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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1917)
Omaha D .Bee , PART ONE t NEWS SECTION ' PAGES 1 TO 10 1 - AILY OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, -DECEMBER 1, 1917. TWENTY PAGES. On Trilnfc M Hot.ll, Nw Standi, tit.. it. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS VOL. XLVIL NO. 143. TT 'W M ! THE WEATHER t Cloudy tan mm m mr- m m mm mm s u m JkM. M - . EMdiMEERS ' . ' : o ' : 1 : . ' -'u ' RED CROSS TO HELP WIN WAR AND SAVE SOLDIERS' LIVES, ' SAYS CHAIRMAN DAVISON head of War Council of National Relief Organization De tails Some of Work Being Perfected by Society Which He Direct; BelievesRussians Still on Allies' Side. ''We are going to win this war, but wc must get our feet a little firmer on the ground, our houlders back a little more and take a few more hitches in our belt, and then we will say, 'If that is the hill, we are going over it, and a little discourage ment won't stop us.' " asserted Henry P. Davison, chairman of the war council of the American Red Cross society, addressing an audience in Brandeis' theater Friday afternoon. nuts t tppi nif SERVICE. Q- . - mr. Davison was introduced by H. H. Baldrige, an Omaha friend, who referred to the distinguished visitor as a "notable example of a man who is giving his life to "service and sacri fice for his country." "I would like to think of the Red Cross, not as larger nor smaller than any other organization, but as repre senting the ' mobilized spirit of ", the American people," Mr. Davison said in continuing his address. "Thework of the Red Cross is to make every possible provision for every possible emergency among our soldiers and sailors. GOOD WILL OF WOMEN.; "Some may wonder why the govern ment does not do this work, to which inquiry it may be said that it is not poetical. If I were given the alterna timv of carrying on the Red Cross work wVh a , government check for $500,000,000 on one hand, or a theck for $100,000,000, plus the good., will of the women of the United States, I would accept the latter. ' ' "In this work we are saving -the lives of even the boys of Omaha and we are helping to shorten tne war, By helping the French people, we are helping our own cause, aney werei "vvny tne unitea oiaies- siwu.u u -, . - (nr ns In, unr nnnn itnpr Tnrkev or bul Lin e we became involved m the war. "If the French line Mould breakviwho know anytning. or tne miprnai hn Dmitri fill the trad ! gad; rersning s - irAiv nrpnared or unoreoared. When we were able to locate Rus sia, we sent a Red" Crbss commission there. Russians are a people in the position of the'boss being away, and they are riding around in the cars. I don't believe that the mai lives who can put Russia, out of the war, or in it I don't think Russia is an even break for the kaiser,- butyl believe It k still on our side. . ''.. ': !Vl'he work of -the Red Cross is bound to havi its influence on the character of peace that will be made. - "This is the hour, of service in which to back up the boys at the front. Noiie now living wiIToutlive the effects of this war. In the social circles that will be formed in the days to comej what will the person have to say who has not helped in this hour?" ; Americans Improve Morale. Henry J. Allen, Wichita, affirmed that the French morale has improved since the advent of-Americans on the , western front and he said he spoke from personal observations. " . ' "By March we . will have 500,000 soldiers over there. England is pour ing 40,000 fresh troops into France ery week, and, man for man, I tfclieve they are better than Germany ever had. The American-army will give the highest and best expression of soldiery the world has ever seen,' 6aid Mr. Allen. . ' The Kansas man said that the Red Cross is helping 15,000 French Chil dren of less than 7 years of age, who are along the battle front. He told of 200,000 . women in Italy building 4,000 miles of automobile roads in tone and a half years..- t . "We want every woman in Omaha to join the Red Cross and get the spirit of devotional sacrifice. Take the job you are asked to do. Whether in Omaha, or in France, the time has come, not to hold controversy with yourself, .but to stand shoulder to ( shoulder and win the war." , Ivy Lee of Red Cross headquarters offered statistical information inj which he stated .that the .average yearly pay of all classes of Red Cross workers is $300 a year. He estimated ibe work being done by the women " cf the .country as worth $100,000,000 a year, if it would be paid for at the usual rates of compensation. Bishop Stuntz offered prayer and O. T. Eastman led community sing ing. - ' ' : The Weather ' t Fof Nebraska Partly cloudy. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. t p. m 40 T p. m 40 p. m. .......... 31 omporntlTe Iaral Reord. - ' 117. 1S1. 1915. 114. Htfchest jesttnlay .. 41 , hi . . 2 49 I. Jktst yesterday .. ' 32 , 2 . 24 43 llftn temperature 38 .00 43 31 , precipitation reclpitation 00 .00 .00 .02 Temperature and precipitation departuree j nm th. nnrmirf : I .00 .00 " from formal temperature 32 jlitceee for toe iy Vr222Z.EZr ."-.7". total defioleney elnee March 1 HI . i a. WELSfi. iietMjreieiiit. Hour. Desr. VpSpeTI 5 1 :;:::::::: n .JL ra S5 SSyvtSgC 1 . m....i 35 LtO ifSii 1 m 41 C 4Y' )03 J 9- m El Jx?(lf' S p. m '41 ggfeSgK 4 j. ra 41 'S-JfrffiZ'- 5 p. m 40 U.S. WAR AGAINST TURKEY A BOOST FOR THE KAISER Dr. Strong Declares Turks Cry Out Against German Rule; Incline to Be Friendly To America. . - (By Associated Press.) , Boston, Nov. 30. The ' Turks are heartily tired of German rule, 'and a declaration of war .by the : United States against -Turkey now will be playing into. the hands of the Berlin officials, in the opinion of .Dr. Wil liam E. Strong, editorial secretary of the American board of commission- ' ers for foreign missions, n . . gana is incomprehensible to those situation ot tnose two countries, wv. a statement issued by Dr. Mrong to night. "Both of the countries are as much under the control of Germany as are Belgium and Poland. . Tired of Germany. . "Those who .have come out of Turkey during the last few months give only one testimony, and -that is to the, effect that Turkey: is heartily tired of the domination of Germany. Even the leaders recognize that they went into this war not for any possi ble gain to Turkey, but with every op portunity of losing everything. "It would be cruel to make an at tack upon a people who hate the al liance with Germany and who would gladly "break that alliance if they bad the power to do so. A declaration of war today on the part of the United States would lead to a new attack under German direction upon the non Moslemvpopulation of Turkey, whose elimination from Asia Minor is one of the manifest policies of Germany Friendly to United States. "We know that Bulgarian and Turk ish officials are increasingly friendly toward the United States, as they5 be come dissatisfied and even hostile to German rule. This is a tendency to be encouraged rather than discour aged. ' , "The sending of Bernstorff to Con stantinople was with the idea of turn ing Turkey against the United States. In the face of the rising tide of Ger man opposition in Turkey, he will probably be unable to do so unless the United States, by a declaration of war, plays into his hands and into the hands of the Berlin officials." Sue to Compel Sorensen . ,To Make Good on Trade Herman C. Peters and Fred G: Delfs have filed suit in court to com pel Charles C. Sorensen to deliver to Delfs, the Harney hotel, . of which Sorensen is proprietor, and to speci fically perform an agreement to pur chase Chase county land from ePters, valued at &31.300 on which tkj trans fer of the hotel was to have been part payment Peters and Delfs allege a written agreement between themselves and Sorensen was signed Octobr 30, le917, providing that the hotel with its ilease and fixtures should be accepted as a payment of $12,000 and a mortgage would-be, taken xn. the land tor the balance. They allege that Sorensen has failed to perform his part of the contract and ask that he be compelled to do so. ' Wife of Poet Comes to Attend ? Funeral of Man Who Killed Self ' John T. Oyler, who killed Himself last Tuesday morning, was buried this. -afternoon in West Lawn ceme tery, near the scene of the tragedy and by the side of two of his children who died in Omaha a year ago. ' Mrs. Mamie Oyler is here- from Chicago to attend the funeral of her husband, her rief be -g intensified because four children are quarantined flt linm rn ' nrrnnnr nf uhnnnino COUSr, TUe vountrest is cou8"- f c youngest is Ot age. r seven months My husband leu Chicago two medical treatment here, which is his . ''lrV. i legal residence. Last June hc-wasj - When Star Meets Star ' x -. ., f ... . . . . i U. 5. WlLIim