' 16 THE BEE: OMAHA, '. NOVEMBER 1917. Want Ad Rates . ' (Counting Six Word te the Line.) V Ai km tor Lee Thaa Two Lines ' CASH WITH OBDEB er1ine 1 tiro Is per line.. I of mora eonsecullvs Insertion CHABGK tJ PT 11 D. 1 tltS pea? line I or nor consecutive Insertions 1 par Us 1) consecutive Insertions HTtJATIONS WANTED tU par line ptr woek ' OABD OF TBAKKB ANT) ITOEBAX NOTICES pr lino each Insertion . (Minimum charge (( cents.) Ost-of-Towi Rate Cnah With Order (Court Bis Worda to Una) E",,Ds,, f 1,0 p,r ,,m 1 im- C Uo Aa.nta W.ntrf ' 'P " or mor Tlmlnaaa Chance I consecutive Insertions. All Otbar Claaelficatlons Je l par Una 1 tltna. i per Una I or mora eonaacutlva Inaartlona. USB THE TELEPHONE If yoo eannot con Tenlently bring or send In your want ada. : Aak for Want Ad Taker and you will receive tba aama good aervlca aa when delivering your want ad at tbla office. PRONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSES EVENING EDITIONS 11:00 M. liORNINO EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Cootraet Bates oa Applloatloa Morie Program Downtown. PRINCESS, HIT DOUGLAS BUTTERFLY PRODUCTION "THE MAN FROM MONTANA" AND COMEDT North. ALHAMBRA. 24THAND PARKER LIONEL BARRYMORE, in "THB BRAND OF COWARDICE" AND COMEDY GRAND, 16TH AND B1NNKT PEARL WHITK, In 11TH CHAPTER OF . THE FATAL RING" South. APOLLO, 19TH AND LBA4VENWORTH IULIAN ELTINGE. in THE COUNTESS CHARMING" BOULEVARD, J3D AND LEAVENWORTH LOUISE GLAUM, in "GOLDEN RULE KATE" EOHLFF, 16TH AND LEAVENWORTH GLADES BROCKWELL, in "CONSCIENCE" West. DUNDEE, tl8T AND UNDERWOOD DOROTHY BERNARD, in THE END OF THE RAINBOW" AND HEARST-PATHS) NEWS FLORISTS. ; BEINO a member of tba National Florlata Telegraph Delivery aaaoclatlon, wa ara la poaitloa to deliver flowera at abort notice anywhere In the United Statea or Canada, Heaa A Bwoboda, Florlata. SSI? LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas Bt. Pouglaa 1244. LAROE8T aaaortment of frssb flowera." HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 8;1. 5hB FERNERT. 101 8. 16th Bt Poug. 1188 ttOOERS, "Florlet, 111 8. 16th. P. .400."" feATH. National Florist 1804 Fsrnam St A. PONAGHUE, 162J Harney. Doug. 1001, CARD OF THANKS. WB wish to thank, our many (rlendt, nelgh bora and lodgea for their klndneaa and aympathy ahown during the death and Ill ness of our belo-red gen, Wilbur E. Smith, , and alio for tha floral offerings, Mr. and Wa. Vernon B. smith. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. Rar.J. X. U DODDER CO., Funeral PlrecKoreT F. L. Faro, Mgr., ISrd and Cuming Sta. rnona pouglaa 7T, auio ambulance HULSK 4 RIEPEN, undertaker end em- balmara. T01 S. lth. Pouglaa 11(1. John A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embelmer. 1624 Leavenworth. Doug. 10(1. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrt ha Stephen and Katberlna Ml lobar, II0S W atreet boyi Charlea C and Clara Lonergan, 6041 North Twenty-fourth atreet, girl) Kader and Katie Nebrlch, 1110 R atreet, boy; Earns and Franeea Chrlety, 121$ Burt atreet, girls Simon and Jennie Turkel, 1710 Howard atreet, 1700 North Twenty fourth atreet, boy; Loula and Rose Sobes levaky, 1701 South Twonty-aeventh atreet, girl; Jacob and Hedwlg Olomb, till- Ban. roft atreet, boy; Lewie J. and Altca Hen. deion, 4(11 North Thlrty-eeventh atreet, girl; Karl E. and Mary C. Vovet, 1714 Lin aoln boulevard, girl; George C, and Anna Xedloek. tail Decatur atret, girl; John and Josephine Hoffman, 1017 Arbor atreet, girl. Death Mary Hall. 1, hospital; Jaraea eivny 11, 4011 South Eighteenth atreet; John H. Andrewe. It, 1510 North Thirtieth treat Helen Bruntng, 12, 1451 South Bev. anteenth atreet; Joaephlne Karulak, 10, 1401 Avenue F; Harold J. Thompeon, 10, Sill North Nineteenth atreeU MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permlta to wed have been leaued to tb following: Name and Reeldenoe. Age. Hark Lyon. Lincoln, Neb....,..,.,,..,, (I Myrtle Moyer, Lincoln, Neb 11 Charley Wagaman, Havelook, Neb...... 41 Mary Patterson, Havelook, Neb .7, 41 W. Gray Womble, Omaha,,,,...,...,.,. II KUla P. Prewitt, Omaha 17 49eorg Wood, Omaha....,,..., over 11 Minnie Tobln, Omaha over 1 Theodora C Belbert, Omaha 14 Oertrud Bellner, Omaha II Jameo Quiet, Omaha IS Ruth My era, Omaha 14 Lawrence Clnrey, Omaha. ., It Barbara. Shah, Omaha 10 BUILDltfO PERMITS. Permlta to build have been leaued to tha following) Oeorga Warren Smith, 1111-11 Harney treat, brick warehouse, 1111.000; O. L Ed ward. 4110 Ereklna atreet, frame dwelling, 11,000 H. Follmer, 4III California street Improvements, 1500. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANT. . persona having loot aoma article would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company ' to ascertain whether they left It la tha tract ear. Many artlclea each day ara turned la and tha company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. If TOU loaa anything and will advertlee It bar yon will surely recover It If found by aa honest peraon. It yoa find anything of value the honeat way la to advertlee for tha owner. STRAYED or atolen. I young eowe, light red, with black apota; reward If returned r Information of wbereabouta; la vicinity r Matnaa lane. i. zm flOO REWARD Lost, one man'a diamond ring, black onyx aottlng; return to C B. Brown, jeweler; no questlona aeked. I08T Brand new glove between 10th and . Howard and lsth to t:i South Uth. Re turn ta Bee office. LOST Yale bicycle, black Flreetona tire. Morral eoaater brake; painted blue. LOST One red-faced calf; notify Union Stock Tarda Co. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. "these abb real furniture n . r. st . tU, One glance at them will ahow yoa ' that) la uo mlataka about that Read and act Dreaaera. many atylaa. t.: 1U.H; 111.71 Buffeta. big variety, 110.10; 114.71. Booker, unequalled valuea, 12.15; 11 la. Davenporta, bargalna. 111.71; lil t. Heating atovea. aU ktnda. ll 5; 17.00. Wa will arrange aecommodattona to ault Four eonvanlenoa. Railroad fere free to ' ant-of-towa buyera within fifty tnllea of Omaha oa purchaaea of lit or mora. STATE FURNITURE CO.. Pong. 1117. Cor. 14tb and Podge 8ta. IS ACCOUNT OF TAKINO AJJAFART. MENT WHERE WILL HAVE LESS BOOM. WILL SELL BOMB GOOD FURNI TURE VERT REASONABLE; SEE IT TOURSELF ANT TIME AFTER It A. M., m UO IX. KABKET tlH, t: FOR SALE-Misce' neous Furniture and Household Goods. BARGAINS I.N STOVES AND FURN1TUKB. Beda, apringa. mattreseea. bedding of all kinds, tablea, ehalra, china and kitcben cabinets, ruga and linoleum. 1110-1847 N. JUh 81. Webster 1607. Open till 1 p. m OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, aummer and winter aldea; cost less and laat longer than cotton or hair beda. Phone ua for sample. 1107 Cuming. Douglaa 2467. STOVES, all makes, heaters, rangea and cookstovea; turn., Vict., pianos. Country trade. Goods parked free. Loyal Furn. Co.. 21;: N 16th. City Furn. Co.. 107 B 14th. CALL F. B. STEPHENSON. HIOH-CLASS MERCHANDISE. Auctioneer. Licensed and bonded. Phone Web. 4472. NEW FURNITURE OF A -ROOM FLAT FOR HALE CHEAP, AT 117 N. 21ST. ST. CALL DOUOLAS 7881, RUSH right down and get your share of all kind of furniture at sacrifice. 600 N. 16th. OLD CARPETS make NEW RUGS. Red 4122. Pianos and Musical Instruments. BANJOS (iultare and banjoa, 60 a day buys a GIBSON. Francla Totter. E. Agt., 234 8snford hotel FOR SALE Qood piano; owner moving. Cell Douglas 1715. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parte of all sewing machines. MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney Sta. Doug. 1662. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR SALE. Bank flxturea. One Verde antique bank counter with two teller windows, offlcera' railing, check desk, coupon booths and aafety deposit boxes. All In good order and will be sold at a bargain either aa a whole or aeparately. AMERICAN STATE BANK, Lincoln, Nebraska. WE HAVE moved to new location. Wa buy, aell and make desks, aafea, showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phono D. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Reminxton, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere. Rental applies on purchase. Remington Typewriter company. Nineteenth and Douglaa streets. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 montha for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange, Unl Farnam. OLD DUTCH LINE Rlbuona and Carbon. You can TUT IT before you BUT IT from HIATT. 122(1 First Nafl B'k. Tyler 2461. Lumbering: end Building Material FOR SALE Building material of all kinds from the beautiful Baum home, Thirty-sixth and Harney streets. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL, 2102 Leavenworth St. Miscellaneous. Guaranteed tyi ewritera, 110 and up. Write inr int. miaiana Jyp. Co.. 1404 Dodge. FOR SALE Two maree and celdlnc. alx and 10 yeara old. Call Benson 114. SWAPPERS COLUMN KI'flVflMIJII IV wU tiiip Trade those artlclea of furnltura. cloth ing, personal belongings, etc., that you have no need of. Got aomethlng you can uae. Special rata for ada In thta column I60 for a 1-llne adv. I daya and io par anawer for all lettera received. Business ada regular ratea. NO 1 Brownie enlarging box, anlargea from mil A to post card site; brand new. Will trade for drawing lnatrumenta or for anything yoa have. Box B. C. 167, vmnni nee, VlEW CAMERA, tUxlk, tripod, plenty of equipment, for amall printing press, Erio more 1 1, a b. list Ave, Phono H. 4466 TRADE almost new cadet ault .for bloyala wheel, or what have you? Will take g.n n ;. snw, umana nee NO. 1-A Brownie to trade for veat pocket miasH, or wnat nava you 7 isox a. c. 401, imini jtea FILMS developed, lOo a roll, one-day aerv. ite. nsse noaaa Biuaio Neville OIK., 10th WANTED to trade, bicycle for shotgun, gauge, nos a. v, 261, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, aaad desks, bought, aold and traded, J. C. JWrarnam. P. 6141. WANTED OLD FALSE TEETIL " No matter It broken. I pay 12 to lit per at. Send by parcel poet and receive check by leturn mall. L. Msser, 1007 S, Fifth w miisneipnm, ra, WANTED A good second-hand McCaaky ft 1. register ; uv to uu acct.; must be In good condition. Winnebago Hdw. Co,, .rjnncoago, r.eo. JENK1 MS i'aya hlghett prlcea for UUlrViiO Clothea. ahoea. trunks. etc. Douglaa 1111: Res.. Douslss inti OLD CLOTHING rtiuiiKST PRICKS DOUGLAS 0021. WANTED. ROOMINO HOUSE OF II ROOMS, FOR. VAStt. WUUliAK 4V0O, lOTONDS A CO. BOOKS bought Kleser. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordcon Pleating. ACCURUKON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, , covered buttona, all alaaa and atylea; hematitchlng, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholea, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100-101 Brown Blda. Douoilaa 1 llll. VAN ARMAN Prose Pleating and Buttona Co., 136-7 Paxton Blk. Douglaa 1100. Accountants. ACCOUNTS audited, books opened and closed. Income tax reporta prepared. DWORAK-URE ADUIT CO.. ! 144 Ramge Bldg., Phone Pouglaa 1161. Baths. CENTRAL Bath Institute; electrlo and plain batha; maaaagea of all klnda; expert at tendanta. 