r THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1917. - . 19 .REAL ESTATE- Investment. BRICK FLATS West Farnara District Two brick building, (our apartment, located on large corner 1st; both etreets and alley paved and paid for. This 1 ftrst-clasa property In every- respect Heated too cheap at 1180 per month. i , Owner leaving the city and offer for ' quick aal at $16,000; 15,000 cash, balance a per cent tntereit. We could eailly In creaie the rente fit per month. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, Douglas 896$. " 919-30 City National. ?4TH STREET 68.8 ft on 24th near Harney" St., with" 25 ft. extending to 24th Ave., brick building renting for $1,680 a year. Investor cannot lose and pos sibilities of growth are great in this strategic location. , Harrison & Morton, (Realtors) 916 Omaha National. Douglas 814. BUSINESS CORNER. NEARLY NEW BRICK. JT $1,209 PER TEAR INCOME. We have a very fine brick building; on a growing corner, always in demand; can offer for 110,600; aome terms, HIATT COMPANY, 245 Om. Nat. T. 60. CUMINQ STREET. In order to close an estate, 1 offer at a very low price 44 or 22 feet near 29th St. You cannot lose on this proposition. Seo roe for price and terms. C. A. ORIMMEL (Realtor). ?h D. 1615. 149 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldr. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE One Acre South $450 $10 Down--$10 a Month Monthly payments1 include inter est. Located on 58th street, fpur blocks from car and paved road. Just fine for poultry and garden. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. TRACKAGE. . 99x122, brick' buildings for sale or for rent; all or part E. H. Benner Co., D. 8406. .... .( REAL ESTATE--To Exchange 620 ACRES. 4 miles from Seneca, 100 acres mow land,' balance good grasing land, .alt fenced?; prloe $8 per aore; migni consider trade. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. WESTERN LANDS. Nllsaon, 422 Rose Bldg. REAL ESTATEWANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyer for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $200 to- $600 down. Call Osborne "Realty Co.. Tyler 696. lul oma. mat, papa oium LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties watting. .-Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. P. $607, FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages Jfjst MORTGAGES SECURED BY OMAHA REAL ESTATE,-"' ' $1,600 at t pet. value of security... $4. 000 $2,200 at t pet. value of security... $.300 $600 at I pet. value of security.... 1.400 $1,800 at t pet. value of security.... 4,000 $1,700 at 6 pet. value of security...,. 4,000 $2,300 at t pot. value of security.... 6,600 $3,600 at t pet. value of seourlty.... t.000 FIRST MORTGAGES SECURED BY NEBRASKA FARMS. - $6,000 at 6 pet. value of security $10,000 39,000 at 6 pot value of w curlty.. 19,600 $10,000 at tH pet value of security 25,000 $3,200 at 6 ret value of security.... $,900 E. H. Lougee, Inc. 538 KEELINE BLDG. ' CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, (tt and ( per oent Also first-mortgage on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont A Co., 416-418 Keeline Bldg., 17th and Harney. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Interest 6 per cent, SVi per cent and 0 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1632 Farnam St. ( Omaha. Neb. DIVIDENDS OF 5 PR CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an' account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDO. ASSOCIATION. 1 : : SHOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONET. $1,600 M'TGE, bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at $4,600. TalmadBe-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. ' . NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. (04 Bee Bldg. COf' CITY : GARVIN BROS., LOANS. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 5 M0NEY-4IARRIS0N & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O' K EEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. $T00 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D ( Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam 8ta ' MONEY to loan on Improved farm and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. -LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686 LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS ft SON . Keelln Bldg. Storks and Bonds. AN OPPORTUNITY. To Join drillers and oil field employes In drilling a well. Every man interested Is expert In his part of flie oil field work. The location of the lease Is near Ollton In trend of the northeast extension of the great Cushlng Oil Field. . . Full particulars of the property, the men connected with the company, and Its prospects will be supplied to those Inter ested. P. O. Box 268, OILTON, OKU MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, f mo.. H. goods, total cost $3.60, 140. 0 mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost $3.60. Smaller, large am't proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, T r43 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam, Ty. 66t. LEOAL ' RATES LOANS IH 00 $240.00 or more Esy payment. Utmost privacy. 740 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug 2295. OMAHA LUAWLVIWrrtlM DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Prlvat loan booths. Harry Mala' hock. 1514 Doage. u m w man, DIAMONDS and jewelry loans at 1V4 and 3fc per cent. W C Flatau; eotab. 1892. ttb floor Rose-SecurltlM Bldg. Tyler 160. FARM AND RANCH LANDS s Colorado Lands. ' AGRICULTURAL LANDS ALONG MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY. -Crops raised include large yields of wheat oats, corn, alfalfa, sugar beets, cu cumbers, potatoes, squash, pumpkins, can taloupes, melons, tomatoes, onions, apples and cherries. Cattle, sheep and hog rais in.; profitable. Market facilities admir able. Land on to four milee from ship ping stations. Beet sugar factory, alfalfa mills, pickling plants, canning factory and creamery at Crowlay and Ordway, Colorado. Electrlo light and powr, and pur Olney spring water, all available for farm us. Churchea all denominations, good schools and roads. Write us for .special excursion rate, price and term, tf.tgenta wanted. Twin Lake Land and Water Co., B, H. Tallmadge, vice presi dent or H. R. Follmer Co., 936 First Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone T...I G FREE MISSOURI PACIFIC BOOKLET. ;OOD farm lands, Seo. 13-13-47, Cbey an Co.. $9.10 par acre! See. 36-11-4. T Kit Carson Co., $8 per acre; 8. E. 14 Sec 38-4-63. Weld Co., $15, all worth double. Adores O. Moreaxty, Be Bldg Omaha. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Color. - ado) tll.it to fit per acre; w control 26 choice quarters; send for booklet. Kloke Inv. Co, Omaha. Montana Lands. FOR SALTS 400 acre of strictly first class alfalfa hay and grain Una. Two miles from railroad and It mile from county neat. Tbia la also a No. 1 stock ranch. Price, $40 per acre. For particular ad dress E. O. Farnsworth, pjllon, Mont Missouri Lands. A REAL BARGAIN. - For Sale 860 acres Miller county. Mo., land, about 200 acres 10 cultivation, good 'six-room house, good w barn and other outbuildings, all fenced with hog fence and cross-fenced, on good road, eu roues south of Jefferson City, for quick sale $13 per acre; $3,000.00 and time on balance, t per cent. W. F. Topping, Iberia, Mo. 8MALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 caati and $5 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full Information,. MUNGER, A-119. N. Y. Lifo Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. GREAT bargains. $5 down, 16 monthly. buys 40 aores good fruit and poultry land ' near town, southern Missouri Price only $320. Address Bo 282, Springfield, Mo, New York Lands. NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. SCENERY. BUMPER CROPS DELIGHT THE EYE. COWS GO WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. J76 acres. IT cows, 4 horses, all tools, hens, hogs, crops; $9,000. 133 acres, It cows, team, tools, crop, $8,500. 60 acres, t cows, tools, t calves, crops, $3,400. $1,000 cash down; $100 yearly buys any. Write for photos; R. R. fare one way to . purchaser. E. MUNSON, 2430 South Sallna St. Syracuse, N. Y. Nebraska Lands. 320-ACRE FARM FO SALE IN CHEYENNE COUNTY. On main line of U. P., V2 miles from town. All fenced and cross-fenced. Good house, windmillj shallow water. Large new barn, with corrals and feed lots. Also lease of 2 sections of level land adjoin ing sat e, with running creek through it. - Price $16,000 if sold soon. '. This is a good place for stockV and farming combined. Owner wishes tq sell, as sons must go. to war.' For particulars write Box Y289, Omaha Bee.'., RANCH. .' " 1,720-acre combination grain and stock ranch, looa tod In Cherry county on Nio brara river,- six ritlles from railroad. 700 acres . good ' level bench farm landj 250 aorea In cultivation, cropped this year to corn, wheat, oats, rye, millet, navy beans and potatoes. $160 acres-Niobrara bottom, . part .of which 1 the best of hay land. 100 acres good alfalfa land. Balance of ranch rolling to rough pasture, all woll .. grassed. Plenty of timber for fuel and fence posts as well as affording protection 1 or stock' -during winter. Ranch watered by river, Bear creek and springs. Will run 260 head of oattle tha year around. ' -Improvement located In. fine native grove In the valley and consist of six-room house, two barns, silo and other buildings. School bouse located en ranch. This W a" genuine bargain at $15 per acre.. One-third cash and will carry bal ance to suit. purchaser.- This territory has never been boomed. By buying now you are getting In at bed rock prices. - ' KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, " " OMAHA, NEB. 845 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1160. Owner Wants City Property We have a client that owns 80 acres In Custer county,' Nebraska, 1 miles from Lomax. This.' land : lUs smooth to gently rolling, house 24x24, barn 2.0x24, granary 12x14, shed, well and windmill, good soli. Owner . would . consider a good residence property 3 or, 4 year old. Priced at $76 per acre. ....- " PAYNE' INVESTMENT CO., (Realtors) -637 Omaha Nat'L Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. TWO A -section farms In eastern Neb., for good Omaha residence or Income. 80 acres, Audubon Co., Ia., small amount In trade. 80 aores clear. N. Dak., for good automobile. 6-room nous, nearly new and vacant lot to exchange for land. Paul Peterson, $64 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone Doug. 1805. A FIRST CLASS 160-acre farm, 3tt miles . from Deshler, Neb., Thayer county. Well. Improved; In German settlement. Will sell at C136.00 an acre. Ernest Lehman. R. 1, Deshlpr, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments ' 5 acres up. We farm the farm w sell ', you. The Hungerford Potato Grower' association, 16tb and Howard St., Omaha Douglas 9371. . 40 ACRES irrigated land, every acre first class; all fenced and In crop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Price $4,000. " Box 206. Oakland, Neb. LIST your lands for quick result wltb C. J. Canan. 310 McCague Bldg., Omaha. Oregon Lands. NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT. -HEART OF THH PANGS. Get on the ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land in connection with open rang,.. You can grow stock successfully and cheaply Excursion Dee. 4. Send for bulletin. HARLHY 3. HOOKER, 040 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. South Dakota Lands, FOR SALE 820 acres well Improved dairy and grain farm, located In Beadle county, South Dakota, around Huron and the state fair city, at $35 per acre. L. Lapler, Hu ron, S, D. Texas Lands. J3EE us for Texas land. We furnish cattle. you pay from profit. Thomas Olson, 4Q7 Karbach Bldg. GOOD.com land. East Texas, $25 an. acre. Get my free book. W. S. FRANK. 201 Neville. Block. Omaha Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a.. . Including paid-up . water rights. Henry Levi A C. M. Rylander. 354 Omaha Nat'l. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN SON, 423 8. 16th. Douglas 0371. WAi TED fQ acres Pierc county. Neb. Owner only. V tillable. Give good de scription, price and. terms. 301 Karbarb I!.. C aha. Neb. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Charles Gans, T street, 377 feet west of Thlr-ty-tblrd avenue, north side, 110x146.$ 6!5 James H. Davie to Joseph M. Hiber. southwest corner Forty-eight and Seward, 50x150 460 Hulda M. Lyon to Mrs. Bertha Reagan, Fifteenth street, 80 feet north of M street, west side, 40x130.,... 1,460 M. A. Wagner and wife to George E. Reed, Fifteentb street, 838 feet south ' of Oak street, east side, 66x165 760 Bertha Leona Mergen to V. P. P. Chtodo, Marcy street, 106 feet east of Twenty-sixth . street, north slds, 90x74H 1 Saverlo Costanxo to V. P. P. Chodo. northwest comer Twenty-fifth and Marcy, 74x8 I Rosell K. Martin to V. P. P. Chlodo Twenty-fifth avenue, 74 feet north of Marcy street, west side, 46x159. 1 Henry B. Kent and wife to Martin Ad ams and wife, Miami street, 100 feet east of Thirty-seventh street loath side, 60x120 1 Robert O. Griffith and wife to Carrie Schneider, southeast corner Sixty fifth avenue and Lake street, 100x12$ $0 Kittle . O. Marquis and husband to Vlncenxo P. P. Chlodo, Rm street, 324 feet eaat of Twenty-seventh street, north aide, $2x80 700 Orlow L. Hart aad wife to Herman J. Lund, southeast corner Fiftieth and Davenport streets, 60x135 4,500 Ertyth C. Larson to Tena M. Redlnger, Twenty-sixth street, 147 feet north of Plnkney street, west aide, 48x140. 