CONDEMN REDS: U.S. FAINT HONQHTREATY Washington Withholds Hasty Condemnation of Bolshevi ki for Fear of Antagonizing Radical Pace Party ; ' IireconcilablelDiffCTences Between SIa.v' and 'Germans May Yet SaVe Day.' 1 ' (By AlBOClated fress.) Washington, Nov. 30. Realization of the danger. of cau ing a reaction in Kussia favorable to tne central powers oy in tervention in the" political affairs of the new. " democracy, has caused administration officials here to sound a note of warning against hasty condemnation o f the Bolsheviki. lfllTH TM PTTSSTA V v W W aaa Back of what is described as a tol erant policy in dealiag with Russia apparently not only is a purpose to demonstrate faith in - the ultimate stablization of the democracy, but a faint hope that the-extremist faction which is for the moment in control of the government will, refrain from violating Russia's treaty pledges to the entente allies and make a separate peace HUGE DIFFERENCES EXIST.; So long as there is a possibility that these overtures will fail because of the apparently, irreconcilable dif ferences . between - the. Bolsheviki' peace scheme founded, on "no an nexations and no indemnities," and Xht German demands for compensa tion and ' adequate safeguards for. the future," it-i sregarded as bad policy to exert any pressure from the out side at this stage; To do so, it is believed, would only tend ,to cause resentment in Russia and to solidify the star elements -around the Petro grad regime. . - , - Conference to Meet Situation. , An additional reason for. maintain ing an attitude of watchfulness and resreve in Washington, is found irri the fact that to meet just Such, a sit uation as is developing in Russia is one of the purposes of the inter-allied conferences assembled , in ', Paris, There are intimations that sugges tions have reached Washington from the French capital that it would be wise. to avoid adverse criticisms here of the Russian tangle leaving the commissioners gatheringin Paris to deal, with it at this stage at-least. It is even possible, that in pursu ance of the idea that by moral suasion Russia can be prevented from going to trje extreme of making a separate peace, some of the entente powers may decide to Wake some sort of acknowledgment of the xe- (Contlnned on Fas Slxteea, .Column Three.) struck by. an automobile in Chicago and since then he suffered mental de rangement. He tried to work' at his printing trade, but could not hold his own. He became discouraged," said Mrs. Oyler. , Mr.' Oyler rode to Omaha .on a stock pass and had 50 "cents when he arrived. He visited Thirtieth and Franklin streets, his former neighbor hood. He-lived at 3003 Franklin street until he went to Chicago last May. . He was 46 years of age and lived at Winchester, Ind.," before he moved west. During his brief .residence-in Chicago his poems brought a page write up in pne-pf the newspapers, - WITHENTENTE RUSSIAN PEACE OFFER ACCEPTED BY AUSTRIAN'S Foreign Minister 'Czerhifi Sends Official Reply Favoring Ne gotiations for Armistice - and General Peace. ',.'. i 1 . Amsterdam, Nov. 30. The Austrp Hungarian government, according (to a dispatch from Vienna, has sent an official J reply accepting the Russian government's wireless proposal to en ter into negotiations, for an armistice and a general peace treaty. , . The reply was sent yesterday, signed by Czernin, foreign minister, and is as. follows: , . . ' "The guiding principles announced by the Russian, government for nego tiations for an armistice and a peace treaty, counter proposals to.whicli.are awaited by the Russian government, are, in the opinion of the Austro Hungarian government, .a- suitable basis for entering uoon these nego tiations. The Austro-Hungarian gov ernment, therefore, declares that it is ready to enter' upon negotiations as proposed by the Russian' government regarding an immediate armistice and a general peace." . May Affect American Plans. . Washington, Nov. -30. Austria's decision to line up with Germany in opening, peace negotiations with the Russian Bolsheviki -. may possibly have some effect on the administra tion's disinclination toward a declara tion of war on the dual monarchy. Administration senators gathering for the coming session i of congress have found on conference with the executive branch of the government that there is no disposition to ask congress to make another war declar ation at this time. They found