Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1917, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1917. 3 Brie) City News riatinnm Wedding Blnn Edbolm. Lighting Fixtures Bnrfeas-Qrand!! Co. . Have Root Print It New Beacon Press. Metal Dlea, Preaswork Jubilee Mfg. Co. 3 Jo Luncheoa at Empress Cardan. Hare Your Bath Room Enameled Consult Jensen's Paint Shop. D. 1774. r Rave you sent ' yonr name to The Committee of , Protest, 501 Omaha Xat Bank Bldg. Adv. Recovers From Dread Disease John Kvenlld. 6-year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kvenild, 1610 South Thirty-fifth street, has recovered from an attack of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Wants Laborers The quartermas ters department of the Oclted States irmy. Twenty-second and Hlckery, Is n need of laborers. Apply to Mr. Murphy. Uncle Sara will pay $2.60 a iay. Another Service Flag The Crane ompany Omaha branch has flung to the breezes a service flag on which there are seven stars. This Indicates rhat this number of young men from 'h local offices have enlisted In the several arms of the United States service. Had Black Bread Then A letter lias been turned over to Chief Eber nein of the federal bureau of investi gation by Mrs. H. D. Hay of Glidden, i.i., mother of Merle Hay, American - Mler who was killed In France two 7 ' Oka ago. The writer says he Is "an MJ soldier." He raves against the '" "khaki clad pets" and tells how the ' civil war soldiers "ate black bread and coffee to wash It down." The let ter covers 18 pages and the writer j uoesn't sign bis name. Held for Forging Check Joseph aula, 205'$ North Seventeenth street. was arraigned in police court charged with forging a-check lor J2U. Mrs. Kate Hansen, landlady at that address, ?" rold the court that ehe had cashed the ' ' heck In payment of 'a board bill which was due, on Cauio's statement , that he had received it from his fath ' er. Caulo denied this, but said that he . was given It by Joseph Cone, a bar ber, to whom it was made payable He was bound over to district court mdeir a $750. bond. Fine Fireproof Good at Snndertand's. SPEAKS AGAINST U.'S.; WIFE GIVES HIM DP Causes His Arrest When He Scorns - Government as He Watches Mate Mailing Par-; eel to Son in Navy. Federal Officer Russel Eberstein ' and Detective Holden arrested Earn . est Hundredmark, 51. 712 South Sev enteenth street, vesterdav afternoon . following remarks he is alleged to have uttered against the United States. lie became involved in a quarrel a with his wife when he saw her wrap- iing up a Christmas package which . i she was going to send to her son by j ' a former marriage, Wallace Allen, ' who is on. the battleship Michigan. Followingjutterances made by Hun i dredmark that "if he had to fight, he . would fight for Germany," and that ; "Germany was a better itountry than the United States," and other alleged scornful remarks, his wife caused his arrest. He is ' held atthc police ".Station pending the action of federal author ities of the Department, of Justice. A charge of disturbiiig.the pea? i also booked against hinu j 1 tlnndredmark is a switching and qnitvwork yesterday. " BOY ON BICYCLE C0LLIDESW1TH AUTO; INJURED Paul Holbrooke, 11, 3817 North Thirty-second street, was seriously in ' iured yesterday afternoon when i bicycle which he was riding collided with an automobile driven by John Brisbin, Florence, at Eighteenth and Webster streets, causing young Hoi brooke to te thrown to the pave ment. . Brisbin picked the lad up and took him to the Wise Memorial hospital, where his injuries were attended by Dr. Pollard. Holbrooke suffered a probable fracture of the skull and se vere body bruises, and at a' late hour last night waswstill unconscious. His bicycle wis badly damaged; Martin Landon, Shot While Opening Window, Is Dead 4 Martin "Doc" Landon, 2002 Web " ster street, who was shot in the ab domen and forearm early Sunday morning by C. W. Moats, 1808 Web ster street, when the latter espied Lan3on trying to climb through his bedroom window, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital. Landon has been in a critical condi tion since Sunday and at no time divulged his reasons for having been about Moats' premises when he was shot. Moats was formerly in the in surance and real estate business here and is said to be well to do. County Attorney Magney is trying to. locate Landon's relatives, who are thought to be living jn New York. No arrangements for his funeral have as yet been made. Three Estranged Couples File Petitions for Divorce Married November 11, Flavia Petro- vitch now seeks divorce from Marko Petrovitch. on account of his actions which have caused her to fear for the safety of herself and her baby. She alleges that her husband stares at her in a peculiar manner and seems to be suffering from mental