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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1917)
THE BEE: . OMAHA. R Glove Offerings for Saturday Women's One-Clasp Full Pique Cloves, in white, or white with black bslcks. Gloves that would have to sell from $2.00 to $2.25 J1 C, if we were to buy them today, a pair eUiJ Women's Real Kid Gloves, overseanv light or medium weight, black, tan, gray, also white with black backs and black with white backs. These would have to sell from $2.25 to $2.50 per pair j0 AA if we were to buy them today; Saturday V-" Vv JUST ARRIVED NEW KID GLOVES In African Brown and the New Shades of Gray. Main Floor -A.; Neckwear That Charnis A few suggestions from our stock of dainty neckwear. A Beautiful Line of Jabots, in lace and net, lace trimmed, at 50 to ........82.25 Satin Collars, new Tuxedo collar for coat or dress, up from. ,50 Embroidered Georgette Collars, a large assortment, at. 50 Swiss, Voile, Pique Dress Sets.... 50 Special for School Girls, Collar and Cuff Sets, twill and pique, plain and embroidered, a set .". ........; 29 Main Floor Saturday-- A Very Important Sale of M IV IT 1 v n 1 U It Underwear arid. Hosiery .The broadest assortment of hosiery and a complete stock of good underwear invite your inspection. ' Women's Munsing Union Suits, medium, light and heavy weight, low neck, sleevless'; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; .high neck and long sleeves; ankle length regular sizes, a Suit. . . . . .$1.65 Extra sizes, aSuit .$1.90 Women's Fine Cotton Union 'Suits, medium and beavy weight, sleeveless, Dutch neck; elbow . sleeves, ankle length; regular and sleeves, high 1 neck and long extra sizes, a Suit ...... .$1.00 Women's Cotton .Lisle Unftm Suits, medium weight, low neck, sleeveless; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, all sizes, a Suit, af $1.25 HOSIERY IN ALL COLORS Women's Thread Silk Boot Hose, in all shades, fashioned feet, high spliced heels and .toes, lisle tops,- also black and white, a pair 75c . Women's Fiber Silk Hose, seam less; colors, brown, champagne, gray, black and white, all first quality, medium weight double heels and toes and soles; a pair, at .'.....'65c Women's Thread Silk Hosiery, in all shoe and evening shades, splendid quality. Some all-silk, othlts with lisle tops, double sole and garter hem; a pair, at $1.50 and $1.75 Children's Black and White Lisle and Cotton Hose, with double, heels and toes, medium and heavy ribbed, a pair 25c Women's Fancy Silk Hose, irreg ular, all embroidered insteps, clocks, fancy stripes, butterflies, wheat polka dots an$ many other designs. Make a very acceptable Christmas gift. Worth to $1.50, a pair 98c Boys' Hose, the "Black Cat" brand and other makes, a good, durable Hose for school wear, all black and fast dye, a pair, at i ... ; ; . . 35c and 39c Men's Silk Socks', in colors, such as champagne, gray, white, black, navy and silver. Fashioned and seamless, spliced ' feet, double heels and toes. Well worth 75c a pair; special 59c Main Floor Saturday Drug Specials You can save money in -example, we quote : . Hay's Hair Health, 50c size. .29c Nature's Remedy Tablets, 50c size V., I. 29c Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 25c size, at .. .... 16c Sloan's Liniment, 25c size.. 17c "Gets It" Corn Remedy, 25c size '. 16c Sanitol Cold Cream, 30c size, 19c Creme De Meridor, 50c size.30c Mennen's Talcum Powder, 20c can ... . . . .'. 1 2c Williams' Shaving Cream, a tube, at ...i 16c Rubber Sheeting, yard wide, spe cial, a yard 39c White Ivory Military Brushes, very special, a set .$1.49 our drug department. For Squibbs' Liquid Petroleum, for internal use, $1.00 size 79c Cutex Nail Polish, 25c cake. .17c Mary Fuller Nail Polish, 50c size, at 33c Simplex Cuticle Remover, 25c size 18c Kirk's Juvenile Soap 7c Palm Olive Soap, 15c size.. 8c Melrose Beauty Cream, 50c size, at 42c Melrose Face Powder, 50c size, at ; 42c Melrose Natural Rouge, 50c size, at 42c Melrose Toilet Water 75c Melrose Complete Sets... $4.98 Main Floor, Rear Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Plaid and Striped SILK BLOUSES At $2.95 These are exceptional values grouped for quick selling for Sat urday. t Semi-tailored and Dress styles. 