the hope of breaking up the central power alliance had not been entirely aban doned. Russo-German Meeting Sunday. London, Nov. 30. The Russian en voys sent to treat witff the Germans, according to a Reuter dispatch from Petrograd(have telegraphed the Bol sheviki leaders that the. Russo-Ge-man plenipotentiaries will meet Sun day noon at the . crossing of tne Dvinsk-Vilna railroad, west of the village of Kukharishky, between the opposing military lines. Thence they will travel by special train to Ger man headquarters at Brest-Litoysk. NATIONAL GUARD NOW 1 FRANCE FROMALLSTATES Extensive Troop Movement Has Been Accomplished With out Loss and National Army WillFollow, (llr Aanoetated Frrsi.V With the 'American Army in France, Thursday, Nov. 29. National Guardsmen from every state in the union have arrived in France, it is to day permitted to be announced. They are among the troops now training or lately arrived. While it is not permitted to dis close the identity of units, it may be said that all those which sailed from the United States have arrived safely and that some already are in training within sound of the guns on the bat tle fronts. They are showing a spirit in keep ing with the purpose of all concerned to make the American expeditionary force a homogeneous American army, iu which each division, whether regu lar, national guard or national army, cannot be distinguished in efficiency from the others. . The former state troops are billeted over a wide area and are pronounced excellent soldiers. Wore French Cockade. ' The troops from the various states have been recognized by the French population and have been welcomed enthusiastically. Many of the units on arriving in billet towns wore the French red. white and blue cockade pinned to tlieir campaign hats. These were given to the soldiers when they landed at base ports. ' During the last few days one unit has been working with grenades and automatic - rifles, , while another has been working out military' problems in maneuvers. Another unit has been in the instruction trenches, which briiiK them as near 'possible ,Jto actual fighting conditions ..T.hey are all being given the same course of instructions, as-. the. first contingtrets of regulars have undergone Announcement of the arrival in France of the first National Guard unit gives the first official notice that an extensive troop movement has been accomplished despite hostile submarines, shortage of. troop and supply fcbips and other obstacles, but without ' the ..loss of a .man. Thou sands of men have been moved to the seaboard f rem all parts of the country, loaded on transports' and safely landed in France without any general knowledge of the facts hav ing been disclosed t the country at large. ' . ' War department officials were grat ified at General Pershing's decision to announce the arrival of the National Guard forces, but permission to pub lish the designations of the guard units now at thetraining centers in France still is withheld. Unless Gen eral Pershing sees fit to release the information there is no present pros pect of its publication. Large Movement in Prospect. . It can be stated, however! that the brief dispatch of today covers a large movement that has been in progress for several weeks. The next fctagc will be actual occupation of ijront line trenches. Guard units to be sent later will be more sectional in character, the grouping of - the old divisional or- (Continued on rage Two, Column Two.) Former Plattsmouth Man Dies in Arizona Miner's Cabin Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 30. (Spe cial.) A telegram was received here this morning telling of the funding of the body of Dennis McHugh, in a miner's cabin at Cloride, Ariz.. ' Dennis McHugh, leaves a widow at Falls City, a son, Jerry McHugh, merchant at Murdock, and two sons and a daughter at Falls City, and a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Walling. Mr. McHugh was 64 years of age. He was born in Illinois. Ik was a Mason and an Odd Fellow. The body will be brought here for interment. James T. Hayes, Prominent Base Ball Man, Disappears Davenport, la., Nov. 30. James T. Hayes, for several years vice-president of the Three I league and secretary-treasurer of the Davenport Blue Sox, is being sought by his rela tives and the police following his mys terious disappearance from home last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hayes