fHE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1917. 11 REAL ESTATEIMPROVED fc. ' Miscellaneous. WOULD YOU BUY A REAL BARGAIN? So, Slat.' 8 room, all modern house, built of heavy timbers, large floored at tic, east front, tins Bhicle, large garage. 1 or S cars. Lot 50x150 feet, paving paid, block car line. Make us an offer. HIATT COMPANY 145 Ol-aha National Bank Tyler It. , DANDY new 6-r. bungalow, 1 floor, entirely modern, quartered oak and fir finish, oak floors, dandy fixture and decorations. New S-r. bungalow, 1 floor, paved street Small payment down and easy monthly payments. Seward Bros.. STS Brandeis. Doug. 3S40 W. FARNAM SMITH A Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, 1329 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. J. J. MULVIHILL. Realtor, 200 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. K. R. S. TRUMBULL, .301 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. - D. 1731 REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Call ma tonight and make an appoint ment to see a lot. I will sell tor about what lots adjoining It have been sold for. This lot la only block to car and paved street; haa good cement sidewalks to car 11ns; city water and gaa in the street; only 3 blocks to one of the largest new school houses in Omaha. This is in a restricted district and new homes, costing from 32,500 to 33,000, ara built all around it, I llvs block from this lot, and eAuM show it to you almost any time. it-mall cash payment, balance monthly. JPfeUphone Walnut 3466. REAL ESTATE Investment "Investments- plus value 110.600 Brick flats, 34th and Dewey, at 3106 per month. $14,000 Business property on Leavenworth, ' leased at 31,600 a year, one tenant. 115,000 New brick flats, four apartments, Jtfth and St. Mary's Ave., rented at 3140 per month. 130,000 24th and Douglas, 60x163; rental, 31,800 a year; ground along worth the money. 130,000 Brick store building on 14th St ; two high-class tenants at 33,000 a year. Ground 80x132. 180,000 Full lot with brick Improvements one block of Hotel Rome. Right in line for increase in value and the rents pay 32,650 a year. 38,000 cash will handle. 350,000 High-class apartment house, close in on Harney St. 34,000 a year net, which is better than 10 per cent net on the equity. Would consider desirable smaller property as part payment Glover tic Spain ( (Realtors) Douglas 2362. 913-20 City National. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P, TUKEY ft SON, REALTORS, 120 First Nat Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'net Pr'pty YOUNQ A DOHERTY, City Real Ejtate, Douglas 1571. 322 Brandeis Theater. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist in downtown businesa property. REAL ESTATETRACKAGE FINE site on B. A M. R R., size 85x165; can be bought cheap; terms. C. A. Grira roel. Phono Douglas 1615. EAL ESTATETo Exchange UISIANA Lands. Nllsson. 433 Rosa Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES, Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sura and fee GEORGE & CO. 302 City National Bank Bldg. Homes" and home sites In Dundee, SHULER ft CARY, 204 Keellne. t. E074. Florence, H ACRES NORTH OF FLORENCE, Just off of paved road at the top of the hill, 1 miles from, Florence; west slope; fine building site with shade. Price 3360 per acre. Cell Tyler 50 and as for Mr. Manvtlle. HASTINGS 4k HEYDEN, 1614 Harney. Acreage. FIVE very fine garden lots, close to oar line close to school, just outside the city limits, where you do not have to pay city taxes; an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or , garden; the owner hat moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once; price $92 "each; terms, 60c a week on each lot Call Walnut 3466. today or In the evening. WANT TO RENT OR BUY A feed lot for sheep or cattle. On railroad, In or ear Omaha. Box 3023 Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. ii ACRES nice lakeshore 3350, 350 cash; 40 acres, 10 cultivated, new frame house, barn, borders nice lake, 38t0, 3200 cash. Tom O. Mason, Cumberland, Wis. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for b and 6-room houses and bungalows with 3200 to 3500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 496. 701 Oma. Nat. Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbnch Blk. D. 3607. FINANCIAL jteal Estate, Loans and Mortgages. per cent first mortgages secured by Improved real estate located In Omaha. