Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1917. Tfl PUT VALUATION ON CITY CAR LINES Wednesday We Shall Place on, Sale j I i City Council Requests the State Railway Commis sion to Report on Property. The city council adopted a resolu tion requesting the State Railway commission to make a physical valua tion of the lines and other properties of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company. This information is necessary in connection with three suits pending in district and federal courts between the city and the traction company. One suit relates to franchise rights and the others to rates of fare. "I understand that the railway com missioners have expressed a willing aess to make this valuation if tne city council would send a formal request." explained Corporation Counsel Lam bert, who has charge ofhe sgits started by the city against the street railway company. It.yyould cost the city many thou sand, s of dollars to make this valua tion as experts would have to be en gaged?' The State Railway commis sion has an organization for this class of work. The corporation counsel stated that on one occasion the street railway companv officials placed a valuation of $29,000,000 on their properties in Omaha. I I Topographic Map of Omaha Being Made for Soldiers An area of 300 square miles, com prising Omaha and surrounding ter "itory, is being surveyed and mapped for use by attendants of the balloon school at Fort Omaha. Charles E. Cooke, topographic en gineer of the United State Geological survey, has opened an office in room 406 city hall. He will have a staff of 30 field and office men on the job within a week and the force probably will be increased to 50. These men willlie here for eight weeks. I' dd men are now at work on the prelftninary charting of distance and elevations. The tjiaps will show roads, trees, bodies of water, buildings and other physical features with accurate distances from Fort Omaha and in termediate distances. With one of these maps before him, the observer in a balloon will be able to determine distances and discern objects. Nebraska Sailors to Big Reunion on Coast Nov. 22 P. A. Shirley, son of Mr. and Mrs. T: P. Shirley, 2109 Vinton street, wired the mayor s orhce that on Thursday night of this week Nebraska bluejackets stationed at Vallejo, Cal., will hold a reunion, when telegraphic greetings and sentiments from the 5ctie folks will be read. "Biuejackets from Nebraska hold Reunion November 22. During the Evening telegrams will be read from ome. May we depend on you for support? Also notify Rotary club, Commercial club and Ak-Sar-Ben. Have newspapers notify towns to fend telegraphic greetings. Help us boost Nebraska," was the text of the message. Shirley was a student at High School of Commerce before he en tered the navy. His father is super intendent or Vinton school. Prominent Presbyterians To Be Here Thursday Rev. J. Wilber Chapman, moderator bf the Presbyterian general assem bly; Rev. John F. Carson, Brooklyn, nd Rev. William tl. roulkes, Fhila delphia, who are coming here to par ticipate in the national service com mission rally or the rresbyterian church of the United States, will be ruesls at a luncheon to be given at the University club Thursday noon. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the three members of the national ser vice commission, will address the ministers of the Presbyterian churches of Nebraska; at 6 o'clock they will be guests at a luncheon of ministers and officers ot the Presby terian churches of Omaha and at 7:30 they will conduct a mass meeting. The afternoon meeting, the second lunch eon and the mass meeting will be held in the First Presbyterian church. Jewelry Firm Incorporates; Others Increase Stock The William L. Patten company has filed articles of incorporation with the cor.'grty clerk. William L. Patten, Shiran R. Patten, Alvin E. Patten and others appear as incorporators. The company will engage in the jewelry and musical rnstrument business and has an authorized capital stock of $20,000. The L. V. Nicholas Oil company fijed amended articles of incorpora tion. ' The capital stock will be $250, 000, of which $150,000 will be common ttock. The Empire Holding company makes its capital stock $500,000. The Omaha School Supply com- Eany mates its capital stock $100,000 i its amended articles of incorpora tion. - Former Omaha Boys Ask Some One to Write to Them Lonesome soldiers in South Caro lina, declaring they are from Omaha, have written to The Bee, asking that somebody "back home" get busy and write fthem a letter once in a while. Their names and addresses are: Leo D. Lamb, Owen Mills, Victor Murphv, all of the 41st