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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1917)
f I fr- "J FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. HOMK3 FOR 100 FAMILIES. Several thousand acres, located on to four miles from Crowley, Ordwsy. Sugar City and seven miles from Rocky Ford, Colo.; main lines Missouri Paclfio and Santa Fe. This land produces large yields alfalfa, corn, wheat, oats and barley. Cat tle and sheep feeding, dairying and hog raising very profitsble. The 1917 crop un der the Twin Lakes system, alfalfa, about 30.000 acres; corn and other grain about T.000 acres; sugar beets, 0,000 seres, snd other lofenslvs and general farming. Spe cial Homeseekers Excursion ths first snd tnird Tuesdsys of each month. Soil sur vey report on this land by N. A. Bengtson or the university or NeDrasKa sna Mis souri Psalfle booklets on this farming dis trict tree. If you sre looking for a borne do not delay, but phona or see us st once for full Information and rates. Liberty bonds sccepted same as cash st 105. We own this land. Phone Tyler 2816. B. H. Talmage, Vice President. The Twin Lakes Land snd Water Co., or H. R. Follmei Co., lit First Nat. Bank Bldy.. Omaha. LAND SEEKERS. It will pay you to come at ones and see whit I have If you wish to file on gov ernment hom steads. M. 8TRAUSBERO. 1110 fctout St., Denver, Colorado (for merly tn U. 8. Land Office service). FOR SALE Good level section wheat land 10 miles south of Julesburg, Colo., $37.(0 par acre. Will consider small residence property In good town. B. J. ( Bates, Idgpole, Neb. Florida Lands. WE BUILD TOUR FLORIDA HOME on best and most productive farm lands tn stats located 12 miles from Jacksonville, on ths easiest terms. Oet our new and original proposition. Jacksonville Heights Improvement Co., Jacksonville. Fla. Min-iesota Lands. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Oet a farm boms In rich corn and clover belt along new Boo Line, tO miles St. Fsul-Minneapolls; landseek rs all ssy, "I ssw nothing better." You'll like this wonderfully prosperous stock and dairy region tos; rich soils, hardwood timber, plenty rainfall, health ful climate, beautiful lakes, fins schools, creameries everywhere. Prices til per acre and up, improved or wild; easy terms. Map and list free. Baker, N. 117, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Missouri Lands. 110 CASH; PER MONTH will secure for you a 10 or 20 acre tract in ths best part of sunny southeastern Missouri Hundreds of people are ac quiring health, hspplneas and a good liv ing tn this region by fruit growing, dairy ing, truck gardening, raising poultry and hogs and general farming.- Excursions twice a month; railroad fare refunded purchasers. ' Roundtrip rates low. Call er write If yon desire to lesrn about the biggest opportunities in small intensive farming in the United States. WHITE HOOVER, Omaha National Bank Building. , SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 110 eash and it monthly, no Intareet or taxes; ihlghjy productive land; elose to three big markets. Write for pbotogrsphs and full Information. MUNOER, A-llt. N. T Life Bldg.. Ksnsss City. Mo IjO ACRES well Improved, two sets of build ings, level land, I miles from town and 10 miles from Kansas City. Want to ex change for good income property, 2ox Y-II8, Omaha Bee. Montana Lands. fOR SALE 400 acres of strictly first class alfalfa hay and grain land. Two miles from railroad and 10 miles from county seat This Is also a No, 1 stock ranch. Pries, $40 per acre. For particulars ad ' dress E, O, Farnsworth, Dillon, Mont Nebraska Lands. 800-ACRE FARM ', ' i ' , AND RANCH ,. .. , v !(,.;.'