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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1917)
J 2C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : NOVEMBER 25, 1917. I if 1 Want Ad Rates (Counting Sn Word to the Lint. K Ad Take tor Lea Than Two Lines Local CASH WITH OBDEB lo per lis...... , t tlm T per Una.. I or mora conaecutlva lnaartlona CHARGE" a per line.., 1 tlroa to par Una 1 or more conaecutlva Insertions la par Una s.ti conaecutlva lnaerlloc SITUATIONS WANTED ISO, par Una par weak CARD OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES lOo par Una each lnaertloa (Minimum charge to cent.) Out-of-Tein Bate Cash With Order (Cant 8U Words to Line) ' D."i' "f pr Bb 1 tlm- AntTwanled lc per lln. 1 or more Business Chancea I conaecutlva insertion All Other ' Classification I lo par Una 1 tlroa. I lo per Una I or mora consecutive insertions. USB THE TELEPHONE if you cannot con venlently bring or eend In jour want ada. Aak for Want Ad Taker and you will receive the aama food aervlca aa wbea delivering your went ad at this office. I PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS , 11:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. U. Contract Rates oa Application DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. BOYD Thomas F., died at National Elks' Home, Bedford, Vs., November 22, 191J. In the 7th year ot hla age. i Funeral will take place BundaStjovem ' ber 16. 1917. at MO p. m., In the Elks' lodge room, and will be conducted by the officers ot Omaha Lodge, In accordance with the funeral ritual of the order. Brother Boyd was a charter and life member of Omaha Lodge of Elks. All Elks are expected to attend, and friends are invited to be present. Attest: T. B. Dysart, Exalted nuler. I. W. Miner, Sec- I run 7. ROBINSON Joseph M., November 21, 1917, aged 14 years, 1 months snd 1 days. Funeral services will be held from the residence ot his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Reldy, 4141 Brsklne street, Monday, November it, at I o'clock. Intermeof. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. liKLME Phlneas, November 22, lilt, aged IS years, months and 20 days. Funeral services will bs held from family ' resldsnce, 2029 Willis avenue, BundaV, ' November 21, at t:tt o'clock. Interment Forrnt I.awn cemetery Frienas inviteq. mTHeIxJaN-Thomas J-, aged 60, Nov. 21. Funeral Monday at residence, 440 K, lAth St.. at f:C0 a. m. to Holy Angela' church t a. m., Rev. N. H. Noablsch effl- elating. Interment Holy Bepuioner tjame tery. '' . INNI8 Mrs. Franoes Kdne, bsloved wlfa of A. B. Ennli, Denver, Colo. Daughter ot Mr. and Mra. Vn Barber. Florence. Neb, Fhnaral aervlca at Mountain Home, Monday, I p. m. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. OFFICERS and members Washington kidgs No. 17. D. of H.. attend the funeral ot Slater Anna Plckard at her lata realdenes, 1467 S. 16th St., p. m., Nov. J. Mary Long, O. of H. : Bridget Donnelly, Recorder. PICK ARD Anna C, aged 66, Nov. it. Service at family residence, 1467 8. IStta, Monday at 1 p. m., Re. Ralph II. Houseman officiating. Iatermant Kver- IjTjenjremetery, ifinMiiat - CARD OF THANKS. ftR wish to thank our many friends, neigh bora and lodges for their kindness and sympathy shown during the death and Ill ness of our beloved son, Wilbur K. Hmltn, and also for the floral offerings. Mr. and Mra. Vernon B. Smith. Ws wiali lo express to our many friends aur heartfelt thanks for the many kind' Besses shown and beautiful floral tributes sent during the alckness and death of our beloved daughter and sister, Basel. MRS. M. V. ANDERSON AND FAMILY. FRATERNAL ORDERS. NINK H1NKERS WHO ACT. TOUNO MEN WITH BACKBONES INSTEAD OF WISHBONES, CAN, MARK CONNECTIONS WITH GROW ING HALES ORGANISATION, WHERH INCOME OPPORTUNITY RANGES FROM 5,00O TO 120,000 A YEAR, CALL 1217 W. 0. VV. BLDG. TirRf HlTXNDDEAtH"St Births Albert and Bertha Slr hos pital, boy; Paul K. and Zelma Nlkolopou las, 2118 Da .nport street, girl; Edward T. and Helen Brown, hospital, boyi An thony and Mar Uarok, 1400 South Twenty ninth street, . Irl; Russell M. and Sarah Barrues, 2,211 V street, boy ; Charles M. - snd Ook .:thansnn, hospital, girl; Willis and Margaret aUull, 6010 North Thllrty. eighth street, boy; Harry O and Judith Grant, 701 Ce-tcr street, flrl; Johan and Xaterlna Curray, 4111 South Fortieth atraet, boy; Hen, II. and Laura B. Llltey, 3 tiiiulb Thirtieth street, boy: Claud and 'Mania Carrie!- 61101 South Thirty-seventh street, girl Joseph and Bernlcs Narkevltx, 1616 Cass street, boy. Deaths Mary A. Maltby, 71, Omaha; Thomas L,, to, S40 South Six teenth street! William H. Roper, I, 8011 Hurt street; Jan Strata, 1 months, hospital; William H. Willis, 1, hospital; Gladys L, Jensen, 1, hospital. - LOST-FOUN IT-REWARDS N v." OMAHA it COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RAILWAY COMPANY, v. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up ths office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company 1 ascertain whether they left It to ths street car, Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. 5f VOU loss anything and will advertise It hers you will sursly recover It If found by an honest person. It you find anything of valus the honest way is to advsrtlse for the owner. - CoSTLsrge ralneo plu set In gold, on Al bright or Farnam car, or between Farnam and Douglas on 18th St., between 1:30 and ( a. m. Saturday, valued as gift. Howard Walnut in?. IjOU'i lirand new glove between lOih and Howard and Kth'to 321 South 16th. Re turn W Bee offlre. - FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! The best furniture I aver sold at auc tion, northwest corner 41th and California Sts., la Dundee, Apartment No. 1, In Ard more Terrace, Tuesday, Nov. 17th. Sale starts at 1 p. in, Tha complete furnish ings ot cna of 'Dundee's beautiful homes, consisting of beautiful matched parlor furniture, old English dining furniture, masslvs braes beds, Ostermoor tnattreeaee and expensive inahognay bedroom suites, hundreds ot dollars worth of cut glasa, hand painted and imported dishes, silver. ware, hand worked linens, expenelve rugs and draperies. Tbla Is very expensive furniture; like new, carefully matched and cornea from all parts ot the .world. , JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. f For Auction Salea Call Red 2281 or II. , 4571. ' - - - ' THESIS ARE REAL FURNITURE " BARGAINS One glance at them will show you , there Is no mistake about that. Read and act Dressers, many styles. $ 75; 1U.B0; 111.71 Bufrets, big variety, (10.