-. 3-B Ofldelaide rvennerly rM Ella Fleishman, fiSSl ASS'T BD1TOR- THE OMAHA SUNDAY liEfc: NOVEMBEK a, 1U17, I MR What V : Women Are Doing in the World CLUB CALENDAR Monday ; Omaha Woman's club, Metropolis tan club house, 2:30 p. m., pre ceded by directory meeting, 1:30 p. m. ' y P. E. O. Sisterhood, Benson chap ter, Mrs. N. H. Tyson, hostess, 2:30 p.m. ' Card party jfiven by Band NtfT 7, Independent Cjjcle, of the ' Sa cred Heart parish, at their hall, Tuesday Omaha Woman's club, public speaking department, 10 a. ra.; parliamentary practice, 2:30 p. m. P. E. O. sisterhood, Chapter B. P., Mrs. R. D. Ebright, 2 p. m. Belles-Lettres club, Mrs. T. B. Hovle. hostess. 2 n. m. JUsiness ; Women's club, Young Women s Christian association, 6:15 p. m. v ' vaster Woman's Relief corps, Me morial hall, 2:30 p. ,m., Young Women's Hebrew association, Paxton block club rooms. Train School Mothers' club, school auditorium, 1:30 p. ni. White Shrine. Luncheon given by the White Shrine Whist club at the Ma sonic temple. Afternoon card party given by the women of the Holy Name parish at their hall. Card party given by the Columbian club at Lvceum hall. ' . Y. M. Hv A. and Y W. H,' A. will hold patriotic meeting at their club rooms, Paxton block. Wednesday i Women's Christian Temperance union, Frances Willard uniQn, Young Women's Christian asso ciation, 2 p. m. house at .Y. W. C. A., 10 a. m. to 7 p. ni. v Friday Women's Christian Temperance union, West-Side union,, Mrs. Carl Nielsen, hostess, 2 p. m. Masquerade given by the Friday Night Dancing club at Metro politan hall. Saturday- . . ,. ..'.' Parties forxFunston-Dodge foot ball game. " ;! Omaha Woman's Club. A directory meeting at 1:30 o'clock will precede the business meeting of the Omaha Woman's club Monday at 2:30 o'clock - at Metropolitan club house. The open programwhich fd f lows will be given by the . current v topics department, of which Mrs. Maty T. Crcigh js Teader . Mrs. Charles Rosewater will review the works of Edward Armstrong; Mrs: M. D. Cam eron', "The -Living Present";" . Mrs George B. Darr and Mrs. Joseph C. Iawrence will give readings and Mrs. Harry Steel, vocal selections. The public speaking department meets Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock and the parliamentary -law class at 2:30 p. m., when the hour will be spent- in the practice of the principles' studied so far. this" year,,', :, ,. , ... Literature and home economics de partment meetings will be omitted ori account of Thanksgiving day. The kitting unit, too, has postponed its meeting until Wednesday, December 5, at 2 o'clock. War relief work will occupy the afternoon. Women's Relief Corps. "' . ' George A. Custer Relief corps will hold its 'regular meeting Tuesday at 2:30 at Memorial hall. v Belles-Lettres Club. Mrs. T. B. Hoyle will be hostess at Mhe meeting of the Belles-Lettres Literary club Tuesday at her home. t At the last meeting, which was the, annual election of officers, Miss Terra Tierney was re-elected, president and Mrs. Edward Nelson secretary. A re porter for the "club will be elected" at the next meeting. , ' ' P. E. O. Sisterhoods. . ' .A Thanksgiving. program has been arranged for the meeting of Chapter B. P. of P. E. O. Sisterhood, Tuesday ; at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. D. Ebjight, 3517 ' North Twenty-fifth street. Mrs. Hawkins - has it in fharge. : .V . . Mrs. N. H. Tyson will be hostess for Benson chapter of the. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Monday. This will be "Philanthropic day" and Thanksgiv- ' " r: Combir . ' principles are -best expressed , in the above trade mark. The RESCUED FROM LIFE OF HORROR BY OMAHA WOMAN 1 I- 4 " f Huaflg Shih Ying is a Chinese girl whose destiny is closely linked with that of prominenf;Omaha clubwomen. In fact, Omaha women. rescued her from a life of horror and are now sub scribing to afund .for her education at the Peking. Union college. : A year ago Miss Ruth Paxson, an Omaha girl .who. is .now a, Young Women's Christian association secre tary in China, told the story of Huang Shih 'Ying to members ol the political and social science department of the Omaha Woman's club in which her sister.'Mrs. Charles W. Hayes, is an active worker. Miss Paxson told how Huang Shih Ying had been sold into the "theater," which in Chinese means a life of im morality, at the tender age of .13. From this fate she was rescued by a Christian-Chinese teacher who bougMt her back at a price something like $20. Her parents had sold her because they were too poor to buy her food enough subsist. ; I , Omaha .women were touched by the recital of the girl's story and made up a purse to pay for(her education and support. " This year they are renewing their, subscriptions and are (hoping to get new ones. ' ' ' . . ' The women iA the little Chinese girl will be able to accomplish much good in an educational way among her own people if given the proper advan tages. ing offerings will be -given for . the Old People's Home dinner on. Thurs day. . Fine Arts Lecture. ' ThwPias Whimey Surette will lec fure for the Omaha Society of Fine Arts at the Fontenelle, Friday, De cember 7, instead of on Saturday as previously announced. His subject is "Music and Life." Mr. Surette has recently reorganized the teaching of music in the public schools of Boston and is especially interested in music for , children, community, singing and music in its relation to life. A business meeting for all members of fhe Society of Fine Arts is an nounced for Friday at 2 p. m., pre ceding the lectuy by Mr. Surette. For Old People's Home. This week has been donation" week for the Old People's home and many good things have been received in the way of canned goods, jellies and vegetables, but there is a shortage of f jour, sugar and beans. However, there is still time for more donations, as they will be' received any time be tween now aid Thanksgiving: There are 42 old people in the home and they depend largely upon these do nations for. their wititer supply. WVC. T. U. Meetings. Frances Willard union, Women's Christian Temperance union, will meet Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the assembly room of the Young Wom en s Christian association, when Mrs MirouriN?tio!I Reort. ' AU-yer-rmi)id wtrin) pl, fmou for lti many DCftilTlK springs twenty ui an vt mur uihipvi uiw Hl4endM hotels. Hurra uf lxrdlnc. aptrtment and batb houses; lK-he! , (tolf course and all atnuse mnts. Benutlful environment On the "St. Paul" and Wabash KallwarB. and only me hour'a ride -hy hourly electric trtini from Kansaa City. For Illustrated twoMet address BECKETABT COMMERCIAt " CLTJB. Excelsior BprlnjB. Mo. An Exhibit - v - ? Yourself and friends are invited to attend our Fall Exhibit of' Diamond-Platinum Artistry and Rare Jewelry Tliis will be the choicest collection : of unusukl designs ever ".N v shown in. Omaha ' T. L. ' Combs & C& met of If w: 26ft, 1911 PRESS CHAIRMAN FOR CAMP FIRE GIRLS ' The following Camp Fire Girls make up 'a committee to collect the tinfoil Omahans have been depositing at local stores in the last few months, proceeds from the sale of which will go for war relief work: Misses Lottie Underhill, Nclle Ryan, Frances G. Brooks, chairman; Catherine Gavin, Ruth Carpenter, Anne Axell, Bertha Vaughn, Dorothy Haas.Eleanor Kurtz, Polly Robbins, Eloise Berka, Eleanor Stallard, Alice Chambers, Helen Benson and Mrs. J. W. Rob bins and Mrs. E. A. Thomann. J. N. Taliaferro, .county, president, will make a Thanksgiving address. Mrs. Taliaferro will tell what ffie Women's Christian Temperance