. -. , Z00 miles northwest of Omaha, 150 acres lev it black farm land; H acres best of alfalfa land; 110 acres best first bottom bar land: (0 acres hardwood timber j ISO acres) now under cultivation t balance roll ins pasture , land, well fsnoed and cross fenoedj fair set of improvements, just building new bam now. One Wile Niobrara river frontage and five elegant springs elose to Improvements. This ranch has 11 the thing necessary to make It an Ideal stock farm and is only II miles from good railroad town,' t miles from Inland atore and postofftcs; school bouse on the ranch. - iThls place belong to a widow lady) ah will take some good city income property a part payment or will exchange for good eastern farm. Price f S0.00 an acre, S.S. & R. E. RJONT 1 GOMERY, N 213 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg., . Omaha, Nebraska. , WIDOW'S SACRIFICE EASTERN NEBRASKA No one to1 work her 800-1 acre farm; must sell; less than 200 miles west and north of Omaha,: seven miles from railroad town, good house, large barn, well fenced and watered; half could be culti . vated, 125 acres fn crop this year. Cost the present owner : $2S per acre. Will sell to the highest bidder on reasonable " : terms...;.';; ; W. B. CARPENTER, Auctioneer, Room 300, 818 Walnut St., , Kansas City, Mo, A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. A very choice tract of farm land con sisting of 1,260 acres. About 200 acrea In cultivation, SS acres of alfalfa, l-roora ' house, hog bouse, 16x20; garage Kill; atable, 18x21; cow barn, llxlt, 'calf shed, lOxlt, colt stable, 18x18. 2 granaries, each 10x20; S corn cribs, each 10x11; potato cellar for 700 bushels of potatoes, milk bouse, coal house, good corrals, wind mill and supply tank, two drinking tanks. Price $20 per acre and will give easy terms. If you are Interested In some thing good you had better Investigate this. HUTTON st CLARK, ' ' Hemlngford, ..' ... Neb. - ;'.. OMAHA FARM BARGAIN. One or the beat producing farms in the elate, adjoining the town of Believua, Neb., consisting of 120 acres, second bot tou and three lots, with the. Improve nfents thereon, on the bluffs, can now h bought at an attrao price on account of the heirs wishing to separate their Interests; this farm produced last year ver , in com, potatoes ana hay. OMAHA RENTAL EXCHANOE, 711 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. JSli. RANCH, 00 acres, partly irrigated, near . norm rmur, s acre; hariratn. O, P. MEBBINS. 1510 CHICAGO. FAM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. OWNER WANTS CITY PROPERTY Ws have a client that owns 10 acres In Cunter county, Nebraska, IV, miles from rolling; house 24x24. barn 20x34, granary Lomax. This land lies smooth to gently 12x14, shed, well and windmill; good soil. Owner would consider a good residence property 2 or 4 years old. Priced at $76 per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., (Realtors) 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1711. OWNER WANTS OMAHA RESIDENCE We have a client that owns 160 acres In Holt county, Nebraska, 10 miles north east of O'Neill; 65 acres under cultivation, 22 acres In pasture, 70 acres In hay, good house, small barn. Owner will consider a $4,000 to $5,000 residence In good neighborhood, nearly new. Land priced at $60 per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., (Realtors) SJ7 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. VALLEY FARM, 151 ACRES. On Lincoln Highway, level black sandy land, Improvements on a high' knoll with nice) S-r. house, barn 12 stalls, granary, machine and buggy shed, chicken coop. Price $125 per acre. Must be cash to closs an estate. This Is Hi miles northwest of Valley. This should sell at $160. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 1011 Omaha National Bank Building. Douglas 2715. FARM 243 ACRES Fine upland farm, well improved, directly west of Ashland, on Saunders-Lancsster county line; improve ments would coat to replace In excess $8,000; large house, barn, garage, hog house, etc; well equipped for stock and within 80 miles Omaha; about 1$0 acres cultivation; $107.60 per acrejipossesston March 1, C. E. Abbott, Owner; Fremont, Neb. FOR SALE. Improved 80-acre farm 10 miles from Lincoln, 60 mllee from Omaha, 4-room houss, good new barn, outbuildings, etc. Twenty acres alfalfa, small pssture. Own ers share of crop this year paid Id) per cent on what be Is asking for wbols farm. FRED L. MEREDITH, (II Richards Block. Lincoln, Neb. SEVERAL gooi 220-acre farms, about ft in cultivation, , ,ith of Meadow Grove, Pierce county, $20 to $40 per acrs, $1600 eash, balance as desired. A. A. PATZMAN, i, 801 Karbach Block. TWO sections in Loup county, $4,60 per acrs. One has improvements, one is fenced. This