delusions. She asks that her former name of Flavia McConkle be restored to her. Florence Hause has filed suit for di vorce from her husband, William T. Hause alleging non-support for the last five months. Charley Kusy petitions for divorce from Anna charging extreme cruelty. Says Hawaii Needs Greater Military Fortifications San Francisco, Nov. 21. United States Senator Henry F. Ashurst, o' Arizona, member of the congressional party which recently went to the Ha waiian islands . on an investigating tour, returned to this country today. Other members of the party will re turn November 28, he said. Jr "There is no question that the f claims of" the Hawaiian people for larger appropriations for fortifications and military roads are justified, and this visit has opened the eyes of the congressional representatives," said Senator Ashurst . 1 SOUTH SIDE MUCH FEEDING OF STOCKTHIS YEAR With Price of Husking High and Corn Soft, Commission Men Expect Good Run. There will be' more feeding than usual in Nebraska this year, according to the stockmen who visit the ctocl yards. So much of the corn is soft and the price of husking so high, that many farmers believe the most prac tical solution to the problem is to buy cattle, or hogs or sheep, and turn them into the corn helds. iott corn, which would bring very little on the market, makes good teed and this plan eliminates the expense of hiring cornhuskers. Farmers Buy Feeders. The last three weeks have seen an influx of farmers at the stock yards, who come to buy live stock to take home to husk their corn, lhis plan will result in an increase in live stock that will be of treat value. Farmers report that corn shucking has been stopped in many places be cause the corn is still so soft Many farmers have found that corn which they have cribbed has started to spoil and they are busy now taking it out of the cribs and spreading it out to dry. Mass Meeting at South Side High Saturday Nigh A mass meeting will be held at the South Sidet High school ' auditorium Saturday night The meeting is in charae of the committee on enlist meats for the Polish army. Addresses will be given explaining the plan and purpose of the Polish army. Those who are not eligible for service in the United States army may go to war under the Polish flag. The French government is financing the plan and the United States government has given it official sanction. The Polish leaders in this country are heading the movement. Mayor Dahlman will be present and will be asked to sneak. Congressman Lobeck has also been invited to attend the meeting. The committee in charge consists of: Thomas Koziol, William Roe- wicki, John M. Urbanski and Frank I. Madura. Police Urge Theaters Be Watchful for Bombs South Side police Tuesday warned all theater managers to use every pos sible precaution against destruction of their buildings or any attempt at violence. I hey were especially ad monished to be on the watch for patrons who sought to enter their places with suspicious-looking pack' ages. The recent bomb-plots to de stroy theaters in Chicago have in stigated these new precautions. " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," said Sergeant George Allen, as. he urged he theater Owners Said They Were Only Playing For Drinks Detectives Sullivan and Leoins! i raided a barber shop at 3825 Q street Tuesday evening.. , The proprietor, Ralph Tuttle, gave his name as Tqm McFadden. He and five inmates were arrested. They were found seated around a table playing cards and 40 cents in- change was on the table. 1 he men said they were merely in dulging in a round of "near drinks" and were not gambling. They were discharged in police court Wednes day morning. MfU Citr Coulp. Steam he&tl apartment In Boars bloqk, four rooms, 130, B. H. Denser Co., Doug las 8406 The Eat Bide Improvement club will Bold lis regular monthly business meeting at the Hawthorne school building' Friday evening. Telephone South (00 and order a eace of Oma or LactonaaA the healthful, refreshing Home Beverages, delivered to your residence. Omaha Beverage Ce. Man Relieved of $120 by Negress Who Wields Knife 'G. H. Grubb, an employe of the Transmississippi Grain company, was accosted by a colored woman at Thir teenth and Capitol avenue last night, who wielded a knife at him while she took $500 in currency from his pock et. Grubb overpowered the woman and was taking her to the police station, when she suddenly threw $400 of the money in an alley which they were passing. J. he woman struggled away from Grubb and ran when he went to look for the money which she threw awav. Now Grubb is $120 short. He immediately reported his less to the police. Sick Man Picked Up by Police Dies; No Address Thirteenth and Chicago streets, and taken to bt Josephs hospital died Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Duncan, who