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., -538 Keellne Bldg. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Interest 6' per cent, 6 per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Fafnam St., Omaha, Neb. 32,600 MTGE., bearing 6 pet. semi-ann.; secured by mortgage valued at 88,000. Tal-mage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W, Bldg. SHOPEN & CO., PRIVATE MONEY. H. W. BINDER. Money on band for mortgage loan City National Bank Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. C1 no CITY LOANS. GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 501 MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, IP 916 Omaha Nat. Ban Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha NatM. 3100 to 310,000 MADE promptly. - F. D Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam fits. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches, Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 3lTBran dl Theater Bldg D. 686 " LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS A SON. Keelln. Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. 340, 6 mo.. H. goods, total cost, 83.50. (40, G mo., indorsed notes, total cost, 32.69. Smaller, large am'te proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Rose Bldg,. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LEGAL RATE8 LOANS 324.00 3240.00 'or more, Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 740 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2295. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and jewelry loans at 1 and 3", per cent. W. C. Flatau; eatab. 1892. 6th floor Rose-8ecurltle Bldg. Tyler 960. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 5619. Km. 1891. Horse Live Stock Vehicles Jl TEAM of horses for sale cheap. Call Mr. Sam Noble, 1246 South 14th St Douglas 6395. 1,600-POUND team, at coal office at 24th and Burdette. Webster 2883. Persistent Advertising Is the Road tPjCuccess. FOR Rr NT HOUSES Miscellaneous. 3619 CAPITOL Ave., 9-r all mod. ...326.00 2414 Maple, 4-r all mod., bargain. .823.60 g, 2 Bancroft, 6-r., part mod ...... SI 3.00 s22 Camden Ave.. 6-r., acre.. 313. 00 RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. HOMES FOR 100 FAMILIES. Several thousand acres, located one to 1 four miles from Crowley, Ordway, Sugar City and seven miles from Rocky Ford. Colo; main lines Missouri Paclfio and Santa Fe. This land produces large yields alfalfa, corn, wheat, oats, barley, cattle and sheep feeding, dairying and hog raising very profitable. The 1911 crop under the-Twln Lakes system, alfalfa, about 30,000 acres; corn and other grain about 7,000 acres; sugar beets. 6.000 acres and other Intensive and general farming. Special Homeseekers' Excursion the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Soil survey report on this land by N. A. Beng stora of the University of Nebraska and Missouri Pacific booklets on this farming district free. If you are looking for a home do not delay, but phone or see as at once tor full Information and rates. Liberty bonds accepted same as cash at 105. We know this land. Phone Tyler -2826. B. H. Talmadge, Vice President The Twin Lakes Land and Water Co. or B R. Follmer Co., 936 Nat'l, Omaha. HOMES FOR 100 FAMILIES. Several thousand acres, located one to four miles from Crowley, Ordway. Sugar City and seven miles from Rocky Ford, Colo.; main lines Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe. This land produces large yields 'alfalfa, corn, wheat, oats and barley. Cat tle and sheep feeding, dairying and hog raising very profitable. The 1917 crop un der the Twin Lakes system, alfalfa, about 30,000 acres; corn and other grain about 7,000 acres; sugar beets, 6,000 acres, and other Intensive and general farming. Spe cial Homeseekers' Excursion the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Soli sur vey report on this land by N. A. Benglson of the University of Nebraska and Mis souri Paclfio booklets on this farming dis trict free. If you are looking for a home do not delay, but phone or see us at once for full information and rates. Liberty bonds accepted same as cash at 105. We own this land. Phone Tyler 2826. B. H. Talmage, Vice President. The Twin Lakes Land and Water Co., or H. R. Follmei Co., 986 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE 480 acres, level, black soil wheat land, near Julesburg, e 22-10-45 and s. w. 