750 Joseph Salerno and wife and other to - - . Lucl Ruma, Hickory street. 141 feat . east of Fifth street, north side, 60x100 ; 1,200 Henry C Murphy and wifa to Charles OMAHA LIVE STOCK Big Cattle Receipts for Friday, With Prices Steady; Hogs 10 to 15 Cents Lower; Feeder Lambs Lower. Omaha, November 30, HIT, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 17,343 9,236 15,040 17,624 Official Tuesday 11,4(3 Official Wednesday.., 3,70$ Thursday, holiday , Estimate Friday,,..,, 1,600 3,887 1,37 3,1186 13,600 11,000 Five days this wek..3t,0T3 40,793 47,103 Same daya last week. ,.50,890 33.M4 19.883 Same daya 3 wks. ago.68,127 80,16$ S4.6T0 Fame day 3 wks. aga.44,963 3U1S 84,427 Sam day 4 wks. ago.49,763 13,468 77.825 Sam day last year.. 33,81$ 68,265 ' $4,300 Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, for tt hour ending at $ p m. yesterday; RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattls. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, is. s St. P.... I Missouri Paclflo ... 1 Union Paclflo ....101 C. & N. W east.. 1 C. & N. W west.. 16 C.St. P., M. 4 O.. t C, B. & Q., eaat., 3 C, B. & Q., west.. 1 C, R. I, ss P east "4 C, R. t 4 P., .west 1 Illinois Central ... 1 Chi Great West Total reoetpt ..267 DispoaiTio? Morris Or Co .1,1 Swift & Co.- 1,1 Cudahy Packing Co.. ! Armour & Co.... ...1,: J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. 8. O. Packing Co.... Swift, Fort Worth.. Wilson Pack. Co.... , Cudahy, Sioux City,. . W. B. Vansant Co.... Benton, Vansant A L. : F. B. Lewi : J. B. Root & Co J, H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros. ... f . ; it is "i 6 6,1 30 6 10 43 3 1 S 20 11 IT t 8 3 143 65 1$ -HEAD. I 935 693 I 2,360 1,741 I 1,086 2.373 I 3.068 1,456 430 , i'.oii i ..... i , .. i. i i ,. .., F. G. Kellogg 66 Wertholmer & Degen 333 Sullivan Bros Rothschild & Krebs.. 54 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 23 Christie 23 Hlggjns St ..... ..... RotH 8 , OlasBbVK 8 ..... Baker, Jones & S.... 61 ..... ..... Banner Bros 41 ., John Harvey 240 ...,v Dennis & Francis.... :i Jensen & Lungren.. .. 9 ..... ..... Pat O'Day 21 Hunslnger & Oliver.. 71 ..... ..... Ellis & Co 1.6 ..... Other buyers 849. . 8,760 Total receipts 7,012 6,877 11,041 Cattle Receipts teday were among the largest ever received here tn a Friday.' De mand was . hot very broad, as quality was generalfy poor; trade was very slow, pa anything desirable ' In the stocker and f adeer Una price were, about, steady . with Wednesday. Beeves were steady to a dime lower, with cornfeds very slow. .Soma good Wyomlnga brought $12.75. Butcher stock was In good demand, and' sold readily at fully Steady prices'. Stock cows and heifer were slow at, the week's 26 f 40c decline. , Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, $14.00015.00; good to choice beeves, I12.6013.60; fair to good beeves, $10.60 12.60; common to fair beeves, $7.0010.00; good to choice, $14.00015.00; fair to good yearlings, J12.sr0014.00; common to fair yearlings, $6.J011.00; prims heavy grass beevei, $11 5013.00i- good to choice beeves, $10.0011,50; fair to' good-' grass 1 : beeves, $9.00lO.00; commorr for fair grans beeves, $7.008.M; good to chOicsottelfers. ;$S.0 9.35; good to choice rows,. $7.?t49.25; fair to good towiv $S.7877. 60; 'common to fair cows, $5.25(g)6.00j prime feeding - steers, $11. 6012. 50; good to choice feeders.- $9 76 11.26; fair to good feeders, $8.00Q9.(0; common to fair feeders,' $6,0097.00; .good to choice, stpekers, $6,008)10.60: ' stock heifers, $6.608.6O; stock cows, $6.00f)T.6O; stock calves, $6.00 10.40; :yeal calv$B. 19.00 12 60; bulls, stagB, $5.508,00. Hogs 6n. o( tha largest hog run of the season was here this morning and the market wa extremely low at 1015o lower prices. A good' many ' hog were rtlll itv the pens at a late hour. Bulk of the offer ing sold at $17.40 17.65, and the top "' . .: . - . .'! . . Vv' Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr.- ct No. At. ,274 Sh. Pr. 10. .237 $17 40 : 48 $17- 45 - 61. .318 45. .320 142.. 91 155..' 86 96.. 93 40 .180 17 60 , 65. 17 65 81, .262 .236; .. 86 ; 40 IT 60 :, 17 60 'is 80'. 18 00 PIGS. 19 00 133., 18 70 199., J8 78 ' ..... 8heep-SupplIca ot sheep and lambs were tolerably liberal for. . Friday, but the de, mand was fairly good and. the market was generally steady on all kinds. . Quality was lacking In tooth the faC andi' feeding lamb divisions. Fat lambs were- selling a little easier than a week ago, while feeders are 607So lower for th week. Old sheep are stronger If anything. Quotation!! cn sho and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.75:?. 00; ' lambs, feed ers, $16.5017.75; lambs, shorn, $13.60 15.00; lambs, culls, $10.0016.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $11.6013.25; yearlings, feed ers, $12.0014.25; .wethers, fair to choice, $11.00 12.50; ewer, fair to choice, $9.26Q 11.60; ewes, breeder, all ages, $10,600 16.60; ewes, -feeders, $7.6010.76; awes, culls and canners, $5.00(67.26. Slouc City Live Stork Market. . " Sioux City, la., Nr. $0. Cattle Receipt, 3,200 head; market lOo lower; beef steers, $8.0016.00; fat cow and heifer, $6,50 gi 0.25; canners, $5.60g8. 60; stocker and feed ers, $7.50iQlll.OO; calve, $7,601 1.60; bulls, stags, etc., $6.608.50; feeding cow and heifers, $4.00 8.60, Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head: market 10c lower; light, $17.0017.36; mixed,- $17.80 17.45; heavy, $17.40017.60; plf.-, $16.00 to 17.60; bulk of sales, $17.26017.45. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady. ' ' ' Bt. Joseph l ive Stock Market. 8t . Joseph,. Mo., Nov. 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 bead; market weak; steers, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lentz, north corner Fourteenth and Kavan, 60x120 1,060 Chris F. Petersen and wife to Cathe rine M. Morrison, Spencer street, 100 feet east of Twenty-first street, south side. 100x124 700 N. Q. Morgan to Catherine M. Morrison, southwest corner Forty-eighth and Underwood streets, 46.6x12$ 1,(00 BANK STATEMENT. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE AMERICAN STATE BANK Of Omaha, Neb., Charter No. 1261, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business Nov. 20, 1917. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts $1,011,423.79 Overdrafts 11,913.16 Bonds, securities, judgments, claims, etc.. 3,600.00 Other assets 656.62 Banking house, furniture and - flxtur 13.567.74 Current expenses, taxes and In terest paid 8,144.96 Due from National and Stata banks.. $60,489. $S Checks and Items of exchange ' 63,733.(0 Currency 14,000.00 Gold coin 10,500.00 Silver, nickels and cent 8,578.