn
women in munition factories.
Mr. James S. Cushman, Mrs. John
Jt Mott and Mr. Henry P. Davison,
wife of the Red Cros head, all of
New York, head the national war
work council for the Young Women
Christian association. Locally, the
campaign will be in charge of an ex
ecutive committee, which includes
Mesdames J. P. Lord, J. T. Stewart,
2d, J. Frank Carpenter, J. M. Aiktn
and Clarke Powell, and Miss Dora
Omaha Woman's Club.
Experienced legislators and social
workers will be asked to explain the
laws of the city and state to women
through the political and social
science department of the Omaha
Woman's club, Mrs. Benjamin S.
Baker, the leader, announces. At
Monday's meeting at 2:30 o'clock in
Metropolitan club house Judge
George A. Day willl talk on divorce
laws and problems, a subject which
he discussed at a recent meeting of
the Ministerial union; Mrs. Rose
Ohaus will tell of the work of the
Welfare board, and Gus Miller, pro
bation officer, will talk on the juve
nile court
"Tone Color" and the study of voice
will occupy the public speaking class
which meets Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock. The department at its last
meeting Toted to request the public
library to place on it shelves the
quarterly magazine, Public Speaking,
in the October number of which an
article by the department instructor,
Edwin Puis, was featured.
The current topics department .will
. begin its meeting at 2 o'clock the
ume day with a half-hour Bible les
son, led -by Mrs. M. I. Creigh. Cur
rent topics discussion begins at 2:30.
Mrs. M. D. Cameron will also com
plete her review of Gertrude Ather
ton's "The Living Present."
Dr. D. E. Jenkins will lecture on
psychology when this department
meets at 4 o'clock.
' Mrs. J. J. Melick leads the pro
Dram for the art department, which
meets Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock. Castlefranco and Falma
Vecchio's work will be studied. The
knittinz unit meets at 2 o'clock.
The music department . meets
Thursday at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. O.
Pickett will lead the lesson, the topic
for which is The Voice sacred and
Secular Forms of Song." Progress of
the community singing movement
started tn the department win be re
State Suffrage Meeting.
The annual convention of the Ne
braska Woman Suffrage association
day at the Y'oung Woman's Christian
association, when plans for the com
ing campaign will be made. Whether
to merely protect thr partial suffrage
which was given by the legislature
last year, and which is threatened by
the referendum invoked by the antis,
or to ask for lull suffrage at the same
time will be derided.
Mrs F. M. Fairfield is chairman of
an jtikienionts for the convention;
Mrs. Draper Smith, chairman of place
of meeting and program; Mrs. G. W.
Covell, elections; Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe,
entertainment, and Miss Mona Cowell,
Delegates will be entertained at lo
cal homes.
The conventions begin at 0 o'clock
with an executive board meeting, and
an executive council meeting from 10
to 12 o'clock. The convention proper
opens at 1:30; the president's address
will be gurn at 2 and county reports
will be heard at 2 30 with' the pri
mary election at 4. The evening meet
ing will be open to the public Wed
nesday morning at 9 o'clock, board
and committee reports will be heard.
From 10:30 to 12 there will be a dis
cussion and vote on the policy of
work for the coming year. Luncheon
and election of officers follow and at
the afternoon session the financial
budget and other unfinished business
will conic before the meeting.
General Federation Note.
The eyes of all clubwomen are
turning toward Arkansas. Hot
Springs, where the next biennial is to
be, is getting readv for the general
federation. When Mrs. William Ped
rick, jr., visited the city in Novem
ber she looked at the great Audito
rium, where the sessions are to be
held next May. "But." she said, "so
and so will have to be done," stating
the changes she desired in the stage
and so forth. "It will cost about $2,000
to make that change." "Very well,
madnme." answered the representative
of the Business Men's club, who ac
companied her. "We have asked you
here. We will have things as you
desire them." And lie forthwith or
dered the $2,000 change to be made.
Hot Springs, Ark., is laid out in
Indian fashion. The town is situ
ated in a valley and has just one
business street, which follows the
windings of the river. It is serpen
tine and meets itself, almost, coming
back. It is a city of hotels. Next
May when the biennial of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's Clubs
meets there it will be hostess also to
the National Editorial association, the
State Horticultural society and a little
later the southern Baptist convention.
Mrs. H. C. Gibson of Little Rock
and a member of the credentials com
mittee, General Federation of Wom
en's Clubs, was elected state president
of the Arkansas Federation of Wom
en's Clubs.
Dundee Woman' Club.
Mrs. Marie LefT, head resident of
the South Side Social Settlement, will
give an address on "Constructive
Americanism" at the Dundee Wom
an's club meeting Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mr. John Harte,
5016 California street. Mr. A. W.
Bowman, president of the settlement
board, will also give a talk and intro
duce the speaker.
