Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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    iDecember 1 Finds This Big Cash Store Better Prepared Than Every Before to Satisfy Your Every Holiday WisB
Jewelry the Ideal Xmas Gift,
This a1e of fen o ths arly shoppers wonder
fnl Talues in high-class Jewelry. Absolutely new
good at lowest prices.
12.50 Itailaa Pink Shell Came Breach, with band
engraved, aolld gold mounting, new designs. Can
ba used also as pendant. Cash price fS9.Z5
I22.5A ta (25.00 Ladle' Bracelet Watches, new
octagon, square, round and other novelty shapes.
In solid gold and 20-year gold filled cases. 16
iwai. warranted movements. Cash price, 815. 76-
tt&M mad 9&S0 Gold Filled and Merlin Silver
I n....i.. ail iwlnra. cut beads, with rold capped
'decade beads, fancy crucifix, warranted, 20-yuir
stock. Cash Price 3.10
r- . act with brilliant Rhinestones, several
VIM! cnn . - 45c)
Cami la-lltelreT wHholde'red 'link c&u 'gold Vlil'ed mou n t-
tnes. Pink shell cameo. Cash Price S1.65
S1O.0O Kew Haven Mahasraay Tomhonr Mantel Clacks, S-day move
ment, cathedral gong, warranted perfect time keeper. Cash Prlre
onv 7.45
si.25 America Nickel Alans Clock, warranted for ona year, louti
alarm. Cash Prlc i. ............ :'-?0
S2.00 Ulekel Plate Watch sad rob, guaranteed time keeper, standard
make. Cash Price complete 81.25
$14.00 1847 Barer Bras.' "liver, hollow handle knives and forks,
old colony, continental or Heraldia patterns. Warranted for lifc
tinia. On dav only. Cash Price S10.00 . s
11.00 Oriental Pearl Earrings, several sizes, bf J..-
ful colors, gold filled.. Cash Price 65c
13.00 1S47 Kager Bras. Tea Spoons, all wanted pat
terns, life-time guarantee for wear. Cash, C2.25
ilXB William Ragera Silver Plated Sft-Pieee Set,
new Hampden pattern. 6 knives, 8 forks, 6 tea
spoons,- 6 table spoons, butter knife and sugar
shell in lined oak chest . 15-year warranted for
wear, Cash Prlc ...C7.05
2.00 Selld Gold Chllds Locket and Chain, soldered
link chain, attractive designs. Cash Prica-f 1.25.
Another lot ft
Books. Come early
as they won't last
long at 5e each.
Fourth Floor
The Cash Store
tSo Boxed Stationery
About 400 boxes ef
Stationery. While
they last, Saturday,
your choice, 10c ea.
Fourth Floor
Our Toyland is Open Santa Clause is Here
I To Greet you. Bring the "Kiddies." He has a Gift
XU1 o V CJ. Jf '"'in avyVjumjjoi u u, ujt aix auuu,
American Toys and Dolls for American Children
A wonderful and Interesting Display
, Opening Specials for Saturday Only
1,00 Pa Ha Dells, 85 eajeh
Large size Baby Dolls, fully
dressed with hood and long
baby dress, strong metal head.
Bays Ma Ma. Pa Pa. . Satur
day, only, each ..,85c.
25e Toy Books, 15e cack , :
One big lot of toy Books,"
bright colors, A. B. C, and
short story books for the lit-,
tie tots, large and small sls.
Saturday,' only, each..... 154
$1.25 Railroad Engine, Me
All Steel Locomotive. 30 In.
,long, painted red with gold
trimmings, detachable tender.
' Strong and durable. Special,
Saturday, each 954
91.00 Combination Bank, 85c
Three-coin combination Bank
that registers the amount you
put In; opens automatically at
$10. . Takes nickles, dimes
and quarters. Only, each 85 C
. Toyland Suggestions
Dolls, 50o to $10. Pianos, 65e to $7.
Doll Beds, 85c to $3.50 Game. Sc to $1.
Chairs, Desks, Blackboards. Doll
Carriages. Trains, etc., etc.
