THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 191 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. CROWN POINT AVE, Strictly modern 5-r. bungalow, oak fin ish, Includln. the floors; has a number of special features: rooms all decorated; furnace heat; fine corner lot; one blk. to Miller park; 3 blka. to school. Price for quick sale (3,350. Terms can be arranged. RASP BROS.. 210 Keeline Plilg. Ty, 731. 0xl33 ON Cumins St., near Slat. (4,000 or rental 40 per month. W H. GATKS, 7 Omaha Vat. Bk. BldfT. hEW, Modem 6-room house; paved street; Harney car line. All oak. Will sell 1350 dawn. Call T. 36! days Or Wat. (T7. West. A BEAUTIFUL HOME Vestibule entrance with coat clos et, mirror door, large living room, dining room with built-in china cab inet. Dutch teat, large kitchen, pantry with built-in china closet, back entry with refrigerator space, full cement basement with wash room, dust proof coal bins, toilet, hot water heat, three large bed rooms, sun parlor, white enameled bath room, linen closet, on second floor; large floored attic with plas tered closet; storm windows and screens for entire house; pressed brick foundation, interior oak finish and beautifully decorated, built but four years by owner for home; lo cated on street of beautiful new homes; close to two car lines, lo cated within one block of Creighton university. Has a frontage of 66 feet with room for another house, If in the market for a comfortable home, make appointment for inspec tion. C. G. CARLBERG 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldf. HERB'S ONB Totj CAN'T Choice T-r. all-mod. I fins lot. paved street, all kinds fruit, beautiful location, near Prettiest Mils section of boulevard; only $3,600) you can't build the house for (3,500; lot easily worth (1,100; very small cash payment and balance Ilk rent. M'KITRICK REAL EsTATB CO,, Realtors, 816 Ramg Sldf, t, 100 fcnd fy. ll4Q.jr. South. . NEAR VINTON CAR BARN. $100.00 CASH. And $15.00 per month buy a good t-r. cottage with gas, city water, bath and toilet at 1705 Castelar St. Only one block from car line and school. This cot tage has just been painted Ittitd and out, papered and put In flfst-Olass condi tion. For price call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, REALTORS, Douglas 300. Ml Set Bldg. Field Club Hanscom Park Price Only $6,500 Bight -rooms and bath, all oak and white enamel finish; sleeping porch and sun room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, special plumbing, full brink foundation; built two years. This is a real bargain. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 0t 6m." Kat'l BanK Bl(t." Tyler 411. OWNER WANTS LOT (-room, strictly modern "beml-bungalow, located In Hanscom park dlstrlot: 4 rooms on first floor, 2 rooms and sleeping porch on second: oak. finish and oak floors; built-in features; large garage; paved street. Owner will consider lot as first payment. v Payne Investment Company (Realtors), (37 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. P. 1781. 0NH (-room and one 4-rootn cottage, both on on tot; fin condition; lira In one and rent the other. Prioe for both, $5,760. Very easy terms. No. (48$ 8. 20tB St. NORRI3 NORRIS, 400 Be Bldg. Phone Douglas 40 1-lC strldtty mod. home, east of ttanecom park, $3,100; will trade for $-R. house south or-west. t. Wad, 8t S. JStBjt. Miscellaneous. 4.R66H UUNOALOW, TWO LOTS', $a,oo.oo. I room en first floor, fatly modern, furnace heat, full cemented basement, south front. House set on west lot) pur chaser could sell of build On the bther let. $1,100 In oath will handle this prop erty. MATT COMPANY. J46-T-I Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler (0. iJANDT new 4-r. bungalow, 1 floor, entirely - modern, quartered oak and ft finish, oak floors, dandy futures and decorations. New bungalow, 1 floor, paved street tJtnall payment down and easy monthly payments. Howard Bros., $78 Brandeis. Doug. $840. LeT me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at (8,8(0. Re. enable terms. Call owner. Douglas 1722. W. FARNAM SMITH Co.. Real Eetate and Insurance, 1$2 ramsm St. Poug, 10M R. B. TRUMBULL, $ 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1714. REAL ESTATE Investment I6TU STREET INVESTMENT Be 1019-1011 North l$th street, epp , lt ford plant, oh eornef Alley, With trackage, a 2 -story brick building, having tore below and flat above, rented for f 1,300 per annum. Price $10,060, part cash, balanee at I pef cent. Thie Is a map. The property will pay a hand- tame return en ydtir tnoney and increase lit valu continually. H. A. WpLF CO. Realtor. (14 War Bldg. tyler $6. V BED US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE! FROPERtt. X P. TUKEY A SON. REALTORS. Hi First Nat. Bank Bids REAL ESTATE Investment BRICK STORE BLDG. Price $10,600 Rents 11.140. An ideal investment; permanent . ten ants, no trouble whatever and a good corner, on 24th St.; must have $5,000 cash for equity. GLOVER & SPAIN (19-tO City National. Doug. 3961. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Call me tonight and make an appoint ment to see a lot. I will sell for about what lots adjoining it have been sold for. This lot Is only V block to car and paved ttreet; has good cement sidewalk to Car line! city water and gas In the street: only 1 blocks to one of the largest new school houses in Omaha. This is in a restricted district and new homes, costing from $3,(00 to $3,000, are built all around It. I llv H block from this lot, and could (how It to you almost any time. Small cash payment, balance monthly. Telephone Walnut S4(. Miscellaneous. LARQfej Oarden Lota near car line, paved street, $181 to (1((. $1 down. Doug. 5074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty - TOUNQ A DOHBRTT. City Real Kjtate, Douglas 1571. 33$ Brand! Theater. k. A. WOLF, Realtor, War Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATETRACKAGE TRACKAGE (1(2. brick building, for tale or for rent, all or part. K. H. BfcNNRR CO. t. (40S. FINE lit on B. MVR R., size 15x165; can be bought cheap; term. C. A. Grlm- 'tiei, Phone Dnugl 118. . REAL ESTATE -To Exchange SALfc OR TRADE Knulty in good 160 acre, Holt Co., price ((.40 per acre; also good 110-acre in Lyman Co., South Da kota, price (17.