s SEE : OMAHA. SATURDAY, . NOVEMBER 24, 'l917. . I i Nam. Dinner Hour OMAHA RESPONDS TO THE BEE'S PLAN TO DINETHE BOYS . Many Large Affairs Arranged For Soldiers For Thanksgiv ing Day; Plenty of Eats and Amusement, i Twenty-five soldiers will bless Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Burke and the party of friends who are planning a . festive Thanksgiving day for them, perhaps the largest and most unique affair to be held in Omaha that day. The Burkes thought The Bee's plan for entertaininar soldiers in lefcal homes on Thanksgiving day such a good one that they invited a number of couples who belong to the same club and several more inends to join v them in giving a large party for the soldiers at their home, 110 Daven port street. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Schmittroth who have a son, Vincent, in the Omaha ambulance corps at Fort Tiaylor, Ky.; Frank Tyrell, who belongs to the Seventh regiment, and Mrs. Tyrell; Mr. and Mrs. George Baier, Mr. and Mrs. M Keiser, Mr. and Mrs. Harry vr -j vf, t?,ii, tu;ii.-. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nelson, Mr. and front is a desolate, blackened waste, a Mrs. D. G. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- type , of what the hot breath of war liamSchneckenberger.Mr.aridMrs.J." has done. No American is better fit J. Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. F. C Smith ted to picture the priceless treasures and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Van Horn lost at Kheims, Noyon, Arras, Laon, will assist in entertaining the twen- St. Quentin, Verdun and many other ty-five soldier boys. They Save al- French towns than ir. Edwards, who ready invited six and have called on knew and loved them all. He has il- The Bee to bid the remaining guests, lustrated his text with 32 plates in Call for Soldiers iiuh twiur ana monotone, irom araw- ' A..tr.ut.. ,;ii tu. w. ,n8 rnadc just before the war. The Automobiles will call for the boys book is Bx inches jn js hand. gomely printed and bound and put , dinner ? supper, with plenty of up in &corilted box. ' (Fill in this blank and send it to The Bee.) Thanksgiving Dinners for the Soldiers To The Omaha Bee: ' In accordance with your plan of securing-Thanksgiving day en tertainment for the soldiers stationed at the two Omaha military posts, you are hereby authorized to extend a dinner" invitation to .soldiers on behalf tf ' Address. .................................... In co-operation with the officers in charge, The Bee will issue the invitations for you with request that the guest communicate his acceptance direct to his host. If you wish to invite a particular soldier, please so note. v Fiction. VANISHED HALLS AA'D CATHEDRALS OF FRANCE. By OiorKe Wharton Ed wardi. The Penn Publishing company, A fifteenth century monk carved on the porch on his church in Picardv "Ye know not in what hour the de spoiler cometh. Today the porch is a ruin and the smiling valley in noon. Twenty-five or more soldiers will be entertained at 1 hanksgiving , din . ner through the efforts of Mrs. Arthur Lockwood, who has had charge of placing the men lor, Sunday dinners through the Calvary Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W, Carpenter wilt have five; H. J. Bailey, four; Lnc Nelson and Mrs. S. V. Iul!a- way, three each, and G. W. Noble, George Haney, Walter Loomis, George Green, D. D. Hall ; and Miss Ida Blackmore, two each, Louis Ahko, Chinese restaurant keeper, asked The Bee to invite six . soldiers for him. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Durkee. whose son, Lieutenant Raymond Durkee, is at the balloon school, will entertain six men.; Mrs. G L. Roberts, 5601 North Thirtieth street, a motherly little person, called at The Bee office to . extend an invitation to "six of the THE DEVIL'S OWN. ' By Randall ParrUh. A. C. M$Clur ft Co. 11.40. , The tale concerns chiefly a diaboli- cal 'plot by Joe Kirby (The Devil's Own) to first ruin at poker Judge Beaucaire, a Missouri olanter. anil then set possession of his daughter. This comes to the knowledge of Lieu tenant Knox, who happens to be on the boat where the ptot is weaved. He is powerless to prevent the rob bery and the death of the judge, which follows, but he takes the cause of the girl as his own and in a scries of exciting adventures defeats the scheme of the villainous gambler. The time is at the outbreak of the Black Hawk war. which forms oart of the background of the story. THB SAFETT CURTAIN, and Other