Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1917, Page 4, Image 4
St THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, KOVEMBER 29, 1917. CAMP DODGE - CAMP FIIM f If SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, CREIGHTON FIELD i t Ji I! U II ! f - 5' yS Haberdashery That's a "Line Drive" on J&! Quality, Style and Value. , Sk Mji 'Pease-Black Go. ..(ft gSli ''; 1417 Farnam. ' yj ' Charlie Black' Store for Mas. SSJ 1 : ; HATSi ;- - :M for the halfback, quarterback and fullbackthe kind j f , . that pull back. ; - .' ' - J The One . Omaha Theater That Makitt fV . Jf A TOUCHDOWN. ftfe. M . ; Alway. Good Usually Great. , ? ' yfk J fpt The Gayety AW WA The Soldier.' Theater" "' VJ Jf,'' f1 LWi4 BECAUSE: (j 4r-X " O - pj I If the Omaha theater wbtre . T . VNL 1 M&Mtrl $ 1 $1,870.78 iu collected in twe, - . l.' - Wm- '5 weeks (or araokee tor the OIX O Ff V . g&S&M I "boy. ever there." WftQJiC 1 Wl li MATINEE DAILY'. , OFFICIAL MASCOT v fiSS ? S ts4 ;5 Get a "run" for your money Buy those. new Fall Shoes from us. See Stryker for Foot Comfort Service ' You Will Find Him at the Douglas Shoe Store 117 North 16th Street mmm mm OMAHA WILL BE SCENE OF GREAT ARMY GRID GAME Funston and Dodge Elevens, Two Best Cantonment Teams in Country to Play Here Sat , j urday on Creightpri Field. Omaha Saturday Will be the battle ground of one of the biggest foot ball games to be . played in the United States this year.. Elevens represent ing Camp Dodge' and Camp Funston, 1 the two largest army cantonments in the country, will clash' on Creighton' field that afternoon, This game will mark Omaha's first opportunity in a decade to witness a game played by, well known college starsi Not since Nebraska and Min nesota clashed at Rourke park ten t years ago has Omaha been the scene of a real big game. Omaha foot ball fans who have a taste for big league stuff have had to journey to Lincoln, and then they didn't always see It. . Saturday, however, they have their chance. Harvard, Yale, i Minnesota,' Illinois, Michigan, Brown, Notre Dame. Tufts, West Point, Washing- , ton, Carlisle., Missouri, Texas, Colo rado, Kansas. St. Xouis, Dartmouth, Wisconsin, Ames, Iowa,' Pennsyl vania and Haskell are some of the . schools represented. . Players of All American fame will take part. They are such men as Dennie of Brown,' Baldrige of Yale; Withington of Har vard. Derr of Pennsylvania, Meek and Hammils of Michigan, Clark of Illinois, McCormick, Heartel and Mayer of Minnesota, Beck and Swan- , son of Nebraska, Lindsey, Fast and Hammond of Kansas,. Kausch and Malone of Notre Dame, Robertson . of Dartsmouth, Withington of Har vard, Kistler of Yale, and many others. . . . . . ; r All Proceeds to Soldiers. Thia game is strictly a patriotic affair. All of the proceeds go to the soldiers. The money is divided equally between the two camps for the gymnasium funds. Both of these cantonments are in dire need of a ' gymnasium. They are now raising funds for this purpose and it is Omaha's hope to give each' camp $10.000. , Walter Eckersall of Chicago will referee. Gus Graham ! of Michigan will be field judge. Edson Shaw, cap tain of the Comhuskers, will be um pire, and Tim Corey, captain of the ... 1916 Nebraska eleven, will be head -. linesman. , A , ; i , , All have donated their services for the patriotic cause. , , , Preliminary Game. As 5 a preliminary game elevens from Fort Omaha and Fort Crook will battle for the f$ot ball suprem cy of the army in Omaha. A number ; of cantonment games have been played and will be played this fall But Omaha, all foot ball experts agree,, is to see the game of games, as the . Funston and Dodge elevens easily are the class of all the irmy teams in the country. Recently Camps Sherman and Sheridan played at Cincinnati This game drew more than $60,000. Either Dodge or Funston could lick Sher man and Sheridan put together. It is up to Omaha to make good. The local committee hopes for a crowd of 9.000 and a box office report of $20,000, but if Cincinnati can , draw $60,000 Omaha should pack Creigh ton field to the guards Saturday and . the old cash register should mark up a figure well over $20,000. MiiuiiimiimiiimiMMmmiimitiimimiimmiimmiiminm UHimmimmmimmiimmiimiimimiiiimmiiimimm 2 HOTS Clip S B ft m s s n nnra n3 1 Omaha's first chance in a decade to see a real IS Foot rtnll finmn hAfwssn hlc Cnll&cre Qtni-c C S B B B S 1 3 SBBil id 2:30 P. M. nn"7"nn i Preliminary Game at 1 o'clock il FOHTeElOdKvs.FOnT OEMlfl Admission $1,00 to $3.00 Proceeds Divided Equally Between wuiTips tqi uymnasium runa S B 1 1 TICKETS ON SALE Beaton's, MerrittTs, King's, 11 Grain Exchange. Live Stock Exchange. 1 1 Clark's Drug Store. Council Bluffs 1 1 Serd Mall Orders to Vli cent Hascall, 9C 1 1 Bank Building Omaha 901 Omaha National mmmm 'S 3 . B 3 S S S B !55 wm rrayj; fimimuiiimiiuimimmiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiimi iiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiBuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiuiiiuuiuiiniu i -i,.... ,nHI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiniH,, . 3 "" iiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiMmiiflimiimMmuiimmiiimiuiimiiim SPECIAL Theatrical Thanksgiving Treat The Celebrated Prima Bailer. : , ina Aitoluta filbertina Bascli In Her Latest Ballet Creation. GEORGE ROLLAND & CO. -in- "THE VACUUM CLEANER." BERT SWOR Blackface Comedian. Am CHANDLER 'BREAKING INTO SOCIETY' THE SIX NOSSES In a 1917 Musical Review, "In Harmony Land" 20th Century Wonder. MANG & SNYDER Master Athlete. DAUID SAPiflSTEIf Foremost American Pianlit. ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY Around the World With the Orph- eum Circuit. Motion Picture Photographer. Price. Including U. S. Govern ment War Tax Matinee, 11c to 55c Nights, 11c, 25c, 55c and 83c. I OMAHA'S BRICHTE5T SPOT UNDER EMPRESS THEATER h Empress Garden Special Thanksgiving Doings, BIG TURKEY DINNER, $1.00. TURKEY and all other goody-goody thing, .erred in CAFETERIA restaurant a I carte. We have .om LIVE ONES THURSDAY for AMA. TEUR NIGHT. SWEET-TONED BLACKSTONE ORCHESTRA, ' for dance and concert music. A TREAT for the EYE and EAR EVERY MINUTE. .'.v.'.;.-xv Hi wm -1 ' 'I u a THANKSGIVING 7Sc Table d'Hote Olives Radishes Young Onions SOUP Cream of Tomato au Croux Roast Stuffed Domestic Goose, Apple Sauce Roast Mt. Vernon Turkey, Chestnut Dressing Cranberry Sauce Fried Sweet Potatoes Peas in Cream Head Lettuce Salad, French Dressing Hot Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding Ice -Cream and Cake Coffee - ' . ; MERCHANTS HOTEL NBlueTaxiCa feJl ; PHONE mst: bou6ias wt- "tf5 W i 1 V-SJsiiiik.iLiw A