2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 25, 1917. REVOLT IN CHINA I GAINING STRENGTH t - Premier and Chief of. General Staff Resign and Gov ; ernment Faces Grave Complications.. Peking, Nov. 24. The resignation of Premier Tuan Chi-Jui, offered sev eral days ago, has been accepted, and Voreign Minister Wang Tah-Sich in been appointed acting premier. Liang Chi-Chiao, minister of finance, i23 been granted a leave of absence. The rcb?l4 in the province of Hu un are advancing north along The i'angtse Kiang. Some generals who previously had refused to support the government now see the danger of the southern revolt and are request ing the government to take strong military , action. The situation is complicated owing to the resignation of General Wang Shi-Chen, chief of the general staff; as there is no re sponsible head of the war office. The Chinese legation- here has been . notified, of the changes in the cabi net as announced in news dispatches and has been further informed that General Wang Shishen, whose resig nation a chief of the general staff was accepted, subsequently was given a temporary appointment as acting minister of war. No explanation is given as the reason for the cabinet changes, but it is recalled that this body has been in; office for nearly three years, there by establishing a record for longevity in Chinese cabinet history. British Push on t Cambrai Despite Fierce Thrusts j (Contlsnsd From Page One.) had stormed the ground in the vicin ity of Tadpole Copse, which lies on an elevation just west ofutoc town, and forced the German to withdraw after a sharp engagement. ; The enemy last .night began the concentration of troops and artillery between Cambrai and the Bourlon wood and gave every indication that they purposed to battle desperately for the recovery of their lost terri tory. ' The Gerjnans in their . counter IhruSt yestenlt:' at Fontaine Notre Dame succeeded in pushing the Brit ish slightly back from this place after a desperate conflict, but this morning the British still held their ground be tween Cantaig and south of Fontaine, and were near the fringe of the Bour lon wood. There was little artillery fighting this morning in the Bourlon wood sector, but the Germans on the eleva tion in the copse were maintaining a stiff machine gun barrage against the assaulting troops and fighting at close quarters was reported to be proceed ing. The toll of booty already captured continues to swell, and unofficial esti mates place the number of guns taken at several score. A great many machine guns have fallen into the hands of the Lritish. Ulster, troops were engaged desper ately in the advance of the neighbor hood of Havrtncourt Tuesday, the tanks now operating there. The Ul sterites charged the entanglements and bombed heir way through them under concentrated rifle and machine gun fire. Having driven a wedge in the entanglements, the Ulsterites charged the machine gun positions up the slopes and gained the crest. Routed with bayonets after fierce fighting, the Germans abandoned the machine guns. Italians in Desperate Battle to Save Lines Italian Army-1 Headquarters in Northern Italy, Nov. 24. The moun tain battle, which is now nearing its highest stage, is one of three battles which are going on simultaneously with various degrees of intensity. These are first, the battle of the Piave river, which is the extreme right of the Italian line; second, the battle of the Asiago plateau, which is the extreme left, and, third, the bat tle of Grappa mountain, which is the center. It is through the center that the enemy is throwing his full force. The Piave line has become so solid that some are led to believe that the en emy is not pushing things there any further, possibly planning to bring up his heavy guns beyond the Tag liamento to renew his efforts in the spring. No less an authority than Napoleon regarded the Piave as good for only temporary purposes and not as a line of resistance for permanent operation. If the same view were held valid how, both the eastern and western Italian positions would ulti mately have to be shifted greatly as the present operations develop. The Second Italian army, which was hurled back in the debacle when the great offensive began just a month ago, has begun to redeem it self. Some of its units have been brought into the thick of the fighting at Grappa and have done splendid service. Peary Predicts German Attack on East Coast New York, Nov. 24. German at tacks in the near future on American coast cities were predicted today by Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary in an address here before a large gather ing of newly enfranchised women on the topic of aerial defense. "I speak of no secret," he said, "and I am giving no information that has not already been known or dis cussed when I say that a blow will be struck on some one or more of our Atlantic coast cities by Germany within a probably near future, and when it comes it will come with the same startling effect as when the U-53 put into Newport out of a blue sky." Snow, and Rain Probable Early Part of the Week Washington, D. G, Nov. 24. Weather predictions for the week be ginning Sunday, issued by the weath er bureau today, are: Plains states and upper and middle Mississippi valleys: Local snows over northern and snow or rains over southern portions early days of week, with somewhat higher tempera tures. Generally fair thereafter, with nearly normal temperatures. First Vessel of New Fleet is Launched Washington, Nov. 24. With the sliding of an 8,800-ton steel ship down the ways of a Pacific coast shipyard today, the shipping board recorded the launching of the first of the mer chant fleet it is building. Other ac cessions to the fleet will be launched ir. a steady program from now on, in cluding three 26,403-ton steel ships and three 10,500-ton wooden ships during December. The shipping board is clearing a right-of-way for its build ing program by requisitioning! 