8 THE BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 1917. I Want Ad Rates (Counting Bii Word to tb L!n. I Ad Takea fo ( Than Tw Line ... . Lot CASH WITb ORDER Una. . 1 timt ft iio..lor more consecutive Insertions ; CHAEGF Ms ... 1 tim it lln I or morr consecutive Insertions r UBO........U consecutive insertion SITUATIONS WANTED bar Ha., ..... per week CARD Or TUAKKS AND niNEBAL NOTICES per Une... each Insertion (Minimum charge 59 ctnu. . 0t-of-Towi Bale With Order (Cvant Sis Word to Une petal f 12a tier Una t lima w I - - - ta Wanted 1 ,0 per lin rr mon QMS Cb&ac i convecauT .oMriion 3thr f o per lint 1 time, la per line t or more nncai I THB nieath lflcatlona cooaecoilv insertion. THB TELEPHONE! If jreo cannot con- lently bring or aend In your want ad. k c k for Want Ad Taker and you will telra the same rood aervlce aa when verlng rour warn ad at tbia office. PHONIC TTLEB 1000 WANT AD-COLUMNS CLOSE 1NO EDITlONb 12:00 M. NINO EDITIONS 10:00 P. 11 Coainet Bate ea Application Movie Program Downtown. CES3. . 1317 DOUGLAS MONROE SALISBURY AND " RUTH CLIFFORD, In "THE SAVAGE" North. AMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER ANN MURDOCH, In PLEASE HELP EMILY" WILLIAM 8. HART. i iND, 1STH AND KINNEY GEORGE WALSH, in -THIS IS THE LIFE" South. t.LO, 29TH AND LEAVENWORTH ITTLE MADGE EVANS, in E ADVENTURES OF CAROL' iLEVARD. 33D AND LEAVENWORTH tE AND KATHERINE LEE, in ( "TWO LITTLE IMPS" JST. 26TH AND LEAVENWORTH - VIVIAN MARTIN, in' LITTLE MISS OPTIMIST" . , Weil I)EE, (1ST AND UNDERWOOD DOROTHY-D ALTON, in THE FLAMH OF THB TUKON" AND COMEDT. THS & FUNERAL NOTICES. I MASONIC FUNERAL. ; The funeral aervlcea for -our late Brother fin W. Rodefer will be. held at Maaonlo nple, lth and Capltbl Ave.. Friday, rvember 10, 1917, at I o'clock p. m. bther Rodefer wa one of the pioneer (rubers of Nebraska lodge No. 1. He m Inatalled aa treasurer nf the lodgs fie 14. 1st, snd. served faithfully for 'era! ream. He waa (7 yeara of ate. faster Matons wll. aasembls at 1:30. I hla friends are Invited to attend. HN W. COOPER, Worshipful Master. KNK WILCOX. Secretary. SON Joaepb Wood, aged 10, Nov. it. .'erviees at Hoffman funeral home, Frl jr, 1:30 p. m Rev. Leonard ffictatlng. torment Falrvlew cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. f ACK & FALCONERS dependent Undertakere. 24 A RarJV lit C DODDER CO., Funeral Director? (L. Fero. Mgr., 13rd and Cuming 8ta on Dougla 77, Auto ambulance --SB 4k RIKPEN, undertaker and em- mere. 701 B. 16th. Dougla 1363. 1 A GENTLEMAN, undertaker ano balrner t?4 Leavenworth. Doug. 1(61. FLORISTS. 3 a member of the National Florlata iegraph Delivery aaaoclallon, w are In llloa toadellver flowere at ebert nolle where ft the United Btatea or Canada. a ft, Bwoboda, Florist. fnell LEE LT LARMON Irlate. '4 Douglai St Douglaa 1144. J EST aeaortment of freak flower. IENDERSQN. JS19FARNAM.. ER FLOWER SHOP, 411 811. vCUti ("FERNERY. 601 S. 10th St. Dougrilll IRS, Florist. 8l" 8. 16th. fa. 3400." I. National Florist 1804 Farnam St (UNAGHUE. 1(23 Harney. Doug- 1001 wish to t ank our Inany friends, nelgh a and lodgea for their kindness . and npathy ahown during the dfath and III a of our beloved aon, Wilbur 13. Smith, 1 also for the floral offrlnr. Mr. and . Vernon B. Smith. ' SH to thank the alatera of St, Joseph's pita) alao frlenda for their aympathy t flora 1 tribute during the Illness and ith of tny huaband. , . . , . r MRS. M. U WARFIELD. DST-FOUND-REWARDS SWARD AUTOMOBILE STOLEN. ' tolen, one Bulck, model D, t paaaenger it etx touring ear, 1017. Qaodyear ooth tread front and all-weather tire r. Body and door No. 77-l. Starter I l47. Motor No. 111740. Dark green y and wheel. Left. rear, door doca not (tight. Stolen from front Elka' build. . evening Nov. 17, 1017,' Omaha Neb. 60 eaak reward will be paid for the re. n of said car within CO daya front date theft, or Information directly .reapona- for It recovery and aource of aarae it etrlctly confidential, re or phone at our expena to Chief of lee. Omaha, Neb. AHA at COUNCIL BLUFKR STREET I RAILWAY COMPANY, "ereon having loat nam article would well to call up the office of the Omaha aocll Bluff Street Railway company ascertain whether they left It In the et ear..' lany article each day are turned In i the company la anxloua to realor m to the rightful owner. r Last week In Hanacom park on it aide, Yale bicycle, painted blue, ck flreaton tire. Morrow coaater ke. Liberal reward for Information ot ereabouta. H. O. Leavttt, 111 South rty-cecona Ave., H. sill. OU ioa anything and will advertise It you will aurely recdver It tf found aa honeat person. If you find anything ivalu the honest way 1 to advertise ( the owner. 'A big, brown mule Wednesday noon, urn to 3211 Charles St. Webster 6266. String of pearl. Reward for return .inert Kg holm. Tel. Dougla ltd. SALE -Miscellaneous Tiiture nd Household Goods. tiEStt ARE REAL FURNITURE t BARGAINS , r'"' t tnem will anew you a Is e tpltuke about that Read and serg, inane, styles. 13.78; 111.60; 111.71 fete, big vsriety. iio.to; m.j. -krs. unequalled values, 11.36: 11.35. venporta, bargain. 110.71: 323.70. vttnr stores, all klnda. tt.(5: 37.10. f will arrange accommodation to suit r convenience. Railroad far free te -of-town buyer within fifty mile of aha onr purchase of 510 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., 1117 Cor. 14h and Dodge St. .AINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE). a. earing, mattresses, bedding of klnda, tables, chairs, china and kitchen Ineta. rug and linoleum, tsss-teei n i Bt Webster 1007. Open till i p m, ,A PILLOW CO. Fethr mattresses j from your own ftber. summer I winter eldea; cost lea and laat longer a cotton or hair bed. Phone u for !. 