is a nationally-known . figure in minor league base ball affairs. Author of "Arabella and Araminta" Stories Is Dead Brookline, Mass., Nov. 30. Ger trude Smith, author of many books for children and best remembered for her "Arabella and Araminta" stories, published more than 20 years ago, died at a hospital here yesterday. Miss Smith was bom at Coloma, Cal.; and had lived in this state since her school days. Red Cross Calls for 16 Women Chauffeurs New York, Nov. 29. A call for 16 women chauffeurs to drive motor trucks and ambulances in this city was sen', out tonight by the Na tional League for Women's Service. The trucks are used to transport Red Cross supplies from work rooms to warehouses and ships, 'YANKEE' OFFICERS ARRIVE AT PIAVE ON ITALIAN FRONT . ' ' ' ' ' - Begin Inspection at' Once on Great River Battle Line; v Their Advent is Hailed with Joy by Allies nd is Regarded as Significant of Com ing Events. Italian Army Headquarters in Italy, Thursday, Nov. 29.; A number of American officers of the United States army, with Brigadier General George H. Scriven, have arrived at the Ital ian front. ' General Scriven is detailed to make a careful and thorough study of the entire situation and will inspect the whole battle line along the Piave river, on the Asiago plateau and in the ex treme west, reporting to the War department at an early date. II. S. ENGINEERS - LAIDlRAILS to aid BYNG'SBIG DRIVE perman Artillery Jore Up Their Track, But American Energy Quickly Replaces it in Spite of Shells. (By AioolatMl PrfM.) British Army Headquarters in France Monday, Nov. 26,American engineers, thc first American troops to be. engagtfd in military operations on the British front, took a promi nent part hi the breaking of the Hut- oeuourg 'line py ucnerai rsyng last wreck. lilifary necessity has made it impossible to .Jspeak ,f their presence before, but it is now possible !to in form the people of the United Mates that engineers of the American army had a large part in pushing; up the vital railways behind the advancing British soldiers. V ? ( ' ( As a matter of fact, the American engineers have been laboring on the roads through1 the devastated battle fields of the Somme district for nearly four months and two of their men, who were wounded, were the first American' casualties announced from Washington ) Astonish the British. Tlie speed with which the lines have been laid up through the broken Hin denburg defenses during the past week has called forth the highest praise frfrm the British authorities. The Americans have been working in shifts 24 hours a day and no such amount of track has been laid in this region in so short a time before. The manner in which they stood up under the Btrain has ,, led to their being dubbed the "force of American ath letes." For these untiring soldiers are today as fit and as willing as they' were before the battle began. Naturally the Americans have for long' time been working under the range of enemy artillery and more than once they have come under heavy "shell fire. One of the, most striking .sights along the front has been that of the -engineers laboring coolly at their tracks with great shells bursting 100 yards away. German Guns Don't Stop Them. ' At one time the Germans cut loose with 'their guns on a section of 'the tracks and tore up three miles of rails which had been laid with much labor, but they scarcely had finished this (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Cannon Predicts Prompt Action And Adequate Appropriations Washington, Nov, 30. Prompt and adequate appropriation by congress for further .prosecution of the war were predicted . today by former Speaker Cannon upon his return for the new session. "Sentiment as far as I can observe," he said, "is for a vigorous prosecu tion of the war, to bring it to a suc cessful end as early as possible. The financial needs will be' great, both of ourselves and our allies. Of course, we can't provide for the whole shoot ing match, but congress wilr respond adequately to the needs of the situ ation. ' ' " "I de not know the status of diplo matic affairs, but if the president should recommend declarations of war against Germany's allies I have no doubt that they would be immediately forthcoming." Rescuers Unable to Reach 18 Men Entombed in Mine ' Christopher, ' 111,,' Nov. ' 30. Res cuers have been. unable to enter the Old Ben mine to search for the 18 men entombed by yesterday's explo sion. A second explosion was heard within the mine at 3 o'clock this morning. ' It is thought that the 18 men are, dead ...... U. S. Government Postpones , . Closing, ot Contracts contracts by which the government i - : t t r ..i. silver produced in the country within the lext. year for monetary use of it- sen auu iiiv antes nave uccu pusb poned until western silver producers can confer- with, treasury pfficials. Italian commander and his staff and their arrival is regarded as highly satisfactory and significant of coming events.'