(0; 114.11. Rockers, unequalled values, 12.15; Davenports, bargains, 111.75; 121.71. Beating stoves, all kinds. 16 66; We will srrsngs accommodations to ault Four convenience. Railroad fare free to oui-of-towa buyers within fifty miles Of Omaha on purchases of 110 or more. STATE FURNITURE CO., - Doug. 1117. Cor. 14th and Dodge 4Jte. NEARLY new heating stove for sale. Large size. Improved King Bee Alr-Blast; used one winter. On.y 111. 00. Call South 2074 Sunday afternoon or evenings after t:0. t-VKGALNS IN STOVES AND FURN1TUR& Beda, springs, msttresses, bedding, of ' all kinds, table, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum. 1111-1147 N. 24th St Webster l07. Open till t p. m. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses mads from your own feathers, summer and winter aides; cost less and laat longer than cotton or hair bode. Phone us for Mimnle 1007 Cuming. Douglas 1407. STOVES, all- makes, heaters, rangca and eookstoves; fum.. Vict., pianos. Country trade. -Goods packed free. Loyal Furn. Co.. llr N 14th. City Furn. Co.. 107 8 ltth. CALL F. B. STEPHENSON. HIGH-CLA83MERCKANDia& . . . Auctioneer. , Licensed and bonded. Phone Weft. 4471. s INDEX TO WANT ADS Page. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS... AUTOMOBILES Automobile Livery and Garags Automobile Tires and Supplies,,.,,,,,. BUSINE8S CHANCES. , iiu uforT a t mrirw FARM AND RANCH LANDS FLORISTS FINANCIAL , DEATH NOTICES FOR SALEy-MISCELLANEOTJS -f urnnur. ana riouseaoia uoons, Pisnos and Musical Instruments..... Stores and Office Flxturee-,...; Machinery and Engines..... Cameraa and Kodaks Sewing Machines ... Typewriters T iimK. CiIUIu. K.1..I.I. UUIIIUVl, OMIIUIIIB jua.keria.ts. ......... . Nurseries Beads, .. ... FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms nouseiteeping nooms. .. . ...., , Board and Rooms. . ... ..... , FOR RENT APTS A HOUSES. FURN. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT QARAOES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY... FOR RENT SUBURBAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALB nu i HORSES, LIVE STOCK. VEHICLES LOST, FOUND, REWARD MONET TO LOAN., MONUMENTS AND CEMETERIES MOVINO AND STORAGE., MOTORCYCLES AND BICICLEB. PERSONAL I POULTRY AND PET STOCK I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED 1-4 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED 1-4 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 1-4 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 1-4 REAL ESTATE WANTED ,...-4 REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE 1-4 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROP 3-4 REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS 1-4 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson 4 Council Bluffs i 4 Dundee, 4 , Miscellaneous ,, 4 SITUATIONS WANTED SWAPPERS' COLT'MN...., WAITED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flat. ........ Furnished Rooms and Flats...... WANTED TO BUY. ...... . . .............. FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 Furniture and Household Goods. NEW FURNITURE OF A -ROOM. FLAT FOR SALS CHEAP. AT 117 N. I1ST. ST. CALL DOUGLAS 7811. RUSH right down and get your share of all kind of furniture at sscrlflco. (01 N. 11th ROVAL ACORN base burner, nearly new, real cheap. 156? Dodge. Harney 1714. OLlTCAIlPETB make NEW RUGS. Red 4111, . Pianos and Musical Instruments, RARH OPPORTUNITY For sale; my beau tiful 1100 sits phonograph and records guarantsed 10 years; will accept 160; Used only 10 weeks; wonderful bargain; will ship C. O. D. allow examination; and trial without one cent deposits if reuna un- sat efartory will pay freight both ways, Writs N. Nordin, lltt 'Ogden Ave., Chi cago, III. . Ff)R SALE Real cheap, nice tittle Upright piano, Circassian walnut frame, In perfeot order. No reasonable orrer refused. Has to bs seen to bs appreciated at the pries. ' Pleass call Sunday or Monday. 4111 Burdetta St. ' BANJOS Guitars and banjos, (o a day hurt OIflr-"N, Francis Potter, Kx. Agt., 114 Banford hotel Sewing Machines. TIMMACHINES We rent, repair, sell needlea and parte Of an sewaxl macnines. MICHEL'S ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. ltth and Harney Sts, Doug, '1KI, Stow nd Office Fixtures. FOR SALE. T ' Bank fixtures. One Varda antique batik counter with two teller windows, officers' railing, - check desk, 1 coupon booths and safety dsposlt boxes, All In good order and will ba sold at bargain either as a whois or separately. AMERICAN STATU BANKT Llnooln, Nebraska. WE HAVE moved to new location. Wa bur. sell and make desks, ssfes, showcases, '''shelving, ate. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., p. vr. vor. inn ana uoug. rnone o, J711. Lumbering and Building MateriaiT UNUSUALMHEOP PLUMBING AND BUILDING MATERIAL Wc are now wrecking tha tine Baum property, also asvsral othsr good build in xa. and this Is your chance to pick up some real bargain as we are going to move thess goods and do It quick, Bath tubs, toilets, lavatories, porcelain pottery, slate and copper sinks, urinals, laundry tubs and sverythlng ta plumb your-house. Two furnaces, steam boiler, copper range boiler, 1-Inch steel range, gas range, 1 slectrlo fixtures. All kinds ot window and doors pin maple and oil flooring. Lota of , fins la sld finish wardrobes, drawer ,'cabineta, bookcases csdar lumber very fine. Ev erything la roofings, shingles, felt, slats and composition lumber f scrlptton, at prices to help beat the Kalssr. - SALE AT OUR YARDS. , CHAMBERS-O'NEILL WRECKING CO, LARGEST, WRECKERS IN. THE WEST, SOU Leavenworth. JTypewriteriTand Supplies. FOR RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier typewriter. Bent anywhera. Rental applies on purchase. Remington Typewriter company, Nineteenth and Douglas streets.