Stories. By Ethel M. Dell. a. P. Put nam's Bona. 11.60. . Striking and forceful as have been youngest and lonesomest soldier boys f" J" !. .i J u . . " , infim-k" V nave possessed as much strength and chairs for horses. They act as ushers to their-parents, their dollies and imaginary, auditors. The children hemselves do some of the preaching. At the conclusion the children take the imaginary ride back to their home. In addition to thii there are many Old Testament scenes which are enacted. Each of the fifty-two sermons has a number of illustrations and the full color page pictures make the book exceedingly attractive. X THOUSAND HEALTH QUESTIONS ANS Jack , writes two soldiers whoJiave no friends. or . family, during the war. "I wantxto write to them and try to do all I can - for them while they are in service." I He encloses train directions, in case the boys will be permitted to go that , far for Thanksgiving dinner.' Further invitations to the soldiers have been received as follows: Scrnt. W J. Ruill,.4IJme p. Johnson...,! ilrs. D, 3. Morris., ,4 John Van Wl.. I Ho. 1. Ti4nnlcllff..3lMra. Kate leader..! Ir. Lee W. Kdwerlf.lao. J. McDonald. ,.l V. H. Davtca...v....8IW. S. Merrlam .1 Sirs. A. u Branaon,.llJohn Reardon , 1 K. 8. Tucker........:! , , ' fVRnW nf rw TJtv ' T c"ann inesc. rrom tne moment The Bee he would like to adopt ZtJL'Z .uPS fr? th burning stage into the protection of ! a stranger's outstretched arms, to the time when the latter stands a bul wark between her and a remorseless pursuer bent on again enslaving her, love is the safety curtain that shuts odt the perils that threaten to over- wrfclm. Not less interesting are the other four long stories of the volume. WITH THB CHILDREN ON SUNDAYS. By '"" mail, fne vir ruDiishlnr; Co. f 1.K0. ( , , ' In this book the author !ntmrtnria the idea of "Playing Church." The little ones c'rive to church, with WERED. By J. Ik KellOKK. Good Health Publlahlng Co. ' FoK forty years, the writer of this volume has each week stood before an audience pf invalids at the Battle Creek sanitarium to open a popular question box. Out of the 70.000 or 80,000 questions something more than a thousand have been selected, which, with their answers, constitute this volume. The range of topics consid ered is sufficiently large to cover in a fairly comp-ehensive wav the whnl subject of practical hygiene as related to the homeland individual. A PRINCESS OF MARS. Bw Rrtr mM Borrougha. A. C. McClurf & Co. $1.15. AiT absorbing tale of adventure and romance 43,000,000 miles from earth. It is hardly too much to say it is the boldest piece of imatrinative fiction in this generation. John Carter, Ameri can, goes to sleep in a mysterious cave in the Arizona desert and wakes up on the planet Mars. There he meets with a succession of weird and astounding adventures, which follow e3ch other so rapidly as to make it impossible to stop reading until the story is finished. ' SECRET BRED. By F. Tennyaon Jeaae. George H. Doran company. Ii.se, The book has beauty, humor, color. grandeur, a wealth of characters and a most original and striking situation. The theme is the passion for posses sion, for ownership, whether it be of lands or things or other lives. The subject is not so' much the lift of the Characters of the story as it is human life itself- the whole pageant of human emotion. A TREASURY OF WAR POETRY. By George Herbert Clarke. Houghton Mifflin Co. 11.55. Among the numerous collections of war poetry, this of about 130 poems stands out for its completeness and distinction, and from the fact that it contains important poems by import; ant authors which have not been ac cessible to other anthologies, includ ing the best recent works of Kipling, uaiswuimy, Aiascnen, nenry van ijyke, Altred Noyes, Alan Seeger, ttuperi crooke, vachel Lindsay, Jose phine .Preston Peabody. Robert eriuges, and many others. TOTE-ROAD. AND TRAIL. By Douglas" Mai loch. Bobba-jJcrrli: Co. 11.25. Mr. Malloch is the laureate of the lumDer camps, ot the men who, strike out beyond the pale of civilization ana tace the erementa strife w th na ture. He sings of the open, of hard" work, ot cold, ot exposure, of bravery and sacrifice, of rough living and rough loving. Tote-Road and Trail is a book for all who love the open road and believe in the philosophy of suusnine. --L. luuiw.w uke AT BRITAIN. By Robert bhackleton. The Fenn Publishing com pany. $2.50. This is the record of an actual trln uiauc oy inoior in line ann. .srntinnrf and Wales. Mr. Shackleton