1606 Harney. Pouglaa 7017. MASSEUSE balha, msnlqurlng, physical cult. Mlsa Walker, 224 Neville Blk. Mineral, steam batha, 221 Neville Block. Baggage and Express. TUP HMT.V WAV Douglaa 211 alUJ VltUl VTXXX w.O.W. Bldg. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. Pixton-Mltchll Co., 2"tb and Martha Bta. Carpenters and Contractors. LK3SARU & SUN. 2031 Cuming. Ty. 16; Dancing Academy. Ta T nva School, Popular Ballroom UC JJUAC Dancea Claaa Monday Eva. ill s. 11th. Fhona Walnut 1017. K.EEP Dancing Academy, private lessons. classes for adulta and children. P. T160. Dressmaking. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 10th and Farnam. Detectives, SUTTON Detective Agency (Inc.) "Wa Get Results." 621 World-HsraldJ Bldg., Paul Sutton, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 2510. JAMES ALLAN, 111 NeVIIla Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1116. S. D. JOI.I.Y, ill Paxton. Red 1126. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. P. 1461, Chiropodist. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Dentists. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. 021 W. O. W. Bldg. PR. TEFFT. tha well known Omaha den 1 Mat. baa moved to 403 Brandeia Bldg, Vsffe Pent Rms,. 101 Rose Bldg. P. lilt. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTDVTM Electrlo waablng machine. electrlo Irons and reading lampa. 2211 Cuming Ct. Doug! 161. Historical Costumes. Tba largest etock of theatrical and masque rade costumes In tha country for rent or aale. Theo. Lleben A Son, 1114 Howard Bt. Household Specialties. C T. ADAMS, (21 S, Kith. P. 1007. Under new management Wa want to aee old friends and meet aaw. Open Sat. evening. Tour credit la good, Agenta wanted Insurance. BANKERS I IFE OF LINCOLN. 111-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. hit. ' Lumber and Building Material Save" HALF oa beama, oolumna, brick. H. areas Limber tka4 Wrack. Cs, Web. till ANNOUNCEMENTS Jewelry. UliiyiKjnLJO privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS, 402 N. 16th Bt, Massuers. MISS BARTLET. masseuse at tha Central Bath Institute, 1(00 Harney. Doug. 7017 MIS.l HOLLAND, 2231 NeWlle Bldg., 10th and Harney Sts. MISS REESE, masneuse. 228 Neville block, Optical Goods. 204 N. 16th SL Phone Red 1627. SEE US AND 8EE BETTER. Dr. L. C. Larsen. Dr. A. B. Tarbox. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 614 Brandeia Bldg. Office Phone Tyler 2S60. Res. Harney 4741. Mrs. J. P. Mustek, sulphur, steam and euca lyptus bathe. 402-2 Rosa Bldg. Ty. 2101, Oxy Acetylene Welding. Expert Welding on All Metal H.'W. LEVERING. 209 S. 12th St. D. 1671. Plumbing and Heating. TOPI A CO., 1715 Vinton atreet. Plumbing and heating; general repair - work our epeciaity. oil burner experts. Tyler ill. Pianos for Rent. 13.60 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1611 Douglaa. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER, CH AS. H-, 1D08 Harney. Doug. 6010. Expert tuning and repairing. Planoa rebuilt and reflnlehed. Estimates free. W. R. Dalbey, piano luner. Douglaa 0207, Printing and Office Supplies. Wa,tere-Barnhart Ptg. Co. 624 B. 18th St, Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., (SI Brandeia Bldg. Douglaa 0611. STUROES A STUROES, U. 8. and foreign patenta and trandemsrks. 230 Bee Bldg. Removal. Dr. F. W. Boland, phya.. aur. 611 Bee Bldg. Rug Cleaners. RUGS CLEANED Scientifically by alectrlo vacuum cleaner? no dust or germs. Harney 1204. Safes. SAFES BAROAINS, 1211 Farnam J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Trusses. ''CLECO; COMFORT TRUSSES Fitted Perfectly by Kxrjerta. The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney St. T" Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L., 216 S. 20tfi Tailor. D. S42T Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL GOWNS, full dress suits for rent 206 N. 17th. John Feldman. P. 1111. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. (22. Voice Culture. Albert Habaratro Baaao cantanta, teacher or ainging, technique and repertoire. Studio 431 Becurltlea Bldg., Tyler 24(7 J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing. Pouglaa Printing Co. TeU Pouglaa (44. AUTOMOBILES Bargains in Used Cars 1117 (-passenger, (-cylinder Stevena, driven leaa tban 2,000 miles, lota ef axtraa, 1781. lilt Maxwell roadster like new, equip ped with shock absorbers and extra tlrs, 1376. 1017 Maxwell touring ear, slightly used, 1386. 1117 Maxwell tearing ear, A-l condition, 1215. 1111 light (-cylinder Oakland, allghtly eed, 1460. 1416 Chevrolet touring, a bargain, 2(0. 1111 model 12 Overland, overhauled and repainted, 1316. UK Maxwell touring, , good condition, 261. Mitchell closed ear, overhauled and new (tree, guaranteed for ( montha, a real bar gain. Mitchell roadster, A-l condition, tilt. Brand new 1117 Maxwell touring body, $65. Brand new 1117 Maxwell touring top, 122.60. New 1(17 Podge top, 126. New 1117 Podge radiator, 117.10. All above care may ba aold part cash and monthly payments. M. C. MEEK8. 1103-1101 Harney Bt Call Pouglaa 1101. TRAWVER'S tfSED CAR BARGAINS. ' UK Oakland light alx, repainted and In perfect shape, 1600. 1117 Ford touring, Petrolt winter, 1275. UK Ford touring, looka and la Ilka new, 1250. " 1117 Maxwell touring, parfaat abapa, good tlrea, (360. Wadaworth winter tops, with solid glaea doora and look Ilka aedan bodies, 175. Come In and look them over. TOUR MONET BACK IF NOT SATIS- FIED. TRAWVER AUTO CO. UK Farnam Bt Poug. (070. UK FORD touring, demountable wheels, t new tlrea, perfect condition, $275. 1117 Ford roadsters, 1100 worth at axtraa, 1136. CROSSTOWN OARAGE. 