(4 pen sere; want clear property, Missouri or Arkansas; can use good Jack and car on either; 1,760-acre Improved ranch In Cherry Co., Neb., for cash and term; might take (2,500 in trade; price (7.(0 per aore; no .bet ter In this part for ths money. Address Boa 140. Valentine, Neb. LOUISIANA Land. Nllsson, 423 Rose Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. 5 ACRES 7 3 BLOCKS TO CAR LINE EASY TERMS This I a corner piece, having east lop, north and tut front; store, church ami achool very close and paved road to within I blocks; this) would make a dandy place to raise poultry or fruit. Just out Ride of city limit; county taxes only. Call Tyler (0 and ask to be shown this piece. HASTINGS HEYDEN, Kit Harney St, Phone Tyler 60. FlVH very fine garden lots, close to car line, close to school. Just outside the city limit, where you do not have to pay city taxet; an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or ?arden; the owner has moved to Call ornia and says sell at onoej prloa (13 eaoh) terms, COc a week on each lot. Call Walnut $4(0. today or In the evening. WANT TO RENT OR BUY A feed lot for theep or cattle. On railroad. In or near Omaha. Box 9029 Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. 35 ACRES nice lakeshore (350, $50 cash; 40 aore, 10 cultivated, new frame house, barn, border nice lake, $800, $200 cash. Tom O, Mason, Cumberland. Wis. REAL ESTATE WANTED Wil HAVE several good reliable buyers for ( and (-room house and bungalows with $(00 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Oma. Nat. Bank Bldg. LISTING! houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Eetate. 413 Karbach Blk. P. 3607, WANTED Modern house with one or two acres, near Omaha or Council Bluffs. Corkln, 400$ Capitol Ave. FINANCIAL t Heal Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, 6 and $ per cent. Also first mort gage on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. DUmont & Co., 416-418 Keelln lildg., 17th and Harney. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by improved real estate located in Omaha. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., (38 Keeline Bide. FARM and city loans, running from f lv to twenty years; Interest ( per cent, 54 per cent and I per cent, PETERS TRUST CO., Mil Vtrnam Bt Omaha. Neb. f iMo MTdB., bearing $ pot. semi-ann.; secured by mortgage valued at $8,000. Tal-tnage-Loomis Inv, Co., W. O. W. Bldif, SHOPBtf A C5 PRIVATE MONEY. H. W. BINDER. Money oh hand for mortgage loan City National Bank Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. 5CL CITY 10 LOANS. 4ARVIN BROS., Om, Nat. Bk. Bldf, MONEY HARRISON a MORTON, 116 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA H6TJfsSXif" NEB.. YS6M. O'KEBFH R. S. CO, lfllt Omaha Nat'l. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly.. F. D Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. hfONEY to loan on Improved farm and ranches. Kloke Investment i Co.. Omaha. l6w RATES C. Q CARLBBRG. til Bran- deis Theater Bldg V. 685 LOANSON cltr properttT W. II. THOMAS & SON. Keelln Bldg. FARM LAND POR RENT FOR RENT About 20 acre rich valley land, well tilled and drained, and Irrigated With the Skinner Irrigation system ; plenty cf water; has been used by the Waterloo Celery Co. and others to raise celery and all kinds of vegetables; has a block stone house, large barn, auitabla ta store Onions, 2 hothouse and wseh house, 2 large force pumps, tools snd bleaching boards If ivahted; 21 mile from Omaha, on stone road nearly all the way; soil three feet deep. Write of phon Red 2960. F. W. Corliss, 2913 S. 24th or Douglas 1409. Waterloo Creamery Co. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands, " iioMEs For loo FAMILIES. Several thousand acres, located one to four miles from Crowley, Ordway, Sugar City and seven miles from Rocky Ford, Colo.; main lines Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe. Thl land produce large yields alfalfa, corfi, wheat, oat and barley. Cat tle and sheep feeding, dairying and hog raising very profitable. Ths 1(17 crop un der the Twin Lake system, alfalfa, about $0,600 acres; corn and Other grain about 7,000 acres; sugar beets, 6,000 acres, and ether intensive and general farming. Spe cial Homeseekers' Excursion the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Soil Sur vey report on this land by N. A. Bengtson of the University of Nebraska and Mis souri Pacific booklet on this farming dis trict free. If you sre looking for a home do not delay, but phone or see us at ones for full Information and rate. Liberty bonds accepted same as cash at 195. We own thl land. Phone Tyler 2(2. B, H, Talmage, Vice President. Th Twin Lakes Land and Water Co., of H. R, Follfhei Co., $36 First Nat BanK Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE 4S0 acres level, black soli wheat land, near Julesburg, 'a Mi ($-10-46 and . w, 11-10-49. Oood term. Will F. Sledentopf, Owner, Counoll Bluff, la. Colorado land for sale. MissoBfT Lands. ' SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $1$ cash and $( monthly, no Interest of taxes; highly productive land; close to three big market. Write for photograph and full reformation. Ml'NQKR, A-119. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansss City, Mo. GREAT bargains- -15 down. $J monthly. buys 40 acre good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $320. Addfess ot 283, Springfield, Mo. Minnesota Lands. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Get A farm home In rich corn and clover belt along new Boo Line, (9 miles St. Paul-Mlnneanollsi landseek era all say, "I saw nothing better." You'll like this Wonderfully pfosperou stock and dairy region too; rich (0119, hardwood timber. Plenty rainfall, health ful climate, beautiful lake, fin Schools. creamerle everywhere. Price (It per acre and up. Improved or wild; easy term, Map and list free. Baker, N. 117, St. CxeU Fall. Wla FAM AND RANCh LANDS Nebraska Lands. 