Mu Sigma.
Mr. E. L. Potter will be bostes
for Mu Sigma Wednesday morning at
9:30 o'clock. Mrs. C H. Balliet will
lead the program in the absence of
Mrs. George Payne and Mrs. C. C.
Belden will assist her. O. Henry's
"The Gift of the Magi," Dc Maupas
sant's "The Neeklare" and Harrie's
"The Inconsiderate Waiter'' will In
studied. Mothers' Clubs.
Dundee circle of the Child Conser
vation league will meet Tuesday at
2:30 o'clock with Mrs. F. S. Martin,
5105 Webster street. Mrs. N. K. Sype
will lead the discussion on "Thrift,"
according to the following outlines:
Thrift movement, what it is, what it
has done for this community and the
mothers' viewpoint.
The North Side Mothers' dub will
meet with Mrs. George Crocker,
2423 Manderson street, Thursday at
10 o'clock for an all-day session of
war relief work. Each member is
req iestcd to bring rags, scissors and
A social meeting will be held
Wednesday tor the Miller Park
Mother's circle at the school audito
rium. A good musical program will
be given. The circle is planning to
send a Christmas box to every sol
dier who has gone from that district.
Story Tellers' League.
Christmas legends will be told by
Omaha Story Tellers' league mem
bers Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Jf r shirtrt 1000 William street.
Mrs. C. W. Pollard, leader of the pro-
ti . t .1 i I t
gram, win leu me icgcna 01 si.,
"Christmas Cuckoo;" Mrs. J. W. Met
calfe, a selected story, and Miss
Edith might, an atter-dinner story.
League members are conducting a
story hour at the South Side Social
;iimrnf everv Snndav afternoon.
Mrs. C. W. Axtell tells the stories
The story tellers section, Associa
tion f rntWiatr Alumnae, will meet
Wednesday at 4 o'clock with Miss
Ruth Thompson. Miss fcditn naigni
will tell an opeta story and Miss Ruth
McDonald a selected story.
South Omaha Woman's Club.
"Manners and Customs of Scot
land" will be studied by the literature
department of the South Omaha
Woman's club Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. N. M. Graham,
Twenty-second and I streets. Mrs. R.
C. Vermillion, leader of the program,
will be assisted by Mesdames W. L.
Kellogg. F. H. Lush. R. E. Hodgen,
George Brown, J. D. McBride and C.
L. Gowe. There will be musical num
bers as well. .
P. E. O. Sisterhood.
Chapter E, P. E. O. sisterhood,
will hold a business meeting Thurs
day at the home of Mrs. Carrie
Woman's Relief Corps.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps
will hold its annual meeting and elec
tion of officers Tuesday at 2:30
o'clock at Memorial hall.
Daughters of 1812.
Nebraska chapter, United States
Daughters of 1812, will hold its an
nual meeting and election of officers
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
William Thomas, 614 Park avenue.
George A. Custer Relief corps No.
82 will give a sunshine party at the
home of Mrs. George Winship, 2931
Franklin street, Tuesday.
The women of the Prettiest Mile
club are planning two benefit affairs
for this week for the Young Women's
There's Honest V alue in Our
Coats for Ladies
and Misses
We ask you to inspect and
compare the values we offer
$14.75, $16.75,
$18.75, $22.50
and up
Suits for Ladies
and Misses
$14.75, $16.75,
$18.75, $25.00
and up
Use Your Credit to Dress Yourself
and Family
Possibly the greatest reason for the ever increasing sales in our
Clothing Department is the extremely reasonable prices we have
placed on our high grade clothing Prices made possible by our inex
pensive location, our extremely low operating expense and our im
mense purchasing power. This big department offers you an oppor
tunity to secure new, comfortable, stylish clothing for yourself and
family and you pay for them as you wear them.
$1.00 or So a Week Will Pay the Entire Bill.
Quality Suits and Overcoats
for Men and Young Men
Greater values in Suita and Overcoats,
$15.00, $18.00, $20.00,
$22.50 and Up
Genuine Onyx Silk
Fibre Hose
50c qual. for Men and Women. 296
75c grade for Ladies only, 3QC
hum mwJaa
Men's Four-in-Hand Neck
ties, All the Latest Patterns
Regular 65c quality, QQr
a r
Christian association war fund. Mon
day evening a dancing party will be
given at the club house. It will be a
vorv informal affair and $1 a couple
will be charged.
On Thursday afternoon a card par
ty will be Riven, the tickets be
ing 50 cents.
Golf Club Election.
