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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1917)
Bee ' PART FIVE AUTOMOBILES PAGES ONE TO SIX PART FIVE AUTOMOBILES PAGES ONE TO SIX VOL. XLVII NO. 24. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1917. SINGLE COPvY FIVE' CENTS. (MAI A JUS : : ' ' - , , AVERS AUTO MEN HAVE NO REASON TO BEipRMED -Omaha Dealer Says Industry , Has No Need to Be Appre- hensive as to Govern ment's Plans. J. M. Opper of the Jones-Opper Motor company returned from the Reo factory Saturday morning with the news that the automobile situa tion is clearing tip and that there 'is no need for alarm among the numer ous automobile dealers regarding the position" which the government will take with regard to the passenger car industry. '" The plans of the government, ac cording to R. H. Scott, vice president rad manager of the Reo Motor Car company, Lansing, Mich., have changed materially, and instead of finding it necessary to .hamper the manufacturers of passenger cars, a satisfactory plan lias been worked out which will enable the government to foster and encourage them. Use Machine Shops. There are thousands of machine shops located at various points throughout the United States , which are equally well equipped to do much of the work outlined by the govern ment for the automobile factories. These machine shops are suppliet with first-class mechanical equipment and labor and are anxious to get gov ernment contracts. - ' ' However, there is no inference that the automobile manufacturers are not willing to sacrifice everything to aiTTt rwe government. Ihey have already pledged i themselves and stand ready to answer any government request .... It is an economic necessity, how ever, to keep the automobile industry in a sound, healthy condition. There r fmwarit rtf 27 fiflrt aiitAmnhit' Hoat. ers in thUnitedLtates.i- - To disrupt this iarge organization would mean crippling the third indus try irithe United States. . . ' . Do Everything Possible.' All's.- f (I . ! . ' . question, the government officials, ac cording to Scott, have agreed to do everything possible to aid the auto mobile men and not to take drastic action which would lead to cutting off the supply of passenger cars. The present plan, according " to Seott, will not call for a definite "cut in production, but will allow the man ufacturers to proceed as before. Pro duction will only be cut in case 6t Necessity, and in view of the possibil ities offered' in the many machine shops througout the country, tha out look is bright. ( , Dodge Bros. Commercial A . Car Ready for Market Dodge Brothers dealers in the United States and' Canada are begin ning to receive their first consign ments of Dodge Brothers commercial car. .Already this car has been pro claimed a favorite in the commercial field, and dealers are preparing for a demand as heavy as that which has greeted the other Dodge Brothers 1JIVUU113 BilllC lllCJ' Vault Vll HIV mai- ket three years ago.( The building of the commercial car :4gis influenced by the frequent and Consistent "demand for Dodge. Broth ers chassis for commercial purposes. The mechanical features of Dodge Brothers standard touring car were so well adapted to us: for light commer cial work that hundreds of business concerns bought the chassis alone and had, special commercial bodies built, to suit their requirements., Naturally, this practice led to a de mand for a light commercial car as a part of the Dodge Brothers regular, line of cars. ' ' -, : Delco Service Station Will Distribute New Piston Rings . Announcement has been made by R. C. Smith of the Dclco Exide serv ice station that it will distribute American hammered piston rings in Nebraska and Iowa. "Pistqn rings," says Smith, "have tjeen the cause of much concern among motorists and manufacturers. Si? much waste and harm can be caused by faulty piston rings that the perfection of a perfect fitting piston ring has been the aim of numerous manufacturers for a i considerable "The American Piston Ring com pany of Newark, N. J., has perfected what I believe to be an answer to the mipstion. The careful construction and hammering process make the American hammered piston ring an even thickness and an even strength at all points. --This even construction Wns the rinK in perfect shape when expanded and when contracted. There IS no waryiug. . ,: Savaqe Tire Exhibits One of Hits at Western Auto Show One of the most 'interesting ex hibits at the Los Angeies automoDiie show last week was that of the Sav age Tire company. Someone in the .rf-nnatimi .conceived the idea of ex- h''bif'ri;g a small rubber tree, together .. tin- various materials used in constructing tires. . Most