(3 J67.306.47 Total $1,206,802.74 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in..., $ 200,000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 Undivided profits 10,426.40 Individual depos its subject to oheck $487,638.70 Demand certifi cates of deposit. - 60.00 Tim certificates of deposit 113,588.76 , Certified checks .. 11,272.82 Cashier's, check outstanding .... 17,307.65 Due to . national and state banks. 299,953.13 929,811.06 Bills payable (4,920.37 Depositor" guaranty fund (,04$. tl Total $1,206,802.74 Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglas ss: I, L. M. Swindler, cashier of the above nemed bank, do hereby (wear that the above statement Is a correct and true oopy of the report mads to the State Banking Board. L. M. SWINDLER, Cashier. Attest: M. T. SHAFER, Director. W. E. BHAFER, Director. Subscribed and sworn to bsfor m this 27th day ot November, 1(17. (SEAL.) . PAULINE PRINCB, . ' Notary Publlo. $3.00014 60; eows and helfer. $I.!Sl$ 60j salvva, $6.00913 60, Host Receipts, (.$00 hesdl market lower; top, (17.(0; bulk t sales, $17,203 17.45. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 360 head; market strong; Iftltibs, $13.004rl(.7$; ewes. $.0fJlJ.$. , St, Lonls Live Stock Market. St. Louis, Nov. SO. Cattle Receipts, 49,. 00 head; market lower. Native beef ateers, tl.00tfl5.75; yearling steer and heifers, $7.00(115.60; cows, $5.00011.00; stockers and feeders, $6,60411.00; Texas quarantine steers, $6.75 10.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00C1375: beef cow and heifers. $6 06(910.00: prim yearling steer and helfttr, $7.50f10,00i native calves, $S.75(13.t5. Hogs Receipts, . 13.300 head; markst. lower. Light, $17. 35 17. 65) plga, $16.00(9 10.75; mixed and butchers, $17.40917.(5; good heavy, $17.65017.70; bulk, $l7.40t 1T.65. Sheep and Lamha Reaelpts, (00 head; market steady. Lambs, $ 1 3.00 1 7 no ; ewes, $10.00ff 11.00; wethers, $11.000 13.50; can liars, (5.0063.60. Kansas City Live Stork Market. Kansas City, Mo., Mov. 30. Cattle Rel celpts, 6,000 head; market strong. Prima fed steers, $14.60016.60; dressed beef steer, 111. 00014. 00; western steer, $.500 1$.00; cows, $5.76010.25; hslfters, $6.60fll,PO; stocker and feeders, $(.504)11.00; bulls, $6.6008.00; calves, $6.6013.00. Hogs Receipts, (,000 head; market lower. Bulk. $lf.2017.50 heavy. $17.40if17.56; packer and butchers, $1790(917.60; light, $16.t0C17.g5; pigs, $15,004? 11.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady. Lamb, $18.25 17.00; year lings, $13.(0014.00; wether. 11.50f 13.00; ewes, $10.60013.00. . Chicago IJvo Stock Market. Chicago, 111,, Nov.. 30. Cattle Receipts, 14,000 head; market weak; native kjccib. $7.00914.75: western steers. $6.00913.50; stocker and feeders, $6.004110.90; cows and heifers, $5.0011.40; calves, $7.0013.25. Hog Resell ts, 38.000 head; market weak; bulk, $17.00917.60; light. $U.40ff 17.30; mixed, $16.854?17.50; hoavy, $l.S5si' 17.60; roui;h, $14.86(917.05; pigs, I12.7itf 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 12.000 heart; market strong; wethers, $s. 76 12.90; ewes, $7.70011.40; lambs, $12.60ff 16.S0. , OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Llv 'Poultry Broilers. W to t lbs., In separate coop, per lb., 22c; broilers, over 3 lbs., tn separata coop, per lb., 16c; broilers under 114 lbs., one-half price; hens, over 4 lbs., per lb., 17o; hens, under 4 lbs., per lb., 14c; old roosters and stags, per lb., 14c: geese, full feathered, fat, per lb., 13c; ducks, full feathered, fat, per lb., 15c; tur keys, any alxe over 8 lbs., fat, per lb., 200; less than 8 lbs., half prloe; capons, over 5 lbs., per lb., 24c; thereunder worth no mare than laige soft springs and hens; guineas, each, any site, per lb., 36c; squabs, homers, 14 to 16 oca. each, per dosen, $3.50; squabs, homers, 12 to 14 ass. each, per dozen, $2.60; squabs, homers, 10 to 12 ozs. each, per doz en, $2.00; squabs, homers. $ ois each, par dozen, $1.50; squabs, homers, under 8 ozs, each, per dozen, too; pigeons, per dozen, $1.00. Fresh Eggs (By express), oase. M0.15. Prices for this week are as fallows: Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective November 2S are as follows: Ribs: No. 1, 34Vic; No, 3, 22c; No. 3, 13Hc Loins: No. 1, 29M,o; No. $, Ktte; No. 3, 14 Ho. Chucks; No. 1, 16 He: No. 2. 14 He; No. 3, 12o. Rounds: No. 1, 20c; No. 2. 17Hc; No. 3, 13o. Plates: No. 1, 14Hc; No. 2, 13 He; No. Seimo. . . Fish Halibut; If any,, market; salmon, red, 22o lb.; pink, 19c lb.; black cod sable fish, 14c lb. ; catflshi odd size and large, 23o lb.; small lift-lb, ; black boss, odd size,. 26c lb.; medium, 2o lb.) trout, No. 1.. ilo lb.; whltefish, large, 21o lb.; pike, round, 18o lb.; pickerel, dressed, 14o lb.j rrappies,'. H-lb 15c; odd slzs and large,- 18e-80o lb.; buffalo, genuine rd 13o lb.; buffalo, carp rd., 100 lb.; white perch, 12o lb.; herring, 10o lb.; sunflsh, lOo lb.; red snapper, 16c lb. ; native mackerel, 26o lb.; haddock, 12o lb.; cod, astern, 12c-lGo lb.: flounders, 14o lb.; weak fish, sea trout, 20o lb.; smelts. 160 lb. x'ltfh (frext.h) Halllbut,. ooaiit frozen, 20c lb.; salmon, red, coast frozen, 2.0c lb.; black cod sable fish, coast frozen, 14c lb.; catfish, small,'- a bargain, 15o lb,; black bass, odd slie, 2So lb, ; ' large.N 20o lb.; trout. No. 1, SOo lb.; whltefish, medium, 16o lb.; large, 0o lb.; pike, No. 1. dressed, 16c lb.; pickerel, drcseed, 12o lb., crappiea, medium.. 10o lb.; small, So lb.; buffalo, genuine rd., 12o lb.; buffalo, carp rd.. 9o lb.;. ling tod, 12o lb.; baracuda, "headless, 14o lb.; flounders, 12o lb.; -western red snapper, 100 lb.! smelts, 13o lb.; white perch, llo )b.; ttleflsh, 14o lb. ; yellow ting perch, 1(0 lb. ' Kippered salmon, 10-lh. baskets, $3,60; kippered cod tr arayfls. 10-lb. . baskets, $3.30; smoked whit (lakeflsh), 10-lb., $1.10. Oysters Northern standards, gallon cans, $2.45; large cam, 68c; small can, $80. Small selects gallon can. $3,(0; large cans. 6&o; small san. 4 Jo. New fork count, gal xn cans, $3.00; largo cans, 700.; small cans, 60c, 1 Chesapeake standards', ' gallon can, $1.7$; large cans, 42c; mll cans, 28c. Ches apeake seleots, gallon cans, $2.15;'large cans, 48c;. small cans, 820. Cotults, per 100, $1.76. Blue points, per 190. $1.25; large shells, per 100, $1.50. ,-.." ' . -. . . . - Celery Mammotb-westOra; per dozen, 95o. '. Whale moat, 180 lb. , ; . . . Frogs Louisiana black bulls, Jumbo, $8.25 dozen; large, - $2.75 doron; medium, $1.76 dozen. Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by Glllnsky Fruit company: Fruits Or nges: 100. 434, S0s. $3.60 box; 126s, 288s, $4,00 box; 160s. 260s. (4 3$ box; 176s, 800s, 216s, $4.60 box. Lemons: Golden Bowl, S60s, $7.80 box; Silver Cord 860. $7.00 box. Grapfrult: Florida, $6. 