Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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,Mca Convicted of Murder Ask
if or Clemency; Now Acting
as Trusties About State
. Institutions.
(rrtn"sStaff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, ' N(.. 24. (Special.)
George and Alva Resd, serving terms
in the penitentiary for murder, have
applied to the State Panic vboard for
pardons. .Heath, who was indicated
with them in the crime, has alsu ap
plied for a pardon, but his apphcati
came in to late for consideration ot
the board at the present session.
The mtn with Kenneth Murphy,
who was paroled nd later pardoned,
were given sentences for the murder
or Charles Sellers in Cherry county
five or six years ago.
The Reed brothers have been trust,
iei for a couple of years, working
around at state institutions whenever
, their services were needed. Heath has
been working at the Grand Island
Soldiers' home.
Nebraska Four-Minute
Men in Many Cities
Lincoln, Nov. 24. (Special.) The
division of four-minute men of the
' United States committee of public in
formation is now organized in 118
Nebraska cities and towns, where
some 875 accredited speakers for the
government are ready to bring to the
people, in four-minute addresses to
theater audiences, Authoritative mes
sages of information concerning the
Eleven more local chairmen have
been appointed by the Nebraska head
of the division, Prof. M. M. Fogg of
the University of Nebraska. They
are: R. L. McNown, Bloomfield; Ray
mond H. Atwood, Chester; D. D. Lit
tle, Clarks; F. H. Young, Genoa; F.
E. Slusser, Grand Island; Harry
Vaughan, Guide Rock; A. J. Jenison,
Harvard; D. R. Mounts, Long Pine;
W. C Hartman, Staplehurst; Aubrey
A. Smith, St. Edward; E. E, Stanton,
Governor Neville Explains
Caused Row in Seventh
Lincoln, Neb., Nor. 24-(Special.)
Governor Neville has given out a
statement on the Seventh regiment
squabble in Omaha. He said that
the first physical inspection of the
Omaha battalion was too lax and
that another inspection was decided
ipon. . Captain McGlone refused to
give up the muster rolls so the
men could be Inspected again, Gov
ernor Neville declared. Captain Mc
Glone 9 resignation is in the hands
of the governor but has not been
cted upon.
Sen of Congressman
Promoted to Be Colonel
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Nop. 24.- (Special.)
Ihe promotion ot ueneral fersU'
ins to general has resulted in the pro
, motion of well known Nebraska
' man. Captain 4 Martin C. Shillen
' ocrger- who went to 1 ranee as an
side on the staff of General Pershing,
According to the information re
:eived here Captain Shallenberger,
who is a son of Congressman A. C.
Shallenberger of the Fifth Nebraska
district,' has been promtoed ' to
coioneL - . .
Serious Charge Preferred
; Against Lancaster Man
. (From a Staff Correspondent.) '
; Lincoln, Nov. 24. (Special.)
Henry Wiggenjost, the oldest em
ploye at the Lancaster county court
iiouse in point of service, having as
sisted in the erection of the present
building 30 years ago, is in jail for
alleged mistreatment of three girls,
one of 16 years of age and the others
11 years. The last two, were not
Before entering the service of the
ronnty he was an engineer on the
Burlington and has been secretary of
the brotherhood for many years.
. Nebraska Boy in France
is Word Sent to Father
(From a matt Correspondent.)
; Lincoln, Nov. 24. -(Special.) A
card received by Assistant Attorney
General G. W. Ayers from his son,
Donald T. Ayers, who is in the Unit
ed States service in Company H,
167th infantry, conveys the following
information this morning: "When you
get this I will be in France. Merry
Christmas." -.
District Judge Fees
Exempt From War Tax
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Neb.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
Transportation for district judges
Bar Dances at State
Uni; Smallpox Scare
Lincoln, Nov. 24. Discovery of
eight cases of smallpox among girl
students at the University of Ne
braska today resulted in the issu
ance of an order by Chancellor
Avery that all students and faculty
members who have not been vac
cinated recently must now take that
A number of students are under
quarantine and, an order probably
will be issued today, it is said,
barring all student dances until the
extent of the epidemic is ascer
tained. Chancellor Avery and Executive
Dean Engberg today submitted to
vaccination in order to set an ex
ample for the student body and
faculty members.
is exempt from the war tax, according
tr information received bv State
AnHNor Smith from Internal Revenue
Office George Loomis ofr the dis
trict of Neujka. Their court re
porters must pay fV tax.
Bomb in Police Station
Explodes; Seven Killed
Milwaukee. Nov. 24. Seven patrol
men and city detectives were killed
and many are mising as the result of
a bomb explosion in central police
station tonight.
A detective had arrested an Italian
with a black box in his arms and when
the Italian had been taken into the
lieutenant's office, the bomb, which
had been left on a table in the wait
ing room, practically wrecking the
Hold Red Cross Sale.