800-ACRE FARM AND RANCH 300 miles northwest of Omaha, $50 acres level black farm land; 7$ acres beat of alfalfa land; 110 acre beat first bottom hay land; 60 acres hardwood timber; 1(4 acre bow under cultivation; balance roll ing pasture land, well fenced and crest fenced; fair set of Improvements, just build ing new barn now. On mile Niobrara river frontage and flv elegant spring elo to Improvements. This ranch has all the things necessary to make it an Ideal stock farm and Is only 13 miles from good railroad town, 2 mile from Inland itor and post- Off Ic; school house en th ranch. This place belong to a widow lady, she will take some good city income property as part payment or will exchange for good Eastern farm, Prloa $10.00 an acre. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Nebraska. RANCH. l,7$0-acre combination grain and stock ranch, located In Cherry county en Nio brara river, lx miles from railroad. 70A acre good level bench farm land. (SO acre In cultivation, eropped thl year to corn, wheat, oats, rye, millet, navy bean and potatoes. 160 acre Niobrara bottom, part of which is the best Of hay land, 100 acres good alfalfa land. Balance of ranch rolling to rough pasture, all well grassed. Plenty of timber for fuel and fence poet as well a affording protection for stock during winter. Ranch watered by river, Bear creek and springs. Will run 110 head of cattl the year around. Improvements located In fine native grove in the valley and consist of slj-rnom house, tw barn, silo and ether buildings. School house located on ranch. This Is a genuine bargain at $15 per acre. One-third cash and will carry bal ance to suit purchaser. Thl territory has never been boomed. By buying now yoa are getting la at bed rock prices. KLOKI INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB, MS Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1150. HOG AND ALFALFA FARM NEAR OMAHA. 92 acres, rolling upland with black loam soil and clay subsoil; (6 acres in culti vation, 26 acres in heavy timber and pas ture, running water; fenced and cross fenced ; fair Improvement! two wells. Thl farm la only ll mile frem Omaha's city limit and (treet car line, 1 mile front goad railroad tdwn. Price $10,300. $3,009 cash, balance S years at 5 per cent. With alfalfa bringing $22 to $30, and hog price guaranteed by Uncle Sam, the land will produce enough to pay for itself In a very short time. Let us show It to yoa. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phew Ifcrewla M. S40-ACRE BUFFALO COUNTT FARM FOR SALE. About 160 acre to cultivation, (0 awrev paeturs. ' Good l-rtoa hows on good foundation, well ballt bars for IS hr . with good hay mow. granary, chicken house and hog houso. Tented and cross fenced, well and windmill. Th far Is soma rolling and some rough, bat alt good oil, I in a fine state of ctmtvtttton for fall grain. Located about 22 ntllea from Kearney and $ miles from Amherst. Price, $8,600. Thl fantt will easry a (aavtgage of $4,(09 to $(.900. Thl 1 on f tk best buy t kgoer t t Bwffalo Cewity, and with present price f farm prodwetat this farm should pay the purchase price with less, than three eroaa. I an excep tional proposition an win ni, C. R. DA VIES, ' KEARNEY. NEB, 240 A(3res. clay loam il : rolling UnA. Fair Improvement. FVKe, $37.6 pe Acre, enc $3i00 6 pet., year to run.; want good residence and cash for equity. So 297, Arcadia, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farm eswy payment 5 acre op. Wa farm the farm w aell yon. The Hungerford Potato Grower' association, 16th and Howard SU., Omaha. Douglas 9371. 4 ACRES Irrigated land, every acre flrt etaas) ait fenced gffd In crep. Wilt deal lot a new clear residence, FllO $34,09$. Hag mronand. Neb. FOR 8ALIS 6es large , body high-grade medium-priced taM M Nebraska. Vary . Uttlo money required. C. Bradley, Vol- x bach. Neb. , LlST yoav lands quiek reavIM with C 3. Canan, 1 fCgll Bldg., Omaha. Ohio L$md. 335 Acre Ohio Farm $14,000 WITH LIMESTONE ALFALFA SOIL 149 acre tn frtlage. wlra fence, spring watered, blaegraa paaruM 1f 1(4 s4ep, 75 cattle and sis Br; ewtlaftated 19d 000 ft. oak timber: $04 apple trees; ah pears, plums, pcfee eKerrrlew, grape and maple sugar baahs mala dwelling ha $ nice room, (eaaat ttram, t gm4 baaew mnt barn. 1k, graaary. rnm, (awt house, 2 ponltry boa ) ewner left aleaav makes quick aafa $) (ha $42 a acre; easy tar sea arranged. For traveling direction to tftla KHiaay maker, ae page 32 f ttrwsTg Catalofaa af $21 bar. gains lit a ivfm State. 95. A. Rtrswt Farm Agency, DepL 2472. tt $L Ktk $, Omaha, Nob. Texas Lands. LANDS at fair ratoa aasniad by Chamber of Comntere. Hew plan to settle and develop tka wrevf fertlla tanas of lotrtk Texas, tin me tatsty adjaeaat flaw mar ket. Farmiag aad dairying demonstra tion tmdar cur dlreetlosj. Only Imprwvcd lands ottered far al, ff yew want to aw a farm, writs far Denklat S. Agrtcui (aval DepU, Chamber af tmmewe. Bw ton, Tea. . as for Texas land, Wa furnish cattl. Yaw par frem profit. Thomas Otsea, 447 Kareseft Bldg, 0OO corn faitd," East Texas, tl a aer. Oet my free bock. tr, i, FRANK. 391 Wertlla Block. Omaha. Wyomlflf Land, WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $it per a.. including paM-ap water ngnt. usury Levi A C. M. RyhMdar, 2(4 Omaha Nat'l Miacelianaood, MONONA and Woodbury counties, fa lands also) eastern Colorado and western (Lan es wheat lands. Phone Trier 2(43, H. R. FOLLMt CO., $3$ First Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, b. RANCH bargains, all sties, good term. A, A. Patzman, 301 KarbaoB Blk FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WAHTED. Don't list your farm with ua if foaj want ta keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN A SON, 422 0. ltth. Dougla ($71. WAI TED $ acre Plero county, Neb. Owner only. H tillable. Give good de scription, price and terma. $01 Karbach Blf.. O taha. Neb. WOULD like to" hear from party who ha 5 or 19 acres for sal on terms. Box (976, Omaha Be. FARMER-Age 47, with three boy, wanta 7 to rent farm an hare. Box 396, Wahoo, Neb. WANTED Small place (Ultabl for raising bog ana poultry, bos 1-377, Omaha Be. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano ana note aa eeourlty (40. t mo.. H, good, total coat. $3,60. $49, ( ma., Indorsed note, total cost, $3.(9. mailer, large anvta proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 411 Rose Bldg . 16th and Famsm. Ty. (( Legal rates ' loans $(4.0 (340.00 or more Easy paymeht. Utmost privacy lit Pattern Bldg. Tel. Doug. 219$. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and Jewelry loan at 14 and tv, per sent. w. c. Flatau; tab. 18(3, 9th floor Roae-Securltle Bldg. Tyler (60. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Prtvat loan booth. Harry sfalaahock, Kit Dodge. D. (tit. . 1991. POULTRY AND PET STOCK OMAUA POULTRY AflS'N hold It annual how at Auditorium No vember 2$ to December 1. DON'T MISS IT. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Another Big: Bun of Cattle With Fricei Steady; Shipper Hogs Up 15 Cents. Omaha, Not. $1, 1(17. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Receipt were; Official Monday . 11,(49 $.413 6 4M Official Tuesday 19,(17 4.(01 19.19 $.100 11,700 tstimat Wednesday ..11,(00 Three daye this week.. 46. 665 game day last week.. 48,990 Same day I wk. age). 3t, 7(1 Same day 3 wks. ago. 35,90$ Kama days 4 wks. ago. 36,796 1M14 17,447 1$.1I3 7,f3 9,960 (8.8(9 31,413 23. 663 70,171 60,867 73.336 37.31 Same days last year. .13.621 Receipts and disposition of live etock at the I'nion Stock Yards, Omaha, for (4 hour ending at S o'okck p. m., yesterday. RECSIPT3. Cattle Hogs SheKp HVs. -., M 4 St. P S Wabash 1 . . Missouri Psrffw ...... IS 1 ( 1 Union Pacific ....I. ..let 1 J S C. A N. W., at..... 16 10 C. A R. W. west .... 76 30- 6 4 C, SU P.. M. A O..,, 4 2 C.. B. ft Q., east...... 4 18.. C, B. 4 i. west.... 1(0 IT 1 C. R. I. A P., east.... S 4 7 C, R. I. & P., west 2 .. .. Illinois Central 2 . . Chinage at. West........ S .. 1 Total receipt 41$ S( pwposmo:. Cattle. Words A Co 1,177 Hfltrs. 167 1,081 1,189 894 16 Sheep. 151 2.180 3,352 2,370 Swift and Co. .1,913. .1,913 Cudahy Packing Co.. 1.046 Armour A CO 1,823 3. W. Murphy , Llnmln Packing C-,. S 1(1 14 199 36 777 64 417 1 n- 91 49 1 129 33 179 72 96 12 ft 1 12 86 4:i i 70 9. om. Packing Co.... Wilson W. B vartn 6.,., B V. L Hill ft Son r. B. Lewis Hunt singer it O , J. It. Root ft Co...... J. H. Bulla I F, Has Rosenatovk Aroa.t.... r. 0. Kellogg WW helm er A Degen Kills .& CO SuUlvan Bros Rothschild ft Krelw... Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. Christie Hlggln Huffman ........... Roth Meyer .............. OlasAberg Banner Rro. ........ John Harvey ........ Dennis A Franel.. .. Jenen A Lfrngrew 144 Other buyers,, . ..5,109 7,934 Total 1, (,743 14,777 Cattle There was mother very liberal run of cattle here today, arrtvala counting tip 11,300 head, whkih make the total for the three day 46,6(4 Reari, Anything In the beef Una was In very good demand again today, aad th market evened with beef steer as well a fat sows and heifers sell ing readily at fully steady price. Several leads of eomfeds war on offer, most of them being of ths beat quality seen here In soma time. One lead of havy steers brought $14.99. Good yearlings reached $13.26, and several car ef shert fed (old around $12.09. Feeder trade) wsa very draggy. Demand ha not been so large thl week a It was last, and the market has simply been over stocked. Buyers were nil out for lower prices this morning, and hardly anything had been done op ts a late haw. Quotation an cattle: Prima heavy beeves, flf.0016.94; goad to choice beeves, $14.90 015.00; fair to good beeves, $12.00013.60; common to fair beeves, $7.00011.00: good (a choice yearlings, $14.00016.00; fair tor gsed yearlings, $12.00014.99; common to fair yearlings, $6.6011.00; prime heavy grass beeves, $12.00013.60; good to choice graaa Peeve $10.09 (j) 11. 60, fair to good gras beeves, $8. 94010. 00; common to fair gnus beeves, (7.0008.60; good to choice hwrfert, $1.6069.96; good to choice cows, $7. 75 09. 26; fair ta good cows, $6.2507.60; eoenmon ta fair cows, $6.2506.00; prima feeding aveetrs, $11.60013.00; good to oholc feeder, $9.40011.26; fair to good feeder, $7.5008.76; common to fair feeders, $6,000 7.00; good to choice stocKer. B.oujiiu.up; toed heifers, $6.6008.00; stock cows, $6.09 07.69; stock calves; $6.00010.40; veal calve, $.94012.(4; bulls, stags, etc., $5.6008.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, Wo. Av. Pt No. Av. Pr. 2 630 $6 69 ( (26 $7 60 24 896 10 69 Hogs Receipts of hog today were lib eral. and trade wa fajrly active all around. Shipper bought their hat 100160 higher than yeatarday, and moat of their pur chases war made n ths early round of th (jiarkat. Pack were) a little alow In getting under way, but'' they finally got started boring, aad their trade was about on the same basis as the shipper market. Top price was $17.90, 6o higher than yes terday, wttb th balk moving at (17.490 17.79. A few lata load were reported back. The general market was around lOo higher. Receipt of atock pig were moderate, and ths market waa about steady. Representative galea; No. Av. Sh. Pr, No. Av. (0..17 (0 $17 4( (6. ,2 h. Pr. 1(9 $17 70 ... 17 SO 41. .39 ... IT 7 $4.. $14 ((..10$ ... 17(6 PIGS. $7.. 11 ... 39 1J(..11$ 31 (0 fceea A fairly liberal ran ef sheep and lambs wa her today. Another draggy opening featured th trad generally. Com biaed with soma diay la trtttot atoek ta tka barns buyer were a little bearish HorsdH LIto StoclcVehicles A TEAM ad hsras for sals cheap. Call Mr, Sam Noble, 139 ttoutk 14 IB St. Dwsglas nit. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Frank West and wlfa t Chicago, Bur- Imgtem A Qui ncy Hail road company, Twentv-olath atrcst, 224 feet asuth Of C street, east aide, 44.144 1,(09 V. C Hewkstra t Farmers' State bank. Dodge street. 39 fust east of Thlrty-veith street, aerth aide, $ 12t . t. MooHatra ta Farmers' State bank, Twenty-tsvcoth avenue. 1(7.9 fact south of Indiana (treet, east (ids. 31HU75 John K. Ossdrtch and wife ts Leon ard Hlllls, W strsst, (I ft east of Thirty-second street, south aid, 12107 Cecelia T. Townssad t W. F. Oerke, Maann strsst. 4 feet east af Thlr- ty-thlrd tret, aortk aid. (9x141. 769 Lloyd N. Oc borne and wif to Marga ret Konrman, Tnirty-cignth avenue, tl.t feet north of Merer (treet, east Id, 4(xll 3,(69 The Byren Reed company to J. O. Melam, Klliabsth avenue, (4.2 feet west of FIfty-scventh street, south lid. 47x12 1(( John A, Creighteo Real Eetate com pany to Unda B. Caret, Thirty fifth avenue, 2(1 feet north of Ar bor street, east side, 49x133; Thirty-fifth avenue. 