THE OMAHA SUNDAY REK: DECEMBER 2. 1017. Fleishman; EDITOR ASS'T EniTOR. 2 $3 Ella say Vy-aJ-n" aaMeud Imm Tar . where Mi? Nah save a recital Wdenesday morning at 11 o'clork before one of the Chicago cluh. Mrv l!rl Ruck and Mi Oli Stor? returned Monday (rum C'ln Mr. ami lr. Kdgar H. Scott have t.)ken a house at Houston, Tex., for the winter, and Mrs. Scott, who cair.e hack to get her children ami to close her house, expects to leave Today for Houston to rejoin Mr Scctt, who finds the climate of Hous ton beneficial to hi health. Mrv Joel Stewart, who has been fienJmff the fast year in California, returned Wednesday and is with her son anj his wife, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Stewaid, .'d, Mrs. Jam L Fax ton has been at the Clarkson hospital this week, hav ing had her tonsils removed. She -pecU to return home today. Mrs. A. J. Love returned Sunday rout a week spent in St. Louis, where her son, James, is at school. Mr. Love returned the lame day from week in Chicago. Wilson Low went to Little Kock. rk., Monday to join Mr. Low and vo spend Thanksgiving with their on, Lieutenant L6w, who is at Camp .'ike. They will return tomorrow vening. Mts. T. J. O'Brien and Miss Carita J'Prien went from Chicaao to Notre ! ')ame for Thanksgiving with Miss! iVillow O'Brien, who is at school 'here. Conrad oung and his sister. Mis .?JT 'oun- 'removing today to mo rarnam sireei tn uunaee. Jiieir loujt ti oviu iiarney street na dccii aken by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake, aho will move from the Blackstone. Miss Mae Engler went to Plain view, Neb., Tuesday with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sngler. Mr. Oscar Steinert. who was at home for t short furlough last week, was honor guest at several Informal flairs. Mr,' ind Mrs. 0. H. N.ttes of Ode bolt, la., were among the out-of-town guests it the wedding of Miss Martha Cltrke cf Bellevue and Mr. William McCorkindale, which took place Sat v urday afternoon. Miss Nora Neal has gone to Clay Center. Kan, to attend the wedding of her brother. Robert Bradford nailed last week for hit consular post at Havre, France, accompanied by his mothtr, Mrs. Louts Bradford, who will remain with him. i Lucius Wakcley and his ion, Lieu tenant Morton Wakclev, spent Thanksgiving at Springfield, 0.. with . Mrs. V.. Wakcley and Mrs. C. F. i Cram. Lieutenant Wakcley will have two weeks'; vacation before being or- ' dered to duty. Mrs. E. M. Fairfield went to N'ru York Sunday and is at the Manhattan for two weeks. , 0f Herman. Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. rt..i m.. arc. Hairy ('. McCartney of Ashland, -Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beeson spent 0(, Thanksgiving in Lincoln with he:- sis-; ' ter, Mrs. Greene. j Sykes-Brockwell Wedding. Miss Elizabeth Black went to A1-! 'I'lHMnarriage of Miss Agnes Brock bion. Xeb., Wednesday to visit her WV' Mr. A C hnton ykes was cousin, Mrs. Henry Lehr. solemnized at St. John a church Wed- .. .- day morning, Rev. A. M. Fffinger rer- Mra. Howard Baldrige, Mrs. E. A. forming the ceremony. Miss Mae Pegau and Mrs. W. J. Mcttlin re- j miahue was bridesmaid and Mr. turned Wednesday from Chicago, I George lVnley best man. Following where -they spent two days on nat-i tera connected with the state Red ; Cross work. Mrs. John A. Kuhn and Miss Mar ion Kuhn left Wednesday for New York, where they are at the Belmont ot an indefinite stay. Later they :iope to take a trip to South America, providing passports can be secured, nd they will be accompanied by Miss Florence Ncvillo, who joins them tfter Christmas. Mrs. John Caldwell and babv leave Thursday for Jacksonville, Fla to ioin Lieutenant Caldwell, who is on duty at Camp Johnson, near there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prestcm spent Thanksgiving week in Kansas Citv the guests of Mrs. Preston's sis :er, Mrs. A. F. Farney. Miss lanet.Hall and her aunt. Miss Ware, left Tuesday for the east to spend Thanksgiving with Jasper Hall, who is at school in Pottstown, Pa. Judge and Mrs. W. A. Redick and Tonn Redick and the latter's little on leave this evening for New York. Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis pent Thanksgiving in Chicago. C. F. McGrew. who is now living t the Omaha club, while Mrs. Mc Grew is in California, spent Thanks giving' with his niece, Mrs. Chapin, t Lincoln. Lieutenant and Mrs. Austin, the lat ter a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Calvin, are at the Fontenelle, Lieu :enant Austin having just won his commission at the Sheridan training :amp. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Diet spent Thanksgiving in Minneapolis. Harry S. Byrne has returned from two weeks in Baltimore and New York. Mrs. L, Guckett is at Excelsior Springs. Mr. and Mrs. C L, Farnsworth re turned Thanksgiving morning from two weeks in New York. Mrs. Leonard Everett of Council Bluffa had t her mother, Mrs. Elbert of Dei Moines, with her for Thanks giving. E. M. Morsman and his niece. Miss Harper, leave next week for Holly wood, CaL, to spend the winter. Betrothals Announced. Mrs. M. Tatle announces the en gagement of her daughter, Esther, to Mr. Joseph W. Leibowitz of St. Jo seph, Mo. ;. Mrs. Sarah Underbill announces the betrothal of her daughter, Lottie Elizabeth UnderhilL home economics Instructor at the University of Omaha, tnd Walter Torrey More, prominent 1 L Red CmBB ActivitJes in Iff 1 MRS. C. T. CLARK. young attorney of this city. The wed- ding will take place during the holi 'day season. The bride-to-be is local j Camptire guardian and a graduate I from that institution where she now teaches. Mr. More is a ("lamina lita Gnmma fraternity man from C'reigh- jton university. Hurd-Bair Wedding. The marriage of Miss Ida Mac Bair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G-j Bair to Mr. Clarence T. Hurd. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hurd of Lincoln took place Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed before an altar of palms, white chrysanthemums and smilax, and Rev. Charles R. Bair, a Cousin of the bride, read the marriage lines. Mrs. F. W. Brown sang "I Love You Truly" before the ceremony, ac companied by Mrs. Harry P. Mc Cartney, who also played the wedding march. The bride wore her traveling suit of burgundy broadcloth trimmed with mole skin and wore a corsage bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Ihe young couple left immediately after the wedding for a trip to Cht cagiand Indianapolis, but will make their home in Omaha, as Mr. Hurd is in business here. The out-of-town gnests at the wed ding were: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hurd, Mr. Martin Hurd, Mrs. E. W. Brown and Mrs. Sarah Bassett of T : I.. .c .!.- .-: i . I L-nni'iii, ici.iuvc. in mc onucgrooni; ' Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cavanaugh, cousin of the bride of Atlantic, la.; .1. I.. Hair, an uncle ot the bride of Benionville Ark - tm Fart C A ," iccmoiiy a wedding breakfast "n, served at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. L. C. Kelly, when covers were laid for twenty-tive guests. The young couple left for an eastern wed ding trip. The out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mrs. J. F. Clarke of Kansas City. Mrs. J. F. Moore, Miss Marie Brockwell of Harlan, la. Wedding Date Set. The marriage of Miss Alice Duval, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Du val, and Mr. Rollins Sturtevant of Kansas City will take place December 27 at St. Barnabas church, Father )tii!;j'ti!!t)!lt:vii. '! Matthews' Book Store i i 1620 Harney Street ii t f S it it '. h f I i 8 ft. V 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i 3 a f f fi ! MM J 5 j f y ii 5 3 5 1 j I I HH DECEMBER SPECIALS PATTERN HATS, JUST HALF PRICE Ask to see our $5 and $7.50 Hats. Hats and Bonnets for Little Folks, Reduced to One-half, at $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. F. M. SCHADELL 