Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1917, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1917. Own Your Own Home Before the Next Holiday 2846 South 34th St. Six rooms and bath, living room, dining: room, kitchen nd bed room on first floor; two bed rooms and bath on second floor; plenty of closet room. Price $3,600. SO 18 South 33rd St Six rooms and bath, living and dining: room finished In oak, built-in buffet and book cases; bed room, large kitchen and pantry, refrigerator room on first floor; oak stairway to second floor, which has two bed rooms and tiled bath with built-in medicine cabinet, four large closets. Exterior stucco and siding. Price $3,600. Well worth $4,000. 2810 South 34th St. Large living room with built-in book cases, coat room with mir ror door; large dining room with built-in buffet in oak ; kitchen, ' pantry and ice box room finished in yellow pine; oak floors, oak stair to second floor; extra large front bed room, finished in white enamel; snn room and bed room finished in yellow pine; tilexl bath with medicine cabinet Will decorate to suit. Exterior stucco and frame. Price, $4,250. 3052 South 33rd St. Seven rooms and bath; cozy living room, den, dining room with . v buffet, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor; two bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor. In course of completion and can be finished to suit individual taste. Price, $3,750. 3132 North 47th Ave. Six-room bungalow, three bed rooms, stairway to floored at . . tic, oak finish in living rooms, which are nicely decorated; full cement basement, all modern, located high and sightly, just one block north of Fontenelle Blvd. Price, $3,800. 2809 South 34th St. Stucco bungalow, five rooms and bath on one floor, large living room and dining room finished in oak, built-in cupboard, oak floors, tiled bath room with medicine cabinet, electric light fix tures and decorations to suit purchaser. A big bargain at $3,650. I . A a;,- of above houses can be purchased on $200 cash payment with monthly payments. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor 310-312 BRANDELS THEATER BUILDING. i 6 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Crown Point Avenue Home Dandy new, all modern, handsomely decorated bungalow, immediate possession, choice corner lot, both streets paved. Priced for quick action, only (3.360. Cash or on our uaaal eaiy term plan. Here la your chance to be a borne owner. RASP BROS., Realtors 110-32-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721.. f OWNER MUST SELL $ His beautiful seven-roora, strictly mod-iii-i home, semi-bungalow, oak finish bookcases, buffet, etc.; built by himself for home; well worth $5,000; special price for Immediate sale 14.000; $50 down; near beautiful Miller park; call ui for appointment. . OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bid. Tyler 496. AFTER looking at MINNB LTJSA 300 dif ferent buyera decided that It waa the beet proposition on the market and they i .i . kHi trm an t hv huvlnff lota. U,l.t.CU 11101. J . IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the othera are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'L Bank Bldg. Tyler 16T. NJSWj Modern- 6-room house; paved street; Harney car line. All oak. Will sell S60 down. Call P. 8628 days cr Wal. 677. -FOR SALE, cheap, an 8-roora house, all modern. See owner at 1801 Locust St. or 714 City National Bank. South. CHOICE FIELD CLUB HOME, PRICE ONLY (6,600. Eight rooms and bath, all oak and white enamel finish; sleeping porch and sun room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, special plumbing, full brick foundation; built two years. This Is a real bargain. 4 OSBORNE REALTY CO., ftl Om. Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. OWE i-room and one 4-room cottage, both - on one ici; una vunumuu. u,. ... v.. rent the other. Price for both, (2.750. Very easy terms. No. 2433 S. 20th St NORRIS & NORRIS. ' 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 J-ROOM modern house at 2703 Woolworth Ave. 'very cheap this week only. W. H. Gates. Omaha, Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. P. 1284. Miscellaneous. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at 13,850. Rea sonable terms. Call owner. Douglas 1722. W. FARNAM SMITH ft Co.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnara St Pong. 1044. J. J. MULViHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Poug. 84. R. & TRUMBULL, 808 1st Nat Bk. Bids. P J724 EAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Excellent Suburban Modern Home and Nine Acres To exchange for clear, residence or two cottages. This-country place is one and a half miles from the Florence car line, on a paved road, and is one of the most attractive places in Doug las county. The improvements con sist of an eight-room modern resi dence, with sun room and breakfast room, bath, furnace, electric lighted garage, private pressure water sys tem; complete septic sewerage and new barn.' Fine bearing orchard. The owner has been commis sioned fqr service in the United ' States army and the price has been reduced for a quick deal which he will make before reporting for duty. He would prefer to exchange his equity for a residence or rental cottages in the north part of the city. Full particulars by calling at the office of j HULER & CARY, REALTORS, v 204 KEELINE BUILDING. Benson. 