un ion has done and what its outlook is for the coming year. State depart ment superintendents will also outline their work for next year. They are Mrs. W. T. Graham, Mrs. G. W.. Cov ell, Mrs. Flora Hoffman and Dr. Jen nie Callfas. Mrs. Alice Minick will lead the parliamentary law lesson. Each member will bring potatoes for the Old People's home. West Side union, Women's Chris tian Temperance union, will meet Friday this week owing to the fact that Thanksgiving comes on the reg ular day. Mrs. Carl Nielsen will be hostess at her home, 834 South .Forty-ninth avenue, and knitting and bandage making will occupy the aft ernoon. . x Benson Club Circles. X The Woman's club met at the city hall Thursday. The matter of devot ing atN least part of the "time to Red Cross was proposed and plans will be made for this work for the future.- ( The V oman's Foreign Missionary society 'will meet at the home of Mrs. E. N. Bowerniari Tuesday instead of (Wednesday. Social Affairs in Prospect. The White Shrine Whist club will give a luncheon Tuesday at the Ma sonic temple. Those in charge of the affair are Mrs. Harry C. Barton, pres ident, and Mrs. H. J. Holmes, secre tary. . Train School Mothers' Club. The Mothers' club of Train school will meet Tuesday at 1:30 at the school auditorium, instead of Friday. For GRAY HA III THE GOLD BOND TREATMENT NO matter bow srrmy. itreaked or faded jour hair may bo, ana to throa applica tion, will maka it light brown, dark brown or black, whichever efaade yon desire Yon Can Hake It Yourself Get a imal I bo of Ortat Powder at an dn etere. It eoateonjy Xfie and do axtrM to buy. DtstMlraitln ne ounce of water, and eomb it through the hair. I'aU directions cometneaeh box. It doe not nib oft. Is not (tick? or greaar, and leave the hair fluSy. A $100.00 Gold Bond Ton need not hesitate to as Oriex, .ea aJl DO Gold Powderdoe not contain silver, lead, sulphur, mer- l arua nteelns; fnat Oriex earj, aniline, coal-tar product or their derivatives. UetaiScbozof Urlex Powder toda t any drug; store, or wn tens etal- lnrw von hav nmvmr nud Orlx. r aa3 rree umpic wiu m eta in piuo package. L HllbLA nil VI VVS New York City, N.V. Extraordinary JEWELRY Red Cross Work The 'remarkable efficiency of the Nebraska Red Cross is due largely to the trained .women who arc at the head of its vyious departments. Mrs. H. H. Baldrige, who is Nebraska state censor of Red Cross supplies, was appointed by the head of the Red Cross at Washington for her respon sible position. Mrs. Baldrige has been a tireless worker since the out break of the war and there is prob ably no other w.oman iu the west who is so familiar with all branches of the work, Mr. W. J. Mettlin, who is chair man of surgical supplies, was ap pointed by Miss Nell Calvin for her positiou. Miss Calvin recommended Mrs. Mettlin for her efficiency which was exhibited iik her work as cen sor of the Belgian relief work. Mrs. J. J. McMulKn, who is chairman of the hospital supplies, is well quali fied for her work. Mrs. Harvey Ncwbranch, chairman of the knitting section, is a knitting expert'of the state and had charge of the knitting section of the Army league until it -was merged into' the Red Cross. ' Mrs. Edward A. Pegau. who has charge of the receiving ana" packing of the Red Cross supplies, was for merly head of the Associated Chari ties in Fremont, her former home. Mrs. Pegeau's executive ability has been demonstrated in every line of work that she has taken up and the Omaha chapter is in'deed fortunate to have the services of so valuable a helper as Mrs. Pegeau. Many of the women who are at the head of this great movement in Ne braska have sons in the service. Cap tain Malcolm Baldrige, who is now stationed at Camp Dodge, is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Baldrige