14 S. 4th St Douglaa 4442. QUALITT USED CARS. Biuaenaker Wilson, mo. Wa have the beat bargains. Sea ua at enca. Harney 171. Farnam at lltt Ave aim hinds of ears for hire, with or with out driver, by tha mile or by tha hour. Fords, 10o per mile. Pouglaa 7110. Ne- orasKa aervlca Oarage, 2 OVERLAND touring care, model II, flrat- ui. common, new urea, new paint (400 each, real bargalna. Andrew Murphy A Bon. 14th and Jackson. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED riDfl. ...1.1. - - m . . . cuun, no oeiay. auio ki OAKLAND asnslhls Rlw MARSH OAKLAND CO., ijoo Farnam St BARS A INS URR MOTOR SALES CO., (0th and Farnam. Harney 414. GUARANTEE TIRO AND VULCANIZING CO.. all kinds of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Pouglaa 7661. 1101 Douglaa 8t STANDARD MOTOR C07 Ona Allan touring car, good shape. 1020 Farnam St Carl Changatrom. BAROAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 1 10th and Howard, Ford Agenta. Poug, 1500, USEP CAR PEPT. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam St Poug. 1212-L. FOR BALK Brand new 1111 Ford' c hassle, diacount 112.60, 4001 8. 24th. South 4160. MAXWELL Almost new; Ford runabout In good oondltlon; sacrifice prlcea. Phone Harney 2041, BERTSCHT "Kan-Fix It" Southeast cor- ner sum ana Harney Bta. Pouglaa 1661. WINTER top for Hudson Slx-fifty-four; cheap. 1110 Farnam. . BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. ararreaay Mattery station. 1201 Farnam. FOR SALE A Ford touring, good condlUon. I'ingie, t o Branaels. Doug. 2410. Auto Livery and Garages. KENT A FORD DRIVE IT TOURSELF. lOo a mile, J5o per hour, minimum charge. (Except Bunday and holidays.) FORD LI VERT CO., -Pouglaa 3632. 1314 Howard Bt. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO A CARRIAGE WKS 16th Ave, and Leavenworth St. Tyler 701 Starters and Generators Repaired. Wo repair any storage batturv. auaran- teelng aame for six months. O-'AHA BATTERT AND 8ERVICT? CO.. 2212 Hsrney St. Tyler 3314. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. Ill 8. 19th St Pouglaa 6451. Auto Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS, E. S., 2S1(N lVih 8t Web ster 1102. For beat reaulu with repair work consult ua. 1100 reward for magneto wa can't repair Colla repaired Bayedorfer, 110 N. 18th, Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR. LAMP AND WINDSHIELD REPAIRING. Night and day aervlca.. Out-of-town work given prompt attention. BQYLAN- AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR CO. Dooflai 1(14. 1614 Davenport Bt. BHIP your leaky auto radiators to tha Kearney Radiator Works, expert vrork manshtp. Kearney, Neb. Tires and Supplies. TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL SIZES. New 10x1 Flreetona I 1.(0 New tOxIH nonakld Flreetona.... U.00 Kaicaaa'a Tire Shop. 1721 Coming. P. (6(1. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES k PRICE. Made with two old tlrea. 10x1, t(.(0 10x3 17.16; 32x3H, 11.25. "2-In-l" Vulcanizing Co., UK Davenport St Agenta Wanted. Douglas 2(14. "BILT-NU" Tires, guaranteed 1.600 miles. save money. Vulcanizing and retreading. Auto and radiator repairing, 1 OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AND AUTO WORKS. 1810-21 Cuming St. Tyler (17, TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2 in 1 tire COMBINATION TIRE FACTORT ;1034 Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha, Neb. BUT Lee Puncture-proof Pneumatic Tlrea and eliminate your tire troublea. Powell Supply Co., 2061 Farnam ft. TIRES at half price. G. & O. Tire Co.. 2415 Leavenworth St Tyler 1261-W. Motorcycles and Bicycles U A R L E T - PAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used Machlnea. Victor H. Roos, The Motorcycle Man, 27th and weavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE Drug atock in one of the beat county aeat towns in Nebraska, fine atock, new, up-to-date fixtures, a rare bargain If taken at once, atock must be sold; reasons for selling ill health and wish to retire, Address Box 34. Hebron, Neb. A No. 1 DRUG STORE for sale; clean up- to-date atock and fixtures; live town, 1.400 pop, south central Neb.; partner drafted. Priced for quick aale. Lock Box 16, Palmer. Neb CAFE in T. M. C. A. building, centrally k. cated in business district: good buslneaa fine equipment; low rent: can be pur chased at a bargain; owing to owenr'a health. Mra. Edith Anderson, Ft Dodge, lowa. FOH 8ALE 34-room hotel: I yr. leaae: clearing 1200 per month; beat location In town; roomo alwaya full. Reaaonable, If Taken at once, Proprietor, 1010 4th St, Mloux city, la. vim mi pn.,,. ti111 .-11 vvi.iis iu nam jjm ijr pr vxunango xor western rveurastta. iann or small acreage close to good town. Write owner, I. A. Peterson, Venango, Neb. j . GOOD man to use my desk etc., while a away tnis winter. 17.50 will turn h i aoma business. Bank reference. Box 10, MOTION picture machine (new and re- omit;, ineatera supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 101 S. 14th St. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup- ply Co.. 201 Mat Bldg. FOR RENT Store room, all modern; alze 44x00; rent rea: enable. William Madgett, Haatlnge, Neb. SMALL printing plant In Omaha. Good equipment. Nice business. Box 1940, umant nee. TO GET In or out of business call on OANGE8TAP. 248 Bee Bldg. Doug 1477. TOUR business or real eatate bandied for aale. F. V, Knlest, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., .1126 w. u. w, Miag. Red 1285. Attractions. SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES Complete line moving picture auppllea. Bwanson A Nolan Supply Co.. 10( 8. 