2-ACRE IMPROVED POULTRY FARM, BENSON. In Benson Acres. , Fine south slope, corner. New house with room for six rooms (3 rooms and pantry now finished). Extra large poultry house, barn, bog flted. cave, well, some young fruit. Owner ",'fered 1,000 for Inside acre. Wants large tract Price of 43,200 Includes 80 White Leghorn chickens and 4 good young figs. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Man vtlle. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. NEW HOMES REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAIN 7 acres near 48th and Brown, Just over the city limits but near city con veniences; lays high and level; 2 acres of good fruit;, balance under cultivation; 7 room ' house, barn and chicken bouse, partly fenced chicken tight. Owner will consider a five or six-room house In good locality nearly new. Priced at $7,(00, a genuine snap. Can be handled on 82,804 cash er equity In house, Don't fail to see this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., (REALTORS) 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. FIVE very fine garden lots, close to car line, close to school, Just outside the city limits, where you do not have to pay city taxes', an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or garden; the owner has moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once; price 893 each; terms, 60c a week- on each lot Call Walnut 3468. today or In the evening. REAL ESTATE Investment 16TH STREET INVESTMENT "See 1010-1012 North 16th St., op posite Ford plant, on corner alley, with trackage, a 2-story brick build ing, having stores below and flats above, rented for $1,200 per annum. Price $10,000, part cash, "balance at 6 per cent. This is a snap. The property will pay a handsome re turn on your money and increase in value continually. - . H.A. WOLF CO., 'REALTORS. 614 WARE BLPG. TILER 85. 1 I INVESTMENTS ALL GOOD $7,750 A two apartment brick fiat, exceptionally well built, very close in. The building alone today would cost $8,000 to build; rented cheaply to permanent tenants, $780 a year; $3,000 cash will handle. $10,500 Brick store building, cor ner lot on 24th street, monthly ren tal $105. An ideal investment, per manent tenants; no trouble to han dle. Must have $5,000 cash. $14,000 Leavenworth street bus iness property, to one tenant, 5-year lease at $1,500. v $5,000 cash will handle. , $15000 Brick fiats, northwest corner 23d and Capitol avenue. Three apartments, 7 rooms each, ( Pay 7 per cent net. $15,000 Dodge street corner with improvements, $135 per month, to permanent tenants. The rents are low and improvements very good. This is a close-in corner, bound to increase in value. $5,000 cash to handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS). Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. , CUMINO STREET. In order to close an estate, I offer at a very low price 44 or 22 feet near 2tb St. Tou cannot lose on this proposition. See me for price and terms. C. A. ORIMMEL (Realtor). ?h. P. 1616. 84 Omaha Nat'L Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Investment 24TH STREET 68.8 ft. on 24th near Harney St.. with 25 ft. extending to 24th Ave., brick build ing renting for. 31,680 a year. Investor cannot lost and possibilities of growth are great In this strategic location. Harrison & Morton, (Realtors) 818 Omaha National. Douglas 814. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty YOUNG ft POHERTY. City Rest Rotate, Douglas 1671. 822 Brandels Theater. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist id oowniown Business property. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE. 88x132, brick buildings for sale or for rent; all or pact. . E. H. Benner Co., 1), 8406. i . , REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. LARGE Garden Lots near car line, paved street 8126 to 8186. tl down. Poug. 6074. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyera for ft and 6-room houses and bungalowa with 8200 to (800 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 488. 701 Oma. Nat. Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 412 Karbach Blk. D. 1607. REAL ESTATE To Exchange LOUISIANA Lands. Nllsaon. 422 Rose Bldg. FINANCIAL Real JEstatc. Loans and Mortgages. FIRST MORTGAGES SECURED BY OMAHA REAL ESTATE. 21,600 at 6 pet value of security... 4, 000 82,200 at 6 pet value of security... 6,800 8600 at 6 pet value of security.... 1,400 81,800 at 6 pet. value of security.... 4,000 81,700 at 4 pet value of security.... 4,000 82,800 lit 6 pet value of security,.., 6,600 82.600 at ( pet value of security.... 6,000 FIRST MORTGAGES SECURED BY NEBRASKA FARMS. 85,000 at 6 pet value of security $10,000 $8,000 at 6 pet value of security.. 18,600 $10,000 at 6 pet value of aecnrlty 26,000 $3,200 at 6 ret value of security.... 8,800 E. H. Lougee, Inc. 538 KEELINE BLDG. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6 and t per cent Also first mort gage on farms and Omaha real estate for aale. J. H. Pumont ft Co., 416-418 Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. . FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Interest t per cent 6 to per cent and per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1422 Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. BHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONET. H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. $1,800 MTOB. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually f ecurea oy mortgage valued at 86,600. Talmadge-Loomls Inv. Co.. W.O.W. Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. v. x. ukaham, g4 Bee Bldg. 5 riTv GARVIN BROS., Om. Net Bk. Bldg. O LOANS 5 MONET HARRISON ft MORTON, 816 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE R. B. CO., 1010 Omaha Nat'L $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sis. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Rloke Investment Co.. Omaba. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERO, 812 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686 LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. R. THOMAS ft SON. Keellne Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes aa security. 840, ( mo., H. goods, total cost $3.60. 840, 6 mo., indorsed notes, total cost. $2.80. Smaller, large am'te proportionate rat. rnuv iucisi mjaim BUtlETY. 432 Rose Bldg., 14th and Farnam. Ty. 666 LEGAL RATES LOANS 824.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 740 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2228. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry vlalasnock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6616 B 1681 . DIAMONDS and Jewelry loans at 1 and 2 Per cant W. C Flatau; eetab. 1882. sth floor Hoae-Beourltles Bldg Tyler 860 FARM AND RANCH LANDS 240 ACRES, clay loam soil; roiling land. Fair Improvements. -Price. $37.60 per acre, eno. $3,6008 pet., years to run; wsnt good residence and cash for equity. Boa 297. Arcadia, N-h. Montana Lands. LFOR SALE 400 acres of strictly first class airaua nay, ana grain la no. Two miles from, railroad and 16 mllee from county seat This Is also a No. 1 stock ranch. Price. $40 per acre. For particulars ad dress E. O. Farnsworth. Dillon, Mont ' CALKINS Company' Field Club District I Beautiful 8-room, all modern home; on. 60-foot east front lot In finest condition; owner leaving city; must sell. Investigate. Close in Harney Street Corner Lot 108Hx2OO feet, fronting on three streets, paving and all specials paid. Owners drafted in National Army and willing to sell at a sacrifice. See us for down town leases and locations; have several fine locations where we can build to suit tenant. . SECOND FLOOR, CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. DOUGLAS 1313. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. AGRICULTURAL. LANDS ALONG MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAT. Crops raised include large yields ot wheat, oats, corn, alfalfa, sugar beets, cu cumbers, potatoes,' squash, pumpkins, can. . taloupea, melons, tomatoes, onions, apples and cherries. Cattle, sheep and hog rais ing profitable. Market facilities admlr able. Land one to four miles from ship ping stations. Beet sugar factory, alfalfa mills, pickling plants, canning factory and creamery at Crowley and Ordway. Colorado. Eteetrla light and power, and pure Olney spring water, all available for farm use. Churches all denominations, good schools and roads. Write us for spe cial excursion rates, prices and terms. Agents wanted. Twin Lakes Land and Water Co., B. H. Tallmadge, vice presi dent, or H. R. Follmer Co.. 836 First Na tlonal Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb, Phone Tyler 2862. , FREE MISSOURI PACIFIC BOOKLET. GOOD farm lands, 8ec 18-1 2-47, Chey enne Co., $6.60 per acre; Sec 86-11-46, Kit Carson Co., $6 per acre; S. E. Sec. 28-4-63, Weld Co., $18, all worth double. Address G. Morearty. Be Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE 480 acres levol black soil, wheat land, near Julesburg. K 23-10-46 and s. w. l$-10-46. Good terms. Will F. 8ledcntopf. owner. Council Bluffs. Ia. Missouri Lands. SMALL MI8SOUR1 FARM. $10 cash and $6 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to three big market. Write for photographs and full Information. MUNGER, A-118, N. T. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. GREAT bargains. $5 down. 86 monthly, buys 40 acres good' fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only 8220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 800-ACRE FARM . AND RANCH 209 miles northwest of Omaha. 850 acres level, black farm land; 75 acres bent of alfalfa land; 100 acres best first bottom hay land; 40 acrea hardwood timber; 180 acres now under cultivation; balance roll ing pasture land well fenced and cross fenced; fair set of Improvements, Just build Ing new barn now. One mile Niobrara river frontage and five elegant springs close to Improvements. This ranch has all the things necesiiary to make It an Ideal stock farm and Is only J 2 miles from good railroad town, 2 miles from Inland store and post office; school house on the ranch. This place belongs to a widow lady; she will take some good city Income property as part payment or will exchange for good Eastern farm. Price, $80.00 per acre. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY 213 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. RANCH. 1.720-aere combination grain and stock ranch, "located in Cherry county on Nio brara river, six miles from railroad. 700 acres, good level bench farm land, 260 acres in cultivation, cropped this year to ! corn, wheat, oats, rye, millet, navy beans and potatoes. 180 acres Niobrara bottom, part of which la the best of bay land, 100 acres gpod alfalfa land. Balance of ranch rolling to rough pasture, all well grassed. Plenty, of timber for fuel and fence posts as well as affording protection for stock during winter. Ranch watered by river. Bear creek and springs. Will run 260 head of cattle the year around. 'Improvements located In fine native grove In the valley and consist ot six-room house two barns, silo and other buildings. School house located on ranch. This Is a genuine bargain at $16 per acre. One-third cash and will carry bal ance to ault purchaser. This territory has never been boomed. By buying now you are getting In at bed rock prices. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA, NBB. 846 Omaha Nat.Bk. Bldg. p. 11 SO. 240-ACRE BUFFALO COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. About 160 acrea In cultivation, 80 acres pasture. Good 6-room house on . good foundation, well built barn for 18 horses with good hay mow, granary, chicken house and hog house. Fenced and cross fenced, well and windmill. The farm Is some rolling and some rough, but all good soil. Is in a fine state of cultivation for fall grain. Located about 22 miles from Kearney and 6 miles from Amherst. Price, 38,500. This farm will carry a mortgage ot $4,600 to $5,000. This In one of the best buys I know of In Buffalo county, and with present prices of farm products, this farm should pay the purchase price with less than three crops. Is an excep tional proposition and will sell. C. K. DA VIES, KEARNEY. NEB. OWNER WANTS OMAHA RESIDENCE We have a client that owns 160 acres In Holt county, Nebraska, 10 miles north east of O'Neill; 66 acrea under cultivation. 22 acres In pasture, 70 acres in hay, good house, small barn. Owner will consider a $4,000 to $6,000 residence In good neigh borhood, nearly new. Land priced at $60 per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. TWO 14 -section farms In eastern Neb., for good Omaha residence or Income. 80 acres. Audubon Co., Ia., small amount In trade. 80 acres clear, N, Dak., for good automobile. 4-room house, nearly new and vacant lot to exchange for land. Paul Peterson, 364 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 66-ACRE farm for sale, 4-room house, barn ana nay anea. eorn, crib, hog shed and other outbuildings, 6' miles south of Plattsmouth, Neb. Write or call on A. Q. Bach Co., Plattsmouth. Neb. A FIRST CLASS ISO-acre farm. 3 miles irora XJesnier, en.f rnayer county. Well Improved; In German settlement. Will sell at 3136. Off an acre. , Ernest Lehman. R. 1, Deahler, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments acrea up. we farm the farm we sell you. The Hnngerford Potato Growers' association, 16th and.Howard 8ts., Omaha, Douglas 8271. 40 ACHES irrigated land, every acre first, class; all fenoed and In crop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Price $4,000. Box 206. Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE Beat large body high-grad. medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very little morey required. C Bradley, Wol- . bach. Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C J. Canan. 210 McCague Bldg., Omaha. Oregon Lands. NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT. HEART OF Till! RANGE. Get on the ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open rangi. Tou can grow stock successfully and cheaply Excursion Dec. 4. Send for bulletin. HARLET J. HOOKER, 640 1st Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE 320 acres well Improved dairy and grain farm, located In Beadle county, South Dakota, around Huron and the state fair city, at $36 per acre. L. Lapler, Hu ron, & D. i Texas Lands. 6 EH us tor Texas land. We furnish cattle. Tou pay from profits. Thomas Olson, 407 Karbach Bldg. GOOD corn land. East Texas, $21 an acre. Get my free book. W. 8. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. Omaha. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a., Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C- M. Rylander, 264 Omaha Nat'L Miscellaneous. 300 Acre Farm $6500 With 75 Tons Hay, Crops, 4 Horses, 20 Cows And Heifers, 2 bulls, I colts, 7 calves, 1$ shuep, 8 hogs, 160 poultry, turkeys, mowers, horse rake, plows, harrows, cultivators, new manure spreader, corn planter, horse hoe, wagons, cart, carriage, sleighs, 6 sets harness, 100 bu. potatoes, 100 bu. ap ples, oats, corn, beans, vegetables, dry wood and cream separator; nearby cream ery buys cream, skim fed hogs; estimated 1,000 cords wood, 600,000 ft. spruce and pine, 6,000 sugar maples, 600 apple trees) good 10-room residence, tenant house, barns, 76 tons silo. Aged owner Includes all If taken now for 36,600 easy terms. Details page 6, Btrout's Catalogue. 