393 feet north of Arbor street, east aide, 49x133 (94 BemU-Carlbers company to Charles O. Hennlnga, Thirty-fourth street, 4$ feet outh of Wright street, east aide. 40x139 $,40( Reuben t. Stewart and wlfa et al to Elsie Johnson, Bedford avenue. 261 feet east of Forty-six street, south side. 44x130 : $1$ Charles D. Blrkett and wife to Frank O. Seward, southeast corner Mill- -tarv avenue and Parker street. Ir regular, approximately (0x160 1,(09 Mary E. Wilton to Alice David, south east corner Thirty-ninth and rratf streets, 89x134 CO David Wilton to Alice David, Thir ty. ninth street. (9 feet couth of Pratt street, east aide, 49x134 20$ Oeorg R. King and wlfa to John F. Olebel, Twenty-fourth atreet, 689 feet north of Hlmebauxh avenue. east (Id. 44x169 4,799 Qeorge C. Flack to Henry S. Han son, orand avenue, 214 feet east of Twenty-eighth avenue, aorth side, 44x138.4 Oeorge C. Flack to William 8. Bloom, Twenty-ninth street, 11 foet north of Fort street, west Sid. 40x126... Oeorge C. Flack ta Samuel Sternwell, Saratoga atreet, 130 feet east of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 44x11314 1 Oeorg C. Flack to Walter Laswell, Orand avenue, 120 feat west of Twenty-seventh street, north ltd, 413x131.4 1 William H. Mick and wif to Flor ence E. Payne, Thirty-sixth street, 166 feet north of Farnam street, 66x122 16,900 William Bauermeister and wife to Vern D. Musgrsve. Caldwell street, (0 feet esst of Twenty-seventh street, south side, 60x140 3,000 Ernest Sweet and wife to William Bauermeieter, Twentieth etreet, (6 feet north of Cat atreet, west side, (6x(( 11,900 Carolina Dahmk and husband ts Anna McBrlde, Seventeenth avenue, 318 feet north of Leavenworth treet, cast side, 60x83 (,394 and slow to open up on offering of any kind. Some early buyers ef good fatlambs looked about steady, th teat prlee paid belnt $11.15, Feeders pttd fatal? active, some handy weight wextero lamite selling around $U. 00O1S.26.. Kwe lambs brought $13.76. Fat sheep, looked about steady, choir ewe touching the high spot of the month at Sll.$0. Tha aupply at tath feeder and killer ewea wn rathar limited. Quotations- on1 eheep 4 lambs; Lambet fair to choice, $16.00 17. 60; lambs-, feeders, 17.ivMS 15; lambs, sulla, $10 06g) 16.00; yearling, fair to ehnieet, (11.S04JIS.3K; year llnga, feeders. 91! 00 13.00; wethnra, fair to choice, $ll.(I9(yl3.6e; ewea, fdtr tn choice, $9.2(911.(0; ewe, breeder. $l.MJl(.5: ewee, feeder. $7.6110.(; wese, oulla and canners, (5.00ft 7.25. Repreaentatlv as fee: So. 495 fed ItmU $1$ Wyoming fed lambs.. 139 Wyoming fed lamb.. 17 culla A. 8 6 6 3 Fr. $17 13 18 26 16 60 is : New York (leaevsd Market. New York, Nov. Jl.Wour Quiet ; spring patents, $10. 56) 10.86; wtnte patents, 919.60 019.75; winter straight, $10,204 10.6; Kansas straight. $11,004$ 11.1. Corn men) Steady; fine white and yellow, $4. 90 06.1 5; coarse. $i,105.16t kiln dried, $9.7(. Rye Ey; No. f western, $1.97 tit, New York. Barley Steady; foe ding, $T.0fltt.05 ; malUng, 11.20 tfl.SS: California, $X.361.40, c. k f.. New York. Corn Unsettled; new No. t yellow. $3.18 1, 0. I. f.. New York: shipment rata weak na9 Argentine, $3, 6fe saiv L ex b.. New York. Cats Firm.; standant T(4 07Re. Hay Stearfy; No. 1. 91. 7H 1.76; No, (l.66 L60; No. 1. $1.40 I.4S-; shipping. . J1.1I1H.IS. Hop Maay; stmt, medium to choice, 1(17, 7079c; 1416, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 2.13c; 1916, IKitrMo, Hide Steady; BogoU, 41; Central America, 40o. Leather Firm ; hemlock aol overweight No-. 1, (la; No. i, 43c. Provisions Pork, strong; mess (49.69; family, $54. 00 4$ 66. 00; short clear, $63,904 47.00. Lard, firmer; mlddla waat, $39,10 2(20. Tallow Firm; city special, 17 9. Wool Firm; dnnwatlo fleece, XX Ohie and Pennsylvania, 70c. Butter Market flw; reeetpta. ,!52; ereamery higher thaa estraa, 4it947c; creamery xtraa (9J snnrw), 4o; firsts, 43 045c; seconds, 40942c. Kgg Market Irrrwniarr receipts, (.573 eases; trash gathered ex Was. 640 65c; eitr.i firsts, (2933o; flrstsi, 48(Ic; second. 42 trstic. Cheese Market tw(ty: recetpt. 991 boxes; state fresh specials, 23c; state fresh, averager run, 23s, Poultry Alive: Market quia; no prices quoted; dressed: market Strang; chickens, 313!c; fowls. 17J264c; turkeys. 2432c St. Louis Lira Slack Market. St Lout, Nov. II. Cattle Receipt wv nmiu; moraec, nigaer; native beef steer, $4.990 19.99: yearling steers and haifara. $7.000 19.90 ; sows, $9.04011.00; ateekara and renters, (6.60011.00; Texas quarantin sieers. otrr; mir to prime southern oeei steers, ati.uour u'.ia; Beet cows and halt ers, (0.990 19.99; prhns yearling steers and natters, (7.59010.00; native calves, $7,160 13.00. Hogs Receipts, 11.34 head; market, higher; lights, $17.60017.96; pigs, $16.(00 17.(0; good heavy, $17.OO01(.O9: mixed and butchers. $17.(0017.(0; bulk of salsa, $19.(4 tj 1 7. SO. aheap aad Lambs Receipts, 2,24 head; market, strusg; lamas, $19. (40 17.(4. ewes. $19.(0011.(0; wethers, $11.(0011,29; can ners, (6. 000 g.S9. Kansas Cltr Live Stark Market. Kansas City, Nor. . Cattle Receipts, 14,800 naa, market steady, rrlm fad steers, $19 60 011.60; dressed beet steer. $11.000; western steers. IH.OO0I3.7I; caws, $9.(4019.99; heifer, $8.50013.90; $6.(0012.00; atockera and feeders, (6.660 11.60; bulla, $6.0001.60; calves, $6.(90 12.99. Mnas Receipts, t,909 (Mad, market steady. Bulk. $17.6017. 76; heavy, $16,700 77.86; packer and autcbers, $17.(9017.76; Ugnt, (17.30017.69," Plm, tI7.4O017.Tti Sheep aad Lambs kscatpts, 6,04 (Mad, markat steady. Lambs, $13.(9017.35; year- lags, (lt.99014.14; wether, 11.(40II.4; we, (19.90 ll.. Chioac Llva Mock Marks, Chicago, Nov. 21. Cattle Kscttpts. 2 994 head, market firm. Natfvs steers, (7.49 016.00; wectent atwsr. 99.19013.76; atock era and feeden, $6.99 011.26; cow and heifers, $(.49011.(9; calvea, $7.94013.99. Hogs Receipt, ((,004 head, market unsettled. Balk. $17.(601f,9O: light. (17.26 017.90; mixed, (lT.460l9.wt; Deary, (17.49 W18.05; nragn, (17.490I7.99; pig. $17,460 17.96. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 29,(94 head, markat, unsettled. Wethers. $8.76012.90; eves, f7.t0ll.e; Iambs, (13.96017.49, Slonx Cltr lira fitosk Market. Slow City. Wot. 31. Cattle Reeelnts. I.. neaa; market ISO higher; beet steers, (. 