14th. Rooming Houses for Sale. GOOD HOTEL for rent; parties must go aouin lor neaitn or mother; rent reaaon able; answer at once for particulars. Mra. m. ueanes, urawtord, Neb. ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE 7 rooms well furnished. Price right. Close In walking dlatance. Call Tyler 8086. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial Home ao- llclte your old clothing, furniture, maga xlnes. We collect We distribute, 1'hone Pong. 412S and our wagon will call. Call and lnapect our new home, 1110-1111-1114 Podge St BATHS, massages and manicuring. Central ttatn Institute, 1609 Harney 8t Mlaa 8. Benjamin. Mgr. Pouglaa 70(7. MISS SMITH, formerly of the Rlttonbouse sanitarium, la now located at 201 Karbach Bldg., 16th and Pouglas. Red 2727 Manicuring (Healer) and acalp treatment ror appointment call Ty. 1038, 701 8. I4th MISS FISHER, aulphur, ateam baths and massage, 3i Bran. Tries. Bldg D. 1560 LUKLLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- curing, 618 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. MAE ItKUOMAN, aclentlflo masseuse and baths, 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub batha. Maaaagea of all kinds. 700 8. lS.h, Apt. 3, Dg. 7046 BATH and massage, 1803 Farnam St., Room 2. Phone Douglaa 8761. , IMMANUEL private maternity home. Beat care. 2605 Bristol. Webster 2108 PRIVATE licensed maternity Home. 4416 N. sum mi. rnone uoirax IU4Z. SCIENTIFIC massage. (20 Bee Bldg. Phone DOUglftS (872. Tub baths, manicuring. 228 Neville block. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N 17th E. BROTT, massage. 702 S. 18th. P. 0626. Manicuring and maaa., 1623 Farnam. R. 11. MEDICAL WHT SUFFER T Latest and most aclentlflo treat ment for all diseases. Pr. Charlea Barnes, 613-62 Rose Bldg. Ex amination and consultation free. He la curing thousands. WHT NOT TOU 7 Pelays are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Houra: I a. m. to 5 p. m.; 7:80 to 1:30 evenings. Bunday by appointment DR. E. R..TARRY 140 BEE BLDG. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarry curea piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeaaea without surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on reo tal dlaeaaea and testlmoniale. RUPTURE successfully treated without a aurglcal operation. Call or write Pr. Frank H. Wray. 108 Bee Bldg. Bee Want Ads Produce Results SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNG married man with good education and buslneaa training desires poaltlon as manager of office or other responsble po altlon. Good stenographer and can keep books. References will stand atrlcteat Investigation. Address (104, care Bee. COLORED man wanta position cleaning of- floes morning and evening. Referencea. Call Web. 1801 before 10 or after 1. HOUSEMAN wanta day work, g6od on atorm winaowa. xyier a; ii. -j. aecxer. FIRST-CLASS, licensed, steam electrical refrigerating engineer. Call Web. 2681. ASHES and rubbish hauled. Call Col. 201(. Female. EX. WHITE WOMAN wanta poa. aa h'a k'p'r in country or restaurant Florence (13. PRACTICAL nurse: highest referencea. Phone Douglaa 6626 EMBROIDERT work wanted; experienced. Webster 2181. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. HARNET 806 or HARNEY 145. PRESSMAK1NO the dny. Harney 4681 Col., girl wants position; good cook. I 004. WANTED Oooklnir by dev. Harney 4648. Col. girl wants chamoennaid pus. Web. 1722 Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY and housecleaning by the day; eattsfactlon given. Webster 380. PAT work, washing. Ironing, housecleaning; satisfaction given. Web. 1580. EXPERIENCED colored lady wanta one- half days work. Web. 4fi27. PLAIN and fancy clothea laundered. Web ster 4283. BUNDLE washing wanted. Tyler 2653-J. Colored girl wanta day work. Douglaa 7133. DAT work, bdl. washing, after (. Web. 6332. Pay work wanted by col, woman. Web. 17(0. WASHING and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. Psy work and bundle washing. Web. 1727. Washing A Ironing done at home. Wat 11((. EX. col. lady wanta day work. Web. I22t. Laundry wk. by exp. col, lady. Web. (201. JOU lady w.mts day wk., any kind. Ty. 2668. DAY work. exp. colored lady. Web. 74R7. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 61. DAT WORK WANTED Webster 2337. PAT work wanted. Pouglaa 8060. PAX war It wanted. Harney ttiSO, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED High-class commercial artist Prefer man experienced in faabions. capa ble of designing and creattnr. Permanent poaltlon, good salary. Send samples with anawer. Would also consider high-class mechanical retoucher. Fisher-Ruebel Brown Adv. Agency, 1(27 Washington Ave., nt. Louis. Mo. WANTED Thoroughly experienced book keeper for automobile concern In Sioux City, la.; ot.e Wth automobile experler.ee preferred; must be able to furnish bond; good future for r.ght party. Write L. C. Tulks, care ot Weat hotel, Sioux City, la. Full particulars In first letter. WANTED A-l bookkeeper; must be first- claaa in every respect; give full expe rience and reference In first letter. A good poaltlon open In an Omaha inetltu tlon for the right kind of a man. Box 1012, OmnJia Bee. WANTED A cashier, also bookkeeper, for country bank; both men muat be expert enced and bookkeeper must be able to take dictation and operate typewriter. Ad dreaa A. J. Brower, Ronan, Montana. GENERAL office man 185 Prefer young man with knowledge ot railroad traffic work. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Bldg. STENO , (85-1100 4. R. R. CLERKS, good at figures.. 175-185 MAILING BOT (40 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. PAYING position for steady young man to manage Nebraska branch office. Little money necessary Address Capital Col lection Co., Pes Moines, la. A LARGE LIST of office positions open See us at once. THE MARTI COMPANT, 1317-18 W. O. w: Bldg. STENOGRAPHER (wholesale), 1100. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City Nat'l Bank Building. LEDGER clerk by large wboeaale bouae. Good pay and chance foi advancement Address 7401, Omaha Bee BOOKKEEPER 3100 WATTS REF. CO.,'lUl 1st Nat. Bank WANTED Boy 18, to anawer phone eve nings. Addrese Box 6211, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. WAITED. . We can use a limited number of men between x 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of . fices of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor, Merchants National Bank Building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Waahman; muat ba capable of turning out first class work and under stand laundry machinsry; In replying state experience, reference and wages wanted; permanent position to steady, reliable man, Falrbury Laundry Co., ralrbury, Neb. WANTED Boys over 18 to learn lena grlnd- lng and wholeaale optical trade; good ehanoe for advancement Apply Taylor Jenklna Optical Co., (64 Brandeia Thea. Bldg. WANTED Experienced automobile me- ehanlca at Weat and Preston a garags, Kearney, Neb.; pay (22.60 to atart and more if you are worth It; steady work. Give referencea. WANTED General farm band. Apply F. B. Bins, 254 Exchange Bldg Bo. Omaha. WANTED a dentist to share rooms with physician; beat corner In Omaha. Bx 6210. WANTED Experienced glazier. Imperial Bash A Poor Co., 1547 N. 16th St. WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. APPLT 122 H B. 10TH ST. WANTED Press feeder. 106 North 11th St Male or female. LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglaa St. Salesmen and Solicitors. IF you have 2100 cash and would like to get huo the selling game in your spare time without Interfering with your preaent em ployment and earn 125 weekly, call eve nings between 7 and 10 at 1238 Flrat National Bank Bldg. Ask for Mr. Strong. WANTED Safesman to make 1100 per week soiling "Bllt-Nu" Tlrea; guaranteed 1,500 miles; 10 per oent cheaper. Omaha Radiator, Tire and Auto Worka, 1811-21 Cuming St. Tyler 917. A GOOD POSITION FOR AN EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 853. OMAHA. Trade Schools. WANTED. Men and women to learn Uj barber trade; few weeka complete course; pay while learning. Call or write for catalog; toola given. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In six weeks, no books; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special ratea Call or write. 1402 Podge, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2061 F-rnam. Miscellaneous. TOOL MAKERS WANTED. We have steady work for a large num ber of capable men on gauges, Jigs and fixtures; highest wages; no labor trouble; finest shop and equipment DODGE TOOL COMPANT. Grlnnell, Iowa. LABORERS WANTED APPLY T. C MARDIS CO. NINTH AND POUGLAS STS. WANTED Toung man of good character who would care to. learn the storage bat tery work. Good opportunity. 2201 Farn am St ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help e can aupply you. Bluff City Employ ment Buru. 916 H W. Broadway. P. 431. FREE shlpm Mi aouth dally. Apply 123 8. 10th. HELP WANTED Male and Female. GOVERNMENT WAR POSITIONS OPEN Clerical work; men-women wanted; 190 per month; lint free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 237 K. Rochester. N. WANTED Immediately; namea, men, women, vlshlng to become government clerks: 276 month. Box T 254, Omaha Bee WANTED Lobby porters, maids, bus boys and kitchen men. Henshaw Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE S tc.es and Offices. WANTED At once, atenographer and office asaistant In general office ot line yard lumber company In western South Dakota. Must be neat Quick and accurate. State age, experience, salary expected and give full references In first letter. MONTGOMERT LUMBER COMPANT, Winner, 8. P. WK want a good, bright experienced dicta phone operator fir at least two montha' work In our owr office. Must be accurate, aeat and fairly arid; salary in accord ance with ability. Charlea E W-ltera Co.. 1424 First Nat'l Bank. WANTED First-class experienced atenog rapher. State experience and give ret In . first letter. Alfalfa Butter Co, (101. HE'-P WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED. TWO GOOP SOLICITORS, GOOP SALART AND STEAPT WORK. 303 LYRIC BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS, 165. (HO. (50. (40, (35. Bookkeeper, (75. Typist, (50. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1ST NA'L BANK. SEVEN splendid stenographic openings (50-175. THE MARTI CO.. 1817 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER (auto), 176; utenographer (insurance), st5. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City Nat'l Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, small office, 150. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, Implement house $75, rati iiAtiTi uu., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. OFFICE girl wanted at once, 811 N. 40th St Professions and Trades. THE K-hraUi Telenhnn. nmn.n nrfAr. exceptional opportunity to young mates to earn local ana long distance- teiepnone operating, permanent positions, opportun Itlea for advancement, good wages. A aal irv 1 MfH TOhll Ioq rnin o Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other ayetans are specially invited 10 accompany the applicants. Apply to C F. Lambert. 