331 bargains, dosen states, copy free. E. A, Htrout Farm Agency, Dept. 3073. 208 S. 1 18th St., Omaha, Neb. PUBLIC SALE. Reed Bros, farm 4 miles northeast, Crescent, la., nilloh cow, 30 head ot other cattle, 10 head of horses and mules, 60 brood sows and shoats. All kinds of farm machinery. Sale begins at 10 o'olock Wednesday morning, November 28, For further Information call A, II. REED, Souglaa 661. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list' your farm with na tf yon want to keep It B. P. SNOWDEN SON. . 423 8. 16th. Douglas 8371. WA1 TED 8'0 acres Pierce county. Neb, Owners only. H tillable. Give good ds ssrlptlon, price and terms, 101 Karbach Blk.. O laba. Neb. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Prices Close Unsettled, Waiting for Mnch Talked of Increase .In Receipts. . Chicago, Nov. 28. Waiting tor the much talked of increase of receipts tended to hold the corn market today Inside of car row limits, prices closed unsettled, $1.20ft to$1.21 January, and $1.18 to $1.18 May with the final range as a whole, H off to half cent up, compared with 24 hours be fore. Oats showed no change. Provisions advanced 32c to 80c net, except November lard, which declined 20 cents. Only a slight Improvement In the number of railway cars available waa yet notice able, and primary receipts and shipments of com continued to be well under last year's figures. Besides, country offerings r..nalned light. Under such circumstances the prospect that enlarged arrivals of corn would result from government orders giving precedence to railway shipments of all cereals did not weaken prloes In a lasting manner. After an Initial sag, tho market hardened on account of evening up for tomorrow's holiday and because of a temp orary sharp bulge In the value of oats. Unconfirmed reports that Baltimore was re-selling oats wiped out an advance In the market here. The upturn had been based chiefly on reports of a continued demand from the seaboard. Provisions Jumped to record-breaking high levels owing to talk of immense gov ernment contracts having boon placed. Pork coined holders 860 a barrel flat. Corn: No. 2 yellow, No. 8 yellow. No. 4 yellow, all nominal. lOata: No. 3 white, 7614c; standard, nominal. Rye: No. 2, nomi nal. Barley: Nominal. Seeds: Timothy, 35.00 &7.60; clover, 320.00$26.00. Provisions: Pork, nominal; lard, 126.10 28.80; ribs. $27.60. Coffee Market. New York, Nov. 28. The moderate rally of yesterday was more than lost In the market tor coffee futures today aa a re sult of renewed liquidation and scattered trade selling. The opening was at a de cline of four to eight points on reports of an easier tone In Brazil with December selling off to 6.86c and May to 7.30c dur ing the afternoon or about 8 to 11 j.olnts lower. Last prices were at practically the low point of the day, showing a net loss of 8 to 13 points. December, 6.86c; January, 6.92c; May, 7.30c; July, 7.46c; September, 7.2c. Spot coffee rjulet; Rio 7s, 1.; Bantos 4s, 8c. More firm offers were reported In the1 coast and freight market Including Santos 4s at 8.10c and Rio 7s at 7.30c, Lon don credits. The official nablea showed a decline of 60 reis in tho Rio market. The Eantos spot market was unchanged, but Futures were unchanged to 60 rels lower. Rio exchange on London was 3-32d higher. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. . New York, Nov. 28. Evaporated apples, steadier; choice, 16$17e; prime, 14t4fl5c. Prunes, quiet; California., l4U13ic; Oregons, 12 ft 14c. Apricots, steady; fancy, 20c Peaches, firm; standard, 12c; choice 12HC- fancy, 134c Raisins, quiet; loose muscatels, 7ffc; choice to fancy seeded, 10Vllc; seedless, I0ftl0c; London layers, $1.80. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Light Run' of All Stock Ahead of Holiday; Hogs 5 Cents Up; Lambs 25 to 35 Cents Higher. Omsha, November 28, 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 17,243 9,235 16.040 Official Tuesday 11,423 8.687 17.824 Estimate Wednesday .. 3,200 8,000 2,700 Three days this week. .31.345 25.823 85,566 Same days laxt week.. 46.904 19.696 30,876 fame days 2 weeks ago48,960 17.447 23,663 Same days 3 weeks ago3l,761 13.U3 70.171 Same days 4 weeks ago35,809 7.243 60,667 Kama days last year.. 36,648 64.420 46,176 Cattle rackers took hold of a light pre- hollday run In very good shape and cleared up the bulk of the beet steers and fat cows and heifers In good season at fully steady prices. Values were not quite as high as at the best time yesterday, but were a good deal better than in yeaterday'a close. Nettl ing very choice was here. Feeder offerings ware generally of common quality and the market was another extremely draggy affair. Some outside buyers picked up a few bunches at steady prices, but there waa no local de mand worth mentioning, and up to. a 1st hour bulk of the offerings waa still un. sold. Quotations en cattle: Prime heavy beeves. 