1 Colors," white, flesh, maize and dark suit shades. special .' .....$2.95 Second Floor Women's Separate Vests and Pants, medium light weight, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; regular sizes, a pair, at 50c Women's Silk, and Wool Union Suits, sleeveless, finished with band top, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck a,nd long Bleeves, ankle length; a Suit, at $3.25 and $3.90 Misses' and Children's, Union Suits, with light fleecing, sizes Ao 12 years; a Suit 59c Boys' Heavy Fleece Lined Union Suits, gray and cream color, open crotch and drop seat styles, high neck, long sleeves and ankle length. They sell Sizes to 12 years.... 85c Sizes 12 to 16 years $1.00 Third Floor . TRti L V 1 M Girls' High Grade f Dresses Comprising About 400 Sample, Dresses From One of the ' Best Makers Finished with great care exemplifying j the best styles in vogue right now and in sizes from 6 to 16 years. Models as illustrated and a great Variety of other models. Also including "Flapper" sizes for the growing girl, 12, 14 and 16 years of age. The materials are French Serges, Taffetas, Velvets, Plaid Silks, Com bination Silks and Serges, Challies and ycijr lew uu j-iuvacca. These dresses would usually sell .from $8.50 to $20.00. While they last; VAC Oil $6.95 Second Floor. if Extraordinary Sale of Women's High Grade Novelty Shoes For Saturday we have assembled all the' short lines and broken lots from our regular stock,'and will sell them regardless of regular prices. Shoes formerly priced at $12 to $18. . ... .$8.85 Shoes formerly priced at $6 to $8.85 $4.95 ' ' Over. 400 pairs in this sale of high grade styles, such famous makes Wichert & Gardiner, Upham Bros. Co., Wright & Peters, Red Cross, Johanson Bros., Donovan & Giles There are 9 and 10-inch high tops of all-over Dark Gray Kid, Ivory Buck, Champagne, Field Mouse and Beige, Also colored kid vamps with combination colored tops. Lace and button styles. Some are light hand turned soles and medium weight welted and stitched -eoles. Both wood covered and leather Louis heels. Every size and width in some one style as others in the lot. With shoe prices sttll going higher this is an oppor tunity that you cannot afford to miss. We recommend early purchasing. Main Floor, Rear 1 as i Cut Flower Specials - Chrysanthemums, 15c and Up Large bunches of fresh Vio lets, a bunch, x .1 Q. Saturday ' TT . Fresh Cut Rote, all colors, each.... . . Large Boston Ferns, ?Q each, at OUC 4c Main Floor,' Rear Art Goods Electric Boudoir Lamp, 10 inches high, mahogany fin ish, complete with silk shade, felt base, cord and connec tion plug; each, Blue Bird Candle Sticks, candle and shade, 8 inches high, make an ele- QC0 gant gift, each .... VJC Cretonne Lunch Sets, Cen ter piece, three sizes Doilies and Napkin Rings. Pink, blue and yellow; plain or scal loped edges; a - Efi. . J . Third Floor set Toys! Toys! Toys! Our Toy Department in the Pompeian Room is com. plete with every conceivable kind of a doll or toy. For those who wish to shop early you will find a splendid as sortment of Dolls, Toys and Games, Kiddie Cars and Kiddie Horses, Velocipedes, Automobiles and Wagons. Beautiful Ribbons in : Very Special Sale for Saturday Holiday ribbons are in demand, for every one carries a bag and most everyone wishes to make useful gifts of a pretty knitting, kensington or utility bag. To this end we have provided a most excellent; line of handsome wice ribbons and we will sell them Saturday at the following special prices : Velour Ribbons, with large American Beauty. Roses, 9 inches wi'de, dark grounds, cherry clusters, many other designs. Values up to $4.50 a yard, special, a Q yard ............. .v Heavy Silk, also Satin Xacquard, 9 2-inch wide warp print.1 Pretty for bags and camisoles, $1.50 69 C values, special, a yard . . .t Pretty Flowered Ribbons. 