18-10-46. Good terms. Will F. Sledentopf. owner. Council Bluffs, la. Colorada land for sale. Sunday, Novem ber 18, to and Including Sunday, November 25 Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 310 cash and 35 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. MUNGER. A-119, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. OWNER must sell at sacrifice, 290-acre stock and grain farm, 9 miles railroad; good Improvements, 940 per acre; terms. Gilmour, Pomona. Mo. GREAT bargains--36 down, 35 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only 9220. Address Fox 282, Springfield, Mo, Nebraska Lands, A FIRST class 246-acre farm, 8 miles from Crotton, Neb., well Improved, all good land, located In the rain and corn belt of northeastern Nebraska; also In a German Catholic settlement. Will sell at 3100 an acre; easy terms. See John Will, German. Neb, 8M LL Nebraska farm on easy payments i acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association, 16th and Howard St., Omaha, Douglas 9971. 40 ACRES irrigated land, every acre flrst class; all fenced and In crop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Price $4,000. Box 306. Oakland, Neb. SPLENDID RANCH, party Irrigated. 600 acres near North Platte. Great bargain, $40 acre. G. P. 8TEBBINS 1610 Chicago. LIST your lands for quick results with C J. Canan. 810 McCague Bldg., Omaha. Oregon Lands. NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT. HEART OF THE RANGE. Get on the ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You can grow stock successfully and cheaply. Excursion Dec. 4. Send foi bulletin. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Texas Lands. LANDS at fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile lands of South Texas, Immediately adjaoent fine mar ket Farming and dairying demonstra tion under our direction. Only Improved . lands offered for sale. If you want to - own a farm, write for Booklet J, Agricul tural Dept., Chamber of Commerce, Hous ton, Tex. SEE us for Texas land. We furnish cattle. You pay from profits, Thomas Olson, 407 Karbach Bldg. GOOD corn land. East Texas, $26 aa acre. Get my free book. W. 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Miscellaneous. MONONA and Woodbury counties, la., lands; also eastern Colorado and western Kan sas wheat lands. Phone Tyler 2362. II. R. FOLLMER CO., 936 First Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RANCH bargains, all sizes, good terms. A. A. Patzman, 301 Karbach Blk FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your farm with us If you want to keep It. K. P. SNOWDEN ft SON, 423 8. 16th. Douglas 9971. WAI TED S'O acres Pierce county, Neb. Owners only. tillable. Give good de scription, price and terms. 301 Karbach Blk.. O tana. Neb, WOULD like to hear .from party who has 5 or 10 acres for sale on terms. Box 8975, Omaha Bee. FARMER Age 47, with three boys, wants to rent farm on shares. Box 396, Wahoo, Neb. WANTED TO RENT Ten acres or more for cash. Box 8976, Omaha Bee. WANTED Small place suitable for raising ' hogs and poultry. Box Y-277, Omaha. Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK OMAHA POULTRY ASSN holds tts annual show at Auditorium No vember 26 to December 2. DON'T MISS IT. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Lessening of C-Boat Danger Has Bullish Effect on Corn. Chicago, Nov. 20. Changes of enlarged exports resulting from the lessening of U-boat danger had a decided bullish effect today on corn. Prices closed strong, lc to 2c net higher, with January 31.18 1.18 and May $1.161.17. Oats gained lc to lc and provisions 16o to 57c. Corn prices went up grade from the start and finished at substantially the topmost point reached. Attention focused chiefly on Lloyd George's statement that there was no new fear of the submarine menace. Bank ers drew the inference that ocean trade would be greatly facilitated and that much more corn than had been figured on would find an outlet over seas. In this connection, sharp notice was taken of remarks by Chair man Wheeler of the Illinois council of de fense emphasising the shortage of wheat. The better tone of the New York stock market tended further to strengthen corn. About the only cheok on the advance came from weather conditions likely to Improve the quality of the new crop. Oats mounted to the highest prices yet this season. Buying on tha part of sea board interests acted as a dominating in fluence. Government action, retaining the maxi. mum price limit at Liverpool counted toward lifting provision value3 here. On the bulges, though, realizing sales were in evidence. Cash Prices Corn: No. 2 yellow, old, $2.30; Nos. 3 and 4 yellow, nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 6768c; standard, 6$69e. Rye: No. 2, 91.78 1.78ft. Barley: 31.10 ti l.35. Seeds: Timothy, 36.004( 7.60; clover, $20.00026.00. Provisions: Pork, Nominal; lard, I27.47S27.67: ribs, 327.50. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts. 6,700 head; market steady; native beet steers, $8.0016.00; yearling stem and heifers, $7.0016.00; cows, $6.00011.00; stockers and feeders, 36.5011.00; Texas quarantine clears, 36.7540.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.O0S12.75; beet cows and heifers, I6.018.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $,i.60 1 1.00; native calves, $5.75 013.00. Hogs Receipts, .2,300 head; market, higher; lights, $17.4 5 17,75; pigs, $15.26 17.25; good heavy, $ ;7.7617.90; mixed and butchers, $17.60 17.1 0; bulk of sales, $17.46 17.86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 17,000 head; market, steady; lambs, $13. 00017.50; ewes, $10.0011.00; wet) era, $11.0012.26; can ners? $5.00 8.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph. Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts, I, $00 head; market steady; steers. 18.00 14.60: cows and heifers, $5.25 13.00; calves, $6.O011.5O. - Hogs Receipts. 8,000 head; market higher; top, $17.89; bulk of sales, $17.60 17.70. s Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.000 head; market higher; lambs, $12.00f 17.50; ewes, $6.00U.5O. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Market Active; Beef Steers 15c Up; Shipping Hogs 15c Up; Sheep 25c Higher. Omaha, November $0, 117. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 31,648 Estimate Tuesday ....13,800 8.413 (.414 4.100 11.700 Two days this week..8S,S4$ 13,612 17.114 Same days last week.. 37.503 11.757 16,639 Same days I wks. ago.23.540 8,605 31.992 Same days 3 wks. ago.25,537 4.837 37.683 Same days 4 wks. ago.27,601 7,379 67,693 Same days last week. .25,415 26,654 29.096 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, for twenty, four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. ft St. P.... 1 6 4 Wabash . . 2 Missouri Pailtlo ..1 1 Union Pacific 126 12 & 3 C. A N. W., east.. 11 6 7.. C. ft N. W.. west.. 353 33 14 1 C, St. P., M. ft C. 8 5 5 C, B. ft Q.. east.. 13 3 3 C, B. & Q , westlSS 13 11 C. R. I. ft P.. east 15 3 3 Illinois Central .... 1 1 Chi. Great West... 4 1 655 1,874 1,767 1.713 60 7 71 70 292 718 816 652 1,767 72 Total receipts ,.495 69 61 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Morris A Co , Swift ft Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Pack. Co.... S. O. Pack. Co Wilson Pack. Co.... Swift, K. C Kohr Pack. Co W. B. Vansant Co.. Benton, Vansant ft L. Hill ft Son F. B. Lewis Hunslnger ft O...... J. B. Root ft Co.... J. H. Bulla Burress Rosenstock Bros. . . F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer ft Degen Ellis ft Co Sullivan Bros Rothschild ft Krebs.. Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co . . Christie Huffman Roth Meyers Glassberg Baker, Jones ft 8. . . Banner Bros John Harvey Jensen ft Lungren. Dennis & Francis .. Pat O'Day Sheep. 880 1,948 1,484 3.140 141 78 165 728 73 113 273 61 666 479 633 66 31 14 94 64 27 37 12 2 . 08 65 1,431 $24 33 29 Other buyers 1,965 6,869 Total receipts ....14033 4,307 13,314 Cattle Receipts of cattle today were about the same as on last Tuesday, around 13,800 head being reported In. In spite of tne fact that supplies for the two daya have been extremely large the market opened out active this morning on all kinds of stock. Beef steers, which were rather scarce again today, and sold strong to as much as 1015o higher, while the feeder market was again active and steady to strong on anything desirable. There was a firmer tone to the market for butcher stock, and only the faot that sellers were asking sharply higher prices prevented of' ferlngs from changing hands early, as buy ers were bidding good steady figures right from the start Nothing real toppy In the beet steer line was Included in the early arrivals. Some choice feeder brought $13.00. Quotations on cattle: Prima heavy beeves, $15.00 16.00; good to choice beeves, $14.00 44116.00: fair to good beeves, $12.004913.60 common to fair beeves, $7.O0ll.O0; good to choice yearlings, $14.00016.00; fair to good yearlings, $13.00014.90; common to fair yearlings, $6.60011.00; prime heavy grass beeves, $12.00 13.60; good to choice grass beeves, $10.0011. 