has the keenest possible eye for beautv. for quaint interest and for the things of practical use to travelers. Whether you intend to travel by steam or by gasoline or to make a stay-at-home journey, mis reaaaDie Beok will be in valuable. atAAUKAQORA. Poems. By John Cowper y. Arnold onaw, ruDUshers. $1.25. That strange gift of creative imagi nation which has wor for John Cow per Powys his unique position as nov elist, critic and lecturer, becomes in Mandragora more exalted and -more ecstatic, -carrviner us irreict;h!w ; the realm of pure poetry. Here au thentically is revealed John. Cowper l owys the pjet. . Atn-T .B CITX B" en Oaa trellSeely. A. C. McClurg & Co. $1.35. A most realistic story and study of boy life. The pranks, escapades, phys ical encounters, battles on the play ground, home life of John Fletcher and his chums are set forth in a way that has not been matched since Mark Twain wrote his immortal books of boy life. , MY HOME IN THE FIELD OF MERCY. , By Frances Wilson Huard: George H. Doran company. $1,35. . t This is the story of the glorious' re habilitation of the home in the field of honor into a home of mercy and suc cor for the wounded French. THE WONDER WOMAN. By Ma Van Norman Long. Tha Penn Publishing , company. $1.15. . little house by the lonely lake and everything is changed for Davtd and Joey and Wanza. , MisceRanebus. . CASTAWAY ISLAND. By Perry Newberry. The Penn Publishing .company. $1.76. A tropical storm swept over Ecua dor one day and blew Robert Trevlin out into the Pacific. That might have beefi the end of his story if Jeffers Mimson, a soldier of fortune, had not been at his side. Together they found a way to cheat the sea and landed on one of the Galaoaeos isl ands. There, under the equator, they found such colorful adventure as falls to the lot of few men. The story is a rich mine of information about prim itive tropical life. , AMONG CS MORTALS. By "F. P. A." and W. E. Hill. Houghton, Mifflin company. $1.00. v ... The book ib very largely Mr. Hill's work and consists of his drawines which have been so successful in the New York Tribune and -elsewhere. With richly humorous insieht and re markable artistic expression, he has depicted the humors of the apartment house, the foot ball game, the college prom, the afternoon tea, etc. From these he has selected a group of his best arrd most representative works and Franklin P. Adams has provided characteristic comment. Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns,1 now. You will find hundreds of positions listed there. ' -. ;" " wnfMiimimmiiiHijniimiimmw .. .... i Our immense assortment of high grade quality home furnishings makes it easy for you to select the needed articles for the home and at prices less than you had expected to pay and as usual you 1 make your own terms by Emanuel Sweden ho rg . at a nominal price 5 c , Any or all of the following four volume will be tent, prepaid, to any addresa or receipt of 5 cents per boot "Heaven and Hell" "632 page "Divin Providence" 629 " "The Four Doctrines" 635 " "Divine Love and Wiedom" 618 " Each book it printed in larqe type on good paper, and it well bound in ttiff paper cover; the price of be in no wag indicates' the quality of paper, printinf f 10 0 " ' j . o 1 High Grade Dressers In a very large range of pat terns to select from in the Gold en and Fumed Oak and in the Mahogany, Walnut, Bii'd'sey Maple and Old Ivory finishes. Large values, at $10.75, $14.95, $19.50, $26.50 and Up kind binding, which are high grade in every respect. The" Mind That Think arid The Heart That Feel of Orthodox or Agnostic are equally touched and stirred by Swedtnborg's religious and ethical teachings, which are based upon a wonderfully profound interpre tation of f. THE HOLY BIBLE I David Dale, the "fixing man," and Joey, his adopted son, live by the towering mountains in a tittle cabin, and to them across the woodsy solif tudes comes Wanza in her peddler's cart, Wanza, lover of all living things. Then , the Wonder Woman opens' heV They will help you peraonallvlo a rational understanding of the Word of God to a clearer conception of the spiritual s ignitication ot creation; of the toys of heaven and the miseries of hell; of the process of dying and the life of the real man: and of what the final judgment consists. This Society la Incorporated and largely endowed for the purpose of printing -and distributing Swedenborgs Wrltinga. and the offer is made In pursuance of that object The nominal price or c per volume Is named to Insure that the applicants for the books snow sufficient interest to warrant ending them. , av , AJJreu all orders to Room , The American Swedenborg Printing & Publishing Society Room 145, 3 West 29th St, New York Up to $10 SKIRTS in Sale Sitorday . 