5 and 6-inch dark and . 1 7C light grounds. Special values, a yard, ' , t Main Floor An Economic Event NEMO Corsets at $3.00 V These corsets are made according to Nemo Standard. Everything used in the construction of these corsets must stand the test. They are made to wear and to give corset comfort. Nemo Corset 311 is very low top, long over hip. The front steel is wide with the Nemo self-reducing adjust able strap. This supports the figure and gives poise to the wearer. J0 Sizes 23 to 36 Nemo Corset, style 312, for the tall er figure, same model as 311, only higher above waist Mine. ; , Be fitted here to your corset. Each style of Nemo corsets is designed for , some particular type of figure and you can be fitted in a Nemo no matter what size you wear. We have models here to fit etfery type of figure. Mi Mm: J Prices V. . H T JOO to $12.00 $ Nemo Brassieres .... k s ...... $1.00 and $1.50 " j. '. . .'..,.: .. ,:4 . v - Third Floor.. , .." . v This Model Made of French Felt New Swagger Hats Clever, Practical and Becoming - Two styles as illustrated one made of mirrored vel vetthe other a fine French felt. Combination colors Red and Black, Green and Black, Sand and Black, Blue and ' Black, Rose and Black, etc For Misses and Juniors $1.25 and $1.75 Second Floor. This Model Med of Mirrored " VeWet SATURDAY-An-Out-of-the-Ordinary Jewelry SaleSATUI An Immense Stock of High Grade Jewelry ' Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry Bought at 50c on the Dollar and in Some Cases Even Less O ssm&b , DIAMONDS mm . MEN'S WATCHES Men s fc 1 g 1 n Watches, -12-size, open face, 15 jewel movement, in standard Rold filled Star, Wads worth and Crown cases, guaranteed for 20 years; reg ular price $18.50, sale price, $11.98 Men's Wftitham and Elgin Watches, 12 size, open face, 7-jewel nickel movement, in a standard gold filled Wadsworth Crown or Star case, guaranteed for 20 years regular $15 values, sale price, each $8.98 Men's 17-jewel Elgin Watches 12 size, open face, nickel move ment with either whit or gold dial and absolutely guaranteed, in a Standard Illinois Crows or Wadsworth case; guaranteed for 25 years; regular $26 value, sale price, each .$15.00 (These are wonderful values.) Men's 12 and 16 size 7-jeweIed nickel movement, in a solid nickel case with a screw back and bezel. These are fine nickel watches and regularly worth $5 and $6, sale price, each .....$1.98 Men's Horse Timer Chronograph or Split Second Watches, 20-year gold filled open face case, 7 and 11-jewel movements. A regular $12 watch for...., $6.98 (Tbe'e pre guaranteed and very fine) LADIES' BRACELET WATCHES Ladies' Bracelet Watch, size 10 ligne, 20-year gold filled case, either plain or engraved. One tenth gold adjustable bracelet with a fine 7-jewel lever nickel move ment and absolutely guaranteed; regularly $15, sale price. . .$9.98 Ladies' Solid Gold Bracelet Watch, with solid gold bracelet, 15-jewel lever movement, guaranteed, regu lar $30 value', sale price. . .$19.00 Ladies' Gold Filled Bracelet Watches, guaranteed 20 years, size 10V6 ligne, 15-jewel lever movement, guaranteed; regular $20 value, for $11.98 Ladies' 3-0 size Watches, gold filled hunting case, guaranteed 20 years, 7-jewel nickel movements;, regular $10 values, sale price. .$5 Men's 12 size 7 jeweled nickel movement, in open face, gold fill ed case, guaranteed for 20 years; regular price $10, sale price... $5 Men's- Military Wrist Watches Radolite dial and leather wrist strap; regular $5.00 values, sale price, each .......... . . . .$2.98 This stock consists of bright, new merchandise and every piece absolutely guaran teed. These are positively wonderful bargains. Buy your Christmas presents now. Here are just a few' exceptional values this sale offers: SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Ladies' Solid Gold Brooches, good, heavy brooches, in beautiful designs; regular $2.00 and $2.50 values, sale price $1.00 Solid Gold LaValliere, solid gold pendant on a solid gold chain; regular value $3.00, sale price.. $1.69 Solid Gold Rings, set with genuine Cameos; regular value $5.00, sale price. . . $1.98 . Ladies' and Misses' Solid Gold Rings, set with all different colors of semi-precious stones and pearls; regular $3.00 values, sale price .