60, fair to good grass beeves, $9. 00 1 0.00; common to fair - . T nnao rn. . . .k.l.. heifers, $8.009.36; good to choice cows, 37.7609.35: fair to good cows, $6.2107.60; common to fair cows, $5.266.00; prime, feeding (Steers. $11.50013.00; good to choice feeders, $9.00011-25; fair to gooa teeners, $7.5008.75; common to fair feeders, -$6.00 7.00; good to choice stockers, $8.60010.00; stock heifers, $6.608.0O; stock cows, $6.00 7.60; stock calves, 96.oooio.4o; veai calves, $9.00012.50; bulls, stags, etc., $5.6008.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 620 6 00 1 770 6 60 1. 830 7 00 $11 7 60 4 700 8 00 19 ..1131 12 4,0 86 1339 12 65 NEBRASKA. 16 feeders. 949 10 40 9 cows... 855 $ 50 8 clsfthf 208 8 00 100 calves.. 328 ( 00 WYOMING. 8 steers.. 795 7 00 71 y'rllngs $78 I 00 32 yrlings 650 9 50 32 y'rllngs 650 9 60 Hogs Receipta of hogi today were con siderably lighter than yesterday, and the market was active from the start Shipper trade was 10 15c higher, and they bought most of their hogs on the early rounds. Packers were also ready buyers, their trade looking anyway 1620c higher then yes terday. An early clearance was made, prac tically everything being sold before 10 o'clock. A top of 317.75 was paid for a choice load of shipping hogs, while bulk moved at 317.60 17.66. Pig receipts were rather light today, and the market in this division was about steady. A load of rather heavy stock pigs changed hands at $20.00 Representative sales: No. A v. Bh. Pr. No. At. flh. -Pr. 66. .245 180 $17 40 13. .338 ... $17 60 13. .338 ... 17 60 67. .271 80 17 65 42. .289 ... 17 60 47. .210 ... 17 65 56. .303 ... 17 70 70. .233 ... 17 76 PIGS. 117..101 ... 19 50 139..101 ... 20 25 Sheep Receipts of sheep and lambs were a little more liberal today. Late arrivals of stock again delayed the trading on the early rounds. The market was generall" 25o higher, choice fat lambs selling around $17.25, fat ewes in good flesh touching $11.26. Some light weight ewe lambs brought $19.00. Feeder lambs were In very good demand at stronger prices, the best selling around $18.00. Breeding ewes sold higher than the past week, and brought $16.60. Fat sheep were in good demand, the supply being rather scarce, and were quoted nominally 26c higher. Tho best sold on the early market at $11.25. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.0017.60; lambs, feeders, $17.00018.25; lambs, culls, $10 00014.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $11.60l3.26; year lings, feeders, $1 2.00 13. 00 ; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00012.50; ewes, fair to choice, $9.2611.60; ewes, breeders, $10.50016.60; ewes, feeders. $7.60019. SO; wees, culls and canners, $6.0007.25. Representative sales: No. Av.' Pr 267 fed lambs 84 $16 76 98 native feeding yearlings. .. .134 13 10 72 Wyoming ewes 94 10 76 133 Wyoming wethers 89 12 75 229 native lambs 88 17 00 Kansas City Live .Stock Market. Kansas City, Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts, 21.000 head: market steady; prime fed vteers. 315.60O16.75: dressed beef steers. 11.00O15.00; western steers, $8.00013.00; cows, $4.60010.00; heirers, iB.oowia.oo; tnckers and feeders, $6.75ir.60; bulla, $5.2$ 05.70; calves. $6.60 11.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head: market higher; bulk of sales, $17.50017.70; heavy, $17.70017.80: packers and butchers, $17,600 17.75; light, $17.35017.65; pigs, $17.2517.90. Sheep and LambsReceipts, 6,000 head; market, higher; Iambs, $17.00017.60; year lings $12.00014.00; wethers, $11.00013.00; ewes, $10.00011 75. 1 r Sioux City Live Stock Market, Sioux City, Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts, 1, 700 head; market lOo higher; beef steers, $8.50016.09; fat cows anoT heifers, $6.75 9.50; canners, $5.2696.60; stockers and feeders. $8.6012.50; calves, $8.0012.00: bulls, stags, etc., $6.2608.50; feeding cows and heifers. $5.758.26. Hogs Receipts. 4,500 head; market So to 20c higher: light, $17.3017.46; mixed, $17.4017.60; heavy, $17.5017.70; pigs. $19.00020.00; bulk of sales, $17.40017.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market strong. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 20. Turpentine, firm, 4747c; sales, 263 bbls.; receipts, 349 bbls. ; shipments, 10$ bbls. stock, 2$,602 bbls. Rosin, firm; sales, 1,111 bbls.; receipts, 1,570 bbls.; shipments, 837 bbls.; stock, 77,71$ bbls. Quotations: B, D, E, F, $6.80: O, $.809 6.321 ; H, $6.25; I. $6.40; K, $6.6606.76; M, $6.8O7.00; N, $7.50, WG, $7.65; WW, $7.70. New York Dry Goods Market. New York, Nov. 20. Cotton goods here today were strong and active. Bleached and browns are rising and Jobbers buying more freely. Yarns were higher and silk quiet. Men's wear was firm with spot demand steady. Burlaps were firm. GRAIN ANDPRODDCE Volume of Trading Small and Arrivals Light, But Local Demand Good; Corn and Oats Strong. Omaha, Nov. SO, 1917. Arrivals of grain today were extremely light, only 100 cars being reported in the local yards, the bulk of these being wheat ai.d oats, with 33 cars and 60 cars, respec tively. Cora receipts were only nine cars; only one or two of these were old corn. Receipts of rye were six cars, and those of barley two cars. The volume of business transacted today was small, due to light arrivals. The local demand, however, for practically all arrivals waa fairly good, and mostly everything was sold. Corn was strong, the No. 2 mixed old selling at $2.0863.10, and one car old No. 3 mixed also brought $2.10. No. 6 white new sold at $1.35 and No.' $ yellow at $1.65. and sample yellow at 85c and $1.05. No. 6 mixed sold at $1.40 and the sample mixed at 45c and 60c, the 45c car being hot and rotten, while the other car, which sold at 56c, contained 30 per cent moisture. Some of the corn is being dried here by elevator men, while much of Jt is going east to alcohol manufacturers. Oats continue to be the feature avtlcl' the market, and sales of this article were made at a sharp advance, generally J HO 34o over yesterday's quotstlons. Tha ex port inquiry was rather light, while tho local demand was fairly good. No. 2 white sold at 68 jo and the standard grade at 684c. while No. 3 white oats went at 66c. No. 4 white brought 67 c and 68c, and the Bales of sample oats were made at 6itc. Rye and barley continue to bo In Rood de mand, and these offerings were taken quite readily. Rye was unchanged to a cent off. while barley sales brought yesterday's prices. No. T rye so(d at $1.72V and the No. 2 at $1.7201.72 H. Tho No. 4 grade of barley sold at 91.22. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 258,000 bushels; corn, 65,000 bushels; oats, 65,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 875,000 bushels and shipments 671,000 bushels, against receipts og 1,700,000 buhrls and shipments of 1,081,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 639.000 bush els and shipments 168,000 bushels, against receipta of 1,116,000 bushels and shipments of $22,000 bushels 1st year. Primary oats receipts were 1,296,000 bush els and shipments 1,102,000 bushels, against receipts of 826,000 bushels and shipments of 1,047,000 bushels last year CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 92 4U 421 Minneapolis 243 Duluth ....224 Omaha .13 9 60 Kansas City 72 37 44 St. Louis 68 110 47 Winnipeg 1,165 ... ... These sales were reported today.' Wheat No 2, hard winter; 1 car. 32.12 No. 8, hard winter; 2 cars. $2.09; No. 2, dark hard winter; 1 car, $216; No. 1. dur um: 1 car, $2.1$; No. 1, durum: 1 bulkhead, $2.12; No. 3. durum; 1 car. $2.09; No. 1 Northern spring; 1 bulkhead. $2.15; No. 3, sort white; 1 car, $2.07. Rye No. 1: 1 car, $1.7i4. No, 1: cars. $1.734: H car, $1.72. No. 3: 1 car, 1.7!V Sample:. 1 car, $1 7L Barley No. 4: 1 ear, $1.23. Corn No. 3 mixed: 3-6 car (old), $.1; S car, $3.98. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $3.19. No. 9 mixed: $ cars, $1.40. No. 6 mixed; car. $1.32. Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.65; 1 car. $1.45. No. $ white: 1 car, $1.35. No. : yollow: J car. It 66. Sample yellow: 1 car. $1.05; 1 cr. Sic. Oats No. r white: 3 cars, 68 S& Stand ard: J car, 4svc. No. 3 while: $ cars, 6Sc. No. 4 white; 1 car. 6Sc; 3 cars, 74o. Samplo while: 4 cars, 6" He. No. 3 mixed: X CUT, $7 c , Omaha Cash Prices Corn. No. $ white new, $1. 3001.35; No. 3 yellow new. $3.16 4)2.20; No. 3 yellow now, $1.5001.35: sam ple yellow n. w, 85cO$l 06: No. 3 mixed, $3.0803.10: No. 3 mixed, $3.0802.10; No. 5 mliej new. $1.3501. 40: No. 6 nilxed new. $1.300 1.32; ' sample mixed new, 45065c. Oats No. 2 white, 64H068HC standard. 