Orleans, Neb., Nov. 24. (Special
Telegram.) At a donation Red Cross
sale held here today the total raised
for Red Cross purposes amounted to
$900. All articles were donated by
citizens of Orleans and vicinity and
included everything from half a dozen
eggs to a yearling mule and two year
ling colts.
(Ceratlnned From Pat One.)
publsh nothing in such cases, an
agreement was reached between the
Navy department and the British ad
miralty to give out certain facts
which secretary uameis announced
todav in a brief statement.
. . s a
There was a report tn naval circles
that approximate!;,- 40 men, including
hive oihcers, were taken ort tne sud
Be a Beauty
Where'er You Go
Stuart's Calcium Waters Kid the
Skin of Pimples, Blackhead and
Skin Eruptions They Work
Marvel Quickly.
marine. If this were true, it was
pointed out, the vessel undoubtedly
was one of the largest of the cruiser
type known authentically to be oper
ated by the Germans.
Neat Piece of Work.
Base of the American Flotilla in
British Waters, Nov. 24. The Amer
ican destroyers which were responsi
ble for the latest sinking of a' German
submarine have returned to their
base with flags flying. This victory
over the U-boat was one of the clean
est, neatest and quickest pieces of
anti-submarine work yet recorded by
the AnfWican squadron.
The submarine was disabled by a
depth charge, rose to the surface
three minutes after the charge was
fired, hung hesitatingly at the surface
for a moment and then sank to the
final place of lodgment at the bottom
of the sea.
The pressure of water at the 200
foot or so depth at which it sank soon
completed the work of destruction on
the strained plates of the submarine's
hull. For a long time bubbles and oil
continued to rise in great gulps from
the Rrave where it lay and then the
Americans made assurance complete
in a manner of which it is unnecessary
to go into detail.
It was daylight, with good visibility
when the periscope was sighted by the
lookout of a destroyer, which, with a
sister craft, was engaged in its cus
tomary duties. The submarine com
mander was just preparing to fire a
torpedo, either at one of the destroy
ers or at a merchantman nearby. .
Preparing to Fire.
"Periscope two points, off the star
board bow," sang out a lookout in a
voice which could be heard from end
to end of the craft. Instantly an
alarm to general quarters was sounded
and the helm thrown hard over.
Signal flags were swung out notify
ing the sister ship of the exact lo
cation of the enemy. At the same time
the heliograph began its staccato
flashing of orders for a combined at
tack. A scant 18 inches of periscope had
shown above the surface of the sea
400 yards distant for a few instants
and then vanished. In less time than
it takes to tell, the destroyer under
the impetus of suddenly opened throt
tles had fairly leaped into the track
where the periscope had disappeared.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. v
.Wash That
Itch Away
There It sufferer from eceem
who erer used the simple waih D. D. D. and
did not feel immediately that wonderfully
cairn, cool aeration that comet when the itch
ii taken away. This soothina; wash penetrate!
the pore, j-ivee inttant reliet from the most
distressing skin diseases. SJc 80o and 11.00.
i,E p
Mheririan ft McConnell Drug- Co.
Almost Human-Demonstration Daily
A. IHospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas St.
OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-1 Douglas St. Phone Tyler 20
If 'yon don't become a Red Cron nurse
you will likely join the entertainment! for
thtir benefit But be a beauty wherever you
go. It it an Inspiration.
Just in a few dayi yoa can elear the skin
of ail blemishes, plmplee, blotches, liver
ipoU, muddy complexion, blaekheada, etc.,
if you will use Stuart's Calcium Waters.
' l"impfes' arid' eruptions' come from the In
sidefrom impure blood and you ean't
eure them by rubbln stuff on the outside of
the face. Purify the blood and the blemishes
will disappear.
Your fare will become as clear and pure
as a rose. With Stuart's Calolum Wafers you
don't have te wait for months before sitting
results. Xven boils have been cured in a
few days' time with these remarkably ef
fective blood cleansers. .
You can gat Stuart's Calcium Wafers ot
any druggist at SO eenta a box. Alee mail
coupon today for free trial packajre,
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 464 Stuart Bldf.,
Marshall, Mich. Send me at once, by re
turn mail, a free trial package of Stuart's
Calcium Wafers.
City... .........State
Amazing Power of Bon-Opto
To Eyes Strong
Doctor Says It Strengthens Eyesight
SO per cent in One Week's Time
in Many Instances
A Free Prescription You Can Have)
Filled and Om at neme,
Victims et eye etaeto and other eye weak
nesses and tse who wear glasses, will be
glad to that aeeorein to Di. Lewis
therj real hope and help for them. Many
Vnose eyes were falling say they have had
tnetr eyes restored by this remarkable pre-1
tcrlption and many who once wore classes
say they have thrown them sway. One man
says, after using it: "I wan almost blind.