and Lieutenant Mettlin, who is now at Fort Logan, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mettlin. Offers of assistance are coming from women in every walk of life to the Red Cross. Mrs. Baldrige has had 98 women volunteer to work iA the ystate for the cause. Several dressmakers have offered one day every other week to sew for the Red Cross. . From the wealthier homes comes the offer of the assistance of chauffeurs to help 'pack the huge boxes of Supplies to be sent to the boys ''over there." Mrs. H. H. Baldrige and several of her assistants will leave Sunday even-1 ing for Chicago, where they will in spect the work rooms of the Red Cross branches there. The Catholic Woman's auxiliary re ports 1,200 garments finished in six weeks for the Red Cross, aside from the' hospital supplies. Fifty-six gar ments have also been made by these workers, Jhc unit meets in the Sa cred Heart academy every week and will conduct booths in the stores next week during the Knights of Colum- ous war anve. i i War Relief Work.' The Omaha branch of the Duryea War Relief, which is under the di rection of the Vassar College club,( has sent two large boxes of men's,' women's and children's clothing vto thepsople of the devastated district in Belgium and France. The club begs 'for further suitable donations, asking that they be clean c Therms QUALITY, STYLE and WORKMANSHIP in Our IS IT LACK OF CASH THAT IS KEEPING YOU FROM GETTING YOUR NEW CLOTHES? If so, our splendid credit plan of "PAY AS YOU WEAR'! makes it easy for you to wear the best of clothes. "$1.00 OR SO A WEEK WILL PAY THE WHOLE BILL." LADIES' and MISSES' SUITS $15.00, $18.50, $22.50 and up Genuine Onyx Silk Hose 50c Value for Men and Women Our Every Day Price. . . .29t 75c Value for Ladie Only Oar Every Day Price 392 MEN'S SILK FOUR-IN-HAND NECKWEAR All the newest patterns; regular 65c values ' . ' " ' OQ Our Every Day Price '. '....! ' ( and whole and Worth sending so long a distance. - Room "oU Bee building will be open to receive packages on Mon day afternoons and Thursday "morn ings. At other times packages may be left by applying for key at room 623. French Orphan Fund. When Madame Borglum sent $745 last week to the fund for French orphans it brought the total from Omaha an neighboring towns tip to $7,295, which means providing $J6.S0, or support for a year, for each one of 156 orphans. Interest in this beautiful charjty has been growing rapidtv in the past two months, Madame Bor glum Receiving contributions almost daily. In Fremont the movement, aided by Mrs. Fred Nye, is gaining splendidly, and here in Omaha clubs and schools, as well as individuals, are adopting orphans. The high school has adopted four, the Hawthorne school two and Miss Mary Cooper's dancing class of little childfeu has adopted one,, each child contributing 5 cents a week. One Omaha family, which last year adopted four, this year 'doubled the number. When Mada,me Borglum was in New York this summer and visited the 'headquarters for this work the total number of orphans adopted by the United States was 50,000. Dundee Woman's Club. ( Margaret Sherwood's "The Worn Doorstep." will be studied by the Dundee Woman's club for the Janu ary 9th program, Mrs. J. E. Dodds announces. This part of the program is not included in the year book, The books are now in the library. Mrs. W. II. Hancock will be leader. The Young Men's Hebrew associa tion and the Young Women's Hebrew association "will hold a patriotic meet ing Tuesday evening, November 27, at their club rooms in the Taxtou block. Congressman Lobeck, with Recreation Supervisor J. J. Isaacson and Harry Zimman, the Choral so ciety an'd others wilMake part in the program. i Members of Queen Mary lodge, Or der of St. George, announce the first of a series of public dances, to