1,500 railroad cars to move fir ship timbers from the west to eastern yards, where the scarcity of that material is holding back activity on the building of the wooden craft. Furious Combats Check Invaders On Italian Front (Continued From Page One.) tack lasted three-quarters of an hour. The whole field was swept by artil lery fire and the ground was strewn with dead. It was amid this welter of bodies and debris that the Italian lines were reformed and from it they moved forward steadily and irresist ibly until the disputed ground was retaken, except at one point, where the struggle still goes on. In; this last desperate charge the officers and men were eager to advance, prefer ring death to being made prisoners. The enemy losses must be very heavy, but it is bringing forward a steady stream of reserves. The First army also is sustaining a heavy fight west of the Brenta 1917 1890 ill. inf 1 Diamonds More than- 27 years of constant experience is at your service here. It will be concen trated upon your requirements. It assures , you better quality at lower prices.' ) Diamond Ring $5.00 to $1,000 15TJJ&D0DGE m$M WWEME 1RT FESAHCE The Boys Are Healthier and Stronger for Gobi Teeth The army and navy recognizes the fact that bad teeth are an. "active cause of bad health, weakness and lowered efficiency. , , If you need good teeth to be an efficient fighting man, you need good teeth to be a capable laboring, business or professional man. Our service is at its bestit's economical in price and guaranteed. For the sake of your personal comfort and health, the welfare of your family and the physical back ing vou should give the boys at the front and the government at large, have your teeth put? into working condition. Examination Free. One Price to All Best Bllvsr Tt. But 22k J F1IHnot.....v.lw' Gold Crwn...v1 McKENNEY, dentist TISSUE One Price to AH Wonder Plate A mm J 4 A worth 15 to $29...$5f 5 find $1U Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth.... $4 Bmm. !: A. 1L r.ii. Wsdncadan awt Batardars TUI r. M. Wat Opt Saadar. 14TH AND FARNAM STS. 1324 FARNAM STREET . , Phone Douglas 2872 NOTICE OuUf-town patront can get Plates, Crowna, Bridget1 and Fillings Completed In One Day. Free Examination. lady Attendants. K . Btadcnta tmm mam of worth while umum gifts on credit I1T Camta Klnc, four fin diamond, pink Coral Cameo ,S5.?.Ili...$25 I2JO a Month ' Lof tia Parfactios Diamond Ring B Ladlse Dta. Bond Bin, 14k tolid cold. Xoftis Psrfsction" mount- & $50 11.28 a Wk L o f t i Seven-Diamond Cluster Rings Th Diamonds ara mtnntcd o as to look lika on large single ton. Handsomest and most showy rinr for tb Least Money. Marvels of Beaaty at 150. 174. 10t and $l!S. Credit Terms, SI .28, 11.88,1240 and 13 r fEXTRA iV VALUE JJ BUY GIFTS NOW Mwrelou Una of Slsraonds brilliant ems. your ehote of rints, scarf pin, tads, La Vallieres, brooches, ear screws, eta. Golni horn for ThanksrtTingt Taka a present to th loved ones. We Accept Liber y Bonds at 105 la payment for any af aur msrchaa die, ar a settlement af accounts. w rvi - IIAT-LIIF MnNTU 1U1 La Valliere, fin solid told, green old leaves, bright finish, 4 fin, brilliant Diamonds. Specially priced fox C-JC oar November sale, at. $2J0 a Month. THE SOLDIERS' GIFT Bend a Christmss f ift worth whil to your Soldier Boy. What could p'ss him mora than thin handsome, durable and ser viced Military, Wrist Watch t Military Wriit Watch TELLS TIME . IN THE DARK $1.50 A MONTH Kadium Dial Every Soldier and Sailor Should Have Thia Wrist Watch. Military Wrist Watch, leather strap, unbreakable (las ; high grade. Full Jewel movement. Illuminated diaU C Special for our Sammies tr 11.80 a Month, i mm The Old Reliable, Original Diamond and Watch Credit House Mala Floor City National Bank Block. 400 South Sixteenth St., Corner Sixteenth and Harney Sts- Omaha , Opposite Burreaa-Naah Co, Departing t Star. Phoa Doug. 1444 and Our Salesman WUI Call, Bringing Cood Yeu Wish to See. Call er Write for Catalog 003. 1 Open Daily Until 9 P. M. Saturdays Until 9:30 river, where the enemy rush has been repulsed by the splendid- resistance of thevItalians. Individual Daring;. The count of Turin, commander of the Italian cavalry in the recent re treat, has given out a written re view of the deeds performed by his men. Many instances of individual daring are recorded. ; A corporal of the Florence lancers was ordered to explore a zone near Cividale. Going forward he saw a large party of Italians held prisoner by the - enemy-. He returned and gathered a force of cavalry, which re- lealsed the" imprisoned party and brought them back. In another case Piedmonteoe cavalry, after being sur rounded, broke through' the. enemy lines, but1 the colonel commanding failed to escape.' He was the only man left inside the enemy circle and he "was seen to take his stand against a . wall,' probably preferring -death to being made a prisoner. The fate of the Caserta cavalry, which dismounted and fought afopf.4 and of their fellow dragoons also is ' recounted, making this recital oneof the most sjirring chapters of the re cent operations. ' Nursery Furniture White enameled hampers, ward robe baskets, bassinettes on rub ber tired wheels, small toilet bas kets. Helpful to every mother, besides being rery attractive and serviceable." Artneedlework Third Floor Art Linens. They make the most attractive library table covers, , fancy pil lows, scarfs and other useful ar ticles much appreciated at Christ mas time. In light and dark nat ural and ecru linen shades. . ? 