Could not see to read at alL Now I can
read everything without my glanset, and my
syee do not hurt any mora. At Bight they
wosld pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine
all the time. It was like a miracle to me."
A lady who need it says) "The atmosphere
seemed hasy with or. without glasses, but
after esing this prescription for fifteen days
everything seems clear. I ean read even fine
print without glasses? Another who used
it eayst "I waa bothered with eye strain
caused by overworked; tired eyes, which in-
doeed fierce headaches. I have worn glasses
for several years, both for distance and
work, end without them J eould sot read my
own name on aa envelope or the typewriting
on the machine before me. I can da hath
now and have discarded , my Ion distance
K lasses altogether. I can count the flutter,
in leaves on the trees across the atravt now.
which for several years have looked like
dim green blur te me. I cannot express my
ioy at what it has dene for ma."
, It is believed that thousands who wear
glasses ean now discard them in a reason
able time and multitudes more will be able
to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared
the trouble and expense ot ever getting
glasses. Kye troubles of many descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited by the use of
mis prescription at Home. Co to any active
drug store and get a-bottle of Bon Opto
tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet tn a
fourth of glass ot water and let it dissolve.
With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four
times daily.. You should notice your eyes
elear np perceptibly right from the start,
and inflammation and redness will quickly
disappear. If four eyes bother you even a
little it is yo-jr duty to take ateos to save
them now before it la too lata. Mini hone.
lessiy oiina mignt nave saved their sight if
inty aaa cared lor their eyes in time.
Nou: Another nmmlnani nkwIMaa to mam h
as suonuueo. saia: -1 St. me noa
UDta BtflrrlDtlnB 1. tail a aiwHiufil m mimi-
Its eoiuUtumt IntmUents ars well knows to euuntat
r specialist and widtilr prescribed by them. I hare
u nrr wcespruMj is my own nraoiitie tm na.
Units wooes eyes wets strained th routs overwork
or misfit flames. 1 eaa altnlr rtootnmoid It Id rue
of weak, watery, aehtfif, amtrtuif. Itannc. bumtnf
erse, sad lids, blurrad rlaioa Or for eyas terlamad
rran anoevre es smoke, sua, dost or wind. It is one
w wm raj ivw praparauoBs a real snow as sat
ea hand he teniae aaa aa almaat ant. ei.ll.
B-Oro, referred to shore. It not s patent medicine
or a secret reewdr. It Is aa ethical prrrjaratlno. the
formula beliti minted ea the nackat. The manafar-
Ktrere guarantee It te atranathen avatlstt SO pet
rent in one week's time In many Instances or refund
the Boner. It can be obtained from any nod drntsiat
e aiy oy onernian Mcx'onneu,
. v. . nvuH aoa outer arugfists. ovcntseoMiu.
From the Cheapest That' GOOD
to the BEST That's Made.
:Gift Shop3
It's Almost
and our Christmas
Candle Stock It
Colonial Candles The pretty
square kind 10c each
Mexican Serges 30c each
Bayberry Candles, hand dipped,
' 20c, 25c and 30c each.
Decorated Italian Renaissance,
$2.50 and $5.00 per pair.
New Dining Room Furniture
For Thanksgiving
The Supreme Efforts of Leading Designers and Craftsmen Have
Created the Beautiful Dining Room Furniture Now on Our
Floors. Reproductions Are Represented Here From the
Italian Renaissance, Louis XVI, Elizabethan, William
and Mary, Queen Anne, Hepplewhite, Chippendale
and Adam, As Well As Sturdy Mission Styles by
Present Day Designers. .
Offerings of Interest
From Our
Couch Covers
In Chinese designs of mer
cerised moquette, $16.75 and
$25.00 per pair.
Sunf asfDrapery Fabrics
60 inches wide, which is wide ,
enough to split for the ordinary
window, in all the popular and
desirable drapery coloring,
$1.50 to $5.00 per yard. .
Duchess Panel Lace
This lace comes in panels 9
and 11 inches wide. Enough
panels can be purchased joined
together to treat windows of
any width, sold by the panel,
at 85c, $100, $1.80. $2.00 and
$3.00 per panei.
In plain velvet and velour,
36 inches wide, reversible, and
in almost any color combination ,
modern treatments demand, at,
per pair, $20.00.
, 50 inches wide and of better
grade, per pair, $35.00.
French velour portieres, at,
per pair, $35.00. t
Protect your dining table by
using an asbestos table pad:
48-inch diameter, round pad,
54-inch diameter, round pad,
60-inch diameter, round pad,
Extra leaves according to
your need, per leaf, $1.40.
'The Glenarlo"
'- ' - -: '.
51st and Capitol Ave.
, Especially Visit Suite
No. 23. Draped and fur
nished complete by Orch
ard & Wilhelm Company.
Another proof of our
ability to give you a beau
tiful apartment home at
a moderate cost.