46s, 90a. $6.60 box; 64s. 64s, 80s, $0.00 box Pears: Winter Nellls. $3.60 box; Buerre Clarglou, $2.75 box; Buerre IX Anjoua, $3 00 box; Colorado Kelfcrs, 12.26 box; Kslftrs, bushel, (1.60 box; Keif era, 10 bushel lot, $1.40 box, Grapel; Tokay. $1.50 orate: Emperor. $4.26 keg; Concords, SOo basket Apples: Jonathan, extra fancy, $2.00 box; Jonathan. 176s, smaller, $1.7$ box: Jonathans, fancy, 16s box less; Grimes' Golden, all sizes. $2.36 box; Grimes' Golden 113s, smaller, $3.75 box: Grimes' Oolden. 104s. larger, $3.0( box; Grimes' Oolden. fancy. 25 box least Jonathans, barrels, 5 00 bbl.; other varieties, barrels, $4.00 bbl. Banana. $3 36 to $4.00 bunch. Cantaloupes, boneydews. $8.00 crate. . Vegetables Onions. Spanish, $3.3$. crate; large crate. $5.60 crate; red. yellow, 2 tic lb. Cabbage, SMo II.; l.Ooo lot, 24o In.; ton lots, $40.00 ton. Cucumbers, $1.60 ts $2.00 d6zen. Lettuce, bead, tOc to $1 00 dozen: leaf, 40o dozen. Celery: Kalamazoo. 40c dozen: Jumbo, SOo Cozen. Beets, car rot, turnip and parsnips. 2o lb. Radishes, 40o dozen. Garlic, 16o lb. Squash. 10 lb Rutabagas, to lb. Delicacies Fresh crab meat, per gal., $3.00; fresh hard crabs, large, per dog., $2.75; freb scallop, per gal., $3.60; fresh cooked l.eadless shrimps, $2.00; fresh peeled shrimps, per gal.. $2.25; shad roe, per pair, 60o; roe shad, each, 85c; blue point, per 100, $1.26; Cotults, $1.75; turtle meat, lb., 10c: grae frog leg, per doz., S66; jumbo frog legs, per doz., $3:00; large frog leg, per doz., 32.60; medium frog legs, per doz., $1 75. Nuts Cocoanuti;: Backs, $7.60; dosen, $1.00. Peanut: No. 1, raw. lb.. 11 Ho; No 1, roasted, lb., 12c; Jumbo, raw, lb., 12Hc Jumbo, roasted lb., 13 He; salted, can, $3.00. Walnuts, lb., 24a. Peanuts No. 1 raw. lltia lb.; No, 1 roaated, 12VjO Ib.i Jumbo, raw. 12'4a lb.: Jumbo, roasted, 13Ho lb.; salted, $2.00 can. Walnuts, arrival. 34V,o lb. New York Money Market. New York, Nov. 30. Prime Mercantile Paper 6 54 per cent.- . Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, $4.71 Ml commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71; commercial sixty-day Lille, $1.70; demand, $4.76U; cables, $4.76 7-16. Silver Bar, $44c; Mexican dollars, MVic Bonds Government, easy; railroad, heavy. Tim Loans Firm l sixty day and ninety day. $tt06tt par cent; six month, (i 6 par cent. Call Money Strong: highest, 6 per oent; lowest, ( per cent; ruling rate, ( per cent; oloitng bid, t per oent; offered at 6ft per oent; last loan, 6 per cent. U. S. 2s rog... 96Ot NO. 1st 414 90 do coupon .. 96 14 111. Cen. r. 4s., 79 U. S. 3s reg... 99 Int. M. M. 6s., 94 do coupon .. 99 K. C. S. r. 6s.. 76 V. B. Xlb. 38 98.91L. & N. un 4s.. 86V, 17. & 4 reg... 104 M K T 1st 4s $7 do coupon... .104 Mo. Pac. gen. 4 64 Vi Am, F. 8, 6s.. 93 Mont, Power 6 69 A. T. A T. 0. 6 98 N. T. C. d, 6s., 93 Anglo-French 6s 90 No. Pac. 4 .... (3 Arm. 4V Co. 4 Vis 84 do 3 (8 Atchison gen. 4 820. 8. L. r. 4 83 B. A O. c. 4V4a 7(Pao. T. St T. ( 03 Beth Steel r. ( 89 Penn. con, 4 Vis. 98 Cen. Leather' 6 95 do gen. 4., 91 Cen. Pacific lit. 80 Reading r. 4 83 C. 4k O. 0. 6.. 74 8 L A U F a 9s 68 C. B. A Q. j. 4 (3 So. Pac. cv. 6s., 89 C M A 8 P J 4s 73 Bo. Ry. 6s (3 C R I A P r 4 62 tTex. & Pac. 1st $0 C. A 8. r. 4 71 Union Pacific 4 88 D. A R. O. r. 6s 47 U. S. Rubber 5 76 Dom of C. 6s.. 91 U. 8. Steal 6,. 99 Eri gsn, 4... 46 Wabash 1st .... 95 Oen. Else. to.. ($ Bld. tOffered. Xvaporatcd Apple and Dried Fruit. New Tork, Nov. 80. Evaporated apples, firm; choice, 1617o; prime, 14 16c. Prunes, scare; California, 1619o,; Oregon. 12 14c. Apricots, few offered; fancy, 20c. Peaches, scarce; standard, 12c; choice, 12c; faacy, 13o. Raisins, firm; loose muscatels, 7 99p; oholce to fancy seedud, 10 iff He; seedless, 1001040; London layer. $1.80. ' Kansas City IVod ne Market. Kansas City, Mo., Nov.- $0. Butter, tgga aad poultry unchanged. , - GRAIN AND PRODUCE Receipts Are Liberal, Mostly .Wheat; Cash Corn Steady to Lower; Oats Slow; Barley Higher. v- Omaha, November SO, l$17. Arrival ot grain over the holiday war rather liberal, 366 cars being reported. Of these 93 cars er wheat, while receipt ot corn and oats were 72 cr ot each. Twenty-two cars of rye and iven cars of barley were also on hand. Cash corn was quoted- unchanged to (0 lower, based on the sales of new corn, HO aales ot old being made up to till time. These sample wer dlsposeM of more quick ly today, the bulk of thos received today showing a material Increase In quality, although soma still contain considerable moisture. Buyer, however, take only what they can handle readily, The greater part of the corn which ha arrived ner and elsewhere ha been disposed of to rereal mills at various points, while the low grade sour atuff contain considerable acid and la being used 4n the distilling of alcohol. No. 3 yellow sold at $1.60 and $1.80 and the .Vo. 4 grade at $1.66. Nq. 4 white sold at $1.60 and $1.76, while two sale ot old No. 2 mixed were made at $1.86. The spot demand for oats was rather low. and export hid practically absent, Quotations on this arttol wer somewhat lower, ranging from lo to lUo. Local buy era took the most of these offerings, while several sample wer left unsold, No. t old at 73 0 and standard grade eat at 73Hc while th bulk of tha No. $ whit old at 12o and a few brought l(e. Receipt of rye were out of the ordinary, arrivals today exceeding those of lata by several cars, 13 cars showing up, mostly (II of whlcli found a ready market Sales ranged from o higher to a oent below Wednesday's prices, No. t rye (old at $1.7$ and $1.7$ and the No. 3 at $176. - Barley wa In good demand and sold up 3c, the No, 3 malting bringing $1.$S, while tha No. 8 grade brought $1.80 and 1.I3. No. 4 barley sold at $1.30 and $1.82 and the No. 1 feed sold at (1.38 and (!.!(. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to (69,000 bushels; corn, 19,000 busbeli; oat, 47,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipt! wer 1,4(7,000 bushels and shipments $11,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,380,000 bushels and shipments of 1,621,000 bushels last year. Primary corn reoelpta war l.OK.OOO bush els and shipments 367.000 bushels, agalnat receipta ot 1,614,000 bushel and ihlgmenta ot 649,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts wer 1,6(9.060 bush el and shipments 1,339,000 bushels, (gainst rerelpts of 1,122,000 bushels and shipment of (74,000 buahels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 'fhtrago ( 201 1 Minneapolis .......689 ... ... Duluth (7 Omaha ......... ..... ,, 93 73 -79 Kansas City 93 (1 89 St. Louis 90 144 109 Winnipeg TOI ... ,.. Thes sale went reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: T oars, 1115. Not I hard winter: 18 cars," $3.11. No. 3 hard winter:: 7 car and 1 bulkhead, $2 09. No. 2 ye,llow hard winter: 1 car, $3,08, No. I yellow hard winter: 1 car, $3.05 No. 1 northern spring: - I cars and 1 bulk head, $2.16. No. 2 northern spring: 4 cars and 1 bulkhead, $3.13. No. 1 dark northern spring: 8 cars, iz.l. no. i dark norm ern spring: 1 cars, $3.1(.f Ryer-No, 3; 1 car, $1.76 il ears, $1.7$, No. $: i car. $1.76. No. 4: 1 oar. $1.74, Sample: 1 car, $1,74; 1 car (wheat mixed), $1.74: 1 car (wheat mixed). $1.73. Barley No. 3: 2 cars, $1.33. No. tl 2 cars, $1.33; 1 car, $1.80. No. 4: 1 oar, 41.82; 1 car, $1.30. To. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.29; I cars, 11. zs. sample; 1 car, 11,10, Corn No, 4 whit: 1 car, $1.75; cars, $1.60,. No.. 5 white: 1 car. II.6T1 I cars, $1.56. No. ( white:' 2 can, $1.26. Sam pi white: 1 car, $1.15. No. S ydlow: 3 cars, $1. SO; 8-5 car, $1.60. no. yellow: 9 3-6 cars, $1.65. No. 6 yellow: ( cars $1.65: 7 cars, $1.60; 8-5 car, $1.45. No. yellow: 1 car, $1.40; 3 cars 31.86; 6 rare, $1.80; 2-3 car (musty), $1.00. Snmpln yel low: 1 car. $1.25; 1 car, $1.10. No. 3 mixed: 1 1-3 cars, $1.85. No. 6 mixed; 1 car, $1.40; 1 car, $1.46; car, $1,43) 4 car, $1.40. No. ( mixed: "1 car. $1.(0; 1 car, $1.30; 1 car, $1.16; 3-5 car, $1.15: 3-6 car, $1.16. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.10; 1 ear. $1.00. . . .... , Oats No. 2 white: 4 cars, 7!d. Stand ard: 2 ars, 72c. No. 1 white: 3 ear, 72c: 16 cars, 72o. No. 4 White: 4 cars, 71 c. Sample whit:- 1 -car (barley mlxedl. 72 c: 1 car. 72c: I car. 71 Ho 6 cars, 71 o, No. 8 mixed--1 car, 720. no. s rninea: "I'car, line. , Cash Prloes Corn: No. 4 white, $1,604) 1.75; No. 5 white. $1.561.67j No. ( whlto, (1.80O1.26; sample white, $1.1601.16; No. t yellow, $1.76(211,80: No. 4 yellow, $1.(091.6$; No, 5 yellow, $1.461.60; No. 0 yellow, $1.00 1.40; sample yellow, $1.1091.2(; No. I mixed, $1.8001.85; No. 6 mixed. $1.4091.4$; No. 6 mixed, $1.151. 3;0; sample mixed, $1.0001-10. OaU: No. X white,. 73 78oj standard, 72372c; No. 3 white. 72SP72VSe; No. 4 white, 7171c Barley: Malting, $1.8001.34: No. 1 feed, $1.301.27, Ry: No. 3. $1.760176; No. (, $1.74 01.7$. Local ran go ot option: . Art- j Open.- High. I Low, Close, Ye. Corn. Dec Oats, Dec. May 1 20 1 JO 120 T314 73 70 70 l to hso . 72 T2 TO 70 70 Chicago. 12:30 price, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker, 315 South Sixteenth (treat, Omaha: Art I Open. I High. Low. ' Close, j Tost. Cora. Jan. 121 1 21 120 1 20 121 Dec. 124 1 24 123 1 38 134 May lit 119 11$ 111 11$ Oata, I Deo. 72 73 Tt U T2 May 70 70 (( . ($ (9 Ijrlc. Jan. 48 00 48 30 47 00 47 80 4$ $6 Lard. Jan. 36 20 25 35 24 (0 34 95 26 85 May 25 02 26 03 24 80 34 $0 . 26 23 Rib. Jan. 25 99 26 00 36 (0 1$ $7 3( 0$ May 25 76 26 (6 26 (2 36 63 35 (0 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Trains of Empty Car Moving Into Corn lie it LAwer inoa. . Chicago, Nov. 80. Train of empty ear moving freely Into tha corn belt brought about lower price today for oorn. The mar- ket closed weak, o to lo down, with January $1.20 and May $1.18 to $1.18 Oat declined c to lo net and provision fell 25 cents, to $1.05, . . Reports from station where one to two empty cars a week ba of late been the rule, sent word today that an averag ot a dozen had been made available. As tha car thus supplied will not run cast of Chi cago, the beginning of a genuine accumula tion of corn hers seemed reasonably as sured. In this connection, It wa said, east ern demand was being filled from the record crop In Delaware, Maryland, New Tork and Pennsylvania. under aucn conditions little strength which unfavorable weather developed In the market at the outset gave way late In ' the day to decided bearish sentiment and to an .accompanying material setback of values. . - Assertions that 1,000,000 bushels of oata would be delivered tomorrow on December contracts, did a good deal to relax the oats market. Moreover, betterment of the car situation attracted much notice.- . Holders of lard attempting to unload to day disclosed that provision were Without aggressive support. The result wa (wlft drop in prices. Corn No. 2 yellow and No. I yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.7301.71 Oats No. 3 white, 7$074c; standard, 74074o. Rye No. 2, $1.80. Barley $1.101. 40. Seeds Timothy, $5.0007.60; clover, '$20.00 O26.00. Provisions Pork, nominal; lard, $26.(00 26.(0; ribs, $27.50. New York (ieneral Market. ' Nw Tork, Nov. 30. Flour Quiet; spring patents, $10.66010.66; winter patents, $10.66 010.76; winter straights. $19.30010.60) Kansas straight, $11.00011.66. Cornmeal Firm; fin whit and yellow, $4.(504.90; coarse, $4.764T4.$5. Rye Steady; No. 3 western, $1.89; 0. 1. f.. New Tork. Barley Quiet; feeding, $1.0501.10; malt ing, ll.2Etol.35; California, $1.40; e. L f Now York. Corn Spot, firm: new yellow, $1.99, 0. I. t, New York, 10-day shipment; Argentine, $2.0(02.10, f. o. b., cars. New York, to ar rive, Oats Spot, unsettled) standard, 79 9 $0c. Hay Firm: No. 1, $1.7$; No. 2, $1,6$; No. $, $1.4601.60; shipping, $1.$J91 $0, Hide Steady; Bogota, 41o; Central America, 40c. Leather Firm; hemlock sole, over, weights, No. 1, 6I0; No. 2, 49c Provisions Pork, strong; mess, $51.00; family, $54.0066.00; short clear, $52.00 Sp 64.00. Lard, weak; middle west, $20.40 if 26.(0. Rlce--Nomlnal; fancy head, 3 09c; blue rose, $OSc Tallow Steady; city shipment, loose, 18c Cheese Market stady; receipts, 117 boxes; state, fresh special, 2$o state fresh averag run, 33 a, 1 Butter Firm; reoelpta, 2,(0$ tub) cream ery higher tha extraa, 4904$e reamery extras (9$ scsre), 4$94$; firsts. 4$ 9 41: Moond, 40 9480. Egg Market steady; receipta, (,381 cases; fresh gathered eatras, ($9 (to) extra flmta. (79$6o; firsts, (40tte; seconds, 47 9i$o; refrigerator special mark. 14K9 $5c; refrigerator first. ($9(4c Poultry Dressed : Market easlari chick en and fowl, markst unchanged; turkey, ( to 10 pound (lad ever, fresh fancy west ern, 24935. Dl'N'S BEVIEW OF TRADE. General Coadltloa Knslneas Whnleeom; Former Excited Buying Absent, New York, Nov. 30, Dun' review tomor row will say; "Entering en tb closing month of a most remarkable year, business reflect tuatalned activity In many dtreolion and underlying strength In about all It branches. What Is especially Important ts the fact that at bottom general conditions are wholesome, and mora so than a year ago, for the com petltlv and excited buying which waa then so conspicuous a feature in certain Quarters Is aow absent and the great rise In prices of some leading commodities has been checked through official action, or from dif ferent causes. But while the disposition to make forward commitment with Increased caution, and to provide against possible con, tlngenclea In the future, la reasaurlng, there are still many drawbacks to the situation and the new . and extraordinary problems which are being