1522 DOUGLAS STREET. I Bemis Park Auxiliary Will Give Party at the Fontenelle The Bemis Park Red Cross auxil I iary will give an afternoon card party (and evening danf.e at the Fontenelle j Thursday. Mrs. C. T. Clark will liavr charge of the afternoon and her as sistants will be; Mrs. W. L. Itaitg- han, Mrs. J. H. Skidinore, Mrs. K. I. Davis, Mrs. Howard Kennedy and Mrs. M. X. Henderson. Mrs. J. J. tiattorn will nave charge or tlie eve ning partv and those assisting her will be: Mrs.' 1. I. l.chnliotl. Mrs. Ko.lnev W. Mliss. Mrs. A. H. Cook. Mrs. E. L. I'otter and Mrs. Alfred O. Peter son. Xuineroiis prizes will be given. 1 lonte-cooked edibles and canned fruits will be on s;lle and Mrs. Wil liam rreisnsnii wiil have, charge of the booth. Her assistants will be Mrs. A. Jefferson, Mrs. CI. A. Bartholamew and Mrs. J. H. Green. Both the afternoon and evening affairs will be very informal. The tickets for the afternoon will be 50 cents and in the evening $1 a couple. The proceeds of the affair will be used to purchase supplies for the work of the unit. Notes. Sphagnum moss, which absorbs seven to 10 times its own weight in liquid as against six times for cot ton, is rapidly replacing the latter for John Williams performing the cere mony. The wedding will be followed by ail informal reception at the home of the bride's parents. Numerous affairs have already been planned for Miss Duval. Mrs. Will Schnoor will give an afternoon bridge at her home Wednesday; Mrs. Earl Burkett will be hostess at an after noon tea at her home Friday anc! Miss Mablc Allen will entertain the pupils of Mrs. Douglas Wclpton at tea at her home Saturday, when Miss Duval will be honor guest. Wednes day, December 12, Miss Edith Hamil ton is planning an afternoon affair for this popular bride-to-be and it is expected that there will be many more parties before the wedding. Granville-McCrath Nuptials. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Anna McGrath and Mr. Lee Granville, which took place Thursday morning at St. Peter's church, Father Neligan , performing the ceremony. The bride was attended by Mrs. Mortimor Howard and Mr. Frank McGrath was best man. Following the wedding a breakfast was served at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Tracy McGrath, for- the members of the two families. Mr. and Mrs. Granville will be at home after January 1 at 2517 North Twenty-eighth avenue. Clark.Williams Wedding. A pretty home wedding took place Wednesday evening, when Miss Jose phine Edna Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Williams, became the bride of Mr. Robert Daniel Clark, Rev. Hart Jcnks performing the cer emony. Preceding the ceremony Miss Nell Ryan sang "At Dawning," accom panied by Miss Mildred Wahlstrom, who played the wedding march also. The bride's gown was of white charmeuse and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Marie .Williams, sister of the bride, who was the bridesmaid, was SHHNiSS JIHIHIIUHI TJERE gifts are in keeping with the NEW Christmas spirit. We are show ing the largest selec tion of Xmas cards in the city. Having our own printing and engraving plant assures you of prompt service. -:- -:- -:- OmaHia MRS. J. J. GAFFORD. use in surgical dressings. Moreover, it dries more quickly than cotton. It is now being gathered on the Pacific coast for the Red Cross. gowned in pink charmeuse, combined with pink tulle. Little Ruth Radcliffe was ring bearer, carrying the ring in a calla lily. Mr. Porter Allen attended the bridegroom as best man. A color scheme of yellow and w hite was used in the house, yellow chrys anthemums forming the decorations. The young couple did not take a wedding trp, but will be at home shortly at tueMilton apartments. Cuscaden-Lowe Wedding. The wedding of Mrs. Desdemona Tendleton Lowe, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Nelson Pendleton of Iles boro, Maine, and Mr. Robert Cus eaden, will take place in Chicago, Tuesday, December 4. The wedding will be very quiet, only the members of the family and a few intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Cuscaden will return to Omaha short ly and "will be at home at 3202 Web ster street. Longwell-Roberson Wedding. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Marguerite Roberson, IT IS "Truth inJewelry" A Your Gift Shop EWELRYj & OPTICAL CQ 4o3 5otrTn .STREET - HEME Wll WAVE IT GOING!! HERFICIDE WILL WE It GONE !!! TOO LATE FOR HERHOTf i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. i Koberson of Brookline, Mass., and Mr. Alfred K. Longwell. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longwell of this city, which took place in Brookline No vember 24. The young couple will make their home in Philadelphia. Miss Roberson. who is the niece of the late Frank Roberson, celebrated lecturer, is well known in Omaha, having lived here for some time wcn she attended the Central High school. After moving to the east Miss Roberson attended Yassar. Coulton-Murphy Wedding. A very pretty wedding took place at St. Francis church, Blair, Neb., Thanksgiving morning at when Miss Agnes B. Murphy became the bride of Mr. Tohn L. Coulton of Oma ha. The wedding ceremony was per formed by the Rev. T. O'Driscoll. The bride wore a blue broadcloth skirt and a white picture hat and a bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Inez Murphy, cousin of the bride, was attired in a burgu..dy suit and hat to match and a corsage bo quet of Killarney roses. Mr. David Coulton, brother cf the bridegroom, was best man. Mrs. Cornelius Connally of Omaha, sister of the bridegroom, sang Rose wig's "Ave Maria." After a southern trip thev will be at home in Omaha at 4214 North Twenty-first street. The out of town guests were: Mrs. Rose Coulton, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Connally and baby, Misses Josephine, Margaret and Frances. Coulton, Messrs. David and James Coulton, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Murphy and Misses Maud, Agnes and Inez Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brophy and daughter. Miss Anna Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sautter and babv, Miss Aileen Murphy, Miss Elizabeth Kane, Miss Anna Murphy, all of Omaha; Mrs. Frank T. McCar ter and children, of Marshalltown, la., sister of the groom. Omahans Design Xmas Cards. Arthur Fitzpatrick, son of J. J. , Fitzpatrick, has designed a most at-J HOLIDAY We have hundreds of .useful too numerous to mention. Let us you money. Come early. A few samples of the nnasunl bargains we are offering In the final wind-up of our WAREHOUSE SALE OF Furniture. Rugs. Stoves, Etc. Ton (nil w?i from t, to K MB home fnrnlahinira of all kinds by oimiiiff here. Onr merchandise Is of Um finest qnaUty and we offer you fln selections to choose from. (et roar bit i share of the banpuns before the sale pW. iLttrfe. Comfortable, Beaotifnl DAVEITPORT9 Golden, fumed oak, and mahogany; many different styles and covsrlnns. A special value is offered at $19.75 We make a specialty of complete home outfit, also hotels and roomtnf bouses. We will arrange accommodations to snit your convenience. Rail mad fare paid one way to all buyers within fifty mUes of Omaha on purchases of HI or more. lO J COR . 14 DODGE XSK fJg 8V TEL. DOUG. 1317 Ptf ave lour You are getting bald! The appearance of dand ruff and loose hair on your clothing or in the comb are all the proof you need. Dandruff kills the hair, a little at a time maybe but it kills. The contagion dandruff must be summarily routed out if you are to escape that final and inevitable result total baldness. Newbro9 Herpicide DESTROYS DANDRUFF STOPS FALLING HAIR There must be no delay. The regular and intelli gent use of Newbro's Herpicide should begin at once. The first application will remove all traces of dandruff, stimulate health in the hair follicles of the scalp and prevent the hair from falling out. Herpi cide will