attended Wells, declares he was ad dicted to morphine. :No address could be obtained from Wells. He has been taken to the Hoffman under taking establishment. KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy-If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The lecret of keeping young is to feel young to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look In your face dull eves with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known nhvsician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oU to set on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit; that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clear log the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists, ' - South Side, Melting Pot of Middle West, Push Together to Down Kaiser It's a . raw, red life on the South Side and the game' is played in the rough. Life is intense and passions are near the skin. South Side is a melting pot. People of every breed and creed, from every nation in the world, have gathered here that they might fight fairly, in the battle of life. The world war flame makes the melting pot boil. Every heart on the South Side beats in . sympathy with the troops who are marching against the foe to democracy. Bohemians, Rusisans, Poles, Serbs, Croatians, Slovenians, Lithuanians and Amer icans all push together to overthrow kaiserism. There is a thrill in the sight of these people of many nations working together for a common aim. One is impressed with the oneness of our allied cause as he visits the for eigners on the South Side and sees them working in the cause of free dom. If one visits the Bohemian Wom an's Service league he will find busy women knitting sweaters for the Sammies, they may pass on to a pa trjotic meeting among the Poles or Lithuanians, or they may find the Serbs busy with war relief work. The various colonies of the South Side have adopted these slogans: "Stars and Stripes for freedom for all oppressed nations." "We are for free Poland and the United States, all the time." "The Slavic nations must be free." "The Stars and Stripes will save Bohemia." MUSI C Berryman's Two-Piano Recital' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Berryman decid ed that-"two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one," might be extended in their case to the piano as well, and consequently gave a two-piano recital last evening at Schmoller & Muellers Music rooms. Both Mr. and Mrs. Berryman are well known in local musical cir cles, Mrs. Berryman, when she was Miss Alice Virginia Davis, and Mr. Berryman having been heard frequent ly in individual piano recitals. A brief talk by Mr. or Mrs. Berryman pref aced each number and gave the aud itors information about the composer, the composition or both, The es pecially good ensemble in the tricky fugue variation of the "Variations on a Beethoven Theme," by Saint Saens, the delicacy and atmosphere in the Kavel suite (which, bv the wav was different and fascinating modern music,) and the dash and spirit of the Military March, by bamt baens re mained especially with the writer. Iwo brilliant and colorful numbers by Chabrier closed the program, which brought as an. encore, "Morn ing," by Chaminade. Two-piano re citals have been rare in the past, but With the discovery ot their possibil ities, and of a rapidly growing litera ture for two instruments, they will un doubtedly be in greater favor in the future, as experience proves that they can be interesting:. H. M. R. Signer Carlo Peroni, Director. That distiiienished Italian martirn Siirnor . Carltv Pernnf strain nrciipc over ;the productions of the San Car lo Grand Opera company this season, and will wield the baton over the big nrchpstra when that ftrtrin'nztinn an. pears here' December 3, 4 and 5. While Dut 8 years oiu,. ;ignor feroni has directed important opera productions in manv of the old world, canital. at Buenos Ayres and other South Amer ican music centers., His re-engagement by the San Carlo management this season is only in keeping with his determination to keep fully apace with the advancing spirit of the Am erican grand opera field. 