1807 uougias at. 1 LEARN barber trade. 1403 Podge St Household and Domestic. WANTED Refined, elderly lady to atay with wife and two small children of traveling man; no washing; very light housework; pleaaant home for right party. Want some one within a week. Box 1073, Omaha Bee. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care for small child. No washing. Apt 11 the Blrchwood. Phone Walnut 81. WANTED A girl to assist with housework good home, 1815 Maple St., No. 1 apart ment, web. 1209. WANTED A girl for general housework; good home to right party; good wages. 4913 Dodge St. GIRL WANTED General housework. Mrs, C. P. Sturtevant. Phone Walnut 895. WANTED A maid for house work; amall family; no laundry, wal. 76. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced white maids. Bou quet hotel, Fifteenth and Howard. WAITRESS WANTED 603 8. 13tb St. Miscellaneous. WANTED. Experienced lady beater for Dairy plant; good wages, good hours for industrious person. Alamito Palry Co. 26 and Leav'th. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE, Pouglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. BUTTON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Sioux City, la., teachea bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, banking, expert accounting and court reporting. We guarantee good positions. Tour credit la good here. Write us. Van Sant School of Business. Pay and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Pouglas 5890. FOR RENTROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL 20TH AND FARNAM Special low ratea to permanent guests Hotel Neville Extra large com fortable rms, hot 16th & Dodge 3? water; telephone In rooms. CLAREMONT INN. It7h and Jackson. Tranalent guests, (1 a day. Permanent guests. 35 week. Poug. Z735. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS I If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooma In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. MOPERN furnished rooms at tha 6unshlne apartments, equipped for light housekeep ing; hot and cold water. For men only. Low rate. Office 608 N. 17th St. RAILROAD MEN ATTENTION. In private home; warm steam-heated rooma; plenty of hot water at all tlmea; (8 month. Phone Douglas 6832. STEAM-HEATED rooms 12 wk., also apta, , with kltcheneta. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. 131 NORTH 81ST AVE. Desirable soiitE room, private family, choice location. W. FARNAM Attractive fur. room, lM block from car; private. H. 6262. 117 8. TURNER boulevard, front room and board. Phone Harney 4777. 818 8. 19TH ST., walking distance, nicely furnished room; modern. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE of clean, neatly furnished rooms; well heated housekeeping rooms; no children. 2902 Dodge St TWO NICELTi FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN MODERN HOME. WALNUT 241T. THE STANDARD, (18 8. 22d St. Suite of 2 rooms, well equipped, desirable, reasonable. 2761 DAVENPORT 2-room modern auite, electrlo light; private home. H. 4989. TWO nicely furnished front rooms in mod ern home. ; Webster 1471. 1611 HOWARD, Steam heated housekeeping rooms. Board and Rooms. ATTRACTIVE Room for two, good board, walking distance Harney 6143, Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms heated; (IS per month. Ill N. 18th. Call or phone eve nings, Pouglaa 4598. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. 2418 PARKER-r6-roomed, modern except heat. Call Webster 1354. FOR RENT HOUSES 7-ROOM modern houae, 720 N. 22d; reason able rent. Phone Red (283. West. (ROOM modern houae, 1th garage, 412 8. 28th St, (35. Young & Poherty, 122 ' Brandeia Theater Bldg. Pouglas 1671. North. FOR RENT. 8-room house, all modern and garage. In Kountxe Place. (40 per month, (-room bungalow, new, all modern, north. TRAVER BROTHERS, 111 1st 781. Bank Bldg. Pouglas 8886. 4-ROOM cottage, 2812 Pavenport St., (12; 8-r. modern except heat, 1811 Manderson, (18; 6-r. atrlctly mod.. In Bemla Park ad dition, 1702 N. 14th. 132.60. Harney 1983. ( ROOMS, partly modern. 113, near P. O.; ( rooms, 115. Ck P STETJB1N8, 1S10 Chicago. FOR SALE, cheap, an 8-room house, all modern. See owner at 1801 Locust St. or 714 City National Bank. 5-R. HOUSE. 112.50. 2710 Seward; 4-r. sec ond fir., 110. 2439 Seward. Tel. Poug. 1802. South. 3851 Martha, rooma 118.00 2221 Mason, 10 rooms 25.00 (19 South 24th Ave., ( rooma 30.00 1103 Park Ave.. S rooms 30.00 ARMSTRONO WALSH CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1538. 333 Securetles Bldg. 1001 8. 38th Ave., -r.. mod (27 201 8. 36th St., 8-r.. mod 135 C. G. CARLBERG. 113 Bran. Thea. Bldg 7-R. detached, atrlctly mod.; 3614 Leaven worth; choice, 135. Phone' Webster 2590. 2416 PARKER 5-roomed. modern except heat Call Webster 1364. Miscellaneous. WE want more houses and apartments to rent The fact that wa nave practically cleaned out our big Hat la conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your placea rented see Payne A Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men." 614 Om. Nat. Bk. B!dg. Doug. 1016 10-ROOM, modern. 207 8. 24tb atreet.. (55 10-room steam heat 115 N. 17th street (45 r. P. WKAP, lit South 18th St FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. -r. 501 Martha St 5- r. 530 S. 24th Ave (-r. 623 N. 17th St..... 6- r. 5018 N. 42d St 7- r. 250.r Pierce St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 7-r 1916 N. 27th St ,7-r.' 2til7 Seward St 7- r. 1909 California St STRICTLY MODERN. 