814.00016.00; good to choice beeves. 813.60013.50; fair to good beeves, $10,600 13.66; com.aon to fair beeves, $7.00010.00; good to choice, $14.00015.00; fair to good yearlings, $13 000014.00; common to fair yearling. $6.0011,00; prime heavy grass beevei, $11 (.0$ 13.00; good to choice benv.s, 310.000 -11.(4; fair to good grass beeves, 39.00IIIO.OO; common to fair grass beeves, 37.0006.60; good to choice heifers, 66.900 9.36: good to choice cows, (7.7609.26; fair to good cows, $6.7607.60; common to fslr rows. 9ft.:90t.OO; prime feeding steers, 611.60012.60; good to choice feeders, 39 75 011.35; fslr to good feeders, 38.0008.(0; common to fair feeders, $4.0007.00; good to choice stockers. $6.00010.80; stock heifers. $4.6008.50; stock rows, 36.0007.60: stock reives, $6.00010.40; veal calves, $9.00 013 60; bulla, stags. $6.6008.00. Hogs Arrivals of hogs today were similar to yesterday. Trade was fairly active, open ing about steady and later getting stronger, with the close looking anyway 6c higher, Shipper purchases were rather limited. The top today was $17.76, with the bulk of the hogs moving at $11.66017.66. A good clearance was made around 10 o'clock. Sup plies of stock pigs were only moderate, a few being left over from yesterday. The market In this division was also higher, pigs selling all the way from $13,30 to $13.00; Representative eales; No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. At, Bh. At. .297 Pr. $17 56 17 65 17 74 89. .174 ... $17 60 69 61. .364 46. .381 66. .830 130 17 40 17 70 17 $0 49. .2(3 66.. 308 120 40 PIGS. 22. .132 163..187 17 00 , 131..111 18 (0 18 76 Sheep A; tight run of sheep and lambs wss here, most of the offerings being fat lambs. Ths general mark.t opened rather Inactive, sellers holdlrlg out for a general advance. When fat lamb offerings began to change hands they turned at price fully 26 O86o higher than yesterday's average. There were only a few fat sheep here, the best selling around $11.20, with the quality com mon. Feeders ware nominally steady, very few offerings being here. Ewe lambs brought $18.10. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.750117.00; lambs, feed ers, $16.60017.76; lambs, shorn. $18,800 16.00; lambs, culls. 3IO.OO016.OO; yearlings, fair to choice, 8U.b0O13.26; yearlings, feed ers, $13.06014.26; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00012.60; ewes, fatr to choice 33.26 O 11.60; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10,600 16.60; ewes, feeders, 67.60O10.78; ewes, calls and cannsrs, $6.0007.86. St, Louis Live Htoek Market. St. Louis, Mo., Nov, 28. Cattle Receipts, 4,800 head; market steady; native steers, $8.00016.76; yearling ' steers and heifers, $7.00016.60; cows. $6.00011.00: Blockers and feeders, $6.60011,00; Texas quarantine steers, $6.76010.60; fair to prime southern beer steers, 39.00013.76; beef rows snd hslfers, $6.00010.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.60010.00; native calves, $6.76 013.25. Hogs Receipts, 13,600 head; market higher; light, $17.40017.40; pigs, $16,000 14.76; mixed and butchers, $17.40017.76; good heavy, $17.70017.75; bulk' ot sales, $17.4017.7O. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,800 head; market steady; lambs, $13.60017.00; ewes, $10.00 011.40; wethers, $11.00013.60; can ners, $6.0008.(0. . i I, . Chicago Live Stock Market, ' Chicago, Nov. 23. Cattle Receipts, 26, 000 head; market weak; native steers, $7.20014.76; western steers, $4.90012.60; stockers and feeders, $4.00011.10; cows and heifers, $5.00 011.60; calves, $7,000 13.26. Hogs Receipts, 28,000 head; market weak; bulk, $17 80 -if 1 7.80 : light, 314.40O 17.70; mixed, 317.15017.86; heavy, $17.20 17.86; rough, $17.20017.36; pigs, $11,000 16.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market weak; wethers, 88.76O18.90; ewes, $7.70011.40; lambs, $12.60016.66. Ht, Joseph Live Stock Market 8t Joseph, Mo., Nov. 33 Cattle Re- celpts, 4,000 head; market steady; steers. $8.00014.60; cows and heifers, $5. 16013.00; calves, $6.00012.60.1 Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head: market low. er; top, $17.46; bulk, $17.40017.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,040 head; market steady; lambs, $12.00016,76; ewes, $4.00011.60. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Opens Heavy With Standard Issues Tending Downward. New Tork, Nov. 28, The Impending holi day and the yet more drastlo regulations sdopted by the stock exchange against pro fessional trading were In themselves suf ficient to effect a decided dlmlnnltlon of operstlon In today's market, Liberty issues oontriDutsa largely to tne Irrsgulsr bond market, the fours selling at 97.93 to $6 and the 3tt at 68.66 to 39.13. Total sales of bonds, par value, aggregated 83,825,0000. United States bonds, old issues, were unchanged on call. Number of sales and range of prloes of the leading stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar. 800 76 74 1 74U American Can ... 