19-Year-0ld Sailors In England May Vote London, Nov. 21. The house of Commons today unanimously agreed to an amendment to the electoral reform bill, giving the vote to the sailors and soldiers 19 years of age, instead of 21 years as fixed by the bill. - - L e 500 Room Fireproof European MICHIGAN BOULEVARD AT 22D STREET You traveling men, merchants, manufac turers tourists, coming to Chicago, why pay high prices just to be in the Loop? STAY AT THE LEXINGTON -SAVE MONEY Noted for Large, Well Furnished Room and Good Service At Moderate Charge. Ten minutes from the center of the Loop by street cars passing the door, convenient to depots, 3 popular price restaurants. ROOMS$1.5aADAYUP CHARLES McHUCH, Pmident. Henry Field lias seed corn tliat will grow both new and old Mot plenty, but some t Better talk fast Shenandoah, Iowa. "God save Serbia through the Unit ed States." South Side is pregnant with possi bilities. Americanize the thousands of intense aliens here, and who can foretell the result? What Michael Angelos lie dormant in Sonic of the black-eyed Italian children here? A keen eye can easily discern Madon nas among the sweet-faced girls at play in the streets or on the door steps. The Polish children here love music and many of them play well. As Ignace Faderewski, the famous pianist, told his little countrymen, when he visited them in South Side last year. "It may be that some day one 'of you will be my teacher." There are a dozen little colonies in South Side. Each looks like a handful of "the "old country'" dropped here intact. "Little Bohemia," in Brown Park district, is perhaps the most widely known. The Bohemian lan guage is spoken almost entirely there. It is an interesting place this toe hold of Bohemia in Omaha the wom en wear their bright shawls and fancy aprons and the men smoke their long pipes in a silence which is almost dogged. Each colony in the South Side cir cles around its church and parish. The church mothers her people and the parish priest is the true leader of his people. . The war has brought the people of the South Side into close sympathy and understanding. War is the flame which has melted all differences and left the South Side united and loyal, faithful to the highest ideals of free dom and liberty. "ft Most Old People Are Constipated The wear f years Impairs the action of the bowels. As people grow older they restrict their activity, neglect to take sufficient exercise, and indulge a natural disposition to take things easy. The digestive organs become more sensitive to the demands made upon them and rebel more quickly. It is of special importance to the health of elderly people that the bowels be kept normally : active. A. mild, yet effective, remedy for constipation, and one that is especially, suited to the needs ef eld folks, women and children, is the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It . costs only fifty cents a bottle, and should be in every family medicine chest A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 4S6 Wash, ington St, Monticello, Illinois. TRAIN YOUR HAIR AS AH ACTRESS DOES No class ot people devotes as much time to beauty as do actresses, and no class must be more careful to re tain arid develop their charms. In quiry develops the information that in hair care they find it dangerous to shampoo with any makeshift' hair cleanser. The majority say that to have the best hair .wash and scalp stimulator at a cost of about three cents, onfc need only get a package of canthrox from your druggist; dis solve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and your shampoo is ready. This makes enough shampoo liquid to apply it to all the hair instead of jpst the top of the head. After its use the hair dries rapidly, with uni form color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are quickly dissolved and entire ly disappear when you rinse the hair. After this your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its lustre and softness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growth. Adv. xing ton HOTEL CHICAGO w -tTS ffl 1'URGESS-ttaG "EVERYBODYS STORE" ,, t . . i ,. , -. . , . . -i - i. . - Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY Phone. D. 137 , It's really Surprising What Science and Invention Has Done to "HELP THE HOUSEKEEPER" TT7E are demonstrating W tional features of great benefit to the Among the devices demonstrated by experts Electric Washing Machines ' See how it turns old back-breaking wash day into a simple task. See the Electric Laundry Irons make quick, easy work of the ironing. See the Electric Dish Washer make play of dish washing. See how the Vacuum Cleaner sucks up the dirt infinitely better than sweeping, doing away with that back-breaking drudgery. IT'S good advice to do your Christmas shopping early and to do it early in the day. You have more time for selec tion, the aisles and counters are not so crowded and then, too, you are carrying out the request of the United States government by conserving man power. YOU'LL enjoy the special musical program every morning from 9 to 11. Class ical as well as the popular num bers are played, opening with the National Anthem "Star Spangled Banner." THE first waut was copied from a red shirt worn by the Italian patriot Garibaldi, many years ago. Today the shirt waist in. all its forms tailored sturdy, embroidered and transparent Is character istic of the American woman. A very pleasing display in the shirt waist section. (Second Floor.) fXVER THE