- n " . - e a' "IeOn "Paired. ""i!'00'. Central OLD DUTCH LINE Ribbons and Carbon. You can TRY IT before you BUY IT from H1ATT. 1820 First Nafl B'k. Tylerjl'l Guaranteed tyi ewriters, 10 and up. Write tor list. Midland Tyn. Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. CUM FOR SALB. Winchester Pump, II gauge. ,1111 model, hammertoe, with rib, and Leader, tH ch. shells, 117.(0. All new outfit used only ones. , ,.. Chalonpaa, 1101 S, llth St. Tyler 1101. QOOD POTATOES, 11 PER BUSHEL, . ' CALL HARNEY 1340. FOR SALE Two mares and gelding, alx and 16 years old. Call Benson 144. THIlUli) seoond hand wagona for aaie cheap, 417 Rama-e BMg. D. 1404. a '!' T'"il' 'sslll'.. IB n; risTIaWsXlJJsxemiJsxUUMMMn BUSINESS CHANCES FREB INFORMATION ABOUT" MEXICAN OIL ( FIELDS. Tamrlco. Tux pan, Tabasco. Campeche greatest oil tialda In the world.- No pump .Ing In Mexico. All gushers. Many 20.. 000. 10,000, 10,000 and 100,000 barrel walls per day. These fields, experts eays, "float on OIL" Average well In Tamplco field produces 1,430 barrels per dsy. Average well entire V: S. 76 to 100 barrels per day. Twenty chances to one for oil against any stats In U. 8. Find out what C W. Barron ot Wall Street Journal, C. W. Acherman In Saturday Evening Post and others say about Mexican fields. Find out about this great opportunity now. Ths gold erase In California and Alaska dis counted by this opportunity. Ths Oil N Press will supply this free Information, v Also answer queaUons about different oil companies. To Introduce I months' trial subscription free. Regular price 11.(0 per year. Oil Press, Hi w. Ohio SV Dept a. mm.' v-uirnKu, f . DKOOME A IHUIKtU Supply the consumers In your county with merchandise direct from the manu facturers and producers at wholesale prices; we have made buying arrange ments with mora than (00 maanfacturers; have Issued a complete catalog A be dis tributed by each oounty broker, with their own nsme oa same), send tor particulars today j you should establish large per - permanent business) tit to (20 capital required. Address President, its floor, 20 E.-Jsckson. Chicago. - I AM all-around mechanic. No. 1 finisher, . vsrntsher, good on repairing, have some bwilnees ability. I would like to get In touch with someone who has tdls money to Invest In automobiles and shop. I can double your money on Inveatmenta and repairing. Address Box 1110, Omaha Bee, BUSINESS CHANCES "PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. BOoi8 AND ADVICE FREE. Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Beat results. Promptness assured. ' ' nntunn 17" f"V1rtw,ov,' PATENT it aiiiuu u, uuiciuaii Lawyer FOR SALE. A Clean atock ot general merchandise 4n a oounty seat town of (00 population. Large territory to draw from. Stock In voices about 111,000. Sales run 176,000 year. Only one ether general atora In town. Store located In a new modern brick building. Rent f 50 per month. Best of reasons for sellug. , O. W. BAUER, Grant, Nab. WINDOW cleaning route four years estab llsbed. Income 1360 monthly. Price 1700, All work within seven 4locks square and Is easily attenaea by .two men. Splendid opportunity for two experienced men aa partners to build up a big business. Rea aon for selling, have made enough money and wish to go - east. For Information writs to H.tKanchuk, (30 New Nelson Bldg.. Remus City, Mo, INSIDE INFORMATION ON OIL. We have Just Issued a 13-page publlca tion giving an outline of the future petroleum Industry, summary of ths Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and Kentucky on neius, snowing the trend or develop tnent, showing number wells drilled and number of dry holes. This publication free. Send for It. Wm. H. Wood, (31 Andres Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. MANY EARNING FROM . 11.200 TO 110.000 A TEAR. Learn the Investment security buslnMa? opportunity1 not limited to big cities; our instructions snow how anyone, anywhere, can make good money; no capital re- quired; honesty and ambition nsoessary, Writs for details. Krtebel A Co.. I ,v tnent Bankers, 117 S). La Balls St., Chicago. FOR SALE The leading harness business of S. Er Nebraska. I am 71 yeara old, lost my wlf and want to quit business; this is a goon proposition sor a men wttn 12,(00; worth lnvestlgsting; at Nebraska City, Neb,; average annual sales, 112,000 to 14,000 write me. W. W. Palmer, Proprietor. FOR SALE HlKh class newspaper In central Nebraska town. Modern equipment. Bplen did business. Not a forced sale. Unusual opportunity for a rood newspaper man with some ready caah. Address F 1, care weetern Newspaper union, Lincoln,' Neb, CAFE FOR SALE One-half price; bargain; everything new; the best In first-class town ot 10,000; getting good prices; making big mnney; dally receipts 17S, clears (500 to 1600 per month. Reason, family affair, Address Hunyady, Gensral Delivery, Grand jsiand, Net). SMALL drug stors for sale, eetabttsned II yeara; owner died, must sell; good cornet location, on car Una; a snap for some one if taken at once. Address Parker street pharmacy, Thirty-third and Park or sts, CAKH FOR SALE Bargain, pew, up to date; first-class town of 10,000; rfettlng big prices, making good money) dally re ceipt 1175; dears 1600 to 1690 a month. ' Reason, family affair. Address Hunyady, General Delivery, Grand Island, Neb. ADVliUTlSIS EVERYWHERE; 15 words In 100 syndlcats monthlies, 111 100 country weeklies, (2.(0; 40 Sunday papers, 110. Your advertising literature writtan . free by axperta. Cops Agenoy, 140 Chestnut. s-tv. mmii, CAFE In Y. M. C. A. building, centrally lo- cated In 'business district good business; fins equipment; low rent; can ba pur chased at a bargain! owing to owenr's health. Mrs. Edith 'Anderson, Ft. Dodge, Iowa. , STATE SALES MANAGER WANTED Well established article; must carry stock' 1(00 to 11,000 appoint and-supply salesmen; propoelttoh worth 15,000 to $10,000 ahiuial ly. F. E Mfg, Co., 5427 University Ave,, Chicago, III. FOH SALE 34-room hotel; I yn lease; clearing 1200 per month; beet location In town; rooms always full." Reasonable, It . taken at once. Proprietor, 1010 4th St, Bloux City, la. WANT TO BUY Paying lunch counter or restaurant. Country town, southsrn or weaterrr Nebraska. Writ full particulars, amount ot buslnsss first letter. Address 111 N. Lincoln Ave,, Hastings, Neb. i No. 1 DRUG STORK! for eale; clean up-to-date stock and ftxturss; live town, 1.400 pop, south ventral NeK; partner dratted. Prised for quick sale. Lock Bos II, Palmer, Neb FOR BALE Drug store. Will aell oa easy terms te right party or exchange for western Nebraska land or small Aoreage cioae to gooo. town, writ owner. J, .A. -starson, venango, web. FOR SALE A well established tea and cof, tee nusiness, located In one ot the best town in low, Special reason for sell In, and will sell at a reasonable price. iok i an, umana Hea. S-OR SALE Well estabiuhed tfhvsloia praciics ana equipment, and good paying drug afore Going to the army. Address it. ., li, wins, Anseimo, iseo. GOOD mau to uas say desk etc, while am away mil winter. 