Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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    - g ' THE 'BEE? OUAH A,' -5ATUKP AT, PKCEMBErt I, 11T. - . - - - is i
' Contracts for-Supplies to Go
- Forward, 'But Prevented
From Falling Into the
Enemies' Hands.
Wwhingtom D. C, Nov, 30.The
American government, is shaping what
is described, as a tolerant policy in
dealing Vith Russia in its present
straits, so as to show hope and faith
for the ultimate triumph of a sane
democracy, .,' '
It ; was . declared today that even
should ' the Bolsheviki conclude an
armistice with Germany there is no
present intention, to brdadly list
Russia as an enemy.
Contracts -for supplies of material
for Russia, it was said, would go for-
.ward as. usual, in the hope that they
would be , applied to the cause of
world democracy. It was pointed out
'again, however, that these are under
control at all times and can be pre
vented from falling into hostile hands.
In view of the attitude, expressed
here it appears that should the inter
allied war council at Paris decide to
send what -hat been described as a
threatening communication to Russia.
i the American ' delegates might not
subscribe to it. Of course, their ac
, tion will be finally determined by the
nature of the communication which
; may be sent. .
Cattiiu from r Om.) j-'j
sanitation having been adhered to. as
closely as possible. The entire coun
try, however, shares in the honor of
having its representative units bow
at the front in the world war., ;.
Secretary Baker hat announced that
as fast as men and ships are ready
they will be combined and additional
i forces sent to join General Pershing.
: By thia means guard divisions first to
show themselves fitted for transpDr-
. tatlon to the training camps in France
will be first to go. . ' '
It appears possible that the re
grouping of national army divisions,
made necessary by the use of drafted
men to fill up depleted National
Guard divisions," will determine the
or4er of the first national army units
to be sent over. Tin that regrouping
two national army divisions were
formed, one representing the whole
eastern section of the country and
one equally representative of all mid
dle states. All of-the far west is al
ready in the national army division at
Camp Lewis, American-take. Wash.
If the same policy is followed with
relation to the national army that
has been followed in connection with
the National Guard, it seems likely
that these three divisions, other things
such as training and equipment being
equal, would be the first of the na
tional army to go over, as every state
in the union would then have national
army men at the front as it now has
national guardsmen.
. , '
(Contijiowl from Pas Oh.)
bombardment when the twin lines of
steel . began to creep forward once
more. After the engineers had
reached a point where they were ex
posed on the sky line, it wes neces
sary to work at night or on foggy
days in order to avoid enemy obser
vation. -There have been three forces of
Americans employed in this region
since about August 1. Two of them
have been occupied with the opera
tion and maintenance of light railways
and the other has been constructing
narrow, guage lines. The importance
?f this work hardly, needs emphasis,
or it is well known that over these
railways food, ammunition and ma
teria) of all sorti are poured up to
lend support to the fighting forces.
The correspondent has visited many
of these engineers since their arrival
and has found them as fit as possible
and eager for work. Most of them
undoubtedly look forward to the time
when they will be able to join the
American forces, but just now they
are content to do their bit here and
learn valuable lessons in military rail
roading. Prefer to Work Under Fire. -'
; The correspondent was talking with
three officers today and the only
anxiety they expressed about the fu
ture . was the fear that they might
later be compelled to- work far back
of the lines out of the fighting tone.
The engineers love to hear the guns
and get dose to the firing line as
military orders permit Some of
them had ' an 1 unusual experience,
much to their liking, on the first day
of the offensive. The,. British called
for volunteer stretcher-bearers to go
forward to the battlefield and bring in
wounded- British and German's. A
large number of the engineers-offered
their services, which were ac
cepted. They just had finished a hard
day's work on the railway, but they
gladly undertook, the new,, arduous
and dangerous task and labored
through the night getting injured sol
diers back to the dressing stations
They were highly complimented by
the 'British for their efficiency in this
line, of service, which was rather far
reached from building railroads.
With the American Army in Franc
Some of the producers complain that
as they have granted wage increases
based on expectations of silver at $1
an ounce government contracts at a
price lower than that would work
them great Injury. .'
President Studies Austrian Problem.