91.30 Trimmed Doll Bed, $1.00
Brass finish Doll Bed, with
draped canopy and fancy ov-,
ered matress and pillows ,to
match, in blue and pink, IS
Inches long:,' at, each, 81.00
Giftj Suggestions for Him
Price Savings You'll Appreciate
Hen's 9UW uk nirH, consisting
of Bilk and linens, fibre and crepes,
in handsome designs and latest
styles; soft double cuffs, all sizes
to 17 neck. A desirable Christmas
gift Cash price, each .... $2.45 '
Men's Hlgh-Grade Ties, fine quali
ty silk, big open end shapes. In the
season's latest styles. Cash price,
only, each $1.00
Men's Blanket Bath Kobes, a splen
did assortment of our medium
priced robes; also a
good sized stock of
our better goods at
prices ranging from
x" $16.95, 113.45, $ 7.95
and J4.95,' down to
a very good. . sub
stantial robe, at, Cash ' Price,
only ... ". $3.95
Men's Flannelette Stout Shirts and
Pajamas, an specially good as- . ,
sortment to choose from.- See our splendid assortment of J"
shirts, at, Cash Price....' $l.CO
Men's Neck Muffler, long, narrow Reefer style, fringed I ends;
Novelty silks in a good quality, at, Cash Price $1.35
(Si. 1
- . H " n i iiiin.-a
A Sale of Clothes That
v. ' '
The more particular you are about the quality ancl
style of your1 clothes the more you'll appreciate,
this offer of ' ' .
Hart Schaflner
and Marx , val
5 Guaranteed
All Wool .
$30 Suits
or Overcoats
Saturday, at
THE SUITS come in wide range J of the r season's
most , desirable materials and patterns,' in' all tho
. newest style ideas of these style creators. V " ' t
THE .COATg include the popular-Belt Coatslong
Convertible Collar:. Coats, short Trench, ;Models;
semi-dress and other popumodels.'l';) ,;c
Every Garment "Absolutely? Guarantee! ;
Hosiery Always
1 a
...... ;
i ' iii
TfcaCrreateet;. ,
; Showing in. ,'
, ""Omana.";'
Offered Here
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose In all
popular shadegnafantt)ed to give satis
'faction,"' Worth u to 1.7p. Cash price,
only;e:t.p,;.i $1.00
Women's Cashmere floie With ribbed or
hemmed tops; la bl,ack and oxford. Reg
ular '5o'TlaeSi ji;CjRsh price 35
Children's. Silk Fleeced Hose Light and
: medium weight, fast . bkck, all sizes.
Cash jrlc . , . . .i ,35d
Children's School Hose In black and
; white, good wearing quality. Specially
priced for-cash, per pair 15
. " f 'I Mil I
A Most Interesting
Sale; ...
1 manufacturer's entire surplus of ' Boys'
Knlcker Bolts at the lowest price for this grade
of merchandise placed on sale In this city.
Boys' Salts with two pairs of knickers, in fancy
mixtures, cleanly tailored rich in patterns, made
to stand the wear and tear which only a sturdy
growing boy can give them. " Boys' Suits with
on knlcker, beautiful Scotches salt cheviots.
Values up to $10, and a fan line of all wool
guaranteed fast color Blue Serges, worth $8.50
to $10.00. y ..... .y ..
CashPrice for Saturday
If we Just stop to think,; Isn't -It 'poo', oconomy to
put off buying a hat from week to week, 'when a'
hat means so much, for, .or against our, appear-:
ance? For $2.00 we have! a "slicker," straight or
turned up brim. All colors and sizes. 1
We never get tired talking about "The: Balrd
Brand Hats." Has extra wide rim, high crown,
bound and welt edge, deep band. From conserva
tive black to a riot of colors.' This hat holds the
front trenches for style and quality. Our Cash
Price t. , .$3.00
The "Bostonlan" and "Marae" are the last word,
at .....$1.50 and $3.00
Full line - of Stetson Staples and Novelties,
t $4.50 to $10.00
Men's and Boys' good warm winter caps. . . .50d
Men's heavy caps, fur-ln-band .......... $1.00
Aviation caps, men's and boys.... .504 to $1.50
One Lot of Ladies' Double Silk
GlovesIrr blacV white and
gftfTfffl 8izeg6rth $1175.
GaaK -priee; v , . .V. , , . $1.25
vyajnaiu Washable '' B a c m o"
01oves--Ia all the new shoe
shade's. 1 (hir'.Cash -prices
52.25, 2.50 and $3.00
Obildren'ii ; Dress ; . and. School
Gloye:id tffi11iens--Itf knit arid
kid,' in.; all colors" andt' all sizes.