company, Training Camp, Marine Barracks, Pirie Iclanrl fv C and Cnnnral Hill u ij . i , - - i - , - I First company. Fourth section, "Bat- talion of Death," Paris Island, S. C. I pP m P ST s TEETH DR. McKENNEY Says: "Your satisfaction is es sential to our success," Best Silver Fill ing! 75c - Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth, $4.00 Wonder Paltea worth $13 to $25, Best 22-k Geld Crown $4.00 Wefleae you or refund your monev. McKENNEY DENTISTS 14th and Farnam f32V Famam St. Phone Douglaa 2872. m P P 8 m A Most Extraordinary Purchase A $35,m DRBSiMMG Bought at 25c to 33c on the Dollar And in Some Instances Even Less i And the Selling Prices- Will Be Marked at the Same Ratio The Stock Consists of Thousands and Thousands of Yards and Pieces of Silks, Trimmings, Robes, Velvets, Laces, Embroideries, Wraps, Dress Goods High Grade Imported and Domestic Materials in an Endless Variety of the Most Beautiful Designs. The Biggest Stock of These Fascinating Materials We Have Put on Sale Here in Years. We purchased this $35,000 stock from a most re liable dressmaking establishment, the owner of which died recently, and the heirs, finding that there was'no longer any guiding spirit, decided to dispose of the ef fects and settle up the estate. They communicatee with this establishment be cause they knew this store was big enough to negotiate for the entire lot for spot cash. So this great stock of high grade and desirable mer chandise was obtained by us at such concessions that we are able to quote ridiculously low prices. Robes and Wraps Here are some of the most fascinating wearables you have seen for some time magnificent outer wraps for evening wear and itis in this group that some of the most astonishing values of the entire stock are noted. Robes Tunics Dresses Bodices Street Wraps Panels Afternoon Wraps Inserts Evening Wfraps All styles-4-beaded. sequin, iridescent, with silk embroidery, silk brocade, oriental lace, velvet and lace combinations. Prices are: 95c, $1.50, $1.95, $2.95, $3.39, $4.95, $5.75, $9.95 up to $24.95 The Beautiful Laces This is one of the most comprehensive stocks we have had to talk about in years, embracing scores and scores of beautiful effects. Metallic Laces, gold and silver, steel and bronze. Colored Novelty Flouncings, 18 to 36 inches wide. Silk Chantilly Lace Flouncings, 18 and 27 inches wide, black and white. Venise Allovers, in white and cream. Black Silk Venise Allovers and Edges. Fine St. Gall Laces, Bands and Edges. Princess Laces and Medallions beautiful. Point Applique Medallions, so much sought after. Venise Laces, Edges, Bands and Medallions, in cream and white. Prices are: $1.95, $1.59, 98c, 59c7 50c 39c, 25c, 15c, 10c, 5c, and 2c a yard. Dress Trimmings Jet Bands, so desirable right now. - Iridescent Laces and Bands in variety. N . (Sequin) Lace Flouncings and Bands. Colored Beaded Laces and Bands. Colored Embroidered Bands. , Fancy Tassels, in wide assortments. Fringes, gold -and silver beaded. Silk Fringes, in fancy colors. v Beaded Medallions and Ornaments. Fancy Braids, in white and colors. Fancy Buckles, in every good style. Black Silk Frogs, all sizes and styles. Prices are: $1.50, 95c, 75c, 50c, 25c, 15c, 10c, 5c, 3c, 2c The Buttons More than 100 different styles of Buttons for cloaks, suits and dresses, to be sold in three lots lc, 2V2C and 5c Each Suitings and Coatings In this lot you will find durable, desirable and styl ish Dress Goods that can be obtained for a mere song. Tweeds Basket Weaves Mixtures Fine Cheviots Also Striped Suitings, Serges and Gabardines, in Navy and Midnight Blue. These come in suit and coat lengths AND JUST ONE LENGTH OF A KIND. Values from $2.50 to $4.00 At $1.50 a Yard The Silks and Velvets - Regardless of former prices we have grouped all worth up to $10.00 and will sell at $2.95 a yard. High Grade Novelties and Velvets s At $2.95 a Yard Worth to $10.00 a Yard This lot consists of : 36 and 40-Inch Imported Plain Chiffon Velvet. Silver and Gold Embossed Satins. Crepes and Meteors in variety. Velvet Brocades that are beautiful. Matelasse in charming embossed designs. Many other exquisite novelties. None of these have more than one dress pattern, other pieces ranging in lengths from 2 to 312 yards. Novelty Silks and Velvets (Imported Plain Effects) At $1.00 a Yard Values to $1.95 a Yard Very beautiful silks and ;elvets, in wonderful va riety. . Novelty Georgettes Plain Georgettes Chiffons Plushes Taffetas Velvets N Voiles Satins And a Good Assortment of Brocades Lengths range from 2 to 10 yards. Jf ll j All These Items TV T 0 I I ih: DMite Stores Extra Facilities for Quick Satisfactory Shopping in This Sale. ' vmmvvmmwmmvx :