save your hair save you from chronic baldness. It has a delightful odor and is most com forting and cooling to the head. TRY A TEN CENT BOTTLE Sold and Guaranteed at all Toilet Goods Counters. Applications at the Better Barber Shops. jt 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r See Don t Wait Send 10 Cents for Sample and Booklet Today. mm sAAsMAsssAArsMAAssAAssVVMMWWWMWWVWW Coil- THE HERPICIDE co- t"Pt- 157B- Detroit, Michigan. S Please find enclosed 10 cents for which send me sample S bottle cf Newbro's Herpicide, also a booklet on the care of pon I lhe hair 3 Name Addrss , ... 5 City .State.. tractive holiday card. It is a winter scene at night and appropriately in scribed. Miss Grace Sorenson, editor of Every Child's Magazine, has also is sued a Christmas card. The verses are different, as one would expect this year of war. There is no wish ing of "Merry Christmas," but "cheer for the coming year" instead. Wedding Announcement. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Anna May Jacobson of Lexington, Neb., to Mr. J. B. Archer of Omaha, which took place in Lex ington November 29. Mr. and Mrs. Archer will make their home in -Omaha. Mrs. Archer is a sister of John Jacobson, who is a representative at the state legislature. Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. Lester P. Wcscolt en tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner at their home Thursday. Chrysanthe mums were used at the table and cov ers were laid for: Messrs. and MpstTamas Charles E. Mitcholl, L. Wescott. Misses Misses Val ettekel, Marie Ostronoc. Messrs. Messrs. II. A. Eggores?, J. II. Yaeser. Social Affairs in Prospect. A dinner-dance will be given for the Jewish soldiers Thursday evening at the Rome hotel by the B'hai B'rith. Cabaret features will be given by The Last Word in Phofoeraphy Now Located at 17th and Donrlas 311 Batrd Bid. BUYERS and suitable holiday gifts in stock know your wants and we will save Bargains in Hljh Grade Genuine CEDAR CHESTS As Low as $8.85 Other artistic moth . proof chests, low as $2.98 - Toil Should Investigate These Unusual values. HEATING ,. 6TOVE8 A particularly at. tractive oargain Is offered at j Nlokel trlmmei" good quality. rrix of RANGES ANI OTHER STOVES 3 actors from several of the local thea ters. The affair is in charge of Harry 11. Lapidus, president of the lodge and Blanche Ressel, president of tli Woman's auxiliary. Sam Leon is taking the reservations. Chiropractic Talks Subluxations or Partial Dislocation: of the Spinal Column. Some people have associated the word "subluxation" with a surgical operation, others imagine that it i a dislocation, but. a dislocated verte brae without fracture is practically impossible. 4 Your spine is an index to your I health, a human barometer, one of which we all carry in our bodies; it is composed of twenty-four mov able vertebrae through which passes the spinal cord. On either side of the vertebrae are small openings through which the spinal nerves emit. If one of the vertebrae is slightly out of alignment it will allow the two bony edges of the adjacent vertebrae to press upon the nerve and thereby cut off or di minish the nerve force. Pressure on a nerve can and oftei; does exist without the patient beinj; aware of the fact. By this it means that a slight subluxation is stopping a part' of the nerve force. If all of the nerve force were cut off it would produce paralysis. A normal person will not have any subluxations, but one with nearly any j form of disease must of necessity i have one or more, which, after being palpated by a competent chiropractor, ; is finally adjusted back to its norms' 1 I position with the bare hand, thus r--! moving the cause of disease and rv storing nerve force to normal. Subluxations are caused in various ways, such as by falls, quick or sud den turns, muscular, contractions, strains, injuries, overexertion, etc. To receive an adjustment, the region over the spine is the only