7.50, will- turn him some Business. Bank reference, Box 1110, Omaha Bee. ' , . MOTION picture machine (new amd'TeC puiiti, insater upplled,i Omaha Film Exchange, 101 8. 14th St; t'" MOVING PICTURE machines, nsw and re- Duut, au maaes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 101 Nat, Bldr. KuA RENT Store room, all inMern; sise xsv; rent reai enable. William Madgett, Hastings, Neb. SMALL printing plant In Omaha. Good equipment. Nice business. Box 1840, Omaha Bee, . to Get In or out of business call on QANQE8TAD. 141 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. JOB P. GODFREY, leading mde. auctioneer or miaaie west, writ Box 711, Omaha. YOUR business or" real estate handled for saie. y. v. Kniest, Fee Bldg., Omaha. DOWD BALE AND A.UCTION CO.. 1121 w. u. w. mag. Ra S85. Attractions. - Simplex motion picfuhs 'machines complete line moving picture supplies. Swanson A Nolan Supply Co., 10S B. llth. Rooming Houses for Sale. LARGE RESTAURANT In Neb. town of people; nicely equipped; dally re ceipt ' 1200; clearing over 1100 a mo. Price 11,100. GANGESTAD, Butte 241, Bee, Bldg.. D. 4T7. PICTURE Til HATERS, ' One In Intge Neb. town, seating capacity, 700; clears. 600 a mo. I 17,000. 1 in a good Kansas town, seating capacity, 400; 11,100. Might exchange What have yottT GANGESTAD, 8uite 148, ee Bldg., D. 1477 GARAGE Bldg,, and Bus. In Iowa town; ownsr going to war; 11,000 steam laun dry la Missouri, doing a good bus., IS 00. GANGESTAD, 141 Be Bld.. Omaha. RESTAURANT la live Web, town, clearing ever five a mo., sens. , 0AN0E8TAD. ' ' Butte 241. Rea Ulrtr . TV lit BOARDING and rooming houae for Sale. s 701 South 18th. SITUATIONS WANTED r Mal. Office Executive and Accountant Young man,, married, thoroughly experi enced In office management, credit, and accounting In both manufacturing and Jobbing, desire connection with pro gressiva Institution. Address 1155. Omaha Be. YOUNG married man with good --education and business training deeirea position aa manager of office or other reaponable po sition. Good stenographer and can keep books. References will stand strictest Investigation. Address' 1104. care Bee. COLORED man. wants position cleaning of fice morning ana evening. Reference Call Web. 1101 before 10 or after 1. . FIRST-CLASS, licensed, steam eleotrlcal refrigerating engineer. Call Web. 1681. ASHES and rubbish hauled. Call Col. 1031. Female, VfELL educated, attractive youi lady de sires position aa traveling companion and practical nurse to elderly person. Bo r ijt, umsnsrBee, , Danish Isdy wishes) position la some family or bachelors' apt. Box . Illt, -Omaha Bee. LADY pianist wanta to play aa substitute any evening. Call H. t88T. PRACTICAL nurse; highest references. Phone Douglas 141. - WANTED Position as housekeeper In good nome, box sus, omana Bee. EMBROIDERY work wanted; experienced. weoetor xu. PROFESSIONAL NURSH. HARNEY 80 or HARNEY 0145. DRESSMAKING by the day. Harney 4688 Col. girl wants position: awd cook. D. 1004. Cot girl wants chambermaid pes. web. 121. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY and hcusecleanlng by the day; aaiieracuon a-iven. vveDster X5SO. - DAY work, washing. Ironing, houascleanlng; satisfaction given, wan, ini. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants one- half days work. Web. 4427. PLAIN and fancy clothes laundered, ster 4283. Web- BUNDLE washing wanted. Tyler 2S53-J. Colored girl wants day work. Douglas 7133. DAY work, bdl. washing, after 4. Web. 1311. Day work wanted by col woman. Web. 1710,' WASHING and lace curtains done. Ty. iliT Day work and bundle washing. Web. 1727. Washing A Ironing done at home. Wal. 1281. EX. col. lady wants day work. Wi. 5226. Laundry wk. by exp. col. lady. Web. 1201. DAY work.'exp. colored lady. Web. 7467. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 16 18. DAY - WORlfWANTED Webster I12T. DAY work wanted. Douglas 1040. DAY work wanted Harney (0. WANTED Cooking by day. Harney 4148. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. V SHOE BUYER AND MANAGER. A capable and experienced. . aggrealve and progressive young man who can mast - the requirements car secure a good posi tion with prominent dry goods house in fine southern city i s buysr and manager or women's and rpildrens snoes. Give full details. Applications held confiden tial. Box T 280, Omaha Bee. WE HAVE too large a list ot vacancies to itemise here. If you are competent to hold a high-class commercial position, It will pay you to INVESTIGATE some o tow BiMtrnuiu uiMtinnsa wo nave on ziie. DEPENDABLE SERVICE. - RATES REASONABLE. THE MAK'l'I COMPANY, i.n-in w. kj. w. uiag. WANTED High-class commercial mrtist. rrsrer man experienced In fashions, capa ble of designing and&creatln. Permanent position, good salary) Send samples with answsr. would also consider high-class mechanical retoucher. Flsher-Ruebel-Brown Adv. Agency, 1127 Washington ., m. ibouis, mo, WANTED Thoroughly exnerlencad twuik. Keeper lor automobile concern In Slnu City, la.; oi, w'th automobile experience preferred) must bs able to furnish bond; buuu luiuro mr r.gni party, write I c. tuik, care of west hotel, Sioux City. la. run parucuiarv in xirsi leitsr. THOSE desiring country bank positions, should consult bs. Many positions open now i or sienograpners, experienced bank bookkeepers, teller and ass't cashiers. ne nanaie notning nut nanx noattinna. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY, ni r irst national Bank Bldg., Omaha. BOOKKEEPER, good future, 1100. juooKKseper, R. , experience, 410. Bookkeeper, 175. .. - Office clerk, good penman, 75. Stenographer, 85. WATTS REFERENCE CO. 113 First Nat. Bank. YOUNG man under 21, clerical position with large corporation, npiendld opportunity. Must bs able to handle simple calcula tions rapidly and accurately, also a legible a".o EM?n2'W aisp aesireq. Box 1110, Omaha Bee. . WANTED A-l bookkeeper; must be tirst- ciass in every respect; give full expe rience snd reference In first letter. A gooa position open in an Omaha Institu tion for the right kind ot a man. Box vuvz, umana Bee. WANTED A cashier, also bookkeeper, for country nana: ootn man mum be xnri. enoed and bookkeeper must be able to I take dictation and operate typewriter. Ad orees a. J. Brewer, Ronan, Montana. BOOKKEEPER, 1100. Stenographer (whole. aieisietuu. Asst. nooKKeeper, 85; office CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., ivie-ie uy jsat: uanK Bldg. STENOGRAPHER. 185: 1100. 1125; hhnk. Keeper, 175, 8D; auditor. !s5, 15- four R. i. cierKs, sen; s; mailing boy, 40. THE CANO AGENCY, 400 Bee Bldg. LEDGER clerk by larce whi.iesalw-houas. uona pay ana chance tot advanopmenti Anoreas 7, omana Bee WANTED Boy IB, to answer phone eve- nmy. Aggress hox mi, omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. V ; WANTED. 'We can use aHmited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as Conductors V AND , MOTORMEN. Must be physically sound, of good character . and habits and come well recommended. , Apply in person at of fices of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor, Merchants -' National Bank Building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED ' AT ONCE " TWO MEN FOR FACTORY WORK. APPLY OMAHA BOX CO.; ' EAST OMAHA. iTAiu e,i nasninan: must oe cauabie or turning out first class work and under- stand laundry machinery; In replying state! umrnnvi, nimaci ana waxes wanted; 1 imkh iraoe; spianaia pay, J5 week permanent position to steady, reliable man. ly advance. O. R. Williams, 1120 Eu- i-airwury iaunnry ;o,, rairoury, rieo. I WANTED Boy over 11 to leara len grind-1 ing ana wnoiesai optical iraae; gooa I chano for advancement AddIv Tavlor. I veoKiii . vpucai vo sot oranaet Tnea. 1 Bldg. I wiSTEniio hrlt. .r..,.r. ah Vll I ------ - nar noun also xoo brtda-a runuilit h.ln. 1 era, II cent per hourall winter work;!' ooara ana loaging, fi.11 per any. A. I Guthrie St Co.. Ino,, Alloues, Wis. I n a 1 r,w axiwrieucva . automooue me- . ,r . K,n.fc,T-. . , . rr. , . . Ti . t ohanlc at West and ' Preston' garage, faying side-ljne for salesmsa Tailing s i Kearney, Neb,; pay $12.10 ta start and P" clothes, department stores and gents5 2,,?ktS.ers,J.V6.i ?V 50' -more If you are worth It; steady work. furnishers; credit for all mall ordera tot- B "i.P '.e55vi tl Apif U Give references. WANTED Wood! barrel cooper; steady po- alllon. Inquire Standard OU Co... til Brandeta Bldg. WANTED Experienced glasler. Imperial easn et uoor eo 164T N. llth St. WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. APPLY HIM . 10TH ST. WANTED Press feeder. 101 North' llth St Maie or rttmeie. - ' 1.EAKN barber trade, low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1114 Dougla St W. W. PALMER .of Nebraska City, Neb., wants a gooa all round harness maker. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN We pay the producer; stock inmiunt, mmmmta li in iir 11. iM...M I death benefit Il.tOO;' maximum weekly In- I demnlty 111: special benetlte for dUabilltv from alckness and lnlurv nf averv s- I - price 111 a year: write both women and men; no assessment, ao dues, no medical examination. Hanasome seal grain wallet . uw .ci.-iuiuuijihs rvaentiai lurnnaia i to anrr poucynoiaer. UDerai coramis- 1 sioa ano? renewal contr- tcreiint .ia I line. Unlimited possibilities for men and wuiii.n wm uevoie tneir entire lima to tna buelnesa, many earning 1100 per week; a real opportunity for, those who deserve success. Write today. 1 B. SMUTS. U. 8. MGR., llth and Olive Sts., Stt Iuts, Mo. s WANTED Corset salesman for excellent territory now open. Address ,Box Y 282, Omaha Bee. V , ; , Help wantedmale Salesmen and Solicitors. - WE WANT RESPONSIBE REPRESENTA TIVE WITH A BALES FORCE. . And a wide acquaintance among 'the wholesale and retail grocery trade In this state; we have , the biggest little thing in Amerlcatoday; one gallon condensed bluing for The housewife to retail at 10c; display matter furn lined ia unlauai never shown befofuj products tra perfeot; noth- ing liks It on the market: good profit for reianer, joDoer ana broker; we are maxing our product a nattchal proposi tion; preparedness enables us to ship goods prompt snd In any quantity. Tha K. Finger Co., S12S W. Harrison St.. Chi cago. Largest, exclusive Condensed .Blu- in mirs. in America. SALESMEN WANTED MAKE 110 OR MORE DAILY BELLINO ROSTERS TO SQI.DIERS AT CANTONMENTS. WH FURNISH FINEST ROSTER IN BLANK AT 25 CENTS OR COMPLETELY PRINT ED IN HEAVY MAILING TUBE AT 4S CENTS. SELLS FOR 11. OUR MEN BELL 200 .TO (00 DAILY. 8END . 41 CENTS FOR SAMPLE AND OUR PLAN OP OPERATION. WB SELL ON CREDIT Iir FROPER GUARANTEE FURNISHED. AMKKJCAPi PUBLISHING COMPANY, NEW ORLEANS, LA. TRAVELING salesman, staple line, $100; wiy naieeman, inc-iiui); general office man, good correspondent, 9116 ; railroad ac countant, 110; bank clerk and stsno., STS 1100; 'assistant 'bookkeeper, 175; general oirice man, 6-7s; filing clerk, 40. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, ' 73 First Nafl Bank Bldg. WB HAVE afl opening for sevsral hlli. .