! DHMfls Stores c . Our Wonderful Toyland Opens Next Saturday k - More beautiful than ever-m ore complete J.1 ... XI- man ever wnn uia g i orreatest assortment 01 rf WCy every kind of toy that a v child may want. ' S We have ransacked jg every no,ok and corner of America for toys and have been rewarded with a wonderful line. There is no scarcity of toys here. - A great deal more space than usual will be devoted to this department, for the assortment of every wanted toy and doll is-more complete than ever. Be sure to tell the little ones to came here Satur day for I Santa Claus will bevhere in person to welcome all his little friends with a little gift. y ) ' tit Silk Specials for Monday Excellent Values in Black Silk 40-Inch Swiss Satin, beautiful soft, dl Q shimmery finish, per yard y lUf 54-Inch Extra Heavy Silk and Wool Poplin, will give splendid service, $ J 7 9 per yard ; . 36-Inch Satin Duchess, splendid weight and finish, per yard 40-Inch All Silk Crepe de Chine, d1 OA very firm weight, very special, yd . . y About 1,500 yards of Chiffons and fancy printed Georgettes, Marquisettes, Silk Voiles and other thin Tissues in a djl A A good assortment of patterns. Yd. . plUU $1.25 Main Floor One of the Greatest Money-Saving Opportunities In High Grade Sewing Machines Ever Offered in This Store For Monday and Tuesday, two days only-" If you need a Sewing Ma chine, we assure you that you can find no better time to make your selection. Beyond a doubt this is ' a wonderful opportunity. Every machine is in perfect condition and will be recognized as a standard make. ' You Save All Agent's Commission $12.00 For Your,01d Machine as Part Payment on "THE FREE" During This Sale. $12.00. $25 Golden Oak Drop Head $18.50 $60 New Home $47.50 $27 Golden Oak Drop Head $22.00 Needles $30 Golden Oak Drop Head $25.00 Sew E-Z Motors $15.00 $58 Golden Oak Drop Head $42.50 Oil 566 Early English Cabinet $54.00 Wheeler & Wilson $18.00 $75 Mahogany Cabinet $57.00 Belts Main Floor, Rear $1.00 down, buys them $1.00 a week pays for them no interest. In connection with our Sewing Machine Depart ment we have installed a Hemstitching and Picoting Machine. AH work neatly done at moderate prices. New Coats for Thanksgiving, Late Models Displaying Every New Detail That Lends to the Attractiveness of the Smart Winter Wraps rmsmz u www Attention is especially directed to our win dows displaying wonderful values in Dresses on sale Tuesday. Wonderful new cloths. Fur trimmings, linings and unusual col lars, smart fur pockets. Foremost in popularity for materials we quote: Silvertones in Bolivias and Velours, Pom-Pom, Baffin Seal, Velour De Norde, Keramie, Plush and Cylinder Cloths. New shades: Damson, Taupe, Mahogany, Oxford, Gray, Peking Blue, Navy and Black, in pile fa brics. Seal, Nutria, Beaver, Rac coon, Black Rat and Opossum fur trimmed. $39.00, $49.00, $69.00 to $95.00 Second Floor A Very Special Offering of 300 Women's Tailored and Fur Trimmed Suits at $35.00, $45.00 and $55.00 A specially prepared offering of high grade suits, beauti ful models, taken from regular stock; excellent quality mate- 1 rials with and without fur trimmings. Smart new models in Velour Cloths, Broadcloths, Burella Velours, Silvertone Cloth, Fine Serges and Gabardines. Trim med with effective furs. In fashionable shades of taupe, green, reindeer, navy, brown and black. All coats beautifully lined and warmly interlined. At $35.00 Wool Velours, in taupe, beet root, brown, green, navy and black, in tailored and belted models and straight lined skirts. At $45.00 Velour Cloth, Gabardine and Poiret Twills and Broadcloths, ' : U U1 1, VI... 1 4. TT .1 i. -1 J ' ixi piuiii, uiuwu, uiaun, uiue anu taupe, rianusuine lauureu, Draia-Douna ana iancy moaeis. irimmea wirn large collars oi Kit, Coney and blended Muskrat furs. At $55.00 Broadcloth and Velour Cloth, in finest quality and choice shades of green, taupe, khaki, Peking blue and black. Richly lined and trimmed with handsome collars and cuffs of Kit, Coney, Nutria and Hudson Seal furs. Second Floor wn tKMM IM I 1111 Here Are Curtains and Draperies To Please Everyone Low Priced, Too SUNNY windows may be draped with lovely Orinoka guaranteed fabrics the colors never fade. That's one reason why Orinoka draper ies are so popular. ' Orinoh Guaranteed Sunfast Draperies & Upholsteries are the most satisfactory kind because the brightest sun light and frequent tubbings never fade them. Pick out your favorite color in just the weight you want. We airy a full line of these fabrics, every .color guaranteed sun fast It will be decidedly