part of the body exposed, and there is noth ing immodest in the ordeal what soever. Chiropractors sometimes have a Spinograph taken of the spine, or parts of it, when the condition is un usually bad or when subluxations are difficult to" nalnate. as for instance twhen the subject is a fleshy person or wnen curvatures exist, to deter mine the exact position of the sub luxated vertebrae. The word Spinograph is a coined word for the use of Chiropractors in taking X-ray pictures of the. spina segments to show the actual position of the subluxated vertebrae. In other professions the term Skiagraph or Radiograph is applied to denote an X-ray picture of an invisible object. The Spinotrraph will Bhow every existing condition in the spine, such as bent spinous processes, rotated vertebrae, broken oft spinous processes, broken off transverse processes, ankylosis, exostosis, curvatures, dislocations, subluxations, fractures, tubercu losis of the bones, enlarged heart, decay of any of the lung tissue, etc., and wiil in all cases show the exact condition, whether normal; or abnormal. The Spinograph has proven beyond a doubt that subluxations do exist. Chiropractic adjustments for subluxated vertebrae are revolutionary, and thousands who formerly suffered from disease are now enjoying health. Chiropractic adjustments release nerve pressure, then you can be well. Chiropractic embodies discovered truth it has not and is not building its founda tion upon the sand of human credulity. It advances because the power of a great principle is behind and in it, and because in its practice it proves Its power a an agent of good in correcting the depleted function and lapsed energies of the body. . Chiropractic is a logical health discover) ' of the age. If you have disease of some nature there is a reason investigate. Next Sunday: Talk No. 4 Chiropractic and the Nervous System. Soldiers may secure adjustments free of charge from any Chiroprac tor. Names of the prominent Chiropractors in the following listed cities: OMAHA, NEBRASKA. BIMngham, S. & L., D. C, Creighton Bldg. Burhorn. Frank F., D. C. 414 Securities Bldg. Carpenter, L. N., D. C. 494 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Edwards, Lee W., I). C, 24tb and Farnara. Johnston, J. P. & M. F., D. C, W. O. W. Bldg. Lawrence, J. C, D. C Baird Bldg. Purviance, W. E., D. C, Paxton Block. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Steen & Steen, D. C, 341 W. Broadwav. Willis, J. J., D. C, 15 North Main St. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Aeml, Clara, D. C, Telegram Bldg. FREMONT, NEBRASKA. i Berhenke. F. H., D. C, 606 North Main S Embree, J. S., D. C, 6th and Main Sts. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Ashworth, S. L.. D. C, 508 Fraternity Bldg. WAHOO, NEBRASKA. Dierks & Dierks, D. C, Old Post Offiee Bids. Advertisement. For GRAY HMR THE GOLD BONO TREATMENT JJO matter how gray, streaked ot faded your hair may be, one to three applica tions will make it light brown, dark brown or black, whichever shade yon desire. Yoo Can Make It Yoorsell Gets small box ofOrlcj Powder t any drug store. It costs only 25o and no extras to bur. DlMolvelt In one ounce of water, and comb it through the hsir. rail dirretionscomeineach box. Itdoosnotruhoff, is not sticky or greasy, and leaves tbe hair fluffy. A $100.00 Gold Bond Yon need not neaitate to use Orlex. as a 1100 Gold Bond comes in each boi guaranteeing that Orlex Fowder does not contain silver, lead, sulphur, mer cury, aniline, coal-tar products or tueir derivatives. CfirC Get 2Scboxof Orlex Powder todsy rllLC Bt any drugstore, orwriteuBStat- (1 M and free sample will b sent in plain package. UBLU MtB. CD, KSBBK DaBtrw F Bails Sanatorium This institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others being admitted; the other TM, Cottage being designed for and devoted t" the exclusive treat ment of select mental cases re quiring for a time watchful care and special nursing.