Washington," Nov, 30. President
Wilson continued to work on his ad
dress to congress today, and the fact
that he had before him a great quan
tity of material bearing on relations
with Austria caused some speculation
as to whether he would touch on the
subject Official intimations of what
the president: would' say still were
withheld. The fact that he is hold
ing, the address open to the last
minute, probably so late that advance
copies may not be available until he
starts to speak, puts accurate predic
tions out of the question. One offi
cial today said the problem- of
whether the government should de
clare war on Austria was not so easy
of solution as it looked to the aver
age citizen.
Early Returns Showing
: Maximalists in Lead
Petrograd, Nov. 30. Returns in the
elections for the constituent assembly
have not yet been completed, but so
far the Maximalists are far in the lead.
One hundred and ten out of 194 dis
tricts in Petrograd give the Maximal
ists 220.000 votes, the constitutional
democrats 108,000 and the socialist
revolutionaries 80,000,
Coal Bationed in London.
. London, Nov. 30. Coal for domes
tic purposes here has been rationed
and prices have been fixed! .The prices
range -from i snmuigs and o pence
for the best grade down to 35 shillings
for poorer grades. ; i
4 A .week's ration for a four-rotn
house is 200 pounds and for five and
six rooms 300 pounds for the winter
six months, with half that quantity
for summer 1 , " ;
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. . .
j ;j ' Safe lafle
Ladies' Suits at Half Price
Every Ladies' Suit in our store goes on sale Satur
i. day at Half Price or even less than they would be sold
for by the average retail store.' They are divided into
four different lots, comprising over 100 Suits.
XTO. 1 Ranging in sizes 16 to 44. Suits in this A A n fp
) lot would sell regularly at $18.00, priced at.... u .tyVtO i
HO. SWSuits would regularly retail at $29.60. Sizes 16 to 44.
Fur trimmed and newest materials., : (JflQ
; Priced in this sale ................ . . . . . . w. . .) JL u tt) I
5 HO. 8-rlXade up of SO Suits in value as feign as
cam Priced at........ ....
ITO. 4-Q&raents as high as $39.50 are placed in this lot and
madt by Ansrica'i best makers. ' Priced in . . ;.. t A A ? a H
tiU Kb at.M. ., .i.;,...tJiatQl
- - v -
Washington, Nov. 30.-All , the
oppressive measures which character
ized the German invasion of Belgium
nd many of the acta of. barbarism
which revolted the civilized world,
semi-official dispatches from Rome
today say, are now being practiced
by the Austro-German invaders of
Italy. .
Near Zenson, the disyatches say.
the invaders placed Italian women and
children before their troops as they
advanced and the Italian soldiers
were compelled tq sacrifice their in
nocent countrymen. '
1 In he Friuli region war taxes,
requisitions and conscription of la
bor is being practiced as it was in
Belgium and northern France. Aus-tro-German
prisoners tell of Italian
noncombatants massacred by .the in
vading troops and loot from Italian
homes and shops has been found on
the bodies of dead troops.
Soldiers on the Piave declare they
hear the screams of women and chil
dren front, the opposite side of river.
The invading armies have taken
away cattle and other property and
burned household furniture for their
bivouac fires at night Bosnian
troops, the dispatches say, have com
mitted nnnamaaie airocuies.
Supreme War Council -Will'
Convene at Versailles Today
Paris, Nov. 30 The delegates to
the inter-allied conference were en
gaged today with the committee meet
ings at tht various French ministries,
there being no general session. The
impression is that the important work
of the conference will be transacted
by these committees, the proceedings
of which are entirely secret
The American members are ex.
peeted to exercise great influence in
bringing about closer unity.
The committee meetings will prob
ably be continued for three days
It was announced officially today
that the supreme war council will be
gin its sittings at Versailles 'at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning. Jt will
imckAvA Kv Premier Llovd Georcr?
and General Wilson. for Great Britain,
Premier Clemenceau and - General
Foch for France, Premier Orlando
and General Cadprna for Italy, end
Colonel House and General Bliss for
the United States
British Casualties for Month. s
London, Nov. 30. British casual
ties reported during the month totaled
120.089, divides as follows:
Officers .killed or died of, wounds,
1,152; men, 24,292.
Officers wounded or missing, 3,537;
men, 91,108.
Exclusive Neckwear
Linen collars trimmed with Irish '
and filet laces. Becoming eollars
of satin, wool crepe, organdie and
pique, for wear with dresses and
Jabot stocks with lace jabots.