6,300 87 84 3H American C. & F. 1.100 44 66tt 65 Amer. Locomotive 1,160 64 6SVa 63 Amer. Sugar Ref. 800 97 'A 97 96 Amer. 8. n.... 4,200 76 76 75 Amer. T. & T.... 1,300 106 106 106 A. '... L. & S 13 Anaconda Copper... 11,800 68 67 67 Atchison 1,400 83 83 82 A O. & W. I. B. L. 1,600 99 98 97 Hal. ft Ohio 9,000 60 49 49 Butte A Sup. Cop ... 17 Cat. Petroleum 12 Canadian Pacific. 800 125 134 134 Leather... 1,900 67 66 66 Chen & Ohio 1,000 48 47 47 C... M. & St. P.. 8,704 37 3D 86 C. A N. W 1,100 94 93 93 C, R. I. & P. ctf.. 600 18 18 18 Chino Copper .... 2,000 43 41 41 Colo. F. 1 86 Corn Products Ref. 2,600 29 28 88 Crucible Steel ... 4,500 66 66 66 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 1,900 29 29 29 Distillers' Sec 1,800 36 34 84 Erie 700 14 14 14 General -Electric .. 4.200 128 12 127 (lineral Motors .. 4,iO0 91 88 68 Ot. No. pfd 1,000 90 89 89 Ot. No. ore ctfs.. 1,600 27 27 27 Illinois Central 9.1 Inxplration Cop 1,700 44 43 43 Int. M. M. pfd.... 24,400 96 94 95 Inter. Nickel 600 27 26 6 Inter. Paper 2,700 27 24 27 K. C. Southern.... 204 17 17 17 Kennecott Copper. 1,900 33 33 83 Louisville ft Nash 116 Maxwell Motors... 2,200 28 24 26 Mexican Petroleum. 2,400 80 79 79 Miami Copper 600 26 28 28 Missouri Pacific .. 2,600 23 23 22 Montana Power 66 Novada Copper 17 New York Central. 2,400 70 69 69 N. Y., N. 11. & H. 1,400 27 27 27 Norfolk A West 104 Northern Paclflo 83 Pacific Mall 22 Pacific T. 'ft T 16 Pennsylvania ..... 6,800 46 45 46 Pittsburgh Coal 44 Ray Cons. Copper. 600 22V 22 22 Reading 7,806 70 68 69 Republic I. & 8.. 9,000 78 77 77 Shattuck Art. Cop. 300 19 19 19 Southern Pacific 900 82 82 82 Southern Ry 1,100 24 24 24 Studebaker Corp.. 1,8600 46 i 42 43 Texas Co 700 142 142 142 Union Pacific .... 3,400 114 113 114 U. 8. Ind Alcohol. 1.100 112 111 111 V. 8. Steel 90,100 97 96 96 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 600 109 108 108 Utah Copper 1,400 78 78 78 Wabash pfd "B . . 200 20 20 20 Western Union 82 Wi-st. Electric ... 1,700 39 88 38 joiai ssies ior tne day, 416,000 shares. Liverpool Cotton Market. Llvernonl. Nov. !R.HTnltiin.HnAr Im mA. ".ate request; prices unchanged; good mid dling-, za.uua; mtaanng, ii.iia; low mid dling, 21.96d; good ordinary, 20.96J; ordi nary, 2V.12; sales, ,ouo Bales. GRAIN ANDPR0DOCE Receipts Light on Omaha Mar ket; Grains to Have Preference as Freight Hereafter. Omaha, November 38, 1917. Arrivals of grain today were extremelj light, only 87 cars showing up, which In cluded 25 of wheat, 20 of corn, 34 el oats, six of rye and two cars of barley. The order Issued by Julius Barnes, presi dent of the food administration grain cor poration, for the railroads to give grains preference In the movement over all othei freight and widening the territory of oper ation to cover all grain states, confirms th reports the trade has had for two weeks thst grains were to be preference freight. It has created the Impression that the effect of thla order should be noticed in a few days with a much freer movement of all grains. Trsde In corn continues to. be slow, buy ers taking only what they can dispose of qulrkly. A few cam of old corn were sold at figures unchanged to 5c lower, white the new corn eased off slightly, sales being made at very Irregular figures so as to make It difficult to make a comparison of prices. No. 8 white, old, sold at $3.00and No. 1 and No. 2 mixed, old, at $1.90. Old No. Z mixed sold at $1,115. New No. 4 white and No. 4 yellow sold at (1.60, while sales of the No. 6 yellow new ranged from $1.15 to $1.57. New No. 4 yellow ranged In price from 31.1001.30, while the No. 6 and No. 6 mixed sold at $1.40 and $1.35. respectively. Otts were only In fair demsnd and sold off c. the No. 3 white selling st 13 o and the standard grade at 73 49 73o. The No. 3 white sold at 73 0 73o. the bulk of these sales being made at 73e, while No. 4 white oata brought 73c0 73 c. Rye was a half cent lower to a cent higher and barley about anchanged, with a good demand for either article. No, rye sold at $t.7 01.76 and No. 1 ry. at (1.74 01.75. Na. 2 malting barley sold at $1.3101.32 and the No. 4 grade at $1.80. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 219.000 bushels: corn, none; oats, none. Primary wheat receipts were 864.000 bush els and shipments 660.000 bushels against receipts ot 1,446,000 bushels and shipments of 894,400 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts ware 801,600 Bush el and shipments 939,000 bushels against receipts of 1,394,000 bushels and shipment of 635,000 bushels last year. - Primary oats receipts were 1.184,000 bush els snd shipments 1,126,000 bushels against receipts of 1,038.000 bushels and ahlpments ot 861,000 bushels last year, ' CARLOT RKCEIPTS, ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 37 18 132 Minneapolis ,.293 ' ... ... Duluth ,..107 ... ,.. Omaha 26 10 34 Kansas City 80 , 65 45 Ht. Louis 45 53 (4 Winnipeg 782 i.. These sales wtre reported today;' Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 ear, (1.16; 1 bulkhead. (3.15. No. 2 hard winter 1 car. (3.13; $ bulkheads. (3.13. No. i hard winter: 5 cars, (2,09. Sample hard winter: 1 car (8 to 6 per cent heat damaged). $2.00. No. 2 durum: 8 cars. $3.12. No. 3 durum: 3 cars, 8J.09. No. $ mixed hard red winter: 1 car, (smutty, 70 per cent hard rd win ter, .30 per rent durum), $t.0(. No. 3 mixed common whits: 1 car (very smutty, 16 per cent spring, 86 per cent white), $2,01. No. 2 soft white: 1 csr (very smutty, $J psr cent spring). $2.03, Mixed grain; 1 car (6 p.r cent rye), $8.01, Rye No. (; 1 car, $1.7$. No. $: 1 car, $1.74. Barley No. I: 1 car, $1.