1007 Cuming. Douglas lift c.3, all make, bestcrs. range ana tstoves; turn.. Vict- fijanos. Country j,. Coeds parked fre. Loyl Fum. I. tt. N Ith. City Fum. Co.. 191 g 14th. I T CALL F. B. 8TEPHENSON HIGH-CLASS MERCHANDISE. . Auctioneer. c4 and bonded. Phone Web. 4471. 6ALE Complete set ot furniture for I no! alao Vlctrola. call iwug. i I right down and get your har of all I of furniture at sacrifice 59 N ItiK CARPETS make NKW'rUC.B. Red 4I?1 "ttore and Office Fixtures. "AVE moved .4 new location W buy. , and make desk, safe, showcases, 'vlag. etc. Omh Fixture Supply Co.. V. Cor. Ilth and Doug. Phone D. 3724. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Pianos and Musical-Instruments. BANJOS Ouitara and banjo. 4c a day buy a GIBSON Franrla Potter. Es. Am 234 Sanford hotel WILL store piano for use, good care. 6140, Omaha Bee. . Box Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and part of all sewing machine. MICK EL'S NERRASKA CYCLE CO. 15th and Harney St. 'Doug. lift. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier typewrltera. Sent anywhere. Rental applies on purchase. Remington Typewriter company. Nineteenth and Douglaa etreta. TYPEWRITERS eold. rented and repalrnl. Rent an Oliver 3 month for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange. 190S Farnam. - OLD DUTCH LINE Ribbons and Carbon. You ran TRY IT before you BUY IT from HIATT. 11J0 Flint Nat'l B k. Tyler 1463. Guarantee tyiewrller. 110 and up. Writ for list. Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge Miscellaneous. FOR BALE Two mares and Milling, (lx and 19 year old. Call Benson 144. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trad those articles of furniture, cloth ing, personal belonging, etc., that you have no need ot Get something you can ue. , Special rate for ad In Swapper column :5c for a 3-llne adv. 3 daya and 3c per answer for all letters received. Buainesa ad regular rates. FILMS developed, 10c a roll, one-day acrv. Ice. Kate Kodak Studio Neville Blk.. iyi and Harney. ' WILL trad Victor Vlctrola and record for automatic shotgun. Box 8. C. 26t, Omaha Be. WANTED To exrhnniie a .33 automatic Winchester rifle for shotgun. Florence 110. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, aold and traded. J. C, Reed. 12il7Farnam. I). M4. WANTED OLD FALSE-TEE. . No matter If broken. I psy 13 to tit per set. Bend by parcel post and receive check by leturn mill. L. Maier, 2007 S. Fifth St., Philadelphia. Pa.' . WANTED A good second-hand McCasky acct register; 300 td 400 sect; must be In good condition. Winnebago Hdw. Co., Winnebago. Neb. TlVMIfTVO Pay hlghett price for (JjiIX.UiO clothe, shoes, trunks, ate. Dougla till;-Rea,, Douglaa 0033 OLD CLOTHING A5DPRa HIOHEST PRICES DOUGLAS 0021. DIAMONDS K carat and upwards, bought from reaponalbl parties. Albert Edholm, Jewelry. ' DIAMONDS 400 S. 16th St. SOL BERGMAN A CO. BOOKS bought. Kleser. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE new cafe at Hotel Neville announce their first big turkey dinner for Thanks giving. Music, Accordeon Pleating. ACCOKDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all site and tyles; hemstitching, picot edging, ye- let cut work, buttonhole, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300.308 Brown Bldg. Douglaa 1!9. VAN ARMAN Drees Pleating and Button Co., 330-1 Paxtcn Blk. Dougla 1100 Baths. CENTRAL Bath Institute; electrlo and plain batbs; missagee of all kinds: expert at tendant. 1600 Harney. Dougla 7017. MASSEUSE hatha, manicuring, physical cult. Miss Wslker. 124 Neville Blk. - Mineral, steam baths, 323 Neville Block, Baggage and Express. THE ONLYWAYog,vV.B,.d.. THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. j Brass and Iron Foundries. Pavton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Carpenters and Contractors. 1.KS8AH1) A SON, 201 Cuming. Ty. 183. Dancing Academy. De Luxe Si Popular Ballroom ces CLnaa Monday Eve. 111 8. 13th. Phone Walnut 1037. iEEP Dancing Academy! private lessona, clasee for adult and children, D. 7360, Dressmaking. TERRY DressniHklng Co., 20th and Farnam. Dreaamaklng, Mlxa Sturdy. R. 46. 34U Cart. Detectives. SUTTON Detective Agency (Inc.) "W Get Results." CI World-Hrgld Bldg., Paul Sutton, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 000 1st Nat.nik. Bldg. Thon Tyler 3510. JAME8 ALLAN. 313 Neville blk. Evidence secured In all ease. TyleifllSI. B. D. JOLLYTaTTpaxton. Red 1130. Chiropractors. Dr. J, C. Lawrence, -Balrd Bldg. D. 5401. Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford' 20 Paxton Bl 4537 Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 011 W. O. W. Bldg. PR, TEFFT, the well known Omaha den tlat, haa moved to 403 Brandel Bldg, Taft'a Dent. Rms., inH Rose Dld D. 3130. c:-..... l iir:: j rmaita aim vvniug DURKIN Electric washing machine, electric Iron and reading lamps 112.1 Cuming Ct. Dougl 3610. Historical Costumes. The largest stock of theatrical and masque rade coatuines In the country for rent or sale. Then, hleben A Son, 1514 Howard St Household Specialties. C. K. ADAMS. 623 8. 16th. D 3007. Under new management. We want to see old friend and meet new, Open Sat. evening Your credit I good. Agent wanted. Jewelry. UltiUJiUO privilege to buy back at m all profit. O ROSH. 4H3 N. 16th St. LAR8KN JEWELRY STORE, 204 N. 16th St. Phone Red 3527. lowest caah price. Insurance. BANKERS TlFE OF"LINCOLN, '011-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1111. Massuers. kllBS BARTLET, maaseuae at the Central Bath Institute, 1504 Harney, Doug. 707. U1S.1 HOLLAND, 2233 Neville Bldg., 16th and Harney St. MISS REESK. maseeuae. 22H Neville block. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beam, column, brick. H. ores Lumber and Wreck t o Web 2H4 Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. k 01 Brand!) Bldg. - ' ' Office Phone Tyler 2060. Rea. Harney 4741. airs. J P, Mustek, sulphur, s iirn and euca lyptus bat ha 402-1 Hose Bldg. Ty. 1343. Oxy Acety.ene Welding. ' Expert Welding on All Metal H. W. LEVERING. 300 8. 12th Bt. D. 3573. Painting and Paper Hanging. BEST work. Price right. Call Harney 1153. L. U. Murdock, Pianos for Rent. 33.50 per mo A Hoaie Co.. 1513 Douglas. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER. CHAS. H.. 1905 Harney. Doug. 6011. Expert tuning and repairing. Piano n built and reflnlahed. Estimate free. W. ft Dalbey. piano tuner Douglaa (29f Plumbing and Heating. TUPP A CO., 1715 Vlntou street. Plumbing and heating: general repair work our specialty. Oil burner experte. Tyler 1111 Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Bernhart Ptg Co. 624 8. 13th Kt. Patent Attorneys. PATENT8 procured, bought and sold. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. ' , 133 Brandel Bldg. Dougla 6691. STUR0E9 a 6TURGES. U. 8. and foreign patent and trandemarka. 33 Bee Bldg Removal. Dr. F W. Bolanu phys aur. 13 Be Bldg' Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, lilt Farnam i. J. Derlgbt Safe Co, Trusses. CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES Kitted Perfectly b Experts. The W. CL CievjUod Ca. lUO-11 Harney It ANNOUNCEMENTS Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L.. 21 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 1431 Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL GOWNS, full dress aulta for rent. 200 N. 17th. John Feldman. D, 3133, Towel Supplies. Omaba Towel Supply. 207 8. ilth. D. 111. Voice Culture. Albert Haberstro Baaso cantante, teacher of singing, technique and repertoire. Studio 430 Securities Bldg., Tyler 2407 J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements snd printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel Douglas 144. AUTOMOBILES 1017 MODEL K GRANT SIX. been run 2,000 miles, good tires, fully equipped, electric tarter and lights, one man top, etc. Car Rata at 3349. Omaha. - Will aell cheap. Ouaranteed first-class condition every way. Phone Douglas 10. U14 FORD touring, demountable wheels, 5 new tires, perfect condition, 3276. 1917 Ford roadsters, 3100 worth oi extras. 1325. CROSSTOWN GARAGE. XH B. 24th St. Douglas 4443. ALL klnda of cars for hire, with or with, nut driver, by the mile or by the hour. -Torda, 10c per mile. Douglaa 7399. Ne braska Service Garage. FOR SALE A caterpillar tractor engine, 40-60 or 60-76, In perfect condition. Jamea Malone, 219-220 Richards Blk., Lincoln, Neb. QUALITY USED CARS. Sludehaker Wilson, Ins. We have the beat bargains. See a at once. Harney 87lFarnam at 16tb Ave. WANTED FOR SPOT CASHtT 100" USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam Bt. Doug. (036. OAKLAND aenalble Six. , MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2200 Farnam St BARGAINS In used car. v- I ORR MOTOR 8ALES CO.. 40th and Farnam..- Harney 414. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Dougla 7652. 1100 Dougla Bt. STANDARD, MOTOR CO. ' One Allen touring car. good shape. 2020 Farnam St. Carl Changstrom. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th and Ilowi.rtl. Ford Agent. Doug. 3600. U8ED CAR DEPT. ' WILLYS-OVERLAND. INC.. 1047 Farnam Bt. Doug. 3211-L. -BARGAINS IN USED CARS. ' 1205 Harney Bt. Dougla 1101. FOR BALE new 1911 Ford touring car; I uaed 1117 Ford bodlea. Phone South 4360. ' BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix It.' Southeast cor ner 20 and and Harney Bt. Dougla 2563. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everready Battery Station, 1300 Farnam. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT, A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. JOo I mile, 36c per hour, minimum charge. (Except Sunday and holiday.) FORD LIVERY CO., ' ' Dougla 3622. 1314 Howard St. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO CARRIAGE WKS 26th Ave. and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701 Starters and Generators Repaired. - W repair any atorag battery, guaran teeing aame for alx month. o: aha battery and bervicb CO., 13U Harney St. Tyler 1394. . AUTO ELECTRIC BERVICB CO. Anything electrical about your auto. Ill 8. 19th St. Dougla 6481. Auto Repairing and Painting. RADIATLR. LAMP AND WINDSHIELD REPAIRING. Night and day service. Out-of-town work given prompt attention. BOYLAN AUTO RADIATOR ' REPAIR CO. ' Dougla 1914. V 1610 Davenport Bt. EDWARDS, K. 8.. 2611 N. 19th St. Web iter 1103. For beat result wltb repair work conmikt us. RADIATOR repair work, all work guaran teed. Trawver Auto Co., 1010 Farnam St. (100 reward for magneto w can't repair Coll repaired. Bayadorfer, 210 N. Ilth. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES 4A PRICE. Mad with two old tire, 10x1. 36.40; I0X3V4, 17.16: 82x3U 1316. "2-In-r Vulcanizing Co., 1611 Davenport 8t Agent Wanted. Dougla 2914. - 'JJ1LT-NU" Tlrca. guaranteed 1,500 miles, savs money. Vulcanising and retreadljrg. Auto and radiator repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE AND AUTO WORKS. 1819-31 Cuming St. Tyler 117. TTfRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL SIZES New 10x3 Firestone 3 7.10 New 31)1.111 nnnaklu Flreatona. . . . 11.00 Kalman's Tire H-p, 1721 Cuming. D. 6838.1 TIRK prlcu wreckers. Tbls Is no 1 In 1 tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY .103H Jackson. Agts, wsnted. Omaha, Neb. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. O. A O. Tire and Vulcanising Co., 2411 Leavenworth. Tyler 1241-W. BUY Lea Puncture-proof Pneumatic Tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co., 1011 Farnam Bt , Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. . Bargain In uaed Machine. . victor H. Roos. The Motorcycle Mad! 17th . and eavenworta. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE (8,000 exclusive cloth'lng atock In Tecumseh, Neb.; on account ot our manager being dratted and because we cannot get help to run thla store we are going to sell It. Good livs store, always had good business; only exclusive cloth ing store In Tecumseh; best locstion In city and cheap rent; fin opportunity for anyone who wanta an eatabliahed cloth ing business. .Will cut stock to suit pur chaser. Duff A Moultnn. Tecumseh, Neb. OLDEST established general hardware, har- nes and furniture business, county seat ot 1,000 population In portheastern Colo rado, Brick building, best location In town. Stock and fixture Invoice 310,000. Only reason for selling, owner wlahea to retire because .of old age, Make ua an offer. Address Bog Y 290,' Omaha Bee. MANY EARNING FROM , 11,300 TO 310.000 A YEAR. . " Learn the Investment security business; opportunity not limited to big Cities; our Instructions show how anyone, anywhere, can make good money; no. capital re quired; honesty and ambition necessary. Write for details. Krlebcl & Co., I -mcnt Bankers, 137 S. La Balls St., Chicago. FOR SALE The beat, transfer business In the west. Auto passenger- and baggage, old established line. Price 37,500. .Will sell halt interest. 14,000, .buyer' to take active . management i Salary. 31,200, but must have somo knowledge of autos and come well Introduced. , Great opportunity for other activities. Box 9224. Omaha Bee. FoK SALE High clans newspaper In centre! Nebraska town. Modern equipment. Splen did business. , Not a forced sale. Unusual opportunity tor a . good,, newspaper man with some ready cash.' Address F t, care Western Newspaper Union, Lincoln. Neb. HOTEL, furniture and fixtures, 30 rooms; best paying hotel propoaltion, on invest ment in north Nebraska; owner dratted, reason for selling. Prtc (3,500; terms. Box Y 241. Omaha Bee. - - ' FOR 8ALK Drug store. Will sell on eaay terma to right party or exchange for western Nebraska land or email acreage cloae to good town, Writ owner. I. A. Peterson. Venango. Neb; ' A NO. 1 DRUG STORE for sale: clean, up to-data atock and flxturea; live town, 1,400 pop, south central Neb.; partner drafted. Priced for quick sal. Lock Box 36, Palmer. Neb. MOTION picture machine (new and re built). -theaters supplied. Omaha Flint Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. . . MOVING PICTURE machlnea. new and re built, all makea: supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 101 Nat'l Bldg. SMALL printing plant In Omaha. - Good equipment Nice business. Bog 8940 Omaha Bee. TO GET In or out of buainesa call on GANOESTAO, 248 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477 YOUR buainesa or real eatatte handled tor ale. F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha, DOWD BALE AND AUCTION CO., W, O. W. Bldg. Red 3J85. 1126 VARIETY STORE, (100 and invoice; good business. Tyler lout. Rooming Houses for Sale. FURNITURE and leas tit a good country hotel clearings over (100 a month. 1760. OANGE8TAD, Suit 148, Tiee Building. Douglas 3477. RESTAURANT Clearing over (109 month In live Nebraska town, 1500. per GANG EST AD, Suite 141 Be Building. Ceuglea 1471. BUSINESS CHANCES Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete line moving picture supplies. Swanson A Noland Supply Co.. 106 B. 14th. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER t Latest andtnost sclentlflo treat ment for all diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes,' 111-624 'Rose Bldg. Ex -amlnatlon and consultation free. H I curing thonaanda WHY NOT TOUT Delay are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Hour: I a. m. to I p. m.; 7:30 to 1:30 evening. Sunday by appointment DR. E. R, TARRY " 240 BEE BLDG. ' PILES. FISTULA CURED. , Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease without mrglcal op eration. Cure guaranteed and so money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal disease and testimonial. ' RUPTURE successfully treated without surgical operation. Call or. 'writ Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licits jour old clothing, furniture, maga xtnea. We collect We distribute Phone Doug. 4125 snd our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge t. BATHS, massages and manicuring. Central . Bath Institute. 1606 Harney Bt Miss 8. Benjamin, Mgr. Douglas 7097. MISS SMITH, formerly of the Rittenhouse rianitarlum, is now located at 203 Karbacb Bldg., 15th and Douglaa. Red 1727. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment ror appointment can Ty. 1B3. 708 a. zitn MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 179 Brsn. Thea. Bldg D. 1569 LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing, 619 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. MAE BRUGMAN. sclentlflo masseuse and hatha. 203 Karbacb Blk. Red 2727. VAPOH and tub baths. Massages of all kind. 700 B. 14 a. Apt. 3, Dg. 7046. BATH and massage, 1803 Farnam St., Room - 3. Phone Dougla 8761. - IMMANUEL private maternity home. Beat car. 2605 Bristol. Webter 2908. PRIVATE licensed maternity Home. 4411 N 18th Bt. Phone Colfax 1042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 530 Bee Bldg. Phone, Dnua-laa till. Tub baths, manicuring. 138 Neville block. MISS WEST, manicure, maasag. 110 N 17thJ E. BROTT. Massage. 703 8. 18th D. 9626, Manicuring and rase., 1(21 Fartrkm. R. II FURNACES cleaned. 11. Central Tin Shop. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. COLORED man wants position cleaning of fices morning and evening. References. Call Web. 3801 before 10 or after I. FIRST-CLASS, licensed, steam electrical refrigerating engineer. Call Web. 2683. Elderly man wanta some light employment Harney 1304. ASHES and rubbish hauled. Call Col. 2036. Female. LADY pianlat wanta to play as substitute any evening, aii 11. zsaf. WANTED Position as housekeeper In good nome. uox iie, umana uee. EMBROIDERY work wanted: experienced. Webster 2139. DRESSMAKING b. the day. Harney 4688 Col, girl want position; good cook. D. f 004. Col, girl wanta chambermaid poa. Web. 1722. Waahlng tt Ironing done at home. Wal. 2269. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY and housodeanlng by the day: satisfaction given. Webster 3580. DAY work, washing. Ironing, houiecleanlng J satisfaction sHven. Web. 3580. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants one half day work. Web. -4627. PLAIN and fancy clothe laundered. Web ster 4283. WHITE woman wants day work. Web. 1698. Colored girl wants day work. Douglas 79 3 3. DAY work, bdl. washing, after . Web. (333. WASHING and lace curtains done. . 1144. Ex" col. lady wanta day work. Web. 6226. Laundry wk. by exp. col. lady. Web. 6301. DAY work, exp. colored lady. Web. 7467. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1727. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 418. DAY WORK WANTED Webster 1327. DAY work wanted Harney 6690. WANTED Cooking by day. Harney 4(48. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. THOSE desiring country bank positions, snouid consult us. Many positions open now for stenographer, experienced bank bookkeeper, teller and asi't cashier. We handle nothing but bank positions. THB CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY. 1424 First National Bank Bldg,, Omaha. TYPI8T ....175 I BOOKKEEPERS 360-175 LEDGER CLERK (75 S MAILING BOYS 135-140 THE CANO AGENCY, (00 BEE BLDG. CALL and look over our large Hat of va cancies. More call for competent help than we carTflll. , THB MARTI COMPANY, 1317-18 W. O. W. Bldg, BOOKKEEPER, $90; typist, (76. , Btenograpner and clerk, (90. ; 'WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First National Bank. BOOKKEEPER (small office). (100; book keeper, (85. Co-Operative - Reference Company. 1016-16 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER and office assistant, (76. WESTERN REFERENCE As BOND ASSN.. 73 First national BanK Building. LEDGER clerk by large wbneaal boue. Good pay and chance foi advancement Address 7409. Omaha B Professions and Trades. ; wanted; ' "" i ' ' , . ." ; . We : can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as .v ; ; CONDUCTORS , . : " '.V . and . u -- - MOTORMEN. -..'. Must ' be physically z sound, of good character '.and habits and come well recommended. " v - ; ' '' Apply itr person at of- fices of superintendent of " - transportation, Room 205, second floor, Merchants National Bank Building. ;'. OMAHA' & COUNCIL j CLUFFS . STREET RAICW AY. CO. . CARPENTERS i(-r , . . ' r . " , 'WANTED ; , WAGES 60C PER HOUR. 1 . v "apply . WITHERSTONE ENGLER CO., C & N. W. ELEVATOR CO., , COUNCIL, BLUFFS, IA. WANTED 300 bridge carpenter. 46 cents - per hour-; also 300 bridge arpet.ter help era, 36 cents per. hour: all winter work; board and lodging, (1.26 per day. A. Guthrie. Co.. Inc.. Allouex. Wla WANTED Boys over II to learn lens grind' Ing and wholesale optical'- trade; good chance for advancement Apply . Taylor- Jenkins Optical Co.. 644 Brandel The Bldg - LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or writ Barber College. 1124 Dougla St WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. APPLY 121)1 & UTtt ST. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors! WANTED Letts, Fletcher Co., Marshall town, la., want an experienced salesman to represent them on territory adjacent to 8ac City. Residence, Sac City or Car- - roll. Good salary and additional commis sion baaed on earnings. Good place and opportunity for high grade man. Write at once. WANTED Salesman to make (100 per week selling "Bllt-Nu" Tires; guaranteed 3.500 miles; 30 per cent - cheaper. Omaha Radiator. Tire and Auto Works, 1811-21 Cuming St. Tyler 91T. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS WANTED To sell small tracts and Irrigated ranches, vicinity Sheridan, Wyo. large commission. Northwestern Realty Co., P. Q. Box 285, Sheridan, Wyo. Trade Schools. WANTED. Men and women to learn tt. barber trade; few weeks complete course; pay while learning. Call or writ for catalog; tools given. Moler Barber College, 110 Bouth 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In alx weeks, no books: easy to learn; free - catalogue. National Auto School, 2814 N. 20tb St.. Omaha. Neb. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Bpecial ratea,. Call or write. 1403 , XfA if a TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, I 2069 F. mam. Miscellaneous. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help can aupply you. Bluff- City Employ roent Bureau. 916V4 W Brosdway. P 431. FREE shipments south dally, i Apply I21H B 10th , HELP WANTED, Male and Female. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm. ARTHUR RE ARCE, Washington, Neb. GOVERNMENT WAR POSITIONS OPEN Clerical work; men-women wanted; 190 per month; list Tree. Franklin Instltut. Dept. 337 K. RocheJer, N. v WANTED Lobby porter, maids, bus boys ana aucnen men. nensnaw Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. THOSE desiring country bank positions. should consult us. Many position open now for stenographers, experienced book keepers, tellers and ass't cashiers. We handle nothing but bank positions. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COM PANT. 1424 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha. STENOGRAPHER, Implement house... 170 Bookkeeper, manufacturing firm...... 166 Dictaphone operator, auto firm...... 166 Stenographer, lnaurance .(65 THE MARTI COMPANY, 1817-18 W. O. W. Building. " ' WANTED. EXPERIENCED LADY CLERKS. BOOK DEPT., BRANDEI3 STORES. STENOGRAPHERS, 140 to 370; bookkeepers. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 1138 First National Bank. STENOGRAPHER (bank), (60; assistant bookkeeper, (60. Co-Operatlve Reference Company, 1016-16 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED First-class experienced stenog rapher. Btate experience and gle ref. In flrat letter. Alfalfa Butter Co 3f)3. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, (85. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., T4fi VI..... t.-- I 1 T, i. ii toy nniiuiiKi sm J l x U i 1 U I Jl R Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and ' long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement, good wage. A sal ary I paid while learning. Parent desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details ar specially Invited to accompany the applicants. "Apply to C F. Lambert, ,1807 uongias at. LEARN barber trade. 1403 Dodge Bt. Household and Domestic. WANTED A -salddle-aged lady aa house keeper In wldowor's family. Leslie Ed wards, Albion, Neb. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care for small child. No washing. Apt li the Blrchwood. Phone Walnut 31'.v WANTED A girl for general house work, or to assist. Apply 1321 8. 20th. MAID for upstajra work, H day, 1811 Capitol Ave. GIRT, for general housework, small family. walnut 3587. Miscellaneous. WANTED Three capable women of pleas ing personality, and good address over 25 yeara of age. who, through -force of cir cumstances, find it necessary to earn their own living and who would be Interested In earning (20 a week and over. Teaching, nursing tot1 other experience preferred, but not absolutely essential. Answer, giving age, nationality, experience, etc. Personal Interview arranged for. Only those who mean buslners and who actually need em ployment need apply. Box 1189, Omaha Bee. . WANTED Nurse girl for baby 1 yeara old. t;au Harney 3168. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL 20TII AND FARNAM Special low rate to permanent guest Hotel Neville Extra large com fortable rms, hot water; telephone in 16th & Dodge K rooms. CLAREMONT INN, lt7h and Jackson. . Transient guests, II a day. Permanent guest. (5 week. Doug. 278$. Furnished Rooms, ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERSI If you fall to find the room you desire among these sds call at Ths Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every weeR. MODERN furnished rooms at the Suntfilne apartments, equipped for light housekeep ing; hot and cold water. For men only. Low rate. Office, 608 N. 17th St. HERE'S something good! Large, beautiful steam heated rooms within walking dis tance. Bath and electricity. References required. 620 8. 19th St.. phone D. 1741. FURNISHED modern rooms for three cou ples at Is per week. Lieludlng board. Do your own cooking. Or seven girls at (3.60 each. 1(08 Burdette St. Webster 2166. . RAILROAD MEN ATTENTION. In private home; warm steam-beatea room; plenty ot hot water at all time; (8 month. Phone Dougla 5831. ONE suit and one single room, modern in every respect, private home, breakfast op tional. 1335 Harney St. Phone Har. 6131. STEAM-HEATED rooma (3 wk.. also spta. with kltchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffa MODERN well heated and furnished- room In private home; reasonable. D. S552. FURNISHED, well heated room; walking distance; German family. (38 p. 22d St. LARGE east front room, privste, modern home: Hanscom Park district, Har. 1044. Housekeeping Rooms. NICE clean room with kitchenette, gas. lectrlo ligh'a. bath, washing privileges and heat on car line; walking distance. Price reasonable. 1520 S. 24th 8t. i WARM and X semi-basement, sink, range. 14. Children admitted. 309 N. 25th St. Douglas 7700. WARM, comfortable room, llghf houaekeep- tng and, sleeping. 2580 Hsrney St 16U HOWARD. Steam heated housekeeping rooma Board and Room. GOOD home cooking and baking at 1325 S. 32d Bt. Large front room and back par lor. Warm and coxy. Use of piano, li brary and telephone. Harney 3332. ATTRACTIVE room, tor two; good board; walking distance, . Harney (143. 2561 image. COMFORTABLE and congenial home, 4028 Seward Bt Near car line. Phone WaL 3121. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. WOODV1NE FURNISHED APTS. - 24th and Wirt 1 4-roora apt, clean, light and warm, (31.60. - F. B. Ol BBS. WEBSTER 1946. ALL modern. 5-room apartment. In west end. Call at 2rown apartments No. 1 or phone Harney: 1171. ; ' ' FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. THE THORWALD 6-roora apartment newly decorated, reference required. Call H. 6610. 1813 Capitol Ave., mad. apts. steam heated. Houses. BEAUTIFUL 10-room house, welt furnished, located In exclusive West Farnam district; very low, almost nominal rental for win- ,ter to right party.. . , HARRISON MORTON, Ili-Omaba Nal'L, D. J14. FOR RENT HOUSES ! t' West. ' . HALF A' MONTH FREE RENT. 2617 Capital Ave., 9-room, modern. .185.00 2414 Maple St., (-room, all mod.... 26.00 133 N. 24th St., (--room, mod, ex. ht 11.60 .2012 Bancroft St.-mod., ex. ht.. 13.00 (322 Camden Ave., t-r. H-acre.... 11.00 RASP BROTHERS. ' 210 Keellne Building. Tyler 721. NICE cheerful 6-rm. apt.; modern ex. heat, which can be had if arranged for; 614V4 N. 22d, 116; also 7-rra. house, mod. ex. hest, 211 N. 28th Ave. A. C. Wake ley, Doug. 1572 or 3001. ROOMING HOUSE MODERN. . 3606 Dodge street (30. Can b rented out in 3 and 4 room apartments,- rent easilymade. - (Douglas 2161.) FOR RENT Modern house, 9 rooms, at re duced rental for winter months; garage. C. R. Combs. 808 Brandels Theater Bldg. ONE EIGHT and also a five-room house, strictly modern; good car service; (30: reference. Harney 1347. 8-ROOM modern bouse, Ith garage, 412 8. 