la the last of ths cheap land up thers, 1NTER-STATB REALTY CO. 918-14 City Nat'l Bank. Doug. 2811. Gt-ACRB farm for sale, 4-room houss, barn and bar shed, corn crib, bog shed and .other outbuildings, 6 miles south of Plattsmouth,' Neb. Write or eall on A, O. Bach Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. FOR SALE 125 acres, all level, In Repub lican valley; K mile to school; S miles from Alma,' Harlan county, Nebraska. Six-room house, large barn. $66 acre, 4 cash. John W Shaffer, Alma, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy psyments - acres up. We fsrm the fsrm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 16th and Howard Bts., Omaha. Douglss 1871, , 40 ACRES Irrigated land, every acre first- class; all fenced and In crop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Price 14,000. Box 106. Oakland. Neb ' OWNER must sell at sacrifice, 200-acre took and grwin farm, miles railroad; good Improvements, $40 per acre; terms. GHmour, Pomona, Mo, LIST your lands for quick results with C J, Csnan, 810 MeCague Bldg,. Omaha. Oregon Lands. THE JORDAN VALLEY In southeastern Oregon Is a beautiful fertile district that you ought to investi gate. Many shrewd farmers are buying there, becauss their keen business fore sight tells them that Investment will ptv big returns from ths natural Increase In the value of the land alone, to say noth ing of the big crops that they tan pro duce. Prices low; terms essy. - As me for authentic Information, abso lutely free. R, A. Smith, Colonisation and Industrial Agent, Union Pacific System, Room 111$, U. P. Headquarters, Omaha, Ndb. NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT, HEART OP THE RANGE. , "V Oat on the ground fteor with 10 acres irrigated land In connection with open rangi., You can grow stock successfully and cheaply Excursion Deo, 4, Bend tor bulletin. HARLET J, HOOKER. 140 1st Nat, Bk, Bldg, Omaha. Texas Lands. , . ' . TEXAS. . NEW FARM OPPORTUNITY IN ONE OF THE GREATEST STATES IN THE ' UNION. A new line of the Santa Fe Is tapping a rich and tortile prairie seo tlon of northwest Texas, near the Okla home line, where already many farmers have MADE GOOD with wheat, hogs and live stock. Here, If you ACT NOW, you ean get first choice get In on the ground ' floor of av great opportunity. You can get In AHEAD of the railway and the people whom the railway will bring. This Is , the ehsnse of a lifetime for a man of moderate means." A certain number of i thrifty, farseelna farmers ean acquire good land at an astonishing low figure and om long easy terms. Wby cay good bye to good rent money every year when same money invested here will pay big returns and make you OWNER of a fine big farmT If you have confidence that a great railroad like the Santa Fe would only recommend what it considers a good thing and because It want to sea new territory developed snd wnta newcomers " to PROSPER and PRODUCE then write me TODAY for : particular about this district Climate I pleasant, rainfall - comes In the growing season, winters are tnlld. stock csn run In open year around. Schools, churches, telephones, good rosda Everything here but enough men with their families. The farmers' BEST CHANCE I ' on good low-priced land raising products ' that bring big returns. Will you be one of the fortunate first comer to reap the advantages of a section that ha been In pected by a Santa F agricultural agent and pronounced RIuHTT Twenty-dollar aa-acre land here ha made 20 per cent yearly on Investment, compared with ; per cent on $160 land In Illinois and lows corn belt. Write me for (our free lllua 1 trsted folder with particulars, giving e perlence of farmers now "here and results they have achieved In. short time and on small capital. C. L. Sea graven, Industrie Commissioner, Santa Fe Railway, 1114 Railway Exchange Building. Chicago, FARM, East Texas, adjoining town Morrill no acres; ito acre; will trade for Ne braska; mild climate; abundant rainfall. Q. P. BTEBBINS. 