16016.00; fat cow and hstfers, $6,760 (.75; canners, (5.6906.(9: atockera' and feed erst $(.99012.(9; calvea, $9.09013.00; bulla, stags, etc., (9.5(0(.6Oi feedtnat sow and heifers. $(.790(.(9. Hogs Receipt. 19.609 bead; market 19c higher; lights, $17.3(017.69; mixed. (17.(9 017.76; heavy. (17.I6W17.80: pigs. (17.090 19.99; balk of sales, (17.(00 17.79. theep and Lambs Receipts, 2,(04 head; market 19o higher. Minneapolis (train Market. nnaapolis, fTov. 21. Flour Fancy patents, unchanged; In carload lets, first clear, 16o lower, quoted at $9.69, jute; second clear, 25c lower, quoted at $6.7$, Jute. Bariay ( i. o 0 w l . J". Rye (1.7(01.77. Bran 133.00013.59. Csrn No. yellow, $3.0603.10 Oats No. 2 white. 44047c. Flax $1.1403.37. St. Joseph Uv Stack Market, St. Joseph. Mo.. Nor. 21. Cattle Recelptc, (,000 head; market lowr; steer. $(.900 14.(9; cow and heifer. (1. 3013.90; cslves, $6.00011.(9. Hogs Receipts. 13,999 head; market ateady to strong; top, $17.$$; bulk 4$ aalea. $17.9017.74. Sheen and Lambs Receipt. .2.799 head: market steady; lamb, $13.60017.69; twee, $(.90 011.69. Cottoa Census. Washington. Nor. 31. Cot ten ginned prior to November 14 amounted to (,(((,1(0 running bale. Including iii.ui rouoa bale, counted aa half bale, and (8,161 bales of Sea Island, the census bureau an nounced today. Ginning by wtm states this ysar were: Arizona, 5.868; California, 17,3(4; Okla homa, 613,924; Texas, 3,693,690. Metal Market. Vaw Tork. Nov. 21. Metal Tin nominal, $76.69 Wd. Lead easier; spot, $6.31. Hpel- ter dull; East Bt. Leulls delivery, spot. $7.16 08.00. At London: Snot copper, f 110; futures. (110; electrolytic, 1126; spot tin, 13(4 15s; futures. 2(3 10s: lead, spot, 13V ids; tu tares, 2( 19s; spelter, spot, 64; futures. l((. New Tork Dry Oood. New Tork, Nor. 31. Cotton good here today were active and atrong. Prices on aheatlng and print clothe were up from o ta o a yard over tne price at me beginning of th week. Tarn were firm. Wonted yarn were ateady. Hosiery and knit goods were tn steady demand. Job ben are baying more freely. Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, Oa Nov. 21. Turpentine Firm, 41c; tale. 128 barrels; receipts. 300 barrel: shipments, 488; stock, 23,444. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,1(9; receipts, 1,1(9; shipments, 2,230; stock, 76,643. Quote: B, D. IC, F. O, $9.43; H, $9.45; I, t.10; K, $6.79; M, $9.99; N, $7.90; WO, 97. t; WW, $7.79. New Terk Cottoa Market. New Tork Nov. 31. Cotton Future opened ateady; December, 28.40c; January, 27.75c; March, 27.60c; May, 27.38c; July, 27.1 (e. Spot, cotton, quiet; middling, 80.40; fu ture closed steady: December. 39.96c: Jan nary, 29.43c; March, 33.12c; May, 27.95c; July, 27.69c. Kansas Cltr Grain Market. Kansas City, Nov, 21. Corn No. 2 mixed, (2.0002.02; No. 2 white, (2.0402.08; No. 2 yellow, (2.0602.10; December, $1.26; January. $1.21. Oats No. 2 white, 71c; No. 2 mixed, (( 070c. Duluth Unseed Market. Duluth, Minn., Nov. 21. Linseed On track. ((.330(.(6; arrive, (3.220 1.24; arrive In November, $3.01; No vember, $3.27 bid; December, $3.22; May, $3.18. fit, Loul Grain Market, St. Louis, Nov. 31. Corn No. 3, $1.80; No. 2 white, $1.8901.93; December, $1.36 May. 11.18. Oats No. 2, C8ff6$Hc; No. 3 white, 71 071c. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 21. Butter, eggj and poultry, market unchanged. London Stork Exchange. JjOnaon, uv, i.AiiicricaH mtuuur. were steady on the stock exqhange today. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn Stronger, Though Sales Show Much New Crop Be ported Weathering Well, Good Demand For Oats. Omaha. Nor. 21. 1917. Contlauad light arrtvala of grain were ths rule today, receipts totaling only (T cars; with 34 wheat; lb corn, 49 oats and 3 cars of rye. Cora today presented a somewhat stranger tons. Sales were rather slow In being made, but the new corn samples whirl! were dis posed of brought fairly good flgurea, the price depending on moletur content and quality. Reports Indiaater that the new oorn, in some places whero It baa besa al lowed to stay In the field to undergo fur ther conditioning, 1 , coming through in fairly good sh-apH. whila In other places the corn la stilt soft and part of it molding. K levator men aro tha principal buyers, tak ing the greater part of the new corn Into the house, to be dried. No sale of old oorn were, reported, these sample being very caro& No. 4 whit sold at $1.77 anrt the No. 4 mined at $l.SO. No. 6 yellow sold at 91 25 and $1.35 and the No. 9 mixed at $1.45, Sales of the sample grades rsnged from 25o to $1.00, these being extremely. poor eauaplAS ta hasting condition and Dart of them rotten. Th demand for cash oats oontinued to be fairly good and quotation were fea to la np, the bulk advancing a eent. Loral buyer tooK praotMally alt ot them erfering; No. 2 whits 8010! at Va and the standard grade at 69o snd (9o and the No, 3 white at 69Ho and 69 to. Itye was up o to ,o and barley nomi nally unchanged. No. t rye sold at (1.73 V and $1.73. No barley arrived la tha market today and no sales vrarc made. Clearances v .: Wheat and flour snual to 894.000 buahels; corn, none; oat, 785, 900 bushels. Primary wheat recelota were 1.962.940 bushels, and shipments 1.141,09 bushels against receipts ef (47,004 bvahela. and shipments of 3(9,00 bushels Inst year. mmarr eora receipts were 836.90 bushels aad shipments 197,909 bushels aglat re ceipts of 1,266.909 bnahsl and shipments of 33,(94 bushels Inst year. Primary oata rscelDts ware 1.497.009 bashe, aad shipment 1.33A009 hoshels agalnat receipts of 1.341,004 bushels, and shipments at CT.ono bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPT Wheat. Cora OaU. 249 Chicago ................ 7 Minneapolis 39 Dulwth 9 207 Omaha 1 37 6 4 2 (5 Kansas City 63 St. Louis (( Winnipeg 1,07( These salea war reported today: Wheat No. t hard winter: I cars, $3.15; 1 car (smutty), (2,14. Nov t hard winter: $ cars, $2,11 Nat 1 hard winter: ear $3, At; 1 car (3 per oent rye). $2.09. No. 2 dark hard winter: 1 bulkhead. $2.19. No. 3 ysllew hard winter: 1 bulkhead, $1.06, No. yetiow hard winter: car, $3.