Hours 4:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Week Days.
11 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays
Hi niiij
A Queen Anne
Characterized by
extreme price
This pleasing, grace
ful style is seen to
advantage in the
suite indicated in
our illustration.
H issesy.
Every dollar you spend
this Christmas should do
some permanent good.
Our thoughts this year
center upon our homes
they are nearer and dearer
than ever, before.
Therefore the appropri
ate gift is for the HOME,
one that everyone will en
joy and treasure.
Your choice will natur
; ally be overwhelmingly in
favor of FURNITURE
and that's why
"It's a
Priced as Follows:
Sideboard .$57.00 54-inch by 8-foot Extension Table $57.00 Chair . ,v... $13.50
Side Table $28.00 Chiija Closet $57,00 Arm Chair $21.00
William and Mary
Dining Table and Chairs
Extra Value
The Table The Chairs
This is a thoroughly
well built table of quar
tered oak, finished a
rich, satiny Jacobean.
It extends to six feet
when emergency de
mands. The character
istic turning and
curved stretchers are
of very pleasing proportions.
represent a most unus
ual value. You will no
tice the good lines from
the cut, but we can
SHOW YOU the full,
broad slip seat, uphol
stered In Spanish leath
er and the fine, select
oak that is finished Ja
cobean. Priced, each,
$37.00 $5.00
Buffets, to match, from $44.00.
Dining Table
54 Inches. Extend
ing to 6 Feet
A massive pedestal base
type with heavy semi
scroll feet, beautifully
finished golden and
A really wonderful valute, at. . . . .$25
Same table with 8-ft. extension.'. .$30
An Elizabethan
Dining Room Suite
Buffet Illustrated
On display in our north window.
This is a more than ordinary
suite, the motifs of which have
been carefully copied from fur
niture of the days of Queen
Priced in both Walnut and
Mahogany. '
In Mahogany
72-inch Buffet, for $104.00
48-inch Extension. Table .... $98.00
Silver Cabinet, for $82.00
Serving Table, for $44.00
Chairs, for .$15.50
Arm Chair $24.00
In Walnut The prices are the same
with the exception of the Buffet,
at $108.00
Serving Table, for $48.00
Solid Mahogany Tea Wagon
With loose
serving tray
top that
doubles the
service val
Add to Your Library
of Music
from the wonderful and com
plete assortment of VICTOR
v RECORDS now in our stock, In
cluding the latest additions for
Thanksgiving. " ,
Here Are Eight
Records that should be in every
Victor Cabinet.
Braslau, Sophie 64708
"The Sweetest Story Ever
Told," R. M. Stults, 10 inches,
De Luca, Giuseppe 64673
"Marriage of Figaro," Mozart;
10 inches, $1.00.
Elman, Mischa 64644
Souvenir Drola, 10 inches.
McCormack 64741 "Send
Me Away With a Smile," Louis
Weslyn, Al . Piantadosi ; $1.00.
Conway's Band 18360
'Naval Reserve March; White
Rose March; 10 inches, 75c.
Pietro 18361 American.
National Airs; Patriotic Airs;
10 inches, 75c.
Harold Veo's Orchestra
18372 "Don't Leave Me
Daddy," Fox Trot; "The. Zoo
Step," One Step; 10 inj 75c.
Victor Military Band 18370
"Over There," One Step;
""Where Do We Go From
Here!" March; 10 inches, 75c.
Phone Today, D. 313
Our Victor Service Will Do tha
Ci 1 1
aj i m u II '. " ' 1
Make Ideal Christmas Gifts
Our stock of these rugs has lately been brought to the point of overflow by a
magnificent shipment from our eastern collector. There are many, many fine ex
amples that will make splendid Christmas gifts. Small .and large sizes represented.
Kemere, 10-5x8-10 $565
Laristan, 10-9x7-7 $435
Beluchistan, 4-4x2-3..., $25.00
Beluchistan, 3-5x3 .$22.50
Daghistan, 3-3x2-10 .... $45.00
Iran, 3-8x3-2 $40.00
Kermaashah, 14-5x9-10.. .$750
Heavy Khiva, 12-5x10-7. .$235
Mahal, 13-6x10-7 $400
Mahal, 10-6x9 $195
Mahal, ' 10-9x14-1 $285
Saruk, 11-8x8-8.. $875
Mosul, 5-2x3-4 ..$60.00
Princess Bakorah, 5-1x4,
at ...... t $67.50
Eermanshah, 7-1x5-4 .... $150
Daghistan, 6x4 $57.50
Saruk, 6-9x4-2 $97.50
Make Your Selections MONDAY Without Fail
$1.05 Wear-Ever
Either with the handle, as
illustrated, or with a bale,
for just ....... . . . . .69c
Providing you bring this
See the big Wear-ever dis
play in our South window.