1010 CHICAGO. SEE us tor Texss land. We furnish cattle. You pay from profit. Tboma Olson, 407 Hsroscn Bldg. . GOOD corn land. East Texss, $25 an acre, uet my free book. -- W 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha Wyoming Lands. U. S. GOVERNMENT OIL LANDS In La Barge district, Lincoln county, Wyoming. We locate and eecure a 10 -acre oil claim for you, do the development work required by government. In the die tiict where three big oil companies are I ' drilling night and day. We locate your .claim by power of attorney. File earn ' In your name. Make sworn statement to , the government when, work required by the government has been completed, all for the sum of $200. Payable, $26 down and the balance $12.60 per month. We , look for big things to happen in this dls ; triot In the near future. Unless you are : In a position to art quickly, unnecessary to answer. (Free Bulletin on request.) V. 8. Claim Holder Aaa'n, 7(7 Bchlller Bldg., ' Chicago. . GOLDEN PRAIRIE FARMS in Kimball Co, Neb. ajd southeastern Wyoming, on main :ine of U. P. R. R. where one crop often pay for the land, we offer quarter jiecttons at 1600 cash down, balance Inns . time ( per cent Price $15.00 to $25.00 per aero. Agent wanted. O'KEEFE REA. ESTATE COMPANT. REALTORS. 1016 Omaha National Bank Building, - ' Douglas 2716. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per a,. Including paW-up water rights. Henry Levi sC.lL Rylandtr, S6( Omaha Nat'l. THE OMAHA FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. 300-Acre Farm, $6,500. With 75 Tons Hay, Crop, 4 Horses, 20 Cows and Heifers, 2 bulls, 2 colts, 7 calves, 1 sheep, I hogs. 160 poultry, turkeys, mow ers, horse rake, plows, harrows, cultiva tors, new manure spreader,' corn planter, horse, hoa, wsgons, cart, carriage, sleighs, & sets harness, 100 bu. potatoes, 100 bu. apples, oats, corn, beans, vegetables, dry wood and cream separator; nearby cream ery buys cream; skim-milk fed hogs; esti mated 1,0(0 cords wood, 600,000 ft. sprues and pine, 6,000 sugar maples, 600 appla trees; good 10-room residence, tenant house, barns, 75-ton silo. Aged owner In cludes all If taken now for $6,500; easy terms. Details, page I, Strout's Catalogue, 221 bargains dozen states, copy free. B. A. Strout Farm Agency, lept. 2073, 200 8. ISth St., Omaha, Neb. PUBLIC SALE. Reed Bros, i farm 4 miles northeast. Crescent, la., milch cow, 20 head of other cattle, 10 head of horses and mules, (0 brood sow and shosts. All kinds of farm machinery, Sale begins at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, November 28. For further Information call A. H. REED, Douglas 651. CALAMUS RIVER RANCHES. The best combination of hay, pasture and shelter In the state,, with a future de velopment promised that is unexcelled. Get particulars at once. . GEOROB O. WALLACE, Realtor 614 Keeline Building. BEFORE buying or selling a farm read ' Farm Loans and City Bonds." Hartford Bldg., Chicago. 20c a copy, $2 a year. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us It yon want to keep It. B. P. BNOWDEN A 80N, 428 B. 16th. Douglas 871. WA1 fED J'O acres Plercs county. Neb. Owners only. H tillable. Give good de scription, pries and terms, 101 Karbavb nit'.. O iaha. Neb. WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale, O. K. Hawley, Baldwin, Wis. AUTOMOBILES - STUDEBAKER SATISFACTION , ' Is Complete Not Comparative Used car satisfaction depends largely upon what you are expect ing. Many a car might satisfy you un til you had experienced the pleasure of riding in one of Studebaker-Wil-son Inc. rebuilt Studebakers. Our experience in appraising and thereafter rebuilding and condition ing . used cars is your protection. Take advantage of this experience and get yourself a good used car at a price that will complete your sat isfaction. Following is a partial list of our many bargains: 1014 Studebaker Four Touring Car... f 850 1014 Studebaker Four Touring Car... 876 1014 Studebaker Six Touring Car.... 600 1016 Studebaker Six Touring Car.... 476 1015 Btudebaker Six Touring Car..., 600 1010 Studebaker Four Touring Car,... 800 It 16 Studebaker Four Touring Car,... 600 1011 Studebaker Four Touring Car.., 450 1010 Btudebaker Six Touring Car.,., 700 1017 Studebaker Four Touring Caf... 600 1917 Studebaker Four Touring Car... 700' 1(17 Studebsjcer Six Touring Car.... 750 1917 Studebaker Six Touring Car.... 700 1917 Studebaker Blx Touring Car..., 000 1918 Studebaker Four Touring Car... 760 1917 Maxwell Touring Car..,,,,.,.,, 450 1917 ':axwell Roadster , 400 1915 Bulck Touring Car.,.. 