(2. No. 2 northern eprlng: 1 ear, $2.12. No. 1 durum: 4 cars, $3.1$; S ear (smutty), $3.11. No. $ durum: I ear, $3.12. No. t mixed) caramon red durum: 1 car (2 par cent ry, 15 per cent hard red aprtinr. (6 per eent common red durum). $3.(9. Mixed grata: ear (smatty. It per cent rye), $1.(4; 1 balkhead (12 per seat rye), $1.(4. Rye No. 1: 1 car, $1.78; I car, $1,711. Corn No. white: I car. $1.77. No. $ white: 1 car, $1.70. Sampi whits: 2 ear. $1.4.- 1 ear. (to. N. mixed: I ear. $1.94. No. ( mixed; 3 cam, $1.46. Sampia mixed: 1 car, $1.90. Sample yellow; 1 car, $1.29. Oats No. I white: 1 cars, (9 Ho. Stand ard: 1 car, ((c; 1 ear, ((Via. No, $ whit: 1 car, ((; car, t9s; t car, 69c Na, 4 white: t car, to; I cars, ((. Sample white: 1 ear. (8 It a, Omaha Cash Prices Corn : No. 4 white, $1.7(01.77, (new) No. ( whits. ().((0L79, (new). Sampi white, (90 (1.(4 (sts). Na. I yellow, (2.1(02.30 (new). No. yellow, (1.24 01.36 (new). Sampi yethrw, $1.(001.36 (new). No. 2 mixed, $2.09 0 2.10 (new). No. 4 mixed, $1.760 Lt (new). Na. a mixed, (1.40 01.45 (new). Sample mixed. t(c01.O9 (new). Oats: No. S whits, 9H09Ho. Standard, ((0(ttt. No. ( whit. 68V60 ((Vie, Ns, 4 white. 40((c. Barley: Malt ing, (1.3I0I.39. No. 1 (sad, (1.9701.16. Rye: No, 1, $1.7301.71V. No. 3. $1.7301.73, Lecsl rang of astlons: Art Corn. May Oats. Deo. May Open. I High. Lw. Close. Test 1 IS (( . 1 29 t7Vt (54 ill 5 1 1$ 110. $ ,(7V (( (6H 96 (6 Chicago 12:19 prices, furnished Th Be cy Logan at Bryan, stock aad gram broker i bsui a itixteenta atrsst. Omaha: Art ) Open. ( High. TLow. Close. I Tea Corn. I j Jan, 1 Hli 1 29 117H 1 $9 11 (Vt Dec. 1 Sit, I 34 131H 1 33 132 May 1 17 1 11 114 1 18 117 Oats. ' Dec. (( (( ((VI (TS (6 May (6 (7 (5 (7 ( Tork. -Jan. 45 (9 4$ 39 4$ (0 4$ 19 4$ (5 Lard. Jan. 24 79 24 (7 24 79 24 (7V 24 (2 May 24 (( 24 It 34 05 24 16 32 (9 Bib. Jan. 24 (I 24 71 24 (9 14 71 24 49 May I 34 29 24 (9 2 16 14 19 34 99 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVTMONH. Haig Victory sad . Scarcity of Car Tend to Advance Corn.' Chicago. Nor. 11. Severe difficulty In obtaining car to mov grain from Interior point to terminal market tended today to advance corn price here and so too did General Halg'e victory. The elo waa un settled, c to lo net higher, with January 11.19 to $1.19 and May $1.17 to $1.17 Oats gained o to c and provisions 7c to 60C It was not until long after the first Dews ef the big British successes wa received that corn showed strength. A s rule, trad ers were not quick to grasp th magnitude of the British achievement and were Inclined to pessimism over prospect of new restric tion on trading. Much uncertainty existed also aa to effect which transportation trou bles would have on values. Advices, how ever, that Implied acuta embarrassment re sulting from Inability to ship with any Tree dom out of rural aectlona led in tne last nan of th day to a decided upturn of prices. A mare eomDlete understanding of the extent of the smashing of tha Hlndenburg defence had also by thi time 'become general and had been emphasised by seourlty gain in Wall atreet. Outs, influenced by corn, soared to sew high price for th eason. A fresh upturn in meat price at Liver pool did much to atrcngtnen provisions. Cash Pricescorn: ro. a ynow nominal No. t yellow nominal; No. 4 yellow, $2.00, Oata: No. 1 white. t(H07Oo: standard. 6(0 79c. Rye: No. 3, (1.79. Barley: ( 01.36. Seeds: Timothy, $5.0007.(9; clo vsr, $29.90016.00. Provisions: Pork noml nal; lard, $27.(6037.(6; rlba, $27.(0. Coffe Market. New Tork, Nor, 11. Coffee The market for coffee futures seemed to be Influenced by the more optlmlstlo view of today's war news, renewed covering and a acattering demand attributed to Investment The opening waa 1 to ( points higher and active months sold about 14 to 17 point above last night' eloalng figures, with December touohlng (.((o and May 7.(8o. Realizing caused slight reactions later with the close showing a net advance of 11 to 12 points, Tha bualnees Included exchanges of Vt cember for May at 45 points, July at 62 and (3 points, and September at 79 and 90 points. December, (.80c) January. (.(0c; March, 7.09c; May, 7.25e; July, 7,42c; September, 7.69c. Spot coffee waa reported in fair demand, with price steady at 7e fer Rio 4s, and 9 c for Santea 4a. Cost and freight offera were about unchanged. Including Santos 4s at (.96o to 9.00o; London credits, steamer ship ment. The official cable reported no change In Brazilian market except Santo market which wore 60 to 100 rei higher. Evaporated Apples sod Dried Fruit. Nw Tork, Nov. 21. Evaporated apple, dull; choice, 16017c; prime, 14016. Prune, scarce owing to delayed shipment; California, t013. Oranges, 12014c Apricots, scare owing to delayed ship ments; fancy, 30c. Peaches, scarce owing to delayed shipments; standard, 13c; choice, 12c: fancy, 13H, Raisins, scarce owing to delayed shipments; loose muscatels, 70 9c; choice to fancy seeded, lO011o; eed lcss, lO01Oc; London layers, (1.(0. New Tork Sugar Market New Tork, Nov. -21. Sugar Raw, mar ket ateady; centrifugal, (tOe; molasses, (.02c. Refined, steady; fine granulated, 8.36c. Liverpool Cottoa Market. Liverpool, Nov. 21. Cotton Spot In limited requeat, prices unchanged; good middling. 22.5(d; middling. 22.06d: low mid dling, 31.63d; good .ordinary. 20.53d; or dinary, 20d. Sales, 4.(00 bates. London Money Market. London, Nov. 31. Money 4 per cant Discount Rates Short bill. 4 per cent) three months' b'lla, 4 per cent. i ."-. ............ - , - - J Silver Bar, 43 d per ounce NEW YORK STOCKS aaMssaaaaaasaaaat British Victory Offsets Pessi mistic Advices From Fetro grad and Dark Italian Situation. New Tork. Nov. 21. Stocks were morn susceptible to favorable Influence today than, at any- time ainc the widespread de pression engendered by ths Russian and Ital ian reversals, Tha British vtctory on the western front and stgniflcaat development.! in I ho domestic Industrial situation offset further pesaimiatlo advices from Petrograd and another slump In Italian exchange. Leaders rose 2 to points after an early period ef Irregularity, caused la part by Pennsylvania's decline to ths minimum of 49. Oalse were Irrsgalarty, but not ma terially impaired on profit taking and short selling toward th close. , United State Steel asserted its long) estab lished leadership, taking the foremost posi tion in tha advaac from its low quotation of 96 In tha first hour to 98. but re acted to (7, a net gain of th malleet frac tion. Other Industrial and equipment. copprs, shipping and war specialties displayed! greater firmness, thoagb yielding from large fraction to a point Industrial Alcohol mad an extreme advance of (, points and a tew speanlatlv hnuea held most et their 2 to 3 point gains. The rebound in rails carried Delaware Hudma from 98 to. (4, whil St. Paul, Louisville At Nashville, Reading and New Haven registered extrera gains ot I to 3 points. Canadian Taalflo retained much of Its 4-pelnt rally, hat ether transeonttnentala were Irregular, Sale amounted to (00,94 (hams. Lire auffered a further collapse ta (.81, with no material ohangs tor other con tinental remittances). Call mosey advanced to 5 per cent, but tlma funds were easier. Bonda were decidedly firmer as broader operations Liberty four snored between (7.99 and 99.34 and th 3s varied from ((.( to (9.12. Total salea ot bonda, par value, aggre gated $(,176,094. On call, United Stare 3a declined par eent and the (our I par cent, Panamaa 3 (193S) 1 aad tvuxa (1961) 4 per cent. Number ef aalea and quotations aa lead ing stock: Salea. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. 1,109 76 71 74 Americas Can...,. 11.400 3D 24 34 Am. Car Fndry... 2,904 66 (4 64 Am. Locomotive. , 5,109 (6 64 54 Am. S. A Refnw.. (.(' 77, 7S 7 Am. Sacar Refng. 1.344 94 9 97 An. Tel. Tel.... 2,(90 10 108108 Am, Zinc. L. a S, 600 15 13 Anaconda Copper., 15,00 69 67 (4 95 94 (9 190 63 67 19 17 Atnhtsoe A. u. t W, I a U 4.100 101 Baltimore a Ohio. 1,700 (3 Rutt A Sup, Cop. 1,100 19 Cal. Petroleum..... " 704 12 13 11 Canadian Paclfia.. 11.309 126 132 135 Central Testher... 24,609 67H SJ 67 hesapeaha A Ohio 1.404 48 49 a 19 l ii 59 19 17 49 4. 29 C. M. di St. Paul. 2.194 Chicago As N. W C R I. A F. otf. 2,990 $4 'i( 41 4) 29 (8 27 St 94 1 41 'I 24 20 61 29 3 Chtao Copper...... 1400 Cal. Fuel A Iroa Corn Prod. Refnsj. 20,109 Cruolblo Steel 1.209 Cuba Can Sugar.. (.700 Distiller1 Security. 17.399 Erla .(,309 " 16 13 General Bloctrtc... 1.690 334 139 131 9,(04 9 (7 9 Owners! Motors. Ot Northers pfd, at. N. Ore ctfs.. 204 97 19 44 99 27 24 17 34 92 92 3,800 2.(00 $7,(00 2,699 1.309 26 41 (7 29 21 16 16 41 ( 21 23 lt nsnlratlos Copper, Int M. M. pfd.... later. Nickel...... Inter, Papr K. C. "out kern. . .. Kanneeott Copper.. 1,209 (.104 XZ 33 Louis. A Nash Maxwell Motor... Mex. Petroleum. , . (04 119 119 lit (04 . 14 21 X (.409 (9 78 400 19 39 (,204 2 - 23 79 29 21 (6 Miami Copper,.... Missouri Pacific... Montana Fewer... Nevada Capper.,., N. T. Central..... 1.94 17 17 17 2,200 73 1 1,909 29 ' 709 10$ 194 102. N. T. N. H. ft. Norfolk West. , Northers Pacific. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania . . . . . 1.060 98 (t, 7 4 11,400 47 4$ 44 44 22 71 74 10 93 26 $9 Pittsburgh voai... ...... ,,;. Ray Con, Copper. t ndlna- IS.oeq "H Ken. Iron A Steel," 72 29 93 24 It Shat. Aria. Copper 500 ,10 Southern Faultier. 109 Southern Railway. 4.704 16 stndebaker Corp... 1.204 Texas Co.. ....... "12 Hnrit V S. Steel.. .....HI."'. tt a CJal ntd... l.u ft -- a to 79 79 7 Wabaah pfd. B".. . Western Union.... 709 S3 Westlngh.. Electrlo ,l 21 21 3 (3 ( $9 ahare. Total sale for tno y, " Vow Tork Money Market, New Tork. Nor. 1.-Mercntlle Pap.r- la.,,H r;,Xn.(0.d.y WU. M3! commercial 60-day bills on bank, $4,711 "mm'rcl.1 (B-d.y bill. $4.70; demand. $4,76; cables, 94.79 t-i. Silver Bar. c; - Bond Government Irregular; railroad. trong. . . ,.,. Tlma Loan r-nsier. "- - iil. 1 day, ($ per cnt;lx month, C$lPMowtronr; high. 6 per cent; low. 4 per oent; ruling mm "" eVnalns bid. ( per eent; offeted at 6 Pr cent; la.t loan, 1 ,' ilz. t(y U. S. is. reg... do coupon.... 91. C. rsf. 4.. 79 TJ. S. 3. reg... $t int. M M. (.. M do coupon.... 99 K, a rcf. 16 17. S. Lib, $... 99 U N. un. 4... 96 U. S. 4s. reg... 104 M. K. T. lt 4 $1 do coupon. ...ii j; - Am F. Sec 6.. 94VlMont Power ta. (9 Am. T. & T. c. 6a (N. Y. C, d.b. (.. 93Vi,.ti.ii Ka. sosaio xac. e.... Armour Co. 4. ( do $;...,..,.. Atch. gen. 4... (3p. L. ref. 4s. B. Ac O. cv. 48. 7 Pao. T. t T. 6. Beth. Bt. ref. 6. 39 Pen. con. 4a.. -... i..thti 95 do sen, 4.. $7 $9 Cent Pacific lt 7(Readlng. n. 4 1( C A O. er 6. 7Jst.i...r-.aaj.a. t C. B. A Q. Jt 4. ((8o. Pae. cv (. (( C.M.St.P.o.4 798o. iRallway (.. $3 C.,R.IAP.rf.4s.. (2T. A P. lt... 90 a ft B. ref. 4 UK union ran. ... " D. R. O.'r. 6 $ 7J. a Rubber (a. 7( an.en (a mil- 3914 TI. 8 Steel (a. 99 Erie gen. 4a....' t Wabah lt . . . Uen. Elee. 6.. 97 , Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Nor. !. Butter Market A.n,.d Esca receipt 4.943 cases; (3 ket unchanged. Potatoe. recelpta, (9 ear; market unchanged. Poultry, alive, market higher; fowl, l(01$o; springs, 10c New Tork Cotton Market. New Tork, Nor. $1. The cotton market today cloaed very steady at a net gala of 21 to (1 point. t Y.M.C. A. War Fund Exceeds Amount Asked by $15,000,000 New York, Nov. 21. Final official returns announced at noon today put the Young ' Men's Christian associa tion war fund above the $50,000,000 mark. The authorized revised total is $50,153,054, or $15,153,054 above the $35,000,000 goal. The contest between the eastern ana central aeparimcnia with headquarters in New York and Chicago, respectively, ended today with the eastern department almost $2,000,000 ahead, the figures being: Eastern department, $20,104,024 and the central department, $18,380,733. King of Belgians Sends His Photograph to Hoover Washington, Nov. 21. An autographed-photograph of King Albert of Belgium came to Food Adminis trator IJoover today with renewed expressions of the king's apprecia tion of the work done for his country men by the Belgian relief commission. From 10c. to $5.25 Union Oil of Cuba recently advanc ed from 10c to $5.25 per share. Cuba is rapidly developing a high-grad ail field oil 1 (elling at $1.08 per bar. rel. Write for Circular "U" containing very interelting information, and list of investment suggestions. U. S. and Caban banking reference. Cuban Securities Co Manaan. U Comas 501 , HAVANA, CUBA. Members Bolsa Libra .d la Havana (Havana Curb Market Association) (0 83 9Mi . un-mar-