Our Casht prices''. ".. v -. ' 4
; $1.50
A Sale of Women's and Children's
Over Apparel
which offers to the buyer December as
sortments at price reductions not usual
until January and February.
oats0.?!.. $19.50
In Plushes, Velours. Frieze and Novelties, in
wide range of clever designs. J :fi?l
paindsome new models in Pom Poms, Seal
Plushes, French Velours, Kerseys, Broadcloths,
;etcc:"llany fur trimmed, 25 distinctive models
l ; ...Hundreds of Handsome New Coats in Exba Large Sizses
lA wide range styles, materials and color for dOQ KA$QKislK
selection. : Exceptional values at......... ..... V.OKJ'OD -$0
v:x: Five Rousing Specials in Furs Saturday
Fine Hudson Seal Coats 45-inch length, 100-inch sweep, 3 different models, at..'... $150
Bed Fox Scarfs-Steclal val- I lanpe rolrette. Fox Scarfs-. I Hudson Seal Collar or Muff
ues, at..."... ............ $35 1 Special at.... ......$49 I 3pecial at..r... ..;.$15
Muffs Barrel or canteen styles Mack or grey, 50 In In the lot, choice. .$7.95
Kit Com
S23.50 -vrMen' and UUies' Otmta,
V $15.00.
A- recent cash purchase f'fine
-cloth and plush coats go on sale
Saturday for the first-time Fine
pom pom,. Bolivia cloths and wool
velours, also black plush . coats,
gray fur cloth trimmings,, some
beautiful fur trimmed coat. These
coats are actual $2&50 values. -An-?nex.
CasV Price. Saturday, $15
T Children' Winter Coats, S3.88.
CBIiaren's heavy nrlnter Coats,
quilted and padded - linings; In
, gray, brown and green and navy;
ages i, to 14 yrs. Eegular values to
S7. Sale Price, Saturday, $3.98
S10 Serge and Silk Poplin Dresaea,
wvoo, -A
special lot of new serge and silk
poplin dressas, all the latest styles
and colors; white satin collars;
high waist styles. "Regular values
to S10. Cash Price, Annex, $5.00
Special Saturday
Bloasei That Usually Sell at $1.00
and $5.00 Hundreds of dainty
georgette, crepe 3e chine and tub.
silk blouses; made in the
season's many styles; all' sizes.
Cash price, Saturday. ..$2.95
Blouses, Many Sold at $7.50
Beaded, georgette, embroidered,
combinations and lace trimmed
blouses; in flesh, maze, white and
suit , shades; twenty different
styles; all sizes. Saturday Cash
Price ...... $4.95
Morning Spc.
Women's and Hisses' Sweatei
worth $3.50 and $1.00, at.. $1.95
Infanta Longr White Dreuee
Worth 75c, only' .....35$
Infanta' Nlbt Gowns Worth 35c.
Cash price Saturday ....... 19$
Women's Bnngalow - Aprons S 9c
valuel Until noon, only.. ..35$
Washable White Quilted Mandarin
Vesta All sizes. Until. noo- Sat
urday, Cash Price 79$
L4ttle Tots' French Dresses 50c
values. Cash ice Sat.... 25$
Women's ' Long Klmonas $1.00
values. Until noon, only.... 69$
Women's Breakfast . Sets Pinks
and blues. UnU noon, Sat. .69$
Just Arririd, h Regulation
Army Locker Thm-ply
Venter top and bottom, fiber
eorertd, stool trimmings, olive
armr color, only.... $12.50
32-inch jmd Siinch Heary
Box Trunks , irood,
canvas covered, straps all
around, heavy hardware. Our
Cash price. .$10.00
Everything in Luggage.
Set our goods for iXmas
presents. ... ,
Exceptional Shoe Values Saturday
Sen's Gun Metal Blncher Shoes with
rubber soles and heels, M.00 values, at
only ........ .....83. CO
Ken's Gun Metal Bluchers, Goodyear
sewed soles, $3.60 values, at $2.45
women's Very Fine SH-lnch vlcl kid lace
shoes with mat oalf or -black cork screw
cloth tops, leather French heels. A good
16.00 seller. Special, at... ....$5.00
Women's Ylci Kid Lace Shoes, 9-lneh . pattern, $3.50 values,' at
only .........$2.45
Beys', Youths'' and little Gents Button and Blncher lace Shoes,"
also a few Little Genu" high cut lace shoes, with 2 straps and
buckles. $2.50 values, at .$1.95
Hisses' and Chllds' Gun Xetal Button, with black cloth tops. $2.50
values. Special at ...$1.95
Women's Felt House Slippers, in all the wanted colors, fur
trimmed, with soft, flexible leather soles. Price....' $125
Chllds' Eld Button, sizes 5 to 8, with wedse heels. Good Yalnes.