600 191S Overland Touring Car 276 1917 Btudebaker Landau 900 Paige 400 Studebaker Half-Ton Truck $25 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. STUDEBAKER-WILSON x (Inc.) Farnam at J5th Ave. Harney S71. TRAWVER'S USED CAR BARGAINS We carry the stock and make the prloe. Car from.8175 to 8660. i 1(16 Chevrollt touring car with starter. 1260 2 Oakland light sixes, with starters $600-660 1917 Maxwell, touring, looks and la good a new , 250 Two new Saxon four Rds. with starters 160 WE ARE THE USED FORD MEN. 117 touring, looks new 875 1917 touring, In perfect shape 260 1917 touring, worth the money at l!S 1910 touring, looks and runs good ... 250 1(16 touring, a good one 225 1914 touring, best of condition throughout 1(0 1916 roadster, cheap at 200 1916 roadster, very good shape 265 AN 11 FREEZE RADIATOR SOLUTION. Only one tilling required for the entire season. Ws guarantee this solution and wilt re pair any radiator which freesee or la dam' aged through the use of this solution. We keep your radiator filled all winter for the one price, FORD SIZE $3.50 MEDIUM, $4.00 LJVKUtS $4.50 RADIATOR REPAIR WORK, ALL WUKK. UUAKANTEED. New and used radiators. Second hand Ford radiator from $12.60 up. Com In and look them over. Your money bsc'-. If not satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam St. ' ' Douglas S070 CADILLAC t roadster, nearly new, fully equipped, in tne best or condition. This car we are offering for $2,000. Packard Used Car Department, 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. I ' Bargains in Used Cars 1917 t-psssenger, (-cylinder Stevens, driven less than 2,000 miles, lota ot extras, $785. 1917 Maxwell roadster like new, equip pod with ahock absorber and extra tire. $276. KIT Maxwell touring ear, slightly used, $166. . . , 1917 Maxwell touring oar, A-l condition, $266. ' 191. light 6-cyllnder Oakland, slightly used, su. 191 Chevrolet touring, a bargain. 1290. . 1(16 model 88 Overland, overhauled and repainted. $365, 1916 Maxwell touring, good condition, $266. ' Mitchell closed car, overhauled and new tires, guaranteed for ( months, a real bar gain. - , , Mitchell roadster, A-l condition, $1S6. Brand new 1917 Maxwell touring body, 166. Brand new 1917 Maxwell touring top, New 1(17, Dodge top, (25. New 1917 Dodge radiator. $17.50. ' All above cars may be eold part cash ana mommy payments. M. C. MEEK3. t!0$-2205 Harney St Call Douglss (10S. . DEALER WANTED TO REPRESENT, FORD TRUCK ATTACHMENT, w ' The CAMELFORD. 1 $40 F. O. B. CHICAGO. The only truck attachment converting the regular Ford into a one-ton truck for $40. la doing the same thing that other form-a-truck device are doing for $260. In dally us by thousands ot firm all over the country. Live prospect every where. Great money-making proposition for reliable party. Btate fully your quail' flratlonet and territory wanted. Replies held In strict confidence. MARfcMONT MANUFACTURING CO., SOLE MAKERS, , tl( & Wabash Ave, Chicago., j 1114 FORD touring, demountable wheels, new tires, perfect condition. (275. 1917 Ford roadsters, $.'00 worth ot extra. (326. CROPSTOWN GARAGE, .$14 'S. 24th SL Douglas 4441, SUNDAY BEE-: NOVEMBER 25, 1917. AUTOMOBILES ONE 1916 FORD GROCERY DE LIVERY TRUCK, GOOD CON DITION. ONE 1916 OVERLAND TOUR ING, ELECTRIC STARTER, FINE SHAPE. OTHER BARGAINS IN USED" FORDS. McCaffrey MOTOR CO., AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS. DOUGLAS 2500. I0TH AND HOWARD. PACKARD 135 Twin Six, good paint, seat covers, good tires, car In best condition. Price $2,000. Packard Used Car Depart ment, 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker Wilson, Inc. We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harney 871. Farnam at 26th Ave. I HAVE a 1017 Ford touring car practically new, that I must sell at once.. If you want a bargain this is It. Telephone, Harney 871. ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10O per mile. Douglas 7890. Ne braska Service Garage. 