(2; 1 car, $1.81. No. 4: 1 car, $1.30. Rejected: 1 rar, $1.24. Corn No. ( white: 2-6 car, (old). $2.00. No. 4 white: I car, $1.40. No. 4 yellowt 1 car, $1.60; 1 car, $1.60. No. 6 yellowt 1 car, (1.67; 6 cars. (1.65; 1 car, $1.15. No. yel low: I car, $1.30; 2 cars, $1.36; 1 car, $1.(0; 1 car, (sour), $1.10. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (old), $1,(0. No. 1 mixed: 8-6 car (old), $1.90. No. ( mixed: 1 car (old), $1.85. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.48. No. ( mixed; 1 car. $1.40. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.26. . Oats No. 2 white: $ cars, 730. BtAnd ard: ( cars, 73o; I cars, 73 c. No, white; 10 cars, 7(c; 1 car, 73c. No. 4 white: cars, 73c; 1 oar, 73c. Sample white: 1 car, 73 c; 1 car, 73c Omaha Cash Prloee Cornt Ne. t white, (1. 9602.00; No. 4 white, (1.6601.(0; No. 4 yellow, 31.4601.60; No. t yellow, $1,660 1.67; No. 6 yellow, $1.1001.30; No. $ mixed, (1.8601.00; No. $ mixed, $1.8001.86; No. 4 mixed, $1.40 1.46; No. 6 mixed, $1,400 1.48; No. 6 mixed, $1.3001.26. Oats: No.. 2 white, 73073o; standard. 78073c; No. -while, 78 0 7$e; No. 4 whit.. 73 0 73 0. Barley: Malting, $1.2801.22; No. 1 feed, $1.1601.25. Rye: No. 3, $1,760 1.74; No. $, $1.7001.74. Liocai range of opttnnsi Art. Open. High. I Low, Close, ) Tee. 5orn. I '. May 1 (0 1 !0 120 I 20 12$ Oats, Dec. 72 - 7 72 1t TI May 70 70 70 70 70 Chicago .3:30 prices, (urnlshsd The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. !i" 8n"'h Sixteenth street. Oroahat Art. Open. High. LowTPciosa. j Tst. Corn, I . T Jan. 1 20 1 21 120 1 21 120 Dec. 1 24 1 24 128 1 24 124 Msy 118 113 118 lit 118 Oats. ', Deo. 71 78 71 T$ 11 May (9 70 48 , (3 49 tjrk. , ) Jan. 47 45 48 (7 47 76 48 35 47 45 Lard, Jan. 25 10 25 62 26 00 26 (S 24 (0 May 25 00 25 37 35 00 l& 22 24 80 Ribs. Jan. 26 10 24 28 2(02 24 08 25 65 May 26 70 24 06 35 70 26 30 26 62 New York General Mark.t, , New York, Nov. 28. Flour Quiet; spring patents,, $10.66 10 66; winter patents. $10.66 tt 10.76; winter straights, $10.20010.60; Kansas straights, $11.00011.66. Cornmeal Firm; fine white and "yellow, $4.6604.90; coarse, $4.7604.86. ' Rye Steady; No, 2, western, $1.$$; cost and freight, New Tork. Barley Quiet; feeding, $1.06 01.10; malt ing, $1.2601.25; California, $1.40; coat and freight. New York. Corn Spot, firm: new yellow, $1.99, e. I. f New York, 10-day shipment; Argentine, $2.0602.10, f. o. b., cars, New Tork, to arrive. i 1 Oats Spot, steady, standard, $0c. ' Hay Firm; No. 1,' $1.76; No. 2, $t.$8; No. 3. $1.4501.60; shipping, $1.2601-30. Hides Steady; Bogota, 41c; Central Am erica, 40c. Leather Firm;, hemlock aoe, ewer weights. No. 1, 61o; No. 2, 49c. Pork Strong; mess, $61.00; family, $64.00 066.00; short clear, $62.00068.00. Lard Kasy; middle west, $27.40937.(0. Wool Firm ; domestic fleece XX Ohio, 7o. Rice Nominal; fancy head, (09c; blue rose. 08c. Tallow Steady; city shipment, loose, llo. Kansas City Live Stock Market. -Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 28. Cattle Re ceipts, 11,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, 814.0016.00; dressed beef steers, 311.00018.60; stockers and feeders, (3.60011.00; bulls, $7.0001.00; calves. $4.60 O12.00. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; bulk of sales, (17.20017.40; heavy, (17.40tfl7.70; packers and butchers, (17.30 017.40; light, $17.10017.40; pigs, $15.(0O 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; market strong; in nibs, $18.00017.00; year lings, 112. 60' 14.00; wethers, $11.60013.00; ewes, $10.60012.00. Slonx City Live Stack Market. 8loux City, Ia., Nov. 28. Cattle-Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady; beet steers, $8.00 O16.00; fat cows and heifers, 36.6009.60; canners, 36.6006.60; stockers and feeders, 38.00011.60; calves. $7.tlOH. 60; bulls, stags, etc., 36.0001.00; feeding cows and heifers. $6.00,08.50. , Hugs Receipts, 14,000 head; market la lower; light, $17.I0t17.36; mixed, $17,380 17.60; heavy, 817.60Oi7.ii5; pigs, $16,000 18.00; bulk of sales. 317.3617.60. - Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady. London Money Market. London, Nov. 28. Silver Bar, 4Sd per ounce. Money, 4 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills. 4 per cent; three-month bills, 4 per cent. From 10c. to $5.25 Union Oil of Cuba recently advanc ed from 10c to $5.25 per share. Cuba is rspidly developing a high-grade oil field oil is selling at $4.00 per bar rel. Write for Circular "U" containing very Interesting information, and list of investment suggestions. U. S. and Cuban banking references. Cuban (Securities Co Manxana da Comas 501 ' HAVANA, CUBA. Members Bolaa Libre da la Havana (Havana Curb Market Association)