Vests of pique and satin, yestees'
or net Newness is, a feature of
the entire display.
Trefousse Glace
... V -
Kid Gloves
These are first quality Trench
Trefousse of our own importa
tion. .There ia no finer glove
made, Black, white and colors.
Priced $2, 12.50, $3.25.
One-clasp mocha gloves, in black,
, brown and gray, $2.25.
' Expertly FitUd.
; Handkerchiefs
Every Desirable Sort
Real lace, Madeira, French' em-
; broidered and plain hemstitched
; handkerchiefs In sqch variety as
to pleaw eyerV' fancy -andf suit'
1 ivery purae.H ;' " :
; .... i .... i .
Initial handkerchiefs, 15e to 60.
' Handkerchief centers for tatting
'.and :crVcXe)lBjB5;-a '
Children's, handkerchief s in col
6n,"2ic to BOetX.'
from complete assortments ,
A $lf$fle
. 4 -v r
r .
new hats
that have
from out
aecond (t
floor sec
tion, will
be sold at the special price of $1, ;
Saturday. .&lfrj,J Up.
They include the latest mid-winter
8tylesan4' come ? in, pretty,
stylish shapes and attractive col
ors. . .. i Ji -Basameat
Hudsdn Seat f J. -ft-The
Season's Favorite
BeaHtlfutJn, appearance,
excellent for wear, moder
ately priced. .Our selection
' is at its best ; .-. ,
Scarfa, $45 $57.50, 90.
Muffs, f 18, 125, $32.50.
(Capei, $97.50, 1195, $325.
Coate;:U3,; $300, $50a
The fm ShPf Swend Floor.
Sweater Coats '
The best sweater eoats of the
season are new in, in fine wool,'
fiber and pure silk. "
Fine wool sweaters, at $$.50,
$S,50 and up.
Pure' Angora wool sweaters, at:
,$15,50 each. , .. -
for Saturday ;
Ve hare p!aty of
khaki' and gray mixed
' Christmas greeting cards
that are illustrated in a
unique manner.
Third Floor.
tfhe fashion Center for ZVomen
x ; i , . ' - . :
- , ' , ' . I . .
A ThowgM ol ChritoasTMsFte1tay(D)f Dcnnibep-
Two Interesting
Linen Specials
All linen table cloths, in
. 2x2-yd. sizes will be reduc
ed for Saturday's selling
"i $400 Cloths, for $3.38
, $4.50 Cloths, for $3.75
Odd napkins offer a very
special ,value.- In one-half
dozen lots, $2.50"and $3.
Milady's Toilet
! White? JvprV: hair receivers and
powder boxes, for Saturday only
at the special price otWk. X
White Ivory trays, 50c, 75c and
$180. J V;-:.7; ;'
Complete, manicure setot $1.25.
" Roger sind Gallet lip sticks, 25c
A fine selection of Toilet Waters
in gift packings.- Reasonable
. prices. .
! . ' . . .
Kecen) arrivaU include
iChine. JWyTs, envelope chenise,
bloomers and one-piece pajamas. .
i. Envelope chemise, white or
ffeahT colored Crepe de tmne,
$2.75 to $5 and more.
I 'elKVtembination suitji of
fine nainsook with trimmings of
lace and embroidery (34 to 44),
: $1.35 to $2.50 and more.
j , v ; f i ? ? v i' 1 ?
Marcella drawers, lace or m-
broidery trimmed waist, sites 28
o 38. Priced S5e, 75c, 85e, $1.
-katcji Wj9, of hand made Phil
ippine work, gowns and envelope
chemjs Gowns are high neck,
j long sleeves , 6r round, V -and
squsreneck with short sleeves,
$2.50 to' $6 a set
tJte?A XnO Third fW
Winter Underwear
Women's wool union suits. Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves and low neck
no sleeve styles, ankle length.
An excellent quality for $2,50. '
. Women's silk and wool union
suits, low neck, no sleeves, ankle
length, $2.65. ; - .
Ivory Toilet Articles
; Attraetivi mirrors el heavy plate
glass with beveled edge, Ion; and
ring handles. Ivory back brushes,
plain or concave backs, bristles
of arery good quality. Ivory
combs to match. Prlcaa snederato.