The Woman's iulf club of the Fret
tiest Mile club will hold an election of
officers at the home of Mrs. I.ula
N'orris Jerome Tuesday afternoon.
Unitarian Club.
The Unitarian club announces a
dancing party to be given Friday eve
ning at Turpin's academy. The sol
diers from Port Omaha will be honor
guests at the affair.
Benson Club Circles.
The Woman's rluh will hold its last
reirular meeting before the holidays
'IM I. 1. W " T lt-
inursaay, wnen Mrs. ucorge iraaaie
will lead and Mrs. W. D. Croman
pive current events. Papers on "Pan-
Crrmanism " bv Mrs. Hours, and "Re
lations of Different Countries" read by
-Mrs. .awtetie ana Mrs. Loecnner.
fr "sneerl.! will eivf a hintrranhv
" I ..... n - . 1 J
of Franz Joseph and Emperor
Y. W..C. A. Notes.
The Rev. F. J. Clark of the First
Congregational church will give a
talk at vespers today at 4:30. An in
formal social hour will follow.
The Many Centers club will meet
for supper Monday evening at 6, after
which the members will plan Christ
mas activities and make scrap books
(or sick children.
The Begabmis club will hold a
regular meeting on Monday at 6
o'clock at the association,' with Miss
Esther Stamats as club leader.
The Business Women's club will
meet for supper Tuesday evening at
6:15. The program for the evening
will be newspaper cartoons, by Mr.
Doane Powell. The leader for the
evening will be Miss'Lena Brotner.
The Business Women's auxiliary to
the Red Cross will meet at 7 o'clock
Thursday evenjng as usual. All girls,
whether members of this auxiliary or
not, are urged to attend this class in
surgical dressings.
Mme. Helen Stanley Coming.
The Tuesday Morning Musical club
announces that Mme. Julia Culp will
be unable to fulnlUher contract with
the club on December 20, and that
Mme. Helen Stanley has been en
gaged to'give a concert on that date.
Mme. Stanley has won for herself a
splendid reputation in musicaf circles,
and while many will be disappointed
not to hear Mme. Culp, they will be
rejoiced at the opportunity of again
hearing Mme. Stanley. As Micaela
with the Chicago Opera company at
the Auditorium when they were here
on the Retailers' Course, Mme. Stan
ley won many friends in Omaha.
Bible Class Leaders.
Leaders of Neighborhood Bible
classes will meet Monday at 2:30'
o'clock at the Young Women's Chris
tian association. Mrs. D. L. Johnston
will lead the study on the eighth les
son in Exodus.
You've heard the myth about
Achilles' heel, haven't you? Achilles,
you know, was the son of Thetis, and
his mother, wishing to make him in
vulnerable to arrows they didn't
use guns in those days dipped him,
while he was still a baby, into the
River Styx. She held him in the
river by one of his little feet, and the
water failed to touch the heel which
was covered by her hand, leaving it
the only vulnerable spot on his body.
Miss Genevieve Hornbrook, daugh
ter of Colonel and Mrs. James J.
Hornbrook, and graduate of Brow
nell hall, has been very ill at Doug
las, Ariz., but is slowly improving.
ABOUT A YEAR AGO we added to our equipment a spe
cially designed machine for cleaning blankets that does not al
low them to SHRINK OR FELT.
We have now added a power Carding Machine for FIN
ISHING them. Until just recently we have carded all blankets
by hand, which made the work quite expensive as well as
tedious, but with the New Power Machine we can do them much
faster, and at the same time do far better work than by hand
The Pantorium is satisfied with a reasonable profit, there
fore we have reduced the price for Blanket Cleaning as follows:
To Clean and Card Double Blank. ta $1.00 pr pair
To Clean and Card Slngl. Blankets SO per pair
You never saw finer blanket work than we do they are
just as soft and fluffy as when new.
"Good Cleaner and Dyers."
1513.15-17 Jones St. Phone Douglas 963.
2016 Faroam St.
4708 S. 24th St.
N. B. We pay Parcel Pott charges one way on all out-of-town
orders. Write for prices and information.
To Get In or Out of Business-Bee Want Ads
ff Jewelry Christmas, Every J 4mWSB KyJ'Wi t&Wi
Mmam w iif . i nmmi ivnui-r a, i w ro Diamond i
ML & imwwml
'Mil, IMlJ
MAKE this a Dia-
"""mond, Watch and
Jewelry Christmas. Every
article we sell is distinc
tive in beauty and ele
gance, no matter what
price. A gilt from
store confers the
greatest compliment.