TOP" it the, J real stuff by an Amer ican soldier who went. Ilia ex periences are . grim, but they are thrilling and lightened by a touch of humor as original as the soldiers three. And they are true. Price $1.50. (Book Section, Third Floor.) MORE of these robe blan kets have arrived so call ed because so many buy them to cut into bath robes. Beau tiful selections. (Down Stairs Store.) THE aleds areee piled up In the Toy store and dream ing ' of going "lickety-split" down snowy hills; and the boys and girls are secretly wishing for a big fall of snow.' (Fourth Floor.) l. ' - BABY'S dreM for Thanksgiv ing day: yes, grandpa and grandma will be Waiting at the door, when. baby, comes home for Thanksgiving dinner, and baby must look his finest. Seems as though somebody had had exactly that important oc casion in mind when these lovely little dresses were se lected. Bring baby in and see them. (Second Floor.) PIE TOYS I The toy. ere here! Dolls of every sort and size, dressed in different costumes; also military toys rep resenting the allied countries. Toy Town is filled with Christ mas surprises, already. Bring in the kiddies soon. (Fourth Floor.) OUR JEWELRY department is featuring a fascinating assortment of novelties for Christmas giving. Besides the necklaces, rings, pins, combs and the like for men and wo men, you will find feather fans, beaded bags, hair ornaments, in gorgeous array. (Main Floor.) ' AN APPRECIATED gift i silverware, not for value alone, but because it makes an attractive as well as a useful gift. Many distinctive articles are ready for selection in our Silverware Section. (Main Floor.) This Closing-Out s ale of IF Affording You Saving Possibilities That Are Really Sensational Fully 75 Under Present niture is W small, too, so ear I You'll find :- Dining chairs Plain Tabourettes Every piece sold as it is, absolute. : c ' l k these new utensils and devices this woman who you will find : See the Electric Range and how easy it is to prepare a whole meal. See the Food Chopper it saves the busy fingers. See the Bread Mixer and how it saves the kneading and m&kn the most delightful bread. See how the , . Big Wonder Outfit gathers in the dust from the floor or furniture and keeps them looking like new. Serge, Satin, Velvet and Taffeta Dresses Reduced to $25.00 . Creations Suitable for Street, Afternoon and Evening Wear. Reduced for Thursday. A COLLECTION of the smart est and newest effects,, all formerly priced at a higher price, but offered Thursday, at $25.00. Serge dresses with peg top, plaited tunic and straight line ef fect. Navy and black. Afternoon dresses in taffeta and georgette combinations with, embroidered and braided bodices and bustle skirt; also dresses of satin in pretty models. Povfv rlraooao nt tiaaiitilnl mini ity taffeta in all pastel shadesr maize, coral, orchid, light blue, white and nile. Buriss-Nash Ce. Scwi Floor Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, for Present Use or GiftGiving - BOUGHT last November. We actually believe our price (while present stock lasts) 1 to be from I 20 to 30 under prices asked by other retailers and 50 to 75 under what the price must be, based on present market value, and real linen handkerchiefs, conditions continuing, will not be available at all. Our prices now, a full size man's handkerchief of pure-linen; : V lain linen, 3 for 50c Plain linen, 25c. ... ; , : t With initial, 25c, 35c and 50c. , . BuriM-Nh Co. Main Floor ? ; Fashion Calls for FURS And They Are Here ' " r Luxurious, Soft, Beautiful Ones . ' ', "' ! SUCH a collection of them! New muffs, lovely soft neckpieces and capes that are warm and as fash ionable as Fashion herself could wislwand perfectly wonderful coats of Hudson seal, muskrat and marmot.' Uur(-Nh Co. iimfe Retail Quotations ES, the offering consists of odd pieces mostly of a kind, but X the values are so extreme and then most every one has need of an odd piece or two of furniture, that you can not really afford to overlook the saving advantages of this sale. Every piece of fur now on the floor, and the collection is getting mighty early selection is advisable. rs chairs Upholstered chairs Upholstered rockers Bedroom rockers High chairs Tea carts with no exchanges and no returns, Burfss-Nah Co. Third Floor week a week of educa- does her own housework. Every kind and shape that style au' horities'de cree right .. for ; winter, may be seen here and you may choose with confidence that quality is as represented ; and prices are in accord with the qualities offered. " What could 'be more ac ceptable as a gift or for your own wear as a set of these lovely furs or a heavy fur coat. , s - ; : Let us show you what a fine collection we have. - - Second Floor i Crib beds Dining tables ' Library tables Chiffoniers Bedroom suites Bedsteads Etc., Etc. Each sale must be