18 to 27 inches wide. 40c to 85c a yard. Linen Section Choosiijg From This Fine Lace' Stock THOMPSON.BELDEN -GO. of55sa" Qho fashion Center Jbr ZUomet There is everything one could wish and besides, from among so many beautiful things, there are many .entirely new Ideas that will be of assistance. Gold and silver laces of every sdrt. Filet edges and bands, real and imita tion. Filet motifs, Valenciennes, torchons and net tops in wonder ful variety. Sensible prices are a pleasing part of this display. Beautiful Scarfs Lovely lace scarfs in black and white. Colored silk net scarfs that are very handsome. Silk crene scarfs in colors are very soft and" beautiful. Plain crepe de chine scarfs in colors. Charming Neckwear New satin collars in white and flesh, $1.75 to $2.50. Wool crepe collars, $1.25 to $3.' Orvandie and georgette collars, $1.25 to $3.75. Satin collars trimmed with filet and Irish crochet, $3 to $7.50. Real lace collars, $3 to $17.50. Jabot collars, $1.25 to $9. Vests of satin and pique. Unshrinkable Scotch FJannels, 50c-60c For men's shirts, . children's school dresses, pajamas and the like, these are without equal. Your choice of plain shades or neat strines, medium .and - dark colors. 28 and 82-inch. Do not shrink. 50c and 60c a yard. Basement Curtain Nets Filet and novelty weaves In cur tain nets, suitable for any room in the home, 30c, 59c and $1 a frard. . , ' - Basement Christmas Card Calendars for 1918 Unique Designs Third Floor At No Other Time Has It Been More Important To Purchase Thompson-Bcldcn Apparel for Women ; A-thirty-one year reputation for. de pendable quality must be maintained ; in spite of conditions. It is being done. " Women buy here with the assurance of Style, Quality and Tailoring.- Besides the knowledge that prices are sensible and never, too high. ;? - f Complete Selections of Coats, Dresses, Suits, Skirts Blouses and Furs - I ii a ii j in. i I VJ I IL jaa S J Mil Assure a Correct Figure, Milady To women who have never worn a Redfern we address this talk for we wish her to know that because of the exact designing and pliant lines of a Redfern corset she may have the figure coveted. Our insistence upon the goodness of Redferns is based upon personal expe rience, the resu't of daily fittings. ' Redferns never fail to make better figure or correct figure defects. $3.50 to $15 V fine Silk Hosiery Pure thread silk hose, in all de sirable colors, besides white and black, $1.75. A fine quality of pure thread silk hose, in white or black, $2.50. Exclusive novelties in silk hose, beautiful hand, embroidered clocks, laces and embroidered ef fects, $2 to $15. Warmi Dependable Bedding Wool Bed Blankets, From $6 to $13.50 a Pair White, fawn; gray and variegated plaids, every pair , thoroughly scoured. Thread whipped and silk bound edges. Fancy, wash able borders, three-quarters and full double bed sizes. All Wool, $6, $7.50, $9, $10, $12, $13.50 k Pair. Wool Comforters, $8.50 Up to $15 Sateen and silk mull coverings in attractive patterns and colors. Fine wool used for fillings, large size (72x84), very good values for $8.50, $10, $12.50 and $15. Bedding Section, Basement .'V 'C:v A' Saving on Shoes of the Very Best Kinds Take Advantage of This Reduced Price Monday. The season's newest styles white kid, ivory and champagne kid, gray kid, brown kid with white, tops and black kid with gray kid tops. $11 to $14 Shoes MONDAY $8.85 a Pair v ' ' A Genuine Reduction. r Fair List Prices CM Fair Treatment m Do You .Realize All of Nebraska's Greatness? aim Vm Sm YOU probably know your state grows bumper crops; but do you realize it produces enough sugar for itself; that it stands first in potash production; lead-gold smelting; and has the second largest primary live stock market in the world? By the same token you orobablv do not realize that Goodrich makes more than 4,000 dif ferent rubber products to serve the needs and comforts of man., But you do know Goodrich makes tires, the pattern and standard tires the world 'round. , 4! BLACK SAFETY TREADS Are tires built from the lessons taught by the Goodrich Test Car Fleets. Millions' of miles ground out under the Cars of the Test Car Fleets in widely i WJBm different regions of our nation, have taught the lasting strength of the Unit-Mold, Unbroken Cure body cf these matchless fabric tires. "America's Tested Tires," alone, give you the benefit of the lessons of the Goodrich Test Cars. THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY THE CITY OF GOODRICH, AKRON, OHIO ' ' Malcan ot the Famous Sflvertown Cord Tirea LOCAL ADDRESS 2034 Farnam St, Phone Douglas 4334. "Best in the Long Run" lSQSQSI i