of these ma terials were sliown in ine raw siaic and in the various degrees of refin- Franklin Models Which Will In Show - the lllllv '- TWO PASSENGER " StENSEaj THE SAVAGE TIRE CORPORATION San Diego, California We have a distributor near you Omaha Savage Sales Co.: 1612 Chicago St. Phone Doug. 3311. ' OmkhaNeb.' . Monarch Tire Co., - 19th and St. Mary Ave., ' Omaha, Neb. Peter Nelsen, Millard, Neb. E. L. Whitcomb, Fremont, Neb." n Franklin Auto Co., Seward, Neb. - Car Contest for Two Weeks V.v r 7 ! .7 savasE GRtlFINITE TUBES r last longed and give greater service because they are the only tubes ' that have graphite vulcanized' . into the surface. Prevents de- . terioration, sticking, friction and beating.. Renders soapsione unnecessary. . Lengthens life of . tube, 238 W.F. Shadden 167 Y Wet Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Glen Gerkin, 5914 Center St., Omaha. C. F. Showalter, Benson, Neb. J. J. Dougherty, 1023 "Q' St., Lincoln. W. H. Menkin?, Geneva, Neb. Engage anksgiving for Savage goodness. Goodness highest quality-is the foundation of Savage'mileage. As you spin along, miles and miles beyond the limit you have found in other tires arid tubes, you will join with the thousands of members of the "heap big" Savage "tribe" in thanking goodness Savage goodness-everyday in the year. Heap big mileage1. lunk far ihs Red Savage Sign Five Gars to Be On Exhibition on Auto Row For Two Weeks These five Franklin models will be used during th next two weeks in the big "Show-the-Car contest which the Fsanklin Motor, Car company of Omaha is staging. This is a national contest and will be participated in by Franklin dealers ill over the United States. The plan was conceived with the idea of giving every one, for the asking, a ride in a Franklin car. No obligation is as sumed. It is just part of a scheme to advertise the car. Franklin dealers think that it is worth a considerable amount to them to demonstrate to every one, The unique construction, effecting economy from every standpoint, is bound to be impressive, and they want to acquaint every one interested in motor cars with the Franklin. Per sons who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity to see the Frank lin in operation need but phone the Franklin Motor Car company. Scout Membership Rolls Show Big Gain in Year A repartSeceived last week from national headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America showed ;a total membership of 275,759,. as against a total of 202,033 a year age. -An in crease of 40 per cent in one. year is considered as indicative of the grow ing popularity of the organization, At the present time there are 12,891 troops in the United States. C. H. English, local chief scoutmaster, ex pects there will be a membership of 1,000 in Greater Omaha before the winterris over. There are nearly 900 in the Omaha troops now: . ' 1 "" .;r- r.T- .s. ... -azr nn-fre 1 I n 'X h I DlSCRlP1 TIOMOFW CARS I STOLEN W $25 AUTO CLUB REWARD for Arrest and Conviction of Thief Car, Hudson Super-Six. Model, 1916 Touring. Color, Dark Blue, black trim. Lenses, Osgood. Engine No., H-1208. License No., 74783. Tires, Lee. Club emblems. . Stolen November 23 from 36th between Farnam and Dodge: Qwnor F.;B. Aldous, 24th and Farnam'Sts. . Wire or Phone at Our Expense. THE OMAti A AUTOMOBILE CLUB MOTORISTS This Club it Working in Your Behalf Why not Co operate by Joining U? . i , Here's a Car That's tleally Equipped T4 HE Olympian is complete. Itistheonlfour-; cylinder car built that goes to you equipped as you want your car equipped. Think! On the Olympian you have a bumper,. a spotlight, a tnotometer and an ignition lock. ; , ' No other car offers you such equipment. In addition, you get your choice of a wide variety of colors coors laid by hand to give you the vel-; vety, lasting finish you ought to have. The Olympian has beauty, speed, power, en durance and more. It has. a 1 J 4-inch w heel base those easy-riding cantilever rear springs and dee p soft upholstery. This gives you a sum total of riding comfort un approached by any car within hundreds of dollars i of the Olympian price $965. . And you get real economy. The Olympian's smooth-running, high-speed motor averages 18 miles on a gallon of gas. , Olympian 1 - Never before have all of these big, important -advantages been combined in one car. And the Olympian costs only $965! ( Come in and see the Olympian! Ride in it. We want you to know this beautiful car as we know it. Ask us to demonstrate. . DILL & TORRING Distributors 2209 JARNAJV1 ST. OMAHA. PHONE DOUG. 250C Dealer If interested in a live proposition, wire, phone or write. OLYMPIAN MOTORS COMPANY, Pontiac, Mich. OMAHA r . 0. B. FACTORY