encountered hinder progress in the Industrial field, aa In mercantile ohan pels. The aeriourness of the congestion tn rail, road transportation Is evidenced by the un precedented measure tsken to relieve the pressure and while producing facilities have been further Improved and extended, with much new capacity available, manufacture Ing operation are frequently hampered and outputs curtailed because of the delay In obtaining fuel and other urgently need ed material, or owing to th ehortag of labor." j Weekly bank clearing, $4,133,3(1,43$.." f offe Market, ' v New Tork, Nov. $0. Coffe Th official cablea from Ilraill reported a reduction ot a million bags In the figure on th Santo stock to cover the purchases of tha Brazil ian government up to November $4. Thle coffee, of course, remain In Brazil, but It I expected that It will be held until an adequate demand develop and th alluatlon In this respect may have been partly respon. sible for the steadier ruling of futures here during the early trading. Soma buying may also have been caused by tho revived talk of peace prospect and after opening $ to ( point higher, active month sold T to 11 points net higher, with March touch ing T.24o and September T.T80. Th bulge met realising and cattred trad idling, which rauted reactions ot a few potnta later with the market closing 2 to i points net higher, December, (.$$0; January. $.(Te; March, T.lTc; May, T.Jlc; July, T.49o; Sep, temher, 7.650. Spot coffee wa reported tn a fair de mand, with prices steady at f o for Rio 7s, and (o for Santos 4a. Few fresh offer wer reported In the cost and, freight mar ket with quotations Irregular. Tha official cablea showed an advance of 60 rel In the Rio market, Santos ipot were 50 rel lower and future $6 lower to (( higher. Hoeton Wool Market, Boston, Nov, $0. Th CorhmclaI Bul letin tomorrow wilt say: Except in a few Instance Boston wool merchant report a quiet market during the week. Value keep very firm for all grade and especially so for wool adapted to military needs, Th altuatlon at the mill ha changed very little, new business being exceedingly moderate. Scoured Basis Taxes: Fine 1$ months, $1 6801.73: fins, $ month, (1.6601.69. Call fornlat - Northern, $1.76(01,75: middle county, $1.6691.60; couth, $1.4 5 91.60, Oregon! Eaatern, No. 1 staple, $1.(0; mat era clothing, (1,(091.(0; valley. No. 1, (1.(091.66; territory, fin .staple, $1.80 1.85 i half blood combing, $1.761. 10; three-eighth blood combing, $1.4601.60; fin clothing. $1.(091,(5; fine medium olothlng, $1.6591.(0. Pulled: Extra. $1.(091.1$; A A. $1.70 1.80,-, A supers, $1.60 91.66. Omaha Hay Market, Receipts are larger on both alfalfa and pralrla hay, and the demand continue good on prarls .hay with price eome higher. Alfalfa I some weaker. Hay Choice upland prairie, (34.00. No. 1, $2t.00O2$.00. No. 2, $18.00019.50. No. $, $l$.00OK00. No. 1 midland prairie hay, (22.00933.00. No. 2, $18.00911 (0. No. 1 lowland prnlrle hay, $17,00018.00. No. 2, $14.00011.00. No. t, $18,60013.60. Alfalfa Choloe. $31.00. No. L 111.009 80.00. Standard, $56.00018 00. No. 1, $24.00 925.00, NO. I, 111.00 998.00. I Straw Oat. $9,60; wheat. $9.00. ' " ' " Chicago Produce Market, - Chicago, Nov. (0. Butter: Market firm; Creamery, $694(c Eggs Receipt, 4, $9$ oaseei market un changed. .' Potatoe Marlaet lower; receipt, 4$ care; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, $1.(091.70; Wisconsin, Michigan and Min nesota, sacks, $1.76(i'1.80. Poultry Alive: Market lower) fowls, 140 18o; spring, 18o; turkeys, 30o, Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga Nov, to, Turpentine Firm, 4894(o; sales, $11 bbls. ; reeelpts, 242 bbl.; (hlpmenta, 220 bbl.; atook, 22, 769 bbl. Roeln Firm; sales, 1,3(1 bbls.; receipt, 8(1 bbls.; shipment, 1,163 bbl.; (took, 77,. 97$ bbls. Quotations: B, D, $(.8O0t.$6; E, $(.4$9( 37; F, O, $6,369( 40; H, $(.(89 (.46; I, $6.4696.(0; K, $(.109( (5 M, $7.00 7.02; N, $7.8$; WO. (7,60; WW, $7.68, 1 Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Minn,, Nor. 10. Flour: Mar ket unchanged. Barley $1.1091.37. By $1.7791.78. Bran $$(.00937.00. . Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.1(93.(0. Oata No, 2 white, 70971c Flax $J.l$Ol.$o. New Tork Metal Market New Tork, Nov. 30. Metal Tin, poml nal at $80.00. Lead, quiet; spot, $6. $7. Spelter, quiet) Cast Bt Louis delivery, pot, $7.62 7.75. At .London Copper: Spot, (lift; futures, 110: electrolytic, 128. Tin: Spot, 1291; futures, 289 1??. Lead: Spot, (80 10s; fu tures, 21 10s. Spelter: Spot, 154; futures, 60. New Tork Dry ilood Market. New Torkj Nov. 80. Dry Goods Cotton goods and yarns here today were firm and tending higher. Many line have been with drawn from the market 'aa the mill bave old all they think necessary under present conditions. - Wool market wera firm,- with business light.- Silks wera steady, with trade of moderate volume. Ready-to-wear line war quiet. New York Cotton Market. ' New York, Nov. 30. Cotton Futures opened firm; December. 80.40c: January. 29.(0o; March, 29.15c; May, Jl.tOo; July, 19.110, Cotton future closed steady) December, 80.80c; January, 11.61c; March, 11.12c; May, 28.97c; July, 28.65c. Spot cotton, markot quiet; middling, 21c Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 30. Corn No. 3 mixed, $1.8691. It; No. 2 white, $T00; No. 2 yellow. $2.0$2.06; December. $1.26 1.26; January, $1.21 HD 1.28 V4. Oats-No. 3 white, 76 c; No. 2 mixed, 73973c. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. 30. Cotton Spot quiet; prices unchanged; good middling, It.OOd; middling, 2$.47d; low middling, 31.95d; good ordinary, 30.95d; ordinary, 80.42dl eales, 4,000 bales, Including 3,600 American) re ceipt, 26,000 head. St. Louie Grain Market. St Louis, Mo., Nov, 10. Corn No. 2, $1.76; No. 3 white, $1.16; December, $1.38; May, $1.18. Oats No, 3, 7!974o) No. 1 white, T49 T6c Duluth Linsd Market, Duluth, Nov. $0. Llnssed On track, t$.lt0$.26: to arrive. 