Price, only
Saturday Specials in
$340Ice Frost Corsets, rubber top, free hip
space, lona skirts. In Cesn color, 19 to 28 size,
at $2.00
IL7S Corsets ta low bust, long sklrta, 19 to 28
lncb size, Saturday, at... $1.25
7$e Brassier, fasten front or back, embroidered or
lace trimmed, 34 to 48 sizes, Saturday, at 50
Boys' Blovses In light stripes and plain blue, col
lar attached, 4 to 16 years, at 65
Ladles' Sllp-Oter Sweaters, in green, lavendar,
rose and many other colors, in . all sizes. Our
price . . $12
Boys Dark Gray Bre4 Sweatees, with roll col
lars, sizes to 14 years, at.......... $1.50
Girls' aid Kisses Sweaters, In rose, Copenhagen,
green, red and gray, all sizes.. $2.85 & $3.95
Children's Knit Toques, in all colors. A large as
sortment, at ....... v 654 and 75
Ladles' Union Suits, in wool; any style, worth $3.00.
Cash price $1.88 and $1.50
Silk and "Wocl Union Suits, all sizes and extra sizes.
Cash price $2.50
e,essjeee)sie e),,es,
Ladles' BterUaf Union Suits,
odd lota, flMb sad whit, au
wool and msrenlaod. .Worth to
J5.09. Cash riea Batargag
Ladlos Sin aad Wool and All
Wool Vmis and Pants, U 00
valaoa, Saturday at.. ....SUM
&adta Hodtosa Wotcfet or
nun ; Itimoo DnloB Sntta.
at ec-ao-ijea
Xadlro Hmtt VIooo Vests
and PanU all sites, only.. 80
Children's ITnlon Suits, medium
fl.ece, aU at ODly...SO
todies' Heary Quality Outing
a Awn. nulu and axtra ali.
at .7.....
Ladles' ; Wool Jeraey Knit
Bklru SU0-LaMc
OhUdrens Jonar Knit .Skirts.
i wool, at
aU sUaa, In
, only..15
3; Great Specials
Children's Coats
only. In plushes, velours, corduroys and
cloth, In the nobbiest styles, colors and
blacks, made to sell at $7.50. Saturday,
at, only $4.95
CHILDREN'S COATS, in velours, friezes,
zibellnes, astrakhans and novelty,' made
In the season's many styles, and colors,
sizes 6 to 14. Made to sell np to $10.00.
Choice of hundreds, Saturday, at $6.95
CHILDREN'S COATS In plushes,' ve
lours, kerseys and friezes, and high
class novelty military coats, sizes 6 to
14,' in the season's many shades and
black. Made to sell un to $15.00. Great
values, Saturday, at $10.00
CHILDREN'S .. DRESSES la : plaids,
plain serges and combinations; sizes 6 to
14, several styles; ' Special, at.... $3.95
CHILDREN'S DRESSES In serge, sizes
6 to 14, Including new Peter Thompson's
many combination dresses. Made to sell
at $7.50 and $8.50. Saturday at S5.95-
The New Styles
A new Bewitching, Becoming
Millinery Innovation ; -
Brocacled Hats
- Something New and Different.
Awag from the Ordinary. Suitable for Dress, -EveBins ei.
$5, $7.50, $10, $15 ' T
. v ' . A Complete New Showing of the New
f -f.
Satin Trimmed Hats
All the latest styles and shapes in the finest
materials; all the new colorings; just the
proper hat for Mid-Season wear; new brocaded
effects; a wonaeriui assortment
. . . . - i
for your selec
popular Cash
i wonderful assortment rtipf A A
selection at the always !K l) II II
Cash Price of Tv,vv
' Read the Big GROCERY Specials for SATURDAY
All slies ia CMWren's Olobs
uodorwvar. st reducwl prtci
Childrens Heavy Quality
Blsck Satin Bloomcn, nil
sizes, St only. 3
U lk tsok Bst ntfh-Orsd Diamond
B nr. Kothln tln.r for broad,
plos or o't. , Odo sack wUl nisko 4
' povsd Imtos of btosd. For it-lb.