-, repwaois stoca salesmen or sales- tames oi on stoca now on a dlvldend-pay- oasis or in per cent. Have seven prouucing wens; more drilling In world- renowned Cuehlng field of Oklahoma. Communicate at one with Midwest 8s curitle Corporation, 111 Campbell Bldg., vniauuiu. .liy, UKI. . SALESMEN Can earn 1100 to 1600 wsRklva.tiln. in big Oklahoma oil company. Dividends " " i e increased by drilling. x.rninga or company US2.00Q yearly. Aa- ij 7 TviYw. uiaeiV4t A. lB.ll OtAJ ..eke!,. :Trm: Jlit to writ for full details. J.fR, Sutherlla A Co., Fiscal Agenta,, Commerce Bldg., SALES; JN WANTED To sell our new UP- to-dat Colored Art Khlfe Salsaboard. nn. ""'" . proposition, commission paid promptly. IQWA NOVELTY COMPANY, Corrier Broadway and rulton Btt., . Keota, Ipwa. THE M'CA8Krr REGISTER COMPANY want two nign Class spsoialty salesmen to represent them In northwsstsrn and southwestern Iowa In their well knni,4 credit systems, salea hnnka rinMne micu. vvry noerat commissions. . ll.n I Dsiween ins ages or IT and is unfuii mil paniouiar can for Mr. Cooler, urana note), council Bluffs, I , m. to p. m., Aionaay. WRITB frank Hoopee' about oil; drop postal or letter, asking full detail. hn,,t markably sucoeesful company. Less than year old; I producers: I wells drilling; prominam - uKianoma City men among Investor. Production and dividend ; gusher million possible. You. may yet mnffnaA In ..4,1.. -. . . . ... BG,k.uB a.uwn. Hi 4 snare, sena no money, but writ Frank Hoop, 41 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma Cltv A LEADING HofJSB IN ITS LINE WANTS SALE3MEN CALLING UPON GENERAL iT.0E&Ct0THlNO MERCHANTS AND HABERDABHERS TO CARRY 8IDB LINE. NO SAMPLES fflVRRTTtiriun xfc YOUR POCKET. EXCELLENT OPPOR TUNITY. LIBERAL INCOME ASSURED. REMITTANCES WEEKLY. ADDRESS SALESMGR.. BOX 2. r-mr-iio n SPLbNDID opportunity for a satesmanager . , - -bid. Bnuy; HID man I fp ,2 f producing result can establish from three to ten thotfsand ftniiam on.i. ly. Only such annllnatlnn -- .i.. AlA lu. i . . ... I iM i.ii v7. . u" luuy ana txan-t oiirr company, I vvrv. saoeatcri ( , X , SALESMEN For firm liini . Mtkhllili.4 . manufacturing hleh a-rada u if ,i ,.!.! cZZXXl .-..B...a ...i.uinn uuoa pay com. nasi real co-nheratlna ttA ir.u. Jt.Hchico,M?nRTH co- ".u 'pn I salesmen National inunaitTe vrX car bright white lisht at .in. an.. aatisfaotion or mohsv jackr us doxen; retail. 11.10 pe? car; agents, 8 V ' aampie, 100; commia-1 sion oa repeats. National Intenslfler Co., Andrus Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. SALESMEN to place contract, with .n store for ths famous ttndarwnAii a. n. "'iT'o 5lotomphl0 "ewe, service of ww pioiures, window ad vertising; Jiberai commissions. Elliott v't "wmi lowpr eUiog.i. ww & UI A. SALESMAN WANTED to.' sell restaurant and fountain trad ow n..hlr and holders In Omaha, Very . popular. Steady repeater. Commissions, repeat ordsr make regular Income. HI-Speed Check A Holder Co.. Kn.. rit a? SALESMAN For c.nar.l ...j- I .. ... . . ...u uun. in neorasRa to sell a, new proposition of merit; attractive commlssien contract fori i" -"l tot expenee. SYS Zl.L?0- J-wtlara, ,,,, jBiug., ..iereiann u. IF you have 1100 cash and would like to get iVL ",""" emui in your epare time without interfering with your present em ployment and earn tit weekly,' cell eve nings between 1 and 1ft at 1181 First National Bank Bldg. Aak for Mr. Strontf. SALESMAN tor Nebraska: balance year .n next: permanent noamon? it ki,. .n Ing staple line on exceptional terms; high w,.,. ..., v.,. wnn weeniy advance. I Sale manager, Suite 141, tOO Woodward, AVllUli. r 44 OIL WELLS earning 1211,000 yearly ..,ou wuuucuon; now paying 18 per cent dividends: Oklahoma fiM- imm.n.. vuwiuhiuvb anarf. ai invin,. .amm. ih wiHmat,i?n ,rev,ol0D Oil Co., Commerce I Bldg,. Kansas City, Mo. cu esiaonsnea concern. ,.iir specialty salesmen; age IS to 10, to handle fast .soiling moderate-priced staple line uieveiana, u. CALENDAR and specialty ' men for mstal iramsu caieaaars ana specialties; hot an I eld line of every thin, but a niHt mis. I jcrcni pri time er exclusive. Nathan M. Stone Co.. ltll w ii . Chicago.' . I - - nAnrcuMlrimxi in m-k. xina 1 selling "Bllt-Nu" Tire; guaranteed 1.500 ev per cent cheaper. 1 Omaha Radiator, Tire and Auto Work. 1111-11 turn nr al tt f iit. v . , ' - lowlng your sales. Cooper Cap Co., Chi- OKLAHOMA oil; eight producing' oil well r now; more soon; dividends guaranteed; por .nam; ouy now. write lor book let. Aii-american Oileind Gaa Co., Okla- nwnauuy, ., A GOOD POSITION-FORTS r EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR. " ADRESS P. O. BOX 111. OMAHA. ItAN to sell trees, shrubs, roses, vines; per- ni.nrin. orown nrotner, Rochester. . T. Vi,w.b.M-city or traveling; write for nat oi openinge ana now to obtain them. Addree nearest office. Uat'l Salesmen's it. Assn., lept 411. Chlcasro. San Fran. ' Cisco, ew Tor. SIDE line salesmen can earn bla monnv m11- Ln" "7 Proposition; no samples to car- li reuces. wept t, Aa-Lee Co., '-"'cago. WANTED City salesman. Wa k.v. ih. h..i celling and money making proposition sver orierea you. See Mr. . Fankell. Neville omuuhihu aionoay. a -t. . j ' Agents and canvasxcrs. AGENTatAv ANTED Beat tool specialty ever Invented for farmers; sells 11.10; saves! iarmer jime, money, livestock; two min utes to demonstrate; every demonstra tion a sale; -00 per cent profit; not Vulky; deliver aa you sell. Writ today for par ticular. Amjoerg steel Co.. Lytton Bldg, v,niragq. AGENTS Best Droooaitlan aver nlf.r.ri Handle new accident andslcknees policy lor i yeany; s, one principal eum; 828 weeaiy benefit. One-half colter. 11 yearly. Big commissions and yearly re newal income. North American Accident insurance Co. Dept. A IT, Newark, N. J. ! AURNT3 WANTED Aeent make bia profits handling our "Fast Sellln Holi day Post Cards," "Novelty Signs," "Holt day Decorations, Pennants," - etc. 6,000 Varletle. Demand unlimited. Write today I tor free Catalog. Sullivan Co, 1121 Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111. I HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS make big money taking eubscrlp tlons for all magaxlne; now la the bar vest season. Inside rates, retail catalogues, full Information on request to Hanson Dennett. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, 111. ;ATCH THE KAISER Greatest war game novelty; very fascinating; aold through agents only; both sexes; enormous prof I particulars free. Checkerboard Mfg. Co. Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS 11.00 Commission every call, Greateot bouoehold money saver ever in vented. Housekeepers buy on sight. Samples free. Ovee Mfg. Co., 504 Ovee mas-., Louisville, Ky. AGENTS Patented wash drainer. Just ou Lifts clothes all out of boiler at one time Agents making US to (25 daily. Territory going fast. Wash Drainer Co., 1111 Vine St., Cincinnati, u. FREI sample case offer; sell noney-sa ing food, household products: earn I te ISO weekly; enormous .profits; rspeat orders; steady work; - established 1818 Crofts Reed, Dept. R., Chicago. AGENTS 160 Weekly. Wonderful Winter automobile fuel reduces operating expenses nan uutnt free. L. Ballwey, Dept. 104, i,ouisvine, Ky, AGENTS 130 to 1100 a week: free samolss gold sign letters f of stores and office windows; liberal offer to general agents, Metallic Letter Co.. 435 N. Clark. Chicago. I'VB a new line of soap, extracts, toilet goods, perfumes, etc., for agents; 100 per cent pront; sample free. Write quick. ljtcassiaa Co., Dept. ll, St. Louis, Mo. OAS FIRS IsT COAL STOVES f roin-roal-oll . cheaper than coal; agents' bonania. Lib erty Burner Co., Columbus. Ohio. ' CHEWING gum agents wanted; no expert ence required, write today. Helmet Co, uincinnatl. ' ' Hotels and Restaurants. HOTEL porter or houseman, white or col oraa, i:ail Douglas 434t. Trade Schools. Wanted. Men and women te .learn tl, barber trade I fsw Weeks complete course; pay wnne learning, uau or writ for catalog tools given. Moler 'Barber College, 110 Boutn ietn at,, umsha. Neb. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn In six weeks.- no books: easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto . school, 1814 N. 10th St.. Omaha. Nsb, BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rate Call or write. 1402 lAISf. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. BB "n ,ut0 and tractor expert In a few werka: earn 100 to 1300 a month. Our his tree doox; explains. Auto School, ii K Ht Kansas City. Mo. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2051 F. rnam. Boys. OPPORTUNITY FOR BOYS. TWO OR THREE BOYS. 1.7 PER DAY TO START. GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. ALSO 1 HAND NAIL JfiR. PIECE WORK OR DAY WORK. OMAHA BOX CO., EAST OMAHA. ; Miscellaneous. TOOL MAKERS WANTED. 1 I '- 1 -1 We have teady work for a large num ber of capable men on gauges, Jigs and. fixtures: highest wages; no labor trouble finest shop and equipment DODGE; TOOL COMPANY, Grlnnell, Iowa. ' - V . A mill .n "I. '.i. J-' i w.. . . . . . . ... T - u monm; long jon tor the right parties. . uraaypaugn, aneiby. web. i , ATTENTION, farmer. If you want helo can supply you. Bluff City Employ- mn Tii,r atsu. ts n. - t, ..,, rEE .hlpment. th dally. " Apply Utf HE'J WANTEDFEMALE . Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, 80; stenographer and cisrn, sub; bookkeeper, some experience, small office, 60; stenographer, credit da partment 185; stenoxraoher. small office 144; ledger clerk, 165; stenographer, out or town, f io, WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N.. Originator of the Reference Business. 731 First National' Bank Bldg. ARE YOU SATISFIED with your present position? It not you era dnlns- your, 8ELF an Injustice by not INVkatioat. INO some Of the splendid onenlna-a we are getting dally. Call and let us know what kind at a position you are qualified u noia. DEPENDABLE SERVICE. RATES REASONABLE. THE MARTI COMPANY, ' 111T-I8 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED. TWO GOOD SOLICITORS, GOOD SALARY AND STEADY WORK. J 303 LYRIC BLDG. . WANTED At onoe, stenographer and office assistant in general Office of line yard lumber company In western South Dakota. Must be neat, quiok and accurate. State age, experience, salary expected and give iuii reiurnces in iirst letter. MONTGOMERY LUMBER COMPANY, tv innfr, o. u, THOSE -desiring Country bank positions" ShOUld Consult HI I Manv nrt.llln,,. r,ni,n now tor stenographers, experienced book keepers, tellers and ass't cashiers. We nanaie notiunt nut bank positions. , THE CHARLES E. WALTERS, COMPANY, 1414 First National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. - ARB YOU OUT OF WORK W can suggest a method whereby any lady or gentleman can easily earn 13 a day or more anywhere, If you want some thing nice sure and honest, communicate wrta undersigned. Wslker-Matteson Co., Mnimasi men. ... -'"'vvnAmon t.uiuj, eio, otenoK mm, ib a weit, Clerical position. 160, (JU-UJ-BKATIVIC RBFBRENCE CO., ten-is vity net. uana Blilg. - cv,., i r... . ... v..- WATTS REFERENCE CO. uss nam Wat. Bank. WANTED Women, government life Jobs, su monm. write immediately for list po sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 6IT J, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED First-class experienced stsnog- rapnsr. maie experience ana gle rf. in first Mer. Alfalfa Butter On 1's , OFFICE girl wsnted at once, 111 N. 40th St Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telejahone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ledlea to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement, good Wages. A sal ary I paid while learning Parent desiring to acquaint themselves With the working conditions or any other ttetails are specially Invited to accompany the applicant. Apply to ' C F. 'Lambert, 1807' Douglas St. IKS tlior 4o rv, . U'.-l- W A -II 111 u uU-w,u... LADIES' ATTENTION We have a corking gooa proposition for lady representatives. One cent post card will bring full detail Big opportunity!-' Don't hesitate. Write today. Division 2124, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lernont HI. WOMEN cell guaranteed hosiery to wearer. salary l lull time, 25c aa hour spare time. Enormous Chrietmaa trade. Ex perience unnecessary. International Mills, Norristown. Pa, Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl to assist' with housework ana care ror small child. No washing. Apt It the Blrchwood. Phone Walnut 11. WANTED 4 competent girl for cooking ana general housework. Ne washing. Ill , ,tu eu , rnvm n. axaa. bood woman or girl to keep house for couple who work, with 1-vear-old nor. good pay. "Walnut 1160. HELP WAN TED -JEMALE Saleswomen and Solicitors. OIRL or nitddle-aged woman to ao general ;. housework. Pcrfcr one going home nights. Webster 6.H3. ... . GIRL general housework, family 1. Mrs. Duval, 49l8 fnil-rwood Ave.. Walnut 448. Hotels and Restaurant. HOTEL MAIDS WANTED, 4244. Call Dougla WAITRESS WANTED 503 S. 13th St. EXP, stenographer at Paxton hotel. D. 1641. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to leai barber trsde, , Special rates and Inducement TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 IJodira St M'scellayous. - LADIES Fascinating home business tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time for profit; 8 on 100; no canvassing; sample 10 cents (stamps). Particulars tree. 1 Aftlnt, II C, 11 Meserote St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ' EARN 125 weekly, spare time. Writing tor nea-spapers, magasinrs. Bxp. unnec, de tails free. Press Syndicate, 181 St Louis. Mo. HELP WAITED Male and Female. GOVERNMENT WAR POSITIONS OPEN Clerical work; men-women wanted; lit per month; list free. Franklin Instlute, Dept 237 K. Rochester, N, v WANTED Immediately I names, men. women, vishing to become overnmeet clerks: 111 month. Box T 184. Omaha Bee. WANTED Lobby porters, maids, bus boys snrt kitchen men - Hensnaw Hotel. DISHWASHER WANTED, 318 S. 15th 8t Male or female. 1 FOR RENTROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL - 10TH AND FARNAM Special low fate ta permanent guest . Hotel Neville Extra large com fortable rma, hot water; telephone In 16th & Dodge SJ rooms. Furnished Rooms, ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERSI If you fall to find th. oom yoa deelre among these ads ca. t The , ' Bee office for a Room Llet-"Hve complete description, of vacant tvfm ta all part of tha city. New lists tt every week. - ' . VERY ATTRACTIVE LARGE FRONT ROOM IN MODERN HOU8E; WALKING DISTANCE; CLOSE TO 2 CAR LINES," ROOM FOR CAR IN GARAGE; BREAK FAST IF DESIRED, 1122 S. tOTH AVE HARNEY ltll. ' i RAILROAD MEN ATTENTION. . ' 'i . In private home; warm steam-heate rooms; plenty ot hot water at all tiniee; M month. Phone. Douglas 6881. ; 1 NICELY furnished, electrlo lights, Walking distance, reasonable. D. 4068. Ill 8. 26th. STEAM-HEATED room i wk., also apta.1 with kltchenete, Ogden Hotel Oo Bluff. 131 NORTH 3 1ST AYS. Desirable sotttb room, private family, choice location. W. FARNAM Attractive fur. room, lis block from car; private. H. 1162. LARGE front room, Farnam line. Walnut -71204. Refersnces required. MODERN well heated and furnished room in private home; reasonable. D. 4551. - Housekeeping Rooms. EXCELLENT board tor two people. ' Strlot- ly modern home, one block from cor. ; Refined surroundings. Reasonable. Phone Colfax S170. LARGE southeast steam heated rooms with oi without private bath. Excellent , meals. Phone Harney 1798, also garags. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS" 11 MODERN HOME. WALNUT I41T. THE STANDARD, tl S. 2Jd St Suite of 1 rooms, well equipped, desirable, reasonable. 1761 DAVENPORT 2-room modern suite. electric light; private home. H. 4881. 1111 HOWARD, Steam heated housekeeping room. Board and Rooms, ATTRACTIVE Room fbr two, good, board, warning distance, Harney 1143. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms heated; 116 per wuntn. hi u, mm.. iau or pnone eve nlngs. Douglss 4698. . FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. . CLOSE IN ROOMING HOUSE. NO COAL BILLS. Steam heat and hot water furnished. 122 s. 16th St. Fourteen rooms. , ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., , Realtor. Tyler 1631. 181 Securities Bldg. 1821 WIRT ST. Four rooms, modern. Oak noors, eiecfrlc lights, furnace heat Either first or second floor. Will rent reasonable. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, .REALTORS, Tyler 1536. . ... . Ill Securities Bldg. BOOS CASS ST. Fine 8 -room comnltlv furnished. Will lease till, spring or longer to reliable party. ' e ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, REALTORS, Tyler 1516. ssi Securities Bldr. 2416 PARKER 6-roomed, modern except neat. Call Webster 8354. -R 1420 plerc. mod. ex. furnace, snap at icy, lyier ou. FOR RENTV-HOUSES ROOM HOUSE, modern except furnace, large yard. '621 8. 24th Ave. H. 4351. West. HOUSE FOR RENT. On the homiest street in the West Farnam district, No. 3808 Harney. 8 rooms, 2 baths, fireplace, furnace heat. Vacant Dec. 1. Tel. Owner, uoug. 43U or riarncy 55.5.5. GEORGIA AVE., near Leavenworth;' an ex- cBiicnt s-room ooraci quarter-sawed oak; iiBtiini:; usk tnrougnoui; garage for three cars. This Is a snan for xUltYlAArias who wants a good, close-In residence. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS.) Douglas 3962. 119-30 Cty aNtlohal. ROOMS Steam heat: a good. nlc r boarding and rooming house. pital or sanitarium, central location; many good features. 106 N. 25th St., reduced to ....... .110 00 THE BYRON REED CO., ' (REALTORS) P- 7. . . 118.1Tth8t HALF A MONTH FREE RENT." J61T Capital Ave., 1-room, modern. .126. 2414 Maple St., t-room, all mod.... 25.00 931 N. 24th St., t-room, mod, ex. ht. 16 t 2012- Bancroft St., mod., ex. ht.. 12.00 3322 Camden Ave. l-r. H-acre.... 1100 KASP BROTHERS. 210 Keeline Building. Tyler T21. kuom modern bouse. ith garage. 411 8. 28th St. tit. Youna- rnh.rt int Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1R71. 6819 PARKER ST. Benson, five room tin,,..' ,nuiin. van venster 1S4Z. GOOD five-room brick cottage, partly mod- ern, by owner. Walnut i860. WEST FARNAM 111 N. 38th Ave., I rmi; HOOM Two baths. West F.r m u trlct, 146. Phone Douglas 1947. Fiti -roomh"Salow, strictly all modern! ,r,. t.,,i orwnru nt. Dour as sasa North. FOR RENT - - . l-room house, all mnd-rn mA in Kountte Place. 140 per month, t-rooa uci.,w, n,n, an monern, north, : iKAVf.K KKOTHERS, 111 1st Nat. Bsnk Bldg. Douglas list. ROOM cottage. 2112 Davenport St.. llY -r. modern except heat 1611 Mandersoi till -r. strictly mod., U$ Bemls Park ad ,,.,, i. iim warney ton. EIGHT-ROOM modern, south front, 2611 J. . ' ..- nemis para-, fireplace U living room. Walnut 1500. R. HOUSE. 112 60. 2710 Seward; 4-r. aeo j!!?jflr:v.1-. Seward. Tel. Doug. 1802 1 I, ,"wi f - .1 , . , nwriB nouse, us w. zsa ot, rea sonabl rent Phone Red (281. South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT."" 3005 South lid St.. l-room bungalow ' with stairway to largo floored and plaai Jered attic; oak finish in living roomai three bedrooms; all rooms on first floorl built-in buffet in dining room; large porch; all modern; just In ths course ot completion: clcae to cap tin phm ei C. G. CARLBERrt 110-111 Brandels Theater Bldg. 6-Rt NIFTY stucco. Hanscom park, 145. " On- Rental Ex Tit On. Nat Bit b. 3511. i it i J