Netlon SoetioB.
Silk Hose of a
.Reliable Character
Silk hose with the improved
"Way New" foot, are to be
had in black and white, at
$1,35. , - , ;
Pure thread silk in colors,
lisle top; and soles, $1.50.
Blaclfsilk hose, drop $titch,
lisle tops and soles, $1.35.
Suits Coats Dresses and Blouses
To the woman wha desires style, the
best of fabric and workmanship, our
garments must appeal to her good taste.
Suits from $25 to $85
Velvet Coats Pile Fabric Coats, Silvertone Cloth
Coats, Crystal Cloth Coats, Broadcloth Coats, Velour
Cloth Coats, in hundreds of styles and colors; many
new ones for Saturday's selling.
Cloth Coats in Exclusive Styles, $25, $35 up to $100
Afternoon and Evening Dresses
.Copies of the latest. imported models,
all our, own, exclusive designs.
Many new arrivals for Saturday. ".
In Georgette, Madras, Dimity,
Crepe do - Chine, Moon Glo,
Meteor and other most desirable
fabrics, either .for the dress oc
casion or everyday walk of life.
Special: About 100 Geor
gette Waists, In flesh and
white slightly $3 95
mussed, for TT:.
Blanket Bath Robes
Special at LAST YEAR'S;
PRICES, $5.00, $5.50 and
up. . 4.
Fine Furj .
We have made an estab
lished reputation for fine
furs. Our best fur coats are
' made by A. JaeekeJ & Com
pany, Fifth Avenue, New
York, who are probably the
greatest exponents of really
fine fur '.garments . in "the
United States. They do cost
more than the ordinary
ones, but they are worth it.
Women contemplating a
Surchase of Hudson Seal,
'atural Hair Seal, Nutria
or Bleached Muakrat, will
do well to see these beauti
ful coats. .
Prices, from $375 to $500,
Shoe Special Saturday
$10 to $14 SHOES
for One Day Only,"'..
$8.85 a pair
Our very best and newest
stylet are to be sold at this spe
cial price Saturday There are
gray kid, ivory kid, white kid,
champagne kid, brown kid with
i white kid tops and black kid
.-r shoes.'": ....
Regular prices, $10; to $14.
Saturday, $8.00 4 Pair
v. "
Furnishing Ooods for Men
The Best to Be Had-Correctly Priced
Flannel shirts, silk and wool.
Manhattan, $8.80. Wool mix
tures, with or without cellars,
$1.50 to 3. Madras and silk
shirts, in great variety. The right
pattern for the right man is pes.
ejble when such an assortment is
New Neckwear
For critical men at Christmas
time. Wo have prepared a show,
ins that is ahead of any other
season. Beautiful four-in-hands,
60s, 65a, U
Better Silks, $1.80, $2, J2.S0, $3,
Linen initials, hand embroidered
letters, in white and colors. Hand
hemstitched handkerchiefs, any
width of hem, khaki colored, 15a
to 7Sci cotton, mercerized and
all silk.
Silk handkerchiefs in white and
Hose Every Sort 4
Silk hose, 60c to $3.
Plain colors, accordion stripes,
hand embroidered clocks.-
Lisle, cotton and fibre hose, ISe
to 75s,
Wool Hose, 40 to $1.50.
Interwoven, Wayne Knit, Onyx,
MoCallum makes, .
New Bath Robes .
Patterns youTl Ukt; well made,
of good blankets. Sailing every
day, so don't wait too long to
make a selection. $5 to $18.
Suspenders and Garters
In Holiday Packing
Crown Suspenders, attractively
t boxed, 50c to $1.50.
Paris and Boston Garters, packed
for gift "purposes.
Hickok Initial Belts
Silver deposit buckle and belt, $1.
Sterling buckle, $1.50, Sterling
buckles and belts, $2, $2.50 and
$3.50. Attractively boxed. '
. Vestogram (the 'new watch
chain), $1.00 and $1.50..
Sleeping Garments
Faultless, Universal and Brighton
pajamas, night shirts . and pa-.
junions, in outing flannel, ma.
dras, crepe, silk mixtures, soiset
tes and silk; sises 15 to 20. Ex '
tra sizes for the largest men.
' Th Men's Shop
T the Uft as you ntr