28th St.; 135. Young A Doherty, 182 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. BARGAIN in 6-r. house, mod. ex. heat: 2 blocks Franklin St. school, (13. Dg. 171. 6ROOM HOUSE, modern except furnace, large yard. 623 8. 24th Ave. H. 4356. t-ROOM new bungalow, all modern,- (25. 4035 Seward Bt. D. 2802. North. 4-ROOM cottage, 2812 Davenport St., Ill; 6-r. modern except heat 1611 Manderson. 116; 6-r. strictly mod.. In Bemls Park ad dltlon, 1702 N. 34th, 122.60. Harney 1983.- Newly dec. strictly mod. house, 5 rms, (20, 2913 N. 28th Ave. near 1 car line. H. 2389. 7 -ROOM modern house. 720 N. 22d Bt, rea sonable rent Phone Red 6283. South. . FOR RENT. 1-rfJom house, all modern and garage. In Kountze Place, (40 per month; new bungalow, I rooms, alt modern, north, haa east front, (27.60 per month. TRAVER BROTHERS, 111 1st Nat k. Bldg. Douglas 6888. 7-R. detached, strictly mod.; 3614 Leaven worth; choice, 135. Phone Webster 2590. SIX rooms, 2706 8. 20th St., (18. Modern except heat Call Red 3143. (ROOM house, modern except heat 860 8. zist. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, 5ARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 501 Martha St 6-R 630 8. 24th Ave .110.00 . 10.00 ..15.00 . 16.00 . 25.00 (-R 622 N. I7th St 5-R. 5011 N. 4 2d St 7-R. 2505 Pierce St. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 7-R. 1911 N. 27th 8t 7- R. 1900 California 8t STRICTLY MODERN. S 5- R.--4637 Franklin St 6- R. 523 8. 26th St 6-R. 4133 N. 18th St 8- R. 223 Park Ave 8-R. 3901 N. 17th Bt . 18.00! QK Aft' w.vu .21.00 . 27.50 . 27.60 30.00 30.00 35.00 36.00 40.00 45.00 35.00 40.00 65.00 65.00 7- R. 924 8. 33d St.. 8- R. 659 B. 26th Ave 8-R. 621 8. 19th Bt 8- R. 112 N. 40th St 9- R. 2610 Dewey Ave....... 8-R. 3718 Lincoln Blvd 8-R. 147 N. 81at St 8-R.130S 8. S6th Ave - FLATS. PARTLY' MOQERN. 4-R SUE N. 24th St. 111.60 10-R. 705 S. 13th St.: 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. ETOECKER, 823 S. 24th St 1-R. Apt. No. 6 127.60 PORTER & 8HOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Dougla 6011. Office with Home Builder 12 5 STRICTLY mod. 6-rm. cottage Pratt St 130 Strictly mod. l-rrn. house, Bemla Pk. 112 Mod. ex. ht 6-rm. 26th and Bprague 113 Modern except heat South 11th St Edward P. Williams To.; Doug. 430. HOUSES In all part of the city. CREIGH. SONS ft CO.. 601 Bee Bldg. I 4R0OMS, strictly modern, large garage, (45. Harney 1659. SEVERAL. Omaha, South Omaha. Red 7401. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL x NIGHT SCHOOL Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, ahorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil ervtce-'-all commer cial and English branches. Cstalog free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1665. 18th and Harney Sta. Van Bant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' Douglaa 5890. " FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. NEW - DUNDEE . APARTMENTS , THE FAIRVIEW Located at N. W. corner 60th and Web ster, 4 rooms with 6-r. accommodations, south and east exposure; have living room, dining room, kitchen,, bath, dress ing room with Murphy In-a-Door bed; alt outside, light airy rooms. The ar rangement Is very good. , . ONLY TWO LEFT . Open all day today for Inspection; heat water and Janitor service included In rent; 160 per month.- Hastings & Heyden, -1614-Harney St. 4 UNDINE APARTMENTS. Three room and bath with 6-room ac commodations. White oak floors, birch In dark mahogany finish; larga grounds; two-thirds rented now; make your se , lection ss soon as possible. LOCATED 2(TH AVE. AND DEWEY AVE.' Rental, 132.60 summer and 42.(0 win ter. Decorated to suit tenants. TRAVER BROTHERS. Ill First National Bank Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sts. NEW GROOM APARTMENT NEW. located at 111 N. 13d, Apt. No. 10, renting for 160 summer, (65 winter; the cheapest rental In the 'city for this slxe apartment; everything the very latest sun parlor commanding a beauti ful view over the city; vacuum clean ing system; beautifully . decorated, every room an outside room; high and sightly location. Open all day tor Inspection. Hastings &s Heyden, ; 1614Harfiey St. SEE THE KINGS BOROUGH, OMAHA'S FINEST CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. READY DECEMBER 1. .' Located at 26th and Dodge;-! rooms with 4-room accommodation. The light est most convenient small apartments In the city; fireproof and noiseproof; com plete In every detail, with built-in dresser and Murphy bed. Winter rates from 130 to (43.60. Reserve your apartment now. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. 1623 Farnam. Tyler 644. 3-ROOMS WITH 5-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS In the New Dewey, 3301 Dewey Ave., S In-a-Door beds, very choice, all out side rooms; Apt. No. I and No. 15; beau tifully decorated: oak and whits enamel finish; 137.50' sum., (43 winter. Open all day - for Inspection, or - call Janitor, II. 19451. f Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St : NICE close in 3 -room and bath apart ment in elegant location. ' A high class proposition. Rents for (39.50. winter: (33.00 summer. Douglss 8140. - APARTMENTS, all eixes and prices, splen- dld location. 14th anal Farnam. D. 1473. .'OR RENT APARTMENTS West. LOOMIS APARTMENTS. 30th Ave. and Mason St., alx large, airy and comfortable rooms, very conveniently arranged. This apartment ha separate entrances and front porch and Is located In an excellent neighborhood. GILBERT C. LOOMI3. 106 McCa gun Block. Douglas 870. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. CENTRAL. 3-room apartments, choice, modern In all respects. Apply 220 N. 23d. Phone Bed 4232. North. I STEAM HEATED apartment, 2652 Cuming. . Two - 4-room aparts, private Nith. gai ranges, janitor service; vacant Dec. 1. No children. Under least Oct 1, 1918. Winter ratea: 122.60 and (26.50. Aply to Thos. W. Hazen, 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. 