6!iOt!SHc: No. 2 white, 6740$Sc; No. 4 white. S7ii4j.7i. Harley Malting, $1.3201.28; No. I feed, ll.Mtfl.l. Rve No. I. $1.7201.724: No. 3, $1.714iO l.Ta-i. Local range of options: "krt. Open. ) Huh. Low. Close. Test. Corn.-j Dec. 11 I 16 I16 1 16 1116 Mny 113 1 13 111 1 13 .113 Oats. D.-c. 64 66 64 66 SH May 65 6& 5 65 43 NEW YORK STOCKS Decision of Railway Men to Place Interests With Govern ment Is Further Stimulus to Values. Chicago .3:30 prices, furnished The Bee by Losan ft Bryan, stock and grain broker, i 316 South .Sixteenth street. Omaha: Art Open. High. Low. Close. Yea Corn. I Jan. 1 16 1 13 llH 1 17 116 Dec. 1 30 1 20 l!l 1 20 1194 May 1 15 1 17 115 1 16 116 Oats. Dec. 65 66 64 66 44 May 65 66 64 64 64 Tork. Jan. 43 30 45 66 46 30 46 40 4$ 07 Lard. Jan. 24 4$ 24 65 34 40 24 57 24 40 May 23 70 Rlhs. .tan. 24 85 24 40 25 24 37 24 13 May 24 00 34 03 23 90 23 95 32 65 Chicago live Htork Market. Chicago, Nov. 20 Cattle Receipts. 11,. ono head; market firm. Native steers, $7.2616.00; western steers. $6.00013.66; .suickirs and feeders, $5.86011.80; cows and heifers. $(.70011.90; calves, $6.75013.75. Hnga Receipts, 27,900 head: market strong. Bulk of sales. $17.60017.90: light. $17.20017.89; mixed, $17.30017.90: heavy, $17.30017 90; rough, $17.20017.46; pigs, $14.60917:75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13,000 head; market strong. Wethers. $8.76012.90; ewes, $7.60011.40; lambs, $12.40017.40. New York Sugar Market. New York, Nov. 20. Sugar Raw, mar ket steady; centrifugal, $6.90; molasses sugar, $6.02? refined sugar, steady; fin granulated. $8.86. New York, Nov, !0.-Th decision of the railway executive to place their interest with the Kovernment In the event of further labor difficulties and the more encouraging reports from abroad acted aa further stimulus to values In the stock market today. Gross gains of 3 to almost 6 point In leading Issues were well sustained, despite Intermittent realtxlng for profits. Shippings and standard equipments were the chief elements of strength with copper sad kindred stocks. During tho morning and In the last hour trading waa more active and broader than at any time since the adoption of restrictive measures by the stock exchange. Much of today's advance was made at the expense of the long existent short Interest. United States Steel, relatively In the back ground recently, furnished much of the day's proptiNion on Its advance of 1 points to SC'i, the hlgheat quotation iilnce the early part of the month. Other steels notably Bethlehem, Crucible and Irka. wanna, as well aa Republic Iron and Colo. raln Fuel, gained 1 to 3 points. Oils, motors, sugara and secondary equip ments contributed Immeasurably to the euh slantlal net gains of the session, together with war specialties in which pool activity was revived. Kalis were held back until the last hour by occasional heaviness In Canadian Pacific, Vnlnn Pacific and Delaware A Hudson, bat tended higher as a group, low grade or or ganised shares reflecting a lower Inquiry. Sales amounted to 765,000 shares. Most call loana were again made at $ per rentand time accommodstlona hardened for the longer dates. Foreign exchange was unaltered, except for the new low rate of 8.75 for Urea. Distinct Improvement was shown by all classes of bonds. The liberty fours rsnged from 97 to 97.80, with greater activity in the 8s at 99 to 99.23. Total sales, par value, egrfregalcd $4,926,000. Vnlted States bonds old Issues were unchanged on call. Number of sale and quotations on leading stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar. 1.100 734 73 73 American Can .... 11.100 35 34 i 35 Amer. C. ft F. . . . 1,900 61 44 64 Amer. locomotive .. 73 61 63 64 Amer. . ft R. 16,300 74Vi 73 76 Amer. Sugar Ref.. 900 96 94 96 Amer. T. ft T . . . . 600 10M, 107 108 Amer. Z., L. ft 8.. 600 13 18 13 Anaconda Copper.. 19,100 69 66, 67 Atchison 1.600 96 86 86 A O. ft W. I. S. U 3.300 63 62 63 Butte ft Sup. Cop.. 1,000 16 16 16 Cat. Petroleum.... 600 13 12 13 Canadian Pacific. 7,000 133 132 113 Central Leather .. 7,700 64 63 64 Ches. A Ohio 4,600 4S 48 48 C, M. ft 8t. T.... 8,400 89 37 89 C. ft N. W 800 96 95 96 C. R. I. ft P. ctfs.. 3,300 19 18 19 Chlno Copper 4,700 41 39 41 64.000 3,000 700 1.009 9,800 . ' ' 300 9,200 1,900 14.200 509 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 1.469 Cora Product Ref. 26,809 Crucible Steel.... 