6- r. 623 S. 26th St 8- r. 223 Park Ave Tr:.... 8-r. 39fH N. I7th St 7- r. 924 8. 3.1(1 St 8- r 659 S 26th Ave 8- r. 631 S. 19th St 9- r. 2610 Dewey Ave 8-r. 371 ". Llucoln Blvd 8-r. 112 N. 40th St 8-r 147 N. 31st St 8-r. 1306 S. 35th Ave FLATS PARTLY MODERN. 4-r. 3113 N. 24th St 10- r. 705 S. 13th Sf HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-r. Apt "A" PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St Douglaa Office with Homo Builders. .110.00 .112.50 .115.00 .116.00 .125.00 .111.00 .120.00 .125.00 .127.60 .130.00 .130.00 .135.00 .235.00 .140 00 .135.00 .140.00 .145.00 .165.00 .165.00 .112.50 .140.00 .132.50 (013. 212 MASON ST.. 8 rms., all modern. .(31.00 4113 N. 3Cd St., 7 rms., all modern.. 25.00 817 8. 25th St., 3 rms., part mod.. 8.00 2558 Sahler St., 6 rms., mod. ex. ht 12.00 1419 N. 19th St, 6 rms., mdd. ex. lit. 18.00 4552 N. 16th St.. 6 rms., mod. ex. ht. 16.00 BIRKETT & CO., 260 Bee BMir. Douw. 633. 126 STRICTLY mod. 6-rm. cottaee Pratt St. 130 Strictly mod. 8-rm. house, Bemls Fk. 112 Mod. ex. ht. B-rmsJ6th and Sprague . 113 Modern except heat. South 11th St. Edward F. Williams Co., Doug. 420. HOUSES In all parta of the city. CREIGH. SONS & CO.: 608 Bee Bldg. 4 7-ROOM modern house, 720 N. 23d; rea. onable rent. Phone Red 5283. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. ELWOOD, OMAHA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS. Reservations are rapidly being made lit this wonderful new reinforced concrete building. Five-room , suites equipped with every modern and up-to-date con venience and labor-saving de vice and finished to moet the approval of those who expect and demand ELEGANCE and REFINEMENT. Call at once and inspect these magnificent apartments. DRAKE REALTY CONST. CO., Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Tyler 671. LOOMIS APARTMENTS. 30th Ave and Mason St., aix large, airy and comfortable rooms, very conveniently arranged. This apartment has separate entrances and frfnt porch and la located In an excellent neighborhood. . GILBERT C. LOOMIS, 105 McCague Block. Douglas 170. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, eplen- aia location, Z4tn and Farnam. D. 1471. 3328 HARNEY ST 8 rooms, all modern, Si. 11. KWJMllilt w, JL. 6400, North. South. 1317 S.-28TH ST. 7 r., mod., (26. ITST penner -o 6l Kan luxch.' Bldg. P. 8406. Miscellaneous. 2633 DAVENPORT ST.. 4 , rms., hot water heat, (20.00. E. H BENNER CO.. Doug. 8406. PETERS TR,UST COMPANT. Specialists In Apartment Management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty , Stores. FOR RENT BUILDING, WHOLE SALE DISTRICT Six stories and basement building, northwest corner 12th and Harney streets, occupied by American Hand Sewed Shoe company. Possession January 1, GEORGE & COMPANY Realtors. D. 756. City Na. Bk. Bldg. MODERN store and basement; 624 8. 16th ou ; v. xveorasKa ana Wyoming Invest, ment Co., 322 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. STEAM-HEATED store room, 22x44, with iuii uruiem oasement 1ZU B. 10th St 125 Call Tyler 470. STORE room. Sun Theater Bldg. World n-t-aiiy, realtors. U. 0342. TWO modern stores, near postoffice, low rent, n. f. stepping, 1610 Chicago. 4718 S. 24TH ST. 8. Side; near postoffice. a. tx. ckiskkk CO. D 8406. Office and Desk Room. OFFICES. 12(1 l.Pr mnnlh onrl n r ikst NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FIRST TRUST CO., Agts. Tyler 500. JOINT use of suite In large office building. rnone uougiaa 8zf. Miscellaneous. ACRE OF GROUND cheap, good place for cnicnens. ror rurther Information call Colfax 196S. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St Phone Doug las 194. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. A)so for storage, moving. 10m ana jacKson sta. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing can Tyler 23U or Douglas 4338. J C REED Ep,reM Co.. Moving U. J. AVAJUU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Poug. 6146. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. Large van, two men. 11.50 per hour. MAGGARP'S STORAGE) CO. Poup. 1496. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. ASK us about our two brand new bungalows. They are a little differ ent from the average, and extra bar gains, cash or real easy terms. Let us show you these today. RASP BROS. 210-12-14 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. WEST FARNAM HOME. 7 rooms, modern, east front, near 15th and Dodge; very desirable and cheap at 14,000; terms; your rent will pay for It M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. North. OAK BUNGALOW $30 PER MONTH WILL BUY NO CASH. 4001 N. 34th Ave.. ( rooms, oak finish, all modern, on large east front lot. Price 12,850. Take Ames Ave. car to 24th and walk 1 blocks south. An opportunity not to be overlooked. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. Douglas 3140. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It waa the best proposition on the market and tbey backed their judgment by buying lota IF TOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., T42 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. NEAR PRAIRIE PARK. 7-room, strictly modern home, oak fin ish, hot water heat full basement, south front close to Catholic church and school, 2 blks. to car line. Price reduced to 13,850 for quick sale. About 11,500 cash required. HIATT COMPANT. 145-7-1 Omaba Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler (t.