6-ROOM apartment withs steam heat 2003 Lake street. Inquire 2008 Lake St. South. THE THORWALD 5-roora apartments, newly decorated; reference required. Call Har. 6610. Miscellaneous. 2533 DAVENPORT Four rooms, hot water heat. (30. E. H, BENNER CO., Dg. 8406. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Specialists In Apartment Management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. 2-STORY and basement building. 1308 Far nam Bt, 32x133 ft,; front portion of store. 1306 Farnam; store and basement, 2419 Leavenworth: (50. JOHN W. RQBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. MODERN store and basement; 424 8. 16th bt. ; (i0. Nebraska and Wyoming Invest ment Co.. 322 Brandels Theater . Bldg. Douglas 1671. STEAM-HEATED store rooms. 22x44, .with full cement basement. 120 S. 10th St (25. Call Tyler 470. STORE room. Sun Theater Bldg. Realty, Realtors. D. 6342. World Office and Desk Room. OFFICES. (20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler 600. JOINT use of suite In large office building. Phone Douglas 827. DESK room with uee of tel., 514-15 Paxton Blk.. Ill) per mo. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Housei WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city. Want to deal direct with own era. No agents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1018. LIST your homes with us for rent. The demand Is good and we have a waiting list J J. H. DUMONT tt CO. ((Realtors. 418 Keellne Bldg. Phone- D. 690. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. Ilth St Phone Doug laa 394. FIDELITY service . FREE Pbons Douglas 288 for complete list ot vacant houses and apart- ' rnents. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and abipplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. ICth. Douglas 4168. Jf PlTTPTi Express Co., Moving . J, IXEjEjU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving-, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4338. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. Large van, two men, (1.60 per hour. MAGGARD S STORAGE CO. Dou. 1416. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West FIELD CLUB HOME. I -room, strictly modern home, H block to Field club. Living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in features, sun room and kitchen on 1st floor; I large bed rooms and sleeping porch 2nd floor; floored attic, full basement, shower bath, cistern, etc., furnace heat, oak throughout, south front lot 60x128. Price reduced to 16.500; must be sold at once; Mi cash; shown bj appointment only. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-1 Omaha Nat. Bit. Bldg. Tyler 60. ' WALKING DISTANCE. Blx rooms and bath, strictly modern, hot water heat, choice lot, 60x120; splendidly located; big snap for (2,860; 1600 down, balance as rent. OSBORNE REALTY CO., . 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. WEST FARNAM HOME. 7 rooms, modern, east front, near 35th and Dodge; very desirable and cheap at 14,000; terms; your rent will pay for It M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO. FOR SALE Two choice residence lots. No. 4913 and 4917 Noth 36th street, at bar gain. Owner nonresident needs cash. Address Vrooman, Paxton Motel. Make me an offer. North. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. HERE IS A VERY FINE ONE. , Just completed", strictly mod. bungalow, oak finish, including floors; living room 13x18 ft, bookcases; has a number of spe cial features, high-grade fixtures,- full basement, furnace heat, laundry arrange ments, south front lot 43x128, paving paid. Price cut to (4,175; terms or cash; lo cated a little south of Kountze park, RASP BROS., Realtors 210 Keellne Bldg. . Tyler 721. .. 5-Room Bungalow 7 4805 North 31st Avenue $200 Cash $23.10 Monthly This Is on paved street, good lot, 5 rooms, all modern except heat House built 4 years. Would cost nearly the price we are asking for both house and lot tf built today. Our price (2,400. Call Tyler -i and aslt for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, " 1614 Harney St. f Crown Point Avenue Home Dandy new, all modern, handsomely decorated bungalow, Immediate possession, choice corner lot, both) streets paved. Priced for quick action, dnly 13,350. Cash or on our usual easy term plan. Here is your chance to be a home owner. RASP BROS., Realtors f "i . 18-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. OWNER MUST SELL Hla beautiful seven-room, strictly mod ern home, semi-bungalow, oak finish bookcases, buffet, etc.; built by himself for home; well worth 15,000; special price for immediate sale (4.000; (950 down: near beautiful Miller park; call us for appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg.' Tyler 496. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 800 dif ferent buyers decided that It waa the best proposition on the msrket and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLtlf W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. ONLY $400 DOWN And easy monthly payments buys new modern bungalow: 6-r. one floor; near car, school and boulevard. Seward Bros., 678 Brandels. Douy. 3840. NEW, Modern 6-room bouse; paved street: Harney car line. All oak. Will sell (260 down Call D. 3628 days or Wal. 677 FOR SALE, cbesp, an 8-rooia house, ell modern. Se owner at 1801 Locust Sr. or 714 City National Bank. South. ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage. Ixitn on one lot; fine condition; live In one at d rent the other Price for both. (J.750. Very easy terms No 24 JS S. 201 ti St noRris at NoRRia 40 Be Bldg. . Fbon Douglaa 4iJ. if t