he given Wednesday evening at the lodge rooms in the Lyric building. Twenty members of the aviation corps at Fort Omaha wtjl be honor guests at these dances, Sergeant Hill of the royal flying corps" sponsoring the affairs. ' Knitting Party. The A'Volante club was entertain ed at Teresa Stacy's home Thursday evening, November 22. The even ing was spent in knitting for sol diers. - A lunch was ' served. Those present were: Misses Mlajiea Lauretta Dunnlne;, Catherine Ianr. Mafy McDonoua-h, Aiayme ,u uonnor, Theresa Mullaly. TereaaN Stacy. . Dr. le W. Edward., 24th" and Farnam, wiahe to call th public's attention to tha Chiro. , praxctie talk on fag 2;B. CLOTHES QUALITY COATS For LADIES and MISSES Including many new arrivals just received from our buyer, who ia now. in the e&st. Marvelous values in , hand some, -stunning Coats. $14.75 $16.75 $18.75 $22.50 AND UP No Charf for Alterations. j 1 1 M. C. A. Notes. The vesper service at4:30 at the Young Women's Christian associa tion will be. a very informal musical hour. All girls are invited to come and enjoy it. Miss Julia Newcomb will tell a Thanksgiving story. , Miss Etta Pickering will be liosjess at the social hour which follows. , The Young Women's Christian as sociation will serve an informal Thanksgiving dinner at 12:30 on Thursday for 60 cents.. f.This dinner is given for girls who are away from home or who would otherwise be alone on Thanksgiving'day.-Girls wishing to attend must register by Wednesday noon at the office. The Young Women's Christian as sociation will keep open house Thanksgiving day from" 10 o'clock in the morning to 7 at night. Business Women's club meets Tues day evening with suppe at 6:15, and the program following at 7 o'clock. Mr. Frank Judson and Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey will speak on ,li,ed Cross "DIAMOND JEWELRY" Only 23 Shopping Days Bfore Christmas If you are thinking of having that old ring or brooch remounted in a new classy up-to-date piece, let ' us help you. Our platinumsmith is a master of design N ing. We furnish estimates and designs free. ; We can complete the work now before Christmas. Let us have the pleasure of showing you our ex- ; elusive designs and : wonderful stock - of diamond jewelry. T The ; hallmark; Store leWeeawiflfrtfeji A Piano 'that if ' the artist's Own hand playing. Not a player, but a human performer. Apollos are sold at $650, $700, $750 up to $2,400 Cash or Terms.' , The Apollo Recital will take place Fri day, November 30th, in place of the 27th; L. as first announced. For the benefit of . the Omaha City , Mission. You . will hear the Apollo with the voice, the violin, the mar imba and harp, as well as solo work by the Apollo. ;; , A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET. 1 . timsfflimsm mffir Tle O Reliable O W H . w; Price gxOHRMANf ;Safe fy 1 11 - MB I Hflvo r mulro rnnm fnr mv snnnir - stock. Evervthino' in stock' must iro. ..re JXmas. Every HUfV to vour order, a big saving. mm - Do Not Miss This Chance Goods will be sold by the yard if desired. 433-35 Paxton Block. ' work. Dr. Josephine Armstrong i: leader of the evenine ; HOW ANGELIC. : ; "Why are you going into the ayia tion service?" . .... "Might .as 'well ; fly here as here after." Orange -Peel. I I LIP READING For allghtly or totally deaf adult. For Particular Addrma, Tm mm m a r- - E.1Y1IY1A D. S.E.aaLbK I. NO. 4, FLO-LESAPTS. Corner 20th St. and'Capltol Av. A Lovely Christinas Gift EVERY CHILD'S MAGAZINE Send for a Free Sample Copy. 109 North 18th St., Omaha. J3 C. B. Brown Co;, DIAMOND MERCHANTS ' JEWELERS. 16th and Farnam. Mi WtyW tft(3! Reproduces j( on Ladies' :1 Suits, 1 "h Coats and Skirts, : beginning Monday, Nov. 26. o 1 w O Suit Coat will be made absolutely first class, at . , ' 1520 fouglas Street , 7'