worth your while to com in and look them over. We are showing what we believe to be the most .complete Stock of Draperies and Curtains in this vicinity and certainly the most variedassortment. We have chosen each item in this stock with great care. Each piece is here - be cause of some special mark of mert. There fore, we offer you these things with every assurance that they are the best your money will buy. In addition we will be glad to suggest color schemes and harmony plans for home outfitting. All the neV materials for Curtains, Draperies and Furniture Coverings for every purpose,' at moderate prices. New Assortment Sunfast Drape y Display In All the Best T 'eaves and Colorings $1.00 $5;00Yrd Beautiful Lace Ti nmed Filet Net Cur tains, very fine, q lity, some plain cen ters, some figure. ; values to d0 QC $6.00 a pair, spec il, a pair. . v.5JO Large and Complete Assortment of Mar quisette and Voile Curtains, lace trim med, in white, ivory and beige ; values to $3.75 a pair, special, at, a 2 45 Single Lace Curtains, large assortment; full size, in Scotch nets; in white, ivory and beige; values to $3.00 per ACr pair, special, each tJC New Damask, in plain and stripe effects, large assortments, 25$7 50N Velours and Velvets, large new assort ment; a color for every purpose, a yard, $3.00 to$l 1.00 Cretonnes, largest assortment ever shown here; every known good pattern and coloring, a yard, 29c, 49c, 69c, $lto $8.50 Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Cedar Chests and Boxes; Couch Covers, Portieres everything you n ed for the home Third Floor or maMsgiving .Bargains in Linens Monday is tRe time to buy your linens for Thanksgiv ing. Replenish your stock of tabic cloths, napkins, etc., at moderate prices. Dresser Sets Four-piece Doily set, put up in 'a neat box, scalloped ends embroidered in colors of pink, M OC blue or yellow. Each tPl.AO Embroidered Tea Napkins These are all linen, scalloped ends, neatly embroidered corner, in 14-inch I0 CA size. Monday, special, a dozen vd.OU EXTRA: Fancy TowelsAbout 250 dozen bleached tow els with pretty fancy borders, in colors of pink, Cflr blue, yellow and helio. Special for one day, each, ouc Table Damask Made of fine quality mercerized damSsk. All very pretty patterns, two yards wide. Wears 7Qr and launders like linen. Special, a yard Napkins All pure linen, in the Irish make; hemmed ends, ready to use, regulation size ; a lo CA dozen vO.uU 54-Inch ASBESTOS PAD, each $4.98 SPECIAL: 54-Inch FLEECED QUALITY PADDING, la yard .59c Main Floor China and Cut Glass For China or Glass for the Thanksgiving table, don't fail to see our broad -assortment of the finest quality merchandise. Haviland China Dinner set. 44 meres, npnmnni- jrzvxn y, "T- $39.75 AtW 4 mown a-ui iiiass Vjod- lets, nanasomeiy iin- lhl'a $3.00 Whip Cream Bowl, with glass spoon, decorated dJO QO in gold and enamel, each JJJO Electric Parlor Lamp, 14-inch decorated (in AA shade, special PIU.UU SPECIAL FOR THANKSGIVING SALE ' 25 Discount on English Bone China Service Plates. Main Floor, Rear For Preparing the Turkey A good Roaster and a good Carving Set will insure the serving of the Thanksgiving fowl in the most satis factory manner. . In these days of high prices no home QJ ran afford to hf without it. f!nnrh" I ri,"? tions demand economy which can not be practiced if you use an open roasting pan or cheap roaster. You cannot use the cheaper cuts, as they will dry up with even the most careful basting. The Lisk Roaster gives you all the meat, substance and flavor. It consists of a bottom pan, cover and inside pan, all triple coated enamel. Size 1734x11x634, for eight-pound roast .$2.65 Size 19x1134x814, for twelve-pound roast $2.85 Size 1910x1212x814, for sixteen-pound roast. . . .$3.25 Beautiful Genuine "Universal" Carving Set, 8-inch highly finished steel blade of the highest quality steel known to the cutler's art, and white ivory handles, . flp or per set y Basement x ' -i After Your Thanksgiving Dinner The V1CTROLA Our assortment is complete and varied in every style. We will be glad to demonstrate to you at any time. Surely there, is nothing that makes more happiness in the home than music. Thanks to the Victrola. Main Floor, Rear 1 I r r X tt Monday Rug Specials Just a few picked from our large and complete stock of beautiful rugs: Axminster Rug, 9x12, $35.00 value .$27.50 , Axminster Rug, 8-3x10-6, $31.50 value $25.00 Velvet pug, 9x12, regular $32.50 .$22.50 Wilton Velvet Rug, 36x72, worth $8.50. .... .$5.50 Sanford Beauvais. Axminster Rug, 27x54, regular $3.50, on sale $2.50 Third Floor r