. Up to the present the Amer ican government has required military and naval observers to remain com- ' paratively inactive in Italy so as not to . affront Austria-Hungary, with whom America is yet at peace, but the interest now taken by the United States in the gallant defense made byv the Italians against heavy odds has been a great encouragement. x INSPECTION IS BEGUN. Brigadier General George II., Scriven, who is here to study the Italian situation for the American government, yesterday inspected the line along the upper Piave and today was going. along the northern fight ing front. , The general vent into the first line trenches along the edge of the Piave. A heavy artillery, fire was coming from enemy batteries posted on a hill on the opposite side oi the river, with rifle fire from the bushes along tin shores and the Italian batteries were making, strong reply over the plac Where .."thtt Tjpenerat-and hfs",cscorU, were making their inspection. General Scriven says he was im pressed most favorably with all that he saw, as it shows the Italian army has been able to make an effective re organization and is . now iir a high state 'of efficiency. The tour today will 'take General Scriven through Bassano and along the i Asiago plateau, where the fighting now is heaviest because of the enemy at tempts to force a way southward to the openiplains. f ; , , , - Germans Feverishly Active.' -Aviators report (that the enemy' is feverishly active along the Taglia mento river, where' he is compelling the civilian population to assist in the construction of lines of defensive trenches and works on the eastern bank of the river to which he prob ably would fall back in case of a re verse along the Piave. The lessening of the intensity of the enemy ; attacks along the northern front Is regarded as forecasting the mofng of activity to other points, either for massed attacks or in prepa ration of defensive positions capable of meeting the Italians, reinforced by the British and French, in a concerted advance. . . : Lansdowne Pleases Germany. London, Nov. 30. The newspapers in Germany today publish the Lord Lansdowne letter ,,on H their- front pages, ; telegraphs , the "Amsterdam correspondent of the Exchange Tele graph company. The German news papers consider it a "beginning of England getting reasonable." The letter, the correspondent adds, has caused general satisfaction in Germany, where it is regarded as a "semi-official feeler." . ' Many Soldiers Reach Lincoln on Furloughs - (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Nov. 30. (Special.) Lin coln was full of officers and enlisted men yesterday, home for Thanksgiv ing and the foot ball game between Nebraska and Syracuse. Among the number was .Lieutenant V. Grant Humnhrev. rn nf (!antain t. M. Humphrey of Pawnee City. Lieutenant- Humphrey is from the training camp at Ocean ' Springs, Miss., and was the only Nebraskan at that camp. When he received a com mission it was not announced in Ne braska papers. He is a graduate of the state university, and when his furlough is over will go to Leon Springs, Tex. Slackers Sentenced, in . Oklahoma Federal Court Muskogee, Okl., Nov. 30 Federal Judge Ralph E. Campbell this morning- began passing sentence on 95 draft resisters and other violators of the selective service law who pleaded guilty in United States :court atArd more - recently. Out of the first 15 men to face the court some received sentences as light as 90 days in the Vinita -jail,. while others were ordered to the federal prison at Leavenworth for two years. ""'' " 1 V. vT Amerjcan Casualties' ' " ' -. ' . With Canadian Troops Ottawa, bnt.. Nov' MTnrfav'a" Canadian casualty list in part follows: , Killed" in "action: Tarltsnn Wnmird . ' Wakonda,.;S;D.e,': Wounded:. - r Comnrat C Carnte, North ' Yakima, AYr wounaed and returnc ' E. Cook, Mount Pi;ar , 1