$1.50 And regular $4.00 values, sale price $1.98 Very Heavy Ladies' Solid Gold Rings, beautiful de signs; regular values $5 and $6, sale price, . .$2.98 Men' Solid Gold Scarf Pins, dainty, pretty designs, in several hundred different styles; regular $1.50 to $2.00 values, sale price. . , A 69c Solid Gold Scarf Pins, beautiful designs; regular . $2.50 and $3.00 values, jtate price. . . . . . . . .$1.00 Solid Gold Cuff Links; regular $3.00 values, sale price, at ...$1.79 Men's Heavy Solid Gold Rings, set with all color. stones; regular valaes $5 and $6, sale price. .$2.98 Men's Heavy Solid Gold Rings, very beautiful de . , signs; worth $7 to $9, sale price. ....... . .$3.98 . GOLD FILLED JEWELRY Genuine Cameo La Vallieres, finest gold filled pend ants and finest gold filled soldered link chains; regular $2.50 and $3.00 values, sale price. . .$1.00 Genuine Camed Brooches, finest gold filled mount ings, beautiful designs in engraved and filigreed mountings; regular $2.00 and $3.00 values, sale price, at $1.00 Ladies' Finest Gold .Filled Fobs, all metal, all have safety attachment; regularly worth $2.00 to $4.00, sale price, at $1.00 Gold Filled Baby Locket and Chain, soldered link chain and engraved locket; regularly $1.00, sale price, at .59c Fine Gold Filled Cuff Links; regular 69c values, sale price, at .29c Finest Gold Filled Pocket Knives, two color gold work finest steel blades; regular $3 values, at. . .$1.50 Railroad. Watches, 21-jewel Lord Elgins, 16 size, . 'open face watches, 20-year gold filled Crown cases, and one pf the finest watch movements in the world. A movement that will pass railroad inspec tion anywhere on earth. This movement alone had an established retail price of $70 without any case. We are furnishing it complete in this sale at $37.50 k ,.. - (Just six pieces only.) - ' Diamond Rings 14-karat solid gold Tiffany mount ing, set with pure white diamonds, weight 9-1 00-ct., regular price $12 sale price ............. $6.50 14-karat, solid gold Tiffany and fancy mountings, set with pure white, nicely cut, genuine dia mond, weight 12-100-ct.; regular price $16.50, sale price $9.98 14-karat solid gold Tiffany mount ing, set with pure white, perfect cut diamonds, weight -ct.; regu lar price $75, sale price. . . .$52.00 14-karat solid gold Tiffany mount ing, set with perfect cut, pure white diamond, weight about -ct regular price $35, sale price, $20 14-karat solid gold Tiffany mount ing, 'set with pure white, perfect cut diamonds, weighing from 47-100 to 59-10ft; sale price, per karat, at ,.$167.00 Diamond Brooches About 300 wonderful diamond Brooches. These are very beauti ful designs, each set with genuine diamond and many have pearls and other stones, marked in the sale from . . . I $3.98 to $22.50 $9 Diamond Brooches.. . . . .$3.98 $10 and $11 Diamond Brooches $5 $14 Diamond Brooches. . . .$7.98 CLOCKS Small, Real Mahogany, Dresser Clocks, one-day , time, porcelain dial; regular $4 value, sale price, each l.$1.98 One-Day Time , Real Mahogany Clocks; regular $5 values. . .$2.98 Eight-Day Time Bronze Dresser Clocks; regular $5.00 values, sale price, each . .$1.98 Eight-Day Time Real Mahogany Mantel Clocks, 2 -inch porcelain dial; height 8V4 inches, width 5H inches; regular price $8.50, sale price, each .$4.98 Eight-Day Time Black Enamel Mantel Clocks, strike gong, half hour on cup bell; regularly $9.00, sale price $4.98 , Eight-Day Time . Large Real Ma hogany Mantel Clocks, 6-inch porcelain dial, height 12 inches, strike gong half hour on cup bell; regular price $10, sale price, $5.00 Genuine Diamond Scart Pine Dozens of beautiful designs, set with little cut diamonds; regular price $5 to $8, sale price. . . .$2.98 Several dozen other ; Diamond", Scarf Pins, worth up to $50, at about half price.