11.11U: ta ir. rive, December $, $3.20: November, $316; December $3.1$ bid; May, $$.14 bid. 1 London Money Market. London, Nov, 10. Silver Bar, 42 d par ounce. Money 2 per cent. Discount Rates Short bill. 4 per cent: three-month bills, 4 per cent New York Sugar Market eteady: centrifugal, 1.10c: molassee, (.01o New Tork Cotton Mai ket, New Tork. Nov. 30. The cotton market today closed steady at a net advance of 6 to 40 points. London Stock Exchange, London, Nov. 30. American securities wer firm on the stock exchange today. Looking for work? Turn to thi Help Wanted Column now. You will nd, huadreii of positions listed NEW YORK STOCKS '" 1 """ -.',-! ) f British Peace Suggestions and Russo-German Negotiations 7 Reflect Unfavorably on Wall Street. New Tork. Nov. 20. Coming on th eve of the inter-allied eonferenae, Wall etreet chose to attach 'unfavorable conclusions to day to latest peace suggestion smanatlng rrom a high untisn autnoruy ana me Teutonlo nsgotlatiaiia , with tb Russian radical clement. - " Ralls yielded from 1 to almost ( points,, anveral representative issues of tnat group -" making new minimum for periods ranging from a decade to over a generation. These Included Pennsylvania at 41 and Baltimore A Ohio at 45. . Supplementary October railway earnings offered no ground for encouragement. Canadian Paclflo reporting a- net loss of over $600,000. Baltimore A Ohio almost aa much and Lehigh Valley about $460,000. The war division averaged extreme de cline of 1 to t point. Similar recession were registered by a wide variety "of ape- ' olaltles. Buying power,' or at least demand, was negligible, but moderate aupport ef fected some substantial recoveries -in the latter part ot the lethargic session. Many stocks sold "ex-divldend" and In i several noteworthy Instance these were ma- ' terlally caught up with. United States Steel, minus It regular and extra dividends -of 4M per cant gradually hardened, cloning at a net loss of ot a point ; Standard rails, shipping and copper, also rallied In the final hour, tha market' tone at the flntah being Irregular, rather than heavy. Sale amounted to (70,(00 shares. - ! Call money to ( per cent waa ascribed to December dividend requirement. Italian exchange wa again heavy, but other con- , tlnentat rates wer scarcely altered. Interest In the heavy bond - market , centered around the liberty Issue with : the 4 at $7.14 to (MO and th 1' at 91.(1 to (9.00. Total salea, par valve, ag gregated $4,750,000. Valted State bonds, old Issues, unchanged on call. - - " The governing committee of the stock v exchange today notified member that war tax stamps must be affixed to itock de liveries beginning tomorrow. Number of sale and rang of price ef the leading stocka; . . , Sale. High. Lew. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar. TOO Tt Tt American Can ... T.600 Jt $$ T4 ($ 18 T6 American C. A F. , (09 (!.($ Amer. Locomotive, A mar, 8. A R.... Amer. Sugar Ref., Amer. T. A T... Amer. L. A S,. Anaoonda Copper,, Atchison v, A., 0. A W. I. 8. U Bal. A Ohio.,,.. Butte A Sup, Cop. Cel. Petroleum .. Canadian Pacific, Central Leather , Ches. A Ohio . ... C., M. A Bt P.... C. R. I. A P. etfe Chlno Copper ... Colo. F. A I.;...'. Corn Product Ref. Crucible Steel ... Cuba Cane Sugar,, Dlstlllera' Seo 400 (8 (,900 ,T( 100 '14 1,909 106 10,900 ; (t 1.900 ( o, n 1(00 ' 48 61 TO 14 $4 106 106 t $ '" $7 " 46 17 1314: 30 17 200 11 1 moo-$$ 110 ;n$ 2,(00 66 (6 ' 66 " 2.000 46 ,45., 46 : 3.608 36 86 3( 2,300 400 3,300 (.100 1.100 1.100 41 01; (1 ij is ii J - 3$ It 14 38 (5 29' 28' 61, 64 39 2( 88 3 14 4' 14 Birle 1,700 General Electric, 6,400 Oaneral Motor ., 2,(00 Ot No, pfd TOO Ot. No. Ore ctfe... (00 llllnola Central..., ..... Inspiration Cop 3,400 tnt M. M. pfd.,. 18,100 Inter, Nickel .... l.ino Inter, Paper ...... 1,300 K. C. Southern ., 400 Kennecott Copper.. i,800 14 1 130 11 6 19 .69 1 $7' 88 89- 89 $6 3(. (9 .36 ' .1.. 43 16 36 26 J7 32 94 '.43 ,(6 $6, 3 16. 23 42 (4 26 $1, Louis. A Nashville Maxwell Motors... Mex. Petroleum... Miami Copper Missouri Paoiflo... Mont Power Nevada Copper . . New Tork Central. N. T N. H. A II.. Nor. A W. (ex. d.) Northern Paoiflo., Paoiflo Mall ...... Pennsylvania . .... Pittsburgh Coal Kay Con. Cop... Reading , Republic I. A 8.. Hhattuck Arl. Cop. Southern Paclflo,, Southern Ry.;..,. .... 110 IS (( 78 79 ' 38 -'37 32 21 .... (4 300 2,200 26 T9 (00' 28 1,000 2$ 17 S 17 104 (4 23 43 3,100 (8 600 17 $7 37 100 1011a 103 600 , 81 $3 Y.ioO 45 Vs", 1,300 9,400 11,000 22 22 22 69 T7 $7'. 69 74 76 18 (0 24 44 4,100 (0 2,200 - 24 18,600 46 80 24 Studebaker Corp. 43 - Txa Co.' 2,000 141 139 141 Union Fao. (ex. d.) 2.700 112 110 112 V. & Ind. Alcohol. 1,800 111 109 111 V. ft Steel 79,100 92 90 91 U. 8. Steel pfd... ' (00 108 108 108 Utah Copper .' (,600 76 75 75 Wabash pfd "B.",. 30 Western Union ,. . ... . . ... 82 West Eloo. 1,100 88 88 88 POLICEMEN AND POSTMASTERS TO ENFORCE DRAFT Washington, Nov, 3Q-Ever police official in the country will become a part of the great machine organized tor building the national army, under War department plans announced to day by Provost Marshal General. Crowder. Postal authorities also will play an active part in helping to carry out the new regulations and . the; de partment believes that with the aid of these two agencies, local exemption boards ' Will be greatly assisted in registering the men and getting them to the training camps as they are called, Police throughout the nation will be firesent to take in custody men, who ' ail to report for physical examination or who violate any of the new-rules and regulations. They ' also will - be charged to arrest and deliver to camps, men who have been inducted into the military service by the local boards and who fait to, entrain ; for' mobilization, ' Such men are classed under military law as deserters and " rewards of $50 will be paid for their . arrest and delivery at the camps. All the elaborate machinery of the ? Postoffice department will be used to; see that questionaries are delivered', to the men and-are returned by them, within the seven days time limit al lowed for filling' them' out. i Postal officials also have been instructed by President Wilson and ; Postmaster Burleson to co-operate to the fullest extent with the local boardsi in de livering and forwarding, notices to registrants, particularly notices of en traintnent, as failure to, respond to, this notice classes the registrant as,, a deserter. - . Hamilton to South Report has it that Jimmy Hamilton, who last year managed the Musko gee team of the Central league, will next year lead the Shreveport Texas league team, succeeding Sydy Smith, who has retired from base ball. From lOc to $5,25 Union OU of Cuba recently advanc ed from 10 to 16.26 prbare. Cuba' ia rapidly developing a high-grade oil field oil (c celling at $4.00 per bar rel Writ for Circular "U" containing very interesting Information, and list of investment suggestions, U. S. and Cuban banking reference. Cuban Securities Co Maniana do Gomes 501 HAVANA, CUBA. V Member Bolaa Libre da la flavana (Ha van Curb Market Association) Swift & Company ' -r Ualra Stock Tardi. . - Chicago, , Dec. tt - Dividend No. 127 v Dividend of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per ihara : n tbecapiUl tock of Swift A Company, will be paid on January 1st 1918. to tockholdera of ' record; .December Kt 1317, aa shown on tn books Of tbeCmpaay. ....... , " Jaceoont of aanoal tneettntf tranaf er boolra , will be elosedfrora Dee. 10, 1917 to Jan. 10. 1918. taolotitt, vf . S. liAYWA&D, Seer.twy -TJ 72 .,; , s - i: . (( ' ' '- 'I sV r "! . 4V 1,1 '' 4' f :1 .";