Why give trifling
presents when the
price of a box of can-N
dy will secure beauti
ful and lasting gifts
such as a Diamond
Ring, La Valliere,
Ear Screws, Stud,
Scarf. Pin, Bracelet,
Watch, Wrist Watch,
Emblem Ring, Chain
or Charm, handsome
Brooch, etc.
Among worth-while
gifts, a beautiful
Genuine Diamond
stands paramount. It
is a gift that never
grows old, that never
loses its original beauty,
and increases in value
with each passing year.
in payment for any of our merchan
dise, or in settlement of accounts.
This Is the Ring SHE Wants $50
for a Christmas Present
TheLoftisPerfection Diamond
King leaas all other gifts. It is
our great special and the most popular ring
ever designed. The extraordinary value we
are giving is thronging our store and keep
ing our buyers busy supplying the demand.
I Ml Wliat every young gir! wants for a Christmas
present Convertible Bracelet Watch, finest quality
gold filled, plain polished; high grade Full Jeweled
movement, gilt dial: ease and brace. Cl't
let, guaranteed 20 years: special at. J
Handsomely Cased in Ring
Box, Ready for Presentation
Each Diamond is selected with special reference
to the widespread effect, and brilliancy which
characterize all our Diamonds. The beautiful
6-prong 14k solid gold Loftis Perfection mount
ing is faultlessly symmetrical, embodying all the
lines of delicacv and beautv witVi fVi
security and strength. Very extraordinarj- value j
at $ou.
The People' Store'
Opposite Hotel Reme
9 Y M
21 Jewel
16 Size
that will PASS
$25 j2,
.50 a Month
This is an unparal
leled bargain in a 21
Jewel movement
Adjusted to temper
ature, isoehronism
and five positions :
double strata gold
filled case. Guaran
teed 25 years.
Diamond Rings, Solitaire $10.00
Diamond Rings Loftis Solitaira
Diamond Cluster
Diamond la Vallieres j
Diamond Ear Screws
Diamond Brooehet
Diamond-set Cameo La Vallieres.
Diamond Lockets
Watches, Diamond-set, solid gold.
Watches, gold-filled
Wrist Watches, solid gold.....,.
Wrist Watches, gold.filled
Watches, solid gold
Bracelets, solid gold .
Signet Rings, Diamond-set
Pearl Beads, Diamond Clasp... .
50.00 Up
10.00 Up
10.00 Up
7.00 Up
12.00 Up
10.00 Up
29.00 Up
1330 Up
26.50 Up
15.00 Up
26.00 Up
12.00 Up
8.00 Up
8.50 Up
Diamond Rings, Solitaire $20.00 Up
Diamond Rings Round Belcher
7-Diamond Cluster 55.00 Up
Diamond Scarf Pins 8.00 Up
Diamond Studs 10.00 Up
Diamond Cuff Links 5.00 Up
Emblem Rings 7.00 Up
Signet Rings, Diamond-set 10.00 Up
Watches, solid gold 22.50 Up
Watches, gold-filled 12.00 Up
Wrist Watches 10.00 Up
Cuff Links, solid gold 3.00 Up
Emblem Charms, golid gold......... 5.00 Up
Cameo Scarf Pins, Diamond-set 9.50 Up
Cuff Link and Scarf Pin Sets 6.00 Up
Coat Chains., solid gold 4.50 Up
Vest Chains, solid gold 12.00 Up
1164 Cinia
Brooch, pink and
white Shall
Cameo, fine solid
gold green gold
wreath border, 1
fine Diamond,
pendant loop on
back and safety
$1.80 e Month.
No. 223 Scarf
Pin, fine solid
gold, filigree
work, bright
finish, cul
tured Pearl, 1
fine Diamond,
$1.50 Month
Men' Farorite
767 Men's Diamond
Ring, 6-prong
Tooth mounting,
14k solid
gold, at,
$1.85 A WEEK
LOFTIS Seven - Diamond
Cluster Ring
The Diamond ere
mounted to as to
look like one Urge
ainfle (tone.
Marvel of Beauty
at $50, $75, $100
end $125.
Credit Terms:
$1.25, $1.85, $2.50
and $3 per Week.
The popularity of La Vallieres is
unsurpassed by any other article
of Jewelry. You can make no mis
take in selecting a handsome Dia
mond La Valliere for a Christmac
179 La Valliere, fine solid gold, oper
wont design, orient nnten, genuine Pear
drop and cultured Pearl,
1 tint Diamond; IS -inch
$1.25 A MONTH
Diamond and Watch Credit House
Maia Floor, City National Bank Block 409 South 16th St, Corner 16th and Harney
Streets, Omaha Opposite Burgess-Nash Co. Department Store.
Call or Write for Catalog No. 903.
will be held Tuesday and Wednes