1508-1S10 Douglas St. 1508-1510 Douglas St. Up to 600 BLOUSES in Sale Saturday SOT As a Grand Finale to Our K : . j .......Tvioui; uaica, itc vncr ror oailiraav never - to - be fororbttftn $Q85 Two 9, s rn a JAW U be ml. f - event Saturday, the last day of our Anniversary Sale, points the way to the 'greatest A p. parel savings of the year. We're de termined to , end this aale with even, ; Bretter crowds, greater enthusiasm, more active buying than enjoyed on the open. -Ins day. We're offering greater values, an equally broad assortments, which can t help but prove a magnet to Omaha choppers. . y Come Saturday, expecting the most ttart. ling apparel values ever offered by any Omaha store Wn November. Come pre. pared to get your full share of the extraor dinary offerings. Because oi the ei (rune low prices, Be exrhangea fond towed. $19.50 $25 $29.50 & $35.00 Coats, Suits, Dresses SATURDAY'S A - a a ANNIVERSARY I S.00 PRICE SUITS at $jgoo Clever styles of Burella Cloth. Pnnliwe , ti,a cloth, Velours, shown In Kreen, navy, brown, burgundy. All Bize3 black, to U. valued iii mm hU li. i ar jrr Large Fireside Rockers Big, comfortable, roomy rock ers, upholstered in moroccoline, genuine Spanish leather, tapes-' tries. Priced, at $12.50, $17.50, $27.50, $32.50 Stewart Phonographs Made "entirely of metal; patented tone-arm and spring motor. Plays any 'make of record. C Aft .Our low price.. ,'uu Terms: 50c Cash, 25c Weekly Quality Home Outfits m Three Rooms Furnished Complete..,. Four Rooms Furnished Complete. . . . r r j Granitew.'re Granite t? Cups. . JC 14-quart dish K28c T u r key Roasters Made of a heavy grade of ?raniteware a n d ' large anough to roast a turkey. Our low price V. Dining Room Tables You will be surprised at the largeness of the assortment and the smallness of the prices. jSany in the Golden and Fumed Oak, ; in the massive Colonial designs. Many others are Pe riod reproductions. Priced, at $10.95, $14.75, $19.50, $27.50 Our Inexpensive Loca tion, Our Thoroughly Organized W or king Forces and Our Con solidated Buying Pow er, Enable Us to Make You the Lower Prices. , COATS at $1500" Practical Styled Coats nugh collars, novelty belt i effects, fur. plush and ' fabric fur trimmed; all de sirable colors. Styles for miss or matron. 3Mfrvtrrr-n,n ' DRESSES at $goo Serges, Silks and Satins, introducing doiens of new style Ideas. Navy, sand, Burgundy, green, black:, Plum, brown, etc.;' broad assortments. $35 $39.50 $45 Coats.- Suits, Dresses SATURDAY'S d0 4 7C ANNIVERSARY H rial 5 PRICE . - Attend tils aale In -, the - forenoon x l( poasible. 8etHhma are better, so la the st Ice. , SUITS at $247S Rich Broadcloths, Gabardines;- Serges, Velours In navy, black, green, Bur gundy, dper, plum; wide range of clever styles. Val ues most extraordinary. COATS at $2475 Pom Poms, Kerseys, Brdadcloths, V'eldurs; every new style creation; every color that's in favor. It's your coat-buyinff op portunity. - DRESSES at 2475 Rich Satins, Georgettes, Silks and Men's Wear Serge. Strikingly attrac tive models; all colors, assortments extremely, broad. . STOVES It is easy to select the Heat, er or" Range that suits" you best from our immense stock of guaranteed stoves. "Heaters and Hotblasts in a" large range of styles and patterns ; $4.75. $8.95 $17.50 and Up. iteel Range (Absolutely guaranteed in every respect and splendid bakers. Heavy nickel trimmings. Priced, at $29.50, $37.50, $49,50, $54.50 T. A Steel Rang Placed in Your Hom cn 30 Days' Fraa Trial. Columbia Graf onolas A complete line of the va rious styles and patterns to se lect from Priced from $18.00 $i85 "UR CHRISTMAS GRAFONOLA CLUB ihousands of Columbia Double Disc Records to select from. $1.00 a Week Puts a Columbia . Grafonola in Your Home. 14 Mite Jf" t " . " - ' . ... - .MwwMMwywwMW (Mllw...r a-rmay tvenmg, November 30. Christmas Money for Our r,..i. i r- : 1 vuiwuui ana visitors. TWENTY GRAND PRire First Grand Prize, $20.00 in TkT.i 11 iexc mree prize winners 5 "U1 c;wve $iu.uu each in gold ixext iour prize winners will! receive $5.00 each in c-nH Next twelve ii k winners will receive $2.50 each in gold. V in GOLD Vs i m& i s ' - - - - mvr00Vftw IMmQlTmrrma m I The People's Store. . Opposite Hotel Rome P aniiiimiira B S - A