2 OVERLAND touring cars, model 81, first class condition, new tires, new paint, $400 each, real bargains. Andrew Murphy ft Son, 14th snd Jackson. FORD sedan, electric lights and starter, car In fine condition. Pries $650. Packard Used Car Department, 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., BARGAINS Remember, we are the only used car Jiouse that has no cars on consignment, no parts, and pay spot cash for used cars. Our large business enables us to deaf on a very small margin, thus giving you the car at better price than anyone else. Ford touring car, good running order $145 Two Ford tourings, good running or der 150 Ford roadster, new tires, good run ning order. 195 1916 Ford, good running order 260 1917 Ford Coupe, demountable rims 460 Chalmers touring car , 160 saxon roadster , 100 Bulck No. 26 160 Chevrolet roedster, like new..., 300 Bulck No. 27, newly painted 460 Pullman touring, like new. ,i. ...... 200 Hudson six, 64 coupe 460 Chalmers Master Six, newly painted 450 Regal touring 1916, electrlo lights and starter , JJO Bulck little six, like new 50 Cadlllao 1914 touring newly painted.. 600 Studebaker touring.,...' 250 Overland touring, electrlo lights and startsr 200 Dodge touring like new fifin Kissel six, 1915, newly painted 600 Studebaker, 1910, newly painted.... 876 Mitchell six, Ilk new 876 Apperson touring, electrlo light and starter, newly painted 800 If you are dissatisfied with your old car, trade It In and get one you can use. Mske small payments each month. We tore It for you until you want it. ' Open bundays and evenings. AUTO EXCHANCE CO., Douglas (035. 2107 Farnam St. Special Bargains in Used Cars. Look at This List Before Buying Elsewhere. . Hudson Super Six Touring Car. .. .'$1,200 Paige Touring Car (00 Drummond Touring Car. .......... , (60 Hudson (-40 Touring Car.,.,. 750 Hudson Super Cabriolet 1,660 Cadllla Sedan ,. 760 Enger Touring Car ,. (00 Overhauled and guaranteed. , GUY L. SMITH "SERVICE FIRST." 26(1-65 Farnam Bt Douglas 1970. FORD TRUCK, 1918 engine, Pannell box, $260.00. I Ford touring cars. Just ' overhauled, $250.00 each. 1 Chalmers 1-ton truck, $160.00. 1 (-cylinder Mitchell, electrlo , light and i starter, in line condition; make me an i Offer; win trade lor a small car. 1 good touring car, (-passenger, in good , order, $160.00. 1 Abbott-Detroit truck, 40 H. P., $150.00. 1 1917 Maxwell touring, run very' little, $500.00. 1 Avery J-ton truck, $360.00. BOYLANAUTO CO., 1611 Davenport St. ANNOUNCEMENT We have Just Installed a radiator re pair shop and are now prepared to re pair all make of radiator. This work Is being handled by an expert in . this line. All work guaranteed. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Doug. 9070. FOR 8ALE An elegant 7-passenger limou sine body, beritn front turned-ln broad cloth; plate glass windows, good as new. a classy job, cost (1,800, a bargain at 1360. Address Box x 286, Omaha Bee. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam Bt Doug. (OSS, OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO (200 Farnam St FOR BALE HUDSON BUPER SIX roadster almost nsw, In first class shape. F. A. Uuggenmos, Dannebrog, Neb. BARGAINS In used. cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam; Harney 414. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Douglas 7662. 1108 Douglas St STANDARD MOTOR CO. One Allen touring car, good shape. 2020 Farnam Bt Carl Changstrom. . BARGAINS. IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. 2500. USED CAR DEPT. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC.', 2047 Farnam St. Doug. 22(2.1 FOR SALE Ford touring car, good condi lion, mi Dingle, 6(0, Brandel Bldg. Douglas xi. FOR SALE 1(17 Ford srdan, pim'tlcally nsw and in good condition, for $660. Ad- dress Box Y iiM, care Uma'ha Bt. t BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix If Southeast cir- ner 20th and Harney Sis. Douglas 2662. WINTER lop for Hudson Six-tifty-four; cheap 1919 Farnam. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everready Battery station. 120( Farnam. 1917 FORD, roadster body $50, good aa new, 3 Seward st. FOR SALE new 1918 Ford touring cars; i oseo isii ora Domes. 8. 4360. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 100 a m41e, 86c per hour, minimum charge. (Except Sunday and holidays.) i FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 8622. - 1314 Howard St Auto Bodies, SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO CARRIAGE WKS 85th Ave, and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701 Starters and Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, xuaran ' teeing same for six months. 0:AHA BATTERY AND SERVICE! CO- ins Msrney , Tyler 2394, AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. : 818 8. 19th St. Douglas 648$. Auto Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS, E. S 26K N. 19th st Web' . ster 1102. For best results with repair era consult us. (loo reward for magneto we can't repair. V.-OM renaired. Baywdsrfer. lf M. lata. AUTOMOBILES Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR. LAMP AND WINDSHIELD REPAIRING. Night and day service. Out-of-town wbrk given prompt attention. EOYLAN AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR CO. Douglas tiH. 1614 Dsvenport St. HAVE YOUR FORD OVER HAULED; SAVE YOUR MONEY; WORK GUARAN TEED. SHERMAN AVE. GAR AGE. WEB. 711. SHIP your leaky auto radiators to the Kearney Radiator Works, expert rrork manahlp. Kearney, Neb. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES tt PRICE. Made with two old tires, $0x2, $(.(0; 80x3 Vj, $7.15: 32x2H,8.2S. "2-In-l" Vulcanizing Co., 1516 Davenport St Agents Wanted. Douglas 2(14. "B1LT-NO" Tires, guaranteed 2,600 miles, save money. Vulcanizing and retreading. I Auto and radiator repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE AND ADTO WORKS. 1819-21 Cuming St. Tyler (17. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2 tn 1 tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY ;103ty, Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb. BUY Lee Puncture-proof Pneumatic Tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co., 2051 Fsrnam St TIRES at hnlf price. O. & O. Tire Co., 2416 Leavenworth Bt Tyler 12S1-W. - Motorcycles and Bicycles v HARLET- DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used Machines. Victor H. Roos, The Motorcycle Man, 27th and ..savenworth TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY $250 4 $250 RAILROAD MEN ATTENTION I $250 starts you out right on ths pur chase of a new bungalow at (24 William street It contains five nice rooms, large attic, full basement, strictly mod ern. Including furnace and open plumbing, electric lights. Price $3,000, with $260 down and balance like rent Close to work, where you can save both rent and carfare. PAYNE & SLATER CO., REALTORS. (16 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Doug. 1016. $250 $250 SPECIAL MINNE LUSA BARGAIN Brand new 7 rooms and sleeping porch, etrlctly up-to-date, oak finish, large liv ing room, fire plaoe and bookcases, built in buffet, beamed ceiling, all decorated, full cement and brick basement laundry tubs, furnacs, etc. Quick action price (5,000, $500 cash, balancs terms. P. J. TEBBENS, , REALTOR. (05 Om. Nat Bank. Phone D. 1182. HANSCOM PARK SNAP $3,350 Almost new, five room and bath, modern throughout large attic, nice ce-. mented cellar and furnace, rsceens, storm windows, lot (0x150, paved street, east front, one block to car. Immediate psoses sion. P. J. TEBBENS, REALTOR. (05 Om. Nat Bank. Phone P. 2182. CLAREMONT INN, H7h and Jackson. Transient guests, $1 a day. Permanent guests, $5 week. Doug. 2785. 972 N 26th $2,000 7 ROOMS-ALL MODERN Have just finished papering throughout; house Is In good shape and all modern. In cluding furnace. Located top ot the hill; east front; paving all paid. Has been rented at $20, hut now vacant. Cheap at $3,000, but owner wants an offer. Easy term can be arranged. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors Douglas Its', $19-20 City National. WHERE IS ANOTHER LIKE THIS A IN DUNDEE? V $4,500 for a dandy six-room house, with large living room and fine fireplace. Oak floors and finish. Full lot on Capitol ave nue, between 60th and 51st St, one of the prettiest blocks In the district. Rented now at $40.00. Owner has left city and wants to sell, so has made this very low prloe. Arrange with us to Inspect Armstrong-Walsh Co., Realtors, Tyler 1536. $33 Securities Bldg. PARK AVENUE NEAR JACKSON $800 Wi want a proposition on thl fin home. Large living room, dining room, library and kitchen on first floor; 4 big bedrooms, with closets nearly as large as the ordinary room, and fine bath room on enond floor. Best ot quarter sawed oak finish and floors. Hot water heat Extra toilet in basement Garage in rear. Lot 56x140, with frontage on two paved streets. Paving paid In full. This is a real bargain at the price, but owners have only two In family and want to make quick sale. ' Armstrong-Walsh Co., Realtors. SSS Securities Bldg. Tyler 152( INVESTMENT SAFE SURE Handsome brick building, containing two fully appointed seven-room dwellings, fin ished In hardwood. Tiled baths, sleeping porches. Garage for two cars, Full, deep lot. All specials paid In full. Rent (90.00 per month. Can easily be raised to (100, or a total annual income of (1,200. Price only $10,600. Located on a through cross street between Harney and Leavenworth, within easy walking distance. This is worth while. Let us show you, Armstrong-Walsh Co., Realtors, 332 Securities Bldg. , Tyler 1538 RE Aft THIS IT'S GOOD In ' the West Farnam District on lof 60x135, we have one of the best bargains ever on our list Big living room with north and south exposure. 8un room with tiled floor; dining room, having handsome, buffet, and unusually convenient kitchen: S large bedrooms and enclosed sleeping , porch, bath room with tiled floor and walls on 2d floor. Maid's room on third floor. Thl house has without exception' the finest equipment in plumbing and heating - plant to be found In any house at the price in pmaha. Hot water heat Laundry tubs and toilet In the basement One-piece sink tn kitchen. Pedestal lavatory In bath room. Lavatory In maid's room. Oak woodwork downstairs and oak floor both upstair and down. This property would be a bargain at 11,000 more money. Price 15,000. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Realtors. Trier III 131 sUanrlttea Wflc' REAL ESTATE H if 4 This beautiful home for sale by vacant building lot or small home. Has front room, tile vestibule, living room, sun room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen, pantry and en try, first floor. The finish of these rooms is in mahogany. French doors between rooms. Fireplace and bookcases are built in. Four bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor. The finish of these rooms Is in white enamel with mahogany doors, and glass knobs for each door. Tiled bathroom floor. Finished room in attic. The exterior of the hoose is in kellastone stucco. Waterproof, guaranteed from cracks. Porch floor is of cement Roof is of asbestos. Lpt is 110 by 100 feet. Located in Lock wood, Dundee, near 54th and Jones streets. East front with elegant view over Omaha. For information phone N. J. Skogman and Sons, build ers. Tel. Harney 927, address 812 North 35th St SHERIFFS SALE THE HOLDREGE HOME, Y ' .: 32d Street. - Hanscom Parw view. : Ground s V ' '? measures 150x200 feet 10 fineiarge rooms, steam heated. To be sold to the highest house at 10 a. m. precisely. ' V Tuesday, We are just starting some new Bunga lows in beautiful Minne Lusa. They are modern, complete and up-to date in every respect, in a restricted residence, district, with every improvement and convenience. What more could you ask?. We Sell on Easy Terms Call up our salesman today and ask to vsee them. F. L. Gallup, Colfax 120,. or E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 2202. Charles W. Martin & Co. V ( ' ; 'Realtors 742 Omaha Natil Bk. Bldg. Tyler 187. - THE VERY IDEA-- New N Unique Beautiful Glenarlo Apartments 51st and Capitol Ave. in Dundee having 4 rooms with the 5-room accommodations. You will find these apartments practically perfect in archi tecture and ' appointments. A beautiful outlook from EVERY window and sunshine in every room. Apartment No. 23 draped and furnished complete by Orchard & Wilhelm Co. -.-. Rentals $50, to $55 flat rates. Open for inspection" today from 11 A. M. to 9 P. M.; week days, 4:30 to 9 Fr M. , In charge of PAVNE & SLATER CO., Realtors. 616 Omaha Nat'Bk.Bldg. - Phone Doug. 1016. REAL ESTATE -esr"-" T a v I - wsaa. E x-v sr.:i.-v-v4'v.-r.s ifx - v. i ounaer. win ut&e as pun payment bidder at the east door of the court ' Nov. 27. A I '