9,609 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 999 Distillers' Securities $.20 Erie 19,900 General Electric... 200 General Motor.... 16,600 Great No. pfd 17,700 Great No. Or Ctfs. 1,709 Illinois Central... Inspiration Copper, 4.800 Int. M. M. pfd.... Inter. Nickel Inter. Paper K. ,C, Southern... Kennecott Copper.. Louisville ft Nash. Maxwell Motors... Mex. Petroleum.... Miami Copper..... Missouri Pacific... Montana Power.... Nevada Copper New York Central. 2.900 N. Y N. HAH.. 1,0 Norfolk A Western 309 Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel.. Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal... Ray Con. Copper.. Reading Rep. Iron A Steel. Shattuck Arts. Cop. Southern Pacific. . Southern Railway. . Studebaker Corp... Texas Company.... Cnlon Pacific IT. 8. Ind. Alcohol. V. S. Steel 165,100 l'. a Steel pfd 900 Utah Copper 9,900 Wabash pfd. "V'l. 600 Western Union... . 1,300 Westlnghous Eleo. 4.309 Total sale for the day. 34 33 tlM 38 37 18 $6 14 $6 2$ 27 17 S$ 34 85 15 14 15 129 128 129 90 87 89 92 91 92 2$ 25 3$ 95 44 43 49 92 94 97 26 3$ 36 22 21 16 16 33 32 24 3.30O 309 7.600 " V,706 1,10 8,7 1,300 2.990 6,600 3,900 3.900 3,90ft 3,700 21 16 33 .... lis 23 34 79 79 79 28 37 3$ 24 22 34 66 $6 66 17 73 79 71 16 28 $ 103 103 191 8$ 86 $7 24 14 14 It 48 47 47 44 32 32 11 72 70 71 74 71 14 30 19 19 93 13 91 35 14 li 39 11 It 141 139 149 117 11$ lit 106 104 10 96 94 96 168 107 108 78 $ 77 21 It It 93 81 $ 39 38 28 765,099 share. foffe Market. New York, Nov. 29 Coffee The market for coffee futures showed a somewhat steadier tone today, but early advance were not fully maintained. The opening was Ir regular at an advance of 1 point to' a de cline of 3 points, but there were foreign buy ing order around the ring, while it also appeared that tha recent decline had son far enough to attract covering. Report of a steadier ton In the coat and freight situation encouraged the buying, which car rind March contracts up to 7.08c and May to 7.17c, or about J to ( points net higher. Part of thl gain wa lost under realising In the late trading with the close net I point lower to I points higher. December, 1.68c; January. 6.78c; March, 6.97c; May, T.13c; July. 7.30c; September, 7.47c Spot, Irregular; Rio 7s, 7o; Santos 4s. 9o. A better supply of firm offer wa reported in the cost and freight market, but It wa aald that none of them was a, low aa the lowest of yesterday. Well described Santos 4s were said to be offered at 1.95c, London credits. Liverpool Cotton Market Liverpool, Nov. 10. Cotton Spot, In limit request; prices firm; good middling, 22.61c; middling, 23.06c; low mkldltng, ll.ilot food ordinary, 10.63c; ordinary, 10c; ), 1,000 bales. Merchant whh still A prominent credit man recently said that he con siders A clings to Horse and Wagon Delivery a Bad Risk. The profit and loss account of America is being written fcy machinery. Methods that made men rich yesterday will make them poor today. The nose bag has no place in a progressive community. , With corn at one dollar a bushel and gasoline at twenty odd cents a gal lon the most extravagant truck is a money saver. But the is the thriftiest truck ever built. A penny counter, a general expense reducer. The greatest single force for better business that the past year has witnessed. At this moment when conservation of energy, time and dollars is so vital to national welfare, when merchants are making so many unexpected outlays the Maxwell is fighting for economical administration, laboring day and night at a minimum wage and furnishing competent and reliable transportation at the lowest load cost at which goods have been carried in our time. Maxwell maintenance and repair bills are the lowest of record. It furnishes American Commerce, never so sadly in need of labor, a truck which even a boy can operate and understand. t Just the right size for the average firm. 2400 pounds. But muscled for giant burdens. Worm dnve-a feature hitherto associated with the highest priced trucks. Sold under the same guarantee as $5000 trucks are. Electric lights and generator. 10-foot loading space: 16 miles to the gallon. The lowest priced one-ton truck in the world and sold on liberal terms. $985: and it will earn its cost out.of the savings it effects. Pays its way from day to day. MIDWEST MOTOR AND SUPPLY COMPANY Distributors 2216-18 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler 2462,