sack ....S3.85
7 bars Cracktr Jack laundry Soap. .ZSc
I bars Beat 'Em All or Dlasjond
0 Soap .....t5
The Best Hand-Plcked Kary Beans, 15c
Omaha Maid Macaroni or Spaghetti
pkff. 'He
)S-ounce Jar Pore Apple Butter.... J5e
No. 1 caoa Pork and Beans 1t
No. S oans Pork and Beams, ISo
K-ouaos aaas Oondansed UlUc,.....13
I, Ck Cora Slakes, pkf. ...... ...S l-3
(lb. box Best Soda 0raekrs.....8Se
teast Foam. pks
tt-onnc Jar Pur Strained Honey ..25c
New Comb Honey, rack 10c
Diamond H Btlf-lllaln Pancake
. Flour, pkr. ,'..U
Old Dutch. Cleanser. ejr can 7c
vLarge Bottles rur; f .Jxr.lo Catsup. 1!
Golden table Syrup, r aa ....Me
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. ,.....6o
Small Crisoo. per can ........I. ...Me
Ko. 3 cans Tomatoes Wo
No. cans Ooldea Pumpkin ........ 10e
No. 3 cans Hominy Or 8o.uask ..U
No. 3 Bauar Kxact ..Wo
No. 3 cans Early June Peas 15c
No. 3 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Cora 15e
No. 3 cans Wax or String Beans ...15o
. ... ' N
Onolos llulr Peaches, per lb. IBs
Chotos California Crab Apples, tb.....tte
OaUfornla Italian Prunes, lb. .Vfi-iB
Ooldea Sultana Balslns. Ib. .........loo
California Seedless Ralstns, lb. 15c
California Muscatel Raising, 1b.....l3&a
California Seeded Raisins. pkg..l0c-12
The best Lemon or Orange Peel, lb.. 30c
The best Leghorn Citron Peel. lb. ..35
Ulncs Keat, pkc, M Ms
Omaha's Ckraates Tee) sod Osffew
- Market
The Talk of Omaha, our Famous
Golden Santos Coffee, per lb...,.3to
H. B. C Bpeclsl Santos Coffee, tb....33c
Uaricalbo Blend Coffee, lb. ...tSc
Porto Kloo Blend Coffee, lb. 37c
H. B. C. Special Blend Coffee, lb... 35c
(J lbs. tor 11.00.)
15 lbs. Beet Ohio Potatoes JJe
Fresh Spinach, per peck .,..,.. ..20c
ir.h n.likia Mtrata. beets, tur
nine or shalots, per bunch Sc
vmmA Ttttiee. ner head. Hta-lOe
Hubbard Squash, lb. .....M..M....3C
Fancy Cranberries, lb. ............UVic
New Cabbage, lb. , .tVtC
Pascnl Celery. I stalks tSc
Mlehlran Celery. 3 stalks .......... 10c
Old Beets, Carrots. Turnips and '
Parsnips or Rutabagas, lb.
eHM. T.vlTn. Jnn.than Annies. '
per box .4 W.W
Highest QtuEty-Saving Prices in
wreak Dressed prlg Chldusis, lb.... S3H
BMt Creamery Mimi
Pork Loins, lb. .OA.
Pork Chops, lb..W
Hindquarters, lb....ile
Forequartera, lb. . .18Vi
Lamb Chops. lh..XOc-S5o
Round Bteak. lb.Slo
PoTterhouso Bteak, per
lb. '. XOe
Shoulder Steak. Ib.lli
Pot Roast, lb.
Veal Roast, lb..Ucl7
Vtl 8teak. lb. ..IV
Vtal Chops, lb. ..IB'
Veal Stew, lb U
Rib Roll Roast. E.MH
No. 1 Regular Heme,
per lb Z7
Cut the Coat of Uring
I'se Batterine, 33c. soo
and 30
Best Creamery Butter.
per pkg. .... ..3Se
bulk. lb. .... ....70
Peanut Butter, lb... 30c
No. 1 Storage Egg. Pr
dozen .... 4ue
Wisconsin Cream and
Young Amsrlja
Cheese, lb 30o
Fine New York Cheese.
per lb .360
New York Sags Cheese,
for.... 3oe
Brick or Umburger
Cheese, per lb....36o
Blue Hill Chill.. 10e-15e
Neufchatel Cheese, ea.6
Domestic Swiss Cheese,
Ib. 45a
Homemade Sausage, per
lb. ...... . UHe
Nc. 1 Regular Bacon.
per in... ..VSC
ialt PaySrrTRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays.;